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5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17

Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation

15 plays • 19 players

A public kahoot

Questions (86)

1 - Quiz

During pregnancy, the average weight gain preferred for a normal 20 sec
weight mother is





2 - Quiz

Define cardiovascular disease 20 sec

Disease affecting liver and respiratory tract

Disease affecting heart and blood vessels

3 - Quiz

Risk factors for cardiovascular disease 20 sec

Hyperlipidemia, HTN, smoking, obesity & unhealthy diet, prediabetes

High stress, male sex, Age (men 45+, women 55+), physical inactivity

diabetes, Fam history heart dz in father/bro b4 55y/o or mom/sis b4 65 y/o

All of the above 1/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

4 - Quiz

LDL vs HDL 20 sec

HDL-carries cholest. to cells (bad) HDL-carries cholest. to liver (good)

LDL-carries cholest. to cells-(bad) HDL-carries cholest. to liver (good)

5 - True or false

Medical nutrition for a person with cardiovascular disease includes a fat 20 sec
controlled diet



6 - True or false

animal foods are high in cholesterol 20 sec



7 - Quiz

sources of saturated fat 20 sec

Leafy green vegetables, whole grains

coconut, chocoloate, palm oil, animal foods,

8 - Quiz

Saturated fat= from plant sources & soft/liquid @rm. temp, Unsaturated 20 sec
fat= from animal fat & solid @rm temp


False-It's the complete opposite 2/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

9 - Quiz

What nutrition complication does someone with congestive heart failure 20 sec
(CHF) experience



10 - Quiz

What may mask the low weight and malnutrition those with CHF can 20 sec



11 - Quiz

Benefits of fiber for a person with cardiovascular disease 20 sec

Lowers cholesterol

Causes elevated gastric emptying

12 - Quiz

Nutritional effects of diuretics include 20 sec

decreased glucose levels, increased potassium

potassium and sodium loss, dehydration 3/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

13 - Quiz

sources of potassium include (for those with CHF) (ALL OPTIONS BELOW 20 sec

Apricots, oranges, bananas, avocadoes, canteloupe, dates, figs, raisins

dates, figs, raisins,grapefruit, peaches, pineapple, prunes, strawberries

Asparagus, broccoli Cabbage, green beans, pumpkin, squash, tomatoes,spinach

sweet potatoes, yams, potatoes

14 - Quiz

Effects of salt on body fluid and hypertension 20 sec

Causes edema, HTN

Vasodilation occurs and can lead to circulatory collapse

15 - Quiz

What is the DASH eating plan? 20 sec

Dietary Approach to stop Systemic Hyperedema-Diet that reduces edema

Dietery approaches to stop hypertension-helps lower BP

16 - Quiz

Increa. fruits/veg, ensure adequate Ca+, b prudent in protein portions, 20 sec

limit fats/oils, only 5 serv. of added sugars/wk

Describes the DASH diet for HTN

Describes the Renal diet for renal failure 4/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

17 - Quiz

For those with hypertension, the goal in a sodium restricted diet is 20 sec

minimum of 200 mg-3g/day of sodium

500mg to 2.3g of sodium

18 - Quiz

This electrolyte lowers blood pressure 20 sec



19 - True or false

In a DASH diet nuts, seeds, and legumes is limited to 3x/wk, and limit fats 20 sec
and oils



20 - Quiz

excrete wastes, maintain volume of body fluids, secrete hormones, filter 20 sec
blood, recycle usable substances

describes general job of the kidneys

describes general job of the myocardium

21 - Quiz

occurs suddenly may be acute or chronic, lasts a few days or few weeks, 20 sec
caused by other medical condition Ex: Burns

