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Copyright © 1995 ASM International®

Engineered Materials Handbook Desk Edition, 1995 All rights reserved.

Michelle M. Gauthier, Editor, p 444-453
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.emde.a0003028

Aging a n d Weathering Testing

ALL ENGINEERING PLASTICS are affected tests do not necessarily perfectly forecast the re- material because their total energy can be ab-
by their environment. Weathering and environ- sponse that a plastic material will exhibit in actual sorbed within a few micrometers of the surface.
mental factors that contribute to degradation in use. It is important to note that accelerated Ultraviolet radiation absorption on the surface
plastics include temperature variations, moisture, weather aging may accelerate the degradation of of a material can result in chalking, which is a
sunlight, oxidation, microbiologic attack, and a material beyond a point where it will no longer surface film that breaks molecular bonds. Ultra-
other environmental elements. represent the actual reaction that will occur over violet radiation also causes discoloration (yel-
The results of exposing plastics to these condi- an extended time period. lowing and bleaching) and loss of physical and
tions can be discoloration, loss of mechanical Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation. Degradation due electrical properties.
strength, embrittlement, and loss of electrical in- to UV radiation (sunlight) is the primary concern Elevated or lowered temperatures can de-
sulation and resistance properties. The degree to when plastics are meant for outdoor use. The grade a plastic material. There are generally three
which a particular material degrades depends on photochemical effect of sunlight on a plastic ma- aspects to elevated-temperature exposure: ele-
its susceptibility to each of the above factors. terial depends on the absorption properties and vated temperature over a long period of time,
Outdoor or environmental degradation factors af- bond energies of the material. The wavelengths elevated temperature over a short period of time,
fect some materials more than others because of or cyclic exposure to elevated and lowered tem-
that have the most effect on plastics range from
their chemical structure. peratures, such as may occur during alternating
290 to 400 nm (2900 to 4000 ,~). Table 1 shows
A plastic material may have excellent resis- day and night exposure.
the wavelengths that have the greatest photo-
tance to a particular degradation factor. However, Exposure to lowered temperature can cause a
chemical effect on various plastics.
plastic material also may be highly susceptible to plastic to become brittle; the modulus of the ma-
The activation spectrum (a plot of specific deg-
degradation when exposed to other weathering terial increases, while the elongation and impact
radation characteristics versus the incident wave-
factors or to a combination of factors. For exam- resistance may decrease. Cracking and a propen-
ple, elevated temperatures will increase the oxi- length) of a material indicates its sensitivity to the
exposed wavelengths. Each activation spectrum sity to fracture upon impact can occur. Exposure
dation rate of a material as well as the rate of to elevated temperature can result in loss of me-
photochemical reactions. is measured by observing a specific reaction to
degradation. Ultraviolet radiation must be pres- chanical properties (embrittlement, loss of im-
This article will present a general overview of pact, flexibility, and elongation) and loss of elec-
aging factors, their effects on plastic materials, ent for degradation by a photochemical process to
trical properties. Discoloration, cracking,
and the accelerated test methods that can be used occur. Therefore, the absorption properties of the
chalking, loss of gloss, and flaking can occur.
to estimate the reaction of a plastic component plastic are important in determining the activa-
Cyclic exposure can result in mechanical fatigue
during actual use. tion spectrum. Figure 1 shows the activation
failure and cracking due to alternating expansion
spectrum of polycarbonate, using yellowing as
and contraction of the material. It can also result
the measured reaction factor.
in electrical failure due to the formation of minute
Stabilizers can be added to a polymer to influ-
Weatherin~l ence wavelength sensitivity and radiation absorp-
cracks that may become contaminated with dirt
and moisture, forming a conductive medium that
tion. Other additives, such as pigments, also
promotes electrical tracking. Cyclic exposure is
change the absorption characteristics of the mate- an important factor when considering the service
Degradation Factors rial. The effect of adding a UV stabilizer to a environment of a plastic material. For example,
polyester is illustrated in Fig. 2. The addition of
The factors discussed below, present in outdoor
weathering, will contribute to material degrada- pigment can act as a UV screen to varying de-
grees. Therefore, an unpigmented material would
Table 1 Wavelength of maximum
tion. Although the characteristics of exposure to photochemical sensitivity
each degradation factor are described individu- seem to be most susceptible to UV degradation.
ally, it is important to note that a material is However, the use of certain pigments with spe- Wavelength
cific polymers actually photosensitizes the mate- Polymer am /k
typically exposed to more than one factor during
outdoor use. Therefore, degradation is usually rial and can accelerate UV degradation. Polyesters (various formulations) 325 3250
driven by one principal factor at a time. However, The absorption of UV radiation alone may not Polystyrene 318 3180
necessarily cause the degradation of a plastic Polyethylene 300 3000
multiple factors may affect property perform- Polypropylene (non-heat stabilized) 370 3700
ance. material. A wavelength whose photon energy cor-
Polyvinyl chloride 320 3200
Test methods designed to simulate natural responds to a particular bond energy in the poly- Polyvinyl chloride, copolymer with 327-364 3270-3640
weathering at an accelerated rate have been de- mer chain can break the bond (chain scission). polyvinyl acetate
veloped to help predict the reaction of a plastic For this reason, the observed degradation will Polyvinyl acetate 280 2800
Polycarbonate 285-305, 2850-3050,
material to weathering prior to its field use. These vary with wavelength. Longer wavelengths tend 330-360 3300-3600
tests expose specimens to extreme conditions to to penetrate more deeply into a plastic material, Cellulose-acetate-butyrate 296 2960
accelerate the aging process so that long-term but have a moderate degradative effect because Styrene-acrylonitrile 290, 325 2900,3250
weathering effects can be estimated in a shorter, they are not easily absorbed. Shorter wavelengths
Source: Ref 1
more useful time period. Artificial weathering tend to have a greater effect on the surface of the

