STEM CELLS - 2009 - Jen - Suppression of Gene Expression by Targeted Disruption of Messenger RNA Available Options and

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Concise Review

Suppression of Gene Expression by Targeted Disruption of Messenger RNA:

Available Options and Current Strategies

Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,
the Department of Medicine and the Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Key Words. RNA · DNA oligonucleotide · Hammerhead ribozymes · Hairpin ribozymes · Gene targeting · Targeted gene disruption · Antisense

At least three different approaches may be used for It has also been proven that because RNA and DNA
gene targeting including: A) gene knockout by homolo- are very similar chemical compounds, DNA molecules
gous recombination; B) employment of synthetic oligonu- with enzymatic activity could also be developed. This
cleotides capable of hybridizing with DNA or RNA, and assumption proved correct and led to the development of
C) use of polyamides and other natural DNA-bonding a “general-purpose” RNA-cleaving DNA enzyme. The
molecules called lexitropsins. attraction of DNAzymes over ribozymes is that they are
Targeting mRNA is attractive because mRNA is more very inexpensive to make and that because they are com-
accessible than the corresponding gene. Three basic posed of DNA and not RNA, they are inherently more
strategies have emerged for this purpose, the most famil- stable than ribozymes.
iar being to introduce antisense nucleic acids into a cell in Although mRNA targeting is impeccable in theory,
the hopes that they will form Watson-Crick base pairs many additional considerations must be taken into
with the targeted gene’s mRNA. Duplexed mRNA cannot account in applying these strategies in living cells
be translated, and almost certainly initiates processes including mRNA site selection, drug delivery and
which lead to its destruction. The antisense nucleic acid intracellular localization of the antisense agent.
can take the form of RNA expressed from a vector which Nevertheless, the ongoing revolution in cell and molecular
has been transfected into the cell, or take the form of a biology, combined with advances in the emerging disci-
DNA or RNA oligonucleotide which can be introduced plines of genomics and informatics, has made the concept
into cells through a variety of means. DNA and RNA of nontoxic, cancer-specific therapies more viable then
oligonucleotides can be modified for stability as well as ever and continues to drive interest in this field. Stem Cells
engineered to contain inherent cleaving activity. 2000;18:307-319

INTRODUCTION sarcoma virus could inhibit viral replication in culture [2].

The notion that gene expression could be modified This observation is credited as being among the first to sug-
through use of exogenous nucleic acids derives from stud- gest the therapeutic utility of antisense nucleic acids, a con-
ies by Paterson et al. who first used single-stranded DNA cept which ultimately led to the awarding of a Lasker Prize
to inhibit translation of a complementary RNA in a cell-free in Medicine to Dr. Zamecnik. In the mid 1980s, the exis-
system in 1977 [1]. One year later, Zamecnik and tence of naturally occurring antisense RNAs and their role
Stephenson noted that a short (13nt) DNA oligonucleotide in regulating gene expression was demonstrated [3-5].
reverse complementary in sequence (antisense) to the Rous These observations were particularly important because the

Correspondence: Alan M. Gewirtz, M.D., Rm 713 BRBII/III, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 421 Curie Boulevard,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA. Telephone: 215-898-4499; Fax: 512-573-2078; e-mail:
Received July 18, 2000; accepted for publication July 18, 2000. ©AlphaMed Press 1066-5099/2000/$5.00/0