Chronic Renal Failure

Acute Renal Failure 5/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

22 - Quiz

Goal of treatment for those with renal failure 20 sec

Increase urine output to 1000ml/day

reduce excretion work 4kidneys, help them maintain fluids/electro/acid/base

23 - Quiz

How should energy requirements be met for those with renal failure? 20 sec

via protein and starches

via carbohydrates and fat

24 - Quiz

What does excessive protein intake do to the kidneys 20 sec

causes them 2work harder-protein turns into waste & kidneys filter waste

causes endocrine system to produce excess aldosterone resulting in diuresis

25 - Quiz

Why is fluid and sodium limited in renal failure 20 sec

prevent dehydration, dysrhythmias, and an adrenal crisis

prevent edema, HTN and CHF

26 - Quiz

Why are Calcium and vitamin D increased in renal failure 20 sec

prevent a softening of the bones (osteomalacia) due 2 excessive loss of Ca+

To replace vitamins lost from the sun due to hospitalization 6/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

27 - Quiz

What is the relationship between Calcium and Phosphorus 20 sec

Phosph retained in kidneys of those with renal fail-Hi phosph, hi Ca+ loss

The more calcium, the less phosphorus.

28 - Quiz

Effects of end stage renal disease (ESRD) on Potassium (K+) levels 20 sec

Hypokalemia results in ppl with ESRD

Hyperkalemia results in ppl with ESRD

29 - Quiz

Effects of excessive potassium (K+) in End stage renal disease 20 sec

Cardiac arrest

Respiratory arrest

30 - Quiz

Things that contain hidden potassium (K+) 20 sec

Coffee, Tea, Icecream

low sodium milk, salt substitutes, fruits

31 - Quiz

Protein requirements per Kg during dialysis 20 sec

1.2-1.3 G of protein per kg

1.2-1.3mg of protein per kg 7/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

32 - Quiz

Potassium (K+) requirements during dialysis 20 sec


ESRD-1500mg-2500mg/day -Physician will prescribe whts needed by the client

33 - Quiz

The additional daily energy requirement for the pregnant woman during 20 sec
the 2nd trimester is

100 calories

520 calories

340 calories

1000 calories

34 - Quiz

The additional calories required during pregnancy can be met by 20 sec

eating steak everyday

using an additional two servings of fat-free milk everyday

drinking a malted milk everyday

using an iron supplement 8/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

35 - Quiz

Appropriate snacks for pregnant and lactating women include 20 sec

fruits and raw vegetables


potato chips and pretzels

hard candies

36 - Quiz

Calories for months 7-9 should be ____ a day more than in a non 20 sec
breastfeeding mother?





37 - Quiz

The daily diet during pregnancy and lactation should 20 sec

be based on MyPlate

be limited to 1900 calories

includes atleast 2 quarts of milk

all of the above 9/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

38 - Quiz

Maternal malnutrition 20 sec

has little effect on the fetus

often causes macrosomia

may cause an increase in the fetal hemoglobin level

can lead to developmental or mental retardation

39 - Quiz

Some appropriate substitutes for milk include 20 sec

orange juice and tomato juice

breads and cereals

cheese and yogurt

vegetables and fruit juices

40 - Quiz

Calories should be increased by ____ a day for the first 6 months of 20 sec



no increase required

700 10/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

41 - Quiz

Folate (a B vitamin) and B12 requirements increase during pregnancy 20 sec

because of their roles in

building strong bones and teeth

building blood

fightin infections in the placenta

enzyme action

42 - Quiz

A common form of anemia is caused by (ch. 10 slide 21) 20 sec


a lack of iron

an excess of vitamin A

a lack of B vitamins

43 - Quiz

High BP, edema, and albumin in the urine are symptoms of 20 sec

calcium deficiency

not enough sodium


pregnancy-induced Hypertension 11/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

44 - Quiz

a common name for nausea in early pregnancy 20 sec


pregnancy-induced Hypertension

morning sickness


45 - Quiz

The DRI for additional calories for a nursing mother during the first six 20 sec
months is





