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The Crest Jewel of Sannyäsīs Has

Mahäprabhu stayed in the houses of various devotees as He passed through all the villages
on the banks of the Ganges. In this way, the Lord fulfilled everyone’s desires and then
returned to Nīläcala.

And throughout Nīläcala the news quickly spread: “The crest jewel of sannyäsīs
has returned.”

In great ecstasy everyone exclaimed, “Jaya! Jaya! The moving Jagannätha has come
back to Nīläcala.”

When Särvabhauma and the other associates of Mahäprabhu in Utkala heard the news, they
immediately went to see Him. His devotees had been afflicted for many days with feelings of
separation. Now, upon seeing their Lord, they joyfully began kīrtana. The Lord embraced
everyone with great affection and soaked them with His tears. In this way Śrī
Gaurasundara once again joyfully resided in Nīläcala at the house of Käśī Miśra. And
people from all provinces came to see Him overwhelmed with ecstasy while constantly
dancing and singing.

Sometimes Mahäprabhu would dance before Lord Jagannätha in such ecstatic love that He
showed no external consciousness. Sometimes He danced at the house of Käśī Miśra, and
sometimes He danced on the shore of the ocean. In this way He constantly manifested
ecstatic pastimes. He did not engage in any other activity for even a moment. When the
conchshell was blown in the temple and the doors opened, He was there to greet Lord
Jagannätha. The ecstatic love He manifested while seeing Lord Jagannätha was wonderful
and indescribable. Tears flowed from His eyes like the currents of the Ganges. The
people of Utkala were amazed to see all this.

On whatever path Caitanya Mahäprabhu traveled, everyone would begin to chant the
name of Hari, and as a result they never felt any distress or lamentation.

— Antya-khanda 5.122-123, 125-138

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