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Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

Odontogenic cysts and tumors constitute an important it has been suggested that, on occasion, a dentigerous cyst
aspect of oral and maxillofacial pathology. Odontogenic may develop around the crown of an unerupted permanent
cysts are encountered relatively commonly in dental prac- tooth as a result of periapical inflammation from an overly-
tice. Odontogenic tumors, by contrast, are uncommon ing primary tooth. Another scenario involves a partially
lesions. Even in the specialized oral and maxillofacial pathol- erupted mandibular third molar that develops an inflamed
ogy laboratory, less than 1% of all specimens received are cystlike lesion along the distal or buccal aspect. Although
odontogenic tumors. many such lesions probably are due to inflammation associ-
ated with recurrent pericoronitis, these lesions are usually
ODONTOGENIC CYSTS diagnosed as examples of dentigerous cyst, especially because
it is impossible to determine histopathologically whether
With rare exceptions, epithelium-lined cysts in bone are the inflammatory component is primary or secondary in
seen only in the jaws. Other than a few cysts that may result nature. The term paradental cyst sometimes has been
from the inclusion of epithelium along embryonic lines of applied to these lesions, but the use of this term in the
fusion, most jaw cysts are lined by epithelium that is derived literature is confusing because it also has been used to
from odontogenic epithelium. These are referred to as describe examples of what is known as the buccal bifurcation
odontogenic cysts. (Nonodontogenic jaw cysts are dis- cyst (see page 650).
cussed in Chapter 1.)
Odontogenic cysts are subclassified as developmental or Clinical and Radiographic Features
inflammatory in origin. The inciting factors that initiate the
formation of developmental cysts are unknown, but these Although dentigerous cysts may occur in association with
lesions do not appear to be the result of an inflammatory any unerupted tooth, most often they involve mandibular
reaction. Inflammatory cysts are the result of inflamma- third molars, accounting for approximately 65% of all cases.
tion. Box 15-1 presents categories of odontogenic cysts Other relatively frequent sites include maxillary canines,
modified from the 2005 World Health Organization maxillary third molars, and mandibular second premolars.
(WHO) classification. (The periapical cyst is discussed in Dentigerous cysts rarely involve unerupted deciduous teeth.
Chapter 3.) Occasionally, they are associated with supernumerary teeth
or odontomas. Multiple dentigerous cysts have been
reported, although this is an infrequent finding.
◆ DENTIGEROUS CYST Although dentigerous cysts may be encountered in
(FOLLICULAR CYST) patients across a wide age range, they are discovered most
frequently in patients between 10 and 30 years of age. There
The dentigerous cyst is defined as a cyst that originates by is a slight male predilection, and the prevalence is higher
the separation of the follicle from around the crown of an for whites than for blacks. Small dentigerous cysts are
unerupted tooth. This is the most common type of devel- usually completely asymptomatic and are discovered only
opmental odontogenic cyst, making up about 20% of all on a routine radiographic examination or when films are
epithelium-lined cysts of the jaws. The dentigerous cyst taken to determine the reason for the failure of a tooth to
encloses the crown of an unerupted tooth and is attached erupt. Dentigerous cysts can grow to a considerable size,
to the tooth at the cementoenamel junction (Fig. 15-1). The and large cysts may be associated with a painless expansion
pathogenesis of this cyst is uncertain, but apparently it of the bone in the involved area. Extensive lesions may
develops by accumulation of fluid between the reduced result in facial asymmetry. Large dentigerous cysts are
enamel epithelium and the tooth crown. uncommon, and most lesions that are considered to be large
Although most dentigerous cysts are considered to be dentigerous cysts on radiographic examination prove to be
developmental in origin, there are some examples that odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) or ameloblastomas. Den-
appear to have an inflammatory pathogenesis. For example, tigerous cysts may become infected and be associated with

CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 633

• BOX 15-1 Classification of Odontogenic Cysts

• Dentigerous cyst
• Eruption cyst
• Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC)*
• Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst
• Gingival (alveolar) cyst of the newborn
• Gingival cyst of the adult
• Lateral periodontal cyst
• Calcifying odontogenic cyst†
• Glandular odontogenic cyst

• Periapical (radicular) cyst
• Residual periapical (radicular) cyst
• Fig. 15-2  Dentigerous Cyst. Central type showing the crown
• Buccal bifurcation cyst
projecting into the cystic cavity. (Courtesy of Dr. Stephen E. Irwin.)
*Although the OKC is included with the odontogenic tumors in the 2005 World
Health Organization (WHO) classification (“keratocystic odontogenic tumor”),
the authors still favor including it in the odontogenic cyst category.

Although the calcifying odontogenic cyst is included with odontogenic tumors
in the 2005 WHO classification (“calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor”), it is
discussed with the odontogenic cysts in this chapter.

• Fig. 15-3  Dentigerous Cyst. Lateral variety showing a large cyst

along the mesial root of the unerupted molar. This cyst exhibited
mucous cell prosoplasia. (Courtesy of Dr. John R. Cramer.)

third molars that are partially erupted. The cyst grows later-
ally along the root surface and partially surrounds the crown
• Fig. 15-1  Dentigerous Cyst. Gross specimen of a dentigerous (Fig. 15-3). In the circumferential variant, the cyst sur-
cyst involving a maxillary canine tooth. The cyst has been cut open to rounds the crown and extends for some distance along the
show the cyst-to-crown relationship. root so that a significant portion of the root appears to lie
within the cyst (Fig. 15-4). Rarely, a third molar may be
displaced to the lower border of the mandible or higher up
pain and swelling. Such infections may arise in a dentiger- into the ascending ramus. Maxillary anterior teeth may be
ous cyst that is associated with a partially erupted tooth or displaced into the floor of the nose, and other maxillary
by extension from a periapical or periodontal lesion that teeth may be moved through the maxillary sinus to the floor
affects an adjacent tooth. of the orbit. Dentigerous cysts may displace the involved
Radiographically, the dentigerous cyst typically shows a tooth for a considerable distance. Root resorption of adja-
unilocular radiolucent area that is associated with the crown cent erupted teeth can occur.
of an unerupted tooth. The radiolucency usually has a well- Radiographic distinction between a small dentigerous
defined and often corticated border, but an infected cyst cyst and an enlarged follicle about the crown of an
may show ill-defined borders. A large dentigerous cyst may unerupted tooth is difficult and may be largely an aca-
give the impression of a multilocular process because of the demic exercise (Fig. 15-5). For the lesion to be considered
persistence of bone trabeculae within the radiolucency. The a dentigerous cyst, some investigators believe that the
cyst-to-crown relationship shows several radiographic varia- radiolucent space surrounding the tooth crown should
tions. In the central variety, which is the most common, be at least 3 to 4  mm in diameter. Radiographic find-
the cyst surrounds the crown of the tooth and the crown ings are not diagnostic for a dentigerous cyst, however,
projects into the cyst (Fig. 15-2). The lateral variety is because OKCs, unilocular ameloblastomas, and many
usually associated with mesioangular impacted mandibular other odontogenic and nonodontogenic tumors may have
634 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

• Fig. 15-4  Dentigerous Cyst. Circumferential variety showing cyst • Fig. 15-6  Dentigerous Cyst. This noninflamed dentigerous cyst
extension along the mesial and distal roots of the unerupted tooth. shows a thin, nonkeratinized epithelial lining.
(Courtesy of Dr. Richard Marks.)

• Fig. 15-5  Dentigerous Cyst or Enlarged Follicle. Radiolucent • Fig. 15-7  Dentigerous Cyst. This inflamed dentigerous cyst
lesion involving the crown of an unerupted mandibular premolar. Dis- shows a thicker epithelial lining with hyperplastic rete ridges. The
tinction between a dentigerous cyst and an enlarged follicle for a lesion fibrous cyst capsule shows a diffuse chronic inflammatory infiltrate.
of this size by radiographic and even histopathologic means is difficult,
if not impossible. (Courtesy of Dr. Wally Austelle.)
of rete ridges and more definite squamous features (Fig.
15-7). A keratinized surface is sometimes seen, but these
radiographic features that are essentially identical to those changes must be differentiated from those observed in the
of a dentigerous cyst. OKC. Focal areas of mucous cells may be found in the
epithelial lining of dentigerous cysts (Fig. 15-8). Rarely,
Histopathologic Features ciliated columnar cells are present. Small nests of sebaceous
cells rarely may be noted within the fibrous cyst wall. These
The histopathologic features of dentigerous cysts vary, mucous, ciliated, and sebaceous elements are believed to
depending on whether the cyst is inflamed or not inflamed. represent the multipotentiality of the odontogenic epithelial
In the noninflamed dentigerous cyst, the fibrous connec- lining in a dentigerous cyst.
tive tissue wall is loosely arranged and contains considerable Gross examination of the wall of a dentigerous cyst may
glycosaminoglycan ground substance. Small islands or cords reveal one or several areas of nodular thickening on the
of inactive-appearing odontogenic epithelial rests may be luminal surface. These areas must be examined microscopi-
present in the fibrous wall. Occasionally these rests may be cally to rule out the presence of early neoplastic change.
numerous, and at times pathologists who are not familiar Because a thin layer of reduced enamel epithelium nor-
with oral lesions have misinterpreted this finding as amelo- mally lines the dental follicle surrounding the crown of an
blastoma. The epithelial lining consists of two to four layers unerupted tooth, it can be difficult to distinguish a small
of flattened nonkeratinizing cells, and the epithelium and dentigerous cyst from simply a normal or enlarged dental
connective tissue interface is flat (Fig. 15-6). follicle based on microscopic features alone. Again, this
In the fairly common inflamed dentigerous cyst, the distinction often represents largely an academic exercise; the
fibrous wall is more collagenized, with a variable infiltration most important consideration is ensuring that the lesion
of chronic inflammatory cells. The epithelial lining may does not represent a more significant pathologic process
show varying amounts of hyperplasia with the development (e.g., OKC or ameloblastoma).
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 635

• Fig. 15-8  Dentigerous Cyst. Scattered mucous cells can be seen • Fig. 15-9  Eruption Cyst. This soft gingival swelling contains
within the epithelial lining. considerable blood and can also be designated as an eruption

Treatment and Prognosis

The usual treatment for a dentigerous cyst is careful enucle-
ation of the cyst together with removal of the unerupted
tooth. If eruption of the involved tooth is considered fea-
sible, then the tooth may be left in place after partial removal
of the cyst wall. Patients may need orthodontic treatment
to assist eruption. Large dentigerous cysts also may be
treated by marsupialization. This permits decompression of
the cyst, with a resulting reduction in the size of the bone
defect. The cyst can then be excised at a later date, with a
less extensive surgical procedure.
The prognosis for most dentigerous cysts is excellent, and
recurrence seldom is noted after complete removal of the
cyst. However, several potential complications must be con-
sidered. Much has been written about the possibility that • Fig. 15-10  Eruption Cyst. A cystic epithelial cavity can be seen
below the mucosal surface.
the lining of a dentigerous cyst might undergo neoplastic
transformation to an ameloblastoma. Although undoubt-
edly this can occur, the frequency of such neoplastic trans- associated with the deciduous mandibular central incisors,
formation is low. Rarely, a squamous cell carcinoma may the first permanent molars, and the deciduous maxillary
arise in the lining of a dentigerous cyst (see page 651). It is incisors. Surface trauma may result in a considerable amount
likely that some intraosseous mucoepidermoid carcino- of blood in the cystic fluid, which imparts a blue to purple-
mas (see page 457) develop from mucous cells in the lining brown color. Such lesions sometimes are referred to as erup-
of a dentigerous cyst. tion hematomas (Fig. 15-9).

Histopathologic Features
(ERUPTION HEMATOMA) Intact eruption cysts seldom are submitted to the oral and
maxillofacial pathology laboratory, and most examples
The eruption cyst is the soft tissue analogue of the dentiger- consist of the excised roof of the cyst, which has been
ous cyst. The cyst develops as a result of separation of the removed to facilitate tooth eruption. These show surface
dental follicle from around the crown of an erupting tooth oral epithelium on the superior aspect. The underlying
that is within the soft tissues overlying the alveolar bone. lamina propria shows a variable inflammatory cell infiltrate.
The deep portion of the specimen, which represents the roof
Clinical Features of the cyst, shows a thin layer of nonkeratinizing squamous
epithelium (Fig. 15-10).
The eruption cyst appears as a soft, often translucent swell-
ing in the gingival mucosa overlying the crown of an erupt- Treatment and Prognosis
ing deciduous or permanent tooth. Most examples are seen
in children younger than age 10. Although the cyst may Treatment may not be required because the cyst usually
occur with any erupting tooth, the lesion is most commonly ruptures spontaneously, permitting the tooth to erupt. If
636 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

this does not occur, then simple excision of the roof of the features and clinical behavior. There is general agreement
cyst generally permits speedy eruption of the tooth. that the OKC arises from cell rests of the dental lamina.
This cyst shows a different growth mechanism and bio-
◆ PRIMORDIAL CYST logic behavior from the more common dentigerous cyst
and radicular cyst. Most authors believe that dentigerous
The concept and meaning of the term primordial cyst and radicular cysts continue to enlarge as a result of
often have been controversial and confusing. In the older increased osmotic pressure within the lumen of the cyst.
classification of cysts used in the United States, the primor- This mechanism does not appear to hold true for OKCs,
dial cyst was considered to originate from cystic degenera- and their growth may be related to genetic factors inher-
tion of the enamel organ epithelium before the development ent in the epithelium itself or enzymatic activity in the
of dental hard tissue. Therefore, the primordial cyst would fibrous wall.
occur in place of a tooth. Several investigators have suggested that the OKC be
In the mid-1950s, oral and maxillofacial pathologists in regarded as a benign cystic neoplasm rather than a cyst, and
Europe introduced the term odontogenic keratocyst in the latest WHO monograph on head and neck tumors,
(OKC) to denote a cyst with specific histopathologic fea- this lesion has been given the name keratocystic odonto-
tures and clinical behavior, which was believed to arise from genic tumor (KCOT). The arguments to support this
the dental lamina (i.e., the dental primordium). Subse- change in nomenclature largely rely on studies that have
quently, this concept was widely accepted, and the terms shown certain molecular genetic alterations that are also
odontogenic keratocyst and primordial cyst were used synony- present in some neoplasms. When compared to other odon-
mously. The 1972 WHO classification used the designation togenic cysts, the OKC shows significantly greater expres-
primordial cyst as the preferred term for this lesion. The sion of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and
1992 WHO classification, however, listed odontogenic kera- Ki-67, especially in the suprabasilar layer. Almost 30% of
tocyst as the preferred designation. sporadic OKCs and over 85% of OKCs associated with the
Almost all examples of so-called primordial cysts (i.e., a nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome show mutations of
cyst that develops in the place of a tooth) microscopically PTCH1, an important molecule in the Hedgehog signalling
will be OKCs (Fig. 15-11). Whether there could be such a pathway. Also, genetic analyses have demonstrated loss of
radiographic presentation that is not microscopically an heterozygosity for various other tumor suppressor genes
OKC is still unsettled. If such a lesion exists, then it must (p16, p53, MCC, TSLC1, LATS2, and FHIT) in many
be exceedingly rare. OKCs.
Whether such molecular findings warrant reclassification
of the OKC as a neoplasm (KCOT) remains a hotly debated
◆ ODONTOGENIC KERATOCYST topic in oral pathology circles. The authors currently favor
(KERATOCYSTIC ODONTOGENIC TUMOR) retaining “odontogenic keratocyst” as the primary term for
this lesion, although both terms will be found in the litera-
The odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is a distinctive form ture and should be considered synonymous. Regardless of
of developmental odontogenic cyst that deserves special which term is preferred, these lesions are significant for
consideration because of its specific histopathologic three reasons:
1. Greater growth potential than most other odontogenic
2. Higher recurrence rate
3. Possible association with the nevoid basal cell carcinoma
Although there are wide variations in the reported fre-
quency of OKCs compared with that of other types of
odontogenic cysts, most studies indicate that OKCs make
up 3% to 11% of all odontogenic cysts.