STEM CELLS 2000;18:307-319

Jen, Gewirtz 308

fact that naturally occurring antisense nucleic acids played constrains TFOs to hybridization with the purine bases
a role in regulating gene expression lent support to the composing polypurine-polypyrimidine tracks within the
belief that exogenously introduced reverse complementary DNA. The targeting efficiency of TFOs is further con-
nucleic acids might be utilized to manipulate gene expres- strained by a number of factors, including need for divalent
sion in living cells. These seminal papers, and the literally cations, and perhaps most importantly, by access to DNA
thousands which have followed, have stimulated the devel- compacted within the chromosome structure. Recent
opment of technologies employing nucleic acids to manip- experiments from Wang et al. and Kochetkova et al. have
ulate gene expression. Virtually all available methods rely provided evidence that triple helix formation can occur in
on some type of nucleotide sequence recognition for target- living cells, suggesting that these difficulties may ulti-
ing specificity, but differ where and how they perturb the mately be overcome [15-17]. If shown practical, it has also
flow of genetic information [6]. Simply stated, strategies been postulated that TFOs may prove useful in the treat-
for modulating gene expression may be thought of as being ment of certain genetic disorders such as sickle cell ane-
targeted to the gene itself, or to the gene’s messenger RNA mia, and hemophilia B, where their ability to trigger repair
(mRNA). Since this review will be focused on strategies mechanisms might be used to correct single base pair
aimed at disrupting the use of mRNA, antigene strategies mutations responsible for the disease [15, 18-20].
will be addressed only briefly and mainly for the sake of Final approaches worth mentioning are the use of spe-
completeness. cific nucleic acid sequences to act as “decoys” for tran-
scription factors [21, 22], and the use of polyamides and
At least three different approaches may be utilized for
direct gene targeting. The “gold standard” is the gene
“knock-out” achieved by homologous recombination [7, 8]. A
Targeting vector
This approach results in the actual physical disruption of the
targeted gene as a result of crossover events which occur
during cell division between the targeting vector and the
gene selected for destruction (Fig. 1A). Homologous recom- Target
bination is extremely powerful, but the technique is ham- Chromosome with gene target
pered by the fact that it remains inherently inefficient,
time-consuming, and expensive. While improvement in the Cell division
efficiency of this process has been achieved [9, 10], this is a
method which remains restricted to use in cell lines and ani-
Defective transcript
mal models, if for no other reason than selection is required
to find the cells in which the desired events have taken
place. In clinical situations where high efficiency gene dis-
Disrupted gene target
ruptions are required, it seems unlikely that this approach
will serve as a useful therapeutic modality anytime in the
foreseeable future.
A second option for gene targeting employs synthetic
oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) capable of hybridizing with
double-stranded DNA [11-13]. Such hybrids are typically B Triplex strand
formed within the major groove of the helix, though
hybridization within the minor groove has also been
reported [14]. In either case, a triple-stranded molecule is 5′ 3′
produced, hence the origin of the term triple helix-forming
oligodeoxynucleotide (TFO) (Fig. 1B). TFOs do not 3′ 5′
destroy a gene but prevent its transcription either by pre- 5′-GATGAGCTC TTT CC TGTC TTT TTCGGCGCCAGGGC-3′
venting unwinding of the duplex or preventing binding of •••••••••••••••••••••
transcription factors to the gene’s promoter. TFO sequence -CTCTT TCCTGTC TTTTTCGGC-
requirements are based on the need for each base compris-
ing the TFO to form two hydrogen bonds (Hoogsteen
bonds) with its complementary base in the duplex. This Figure 1. A) Targeting vector; B) Triplex strand. Adapted from [6].
309 Suppression of Gene Expression by Targeted Disruption of Messenger RNA