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Aging and Wealhering Testing / 445

Wavelength of irradiation, ~, Wavelength of irradiation, ,&

2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000

2.0 ,~ C"',~'~ 2O
c Stabilized with UV absorber ]
~>D. 0rradlated 4-8 h) !
~ 15

= o-~ to
~.._~._,, c ~
Nq U n s t a ; i l i z e d ( i r r a d i a t e d 64 h)
"~ c c o
~-~1 ~ 0.8 .'-.\ ¢-.-~\'- .'c ~,, m ~c
~= 05
\\\ \\\\\ ~ 0

280 300 320 340 360 380 300 320 340 360 380 400
Wavelength of irradiation, nm Wavelength or irradiation, nm

Fig. I Activation spectra of 760 lain (30 rail} polycarbonate source using 6000-W xenon
weatherometerwith borosilicatefiltersplusshort-wavelengthcutoff fi~'ers.Source: Ref2
Fig. 2 Activation spedra of unstabilized and stabilized 3200 ,am (125 mil) polyester using
1000-W xenon arc with borosilicate glass Filter.Source: Ref 2

the temperature in Reno, NV, has a daily mean synthetic rubbers, and some thermoplastic elas- The fadeometer was originally developed to
variation of 20 °C (37 °F) and can range annually tomers have few double bonds for the ozone to test paints and dyes for colorfastness. It simulates
from - 3 0 to 40 °C (-19 to 106 °F). attack. the exposure to sunlight received by a material
Moisture is absorbed when a plastic is exposed MicrobiologicalAitack. The resin portion of a that is indoors. It is now commonly used to test
to water or humidity. Outdoor exposure to mois- plastic material is generally not susceptible to plastic materials for color stability and degrada-
ture can include rain, snow, humidity, and con- attack by fungi or bacteria. It is the additives, tion when exposed to sunlight through window
densation. The chemical effect, known as hy- such as plasticizers, lubricants, stabilizers, pig- glass. It can also be used to demonstrate how
drolysis, may be a major factor in the degradation ments, and their carrier systems, that can be sus- combinations of stabilizers, dyes, and pigments
of condensation polymers such as polyesters, ceptible to microbiologic attack. Additives that will react to UV radiation. For example, the
polyamides, and polycarbonates. Water can also are not distributed evenly will provide areas of fadeometer was used to help develop an acetate
attack the bonds between the polymer and an preferential growth for fungi or bacteria. The film for store windows that would absorb UV
additive, such as a pigment, resulting in chalking. most favorable conditions for growth are high radiation; the film was ultimately used by mer-
Rain can wash away any additives, such as flame temperature and humidity. The growth of fungi chants to protect merchandise from exposure to
retardants, that may have bloomed or migrated to and bacteria on a plastic material will result in sunlight.
the surface as a result of sunlight or another discoloration, surface attack, and loss of optical
The light source for the fadeometer is an en-
outdoor exposure factor. transmission.
closed carbon arc, which was chosen for this
The moisture absorbed by a plastic may affect Changes in electrical properties are primarily
application because its spectral energy distribu-
its electrical insulation resistance, dielectric and caused by the surface growth of fungi and bacte-
tion is close to that of natural sunlight. The light
mechanical strength properties, dimensions, and ria, as well as pH changes created by their excre-
source consists of carbon electrodes enclosed in
ment and the presence of moisture. Removing the
appearance. The type of water exposure a plastic a borosilicate glass globe. This enclosure filters
susceptible additives or adding a preventive ma-
encounters, as well as the physical shape of the the light impinging the test specimens. The speci-
terial such as a fungistat may result in a change in
plastic part, will affect the degree of change in mens are mounted on a cylindrical rack that ro-
properties. Removing an additive may increase
properties that the material experiences. tates around the light source. The fadeometer can
modulus, decrease weight, or accelerate the dete-
Oxidation. Although most plastic materials also be equipped with a xenon arc light source or
rioration of electrical properties, such as insula-
react slowly with oxygen alone, elevated tem- with both a carbon arc and xenon arc that are used
tion resistance, dielectric constant, power factor,
perature and UV radiation will accelerate the oxi- and dielectric strength. independently for tests involving either light
dation process. Oxygen that is aided by heat source.
(thermal oxidation) and UV radiation (photo-oxi- There are two American Society for Testing
dation) will attack the bonds in a polymer chain. and Materials (ASTM) test methods that refer-
Depending on the material, oxygen may either Test M e t h o d s ence the use of a UV light source without water
form carbonyl groups or cross link. Descriptions of the tests used to predict the exposure. A S T M G 23-81 (Ref 3) cites the single
Oxidation can also occur when certain materi- behavior of a plastic material to outdoor exposure enclosed carbon arc, and A S T M G 26-84 (Ref 4)
als are exposed to ozone, which is a by-product follow. The test methods can be used to charac- cites the xenon arc light source.
of high-voltage partial discharge (corona). The terize material performance when subjected to It is important to note that fadeometer testing
presence of ozone, combined with oxygen, will specific and well-defined factors. The results should not be considered representative of out-
affect polymers by attacking covalent bonds, from the same method and conditions must be door aging, because it does not include other
such as those present in natural rubber materials. used to compare anticipated performance among important outdoor aging factors, such as the pres-
Rubber is used to insulate high-voltage equip- materials. No one test can be used to evaluate ence of moisture.
ment, such as ignition cable, where a high degree completely the effects of weather aging on a ma- Weatherometers include open-flame carbon
of flexibility is essential. Because ozone is gener- terial. Conducting a series of tests will promote arc and twin enclosed carbon arc types.
ated by and often surrounds high-voltage equip- the best estimate of future behavior. The tests The sunshine open-flame carbon arc
ment, it is beneficial to use materials with good chosen should closely represent the service envi- weatherometer is a lamp that operates in free-
ozone resistance. Materials such as butyl rubber, ronment. flowing air. It can be used with light filters