Clinical and Radiographic Features

OKCs may be found in patients who range in age from
infancy to old age, but about 60% of all cases are diagnosed
in people between 10 and 40 years of age. There is a slight
male predilection. The mandible is involved in 60% to 80%
of cases, with a marked tendency to involve the posterior
• Fig. 15-11  Primordial Cyst. This patient gave no history of extrac-
tion of the third molar. A cyst is located in the third molar area. The
body and ramus (Fig. 15-12).
cyst was excised, and histopathologic examination revealed an odon- Small OKCs are usually asymptomatic and discovered
togenic keratocyst (OKC). only during the course of a radiographic examination.
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 637

20% 2% 13%

49% 7% 9%

• Fig. 15-12  Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC). Relative distribution • Fig. 15-14  Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC). This cyst involves
the crown of an unerupted premolar. Radiographically, this lesion
of OKCs in the jaws.
cannot be differentiated from a dentigerous cyst.

• Fig. 15-13  Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC). Large, multilocular

cyst involving most of the ascending ramus. (Courtesy of Dr. S.C.

Larger OKCs may be associated with pain, swelling, or

drainage. Some extremely large cysts, however, may cause
no symptoms.
OKCs tend to grow in an anteroposterior direction • Fig. 15-15  Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC). Computed tomog-
within the medullary cavity of the bone without causing raphy (CT) scan showing a large cyst involving the crown of an
unerupted maxillary third molar. The cyst largely fills the maxillary sinus.
obvious bone expansion. This feature may be useful in dif- (Courtesy of Dr. E.B. Bass.)
ferential clinical and radiographic diagnosis because dentig-
erous and radicular cysts of comparable size are usually
associated with bony expansion. Multiple OKCs may be OKCs is less common than that noted with dentigerous and
present, and such patients should be evaluated for other radicular cysts.
manifestations of the nevoid basal cell carcinoma (Gorlin) The diagnosis of OKC is based on the histopathologic
syndrome (see page 640). features. The radiographic findings, although often highly
OKCs demonstrate a well-defined radiolucent area with suggestive, are not diagnostic. The radiographic findings in
smooth and often corticated margins. Large lesions, par- an OKC may simulate those of a dentigerous cyst, a radicu-
ticularly in the posterior body and ramus of the mandible, lar cyst, a residual cyst, a lateral periodontal cyst (Fig.
may appear multilocular (Fig. 15-13). An unerupted tooth 15-16), or the so-called globulomaxillary cyst (which is no
is involved in the lesion in 25% to 40% of cases; in such longer considered to be a true entity). OKCs of the anterior
instances, the radiographic features suggest the diagnosis of midline maxillary region can mimic nasopalatine duct cysts.
dentigerous cyst (Figs. 15-14 and 15-15). In these cases, the For unknown reasons, this particular subset of keratocyst
cyst has presumably arisen from dental lamina rests near an usually occurs in older individuals with a mean age of nearly
unerupted tooth and has grown to envelop the unerupted 70 years. Rare examples of peripheral OKCs within the
tooth. Resorption of the roots of erupted teeth adjacent to gingival soft tissues have been reported.
638 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

• Fig. 15-17  Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC). The epithelial lining

is 6 to 8 cells thick, with a hyperchromatic and palisaded basal cell
layer. Note the corrugated parakeratotic surface.

• Fig. 15-16  Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC). This cyst cannot be

radiographically differentiated from a lateral periodontal cyst. (Courtesy
of Dr. Keith Lemmerman.)

Histopathologic Features
The OKC typically shows a thin, friable wall, which is
often difficult to enucleate from the bone in one piece.
The cystic lumen may contain a clear liquid that is similar
to a transudate of serum, or it may be filled with a cheesy
material that, on microscopic examination, consists of • Fig. 15-18  Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC). The characteristic
keratinaceous debris. Microscopically, the thin fibrous wall microscopic features have been lost in the central area of this portion
is usually devoid of significant inflammation. The epithelial of the cystic lining because of the heavy chronic inflammatory cell
lining is composed of a uniform layer of stratified squa-
mous epithelium, usually six to eight cells in thickness.
The epithelium and connective tissue interface is usually OKC cannot be confirmed unless other sections show the
flat, and rete ridge formation is inconspicuous. Detachment typical features described earlier.
of portions of the cyst-lining epithelium from the fibrous In the past, some investigators recognized a purely ortho-
wall is commonly observed. The luminal surface shows keratotic variant of the OKC. However, these cysts do not
flattened parakeratotic epithelial cells, which exhibit a wavy demonstrate a hyperchromatic and palisaded basal cell layer,
or corrugated appearance (Fig. 15-17). On occasion, iso- which is so characteristic of true OKCs. In addition, the
lated foci of orthokeratin production may be found in clinical behavior of these orthokeratinized cysts differs
addition to the parakeratin. The basal epithelial layer is markedly from that of the typical parakeratinized cysts
composed of a palisaded layer of cuboidal or columnar described in this section. The authors believe that it is more
epithelial cells, which are often hyperchromatic. Small logical to discuss these orthokeratinizing cysts separately
satellite cysts, cords, or islands of odontogenic epithelium (see following section).
may be seen within the fibrous wall. These structures have
been present in 7% to 26% of cases in various reported Treatment and Prognosis
series. In rare instances, cartilage has been observed in the
wall of an OKC. Although the presence of an OKC may be suspected on
In the presence of inflammatory changes, the typical clinical or radiographic grounds, histopathologic confirma-
features of the OKC may be altered. The parakeratinized tion is required for the diagnosis. Consequently, most
luminal surface may disappear, and the epithelium may OKCs are treated similarly to other odontogenic cysts—i.e.,
proliferate to form rete ridges with the loss of the charac- by enucleation and curettage. Complete removal of the cyst
teristic palisaded basal layer (Fig. 15-18). When these in one piece is often difficult because of the thin, friable
changes involve most of the cyst lining, the diagnosis of nature of the cyst wall. In contrast to other odontogenic
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 639

cysts, OKCs often tend to recur after treatment. Whether

this is due to fragments of the original cyst that were not
removed at the time of the operation or a “new” cyst that
has developed from dental lamina rests in the general area
of the original cyst cannot be determined with certainty.
The reported frequency of recurrence in various studies
ranges from 5% to 62%. This wide variation may be related
to the total number of cases studied, the length of follow-up
periods, and the inclusion or exclusion of orthokeratinized
cysts in the study group. Several reports that include large
numbers of cases indicate a recurrence rate of approximately
30%. Recurrence is encountered more often in mandibular
OKCs, particularly those in the posterior body and ramus. A
Multiple recurrences are not unusual. Although many
OKCs recur within 5 years of the original surgery, a signifi-
cant number of recurrences may not be manifested until 10
or more years after the original surgical procedure. Long-
term clinical and radiographic follow-up, therefore, is
Many surgeons recommend peripheral ostectomy of the
bony cavity with a bone bur to reduce the frequency of
recurrence. Others advocate chemical cauterization of the
bony cavity with Carnoy’s solution after cyst removal
(although use of Carnoy’s solution may not be permitted
by some hospitals). Intraluminal injection of Carnoy’s solu-
tion also has been used to free the cyst from the bony B
wall, thereby allowing easier removal with a lower recur-
rence rate. After cystotomy and incisional biopsy, some • Fig. 15-19  Decompression of an Odontogenic Keratocyst
(OKC). A, Large unilocular radiolucency associated with the right
surgeons have treated large OKCs by insertion of a poly- mandibular third molar. B, Six months after insertion of a polyethylene
ethylene drainage tube to allow decompression and sub- drainage tube to allow decompression, the cyst has shrunk and the
sequent reduction in size of the cystic cavity (Fig. 15-19). third molar has migrated downward and forward. (Courtesy of Dr. Tom
Such decompression treatment results in thickening of the Szakal.)
cyst lining, allowing easier removal with an apparently
lower recurrence rate. odontogenic keratocyst, it is generally accepted that they are
Other than the tendency for recurrences, the overall clinicopathologically different from the more common
prognosis for most OKCs is good. Occasionally, a locally parakeratinized odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) and should
aggressive OKC cannot be controlled without local resec- be placed into a different category. Orthokeratinized odon-
tion and bone grafting. In extremely rare instances, kerato- togenic cysts represent 7% to 17% of all keratinizing jaw
cysts have been seen to extend up into the skull base region. cysts.
A few examples of carcinoma arising in an OKC have been
reported, but the propensity for an OKC to undergo malig- Clinical and Radiographic Features
nant alteration is no greater and is possibly less than that
for other types of odontogenic cysts. Patients with OKCs Orthokeratinized odontogenic cysts occur predominantly
should be evaluated for manifestations of the nevoid basal in young adults and show over a 2 : 1 male-to-female ratio.
cell carcinoma syndrome (see page 640), particularly if the The lesion occurs more frequently in the mandible than the
patient is in the first or second decade of life or if multiple maxilla (3 : 1 ratio), with a tendency to involve the posterior
keratocysts are identified. areas of the jaws. They have no clinical or radiographic
features that differentiate them from other inflammatory or
developmental odontogenic cysts. The lesion usually appears
◆ORTHOKERATINIZED as a unilocular radiolucency, but occasional examples have
ODONTOGENIC CYST been multilocular. About two-thirds of orthokeratinized
odontogenic cysts are encountered in a lesion that appears
The designation orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst does clinically and radiographically to represent a dentigerous
not denote a specific clinical type of odontogenic cyst but cyst; they most often involve an unerupted mandibular
refers only to an odontogenic cyst that microscopically has third molar tooth (Figs. 15-20 and 15-21). The size can vary
an orthokeratinized epithelial lining. Although such lesions from less than 1 cm to large lesions greater than 7 cm in
were originally called the orthokeratinized variant of diameter.
640 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

• Fig. 15-20  Orthokeratinized Odontogenic Cyst. Small unilocu- • Fig. 15-22  Orthokeratinized Odontogenic Cyst. Microscopic
lar radiolucency associated with the impacted mandibular left third features showing a thin epithelial lining. The basal epithelial layer does
molar. (Courtesy of Dr. Tom McDonald.) not demonstrate palisading. Keratohyaline granules are present, and
a thick layer of orthokeratin is seen on the luminal surface.


Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (Gorlin syn-
drome) is an autosomal dominant inherited condition that
exhibits high penetrance and variable expressivity. The syn-
drome is caused by mutations in patched (PTCH), a tumor
suppressor gene that has been mapped to chromosome
9q22.3-q31. Approximately 35% to 50% of affected
patients represent new mutations. One of the most common
clinical features is development of OKCs, which can lead
to early diagnosis. The prevalence of Gorlin syndrome is
estimated to be anywhere from 1 in 19,000 to 1 in 256,000,
depending on the population studied.
• Fig. 15-21  Orthokeratinized Odontogenic Cyst. A large cyst
involving a horizontally impacted lower third molar. (Courtesy of 
Dr. Carroll Gallagher.) Clinical and Radiographic Features
There is great variability in the expressivity of nevoid basal
Histopathologic Features cell carcinoma syndrome, and no single component is
present in all patients. The most common and significant
The cyst lining is composed of stratified squamous epithe- features are summarized in Box 15-2. The patient often has
lium, which shows an orthokeratotic surface of varying a characteristic facies, with frontal and temporoparietal
thickness. Keratohyaline granules may be prominent in the bossing, which results in an increased cranial circumference
superficial epithelial layer subjacent to the orthokeratin. The (more than 60 cm in adults). The eyes may appear widely
epithelial lining may be relatively thin, and a prominent separated, and many patients have true mild ocular hyper-
palisaded basal layer, characteristic of the OKC, is not telorism. Mild mandibular prognathism is also commonly
present (Fig. 15-22). present (Fig. 15-23).
Basal cell carcinomas of the skin are a major component
Treatment and Prognosis of the syndrome. These tumors usually begin to appear at
puberty or in the second and third decades of life, although
Enucleation with curettage is the usual treatment for ortho- they can develop in young children. The lesions may vary
keratinized odontogenic cysts. Recurrence has rarely been from flesh-colored papules to ulcerating plaques. They often
noted, and the reported frequency is around 2%, which is appear on skin that is not exposed to sunlight, but they are
in marked contrast with the 30% or higher recurrence rate most commonly located in the midface area (Fig. 15-24).
associated with OKCs. It has been suggested that cysts with The number of skin tumors may vary from only a few to
an orthokeratinized surface may be at slightly greater risk many hundreds. Blacks with the syndrome tend to develop
for malignant transformation, but evidence for this is scant. basal cell carcinomas less frequently than whites (40%
Orthokeratinized odontogenic cysts typically are not associ- versus 90%), and they have fewer of these lesions, probably
ated with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. because of protective skin pigmentation.
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 641

• BOX 15-2 Major Clinical Features of the Nevoid

Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome
50% or Greater Frequency
• Multiple basal cell carcinomas
• Odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs)
• Epidermal cysts of the skin
• Palmar/plantar pits
• Calcified falx cerebri
• Enlarged head circumference
• Rib anomalies (splayed, fused, partially missing, and/or bifid)
• Mild ocular hypertelorism
• Spina bifida occulta of cervical or thoracic vertebrae

15% to 49% Frequency

• Calcified ovarian fibromas
• Short fourth metacarpals
• Kyphoscoliosis or other vertebral anomalies
• Pectus excavatum or carinatum
• Strabismus (exotropia)

Less than 15% Frequency (but Not Random)