other natural DNA-binding molecules called lexitropsins, into the cell [33], or take the form of a DNA or RNA
that bind to specific bases in the minor groove of DNA [23, oligonucleotide which can be introduced into cells
24]. The use of decoy molecules evolves from the knowl- through a variety of means. DNA and RNA oligonu-
edge that transcription factor proteins recognize and bind cleotides can be modified for stability as well as engi-
specific DNA sequences. In theory then, it is possible to neered to contain inherent cleaving activity [34, 35]. A
synthesize nucleic acids which will effectively compete number of these issues will be discussed in more detail in
with the native DNA sequences for available transcription the sections below.
factor proteins in vivo. If effective, the rate of transcription
of the genes dependent on the particular factor involved Antisense Oligonucleotides (AS-ONs)
will diminish. Unless single gene transcription factors can AS-ONs are short stretches of nucleotides that are com-
be identified, it is difficult to conceive how this approach, plementary to a region of targeted mRNA and can specifi-
though potentially effective for controlling cell growth, can cally suppress expression of that particular transcript. The
be made gene-specific. The polyamide approach may prove following discussion will focus on the fundamental concepts
feasible since sequence-specific molecules can likely be concerning AS-ONs and their mechanisms of action.
designed and it appears that molecules of this type can Examples of AS-ON use in experimental and clinical settings
easily access DNA within the chromosomes [23-25]. have been recently reviewed [36-38].
The exact mechanism of AS-ON action remains
ANTI-MRNA STRATEGIES unclear, but it is known to be different for various types of
A gene may be effectively “silenced” by destabilizing AS-ONs. Generally, these molecules block gene expression
its mRNA, thereby preventing synthesis of the protein it by hybridizing to the target mRNA, resulting in subsequent
encodes. Targeting mRNA, while less favorable than anti- double-helix formation. This process can occur at any point
gene strategies from a stoichiometric point of view, is between the conclusion of transcription and initiation of
nonetheless attractive because mRNA is in theory more translation, or even possibly during translation. Disruption
accessible. Three basic strategies have emerged for this of splicing, transport, or translation of the transcripts are all
purpose. One employs an oligonucleotide that acts as an possible mechanisms, as is stability of transcript. Therefore,
alternate binding site, or “decoy,” for protein-stabilizing a major question is whether AS-ONs are most effective in
elements that normally interact with a given mRNA [26, the cytoplasm or nucleus. In the case of antisense
27]. By attracting away mRNA-stabilizing protein, the oligodeoxyribonucleotides (AS-ODNs), cellular RNase H
decoy induces instability, and ultimately destruction, of the is able to bind to the DNA-RNA duplex and hydrolyze the
mRNA. A newly developing approach is to affect RNA RNA, resulting in increased transcript turnover. Any modi-
interference (RNAi) or post-transcriptional gene silencing fication to the deoxy moiety at the 2′-sugar position
[28, 29]. RNAi employs a gene-specific double-stranded prohibits RNase H action.
RNA which, when introduced into a cell, leads to diminu- Modified AS-ONs or AS-ON analogs are often
tion of the targeted mRNA. The actual mechanism whereby employed for in vivo antisense applications due to their
this is accomplished is presently unknown but is under increased stability and nuclease resistance. A longer serum
intense investigation with several clues being deciphered half-life ensures that the AS-ON has ample time to reach
already [30, 31] including size and necessity for processing and interact with its target mRNA. Phosphorothioate AS-
of the targeting dsRNA. In C. elegans and Drosophila this ODNs are most widely used due to their long serum half-
is a highly reproducible method for disrupting gene expres- life and the fact that they are a suitable RNase H substrate.
sion. Some reports suggest that this technique can be However, phosphorothioates display high affinity for vari-
adapted for use in mammalian cells [32], but this remains ous cellular proteins, which can result in sequence-nonspe-
uncertain at the moment. Finally, there is the more familiar, cific effects [39, 40]. Furthermore, high concentrations of
and more widely applied “antisense” strategy. We will phosphorothioates inhibit DNA polymerases and RNase H,
focus on the latter. which may render them ineffective as antisense agents [41].
Antisense (reverse complementary) nucleic acids are Interestingly, many AS-ONs with 2′-modifications with
introduced into a cell in hopes that they will form Watson- groups such as O-methyl, fluoro, O-propyl, O-allyl, or
Crick base pairs with the targeted gene’s mRNA. As many others exhibit greater duplex stability with their tar-
stated above, duplexed mRNA cannot be translated, and get mRNA along with antisense effects independent of
almost certainly initiates processes which lead to its RNase H (Fig. 1). These modifications create bulk at the 2′
destruction. The antisense nucleic acid can take the form of position, causing steric hindrance to play a significant role
RNA expressed from a vector which has been transfected in increasing nuclease resistance. Nucleotide analogs
Jen, Gewirtz 310