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446 / Testing of Polymeric Materials

Table 2 Spectralpower distribution

Irradiance ranges
at 250-300 nin at 300-400 nm at 400-800 nm
No. Light source Filter or condition w~ w~ w/m2 w/fd w/mz w~t2
1 Single enclosed carbon arc Borosilicate 0 0 85 7.9 95 9
2 Twin enclosed carbon arc Borosilicate 0 0 85 7.9 95 9
3 Sunshine carbon arc Soda lime 0 0 90 8.4 250 23
4 Sunshine carbon arc Corex 0.5 0.050 90 8.4 250 23
5 Sunshine carbon arc None 3.8 0.35 110 10 275 25
6 Natural daylight Horizontal plane (0°)(a) 2.0 0.20 66 6 580 55
7 Natural daylight, averageoptimum 26 ° south, cloudless, Miami, FL 0 0 30 3 315 30
8 Naanal daylight, averageoptimum 45 ° south, cloudless, Miami, FL 0 0 30 3 280 26

(a) Calculated from Ref 6. Source: Ref 5

mounted on a stainless steel filter frame located • Method 1 is a continuous exposure to light in southern states to expose the specimens to as
between the light source and the test specimens. with an intermittent water spray much sunlight as possible. Results obtained using
The test can also be conducted without a filter, • Method 2 is an alternating exposure to light accelerated outdoor weathering devices are often
increasing the amount of light below 350 nm and darkness with an intermittent water spray compared to the results obtained from specimens
(3500 ,~) incident on the test specimens. Table 2 • Method 3 is a continuous exposure to light mounted on stationary outdoor racks facing south
gives the increase in the shorter-wavelength light without a water spray at 45 °. It can then be determined if the accelerated
produced by the absence of filters. Table 2 also • Method 4 is an alternating exposure to light test method being used is an accurate way of
shows that the sunshine carbon arc has a spectral and darkness without a water spray predicting how a material will react to natural
distribution closer to natural daylight for wave- weathering.
lengths above 400 nm (4000 A) than the twin Methods 1 and 2 attempt to simulate natural weath- A type of outdoor test that increases natural
enclosed carbon arc light source. ering in an accelerated manner. Methods 3 and 4 are sunlight intensity on a specimen is an equatorial
Because shorter wavelengths are usually easily typically used to predict color changes or fading of mount with mirrors for acceleration (EMMA) or
absorbed at the surface of a plastic material, the a material. an E M M A with water spray (EMMAQUA). The
sunshine carbon arc can be used without filters to With the capability for temperature and humid- specimen mounts of this device automatically
test the resistance of a plastic to chalking. This ity control, as well as a water spray, the twin follow the sun to keep the rays of the sun normal
device is equipped with temperature and humid- enclosed carbon arc combines what are thought to the specimen surface. Aluminum mirrors are
ity controls, as well as a water spray, to simulate to be the primary causes of degradation in plastic used to increase the sunlight intensity on the
outdoor conditions. The use of the sunshine car- materials: UV radiation, temperature, and mois- specimens. The temperature around the speci-
bon arc weatherometer is discussed in A S T M G ture. Temperature and humidity conditions under mens is controlled by blowers. Using an E M M A
23-81 (Ref 3). the weatherometer can easily be accelerated by can accelerate aging by approximately eight
The twin enclosed carbon arc weatherometer increasing these factors to a degree that is greater times compared to the stationary 45 ° southern
utilizes two enclosed violet carbon arc lamps. than what a plastic material would experience exposure rack test.
The lamps are positioned such that one is along- during actual outdoor weathering. Accelerating A x e n o n a r c lamp is an alternative light
side but 76 mm (3.0 in.) lower than the other. This the UV radiation exposure is difficult because source for the weatherometer and the fadeometer.
positioning allows for more uniform irradiance plastics react differently to different wavelengths The lamp is cooled by water that circulates
in the UV spectrum. Therefore, it is important to
on the test specimens. The specimens are around it. The water also filters out long-wave-
have a light source producing a spectral distribu-
mounted on a cylindrical drum that rotates length infrared energy. The xenon arc
tion that is close to that of natural sunlight. This
around the light source. The carbon arcs are each weatherometer is also equipped with a light-fil-
should achieve a representative artificial effect
enclosed in a borosilicate glass globe. The tering system. Glass filters can be used in differ-
indicative of what a plastic will experience in
borosilicate glass filters out light below 275 nm ent combinations to achieve a desired spectral
actual use.
(2750 ,&), which is not present in natural sunlight. distribution. Several combinations are listed in
The spectral distribution for the twin enclosed
The glass enclosure also protects the test speci- Table 3. Because the level of irradiance decreases
carbon arc light source for wavelengths below
mens from possible contamination by the com- as the xenon arc burns, the device automatically
350 nm (3500 A) is not highly representative of
bustion products of the carbon arc. This natural sunlight (Ref 5). This may be a significant compensates for irradiance changes, allowing
weatherometer is equipped with temperature and consideration in choosing a light source because test specimens to receive a constant level.
humidity controls. There is also a water spray plastics are most affected by wavelengths in the The total amount of irradiation exposure is
that, if used while the light source is on, provides range between 290 nm and 400 nm (2900 and predetermined by the operator. When the desired
a thermal shock to the test specimen. When the 4000 ,&), particularly those wavelengths below amount is achieved, the test is automatically
light source is off, the water spray exposes the 350 nm (3500 A). After specimens have been ended. The amount of heat that the specimens
specimen to 100% humidity conditions, similar conditioned using this type of artificial weather- receive from the xenon arc is controlled using
to what a plastic would experience outdoors at ing device, they can be tested for retention of black panel thermometers. Conditions of humid-
night. This weatherometer also uses a black panel mechanical or electrical properties and observed ity, condensation, and rain are also controlled in
temperature control. This control consists of a for changes in color or chalking. the xenon arc weatherometer. Periods of darkness
temperature sensor mounted on a metal panel that Natural Environmental Testing. The original allow specimens to recover, just as they would
is then coated with a black finish that absorbs weathering test is outdoor exposure. Specimens during nighttime outdoor exposure. The speci-
light radiation. It is positioned next to the test are mounted vertically facing south and then mens are mounted on a rotating drum surround-
specimen, where it measures the approximate tested for retention of properties after being ex- ing the xenon arc lamp, allowing uniform irradi-
temperature that the specimen encounters. posed to natural weather elements for some ance of all specimens.
Reference 3 also cites the use of this type of length of time. Another type of outdoor test uses O f all the light sources discussed, the 6500-W
carbon arc weatherometer and outlines four test specimen racks inclined at 5 or 45 ° with a south- xenon arc lamp has the closest spectral distribu-
methods: ern exposure. These tests are usually conducted tion to natural sunlight (Table 4). This is espe-