• Medulloblastoma
• Meningioma
• Lymphomesenteric cysts
• Cardiac fibroma
• Fetal rhabdomyoma
• Marfanoid build
• Cleft lip and/or palate • Fig. 15-23  Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome. This
• Hypogonadism in males 11-year-old girl shows hypertelorism and mandibular swelling. (Cour-
• Intellectual disability tesy of Dr. Richard DeChamplain.)
From Gorlin RJ: Nevoid basal-cell carcinoma syndrome, Medicine 66:98-113,

Palmar and plantar pits are present in about 65% to 85%

of patients (Fig. 15-25). These punctate lesions represent a
localized impairment of the maturation of basal epithelial
cells, resulting in a focally depressed area as the result of a
markedly thinned keratin layer. Basal cell carcinomas rarely
may develop at the base of the pits.
Ovarian cysts and fibromas have been reported in 25%
to 50% of women with this syndrome. A number of other
tumors also have been reported to occur with lesser fre-
quency. These include medulloblastoma within the first 2
years of life, meningioma, cardiac fibroma, and fetal
rhabdomyoma. • Fig. 15-24  Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome. An ulcer-
Skeletal anomalies are present in 60% to 75% of patients ating basal cell carcinoma is present on the upper face.
with this syndrome. The most common anomaly is a bifid
rib or splayed ribs (Fig. 15-26). This anomaly may involve
several ribs and may be bilateral. Kyphoscoliosis has been are OKCs, although there are some differences between the
observed in about 30% to 40% of patients, and a number cysts in patients with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
of other anomalies, such as spina bifida occulta and short- and in those with isolated OKCs. The cysts are frequently
ened metacarpals, seem to occur with unusual frequency. A multiple; some patients have had as many as ten separate
distinctive lamellar calcification of the falx cerebri, noted on cysts. The patient’s age when the first OKC is removed is
an anteroposterior skull radiograph or computed tomogra- significantly younger in those affected by this syndrome
phy (CT) image, is a common finding and is present in than in those with isolated OKCs. For most patients with
most affected patients (Fig. 15-27). this syndrome, their first OKC is removed before age 19.
Jaw cysts are one of the most constant features of the About one-third of patients with nevoid basal cell carci-
syndrome and are present in 90% of the patients. The cysts noma syndrome have only a solitary cyst at the time of the
642 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

• Fig. 15-25  Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome. Plantar


• Fig. 15-27  Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome. Antero-

posterior skull film showing calcification of the falx cerebri. (Courtesy
of Dr. Ramesh Narang.)

odontogenic epithelial rests within the fibrous capsule

than do isolated keratocysts (Fig. 15-29). Foci of calci-
fication also appear to be more common. These features,
however, are not diagnostic for nevoid basal cell carcinoma
syndrome because they may be seen in isolated kerato-
cysts. OKCs associated with this syndrome have been
shown to demonstrate overexpression of p53 and cyclin
D1 (bcl-1) oncoproteins when compared with nonsyn-
drome keratocysts.
The basal cell tumors of the skin cannot be distinguished
from ordinary basal cell carcinomas. They exhibit a wide
spectrum of histopathologic findings, from superficial
• Fig. 15-26  Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome. Chest film basal cell lesions to aggressive, noduloulcerative basal cell
showing presence of bifid ribs (arrows). carcinomas.

Treatment and Prognosis

initial presentation, but in most cases additional cysts will
develop over periods ranging from 1 to 20 years. Most of the anomalies in nevoid basal cell carcinoma syn-
Radiographically, the cysts in patients with nevoid basal drome are minor and usually not life threatening. The
cell carcinoma syndrome do not differ significantly from prognosis generally depends on the behavior of the skin
isolated OKCs. The cysts in patients with this syndrome are tumors. In a few cases, aggressive basal cell carcinomas
often associated with the crowns of unerupted teeth; on have caused the death of the patient as a result of tumor
radiographs they may mimic dentigerous cysts (Fig. 15-28). invasion of the brain or other vital structures (Figs. 15-30
Diagnostic criteria for the nevoid basal cell carcinoma and 15-31). Because the development of the basal cell
syndrome are provided in Box 15-3. carcinomas seems to be triggered by ultraviolet (UV) light
exposure, patients should take appropriate precautions to
Histopathologic Features avoid sunlight. For the same reason, radiation therapy
should be avoided if at all possible. The jaw cysts are
The cysts in the nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome treated in the same manner as isolated OKCs, but in many
histopathologically are invariably OKCs. The keratocysts patients additional cysts will continue to develop. Varying
in patients with this syndrome tend to have more sat­ degrees of jaw deformity may result from the operations
ellite cysts, solid islands of epithelial proliferation, and for multiple cysts. Infection of the cysts in patients with
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 643

• BOX 15-3 Diagnostic Criteria for the Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome
A diagnosis can be made if the patient has: Minor Criteria
1. Two major criteria 1. Macrocephaly
2. One major and two minor criteria 2. Congenital malformation: Cleft lip or palate, frontal bossing,
3. One major criterion and genetic confirmation coarse facial features, and/or hypertelorism
3. Preaxial or postaxial polydactyly
Major Criteria 4. Rib or vertebral abnormalities: bifid, splayed, or extra ribs;
1. Five or more basal cell carcinomas or one before the age of bifid vertebrae
30 years 5. Ovarian or cardiac fibromas
2. Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) 6. Medulloblastoma*
3. Lamellar calcification of the falx cerebri 7. Ocular anomalies: Cataract, coloboma, and/or
4. Two or more palmar or plantar pits microphthalmia
5. First degree relative with the nevoid basal cell carcinoma 8. Lymphomesenteric or pleural cysts
*In a recent consensus conference, it was suggested that medulloblastoma should be considered a major criterion.

• Fig. 15-28  Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome. Large cysts are present in the right and left
mandibular molar regions, together with a smaller cyst involving the right maxillary canine in the same
patient shown in Fig. 15-23. (Courtesy of Dr. Richard DeChamplain.)

• Fig. 15-29  Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome. Odonto- • Fig. 15-30  Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome. This
genic keratocyst (OKC) showing numerous odontogenic epithelial rests 52-year-old man had more than 100 basal cell carcinomas removed
in the cyst wall. from his face over a 30-year period. Several basal cell carcinomas are
present in this photograph. The lesion at the inner canthus of the left
eye was deeply invasive and was eventually fatal as a result of brain
644 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

• Fig. 15-32  Gingival Cyst of the Newborn. Multiple whitish

papules on the alveolar ridge of a newborn infant.

usually no more than 2 to 3 mm in diameter. The maxillary

alveolus is more commonly involved than the mandibular.

Histopathologic Features
Examination of an intact gingival cyst of the newborn
shows a thin, flattened epithelial lining with a parakeratotic
• Fig. 15-31  Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome. Facial
luminal surface. The lumen contains keratinaceous debris.
deformity secondary to multiple surgical procedures to remove basal
cell carcinomas.
Treatment and Prognosis
No treatment is indicated for gingival cysts of the newborn
because the lesions spontaneously involute as a result of the
this syndrome is also relatively common. Some investigators rupture of the cysts and resultant contact with the oral
have suggested that affected children should have magnetic mucosal surface. The lesions are rarely seen after 3 months
resonance imaging (MRI) studies every 6 months until 7 of age.
years of age to monitor for the development of medullo-
blastoma. Genetic counseling is appropriate for affected ◆ GINGIVAL CYST OF THE ADULT
The gingival cyst of the adult is an uncommon lesion. It
is considered to represent the soft tissue counterpart of the
◆GINGIVAL (ALVEOLAR) CYST lateral periodontal cyst (see next topic), being derived
OF THE NEWBORN from rests of the dental lamina (rests of Serres). The diag-
nosis of gingival cyst of the adult should be restricted to
Gingival cysts of the newborn are small, superficial, lesions with the same histopathologic features as those of
keratin-filled cysts that are found on the alveolar mucosa of the lateral periodontal cyst. On rare occasions, a cyst may
infants. These cysts arise from remnants of the dental develop in the gingiva at the site of a gingival graft; however,
lamina. They are common lesions, having been reported in such lesions probably represent epithelial inclusion cysts that
up to half of all newborns. However, because they disappear are a result of the surgical procedure.
spontaneously by rupture into the oral cavity, the lesions
seldom are noticed or sampled for biopsy. Similar inclusion Clinical Features
cysts (e.g., Epstein’s pearls and Bohn’s nodules) are also
found in the midline of the palate or laterally on the hard Like the lateral periodontal cyst, the gingival cyst of the
and soft palate (see page 24). adult shows a striking predilection to occur in the mandibu-
lar canine and premolar area (60% to 75% of cases). Gin-
Clinical Features gival cysts of the adult are most commonly found in patients
in the fifth and sixth decades of life. They are almost invari-
Gingival cysts of the newborn appear as small, usually mul- ably located on the facial gingiva or alveolar mucosa. Maxil-
tiple whitish papules on the mucosa overlying the alveolar lary gingival cysts are usually found in the incisor, canine,
processes of neonates (Fig. 15-32). The individual cysts are and premolar areas.
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 645

• Fig. 15-35  Gingival Cyst of the Adult. High-power photomicro-

graph showing a plaquelike thickening of the epithelial lining.
• Fig. 15-33  Gingival Cyst of the Adult. Tense, fluid-filled swelling
on the facial gingiva.

Treatment and Prognosis

The gingival cyst of the adult responds well to simple surgi-
cal excision. The prognosis is excellent.


The lateral periodontal cyst is an uncommon type of
developmental odontogenic cyst that typically occurs along
the lateral root surface of a tooth. It is believed to arise from
rests of the dental lamina, and it represents the intrabony
counterpart of the gingival cyst of the adult. The lateral
periodontal cyst accounts for less than 2% of all epithelium-
• Fig. 15-34  Gingival Cyst of the Adult. Low-power photomicro- lined jaw cysts.
graph showing a thin-walled cyst in the gingival soft tissue. In the past, the term lateral periodontal cyst was used to
describe any cyst that developed along the lateral root
surface, including lateral radicular cysts (see page 120) and
Clinically, the cysts appear as painless, domelike swell- OKCs (see page 636). However, the lateral periodontal cyst
ings, usually less than 0.5 cm in diameter, although rarely has distinctive clinical and microscopic features that distin-
they may be somewhat larger (Fig. 15-33). They are often guish it from other lesions that sometimes develop in the
bluish or blue-gray. In some instances, the cyst may cause same location.
a superficial “cupping out” of the alveolar bone, which is
usually not detected on a radiograph but is apparent when Clinical and Radiographic Features
the cyst is excised. If more bone is missing, one could argue
that the lesion may be a lateral periodontal cyst that has The lateral periodontal cyst is most often an asymptomatic
eroded the cortical bone rather than a gingival cyst that lesion that is detected only during a radiographic examina-
originated in the mucosa. tion. It most frequently occurs in patients in the fifth
through the seventh decades of life; rarely does it occur in
Histopathologic Features someone younger than age 30. Around 75% to 80% of
cases occur in the mandibular premolar-canine-lateral
The histopathologic features of the gingival cyst of the adult incisor area. Maxillary examples also usually involve this
are similar to those of the lateral periodontal cyst, consisting same tooth region (Fig. 15-36).
of a thin, flattened epithelial lining with or without focal Radiographically, the cyst usually appears as a well-
plaques that contain clear cells (Figs. 15-34 and 15-35). circumscribed radiolucent area located laterally to the root
Small nests of these glycogen-rich clear cells, which repre- or roots of vital teeth. Most such cysts are less than 1.0 cm
sent rests of the dental lamina, also may be seen in the in greatest diameter (Figs. 15-37 and 15-38). In rare
surrounding connective tissue. Sometimes the cystic lining instances, multifocal lateral periodontal cysts have been
is so thin that it is easily mistaken for the endothelial lining described. In addition, some examples can develop in eden-
of a dilated blood vessel. tulous sites.
646 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

1% 15% 4%

1% 66% 14%

• Fig. 15-36  Lateral Periodontal Cyst. Relative distribution of

lateral periodontal cysts in the jaws.

• Fig. 15-38  Lateral Periodontal Cyst. A larger lesion causing root


• Fig. 15-37  Lateral Periodontal Cyst. Radiolucent lesion between

the roots of a vital mandibular canine and first premolar.
• Fig. 15-39  Lateral Periodontal Cyst. Gross specimen of a bot-
ryoid variant. Microscopically, this grapelike cluster revealed three
separate cavities.

Occasionally, the lesion may have a polycystic appear-

ance; such examples have been termed botryoid odonto- periodontal cyst radiographically (see page 120). In one
genic cysts. Grossly and microscopically, they show a study of 46 cases of cystic lesions in the lateral periodontal
grapelike cluster of small individual cysts (Fig. 15-39). region, only 13 met the histopathologic criteria for the
These lesions are generally considered to represent a variant lateral periodontal cyst; eight were OKCs, 20 were inflam-
of the lateral periodontal cyst, possibly the result of cystic matory cysts, and five were of undetermined origin.
degeneration and subsequent fusion of adjacent foci of
dental lamina rests. The botryoid variant often shows a Histopathologic Features
multilocular radiographic appearance, but it also may
appear unilocular. The lateral periodontal cyst has a thin, generally nonin-
The radiographic features of the lateral periodontal cyst flamed, fibrous wall, with an epithelial lining that is only
are not diagnostic; an OKC that develops between the roots one to three cells thick in most areas. This epithelium
of adjacent teeth may show identical radiographic findings. usually consists of flattened squamous cells, but sometimes
An inflammatory radicular cyst that occurs laterally to a the cells are cuboidal in shape. Foci of glycogen-rich clear
root in relation to an accessory foramen or a cyst that arises cells may be interspersed among the lining epithelial cells.
from periodontal inflammation also may simulate a lateral Some cysts show focal nodular thickenings of the lining
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 647

2% 12% 38%

11% 10% 27%

• Fig. 15-41  Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst. Relative distribution of

calcifying odontogenic cysts in the jaws.

