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EXEMPL Name Sergio Paulo B. Esguerra Learning Area Mathematics

AR Teaching Date and Time April 20,2022 (10:30 AM) Quarter Fourth

A. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) 1. Illustrates the measures of position: quartiles,
(if available write the indicated MELC)
2. Calculates a specified measure of position of a set
of data (M10SP-IVb-1)
3. Interprets measure of position (M10SP-IVc-1)
4. Solves problems involving measures of position
B. Enabling Competencies
(if available write the attached enabling competencies)

II. CONTENT Measures of Position - Quartile

A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages 322-328
b. Learner’s Guide Pages 362-372
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials from Learning Resources
B. List of Learning Resources for Development and
Engagement Activities

A. Introduction The teacher will start the lesson by presenting the
“GOALS” for today.

ACTIVITY 1:CODE BREAKER: To get the definition of

quartile, the students, divided in two groups, will crack the
code by determining the words that was portrayed in the
following photos and will use the answers to create a
statement defining quartile. The group with the most
correct answer will have an incentive for the next activity.


Using a figure of a rope, and by means of their ID lace the

students will illustrate the following then the teacher will
ask the following question
1. According to the definition of quartile, we are going to
divide the data into four equal parts. Assuming that the
rope represents the data, how can we divide them into
four equal parts?
2. How many cuts do we need to do?
3. Where can we see those cut points?
4. What do we call these three cut points?
5. What is the meaning of these points?
The class will check if they have already obtained the
“GOALS” for today.
A. Development The following are the scores of 11 students in their
previous quiz.
Arrange the data.
Identify the Q1, Q2 and Q3.
Q1=2 Q2=5 Q3=8
Interpret the determined quartiles.
Q1 (2) – 25% of the students scored less than or equal to 2
and 75% scored more than or equal to
Q2 (5) – 50% of the students scored less than or equal to
5 and 50% scored more than or equal to 5.
Q3 (8) – 75% of the students scored less than or equal to 8
and 25% scored more than or equal to 8.


Arrange the data.
Use the formula.
Qk= 𝑘 /4 (n+1)
Q1 = ¼ (11+1)
Q1 = ¼ (12)
Q1 = 3 (The 3rd data is the lower quartile)
Q2 = ½ (11+1)
Q2 = ½ (12)
Q2 = 6 (The 6th data is the median)
Q3 = ¾ (11+1)
Q3 = ¾ (12)
Q3 = 9 (The 9th data is the upper quartile)
Identify the Q1, Q2 and Q3.
Q1=2 is the 3rd data
Q2=5 is the 6th data
Q3=8is the 9th data
Interpret the determined quartiles.
B. Engagement

Each student will be given a guiding sheet. Written on it

are the random measurements of height and let’s see who
were considered as taken care of and grow just right,
taken care of but didn’t grow and taken care of but
They will need to calculate for the value of Q1, Q2 and Q3
of the given set of data using Mendenhall & Sincich
Method The works of student will be checked using the
criteria (Rubrics)
Guide Questions:
1. What is the first step in determining the quartiles
of the given ungrouped data?
2. After arranging the data, what will be the next
3. What is the formula to get the quartile?
4. After you determine the exact value of the
quartiles, what will be the last step?
5. How can you easily recall the steps in finding
quartiles? Is there any code or hints to remember
the steps?

C. Assimilation
The teacher will ask the students the following questions:
1. Who realized that he/she is actually gifted with height?
2. How about those that was asleep when God pour the
cup of height?
3. And who were just normal?
The teacher will discuss thru a video clip – “DOES HEIGHT
Video Clip link:


V. REFLECTION Don’t worry being short does not mean you’re

automatically less intelligent than other people. What
matters most is who you are in your heart, your character
your circumstances and your choice. Don’t limit yourself.
“There were things that can be done by just mere
observation, Mathematics just want it to have accuracy
and precision”

After the discussion, the class will check if they have

already obtained the “GOALS” for today.



Teacher III Head Teacher IV / Department Head – Mathematics

Name: _______________________________________________ Section:_________________________

Step 1:

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______


Q1 Q2 Q3

Step 3:
Q1 (____ ) – 25% of the students measured the height of less than or equal to __ and 75% measured more
than or equal to _____.
Q2 (___ ) – 50% of the students measured the height of less than or equal to __ and 50% measured more than
or equal to _____.
Q3(___ ) – 75% of the students measured the height of less than or equal to __ and 25% measured more than
or equal to ____.

Name: _______________________________________________ Section:_________________________

Step 1:

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______


Q1 Q2 Q3

Step 3:
Q1 (____ ) – 25% of the students measured the height of less than or equal to __ and 75% measured more
than or equal to _____.
Q2 (___ ) – 50% of the students measured the height of less than or equal to __ and 50% measured more than
or equal to _____.
Q3(___ ) – 75% of the students measured the height of less than or equal to __ and 25% measured more than
or equal to ____.
Erika 145cm Erika 145cm Erika 145cm Erika 145cm Erika 145cm
Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm
Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm
Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm
Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm
Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm
Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm
Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm
Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm
Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm
Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm

Erika 145cm Erika 145cm Erika 145cm Erika 145cm Erika 145cm
Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm
Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm
Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm
Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm
Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm
Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm
Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm
Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm
Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm
Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm

Erika 145cm Erika 145cm Erika 145cm Erika 145cm Erika 145cm
Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm
Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm
Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm
Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm
Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm
Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm
Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm
Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm
Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm
Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm

Erika 145cm Erika 145cm Erika 145cm Erika 145cm Erika 145cm
Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm Vanessa 150 cm
Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm Leah 156 cm
Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm Brix 157 cm
Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm Cris aira 158 cm
Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm Bush 163 cm
Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm Ashley 164 cm
Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm Florilyn 165 cm
Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm Angela 168 cm
Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm Brian 170 cm
Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm Dhen 175 cm

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