generally are also nuclease-resistant and often demonstrate Similar to AS-ONs, ribozymes bind to substrate RNA
superior hybridization properties due to modified backbone through Watson-Crick base pairing, which offers sequence-
charge, although they usually are not acceptable substrates specific cleavage of transcripts. Ideally, these agents should
for RNase H. One example is peptide nucleic acid (PNA) trigger enhanced transcript turnover as compared to RNase
where the sugar-phosphate moiety has been replaced by 2- H-mediated AS-ON degradation of transcripts, considering
aminoethyl glycine carbonyl units [42]. To these units are ribozymes act through bimolecular kinetics (association of
attached nucleotide bases spaced equally apart to DNA ribozyme and target transcript) whereas RNase H-depen-
nucleotide bases. Instead of phosphodiester linkages dent AS-ONs rely on trimolecular kinetics (association of
between nucleotides, peptide bonds join the monomers to AS-ON, target transcript, and RNase H). Since ribozymes
create a backbone neutral in charge. Not only do PNA are RNase H-independent, 2′-modifications to increase sta-
oligomers hybridize to complementary DNA and RNA by bility do not diminish antisense effects and experiments
Watson-Crick base pairing, they do so more quickly [43] have shown some modifications do not attenuate catalytic
and with greater affinity [42-44] because of the neutral ability [49]. Unlike AS-ONs, ribozymes can be expressed
backbone. In addition, PNAs are better at discriminating from a vector, which offers the advantage of continued pro-
between base pair mismatches [44] and form less nonse- duction of these molecules intracellularly [50, 51].
quence-specific associations with proteins than phosphoro- However, stable transformation of cells in vivo has its own
thioate oligonucleotides [45]. Positive charges can also be complications and will not be discussed in this review.
introduced to backbone structure as in the case of (2-amino- If ribozymes are to perform effectively as “enzymes,”
ethyl)phosphonates. Increased stability of duplex formation they must not only bind substrate RNA but also dissociate
with both RNA and DNA has been reported with hybrid from the cleavage product in order to act on additional sub-
stability being more pH-dependent and less salt-dependent strates. Studies suggest that in some cases, dissociation of
than natural RNA or DNA duplexes [46]. cleavage product may be the rate-limiting step [52, 53].
Some insight into the mechanism of AS-ON action has Furthermore, some ribozymes require high divalent metal
emerged recently through the work of Baker and colleagues ion concentrations for efficient substrate cleavage, which
(unpublished). Differences in ability to inhibit gene expres- may limit their use in intracellular environments [54]. All
sion occur when either 2′-modified AS-ONs or 2′-unmodi- of these concerns need to be addressed and overcome in
fied AS-ONs are targeted to the exon 9 region of interleukin order for ribozymes to have a future in medical therapy.
5 (IL-5). Two forms of IL-5 exist: a soluble IL-5 lacking the Two ribozymes, the hammerhead ribozyme and the hairpin
exon 9 region, and a membrane-bound form, which con- ribozyme, have been extensively studied due to their small
tains exon 9. When unmodified AS-ONs are targeted to size and rapid kinetics. Their application has been recently
exon 9 of the IL-5 transcript, the expression of both mem- reviewed in several publications [55-59].
brane-bound and soluble IL-5 is inhibited. However, 2′-
modified AS-ONs only suppress membrane-bound IL-5 Hammerhead Ribozymes
expression. These observations seem to suggest that RNase The hammerhead ribozyme consists of a highly con-
H-dependent antisense effects are a nuclear event prior to served catalytic core, which will cleave substrate RNA at
splicing, whereas RNase H-independent oligonucleotides NUH triplets 3′ to the H, where N is any nucleotide, U is
may affect splicing in transcript processing or may suppress uracile, and H is any nucleotide but guanidine (Fig. 2) [34].
gene expression after splicing has taken place. Additional In fact RNA cleavage may be less restricted since recent
evidence demonstrates that in the absence of RNase H studies demonstrate exceptions to the “NUH” rule.
activity, antisense effects may be a result of interference Investigators have established that cleavage can actually
with translational initiation complex formation for certain occur 3′ to any NHH triplet [59]. Furthermore, in vitro
types of 2′-modified AS-ON such as 2′-O-(2-methoxy) selection protocols have made it possible to screen for
ethyl AS-ONs [47]. ribozymes with various cleavage specificities including
one that cleaves at AUG sites [60]. Thus, the limitations
Ribozymes for sequence specificity of triplet-cleavage sites on the tar-
Naturally occurring ribozymes are catalytic RNA mol- get RNA are less than previously thought. In addition to
ecules that have the ability to cleave phosphodiester link- the catalytic core, a particular cleavage site in a target
ages without the aid of protein-based enzymes. This RNA can be specifically recognized by the hammerhead
property has been exploited to specifically inhibit gene ribozyme arms. By creating complementary sequences in
expression by targeting mRNA for catalytic cleavage espe- the arms to sequences flanking the cleavage site, the
cially in viral, cancer, and genetic disease therapeutics [48]. ribozyme will hybridize specifically to the RNA of interest.
311 Suppression of Gene Expression by Targeted Disruption of Messenger RNA

antisense binding can occur, but catalytic ability has been

N N abolished, give similar levels of gene inhibition when
compared to fully catalytic hammerhead ribozymes, sug-

gesting that the catalytic core, in some instances, plays lit-
N N′ tle role in enhancing antisense effects [65]. Only further
N N′ detailed studies will reveal the true utility of hammerhead
N N′ ribozymes.
G AR Hairpin Ribozymes