characterized by odontogenic epithelium containing “ghost

cells,” which then may undergo calcification. Although
most examples grow in a cystic fashion, some lesions
occur as solid tumorlike growths (dentinogenic ghost cell
tumor). Therefore, in the current WHO classification
system, these lesions have been categorized as odontogenic
tumors under three categories (based on the cystic, solid, or
malignant nature of the lesion):
B 1. Calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor
2. Dentinogenic ghost cell tumor
• Fig. 15-40  Lateral Periodontal Cyst. A, This photomicrograph
3. Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma
shows a thin epithelial lining with focal nodular thickenings. B, These
thickenings often show a swirling appearance of the cells. The overwhelming majority of intraosseous ghost cell
odontogenic lesions grow as cystic lesions, and less than 5%
of cases can be classified as solid dentinogenic ghost cell
epithelium, which are composed chiefly of clear cells (Fig. tumors. Therefore, the authors still prefer to use the simpler
15-40). Clear cell epithelial rests sometimes are seen within designation “calcifying odontogenic cyst” for the cystic
the fibrous wall. Rarely, lateral periodontal cysts exhibit examples. Approximately one-third of peripheral lesions
focal areas that histopathologically are suggestive of the will be solid in nature, although these peripheral examples
glandular odontogenic cyst (see page 649). are not as aggressive as their intraosseous counterparts.
The calcifying odontogenic cyst may be associated with
Treatment and Prognosis other recognized odontogenic tumors, most commonly
odontomas. However, adenomatoid odontogenic tumors
Conservative enucleation of the lateral periodontal cyst is and ameloblastomas have also been associated with calcify-
the treatment of choice. Usually, this can be accomplished ing odontogenic cysts.
without damage to the adjacent teeth. Recurrence is unusual,
although it has been reported with the botryoid variant, Clinical and Radiographic Features
presumably because of its polycystic nature. An exceedingly
rare case of squamous cell carcinoma, which apparently Intraosseous calcifying odontogenic cysts occur with about
originated in a lateral periodontal cyst, also has been equal frequency in the maxilla and mandible. About 65%
reported. of cases are found in the incisor and canine areas (Fig.
15-41). The mean age is 30 years, and most cases are diag-
◆ CALCIFYING ODONTOGENIC CYST nosed in the second to fourth decades of life. Calcifying
odontogenic cysts that are associated with odontomas tend
(CALCIFYING CYSTIC ODONTOGENIC to occur in younger patients, with a mean age of 17 years.
TUMOR; GORLIN CYST; DENTINOGENIC The central calcifying odontogenic cyst is usually a uni-
GHOST CELL TUMOR; GHOST CELL locular, well-defined radiolucency, although the lesion occa-
sionally may appear multilocular. Radiopaque structures
ODONTOGENIC CARCINOMA) within the lesion, either irregular calcifications or toothlike
densities, are present in about one-third to one-half of cases
First described in 1962 by Gorlin and associates, the calci- (Fig. 15-42). In approximately one-third of cases, the radio-
fying odontogenic cyst is part of a spectrum of lesions lucent lesion is associated with an unerupted tooth, most
648 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

often a canine. Most calcifying odontogenic cysts are overlying layer of loosely arranged epithelium may resemble
between 2.0 and 4.0 cm in greatest diameter, but lesions as the stellate reticulum of an ameloblastoma.
large as 12.0 cm have been noted. Root resorption or diver- The most characteristic histopathologic feature of the
gence of adjacent teeth is seen with some frequency (Fig. calcifying odontogenic cyst is the presence of variable
15-43). numbers of “ghost cells” within the epithelial component.
Extraosseous examples comprise from 5% to 17% of all These eosinophilic ghost cells are altered epithelial cells that
cases, appearing as localized sessile or pedunculated gingival are characterized by the loss of nuclei with preservation of
masses with no distinctive clinical features (Fig. 15-44). the basic cell outline (Fig. 15-45).
They can resemble common gingival fibromas, gingival The nature of the ghost cell change is controversial. Some
cysts, or peripheral giant cell granulomas. Peripheral exam- believe that this change represents coagulative necrosis or
ples tend to occur later in life, with peak prevalence during accumulation of enamel protein; others contend it is a form
the sixth to eighth decades. of normal or aberrant keratinization of odontogenic epithe-
lium. Masses of ghost cells may fuse to form large sheets of
Histopathologic Features amorphous, acellular material. Calcification within the
ghost cells is common. This first appears as fine basophilic
The calcifying odontogenic cyst most commonly occurs as granules that may increase in size and number to form
a well-defined cystic lesion with a fibrous capsule and a extensive masses of calcified material. Areas of an eosino-
lining of odontogenic epithelium of four to ten cells in philic matrix material that are considered by some authors
thickness. The basal cells of the epithelial lining may be to represent dysplastic dentin (dentinoid) also may be
cuboidal or columnar and are similar to ameloblasts. The present adjacent to the epithelial component. This is
believed to be the result of an inductive effect by the

• Fig. 15-42  Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst. Well-circumscribed

mixed radiolucent/radiopaque lesion in the right body of the mandible. • Fig. 15-44  Peripheral Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst. Nodular
(Courtesy of Dr. John Wright.) mass of the mandibular facial gingiva.

• Fig. 15-43  Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst. A, Expansion of the posterior maxillary alveolus caused
by a large calcifying odontogenic cyst. B, Panoramic radiograph of the same patient showing a large
radiolucency in the posterior maxilla. A small calcified structure is seen in the lower portion of the cyst.
(Courtesy of Dr. Tom Brock.)
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 649

be more common. These show varying-sized islands of

odontogenic epithelium in a fibrous stroma. The epithelial
islands show peripheral palisaded columnar cells and central
stellate reticulum, which resemble ameloblastoma. Nests of
ghost cells, however, are present within the epithelium,
and juxtaepithelial dentinoid is commonly present. These
features differentiate this lesion from the peripheral
The rare intraosseous variant is a solid tumor that con-
sists of ameloblastoma-like strands and islands of odonto-
genic epithelium in a mature fibrous connective tissue
stroma. Variable numbers of ghost cells and juxtaepithelial
dentinoid are present.
• Fig. 15-45  Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst. The cyst lining shows A small number of aggressive or malignant epithelial
ameloblastoma-like epithelial cells, with a columnar basal layer. Large odontogenic ghost cell tumors (ghost cell odontogenic
eosinophilic ghost cells are present within the epithelial lining. carcinoma) have been reported. These lesions have cellular
pleomorphism and mitotic activity with invasion of the
surrounding tissues.

Treatment and Prognosis

The prognosis for a patient with a calcifying odontogenic
cyst is good; only a few recurrences after simple enucleation
have been reported. Peripheral examples appear to have
the same prognosis as a peripheral ameloblastoma, with
a minimal chance of recurrence after simple surgical
When a calcifying odontogenic cyst is associated with
some other recognized odontogenic tumor, such as an ame-
loblastoma, the treatment and prognosis are likely to be the
same as for the associated tumor. Although few cases have
been reported, ghost cell odontogenic carcinomas appear to
• Fig. 15-46  Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst. Eosinophilic dentinoid
material is present adjacent to a sheet of ghost cells. have an unpredictable behavior. Recurrences are common,
and a few patients have died from either uncontrolled local
disease or metastases. An overall 5-year survival rate of 73%
odontogenic epithelium on the adjacent mesenchymal has been calculated for reported cases.
tissue (Fig. 15-46).
Several variants of the cystic type of calcifying odonto-
genic cyst are seen. In some cases, the epithelial lining ◆ GLANDULAR ODONTOGENIC CYST
proliferates into the lumen so that the lumen is largely filled (SIALO-ODONTOGENIC CYST)
with masses of ghost cells and dystrophic calcifications.
Multiple daughter cysts may be present within the fibrous The glandular odontogenic cyst is a rare type of develop-
wall, and a foreign body reaction to herniated ghost cells mental odontogenic cyst that can show aggressive behavior.
may be conspicuous. Although it is generally accepted as being of odontogenic
In another variant, unifocal or multifocal epithelial pro- origin, it also shows glandular or salivary features that pre-
liferation of the cyst lining into the lumen may resemble sumably are an indication of the pluripotentiality of odon-
ameloblastoma. These proliferations are intermixed with togenic epithelium.
varying numbers of ghost cells. These epithelial prolifera-
tions superficially resemble, but do not meet, the strict Clinical and Radiographic Features
histopathologic criteria for ameloblastoma.
About 20% of calcifying odontogenic cysts are associated The glandular odontogenic cyst occurs most commonly in
with odontomas. This variant is usually a unicystic lesion middle-aged adults, with a mean age of 46 to 51 years at
that shows the features of a calcifying odontogenic cyst the time of diagnosis; rarely does it occur before the age of
together with those of a small complex or compound 20. Approximately 75% of reported cases have occurred in
odontoma. the mandible. The cyst has a strong predilection for the
Solid dentinogenic ghost cell tumors may occur intraos- anterior region of the jaws, and many mandibular lesions
seously or extraosseously. The extraosseous forms appear to will cross the midline.
650 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

The size of the cyst can vary from small lesions less than propensity for recurrence, which is observed in approxi-
1 cm in diameter to large destructive lesions that may mately 30% of all cases. Recurrence appears to be more
involve most of the jaw. Small cysts may be asymptomatic; common among the lesions that present in a multilocular
however, large cysts often produce clinical expansion, which fashion. Because of its potentially aggressive nature and
sometimes can be associated with pain or paresthesia (Fig. tendency for recurrence, some authors have advocated en
15-47). bloc resection, particularly for multilocular lesions. Marsu-
Radiographically, the lesion presents as either a unilocu- pialization and decompression may be attempted for larger
lar or multilocular radiolucency. The margins of the radio- lesions to promote shrinkage prior to surgery.
lucency are usually well defined with a corticated rim.
Histopathologic Features
The buccal bifurcation cyst is an uncommon inflamma-
The glandular odontogenic cyst is lined by squamous epi- tory odontogenic cyst that characteristically develops on the
thelium of varying thickness. The interface between the buccal aspect of the mandibular first permanent molar,
epithelium and the fibrous connective tissue wall is gener- although some cases have involved the second molar. The
ally flat. The fibrous cyst wall is usually devoid of any pathogenesis of this cyst is uncertain. Some of these lesions
inflammatory cell infiltrate. The superficial epithelial cells have been associated with teeth that demonstrate buccal
that line the cyst cavity tend to be cuboidal to columnar, enamel extensions into the bifurcation area (see page 86).
resulting in an uneven hobnail and sometimes papillary Such extensions may predispose these teeth to buccal pocket
surface (Fig. 15-48). The surface layer often includes mucin- formation, which could then enlarge to form a cyst in
producing goblet cells, occasionally with the presence of
cilia. Glandular, ductlike spaces within the epithelial lining
are another characteristic finding. These spaces are lined by
cuboidal cells and often contain mucicarmine-positive fluid.
In focal areas, the epithelial lining cells may form spherical
nodules, similar to those seen in lateral periodontal cysts.
There is some histopathologic overlap between the fea-
tures of the glandular odontogenic cyst and those of some
intraosseous, low-grade, predominantly cystic mucoepider-
moid carcinomas (see page 457). In selected microscopic
fields, the microscopic features may be identical. Examina-
tion of multiple sections, however, usually permits the dif-
ferentiation of these lesions. Also, glandular odontogenic
cysts will not show MAML2 gene rearrangements, which
often are found in central mucoepidermoid carcinomas.

Treatment and Prognosis

• Fig. 15-48  Glandular Odontogenic Cyst. The cyst is lined by
Most cases of glandular odontogenic cyst have been treated stratified squamous epithelium that exhibits surface columnar cells with
by enucleation or curettage. However, this cyst shows a cilia. Numerous microcysts containing mucinous material are present.


• Fig. 15-47  Glandular Odontogenic Cyst. A, Expansile lesion of the anterior mandible. B, The
panoramic radiograph shows a large multilocular radiolucency. (Courtesy of Dr. Cheng-Chung Lin.)
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 651

response to pericoronitis. It has been speculated that when cases are associated with proliferative periostitis (see page
the tooth erupts, an inflammatory response may occur in 134) of the overlying buccal cortex, which is characterized
the surrounding follicular tissues that stimulates cyst by a single or multiple layers of reactive bone formation.
The term paradental cyst sometimes has been used syn- Histopathologic Features
onymously for the buccal bifurcation cyst. Such lesions
typically occur distal or buccal of partially erupted man- The microscopic features are nonspecific and show a cyst
dibular third molars with a history of pericoronitis. The that is lined by nonkeratinizing stratified squamous epithe-
pathogenesis of the so-called paradental cyst also is uncer- lium with areas of hyperplasia. A prominent chronic inflam-
tain. However, the distinction of paradental cysts from sec- matory cell infiltrate is present in the surrounding connective
ondarily inflamed dentigerous cysts is difficult, if not tissue wall.
impossible, in many instances (see page 632).
Treatment and Prognosis
Clinical and Radiographic Features
The buccal bifurcation cyst is usually treated by enucleation;
The buccal bifurcation cyst typically occurs in children from extraction of the associated tooth is unnecessary. Within 1
5 to 13 years of age. The patient has slight-to-moderate year of surgery, there is usually complete healing with nor-
tenderness on the buccal aspect of the mandibular first or malization of periodontal probing depths and radiographic
second molar, which may be in the process of erupting. The evidence of bone fill. Several reports have described cases
patient often notes associated clinical swelling and a foul- that resolved without surgery—either with no treatment at
tasting discharge. Periodontal probing usually reveals pocket all or by daily irrigation of the buccal pocket with saline
formation on the buccal aspect of the involved tooth. and hydrogen peroxide.
Around one-third of patients have been reported to have
bilateral involvement of the first molars.
Radiographs typically show a well-circumscribed uni- ◆CARCINOMA ARISING IN
locular radiolucency involving the buccal bifurcation and ODONTOGENIC CYSTS
root area of the involved tooth (Fig. 15-49). The average
size of the lucent defect is 1.2 cm, but the lesion may be as Carcinoma arising within bone is a rare lesion that is essen-
large as 2.5 cm in diameter. An occlusal radiograph is most tially limited to the jaws. Because the putative source of the
helpful in demonstrating the buccal location of the lesion. epithelium giving rise to the carcinoma is odontogenic,
The root apices of the molar are characteristically tipped these intraosseous jaw carcinomas are collectively known as
toward the lingual mandibular cortex (Fig. 15-50). Many odontogenic carcinomas. Odontogenic carcinomas may
arise in an ameloblastoma, rarely from other odontogenic
tumors, de novo (without evidence of a preexisting lesion),
or from the epithelial lining of odontogenic cysts. Some
intraosseous mucoepidermoid carcinomas (see page 457)
also may arise from mucous cells lining a dentigerous cyst.

