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org/jem | Journal of Environmental Monitoring

Re-construction and updating our understanding on the global weapons

tests 137Cs falloutw
Michio Aoyama,* Katsumi Hirose and Yasuhito Igarashi
Received 6th September 2005, Accepted 16th February 2006
First published as an Advance Article on the web 9th March 2006
DOI: 10.1039/b512601k

Global nuclear weapons tests fallout of 137Cs in the northern hemisphere has been documented in
the UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radiation) reports.
However, many questions have arisen during the past three to four decades; e.g. the water column
inventory of 137Cs in the North Pacific Ocean was two to three time higher than the cumulative
decay corrected fallout at the same latitude as stated in the UNSCEAR reports. Here we show
more precise spatial distribution of global 137Cs fallout primarily on the basis of global
measurements in rain, seawater and soil, as data from 101  101 grids. A typical feature of
geographical distribution is that two high global 137Cs fallout areas exist in the northern
hemisphere, where the highest 137Cs fallout was observed in the globe. These areas correspond to
crossovers of areas where larger precipitation amounts were expected and where higher
stratosphere–troposphere exchange was expected. Our new estimate of 765  79 PBq as global
Cs fallout for the northern hemisphere is 1.4 times higher than that of 545 PBq in the
UNSCEAR reports.

Introduction Japan coincide with theoretical value8 of 1.4  104, the 99Tc
inventory in Japanese soils derived from 137Cs deposition
The fallout from the atmospheric nuclear weapons tests in the based on the estimation in the UNSCEAR1 at the latitude
late 1950s and early 1960s is the main source of artificial 30–401 N show that an estimate of cumulative decay corrected
radionuclides in the terrestrial environment. In this context, fallout of 137Cs by the UNSCEAR might be lower by a factor
‘‘fallout’’ refers to the radioactive debris originated from about two (Tagami, personal communication). These findings
atmospheric nuclear weapons tests dispersed via troposphere suggest that the 137Cs in water column inventories in the mid-
or stratosphere circulation from nuclear test sites throughout latitude of the western North Pacific and 99Tc inventory in the
the world. Our knowledge of global fallout phenomena largely Japanese soils were comparable with the cumulative decay
depends on the result of the collaborative efforts of the United corrected fallout in the corresponding area originating from
Nations Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radia- global fallout.
tion (hereafter UNSCEAR) reports. The UNSCEAR re- On the other hand, Renaud and Louvat9 confirmed that
ports1–3 describe the global data and show how radionuclide 137
Cs fallout observed at a few sites in France was in good
deposition was dependent on latitude. On the other hand, it agreement with that at the same latitude reported in the
was noticed that water column inventories of 137Cs (see eqn (2) UNSCEAR. This means that the 137Cs fallout at continental
for definition) in the North Pacific Ocean were greater than the land stations might be well described by the UNSCEAR
global fallout at the same latitude described in the UN- model.
SCEAR.4–6 Aoyama et al.,7 however, revealed that the water Sigurgeirsson et al.,10 however, found that, on the average, a
column inventories of 137Cs at three stations around 29–351 N, 137
Cs inventory in soils (see eqn (3) for definition) in Iceland
140–1601 E during the period from 1973 to 1997 correspond to was 2000 Bq m2, whereas the UNSCEAR reports have given
93–74% of cumulative decay corrected fallout (see eqn (1) for 1300 Bq m2 to the same area at the time of sampling. Their
definition) for Tokyo at the time of sampling. This result finding also suggests that UNSCEAR underestimates of 137Cs
means that the 137Cs water column inventory in the ocean was deposition in the 60–701 N latitude band.
comparable with global 137Cs fallout at the adjacent land Simon et al.11 recently presented a geographical pattern of
stations, while the cumulative decay corrected fallout in Tokyo 137
Cs global fallout in the continental US. They showed the
was about two times larger than that estimated in the UN- geographical pattern of 137Cs global fallout as of 1971; high in
SCEAR reports. Although 99Tc/137Cs ratios in seawater near the eastern US and low in the western US in which primarily it
was reflecting the greater long-term average precipitation rates
Geochemical Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, in the eastern US compared to the western US within the
305-0052, Japan. E-mail:; Fax: +81-29- continental US. Their result shows that on a continental scale,
853-8728; Tel: +81-29-853-8719 fallout at the same latitude might vary by a factor of two or
w Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: tables of
fallout data and a map of sampling locations. See DOI: 10.1039/ more. Therefore, it is important to create a global geographi-
b512601k cal pattern of 137Cs deposition including lands and oceans. It is

