The Connection of Evidence-Based Practice and The Quadruple Aim

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The Connection of Evidence-Based Practice and the Quadruple Aim

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The Connection of Evidence-Based Practice and the Quadruple Aim

The Quadruple Aim and Evidence-Based Practice are inextricably linked. Evidence-

based practice, for example, is a technique used by healthcare professionals to achieve the

Quadruple Aim. Therefore, the Quadruple Aim concentrates on improving patient results,

improving patient satisfaction, lowering healthcare costs, and improving provider knowledge.

Besides, EBP is a lifetime problem-solving method to medical care that incorporates particular

criteria and the careful use of recent most extraordinary evidence in determining decisions

regarding patient treatment (Bowles et al., 2019). Evidence-based medicine has been identified

as a critical component in achieving the Triple Aim in wellness services, which includes

enhancing the patient outcomes of treatment, including reliability and contentment, increasing

the healthy demographic, and lowering the per inhabitant healthcare costs. The evidence-based

practice promotes medical performance, patient results, cost reduction, and clinician

empowerment, all of which contribute to the Quadruple Aim in health coverage. The essay will

look at the relationship between EBP and QA and how EBP may aid in achieving the four QA


How Evidence-Based Practice Supports Patient Experiences

Nurses and healthcare practitioners can effectively use available scientific information to

medical care focused on individual variations by employing effective material investigative skills

and explicitly utilizing the criteria that govern evidence to assess study results. As a

consequence, the effectiveness of patient-centered health treatments has expanded. Patient

experience is one of the four QA components, good literature finding skills, and adherence to

evidence norms (LoBiondo & Haber, 2021). In addition, healthcare practitioners can use EBP

strategies to turn study results into clinical practice. According to Bell (2020), when analyzing

study findings and the general public's health, physicians and other medical professionals can

successfully incorporate current scientific information into clinical practice based on particular

patient needs.

How Evidence-Based Practice Supports Cost Considerations in Support of the Quadruple


When medical organizations adopt cutting-edge innovation to enhance effectiveness and

implement the latest up-to-date therapy techniques recommended by evidence-based practices,

treatment costs and quality are automatically optimized (LoBiondo & Haber, 2021). Most

healthcare institutions have issues directly related to per capita care requirements, necessitating

capturing all healthcare expenses and connecting the payment to the stock market (Bell, 2020).

Several healthcare organizations are attempting to lower treatment costs while also increasing the

quality of care. Most healthcare companies welcome current technology to boost productivity

and implement the most up-to-date treatment procedures, as EBP has proven while decreasing

healthcare costs.

How Evidence-Based Practice Supports Work-Life of Healthcare Providers

Interprofessional cooperation should be among the essential aspects of a healthy medical

atmosphere. Interprofessional collaboration has been demonstrated to improve patient healthcare

results and contentment among healthcare professionals (LoBiondo & Haber, 2021). It also

reduces staff fluctuation, which increases efficiency. The three major elements of such a

workplace include physical and policy considerations and constantly involving the staff in

collaborative decision-making tasks. Evidence-Based practice ensures that the essential aspects

of a healthy hospital environment foster inter-disciplinary cooperation to improve patient care

and healthcare work-life satisfaction. According to Bowles et al. (2019), it also reduces staff

turnover, which improves efficiency. The three major factors are the structural and institutional

components of such an environment and actively involving the workforce in joint decision-

making duties.

How Evidence-Based Practice Supports Population Health

The evidence-based strategy aims to educate individuals about their health variables and

the advantages and downsides of treatment options and social and healthcare behaviors. Such

connections guarantee that resources are distributed evenly among a demographic to achieve

specific goals. Populations could be classified based on their requirements, influenced by

socioeconomic factors, familial assistance, and personal health (LoBiondo & Haber, 2021). It

promotes equality and efficacy in health resources allocation and management. According to

Bowles et al. (2019), increased connectivity to high data on strategies, the increased likeliness of

successful preventative measures programs, and policy decisions are advantages of an evidence-

based approach for demographic health. Also, increased working population efficiency and more

effective use of the general populace and private wellness resources.

Analysis of the Connection between Evidence-based Practice and the Quadruple Aim

According to studies, evidence-based practice medicine enhances care efficiency,

improves patient results, reduces regional disparities in treatment, and decreases costs. Evidence-

based treatment has been highlighted as a critical element in attaining the Triple Aim in public

health care coverage (LoBiondo & Haber, 2021). It includes enhancing the patient outcomes of

treatment, particularly quality and customer satisfaction, increasing population wellbeing, and

decreasing healthcare costs. The Triple Aim has indeed been expanded to a Quadruple Aim, with

the additional aim of improving physician work satisfaction and lowering exhaustion.

Although healthcare services and institutions are constantly striving to accomplish the

Quadruple Aim, it is difficult owing to ongoing challenges with conventional patient care, such

as needless medical errors and professional burnout. Because they are accustomed to following

particular procedures and following certain norms, organizations are resistant to change.

According to D'Alleva et al. (2019), in the article improving patient outcomes by nurse

involvement in EBP, the 12-week EBP caregiver researchers training program is presented,

which teaches caregivers on a concept, policy, and distribution of EBP. The training resulted in

the successful completion of 15 nursing-related projects, resulting in significant practice

improvements. It has been proven that incorporating EBP learning programs into medical and

academic institutions promotes evidence-based practice resources and improves understanding

and views on EBP.

EBP could achieve the Quadruple Aim across a healthcare practitioner's work position

through training programs that allow them to improve their grasp of current evidence-based

practice continually. They may also help patient happiness and demographic wellbeing, given the

newly created nursing service and exercise efforts. LoBiondo & Haber (2021) found that there

was enough information to help healthcare practitioners make judgments. Despite this, it is still

not the standard due to a scarcity of competence in evidence-based practice. Bowle et al. (2019)

looked at the relationship between evidence-based practice and determinants of EBP adoption,

career satisfaction, and team connectedness among participants of area internship programs.

To summarize, despite differences in EBP application due to nursing activity, a lack of

EBP intellectual abilities, and unfavorable views of EBP, EBP remains the gold standard of

professional nursing. The benefits of achieving the Quadruple Aim in the workplace might be

enormous. Incorporating the fourth component of improving the care process might help bring

joy and meaning back into the workplace.



Bowles, J. R., Batcheller, J., Adams, J. M., Zimmermann, D., & Pappas, S. (2019). Nursing's

Leadership Role in Advancing Professional Practice/Work Environments as Part of the

Quadruple Aim. Nursing administration quarterly, 43(2), 157-163.


D’Alleva, A., Leigheb, F., Rinaldi, C., Di Stanislao, F., Vanhaecht, K., De Ridder, D., ... &

Panella, M. (2019). Achieving Quadruple Aim Goals Through Clinical Networks: A

Systematic Review. Journal of healthcare quality research, 34(1), 29-39.

Bell, S. G. (2020). Evidence-Based Practice Competencies for RNs and APNs: How Are We

Doing? Neonatal Network, 39(5), 299-302.

LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2021). Nursing Research E-Book: Methods and Critical

Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.




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