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A Jubiliant Reunion
Śrī Gaurasundara passed a few more days fearlessly enjoying saìkīrtana pastimes in that
village. But who has the power to understand the will of the Lord? He suddenly
decided not to go to Mathurä but to return to Jagannätha Purī.

He said to all His devotees, “I will now go to see Nīläcala-candra.”

After speaking these words, the supremely independent and blissful Lord began walking
south while enjoying kīrtana. After walking along the bank of the Ganges in His own
ecstasy for a few days, the Lord arrived at the house of Advaita Äcärya……When
Advaita saw the worshipable Lord of His life, He fell to the ground to offer obeisances.
He cried out the name of Hari and in ecstatic love even forgot about His own body.

The ladies present made auspicious vocal sounds, and Advaita’s entire house became filled
with ecstasy. Mahäprabhu reciprocated by embracing Advaita and soaking his body with
tears of ecstatic love. Äcärya Gosäũi lost all external consciousness as He held the Lord’s
lotus feet to His chest and began to cry profusely. Devotees on all sides also began to cry.
The exhibition of such wonderful love and affection is certainly beyond description. After
a short time Advaita Mahäśaya became pacified. He then humbly offered the Lord a
sitting place. As Mahäprabhu sat down on that fine äsana, His associates surrounded Him
on all sides. Nityänanda and Advaita then embraced, and They both became jubilant on
seeing each other. All the devotees then offered obeisances to Advaita Äcärya, who in turn
affectionately embraced them all. No one other than Vedavyäsa is able to describe the
ecstasy that manifested in Advaita’s house on that day.

Then Advaita’s son, who was known as Acyutänanda came and offered obeisances at the
Lord’s lotus feet. Śrī Gaurasundara embraced Acyuta and soaked his body with tears of love.
Indeed, the Lord would not release Acyuta from His chest, and he appeared to merge into
the Lord’s body. Seeing His mercy upon Acyuta, all the devotees began to cry in love.
There was not a single beloved associate of Lord Caitanya who did not have affection for
Acyuta. Nityänanda considered him equal to His own life, and he was the principal
disciple of Gadädhara Paëòita. Therefore Acyuta was definitely the most qualified son of
Advaita. Indeed, they were an exemplary combination of father and son.
In this way Śrī Advaita and His family merged in ecstasy as they received the Lord in
their home. And by the strong desire of Advaita, Lord Caitanya enjoyed kīrtana pastimes
and stayed for a few more days in his house just to please His devotee.

— Antya-khanda 4.130-134, 190-209

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