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Table 3 Factorsaffecting irradiance levels

Xenon are Irradiance ra~es(a)
Inner filter Outer filter at 250-300 nm at 300-400nm at 400-800nm at 340 nm at 42Ohm
No. glass glass Test conditions Level Wfln2 W]ft2 Wlm2 W/ft2 W/~a2 W]ft2 W]na2 W]ft2 Wfln2 Wilt2

1 Borosilicate Borosilicate Weathering tests at black panel temperatures Min 0.1 0.009 25 2 240 20 0.2 0.020 0.45 0.040
above 50 °C (120 °F)
Max 0.2 0.020 65 6 665 60 0.55 0.050 1.30 0.120
2 Quartz Borosilicate Light fastness and weathering tests with Min 0.4 0.037 30 3 260 25 0.25 0.025 0.55 0.050
somewhat more and shorter UV than is found
in natural daylight
Max 1.0 0.09 75 7 685 65 0.65 0.060 1.5 0.14
3 Quartz Quartz Light fastness and weathering tests with Min 6.8 0.63 45 4 325 30 0.40 0.040 0.7 0.07
considerably more and shorter UV than is
found in natural daylight
Max 13.0 1.20 80 8 605 55 0.75 0.070 1.30 0.120
4 Borosilicate Soda lime Light fastness tests at black panel temperatures Min 0 0 25 2 255 24 0.2 0.020 0.55 0.050
above 50 °C ( 120 °F)
Max 0 0 60 6 670 60 0.45 0.040 1.45 0.135
5 Infrared absorbing Borosilicate Light fastness tests at black panel temperatures Min 0 0 20 2 165 15 0.15 0.015 0.45 0.040
from 38-50 °C ( 1130-120°F)
Max 0 0 50 5 455 40 0.35 0.035 1.25 0.116
6 Natural daylight Horizontal plane (0°)(b) Max 2.0 0.20 66 6 580 55
7 Natural daylight 45 ° south, cloudless, Miami, FL Averageoptimum 0 0 30 3 280 26 0.'3" 00~ 03 007"
(a) Lrrathancemeasured m W/m" at a distance of 310 mm (12 m.). Variations of 10% may be experienced m typical operating condmons. (b) Calculated from Ref 6. Source: Ref7

Table 4 Comparative distribution of irradiance

6500-W 6500-Wxenon(d) Open-flamecarbon Fluorescent(b), EMMAQUA(a),
Band pass Sunlight(a), % xenon(b)(c), % (modifieddew cycle), % are(b), % % %

Below 300 nm (3000/~) 0.01 0.01 2.5 0.2 14.0 ...

300-340 nm (3000-3400 ,~) 1.6 1.5 3.0 2.0 70.0 ...
340-400 nm (3400-4000 ,~) 4.5 5.0 6.5 11.0 13.0
Total below 400 nm (4000,~) 6.1 6.5 12.0 13.2 97.0 6.'1
400-750 nm (4000-7500 A) 48.0 51.5 49.0 32.0 3.0 ...
Above 750 nm (7500 ,~) 46.0 42.0 39.0 55.0 0.0
Total above 400 nm (4000 A,) 94.0 93.5 88.0 87.0 3.0 94.0