• Fig. 15-49  Buccal Bifurcation Cyst. Well-circumscribed unilocu- • Fig. 15-50  Buccal Bifurcation Cyst. Axial computed tomography
lar radiolucency superimposed on the roots of the mandibular first (CT) image showing a circumscribed radiolucency buccal to the roots
permanent molar. (Courtesy of Dr. Michael Pharoah.) of the mandibular first molar. (Courtesy of Dr. Robert Clark.)
652 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

Most intraosseous carcinomas apparently arise in odon- parakeratinized OKCs, but rather in orthokeratinized
togenic cysts. Although infrequently documented in the odontogenic cysts.
literature, carcinomatous transformation of the lining of an
odontogenic cyst may be more common than is generally Histopathologic Features
appreciated. Several studies have shown that 1% to 2% of
all oral cavity carcinomas seen in some oral and maxillofa- Most carcinomas arising in cysts histopathologically have
cial pathology services may originate from odontogenic been well-differentiated or moderately well-differentiated
cysts. The pathogenesis of carcinomas arising in odonto- squamous cell carcinomas. Sometimes it is possible to
genic cysts is unknown. Occasionally, areas within the identify a transition from a normal-appearing cyst lining
lining of odontogenic cysts histopathologically demonstrate to invasive squamous cell carcinoma (Figs. 15-53 and
varying degrees of epithelial dysplasia, and such changes 15-54).
likely give rise to the carcinoma.
Treatment and Prognosis
Clinical and Radiographic Features
The treatment of patients with carcinomas arising in cysts
Although carcinomas arising in cysts may be seen in patients has varied from local block excision to radical resection,
across a wide age range, they are encountered most often in with or without radiation or adjunctive chemotherapy. The
older patients. The mean reported age is 60 years. This prognosis is difficult to evaluate because most reports consist
lesion is over twice as common in men as in women. Pain of isolated cases. Metastases to regional lymph nodes have
and swelling are the most common complaints. However, been demonstrated in a few cases. One review showed an
many patients have no symptoms, and the diagnosis of overall 2-year survival rate of 62%, but the 5-year survival
carcinoma is made only after microscopic examination of a rate dropped to 38%.
presumed odontogenic cyst. Before a given lesion can be accepted as an example of
Radiographic findings may mimic those of any odonto- primary intraosseous carcinoma, the possibility that the
genic cyst, although the margins of the radiolucent defect tumor represents metastatic spread from an intraoral or
are usually irregular and ragged. CT scans of the lesion may extraoral site must be ruled out by appropriate studies.
demonstrate a destructive pattern that is not appreciated on
viewing plain radiographs. A lesion considered to be a resid-
ual periapical cyst is apparently the most common type
associated with carcinomatous transformation, although
routine periapical cysts can also exhibit malignant change.
These account for 60% of reported cases. In about 16% of
cases, the carcinoma appeared to have arisen in a dentiger-
ous cyst (Fig. 15-51). In one patient, the carcinoma was
thought to originate from a lateral periodontal cyst.
A number of examples of carcinoma arising in an OKC
also have been documented (Fig. 15-52). However, some
reported examples do not appear to have arisen in true

• Fig. 15-52  Carcinoma Arising in a Cyst. There is a massive

carcinoma of the mandible, with extension into the parotid gland, the
• Fig. 15-51  Carcinoma Arising in a Dentigerous Cyst. Radiolu- face, and the base of the brain. Nineteen years previously, a large
cent lesion surrounding the crown of an impacted third molar in a odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) with areas of epithelial dysplasia had
56-year-old woman. This was clinically considered to be a dentigerous been removed from the ascending ramus. The patient had suffered
cyst. (Courtesy of Dr. Richard Ziegler.) multiple recurrences, with eventual change into invasive carcinoma.
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 653

• BOX 15-4 Classification of Odontogenic Tumors

I. Tumors of odontogenic epithelium
A. Ameloblastoma
1. Malignant ameloblastoma
2. Ameloblastic carcinoma
B. Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma
C. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
D. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor
E. Squamous odontogenic tumor
II. Mixed odontogenic tumors
A. Ameloblastic fibroma
B. Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma
C. Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma
D. Odontoameloblastoma
E. Compound odontoma
• Fig. 15-53  Carcinoma Arising in a Cyst. High-power view of a F. Complex odontoma
dentigerous cyst from a 53-year-old man. The lining demonstrates III. Tumors of odontogenic ectomesenchyme
full-thickness epithelial dysplasia. A. Odontogenic fibroma
B. Granular cell odontogenic tumor
C. Odontogenic myxoma
D. Cementoblastoma

A third group, tumors of odontogenic ectomesen-

chyme, is composed principally of ectomesenchymal ele-
ments. Although odontogenic epithelium may be included
within these lesions, it does not appear to play any essential
role in their pathogenesis.
Box 15-4 presents categories of odontogenic tumors
modified from the 2005 WHO classification.
Because many of these lesions are quite rare, it is some-
times difficult to assess certain epidemiologic features accu-
• Fig. 15-54  Carcinoma Arising in a Cyst. Same case as Fig.
rately, as well as recommendations regarding treatment. It
15-53 showing islands of invasive epithelial cells in the cyst wall. should be kept in mind that reports in the literature may
be biased due to geopolitical/economic variations in sub-
mission of biopsies or the tendency of journal editors to
publish reports of lesions that are unusual or aggressive.
Odontogenic tumors comprise a complex group of lesions TUMORS OF ODONTOGENIC
of diverse histopathologic types and clinical behavior. Some EPITHELIUM
of these lesions are true neoplasms and may rarely exhibit
malignant behavior. Others may represent tumorlike mal- Epithelial odontogenic tumors are composed of odonto-
formations (hamartomas). genic epithelium without participation of odontogenic
Odontogenic tumors, like normal odontogenesis, dem- ectomesenchyme. Several distinctly different tumors are
onstrate varying inductive interactions between odonto- included in the group; ameloblastoma is the most impor-
genic epithelium and odontogenic ectomesenchyme. This tant and common of them.
ectomesenchyme was formerly referred to as mesenchyme
because it was thought to be derived from the mesodermal ◆ AMELOBLASTOMA
layer of the embryo. It is now accepted that this tissue dif-
ferentiates from the ectodermal layer in the cephalic portion The ameloblastoma is the most common clinically signifi-
of the embryo. Tumors of odontogenic epithelium are cant odontogenic tumor. Its relative frequency equals the
composed only of odontogenic epithelium without any par- combined frequency of all other odontogenic tumors,
ticipation of odontogenic ectomesenchyme. excluding odontomas. Ameloblastomas are tumors of odon-
Other odontogenic neoplasms, sometimes referred to as togenic epithelial origin. Theoretically, they may arise from
mixed odontogenic tumors, are composed of odontogenic rests of dental lamina, from a developing enamel organ,
epithelium and ectomesenchymal elements. Dental hard from the epithelial lining of an odontogenic cyst, or from
tissue may or may not be formed in these lesions. the basal cells of the oral mucosa. Ameloblastomas are
654 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

slow-growing, locally invasive tumors that run a benign expansion is frequently present. Resorption of the roots of
course in most cases. They typically have been described as teeth adjacent to the tumor is common. In many cases an
having three different clinicoradiographic presentations, unerupted tooth, most often a mandibular third molar, is
which deserve separate consideration because of potentially associated with the radiolucent defect. Solid ameloblasto-
differing therapeutic considerations and prognosis: mas may radiographically appear as unilocular radiolucent
1. Conventional solid or multicystic (about 75% to 86% defects, which may resemble almost any type of cystic lesion
of all cases) (Fig. 15-62). The margins of these radiolucent lesions,
2. Unicystic (about 13% to 21% of all cases) however, often show irregular scalloping. Although the
3. Peripheral (extraosseous) (about 1% to 4% of all cases) radiographic features, particularly of the typical multilocu-
lar defect, may be highly suggestive of ameloblastoma, a
Clinical and Radiographic Features
Conventional solid or multicystic intraosseous amelo-
blastoma is encountered in patients across a wide age range.
It is rare in children younger than age 10 and relatively
uncommon in the 10- to 19-year-old group. The tumor
shows an approximately equal prevalence in the third to
seventh decades of life. There is no significant sex predilec-
tion. Some studies indicate a greater frequency in blacks;
others show no racial predilection. About 80% to 85% of
conventional ameloblastomas occur in the mandible, most
often in the molar-ascending ramus area. About 15% to
20% of ameloblastomas occur in the maxilla, usually in the
posterior regions (Fig. 15-55). The tumor is often asymp-
tomatic, and smaller lesions are detected only during a
radiographic examination. A painless swelling or expansion
of the jaw is the usual clinical presentation (Figs. 15-56 and
15-57). If untreated, then the lesion may grow slowly to
massive or grotesque proportions (Fig. 15-58). Pain and
paresthesia are uncommon, even with large tumors.
The most typical radiographic feature is that of a multi-
locular radiolucent lesion, although one large international
study suggested that a unilocular presentation was just as
likely. Multilocular lesions are described as having a “soap
bubble” appearance (when the radiolucent loculations are • Fig. 15-56  Ameloblastoma. Large expansile mass of the anterior
mandible. (Courtesy of Dr. Michael Tabor.)
large) or as being “honeycombed” (when the loculations are
small) (Figs. 15-59 to 15-61). Buccal and lingual cortical

6% 1% 6%

66% 11% 10%

• Fig. 15-57  Ameloblastoma.Prominent expansion of the lingual

• Fig. 15-55  Ameloblastoma. Relative distribution of ameloblasto- alveolus caused by a large ameloblastoma of the mandibular
mas in the jaws. symphysis.
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 655

variety of odontogenic and nonodontogenic lesions may the jaws, with equal distribution between the mandible and
show similar radiographic features (see Appendix). the maxilla. Radiographically, this type may not suggest the
One form of ameloblastoma that does not have these diagnosis of ameloblastoma; the majority of these tumors
characteristic features is the desmoplastic ameloblastoma, a resemble a fibro-osseous lesion because of their mixed radio-
variant that Eversole and colleagues documented initially in lucent and radiopaque appearance (Fig. 15-63). This mixed
the literature in 1984. The desmoplastic ameloblastoma has radiographic appearance is due to osseous metaplasia within
a marked predilection to occur in the anterior regions of the dense fibrous septa that characterize the lesion, not
because the tumor itself is producing a mineralized product.

Histopathologic Features
Conventional solid or multicystic intraosseous ameloblasto-
mas show a remarkable tendency to undergo cystic change;
grossly, most tumors have varying combinations of cystic
and solid features. The cysts may be seen only at the micro-
scopic level or may be present as multiple large cysts that
include most of the tumor. Several microscopic subtypes of

• Fig. 15-59  Ameloblastoma. Large multilocular lesion involving the

mandibular angle and ascending ramus. The large loculations show
• Fig. 15-58  Ameloblastoma. Massive tumor of the anterior man- the “soap bubble” appearance. An unerupted third molar has been
dible. (Courtesy of Dr. Ronald Baughman.) displaced high into the ramus.

• Fig. 15-60  Ameloblastoma. Periapical films showing the “honeycombed” appearance. (Courtesy of
Dr. John Hann.)
656 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

• Fig. 15-61  Ameloblastoma. Destructive radiolucent lesion with

root resorption of the associated posterior teeth. (Courtesy of Dr. Louis
Beto.) • Fig. 15-63  Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma. Large mixed radiolu-
cent and radiopaque lesion of the anterior and right body of the
mandible. (Courtesy of Dr. Román Carlos.)

• Fig. 15-64  Ameloblastoma (Follicular Pattern). Multiple islands

of odontogenic epithelium demonstrating peripheral columnar differen-
tiation with reverse polarization. The central zones resemble stellate
reticulum and exhibit foci of cystic degeneration.

• Fig. 15-62  Ameloblastoma. This small unilocular radiolucency arranged angular cells resembling the stellate reticulum of
lesion could easily be mistaken for a lateral periodontal cyst. (Courtesy
of Dr. Tony Traynham.)
an enamel organ. A single layer of tall columnar ameloblast-
like cells surrounds this central core. The nuclei of these
cells are located at the opposite pole to the basement mem-
conventional ameloblastoma are recognized, but these brane (reversed polarity). In other areas, the peripheral
microscopic patterns generally have little bearing on the cells may be more cuboidal and resemble basal cells. Cyst
behavior of the tumor. Large tumors often show a combina- formation is common and may vary from microcysts, which
tion of microscopic patterns. form within the epithelial islands, to large macroscopic
The follicular and plexiform patterns are the most cysts, which may be several centimeters in diameter (Figs.
common. Less common histopathologic patterns include 15-64 and 15-65). If an incisional biopsy is taken from such
the acanthomatous, granular cell, desmoplastic, and an area, an inappropriate diagnosis of “unicystic ameloblas-
basal cell types. toma” may be rendered by the pathologist.
Follicular Pattern Plexiform Pattern
The follicular histopathologic pattern is the most common The plexiform type of ameloblastoma consists of long, anas-
and recognizable. Islands of epithelium resemble enamel tomosing cords or larger sheets of odontogenic epithelium.
organ epithelium in a mature fibrous connective tissue The cords or sheets of epithelium are bounded by columnar
stroma. The epithelial nests consist of a core of loosely or cuboidal ameloblast-like cells surrounding more loosely
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 657

• Fig. 15-65  Ameloblastoma (Follicular Pattern). This high-power

photomicrograph highlights the peripheral columnar cells exhibiting
reverse polarization. • Fig. 15-67  Ameloblastoma (Acanthomatous Pattern). Islands
of ameloblastoma demonstrating central squamous differentiation.

• Fig. 15-66  Ameloblastoma (Plexiform Pattern). Anastomosing

cords of odontogenic epithelium.
• Fig. 15-68  Ameloblastoma (Granular Cell Variant). Tumor
island exhibiting central cells with prominent granular cytoplasm.
arranged epithelial cells. The supporting stroma tends to be
loosely arranged and vascular. Cyst formation is relatively
uncommon in this variety. When it occurs, it is more often aging or degenerative change in long-standing lesions, this
associated with stromal degeneration rather than cystic variant has been seen in young patients. When this granular
change within the epithelium (Fig. 15-66). cell change is extensive in an ameloblastoma, the designa-
tion of granular cell ameloblastoma is appropriate (Fig.
Acanthomatous Pattern 15-68).
When extensive squamous metaplasia, often associated with
keratin formation, occurs in the central portions of the Desmoplastic Pattern
epithelial islands of a follicular ameloblastoma, the term This type of ameloblastoma contains small islands and cords
acanthomatous ameloblastoma is sometimes applied. This of odontogenic epithelium in a densely collagenized stroma.
change does not indicate a more aggressive course for the Immunohistochemical studies have shown increased pro-
lesion; histopathologically, however, such a lesion may be duction of the cytokine known as transforming growth
confused with squamous cell carcinoma or squamous odon- factor-β (TGF-β) in association with this lesion, suggesting
togenic tumor (Fig. 15-67). that this may be responsible for the desmoplasia. Peripheral
columnar ameloblast-like cells are inconspicuous about the
Granular Cell Pattern epithelial islands (Fig. 15-69).
Ameloblastomas may sometimes show transformation of
groups of lesional epithelial cells to granular cells. These Basal Cell Pattern
cells have abundant cytoplasm filled with eosinophilic gran- The basal cell variant of ameloblastoma is the least common
ules that resemble lysosomes ultrastructurally and histo- type. These lesions are composed of nests of uniform basa-
chemically. Although originally considered to represent an loid cells, and they histopathologically are very similar to
658 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

basal cell carcinoma of the skin. No stellate reticulum is takes many years to become clinically manifest, and 5-year
present in the central portions of the nests. The peripheral disease-free periods do not indicate a cure.
cells about the nests tend to be cuboidal rather than colum- Marginal resection is the most widely used treatment,
nar (Fig. 15-70). but recurrence rates of up to 15% have been reported after
marginal or block resection. Some surgeons advocate a more
Treatment and Prognosis conservative approach to treatment by planning surgery
after careful evaluation of CT scans of the tumor. Removal
Patients with conventional solid or multicystic intraosseous of the tumor, followed by peripheral ostectomy, often
ameloblastomas have been treated by a variety of means. reduces the need for extensive reconstructive surgery. Some
These range from simple enucleation and curettage to en tumors may not be amenable to this approach because of
bloc resection (Fig. 15-71). The optimal method of treat- their size or growth pattern.
ment has been the subject of controversy for many years. Other surgeons advocate that the margin of the resection
The conventional ameloblastoma tends to infiltrate between should be at least 1.0 to 2.0 cm past the radiographic limits
intact cancellous bone trabeculae at the periphery of the of the tumor. Ameloblastomas of the posterior maxilla are
lesion before bone resorption becomes radiographically particularly dangerous because of the difficulty of obtaining
evident. Therefore, the actual margin of the tumor often an adequate surgical margin around the tumor. Orbital
extends beyond its apparent radiographic or clinical margin. invasion by maxillary ameloblastomas occasionally has been
Attempts to remove the tumor by curettage often leave described. Although some studies suggest that the amelo-
small islands of tumor within the bone, which later manifest blastoma may be radiosensitive, radiation therapy has
as recurrences. Recurrence rates of 50% to 90% have been seldom been used as a treatment modality because of the
reported in various studies after curettage. Recurrence often intraosseous location of the tumor and the potential for

• Fig. 15-69  Ameloblastoma (Desmoplastic Variant). Thin cords • Fig. 15-70  Ameloblastoma (Basal Cell Variant). Islands of
of ameloblastic epithelium within a dense fibrous connective tissue hyperchromatic basaloid cells with peripheral palisading.