46 - Quiz

xcessive vitamin A should be avoided during pregnancy because it may 20 sec

cause birth defects

contribute to gallstones in the fetus

cause gestational diabetes

reduce the mother's appetite 12/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

47 - Quiz

Craving non food substances during pregnancy is known as 20 sec



megaloblastic anemia


48 - Quiz

Defined as birth weight over 9lbs & is often seen in infants born to 20 sec
mothers who had gestational diabetes while pregnant





49 - Quiz

Which of the following is not a known benefit of breastfeeding? 20 sec

a lower incidence of allergies or infections in the baby

father's can't participate

strengthens the bonding between mother and child

helps mother to lose weight 13/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

50 - Quiz

During pregnancy, parenteral nutrition may be necessary for clients 20 sec

with excessive weight gain

who cannot tolerate milk

suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum

who do not eat meat

51 - Quiz

Heartburn may be prevented by 20 sec

eating small, frequent meals

taking an aspirin

lying down immediately after eating

increasing fluids at mealtime

52 - Quiz

Pregnancy-induced hypertension 20 sec

is relieved with salty foods

tends to be a precursor of iron deficiency

may occur when diets contain insufficient protein

causes megaloblastic anemia 14/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

53 - Quiz

nausea so severe that it can be life threatening 20 sec

emesis gravidarum

hyperemesis gravidarum

morning sickness

hyper gravidarum

54 - Quiz

Gestational diabetes 20 sec

tends to cause low-birth weight babies

usually disappears after the baby is born

always develops into type 1 insulin-dependant diabetes mellitus

presents no danger to mother or child

55 - Quiz

The need for iron increases during pregnancy because 20 sec

it prevents maternal goiter

it is necessary to fetal metabolism

it is essential for bone development

of the increased blood volume 15/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

56 - Quiz

Nutrient-dense foods provide substantial amounts of 20 sec

vitamins, minerals, and proteins

carbohydrates, fats, water

calories per gram of food

sodium, chloride, and water

57 - Quiz

Normal weight gain in first trimester is 20 sec





58 - Quiz

2nd and 3rd trimesters women should gain how much? 20 sec

3lbs a week

1lb a week

2-4lbs a week

She shouldn't gain weight, only maintain it 16/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

59 - Quiz

____ ____ supplementation prior to conception decreases risk of brain and 20 sec
spinal cord defects

dense protein

folic acid

magnesium mineral

potassium electrolyte

60 - Quiz

How many additional calories are needed in the 2nd trimester? 20 sec





61 - Quiz

How many additional calories are needed in the 3rd trimester? 20 sec




650 17/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

62 - Quiz

How many grams of protein a day is needed for a pregnant woman? 20 sec

60 g

15 g

100 g

40 g

63 - Quiz

What specific birth defects does an excess of vitamin A produce? 20 sec

hydrocephaly & microcephaly

cleft lip/cleft palate & heart defects

metal retardation, ear/eye abnormalities

all of the above

64 - Quiz

All water-soluble vitamins, Vitamins B, C, Calcium, iron, zinc, iodine, and 20 sec

should be reduced in pregnancy to avoid birth defects on fetus

are required to be increased durin pregnancy

should be maintained at same levels during pregnancy

none of the above 18/25
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65 - Quiz

Eat dry crackers/dry toast before rising, Eat small,frequent meals,no food 30 sec
with offensive odors, no liquids at mealtime

are suggestions to reduce Pregnancy induced hypertension

are suggestions to reduce vertigo

are suggestions to reduce morning sickness

are suggestions for healthy pregnant women without pregnancy complications

66 - Quiz

Eat high-fiber diet, daily exercise, Drink at least 8 glasses of water per 20 sec
day – Respond promptly to urge to defecate