(a) Calculated from Ref6. EMMAQUA, equatorial mount with mirrors for acceleration, with water spray. (b) Ref 8. (c) Borosilicate inner and outer filters, water cooled. (d) Quartz/borosilicate filter combi-
natiom water cooled. Source: Ref 9

cially important in the UV range from 290 to 400 tion of mechanical and electrical properties and can The UV light emitted from fluorescent sun-
nm (2900 to 4000 A), and particularly below 350 be observed for surface changes. lamps ranges from 280 to 350 nm (2800 to 3500
nm (3500 ,~), where most of the degradation to Fluorescent sunlamps are used in the A). The peak intensity occurs at 310 nm (3100
plastics takes place. A close correlation to natural U V C O N test device, manufactured by the Atlas /~). The intensity of these fluorescent sunlamps
sunlight is important in artificial weathering tests Electrical Devices Company, and in the QUV below this level is greater than that of natural
because it is not known how exposure to higher cyclic ultraviolet weathering tester, manufactured sunlight, which is the primary cause of acceler-
levels of irradiant energy, at various wavelengths by the Q-Panel Company. These devices expose ated aging using this light source. Above 400 nm
over the entire spectrum of natural sunlight, will test specimens to alternating cycles of condensa- (4000 ,~), the intensity of the fluorescent sunlamp
influence test results on plastics. tion and fluorescent UV light. Both devices have is very low compared to natural sunlight. The
The use of a xenon arc weathering device is a light source consisting of eight fluorescent sun- distribution of irradiance for fluorescent sun-
cited in ASTM G 26-84 (Ref 4). There are four lamps mounted on two banks. Because the inten- lamps is also listed in Table 4. Careful considera-
test methods outlined: sity of these lamps decreases with use, one lamp tion must be given to each material being tested
is replaced in each bank at regular intervals to with regard to wavelength sensitivity. A material
• Method 1 is a continuous exposure to light maintain a consistent amount of irradiance on the that is sensitive to wavelengths above 400 nm
with an intermittent water spray specimens. The condensation system allows con- (4000 ,~) will not react the same way to fluores-
• Method 2 is an alternating exposure to light densation to form on the specimen surfaces dur- cent light as it will to natural sunlight. Fluores-
and darkness with an intermittent water spray ing periods of darkness. Because there is no water cent sunlamp exposures should therefore be used
• Method 3 is a continuous exposure to light spray, the specimens are never subjected to ther- when the desired exposure is to be limited to
without a water spray mal shock during light exposure. The specimens irradiation below 350 nm (3500 A). This may be
• Method 4 is an alternating exposure to light are mounted on two racks, with each rack facing useful when studying the effects of UV stabilizers
and darkness without a water spray a bank of four lamps. The fluorescent sunlamps in a plastic material.
emit a low amount of radiant heat, which aids in The use of fluorescent sunlamp devices is cited
Methods 1 and 2 try to simulate natural weathering the temperature control of the system. These fluo- in A S T M G 53-84 (Ref 10). The scope of the test
in an accelerated maimer, while methods 3 and 4 are rescent sunlamp test devices are relatively inex- method described in this standard is to simulate
used to predict color changes or fading of a material. pensive compared to carbon arc and xenon arc the deterioration caused by the UV energy in
After exposure, specimens can be tested for reten- test devices. sunlight and by rain or dew. After exposure,