• Fig. 15-71  Ameloblastoma. A, Gross photograph of a mandibular resection specimen. B, The
radiograph of the specimen shows a large radiolucent defect associated with an inferiorly displaced third
molar. (Courtesy of Dr. Mary Richardson.)
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 659

secondary radiation-induced malignancy developing in a

relatively young patient population.
The conventional ameloblastoma is a persistent, infiltra-
tive neoplasm that very seldom may kill the patient by
progressive spread to involve vital structures. Most of these
tumors, however, are not life-threatening lesions. Rarely, an
ameloblastoma exhibits frank malignant behavior. These are
discussed separately.

The unicystic ameloblastoma has for several decades been
given separate consideration based on its clinical, radio-
graphic, and pathologic features. Although its response to
treatment in reports from the 1970s and 1980s suggested
that this lesion might behave in a less aggressive fashion,
recent reports have disputed this concept. Unicystic amelo-
blastomas account for 10% to 46% of all intraosseous • Fig. 15-72  Unicystic Ameloblastoma. A large radiolucency asso-
ameloblastomas in various studies. Whether the unicystic ciated with the crown of the developing mandibular third molar. (Cour-
ameloblastoma originates de novo as a neoplasm or whether tesy of Dr. Antonia Kolokythas.)
it is the result of neoplastic transformation of nonneoplastic
cyst epithelium has been long debated. Both mechanisms
probably occur, but proof of which is involved in an indi-
vidual patient is virtually impossible to obtain.

Clinical and Radiographic Features

Unicystic ameloblastomas are seen most often in younger
patients, with about 50% of all such tumors diagnosed
during the second decade of life. The average age in one
large series was 23 years. More than 90% of unicystic ame-
loblastomas are found in the mandible, usually in the pos-
terior regions. The lesion is often asymptomatic, although
large lesions may cause a painless swelling of the jaws.
In many patients, this lesion typically appears as a cir-
cumscribed radiolucency that surrounds the crown of an
unerupted mandibular third molar (Figs. 15-72 and 15-73), • Fig. 15-73  Unicystic Ameloblastoma (Intraluminal Plexiform
Type). Coronal computed tomography (CT) image that shows a large
clinically resembling a dentigerous cyst. Other tumors cystic lesion with an intraluminal mass arising from the cyst wall
simply appear as sharply defined radiolucent areas and are (arrow).
usually considered to be a primordial, radicular, or residual
cyst, depending on the relationship of the lesion to teeth in
the area. In some instances, the radiolucent area may have columnar or cuboidal cells with hyperchromatic nuclei that
scalloped margins but is still a unicystic ameloblastoma. show reverse polarity and basilar cytoplasmic vacuolization
Whether a unicystic ameloblastoma can have a truly mul- (Fig. 15-74). The upper epithelial cells are loosely cohesive
tilocular radiographic presentation is arguable. and resemble stellate reticulum. This finding does not seem
The surgical findings may also suggest that the lesion in to be related to inflammatory edema.
question is a cyst, and the diagnosis of ameloblastoma is In the second microscopic variant, one or more nodules
made only after microscopic study of the specimen. of ameloblastoma project from the cystic lining into the
lumen of the cyst. This type is called an intraluminal uni-
Histopathologic Features cystic ameloblastoma. These nodules may be relatively
small or largely fill the cystic lumen. In some cases, the
Three histopathologic variants of unicystic ameloblastoma nodule of tumor that projects into the lumen demonstrates
have been described. In the first type (luminal unicystic an edematous, plexiform pattern that resembles the plexi-
ameloblastoma), the tumor is confined to the luminal form pattern seen in conventional ameloblastomas (Fig.
surface of the cyst. The lesion consists of a fibrous cyst wall 15-75). These lesions are sometimes referred to as plexi-
with a lining composed totally or partially of ameloblastic form unicystic ameloblastomas. The intraluminal cellular
epithelium. The lining demonstrates a basal layer of proliferation does not always meet the strict histopathologic
660 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

• Fig. 15-74  Unicystic Ameloblastoma (Luminal Type). The cyst • Fig. 15-76  Unicystic Ameloblastoma (Mural Type). The epithe-
is lined by ameloblastic epithelium showing a hyperchromatic, polar- lial lining of the cystic component can be seen on the left edge of the
ized basal layer. The overlying epithelial cells are loosely cohesive and photomicrograph. Islands of follicular ameloblastoma are infiltrating
resemble stellate reticulum. into the fibrous connective tissue wall on the right.

with or without intraluminal tumor extension, then the cyst

enucleation has probably been adequate treatment. The
patient, however, should be kept under long-term follow-up.
If the specimen shows extension of the tumor into the
fibrous cyst wall for any appreciable distance, then subse-
quent management of the patient is more controversial.
Some surgeons believe that local resection of the area is
indicated as a prophylactic measure; others prefer to keep
the patient under close radiographic observation and delay
further treatment until there is evidence of recurrence.
Recurrence rates of 10% to 20% were described after
enucleation and curettage of unicystic ameloblastomas in
many of the earlier series of cases. This range is considerably
• Fig. 15-75  Unicystic Ameloblastoma (Intraluminal Plexiform less than the 50% to 90% recurrence rates noted after curet-
Type). Photomicrograph of an intraluminal mass arising from the cyst
tage of conventional solid and multicystic intraosseous
wall. The inset shows the intraluminal mass at higher magnification.
ameloblastomas. A systematic review of the literature before
2005 determined that 30% of these lesions recurred after
criteria for ameloblastoma, and this may be secondary to enucleation, and a recent single-center study showed an
inflammation that nearly always accompanies this pattern. identical recurrence rate of 60% after enucleation for both
Typical ameloblastoma, however, may be found in other, solid and unicystic ameloblastoma. These findings suggest
less inflamed parts of the specimen. that this lesion may not be as innocuous as previously
In the third variant, known as mural unicystic amelo- thought. Alternatively, it is possible that some of those
blastoma, the fibrous wall of the cyst is infiltrated by typical tumors that are designated as “unicystic” may, in fact, have
follicular or plexiform ameloblastoma. The extent and a more characteristic invasive component that has not been
depth of the ameloblastic infiltration may vary considerably. detected histopathologically because it is essentially impos-
With any presumed unicystic ameloblastoma, multiple sec- sible to examine these lesions in every 360-degree plane of
tions through many levels of the specimen are necessary to section.
rule out the possibility of mural invasion of tumor cells
(Fig. 15-76).
Treatment and Prognosis AMELOBLASTOMA
The clinical and radiographic findings in most cases of The peripheral ameloblastoma is uncommon and accounts
unicystic ameloblastoma suggest that the lesion is an odon- for about 1% to 4% of all ameloblastomas. This tumor
togenic cyst. These tumors are usually treated as cysts by probably arises from rests of dental lamina beneath the oral
enucleation. The diagnosis of ameloblastoma is made only mucosa or from the basal epithelial cells of the surface epi-
after microscopic examination of the presumed cyst. If the thelium. Histopathologically, these lesions have the same
ameloblastic elements are confined to the lumen of the cyst features as the intraosseous form of the tumor.
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 661

• Fig. 15-77  Peripheral Ameloblastoma. Sessile gingival mass. • Fig. 15-78  Peripheral Ameloblastoma. Interconnecting cords of
(Courtesy of Dr. Dean K. White.) ameloblastic epithelium filling the lamina propria.

Clinical Features odontogenic fibroma and the lack of peripheral columnar

epithelial cells showing reverse polarity of their nuclei
The peripheral ameloblastoma is usually a painless, nonul- should serve to distinguish the two lesions.
cerated sessile or pedunculated gingival or alveolar mucosal
lesion. The clinical features are non-specific, and most Treatment and Prognosis
lesions are clinically considered to represent a fibroma or
pyogenic granuloma. Most examples are smaller than Unlike the intraosseous ameloblastoma, the peripheral ame-
1.5 cm, but larger lesions have been reported (Fig. 15-77). loblastoma shows an innocuous clinical behavior. Patients
The tumor has been found in patients across a wide age respond well to local surgical excision. Although local recur-
range, but most are seen in middle-aged persons, with an rence has been noted in 15% to 20% of cases, further local
average reported age of 52 years. excision almost always results in a cure. Several examples of
Peripheral ameloblastomas are most commonly found on malignant change in a peripheral ameloblastoma have been
the posterior gingival and alveolar mucosa, and they are reported, but this is rare.
somewhat more common in mandibular than in maxillary
areas. In some cases, the superficial alveolar bone becomes
slightly eroded, but significant bone involvement does not ◆MALIGNANT AMELOBLASTOMA AND
occur. A few examples of a microscopically identical lesion AMELOBLASTIC CARCINOMA
have been reported in the buccal mucosa at some distance
from the alveolar or gingival soft tissues. Rarely, an ameloblastoma exhibits frank malignant behavior
with development of metastases. The frequency of malignant
Histopathologic Features behavior in ameloblastomas is difficult to determine but
probably occurs in far less than 1% of all ameloblastomas.
Peripheral ameloblastomas have islands of ameloblastic epi- The terminology for these lesions is somewhat confusing,
thelium that occupy the lamina propria underneath the but should not be considered controversial. The term malig-
surface epithelium (Fig. 15-78). The proliferating epithe- nant ameloblastoma is used for a tumor that shows the
lium may show any of the features described for the intraos- histopathologic features of ameloblastoma, both in the
seous ameloblastoma; plexiform or follicular patterns are primary tumor and in the metastatic deposits. This is a very
the most common. Connection of the tumor with the basal rare neoplasm, with fewer than 30 well-documented cases
layer of the surface epithelium is seen in about 50% of cases. described in the literature. The term ameloblastic carcinoma
This may represent origin of the tumor from the basal layer should be reserved for an ameloblastoma that has cytologic
of the epithelium in some cases, but in other instances the features of malignancy in the primary tumor, in a recur-
tumor could develop in the gingival connective tissue and rence, or in any metastatic deposit. This is also a rare condi-
merge with the surface epithelium. tion, although approximately 200 cases have been reported.
Basal cell carcinomas of the gingival mucosa have been These lesions may follow a markedly aggressive local course,
reported, but most of these would be designated best as but metastases do not necessarily occur.
peripheral ameloblastomas. A peripheral odontogenic
fibroma may be confused microscopically with a peripheral Clinical and Radiographic Features
ameloblastoma, particularly if a prominent epithelial com-
ponent is present in the former. The presence of dysplastic Malignant ameloblastomas have been observed in patients
dentin or cementum-like elements in the peripheral who range in age from 6 to 61 years (mean age, 30 years),
662 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

• Fig. 15-79  Ameloblastic Carcinoma. A, Rapidly growing tumor showing prominent labial expansion
of the mandible in the incisor and premolar area. B, The panoramic radiograph shows irregular destruction
of the mandible. (From Neville BW, Damm DD, White DK: Color atlas of clinical oral pathology, ed 2,
Hamilton, 1999, BC Decker.)

and no sex predilection is seen. For patients with docu- Treatment and Prognosis
mented metastases, the interval between the initial treat-
ment of the ameloblastoma and first evidence of metastasis The prognosis of patients with malignant ameloblastomas
varies from 3 to 45 years. In nearly one-third of cases, appears to be poor, but the paucity of documented cases
metastases do not become apparent until 10 years after with long-term follow-up does not permit accurate assump-
treatment of the primary tumor. Ameloblastic carcinomas, tions to be made. About 50% of the patients with docu-
in contrast, tend to develop later in life, with the mean mented metastases and long-term follow-up have died of
age at diagnosis typically being in the sixth decade of life. their disease. Lesions designated as ameloblastic carcinoma
Men are affected twice as frequently as women. have demonstrated a uniformly aggressive clinical course,
Metastases from ameloblastomas are found most often with perforation of the cortical plates of the jaw and exten-
in the lungs. These have sometimes been regarded as aspira- sion of the tumor into adjacent soft tissues.
tion or implant metastases. However, the peripheral loca-
tion of some of these lung metastases suggests that they ◆ CLEAR CELL ODONTOGENIC
must have occurred by blood or lymphatic routes rather
than aspiration. CARCINOMA (CLEAR CELL
Cervical lymph nodes are the second most common site ODONTOGENIC TUMOR)
for metastasis of an ameloblastoma. Spread to vertebrae,
other bones, and viscera has also occasionally been Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma is a rare jaw tumor that
confirmed. was first described in 1985. To date, approximately 80
The radiographic findings of malignant ameloblastomas examples have been documented. The tumor appears to be
may be essentially the same as those in typical nonmetasta- of odontogenic origin, but its histogenesis is uncertain.
sizing ameloblastomas. Ameloblastic carcinomas are often Histochemical and ultrastructural studies have suggested
more aggressive lesions, with ill-defined margins and corti- that the clear cells, which are the prominent feature of this
cal destruction (Fig. 15-79). neoplasm, may have similarities to glycogen-rich presecre-
tory ameloblasts. Recent molecular studies, however, have
Histopathologic Features identified rearrangements of the EWSR1 gene in clear cell
odontogenic carcinoma. This genetic alteration can be
With malignant ameloblastomas, the primary jaw tumor found in a variety of tumors, but it is often seen in hyalin-
and the metastatic deposits show no microscopic features izing clear cell carcinoma, a rare salivary gland malignancy.
that differ from those of ameloblastomas with a com- Consequently some authors have postulated that perhaps
pletely benign local course. With ameloblastic carcinomas, some clear cell odontogenic carcinomas may represent an
the metastatic deposit or primary tumor shows the intraosseous variant of hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma.
microscopic pattern of ameloblastoma in addition to
cytologic features of malignancy. These include an increased Clinical and Radiographic Features
nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear hyperchromatism,
and the presence of mitoses (Fig. 15-80). Necrosis in The clear cell odontogenic carcinoma exhibits a variable
tumor islands and areas of dystrophic calcification may clinical pattern. A wide age range (from 14 to 89 years of
also be present. age) has been described, but most cases are diagnosed in
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 663

• Fig. 15-80  Ameloblastic Carcinoma. Ameloblastic epithelium • Fig. 15-82  Clear Cell Odontogenic Carcinoma. Hyperchromatic
demonstrating hyperchromatism, pleomorphism, and numerous epithelial nests including clusters of cells with abundant clear
mitotic figures. cytoplasm.