The natural hairpin ribozyme is derived from a negative


A strand of the tobacco ringspot virus satellite RNA. Work on

engineered hairpin ribozymes has resulted in a broader

U C A range of cleavage-sequence specificity. In general, a phos-

5′ - N N N N A N N N - 3′ phodiester cleavage takes place 5′ to the G in the sequence
NGUC where N is any nucleotide [66], although recent
studies have shown even less restriction on sequence
3′ - N′ N′ N′ N′ H U N′ N′ N′ - 5 requirements for cleavage [67].
The overall structure of the hairpin ribozyme consists
of two domains connected by a hinge section (Fig. 3). One
domain binds the substrate RNA to form two helical
regions separated by a pair of single-stranded loops.
Figure 2. Hammerhead ribozyme (top strand) hybridized to tar- Cleavage occurs within the single-stranded area of the sub-
get RNA. Arrow indicates postition of cleavage. N = A, G, T, or strate RNA. The other domain is similar in structure except
C; N′ = nucleotide complementary to N; H = any nucleotide but
the helixes are formed from the ribozyme folding back onto
G; Y = pyrimidine nucleotide; R = purine nucleotide complementary
to Y. Adapted from [56]. itself. The most important sequences for cleavage activity
are those within the single-stranded regions where almost
Subsequent cleavage will then be directed towards that every nucleotide is conserved, while the helical portions
particular position. can be almost any sequence as long as there is double-helix
The catalytic ability of hammerhead ribozymes is formation [58]. The hinge allows the two domains to be
dependent on the presence of divalent metal ions, of which flexible relative to one another in space so that the two can
magnesium is most often used in vitro. It is postulated that dock together in an antiparallel orientation required for
the ions not only participate in RNA folding but also in the cleavage catalysis [68, 69].
cleavage step itself [54]. As mentioned previously, studies Both the hairpin and hammerhead ribozymes require
indicate that catalytic activity requires relatively high Mg2+ metal ions for cleavage catalysis. In the hammerhead
concentrations compared to the intracellular environment. ribozyme, metal ions are believed to be involved directly in
This characteristic could be problematic in applying the the cleavage step [54, 70], whereas metal ions have not
hammerhead ribozyme to an in vivo setting where intra- been implicated to be directly involved with cleavage for
cellular Mg2+ concentrations are 5- to 10-fold lower than the hairpin ribozyme [71]. The metal ions in hairpin
optimal in vitro conditions. ribozymes may instead play an important role in ribozyme
Much evidence supports diminished mRNA levels and structure [72]. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer
gene products directly due to hammerhead ribozyme (FRET) studies on docking of the two domains show that
delivery. There is also indication from reverse transcrip- docking is metal-dependent, but almost any metal will suf-
tase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and reverse lig- fice even though they may not support cleavage [73]. In
ation (RL)-PCR protocols of messenger RNA cleavage at addition, docking is not the rate-limiting step, and since
the targeted position in cellular RNA extracts [61, 62]. metal ions are not thought to be involved in the chemical
Recently, more potent ribozyme-mediated effect on viral cleavage step, it can only be assumed that there is a slower
and cancer cell growth compared to noncatalytic RNAs step in between docking and chemical cleavage.
was reported [63, 64]. However, in some instances, ham- One of the advantages offered by hairpin ribozymes is
merhead ribozymes have not proven to be more effective their unique ion-dependence for catalytic action. One
than AS-ON and instead give equal degrees of gene sup- group has shown that aminoglycoside antibiotics with at
pression. Likewise, inactive control ribozymes where least four amino groups are able to both support and to
Jen, Gewirtz 312

Figure 3. Hairpin ribozyme in the docked

position. The two loop regions associate with
G each other in order to cleave the substrate

RNA. Arrow indicates position of cleavage.

3′ - U U U G U C C A G U - 5′ Adapted from [58].

DNA molecules with enzymatic activ-

5′ - A A A C A G G U C A ity could also be developed [76]. This

G A assumption proved correct and led to
the development of a “general-purpose”
RNA-cleaving DNA enzyme [77]. The
A molecule was identified from a library
of >1,000 different DNA molecules by

successive rounds of in vitro selective

3′ - G C G C A C A G A C C A amplification based on the ability of
individual molecules to promote Mg2+-
5′ - C G C G U G dependent, multiturnover, cleavage of
C U G G U A-3
an RNA target.