This journal is 
c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2006 J. Environ. Monit., 2006, 8, 431–438 | 431
also important to be able to distinguish global fallout from CDtr: cumulative decay corrected fallout at year tr (Bq m2),
other sources of man-made radioactivity, and therefore to l: radioactive decay constant of 137Cs, Dt: annual deposition
have a good estimation qualifying the level of global fallout in of 137Cs at year t (Bq m2).
areas where it has not previously been measured.10 (2) 137Cs water column inventory at the time of sampling:
Among the radionuclides originating from the atmospheric
nuclear weapons tests, long-lived radionuclide 137Cs (half life X
N 1
IWt ¼ ðwiþ1 þ wi Þðdiþ1  di Þ ð2Þ
30 years) is regarded as one of the most important radio- 2
nuclides from the point of view of radioactive contamination
due to its longer half life. It is also important that 137Cs is one IWt: water column inventory (Bq m2), wi: 137Cs concentra-
of the useful tracers for oceanographic studies for the decadal tion in water at depth i (Bq m3), di: i-th sampling depth of sea
time scale.12,13 Therefore time-series data of 137Cs deposition water (m), N: number of sampling layer, (3) 137Cs inventory in
on the sea surface as a source term for Ocean General soil at the time of sampling.
Circulation Models is essential for oceanographic studies.
Smith et al.14 studied a river runoff of 137Cs in a global scale X
using the UNSCEAR zonal averaged data, however, we ISt ¼ ðSiþ1 þ Si Þðdiþ1  di Þ ð3Þ
believe that it is better to use more realistic data such as
101  101 grid data.
Here, we present re-constructed global 137Cs fallout as 101  ISt: soil inventory (Bq m2), Si: 137Cs concentration in soil at
101 grid data and discuss fuller geographical description of depth i (Bq m3), di: i-th sampling depth of soil (m), N:
Cs global fallout. number of sampling layer.
The method used to estimate the global deposition of 137Cs
comprises three steps.
Methods of construction of 101  101 data 137
Step 1. Fallout Cs at the end of 1969
We have been collecting literature to construct databases for
We chose ‘‘at the end of 1969’’ as a primary target because
the study of global 137Cs fallout and other anthropogenic
decay corrected accumulative 137Cs fallout had reached a
radionuclides and have created the ‘‘Historical Artificial
maximum between 1968 and 1972. Observed deposition data
Radionuclides in the Pacific Ocean and its Marginal Seas’’
were used to calculate radioactive cumulative decay corrected
database15 including 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu concentration
fallout using eqn (1) up to the end of 1969. Only a few stations
data in the seawater of the Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas.
have a complete history to obtain cumulative decay corrected
The data in the HAM database have been collected from
fallout at the end of 1969 for the fallout time series. Much of
about 90 documents, consisting of published papers,16–71
the data shows an incomplete history, so we estimated cumu-
annual reports by the Hydrographic Department, Maritime
lative decay corrected fallout assuming that the fallout history
Safety Agency, Japan,72–104 and unpublished data provided by
at the target station was proportional to that at the Meteo-
individuals (K. M. Wong, V. E. Noshikin and H. D. Living-
rological Research Institute at the same time.
ston; personal communication). The present HAM database 137
Cs data for seawater were used to calculate 137Cs inven-
includes 7737 records of 137Cs concentration data, 3972 re-
tory in the water column using eqn (2) at the time of sampling
cords of 90Sr concentration data and 2666 records of 239,240Pu
and radioactive decay was corrected to the end of 1969. For
concentration data.
the 137Cs inventory in seawater, we used only the data between
The Integrated Global Fallout Database (IGFD) includes
1963 and 1969 to avoid effects of relatively rapid movement of
information on worldwide fallout data. This database contains 137
Cs in the ocean interior.7
monthly fallout 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu at more than 200 137
Cs concentrations in the soil were used to calculate 137Cs
stations around the world during the period from 1954 to
inventory using eqn (3) at the time of sampling and radioactive
1998. The data in the IGFD database have been collected from
decay was corrected to the end of 1969. To avoid the effect of
45 documents.105–150
soil erosion and accretion, we used the data at sites stated as
The Integrated Global Soil Database (IGSD) provides
reference site or not disturbed site in the literature. We used
information on the 137Cs concentrations and inventories in
the data between 1963 and 2001. In case when Chernobyl
the soil for 397 stations. The data in the IGSD database have
fallout affected the 137Cs inventory in soil, we corrected data
been collected from 72 published papers.151–222 We also ob-
obtained after 1985 by subtracting the Chernobyl fallout
tained the 137Cs inventories in the icecore at 3 stations.223–225
To estimate 137Cs cumulative decay corrected fallout, CDtr,
For the 137Cs inventory in the ice core, radioactive decay
water column inventory of 137Cs, IWt, and 137Cs inventory in
was also corrected to the end of 1969. A map of 137Cs
soil, ISt, we calculated these values using eqn (1), (2) and (3) as
deposition in Russia (Fig. 3.6 in Izrael146) was published and
we obtained a grid datum of 137Cs deposition from the map.
(1) 137Cs cumulative decay corrected fallout at year tr
It became feasible to merge 137Cs cumulative decay cor-
(with tr = 1969):
rected fallout and 137Cs inventories in water column, in soil
tr and in icecore at this stage. 713 data items had obtained to
CDtr ¼ Dt elðtrtÞ ð1Þ construct geographic pattern of 137Cs fallout. The locations
t¼1945 for 713 data are shown in Fig. 1 in the ESI.w