• Fig. 15-83  Clear Cell Odontogenic Carcinoma. Tumor island

• Fig. 15-81  Clear Cell Odontogenic Carcinoma. A radiolucent demonstrating cells with a clear cytoplasm. Note the peripheral colum-
defect at the apex of the mandibular first molar. (Courtesy of Dr. John nar differentiation.

hyalinized connective tissue often separate the clear cell

patients older than age 50. Nearly 80% of the lesions nests. The third pattern has a resemblance to ameloblastoma
develop in the mandible. Some patients complain of pain in that the peripheral cells of the clear cell islands may
or lower lip paresthesia, and bony swelling may be present. infrequently demonstrate palisading (Fig. 15-83). Often the
Other patients are relatively symptom free. Approximately lesional cells do not exhibit a significant degree of nuclear
60% of patients will have evidence of soft tissue involve- or cytologic pleomorphism. Furthermore, mitoses are gen-
ment by the tumor at the time of diagnosis because the erally sparse and necrosis is not a prominent feature. The
lesion perforates bone. clear cells contain small amounts of glycogen, but mucin
Radiographically, the lesions appear as unilocular or stains are negative. In some cases, islands more typical of
multilocular radiolucencies. The margins of the radiolu- ameloblastoma are interspersed among the other tumor
cency are often somewhat ill-defined or irregular (Fig. elements.
15-81). Hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma resembles clear cell
odontogenic carcinoma, and although the salivary gland
Histopathologic Features tumor develops in the soft tissues, for those lesions that have
significant bone destruction, it may be difficult to identify
Three histopathologic patterns have been described for clear the site of origin. Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma also
cell odontogenic carcinoma. The biphasic pattern consists may be difficult to distinguish from intraosseous mucoepi-
of varying-sized nests of epithelial cells, with a clear or dermoid carcinoma with a prominent clear cell component,
faintly eosinophilic cytoplasm admixed with more eosino- although the negative mucin stains are consistent with the
philic polygonal epithelial cells (Fig. 15-82). The second former. Amyloid stains would confirm the diagnosis of clear
pattern is more monophasic, characterized by only clear cell variant of the calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor,
cells that are arranged in nests and cords. Thin strands of because amyloid would not be present in clear cell
664 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

odontogenic tumor. A metastatic clear cell neoplasm, such

as a renal cell carcinoma, clear cell breast carcinoma, or clear
cell melanoma, may also need to be ruled out before the
diagnosis of clear cell odontogenic carcinoma can be 2% 9% 53%

Treatment and Prognosis

Clear cell odontogenic carcinomas largely demonstrate an
aggressive clinical course, with invasion of contiguous struc- 2% 7% 27%
tures and a significant tendency to recur, particularly if the
initial treatment is enucleation or curettage. Most patients
require fairly radical surgery. Metastatic involvement of
regional lymph nodes has been documented in 20% to 25%
of these patients, and pulmonary metastases have been • Fig. 15-84  Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor. Relative distribu-
tion of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor in the jaws.
described as well.


The adenomatoid odontogenic tumor represents 2% to
7% of all odontogenic tumors, and more than 750 examples
have been reported in the literature. Although this lesion
was formerly considered to be a variant of the ameloblas-
toma and was designated as “adenoameloblastoma,” its
clinical features and biologic behavior indicate that it is a
separate entity. Postulated histogenetic sources of the tumor
cells have included enamel organ epithelium, reduced
enamel epithelium, and rests of Malassez; however, some
investigators recently have suggested that the lesion arises
from remnants of dental lamina associated with the guber-
nacular cord.
• Fig. 15-85  Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor. Radiolucent
lesion involving an unerupted mandibular first premolar. In contrast to
Clinical and Radiographic Features the usual dentigerous cyst, the radiolucency extends almost to the
apex of the tooth. (Courtesy of Dr. Tony Traynham.)
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumors are largely limited to
younger patients, and two-thirds of all cases are diagnosed
when patients are 10 to 19 years of age. This tumor is defi- type of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor may be impossible
nitely uncommon in a patient older than age 30. It has a to differentiate radiographically from the more common
striking tendency to occur in the anterior portions of the dentigerous cyst. The radiolucency associated with the fol-
jaws and is found twice as often in the maxilla as in the licular type of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor sometimes
mandible (Fig. 15-84). Females are affected about twice as extends apically along the root past the cementoenamel
often as males. junction. This feature may help to distinguish an adeno­
Most adenomatoid odontogenic tumors are relatively matoid odontogenic tumor from a dentigerous cyst
small. They seldom exceed 3 cm in greatest diameter, (Fig. 15-85).
although a few large lesions have been reported. Peripheral Less often the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a well-
(extraosseous) forms of the tumor are also encountered but delineated unilocular radiolucency that is not related to an
are rare. These usually appear as small, sessile masses on the unerupted tooth, but rather is located between the roots of
facial gingiva of the maxilla. Clinically, these lesions cannot erupted teeth (extrafollicular type) (Fig. 15-86).
be differentiated from the common gingival fibrous lesions. The lesion may appear completely radiolucent; often,
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumors are frequently asymp- however, it contains fine (snowflake) calcifications (Fig.
tomatic and are discovered during the course of a routine 15-87). This feature may be helpful in differentiating the
radiographic examination or when films are made to deter- adenomatoid odontogenic tumor from a dentigerous cyst.
mine why a tooth has not erupted. Larger lesions cause a
painless expansion of the bone. Histopathologic Features
In about 75% of cases, the tumor appears as a circum-
scribed, unilocular radiolucency that involves the crown of The adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a well-defined
an unerupted tooth, most often a canine. This follicular lesion that is usually surrounded by a thick, fibrous capsule.
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 665

When the lesion is bisected, the central portion of the

tumor may be essentially solid or may show varying degrees
of cystic change (Fig. 15-88).
Microscopically, the tumor is composed of spindle-
shaped epithelial cells that form sheets, strands, or whorled
masses of cells in a scant fibrous stroma. The epithelial cells
may form rosettelike structures about a central space, which
may be empty or contain small amounts of eosinophilic
material. This material may stain for amyloid.
The tubular or ductlike structures, which are the charac-
teristic feature of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, may
be prominent, scanty, or even absent in a given lesion. These
consist of a central space surrounded by a layer of columnar
or cuboidal epithelial cells. The nuclei of these cells tend to
be polarized away from the central space. The mechanism
of formation of these tubular structures is not entirely clear
but is likely the result of the secretory activity of the tumor
cells, which appear to be preameloblasts. In any event, these
structures are not true ducts, and no glandular elements are
present in the tumor (Fig. 15-89).
• Fig. 15-86  Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor. A small radiolu- Small foci of calcification may also be scattered through-
cency is present between the roots of the lateral incisor and canine. out the tumor. These have been interpreted as abortive
(Courtesy of Dr. Ramesh Narang.) enamel formation. Some adenomatoid odontogenic tumors
contain larger areas of matrix material or calcification. This
material has been interpreted as dentinoid or cementum.
Some lesions also have another pattern, particularly at the
periphery of the tumor adjacent to the capsule. This consists
of narrow, often anastomosing cords of epithelium in an
eosinophilic, loosely arranged matrix.
The histopathologic features of this lesion are distinctive
and should not be confused with any other odontogenic

• Fig. 15-87  Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor. Well-defined • Fig. 15-88  Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor. A well-
pericoronal radiolucency enveloping the maxillary right lateral incisor in circumscribed cystlike mass can be seen enveloping the crown of a
a 14-year-old male. Note the subtle snowflake-like calcifications within maxillary cuspid. Note the intraluminal vegetations, which represent
the lesion. (Courtesy of Dr. Jason Barker.) nodular tumor growth.
666 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

21% 8%

57% 14%

• Fig. 15-90  Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor. Relative

distribution of calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor in the jaws.

• Fig. 15-89  Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor. A, Low-power
view demonstrating a thick capsule surrounding the tumor. B, Higher
magnification showing the ductlike epithelial structures. The nuclei of
the columnar cells are polarized away from the central spaces.
• Fig. 15-91  Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor. Honey-
combed multilocular radiolucency containing fine calcifications.
tumor. Interestingly, some adenomatoid odontogenic
tumors have been described with focal areas that resemble Although the tumor is clearly of odontogenic origin, its
calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor, odontoma, or cal- histogenesis is uncertain. The tumor cells bear a close mor-
cifying odontogenic cyst. These lesions appear to behave as phologic resemblance to the cells of the stratum interme-
a routine adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, however. The dium of the enamel organ; however, some investigators have
chief problem relates to mistaking this tumor for an amelo- recently suggested that the tumor arises from dental lamina
blastoma by a pathologist who is not familiar with this remnants based on its anatomic distribution in the jaws.
lesion. This error can lead to unnecessary radical surgery. Mutations of the PTCH1 gene have been identified in one
small series of this neoplasm. This gene is characteristically
Treatment and Prognosis associated with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (see
page 640), but the calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor
The adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is completely benign; is not a component of that condition.
because of its capsule, it enucleates easily from the bone.
Aggressive behavior has not been documented, and recur- Clinical and Radiographic Features
rence after enucleation seldom, if ever, occurs.
Although the calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor has
been found in patients across a wide age range and in many
◆ CALCIFYING EPITHELIAL parts of the jaw, it is most often encountered in patients
ODONTOGENIC TUMOR between 30 and 50 years of age. There is no sex predilection.
(PINDBORG TUMOR) About two-thirds of all reported cases have been found in
the mandible, most often in the posterior areas (Fig. 15-90).
The calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor, also widely A painless, slow-growing swelling is the most common pre-
known as the Pindborg tumor, is an uncommon lesion that senting sign.
accounts for less than 1% of all odontogenic tumors. Radiographically, the tumor exhibits either a unilocular
Approximately 200 cases have been reported to date. or a multilocular radiolucent defect (Fig. 15-91), with the
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 667

unilocular pattern encountered more commonly in the Several microscopic variations may be encountered.
maxilla. The margins of the lytic defect are often scalloped Some tumors consist of large sheets of epithelial cells with
and usually relatively well defined. However, approximately minimal production of amyloid-like material and calcifica-
20% of cases have an ill-defined periphery, and an addi- tions. Others show large diffuse masses of amyloid-like
tional 20% exhibit a corticated border. The tumor is material that contain only small nests or islands of epithe-
frequently associated with an impacted tooth, most often lium. A clear cell variant has been described, in which
a mandibular molar. The lesion may be entirely radiolu- clear cells constitute a significant portion of the epithelial
cent, but calcified structures of varying size and density
are commonly seen. Although some authors have suggested
that these are often most prominent around the crown
of the impacted tooth (Fig. 15-92), a review of the lit-
erature identified this feature in only 12% of published
cases with adequate radiographic documentation. Similarly,
the description of a “driven-snow” pattern of the calcifica-
tions appears to be much less common than previously
A few cases of peripheral (extraosseous) calcifying epithe-
lial odontogenic tumor have been reported. These appear as
nonspecific, sessile gingival masses, most often on the ante-
rior gingiva. Some of these have been associated with
cupped-out erosion of the underlying bone.
Histopathologic Features
The calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor has discrete
islands, strands, or sheets of polyhedral epithelial cells in a
fibrous stroma (Fig. 15-93). The cellular outlines of the
epithelial cells are distinct, and intercellular bridges may be
noted. The nuclei show considerable variation, and giant
nuclei may be seen. Some tumors show considerable nuclear
pleomorphism, but this feature is not considered to indicate
malignancy. Large areas of amorphous, eosinophilic, hyalin-
ized (amyloid-like) extracellular material are also often
present. The tumor islands frequently enclose masses of this
hyaline material, resulting in a cribriform appearance. Cal- B
cifications, which are a distinctive feature of the tumor,
develop within the amyloid-like material and form concen- • Fig. 15-93  Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor. A, Sheets
tric rings (Liesegang ring calcifications) (Fig. 15-94). These of epithelial tumor cells that surround pools of amorphous, eosinophilic
amyloid with focal calcification. B, Higher-power view showing poly-
tend to fuse and form large, complex masses. hedral cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and intercellular bridging. Adja-
cent amyloid deposits can be seen.