The selected molecule was named


the “10-23 DNA enzyme,” because it


A U was derived from the 23rd clone
obtained after the 10th round of selec-
inhibit hairpin ribozyme cleavage depending on metal ion tive amplification [77]. The “10-23 DNA enzyme” is
conditions [74]. In the presence of magnesium, aminogly- composed of a catalytic domain of 15 deoxynucleotides,
coside antibiotics inhibit ribozyme cleavage with the flanked by 2 substrate-recognition domains of ~8 nucleo-
degree of inhibition depending on the binding affinity of tides each (Fig. 4). The recognition domains provide the
the antibiotic to the ribozyme. However, in the absence of sequence information required for specific binding to an
metal ions, aminoglycoside antibiotics prove to assist RNA substrate. They also supply the binding energy required
cleavage with an optimum reaction condition at pH 5.5 and to hold the RNA substrate within the active site of the
poorer kinetics as the pH is increased, exactly opposite to enzyme. It is straightforward that by appropriately designing
trends observed for magnesium. In this case, the metal ions the flanking sequences, the DNAzyme can be made to cleave
are most likely being replaced by the amino groups of virtually any RNA that contains a purine-pyrimidine
these antibiotics. junction.
Polyamines such as spermidine and spermine have The attraction of DNAzymes over ribozymes is that they
also been reported to support hairpin ribozyme cleavage are very inexpensive to make and that because they are com-
ability. In the absence of magnesium, spermidine allows posed of DNA and not RNA, they are inherently more stable
the cleavage reaction to persist at very slow kinetics com-
pared to magnesium alone [72]. However, spermine alone
gives very efficient cleavage of RNA comparable to that
of magnesium, and when in the presence of low magne- 5′ UA AGGA-G A A G C C C C U U C AG C 3′
sium concentrations similar to intracellular conditions,
spermine displays considerable increase in cleavage rates 3′ T T C C T C T T G G G G A A G T C 5′
[74]. The fact that spermine is the major polyamine in G G
eukaryotic cells may explain why the hairpin ribozyme has C C
shown remarkable intracellular cleavage activity in mam- A T
malian cells and may make future therapeutic endeavors C G
with the hairpin ribozyme much easier [75]. ATC

Figure 4. Complex formed by an mRNA (top strand) and a “10-23” DNAzyme
While investigating ways to improve the function of (bottom strand). Vertical arrow indicates the mRNA cleavage site. Replacement
ribozymes, Breaker and Joyce made the assumption that of G by A within the catalytic core of the DNAzyme (diagonal arrow) will
because RNA and DNA are very similar chemical compounds, eliminate its catalytic activity. Adapted from [77].
313 Suppression of Gene Expression by Targeted Disruption of Messenger RNA

than ribozymes. Nevertheless, DNAzymes must ultimately Another technique currently being tested is the use of
overcome the same problems faced by ribozymes and molecular beacons for site selection (Gewirtz et al.,
oligonucleotides if they are to be effective in cellular sys- unpublished). These molecules are ODNs with the ability
tems (see below). These are stability, ability to be targeted to form stem-loops where the loops are targeted to
to the cell of interest, ability to achieve sufficient intracel- regions of the transcript [82]. The stems have a fluo-
lular concentration to cleave to the targeted mRNA, ability rophore linked to either the 5′ or 3′ end and a quencher
to hybridize with their mRNA target, and lack of toxicity. molecule is attached to the other so that in the stem-loop
In this regard, many of the chemical modifications configuration, fluorescence is not observed due to the
employed to stabilize ODNs can be incorporated into the proximity of the quencher molecule to the fluorophore.
10-23 DNA enzyme without loss of activity. There is a sug- However, when hybridization proceeds, the act of form-
gestion from recent reports that issues of intracellular con- ing a double helix between the loop and the transcript
centration and target hybridization may also be solvable causes unfolding of the stem-loop and brings the
[78, 79]. quencher and fluorophore apart in space. Thus, fluores-
cence should increase as a result of hybridization.
APPLICATION OF THE “ANTISENSE” STRATEGY Currently, these molecules are being applied to probe for
Although antisense interference methods appear accessible sites within mRNA with very encouraging
impeccable in theory, many additional considerations results (Jen and Gewirtz, unpublished).
must be taken into account in applying the strategy in liv-
ing cells. Since both AS-ONs and ribozymes are consid- Delivery
ered oligonucleotides, quite often similar solutions can be One of the major limitations for the therapeutic use of
offered to address the problems encountered. As men- AS-ONs and ribozymes is the problem of delivery. Import
tioned earlier, increasing stability of antisense agents can of these compounds into cells can be accomplished by
be easily achieved through nucleotide modifications or exogenous delivery in which presynthesized oligonu-
analogs. However, additional considerations crucial to cleotides come in direct contact with the plasma membrane,
reliable experimental outcome include mRNA site selec- resulting in subsequent cellular uptake [83]. Naked
tion, drug delivery, and intracellular localization of the oligonucleotides are poorly incorporated into cells in this
antisense agent. fashion and often require a vehicle for efficient delivery. In
tissue culture, many classes of compounds have been used
mRNA Site Selection as delivery vehicles including cationic liposomes, cationic
Within living cells, transcripts exist in low energy con- porphyrins, fusogenic peptides, and artificial virosomes.
formations in which secondary structures dominate in fold- These compounds share the characteristic of forming com-
ing the linear polymer. In addition, interactions with plexes with oligonucleotides through electrostatic interac-
cytoplasmic proteins produce further structural properties. tions between the negatively charged oligonucleotide
The end result is that much of the mRNA sequence is hid- phosphate groups and positive charges contained by the
den and only partial sequences within the total mRNA vehicles themselves. In addition, some degree of protection
length are accessible for hybridization. RNA folding pro- from nuclease degradation is conferred to the oligonu-
grams that generate three-dimentional folding patterns cleotide when associated with such delivery vehicles. Other
based on free energy calculations often give an unreliable strategies including cell permeabilization with streptolysin-
depiction for in vivo relevance. Therefore, a good empirical O and electroporation have been used [84] but are restricted
method to probe for suitable sites is necessary. in utility for clinical settings. Presently, some success has
A system to probe for suitable sites in mRNA for AS- been achieved in tissue culture, but efficient delivery for in
ON or ribozyme-targeting has recently been established vivo animal studies remains questionable.
using RNase H cleavage as an indicator for accessibility of Cationic lipids form stable complexes with oligonu-
sequences within transcripts [80]. A mixture of ODNs that cleotides, which exhibit improved cellular uptake [85-87].
are complementary to certain regions of a transcript is The result is enhanced antisense activity. Further studies
added to cell extracts and exposed to RNase H. RT-PCR of indicate that phosphorothioated ODNs dissociate from
the transcript can then be used to show which ODNs actu- cationic lipids before entering the nucleus where it is free to
ally had access to the transcript and hybridized in order to hinder target transcript function [88]. These compounds
create an RNase H-vulnerable site. Combining this method- have proven to be quite effective in cell culture and have
ology with computer-assisted sequence selection may been commercialized, but their relatively high cytotoxic
enhance this approach as well [81]. properties may restrict their use.
Jen, Gewirtz 314