are suggestions to avoid constipation

are suggestions to minimize mineral wasting

are suggestions to minimize diarrhea

aren't suggestions for any condition experienced in pregnancy

67 - Quiz

result from pressure on stomach by growing fetus, relaxation of cardiac 20 sec

sphincter & smooth muscles r/t to progesterone

Morning sickness

Hyperemesis gravidarum


contractions 19/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

68 - Quiz

Suggestions for Heartburn in pregnancy include which of the following? 20 sec

Small, frequent meals, avoid spicy or greasy foods

avoid liquids @ mealtime

wait 1hr after eating to lie down & 2hrs after eating b4 exercising

all of the above

69 - Quiz

Formerly known as pre-eclampsia or toxemia 20 sec



pregnancy-induced hypertension

hyperemesis gravidarum

70 - Quiz

Pregnancy induced HTN is characterized by high BP, presence of protein 20 sec

in urine, edema in 3rd semester, can also lead to

Increased intracranial pressure in infant

convulsions, coma, and possible death of mother and infant

circulatory collapse

anemia, fatigue, and shock 20/25
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71 - Quiz

Deficiency in what nutrient can cause PIH? (pregnancy induced 20 sec




vitamin C

All of the above

72 - Quiz

Higher incidence with first pregnancy, multifetal pregnancies, morbidly 30 sec

obese women, or women with inadequate diets

describes risks for post term births

describes risks for pregnant mothers with Pica

describes risks for gestational diabetes

describes risks for pregnancy-induced Hypertension

73 - Quiz

Pregnancy-induced hypertension is common in 20 sec

pregnant adolescents

pregnant women who are thin

pregnant women over 18

healthy women who have birthed before 21/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

74 - Quiz

Condition caused by insufficiency of RBCs, hemoglobin, or blood volume, 20 sec

Causes weakness, fatigue, poor appetite, pallor

pregnancy-induced hypertension

electrolyte imbalance

high billirubin levels


75 - Quiz

Excess of this vitamin can cause fetal malformations and spontaneous 20 sec


Vitamin A and its derivatives


vitamin C

76 - Quiz

Routine screening for diabetes while pregnant happens between which 20 sec
weeks of pregnancy?

12-16 weeks

20-24 weeks

32-36 weeks

24 and 28 weeks 22/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

77 - Quiz

Pregnant women with gestational diabetes have what percent risk of 20 sec
developing type 2 Diabetes later in life?

35-60% risk

70-80% risk

10-20% risk

none of the above

78 - True or false

It is safe for pregnant women to take regular insulin injections 20 sec



79 - True or false

Regarding pregnant women with gestational diabetes, artificial 20 sec

sweetners have not been found to be safe.



80 - Quiz

a dangerous stage in pregnancy-induced hypertension marked by 20 sec


sensitive stage

risk-sensitive stage

eclamptic stage

anemic stage 23/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

81 - Quiz

Human milk formulated to meet nutrient needs of infants for first ___ 20 sec
months of life



82 - Quiz

Lowers baby’s risk of asthma or allergies, contains at least 100 20 sec

ingredients not found in formula, provides antibodies

pureed baby food

folate supplementation

breast milk

albumin supplementation

83 - Quiz

fewer ear infections, diarrhea, allergies, & hospital admissions, Promotion 20 sec
of good jaw development, Facilitates bonding

benefits of breast feeding

benefits of avoiding tobacco during pregnancy

benefits of bottle feeding

benefits of avoiding alcohol during pregnancy 24/25
5/9/22, 9:28 PM VN Nutr Exam 2 Ch 10, 16-17 - Details - Kahoot!

84 - Quiz

Breastfeeding benefits for mother 20 sec

A. Stimulates uterus to contract back to original size,


B. rejuvinates breast to adolescent size and shape

D. Helps lose weight gained during pregnancy, provides opportunity to rest

85 - Quiz

During lactation, most nutrients should be increased especially 20 sec


vitamin C



86 - Quiz

Two conditions that can be caused by inadequate nutrition 20 sec

convulsions & stroke

uremia and septicemia

anemia and kidney disease

pregnancy induced hypertension and anemia 25/25

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