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specimens can be tested for retention of mechani- Various aspects of this degradation may be im- retardants, molding process additives, and fillers
cal and electrical properties and can be observed portant in determining the suitability of the plas- can create major changes in property charac-
for surface changes. tic for a given application. teristics.
Fungal Resls~nce. The additives in plastic The service temperature of a material indicates Selection of Aging Temperatures. A minimum
materials, such as plasticizers, lubricants, stabi- its ability to retain a certain property, whether of four aging temperatures should be selected for
lizers, and colorants, are vulnerable to attack by electrical or physical, when exposed to elevated the thermal aging program. The temperatures
fungi. Specification ASTM G 21-70 (Ref 11) is a temperatures for an extended period of time. may be different for each of the three properties
method for testing the effect of fungi on plastics. Service temperature is therefore an important under investigation, namely, the dielectric, im-
First, each specimen surface is inoculated with property when considering the end-use applica- pact, and mechanical strengths. It may be useful
a spore suspension. The specimens are then al- tions of a plastic. to review the aging data of the control material to
lowed to incubate in an environment of high For example, consider all the plastics used in estimate the appropriate oven conditioning tem-
relative humidity (85% or higher) and at a tem- television manufacture. Materials must provide peratures for the candidate material.
perature of approximately 30 °C (85 °F). The direct support (insulation) of live parts and must The separation between oven temperatures
duration of the incubation period is at least 21 maintain a defined space between live parts and should be at least 10 °C (18 °F) to minimize the
days, with fungal growth recorded every 7 days. the TV housing. An operating TV reaches some effects of the temperature fluctuations of the ov-
The specimens can then be observed for visible equilibrium temperature. When its environs be- ens. The lowest temperature should be approxi-
effects, such as the amount of growth on the come hot, as with direct sunlight, its internal mately 20 °C (35 °F) higher than the expected
specimen or discoloration. Physical and electrical hot-spot temperature may reach 75 °C (165 °F). RTI. For example, if the expected RTI of the
effects can be measured after the specimens have Therefore, the plastic components must retain candidate material is 140 °C (280 oF), the four
been cleaned with a mercuric chloride solution their electrical properties and physical integrity aging temperatures should be 160, 170, 180, and
and allowed to dry thoroughly. after many hours of exposure to elevated tem-
The standard suggests that other properties be 190 °C (320, 340, 355, and 375 °F).
peratures. The service temperature, or relative Conducting the Program. Initially, for each
tested because physical changes can occur on thermal index (RTI), of a plastic is critical to its
plastic films or coatings, which have more sur- property and thickness being evaluated under the
proper selection. program, one set of at least five test specimens is
face area for the fungi to attack. The resistance of There are generally three RTIs that are used to
a plastic to fungi may be affected by natural subjected to the tests to establish the starting
characterize the properties of plastic materials: value, or 100% property retention value. For each
weathering due to the reactions of the additives to electrical, mechanical with impact, and mechani-
UV radiation, temperature, and moisture. oven aging temperature, five sets of test speci-
cal without impact. The electrical RTI is assigned
Bacterial Resistance. The additives in plastic mens are placed in the air-circulating ovens. At
based on destructive testing of the plastic material the end of the first, second, and third cycles, an
materials are also vulnerable to attack by bacte- using a dielectric strength test. The mechanical
ria. Specification ASTM G 22-76 (Ref 12) is a additional set is added.
with impact RTI is assigned based on the test
method for testing the effects of bacteria on plas- Generally, samples are conditioned for a speci-
results of monitoring the degradation of the ten-
tics. fied test cycle, with the highest temperature being
sile impact or Izod impact. Lastly, the mechanical
First, test specimens are exposed to the bacte- assigned to a test cycle of 3 days. The second
without impact RTI is assigned based on the test
ria. The specimens are then allowed to incubate highest oven temperature is assigned a test cycle
results of the tensile strength or flexural strength
at a temperature of approximately 37 °C (100 °F) of 7 days, and the third, 14 days. The lowest test
and a relative humidity of at least 85%. This temperature is assigned a test cycle of 28 days.
Many techniques are available for estimating
incubation period lasts for at least 21 days. The Usually, some of the original specimens are
the thermal life expectancy of plastics. The
observation of bacterial growth is not as well removed from the oven and subjected to the ap-
method discussed in this article is used by Under-
defined as it is for fungal growth. It is therefore plicable tests only at the end of the third cycle.
suggested in the ASTM standard that other prop- writers' Laboratories and is outlined in IEEE Std
101-1972. Assuming that these specimens do not show the
erties be tested since physical changes can occur end-of-life value, namely, 50% of original prop-
without much bacterial growth. Relative thermal index tests a r e based on an
aging program, from which the test performance erty retention, the test is to be repeated after every
The specimens can be tested for retention of third cycle until 50% retention is reached.
physical or electrical properties after being of the material at lower temperatures is predicted,
based on results at higher temperatures. A mini- When this 50% retention point is achieved, the
cleaned with a solution of mercuric chloride and groups of specimens that were placed in the oven
allowed to dry thoroughly. The resistance of a mum of 5000 h of thermal aging is necessary
before an RTI can be assigned. The final tempera- at delayed times are removed from the oven and
plastic to bacteria may be affected by natural tested. A performance analysis provides a more
weathering due to the reaction of the additives to ture ratings that result from these investigations
are critically dependent on the control material accurate determination of the time to 50% prop-
UV radiation, temperature, and moisture.
selected, specimen thickness, and type of prop- erty retention. It is important to note that at least
erty being evaluated. Test samples should be in a one additional data point should be obtained that
stressed position to ensure maximum deteriora- shows less than 50% of the initial property value
Thermal Degradation a n d tion. to confirm the end-of-life value.
Other Environmental Control Material. The RTI depends on the Reviewing End-of-Life Data. The five speci-
Degradation Processes comparison of the thermal aging characteristics mens tested per cycle are used to calculate an
of one material of proven field service history at average value of the particular property for the
a particular temperature level with those of an- test cycle and oven aging temperature. The aver-
Determination of Service other material with no field service history. age values are plotted on a graph in which the
Therefore, one of the most important steps in the X-axis represents time, in hours, and the Y-axis
Temperature program is to select a suitable control material represents the property value. The best-tiffing
Engineering plastics applications often involve that is as similar as possible to the new or candi- curve is drawn through the data, and the 50%
elevated-temperature exposure. Relying on the date material. The control material should al- property retention level is determined.
glass transition and melting temperatures (Tg and ready have been assigned an RTI as a result of the The test data can best be analyzed using a
Tin, respectively) of the plastic may not be suffi- same procedure. Any reformulation of a plastic computer. In this case, a second- or third-order
cient, because plastic degradation results from should require RTI requalification. Because only polynomial tit is attempted through the mean
the specific and combined effects of heat and a small quantity of plastic resin is used in its raw data. The best-fit plot then serves as a basis for
chemical reactants, such as oxygen and ozone. form, even small changes in the amount of flame calculating the 50% property retention level for

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Aging and Wealhering Testing / 449

44 1100 441 1100

3E ~ received 40, as received

900 _ E 36 900 -

£ £ ==
700 ,~ 261 700

c3 500 D
20 500 c'l c~ 20

12 300 12 3OO
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15
(a) Time, h (b) Time, h

44 100 44 1100

received ived

E 3E )00 _•- ~ 900 --

) E >

x~ °

~ 26 700 •
28 700 ~°~
o 3667 2422

c~ 20 500 ~ o 20 ..l 500

12 P300 12 ~300
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5
(e) Time, h /d) Time, h

Fig. 3 50% determination of 0.80 mm (1/32 in.) specimen aged at four temperatures. (a) 160 °C (320 °F). (b) 170 °C (340 °F). (c) 180 °C (355 °F). (d) 190 °C (375 °F)

