PSYC 3015 SU 2021 Variable List Ass#2

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Variables Variable definitions (codes)


TRYING1 (2&3) Grade trying to get in PSYC3015.

GRADE Reported grade received in 2nd year statistics.

GENDER Gender of participant (male=1, female=2).

MARITAL Marital status [single with no dependents (SingleN) = 1,

single with dependents (SingleY) = 2, married/cohabitating
with dependents (MarriedY) = 3, married/cohabitating
without dependents (MarriedN) = 4).

HON Planning on doing an honour thesis [Definitely Yes (DefYes)

= 1, Probably Yes (ProbYes) = 2, Might or might not
(Unsure) = 3, probably not (ProbNot) = 4, Definitely Not
(DefNot) = 5.

AGE Age in years

CITIZEN 1= Canadian Citizen, 2 = International Student

LIVING Living arrangements [1 = at your parent’s place (parents), 2=

in residence (residence), 3 = apartment home without
roommates (RoomatesN), 4 = apartment/home with
roommates (Roomates), 5 = other]

EDUC My education is paid predominantly by (myself =

1, my family = 2, student loans = 3, other = 4)

COURSE (2&3) Would you take PSYC3015 if it was not a required course?
(No = 1, Yes = 2)

ANX Anxiety of statistics. Range (0 to 10) (1st Anxiety Scale)

The higher the score the more anxious one is.

SCST General Repertoire of learned resourcefulness

(Alternative name: self-control scale).
Range (-108 to +108)
The higher the score the more resourceful one is.
RESTIME 1(2&3) Statistical resourcefulness.
The higher the score the more statistically resourceful one is.
Range (30 to 210)

ATTIME1 (2&3) Attitude towards statistics. Range (-21 to +21)

The higher the score the more positive attitude one has
towards statistics.

SETIME1 (2&3) Self-efficacy (belief in ability to complete the course).

The higher the score the more one believes in their ability to
complete PSYC3015.
Range (9 to 54)

ANXIETY (2&3) Statistical Anxiety Scale (anxiety regarding statistics).

The higher the score the more anxious one is.
Range (0 to 24) (2nd Anxiety Scale)

IMPACT1 (2&3) Impact of anxiety on grades in statistics (1 = not at all, 2 =

somewhat, 3 = very much, 4 = extremely)

CONTROL1 (2&3) Control over anxiety (1 = none, 2 = a little, 3 = some, 4 = a


Survey Times
Time 1 at the beginning of the course.
Time 2 after Test 1 (midway through 1st term)
Time 3 after Test 2 and Assignment 1 (In January- students are aware of
MIDTERM grade)

Note: You may not have all these variables in your assignment data set.

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