432 | J. Environ. Monit., 2006, 8, 431–438 This journal is 

c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2006
Step 2. 101 by 101 grid data for the water column, the soil and the icecore observed
between 1963 and 1985 would have discrepancies within 5
The 713 data items were converted to grid data in 101 latitude
percent and about half of the raw data of inventories in water
by 101 longitude by averaging the data within the same grid.
column and in soil exist within these years. This 5 percent
For the northern hemisphere, observed values cover 154 of 324
discrepancy was small enough for those of the variability of
grids. The values at 57 grids within residual 170 grids were 137
Cs fallout within a 101 by 101 grid. Therefore this effect was
given by interpolation using the values of the adjacent grids
neglected in our dataset. For the inventories in soil affected by
and the values at 3 grids were given by extrapolation.
Chernobyl fallout after 1986, we subtracted 10% as combined
Step 3. Assume a proportional relationship between precipitation effect of Chernobyl fallout and decay correction from the
and deposition corresponding data.
Since the fallout of 137Cs in each grid and the size of the area
To estimate the 137Cs deposition in the remaining grids in of each grid were varied as functions of latitude, fallout 137Cs
which data was not available in step 2, we applied propor- was converted to total depositions with the uncertainty as
tional relationships between precipitation and deposition. expressed by standard deviation at the grids where raw data
We could estimate 137Cs deposition at 110 grids in the were available. Then the uncertainty for integrated fallout in
northern hemisphere from the relationships between precipita- the northern hemisphere was calculated by propagation of
tion and deposition at the adjacent grids. Recent progress of ‘‘error’’ and it was 6.0%, 386  23 PBq for sum of 153 of 324
the study of the precipitation on the earth’s surface provides a grids in which observed values exist.
global data set of the precipitation. The data set is ‘‘The The interpolation (57 grids), estimation from GPCP pre-
Global Precipitation Climatology Project (hereafter GPCP) cipitation (111 grids) and extrapolation (3 grids) would give
data’’ which is an element of the Global Energy and Water larger uncertainty rather than 6.0% based on the observations
Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) of the World Climate Research as mentioned above. When we assume 20% uncertainty for the
program (WCRP).226 It provides monthly mean precipitation other half of 324 grids, as 379  76 PBq, a combined
data on a 2.5  2.51 latitude–longitude grid for the period uncertainty for 324 grids in the northern hemisphere would
1987–1998. The GPCP data was accomplished by merging be 10%. Then we finally estimate that the uncertainty for
infrared and microwave satellite estimates of precipitation integrated fallout in the northern hemisphere would be
with rain gauge data from more than 30 000 stations. An 765  79 PBq.
annual mean precipitation amount in each 10  101 latitu-
de–longitude grid was calculated for this study to adjust the
grid size between precipitation data and fallout data. Results and discussion
Although these climatologies of global precipitation for the
period from 1987 to 1998 might not the same as the climato- Global distribution
logies for our study period of 1945 to 1970, we believe that The geographical distribution of global 137Cs fallout is shown
GPCP data used in this study could presently be one of the in Fig. 1. A typical feature of geographical distribution in the
best present datasets for estimating global precipitation. It northern hemisphere is that two localized regions of the ocean
should be also noted that the method described here empiri- with higher global 137Cs fallout than in adjacent regions. One
cally contain contribution of dry deposition. The estimates for is the Kuroshio and the Kuroshio extension areas at the
fallout in the arid area are likely to be over-estimated. latitude of 20–401 N in the Pacific Ocean. Another is in the
Finally, we fill 324 grids with 101 by 101 longitude–latitude Gulf Stream areas at the latitude of 30–501 N in the Atlantic
in the northern hemisphere. We could fill only 144 grids north Ocean. These regions are crossroad of larger precipitation
of 401 S in the southern hemisphere due to less availability of region and higher stratosphere–troposphere exchange region.
raw data. 101 by 101 longitude–latitude grid data are shown in Beekmann et al.227 showed that stratosphere–troposphere
Tables 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 in the ESI.w exchange concentrated in the latitude band 40–701 with re-
gional maxima in the east of North America and Asia and in
Europe.227 Stratosphere–troposphere exchange was a main
Estimation of uncertainty
source of 137Cs in the troposphere air during the periods in
Uncertainty of fallout 137Cs in 101  101 data obtained in this 1960s. For the 137Cs depositions on the land stations, a good
study had been estimated from the standard deviations (one positive relationship between deposition and precipitation
sigma) at each grid. As mentioned above, 154 of 324 grids in amount was widely accepted.228 Aoyama and Hirose229 re-
the northern hemisphere were filled with the observations. The cently revealed that a good positive relationship between
raw data numbers in each grid ranged from 1 to 99 with an deposition and precipitation amount was also existent over
average of 3.8, while the standard deviations ranged from the ocean.
2.4% to 200%. We corrected radioactive decay to the end of The global pattern of precipitation reflects the heat and
1969 for 137Cs inventory in the water column, in the soil and in fresh water flux from the Equator towards the North Pole
the icecore as described in the method section. This radioactive along the Kuroshio and the Gulf Stream. Therefore we can
decay correction to a reference date of 1969 for the inventories conclude that crossing of large precipitation amounts and
for different years between 1963 and 2001 might produce a higher stratosphere–troposphere exchange would be the main
discrepancy of several percent in the values in the manner by cause to produce the localized regions of ocean appearing at
cumulative decay corrected fallout up to 1969. The inventories the Kuroshio and the Gulf Stream regions as shown in Fig. 1.