Alternatives to cationic lipids are being explored. compartment as their target mRNA. Intracellular trafficking
Recently, cationic porphyrins have proven to be effective seems to play an important role in the fate of these mole-
vehicles for AS-ONs in tissue culture [89, 90]. Two cules since their spatial distribution does not correspond to
cationic porphyrins used by Benimetskaya and colleagues, simple diffusion. Many factors determine localization pat-
tetra(4-methylpyridyl) porphyrin (TMP) and tetraanilinium terns of AS-ON and ribozymes including the antisense
porphyrin (TAP), demonstrate properties important for AS- agent itself, delivery vehicle, and targeted cell type. In addi-
ON delivery. 5′-fluorescein-labeled phosphorothioates tion, evidence for cell cycle-dependent localization patterns
show that both TMP and TAP more efficiently deliver AS- has been reported with nuclear localization predominantly
ONs into cells than naked AS-ONs. Nuclear fluorescence is in the G2/M phase [100].
observed after porphyrin/AS-ON complex exposure to cells mRNAs can exist in several cellular compartments
while fluorescein labeled AS-ONs alone are taken up into including the cytoplasm, nucleus, and nucleolus. It remains
vesicular structures. Thus, cationic porphyrins not only unclear as to where oligonucleotides should be directed for
help AS-ON delivery into the cell, but they are also able to most efficient antisense activity to occur, although endoso-
localize the AS-ON in the nucleus where mRNA and mal localization usually predicts ineffective antisense
RNase H are present. FRET studies on the ability of response. The optimal site for mRNA degradation may be
cationic porphyrins to quench 5′-fluorescein-labeled phos- dependent on the type of antisense agent used [47].
phorothioates suggest intracellular dissociation of the Recently, ribozymes attached to small nucleolar RNAs
oligonucleotide from the porphyrin. (snoRNAs) called snoribozymes exhibited nearly 100%
Fusogenic peptides form peptide cages around oligonu- efficiency in cleaving a target RNA also localized to the
cleotides in order to boost oligonucleotide uptake. Many of nucleolus by snoRNA attachment [101]. Even though this
these peptides contain polylysine residues, which cause mem- particular experiment is based on cleavage of an artificial
brane destabilization [91]. Others are derived from viral pro- substrate, the expanding roles associated with the nucleolus
teins such as the fusion sequence of HIV gp41 [92] and may prove the nucleolus to be an important site to target
hemagglutinin envelop protein [93, 94]. Generally, these mRNA degradation [102]. In another study, antisense RNA
agents are less cytotoxic than lipids but are still able to inserted within a variable region of ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
achieve similar delivery efficacy. Artificial virosomes are proved to heighten ribozyme efficiency and may be due to
another class of delivery vehicles which take advantage of the colocalization of rRNA with mRNA [103].
natural ability of a virus to gain entry into cells. Reconstituted
influenza virus envelopes known as virosomes can fuse with ANTISENSE DRUG DESIGN
endosomal membranes after internalization through receptor- Certain issues to be aware of concerning antisense
mediated endocytosis [95]. Recently, cationic lipids have experimental design are quite important to the consistent
been incorporated into virosome membranes to further aid and efficacious outcome of inhibiting gene expression.
delivery [96, 97]. Even when the above considerations regarding the poten-
Finally, Dheur and colleagues have noted that while tial problems of antisense experiments are addressed, other
oligonucleotides delivered with lipofectins usually do not factors may come into play especially involving antisense
elicit antisense activity (likely because cationic lipid formu- drug design. Only two will be mentioned here: formation
lations do not protect unmodified oligonucleotides from of G quartets and chirality of modified oligonucleotides.
nuclease degradation), a cationic polymer, polyethylenimine Purine-rich oligonucleotides, especially ones containing
(PEI) [98], improves the uptake and antisense activity of four consecutive guinine residues, have a tendency to form
antisense phosphodiester oligodeoxynucleotides (PO-ODN) stable tetrameric structures under physiologic conditions
[99]. Interestingly, PEI-phosphorothioate (PS) ODN parti- [104]. The guinosines of single-stranded oligonucleotides
cles were efficiently taken up by cells but PS-ODN did not are not restrained in space by rigid double-helix structure
dissociate from the carrier. These investigators suggested and can therefore form various hydrogen bonds not
that the low cost of PEI compared with cytofectins, the observed in Watson-Crick base pairing. Tetraplexes
increased affinity for target mRNA and decreased affinity for known as G quartets arise as a result. Dissociation rates of
proteins of PO-ODN compared with PS-ODN might make these structures may be quite slow and may prevent
the use of PEI-PO-ODN very attractive. hybridization of AS-ONs or ribozymes to their target tran-
script, rendering them ineffective as antisense agents.
Localization However, the absence of G quartet structures at 37˚C under
In order for AS-ONs or ribozymes to suppress gene cellular salt conditions could mean that G quartet forma-
expression, they must be colocalized to the same intracellular tion is irrelevant at physiologic temperatures [105].
315 Suppression of Gene Expression by Targeted Disruption of Messenger RNA