that particular material property and oven tem- An adaptation of Eq 1 to represent insulation same graph. The time that corresponds to the
perature. life, y, which is assumed to be inversely propor- already assigned RTI for the control material is
Four such plots and computer analyses are re- tional to the chemical reaction rate, leads to: determined for that particular property and test
quired for each thickness, material, and property thickness. Usually, this time is approximately
tested. Figure 3 shows an example data set. After
completing each set of aging tests, the dielectric
'og,0,' f ,:'ogi.: onsot ) 20,000 to 100,000 h. This time then becomes the
correlation time and is used to determine the
strength test should be repeated at maximum and corresponding temperature on the lifeline for the
minimumoperatingtemperatures,plus 20 °C (35 °F). candidate material. Figure 5 shows an example of
Equation 2 has the algebraic form: RTI determination. Temperature ratings are as-
Determination of Lifeline. The use of the Ar-
rhenius equation to represent the dependence of signed in 5 °C (9 °F) increments up to 130 °C
Y = a + bX (Eq3) (265 °F), 10 °C (18 °F) increments up to 180 °C
the life of the material on temperature is assumed
as the functional basis for analyzing the life test (355 °F) (except for 155 °C, or 310 °F), and 20
data. The Arrhenius equation for a chemical reac- where Yis the logt0y, X equals 1/T, a is a constant, °C (35 °F) increments for greater than 180 °C
tion rate is given by: and b equals E/2.303R, another constant. The con- (355 °F).
stants a and b can be estimated by fitting the experi-
mental data in the form of logl0y (= Y) versus 1/Tto
( ~ 1) Eq 3. This can be done by graphing the data on
semi-log paper and visually fitting the best straight Thermal Degradation
line through the points. It can also be done more
where K is the specific reaction rate, E is the activa- precisely by using the method of least squares. Like many other intrinsic properties, the ther-
tion energy of the reaction, R is the gas constant, T Figure 4 shows an example of a lifeline. mal stability of polymers is a function of their
is the absolute temperature (in degrees Kelvin), and Determining the RTI. The lifelines of the con- structure (Ref 13) and that of any additives pres-
A is the frequency factor (assumed constant). trol and candidate materials are plotted on the ent. In the absence of an aggressive environment,

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450 / Testingof PolymericMaterials

Temperature, °F Thermal Oxidative

570 535 500 465 430 390 355 320 285 250 210 Degradation

Thermal degradation also occurs in an auto-
catalytic process, at lower temperatures, when
oxygen is present in the environment (Ref 15).
Thus, oxygen is absorbed at 100 °C (212 °F) by
the amorphous regions of polyethylene (PE). Re-
gions that are initially inaccessible to oxidation
become accessible as the tie chains break, but, as

/ a result of realignment of the dangling segments,
they again become inaccessible to oxygen. The
initial oxidation of saturated polymeric hydrocar-
bons produces hydroperoxides by the insertion of
oxygen atoms between the hydrogen and tertiary
carbon atoms. Hydroperoxides are also produced
1'8900 h
by the oxidation of the alpha hydrogen atoms,
that is, those next to the ethylenic double bonds
5655 h in Unsaturated polymeric hydrocarbons.
This oxidative degradation of polymers is cata-
23667 h lyzed by heavy metals, such as copper, which
undergo a reduction-oxidation reaction in the
h presence of oxygen. The rate of these degradation

reactions may be followed by measuring molecu-
lar weight through gel permeation chromatogra-
phy or viscometry, measuring oxygen uptake,
and monitoring the rate of formation of new
10: groups, such as carbonyl ( - - C = O) groups, using

/ Fourier lransform infrared (VI'IR) spectroscopy.


Because there have been many investigations
of the outdoor oxidative degradation of natural
rubber, considerable information is available on
the photooxidative degradation of polymers. Be-
loo 1 cause pure hydrocarbons absorb oxygen at wave-
300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 lengths below 290 nm, it is believed that contami-
Temperature,°C nants and adventitious photosensitizers, such as
those with carbonyl and hydroperoxide groups,
Fig. 4 Lifelineof material XYZ
are responsible for the photooxidative degrada-
tion of polymers such as HDPE at wavelengths of
300 to 400 nm. In any case, the initial step is
thermal degradation occurs at elevated tempera- mal degradation at relatively low temperatures electronic excitation to produce an excited mole-
tures. The initial step in thermal degradation is via unzipping. When heated at 270 °C (520 °F), cule that radiates excess energy before degrada-
the cleavage of the weakest bonds present in the polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) depolymer- tion. Fortunately, photooxidative degradation oc-
polymer. The critical bond is the aliphatic CH, izes, producing methyl methacrylate. Poly- curs predominantly on the polymer surface.
which permits a number of facile radical reac- oxymethylene (POM) also may be thermally de-
tions that lead to cross linking or chain degrada- polymerized to produce formaldehyde, but this
don. Their replacement (fluoropolymers or aro- degradation is prevented in commercial polymers
matic polymers) results in substantially improved by capping the terminal hydroxyl groups or by Environmental Corrosion
stability. producing a more stable copolymer of formalde- The atmosphere is polluted by man-made
The bond strength in polymers produced by hyde and ethylene oxide. smoke, industrial gases, and photochemical
step reactions, or condensation polymerization Hydrogen chloride is evolved when PVC is smog, as well as by the natural processes of
techniques, are usually stronger than those pro- heated and the polymeric residue is a dark-col- volcanic eruptions, dust storms, and forest fires.
duced by chain or addition polymerization tech- ored conjugated diene, that is, a molecule with The principal chemical pollutants are sulfur ox-
niques. Thermal resistance is enhanced by the alternate ethylenic groups ( - - CH = C H - - ides, which, when oxidized, usually form sulfur
presence of double-stranded ladder polymer CH = C H - - ) . Hydrogen cyanide is evolved trioxide or metallic sulfates. Nitrogen oxides, like
chains or heterocyclic rings, and by cross linking when PAN is heated, and the unsaturated product sulfur oxides, are present in smog, hydrocarbons,
(Ref 14). then forms black graphitelike rings. Cellulose and carbon monoxide. Industrial pollutants ac-
In the absence of stabilizers, polymers with low and starch also lose water when heated, and the count for about 25% of the sulfur oxides and less
ceiling temperatures, such as poly-(~-methyl- final product is carbon (char). In all instances, the than 10% of the nitrogen oxides in the atmos-
styrene, and polymers that can release small amorphous degradation processes are autocata- phere. The most significant source of air poUut-
molecules, such as PVC, polyacrylonitrile lytic; that is, the degradation products accelerate ants is the exhaust gas from the combustion of
(PAN), and polyisobutylene (PIB), undergo ther- the degradation reactions. gasoline.