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c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2006 J. Environ. Monit., 2006, 8, 431–438 | 433
Table 1 Summary of global Cs deposition in the form of the

Average/ Integral/ Range/ UNSCEAR/

Latitude/1 Bq m2 PBq Bq m2 Bq m2
Northern hemisphere
85 900 3.5 820–990 280
75 1970 22.8 880–5280 800
65 3420 64.5 1110–8060 2050
55 5040 128.9 2770–7910 3430
45 5090 159.8 1540–10230 3830
35 4100 149.0 700–10630 2780
25 2620 105.0 120–6430 2110
15 1820 77.6 380–7280 1420
5 1300 57.3 410–3860 970
Southern hemisphere
5 800 35.1 100–1210 510
15 530 22.8 120–1060 440
25 470 18.7 170–830 750
35 580 21.1 150–1430 810
45 NA
55 NA
65 NA
75 NA
85 NA

the northern hemisphere. Since UNSCEAR1 stated 545 PBq

Fig. 1 Re-constructed global 137
Cs fallout as of 1 January, 1970 and Playford et al.231 stated 574 PBq for the corresponding
(Bq m2). value, respectively, our newly estimated global fallout of 137Cs
in the northern hemisphere was 1.4 times higher than those by
In the Arctic region, lower global fallout occurred in the the previous studies. For the southern hemisphere, it was
northern hemisphere. Lower 137Cs fallout regions were ob- difficult to estimate a cumulative amount of global fallout
served at the desert and arid areas. In the lower latitude at because fewer data for south of 401 latitude were available.
10–201 N latitude, the relatively higher 137Cs fallout regions
were observed. Although weaker stratosphere–troposphere Acknowledgements
exchange was expected, the largest precipitation amount in
the east of the Indian peninsula and South China Sea would The authors thank Kayono Yamamoto for her work on
cause the relatively higher 137Cs fallout at these regions. constructing the databases of global fallout of anthropogenic

Meridional distribution
The meridional distribution of global fallout 137Cs had under-
1 United Nations, ‘‘ANNEX C’’, Sources and Effects of Ionizing
stood as that there is a maximum of global fallout in the mid- Radiat.. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of
latitude in the northern hemisphere in general.230 Although Atomic Radiat., 2000 Report to the General Assembly, with
our results show similar meridional distribution as stated in scientific Annexes, I, United Nations sales publication
E.00.IX.4, United Nations, New York, 2000, pp. 158–291.
the UNSCEAR reports when we take a latitudinal mean as
2 United Nations, Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiat..
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