Interestingly, nonsequence-specific gene inhibition by of this principle [108]. For therapies focused on direct
phosphorothioate oligonucleotides containing tetraguino- replacement, repair, or disabling of disease-causing genes,
sine tracts prove aptameric properties can play an important progress has been much slower and a successful equivalent
role in gene inhibition for some sequences of ONs [106]. to the biochemical bcr/abl inhibitor has yet to be achieved.
Another important aspect to consider is the issue of chi- In the case of anti-mRNA strategies, it is hoped that the
rality for certain oligonucleotides. Unmodified phosphodi- above discussion will have made the reasons for this
ester oligonucleotides do not have a chiral center at the clearer. Given the state of the art, it is perhaps not surpris-
phosphorous position. However, when a terminal oxygen ing that effective and efficient clinical translation of the
of the phosphate is replaced by a sulfur, as in PS-ONs, antisense strategy has proven elusive. While a number of
the phosphorous gains chirality. The digestion kinetics of phase I/II trials employing ONs have been reported [109-
PS-ONs by 3′-exonucleases display bi-exponential decay 116], virtually all have been characterized by a lack of tox-
with a fast and slow phase of digestion. These phases are due icity but only modest clinical effects. A recent paper by
to stereoselectivity of the 3′-exonucleases on the chiral phos- Waters et al. describing the use of a bcl-2-targeted ON in
phorothioate center [107]. A 25-mer containing a 3′-terminal patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is typical in this
internucleotide linkage in the S-configuration degrades 300- regard [117, 118].
fold slower than the same 25-mer with an R-configuration The key challenges to this field have been outlined
phosphorothioate linkage. above. It is clear that they will have to be solved if this
approach to specific antitumor therapy is to become a use-
CONCLUSIONS ful treatment approach. A large number of diverse and tal-
The ongoing revolution in cell and molecular biology, ented groups are working on this problem, and we can all
combined with advances in the emerging disciplines of hope that their efforts will help lead to establishment of this
genomics and informatics, has made the concept of non- promising form of therapy.
toxic, cancer-specific therapies more viable then ever. The ACKNOWLEDGMENT
recent development of a relatively specific biochemical This work was supported by grants from the NIH. Dr.
inhibitor of the bcr/abl protein tyrosine kinase in patients A.G. is a distinguished Clinical Scientist of the Doris Duke
with chronic myelogenous leukemia is a stunning example Charitable Foundation.

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