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Aging and Wealhering Testing / 451

Temperature, oF Polyolefins, such as PE and PP, are slowly

570 535 500 465 430 390 355 320 285 250 210 attacked by oxidizing acids such as nitric acid,
10~ and by nonoxidizing acids in the presence of
oxidizing agents when carbonyl (C ~ O) and
sulfate (SO4) groups are present. These poly-
~~ / . ~ Z meric hydrocarbons are attacked by chromic acid
at room temperature (Ref 19). Polyethers, such as
POM, polyvinyl butyral, and acetals are readily
/ Correlation time, /
j 25OOOh hydrolyzed. All polyesters are hydrolyzable, but

// / Candidate
/_..__ the aromatic polyesters are more resistant to this
type of degradation than are the aliphatic polyes-


Degradation Detection


/ / Changes in color and texture, which may occur

with the chemical attack of polymers, may be
observed visually. These effects may be ampli-
fied by accelerated exposure conditions. Changes
in physical properties, such as hardness, and in
compressive strength and molecular weight may
also be monitored during exposure. In addition,
dynamic mechanical testing has been used to

show the rate of change in physical properties
103 when polymers are exposed to aggressive envi-
ronments (Ref 20). Several reviews on the evalu-
ation of such tests are available (Ref 21-23).
Environmental stress-cracking tests on bent,
notched specimens that record the time lapse be-
fore breakage are described by ASTM D 1693.

// Other readily observable tests have been devel-

oped on the bleeding of color, migration, and
volatility of plasticizers (ASTM D 1203), water

// vapor transmission (ASTM E 96), hardness, ten-
sile strength, flexural strength, compressive
strength, and impact resistance. A large number
of tests have also been described for measuring
300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 150 140 120 100 the durability of polymeric coatings (Ref 24).
Temperature, ° C Tests have also been described for measuring
the resistance of elastomers to liquid fuels (Ref
Fig. 5 Determination of RTL Control material rated at 150 °C (300 °F); assigned RTI for candidate material was 140 °C (285 25). The solvent resistance of acrylonitrile elas-
°F). Correlation time of 25,000 h corresponds to a 140 °C (285 °F) RTI for candidate material.
tomers is a function of the acrylonitrile content
(Ref 26). It is also recognized that a trace of
solvent can cause the mechanical failure of elas-
The damage by sulfur dioxide (SO2) may be tomers in hostile environments (Ref 27).
Chemical Corrosion While visual and physical tests are considered
readily observed in deteriorated paper and leather
goods. Sulfur dioxide also attacks coated metals In spite of the complexity of macromolecules, significant and continue to be used, instrumental
at the metal-polymer interface in a process called susceptibility to water-based chemicals is rela- and spectroscopic tests provide more information
filiform (thread-like) corrosion. tively simple and is comparable to that of small on changes in molecular microstructure as a re-
Nitroxy radicals (.NO2) abstract hydrogen at- molecules with similar structures, that is, model sult of exposure of polymers to aggressive envi-
oms from saturated polymers, such as HDPE, to compounds. Nobel laureate Flory showed that the ronments (Ref 28).
produce a macroradical (electron-deficient poly- rate of reaction of groups in polymers is inde- Sensitive pressure transducers have been used
mer) and nitrous acid (HNO2). Nitroxy radicals pendent of the size of the molecule, and thus the to measure oxygen absorption of polymers (Ref
also attack unsaturated polymers at a rate that is kinetics for reactions with readily available sites 29). Most of these tests are nondestructive, but a
accelerated in the presence of UV radiation (Ref are similar to those for the model compounds small, representative sample must be used when
16). (Ref 17). pyrolytic gas chromatographic procedures are
The atomic oxygen molecule (O) present in Because these reactions are diffusion control- used (Ref 30).
smog attacks polymers with tertiary hydrogen led, they occur more rapidly in amorphous than UV-visible spectroscopy has been used and
atoms, such as polypropylene (PP), as well as in crystalline regions. In general, fluorinated and amplified by derivatization, such as the formation
other po!~mers, such as POM (acetal). Singlet chlorinated polymers and polymeric hydrocar- of hydrazones (Ref 31). Chemiluminescence,
oxygen ( 0 2 ) reacts with unsaturated polymers, bons, like their low molecular weight counter- such as excimer fluorescence, has been used to
such as rubber, to produce hydroperoxy groups. parts, have good resistance to chemical degrada- monitor the degradation of polymers (Ref 32).
Ozone (03) forms ozonides with rubber. These tion. However, polyesters, polyamides, and FTIR spectroscopy has been used to detect
ozonides are inflexible, and hence cracking oc- polyacetals are readily hydrolyzed to produce changes in structure during polymer exposure to
curs when they are stretched. derivatives of these reactants (Ref 18). hostile environments. The difficulties associated

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452 / Testing of Polymeric Materials

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The x-ray photoelectron analysis (ESCA) tech- 11. "Standard Practice for Determining Resistance 38. D.J. Clark, A. Dilks, and H.R. Thomas, Dev.
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• L.C. Delre and R.W. Miller, Characterization
Effects of Hostile Environments on Coatings erated Lightfastness and Weathering Tests,"
of Weather Aging and Radiation Susceptibility,
and Plastics, D.P. Garner and G.A. Stahl, Ed., Bulletin 1300B, Atlas Electric Devices Com-
p 575-580
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