• Fig. 15-92  Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor. Prominent

calcification around the crown of an impacted second molar that is • Fig. 15-94  Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor. Multiple
involved in the tumor. (Courtesy of Dr. Harold Peacock.) concentric Liesegang ring calcifications.
668 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

• Fig. 15-95  Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor. With • Fig. 15-96  Squamous Odontogenic Tumor. Lucent defect
Congo red staining, the pools of amyloid exhibit an apple-green bire- extending along the roots of the lateral incisor and first premolar teeth.
fringence when viewed with polarized light. (Courtesy of Dr. Ed McGaha.)

component, and this tumor also has been reported to have within bone, although a few peripheral examples have been
a cystic growth pattern. described. Before 1975, this lesion was probably believed to
The amyloid-like material in the Pindborg tumor has represent an atypical acanthomatous ameloblastoma or even
been extensively investigated by histochemical, immunohis- a squamous cell carcinoma. The squamous odontogenic
tochemical, and biochemical methods, as well as by electron tumor may arise from neoplastic transformation of dental
microscopy. The material generally stains as amyloid (i.e., lamina rests or perhaps the epithelial rests of Malassez. In
positive staining results with Congo red). After Congo red some cases, the tumor appears to originate within the peri-
staining, the amyloid will exhibit apple-green birefringence odontal ligament that is associated with the lateral root
when viewed with polarized light (Fig. 15-95). Investigators surface of an erupted tooth.
have identified this material as a unique protein that is
produced by this tumor, as well as by the normal odonto- Clinical and Radiographic Features
genic apparatus and other odontogenic neoplasms. Both the
protein structure and the DNA sequence of the responsible Squamous odontogenic tumors have been found in patients
gene have been described, and this material has been whose ages ranged from 8 to 74 years (average age, 38).
designated as odontogenic ameloblast-associated protein They are randomly distributed throughout the alveolar pro-
(ODAM). cesses of the maxilla and mandible, with no site of predilec-
tion. A few patients have had multiple squamous odontogenic
Treatment and Prognosis tumors that involved several quadrants of the mouth; one
family with three affected siblings who each had multiple
Although it was originally believed that the calcifying epi- lesions has been reported. There is no apparent sex predilec-
thelial odontogenic tumor had about the same biologic tion. A painless or mildly painful gingival swelling, often
behavior as the ameloblastoma, accumulating experience associated with mobility of the associated teeth, is the most
indicates that it tends to be less aggressive. Conservative common complaint. About 25% of reported patients have
local resection to include a narrow rim of surrounding bone had no symptoms, and their lesions were detected during a
appears to be the treatment of choice, although lesions in radiographic examination.
the posterior maxilla should probably be treated more The radiographic findings are not specific or diagnostic
aggressively. A recurrence rate of about 15% has been and consist of a triangular radiolucent defect lateral to the
reported; tumors treated by curettage have the highest fre- root or roots of the teeth (Fig. 15-96). In some instances,
quency of recurrence. The overall prognosis appears good, this suggests vertical periodontal bone loss. The radiolucent
although rare examples of malignant or borderline malig- area may be somewhat ill defined or may show a well-
nant calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor have been defined, corticated margin. Most examples are relatively
reported, with documented metastasis to regional lymph small lesions that seldom exceed 1.5 cm in greatest
nodes and lung. diameter.

◆ SQUAMOUS ODONTOGENIC TUMOR Histopathologic Features

Squamous odontogenic tumor is a rare benign odonto- The microscopic findings of squamous odontogenic tumor
genic neoplasm that was first described in 1975 and is now are distinctive and consist of varying-shaped islands of
recognized as a distinct entity. Approximately 50 examples bland-appearing squamous epithelium in a mature fibrous
have been reported to date. Most of these have been located connective tissue stroma. The peripheral cells of the
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 669

epithelial islands do not show the characteristic polarization most reported cases have not recurred after local excision.
seen in ameloblastomas (Fig. 15-97). Vacuolization and A few instances of recurrence have been reported, but these
individual cell keratinization within the epithelial islands have responded well to further local excision. Maxillary
are common features. Small microcysts are sometimes squamous odontogenic tumors may be somewhat more
observed within the epithelial islands. Laminated calcified aggressive than mandibular lesions, with a greater tendency
bodies and globular eosinophilic structures, which do not to invade adjacent structures. This may be because of the
stain for amyloid, are present within the epithelium in some porous, spongy nature of the maxillary bone. The multicen-
cases. The former probably represents dystrophic calcifica- tric lesions have typically exhibited a less aggressive, almost
tions; the nature of the latter is unknown. hamartomatous behavior when compared with solitary
Islands of epithelium that closely resemble those of the lesions. A well-documented example of apparent malignant
squamous odontogenic tumor have been observed within transformation of squamous odontogenic tumor has been
the fibrous walls of dentigerous and radicular cysts. These reported.
have been designated as squamous odontogenic tumorlike pro-
liferations in odontogenic cysts. These islands do not appear MIXED ODONTOGENIC TUMORS
to have any significance relative to the behavior of the cyst,
and evaluation of the clinical, radiographic, and histopatho- The group of mixed odontogenic tumors, composed of
logic features should permit differentiation from a squa- proliferating odontogenic epithelium in a cellular ectomes-
mous odontogenic tumor. enchyme resembling the dental papilla, poses problems in
In published reports, some squamous odontogenic classification. Some of these lesions show varying degrees of
tumors have been misdiagnosed initially as ameloblastomas, inductive effect by the epithelium on the mesenchyme,
resulting in unnecessary radical surgery. leading to the formation of varying amounts of enamel and
dentin. Some of these lesions (the common odontomas)
Treatment and Prognosis are clearly nonneoplastic developmental anomalies; others
appear to be true neoplasms. The nature of others is
Conservative local excision or curettage appears to be effec- uncertain.
tive for patients with squamous odontogenic tumors, and In some instances, the histopathologic findings alone
cannot distinguish between the neoplastic lesions and the
developmental anomalies. Clinical and radiographic fea-
tures often are of considerable assistance in making this

The ameloblastic fibroma is considered to be a true mixed
tumor in which the epithelial and mesenchymal tissues are
both neoplastic. It is an uncommon tumor, but the data
regarding its frequency are difficult to evaluate because (par-
ticularly in earlier reports) some lesions that were diagnosed
as ameloblastic fibroma may actually have represented the
early developing stage of an odontoma.

Clinical and Radiographic Features

Ameloblastic fibromas tend to occur in younger patients;
most lesions are diagnosed in the first two decades of life.
This lesion, however, is occasionally encountered in middle-
aged patients. The tumor is slightly more common in males
than in females. Small ameloblastic fibromas are asymptom-
atic; larger tumors are associated with swelling of the jaws.
The posterior mandible is the most common site; about
70% of all cases are located in this area (Fig. 15-98). Con-
vincing examples of this tumor arising within the gingival
soft tissue have been described, but this appears to represent
B a rare phenomenon.
Radiographically, either a unilocular or multilocular
• Fig. 15-97  Squamous Odontogenic Tumor. A, Low-power pho-
tomicrograph showing islands of bland-appearing squamous epithe-
radiolucent lesion is seen, with the smaller lesions tending
lium in a fibrous stroma. B, Higher-power photomicrograph showing to be unilocular. The radiographic margins tend to be well
bland appearance of the epithelium with microcyst formation. defined, and they may be corticated. An unerupted tooth
670 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

23% 4%

69% 4%

• Fig. 15-98  Ameloblastic Fibroma. Relative distribution of amelo-

blastic fibroma in the jaws.

• Fig. 15-100  Ameloblastic Fibroma. A, Long, narrow cords of

odontogenic epithelium supported by richly cellular, primitive connec-
tive tissue. B, Basophilic epithelial islands with peripheral nuclear

• Fig. 15-99  Ameloblastic Fibroma. Multilocular radiolucent defect

associated with an unerupted second molar. (Courtesy of Dr. Mark cells, which surround a mass of loosely arranged epithelial
Chishom.) cells that resemble stellate reticulum. In contrast to the fol-
licular type of ameloblastoma, these follicular islands in
the ameloblastic fibroma seldom demonstrate microcyst
is associated with the lesion in about 75% of cases (Fig. formation.
15-99). The ameloblastic fibroma may grow to a large size, The mesenchymal portion of the ameloblastic fibroma
and cases that involve a considerable portion of the body consists of plump stellate and ovoid cells in a loose matrix,
and ascending ramus of the mandible have been reported. which closely resembles the developing dental papilla. Col-
lagen formation is generally inconspicuous. Juxtaepithelial
Histopathologic Features hyalinization of the mesenchymal portion of the tumor is
sometimes seen, and occasionally diffuse areas of hyalinized
The ameloblastic fibroma appears as a solid, soft tissue mass acellular lesional tissue are evident.
with a smooth outer surface. A definite capsule may or may A few examples of ameloblastic fibroma occurring in
not be present. Microscopically, the tumor is composed of conjunction with calcifying odontogenic cyst also have been
a cell-rich mesenchymal tissue resembling the primitive reported.
dental papilla admixed with proliferating odontogenic epi-
thelium. The latter may have one of two patterns, both of Treatment and Prognosis
which are usually present in any given case. The most
common epithelial pattern consists of long, narrow cords of The proper management of ameloblastic fibroma has been
odontogenic epithelium, often in an anastomosing arrange- an ongoing topic of debate. Although initially it was believed
ment. These cords are usually only two cells in thickness that the ameloblastic fibroma was an innocuous lesion that
and are composed of cuboidal or columnar cells (Fig. seldom recurred after simple local excision or curettage,
15-100). In the other pattern, the epithelial cells form small, subsequent reports seemed to indicate a substantial risk of
discrete islands that resemble the follicular stage of the recurrence after conservative therapy. The highest recur-
developing enamel organ. These show peripheral columnar rence rate (43.5%) was recorded in a series of cases from
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 671

the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, and it could be of the jaws, and the majority involves the mandible
argued that this was a biased sample of larger lesions that (Fig. 15-101). Males are affected somewhat more often than
were inherently more difficult to manage. In other series of females, with a 3 : 2 ratio noted in the literature. The lesion
cases, from 0% to 18% of ameloblastic fibromas were is commonly asymptomatic and is discovered when radio-
reported to recur after conservative removal and an ade- graphs are taken to determine the reason for failure of a
quate follow-up period. Based on these data, recent recom- tooth to erupt. Large examples may be associated with a
mendations have emphasized conservative initial therapy painless swelling of the affected bone.
for ameloblastic fibroma. More aggressive surgical excision Radiographically, the tumor shows a well-circumscribed
should probably be reserved for recurrent lesions. Approxi- unilocular or, infrequently, multilocular radiolucent defect
mately 35% of the cases of the rare ameloblastic fibrosar- that contains a variable amount of calcified material with
coma develop in the setting of a recurrent ameloblastic the radiodensity of tooth structure. The calcified material
fibroma. within the lesion may appear as multiple, small radiopacities
or as a solid conglomerate mass (Fig. 15-102). In most
◆ AMELOBLASTIC FIBRO-ODONTOMA instances, an unerupted tooth is present at the margin of
the lesion, or the crown of the unerupted tooth may be
The ameloblastic fibro-odontoma is defined as a tumor included within the defect. Approximately 5% of amelo-
with the general features of an ameloblastic fibroma but blastic fibro-odontomas contain only a minimal amount
that also contains enamel and dentin. Some investigators of calcifying enamel and dentin matrix and appear
believe that the ameloblastic fibro-odontoma is only a
stage in the development of an odontoma and do not
consider it to be a separate entity. Certainly the histo-
pathologic features of a developing odontoma may overlap
somewhat with ameloblastic fibro-odontoma. There are
well-documented examples, however, of this tumor exhibit-
ing progressive growth and causing considerable deformity 21% 14%
and bone destruction. Such lesions appear to be true
neoplasms. However, distinguishing between a developing
odontoma and an ameloblastic fibro-odontoma may be
difficult based on histopathologic grounds alone.

Clinical and Radiographic Features 54% 11%

The ameloblastic fibro-odontoma is usually seen in children

with an average age of 10 years. It is rarely encountered in
adults. Like the ameloblastic fibroma, ameloblastic fibro- • Fig. 15-101  Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma. Relative distribution
odontomas occur more frequently in the posterior regions of ameloblastic fibro-odontoma in the jaws.

• Fig. 15-102  Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma. Radiolucent defect in the ramus containing small
calcifications having the radiodensity of tooth structure.
672 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

• Fig. 15-103  Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma. Unilocular radiolu- A

cent defect displacing the developing mandibular third molar posteri-
orly. Flecks of mineralized material are present in the radiolucent
defect. (Courtesy of Dr. Dominic Adornato.)

radiographically as radiolucent lesions (Fig. 15-103). These

cannot be differentiated from the wide variety of unilocular
radiolucencies that may involve the jaws. At the other
extreme, some ameloblastic fibro-odontomas appear as
largely calcified masses with only a narrow rim of radiolu-
cency about the periphery of the lesion.

Histopathologic Features
The soft tissue component of the ameloblastic fibro-
• Fig. 15-104  Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma. A, The soft tissue
odontoma is microscopically identical to the ameloblastic component of the tumor is indistinguishable from an ameloblastic
fibroma and has narrow cords and small islands of odon- fibroma. B, Formation of disorganized tooth structure can be seen.
togenic epithelium in a loose primitive-appearing connec-
tive tissue that resembles the dental papilla. The calcifying
element consists of foci of enamel and dentin matrix forma-
tion in close relationship to the epithelial structures (Fig. ◆ AMELOBLASTIC FIBROSARCOMA
15-104). The more calcified lesions show mature dental (AMELOBLASTIC SARCOMA)
structures in the form of rudimentary small teeth or con-
glomerate masses of enamel and dentin. Some researchers The rare ameloblastic fibrosarcoma is considered to be the
have designated a similar tumor in which the calcifying malignant counterpart of the ameloblastic fibroma, and
component consists only of dentin matrix and dentinoid approximately 70 cases have been documented in the litera-
material as ameloblastic fibro-dentinoma. It is question- ture. Interestingly, in most cases, only the mesenchymal
able whether this lesion represents a separate entity, and it portion of the lesion shows features of malignancy; the
is probably best considered as only a variant of the amelo- epithelial component remains rather bland. These tumors
blastic fibro-odontoma. may apparently arise de novo; however, in at least one-third
of known cases, the malignant lesion represents a recurrence
Treatment and Prognosis of a tumor previously diagnosed as an ameloblastic fibroma
or an ameloblastic fibro-odontoma.
A patient with an ameloblastic fibro-odontoma is generally
treated by conservative curettage, and the lesion usually Clinical and Radiographic Features
separates easily from its bony bed. The tumor is well cir-
cumscribed and does not invade the surrounding bone. Ameloblastic fibrosarcomas occur about 1.5 times as often
The prognosis is excellent, and the recurrence rate after in males as in females. The lesion tends to occur in younger
conservative removal is estimated to be about 7%. Develop- patients (mean reported age, 27.5 years). Although either the
ment of an ameloblastic fibrosarcoma after curettage of an maxilla or the mandible may be involved, about 80% of cases
ameloblastic fibro-odontoma has been reported, but this is have occurred in the mandible. Pain and swelling associated
exceedingly rare. with rapid clinical growth are the common complaints.
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 673

• Fig. 15-105  Ameloblastic Fibrosarcoma. A, A 21-year-old woman complained of facial asymmetry
and recent increase in size of a mandibular mass that had been present for some years. B, Radiograph
of the same patient. Note the lytic destruction of the posterior mandible. (Courtesy of Dr. Sam McKenna.)

Radiographically, the ameloblastic fibrosarcoma shows

an ill-defined destructive radiolucent lesion that suggests a
malignant process (Fig. 15-105).

Histopathologic Features
Ameloblastic fibrosarcomas contain an epithelial compo-
nent similar to that seen in the ameloblastic fibroma,
although it is frequently less prominent. The epithelial com-
ponent appears histopathologically benign and does not
demonstrate any cytologic atypia. The mesenchymal portion
of the tumor, however, is highly cellular and shows hyper-
chromatic and often bizarre pleomorphic cells (Fig. 15-106).
Mitoses are usually prominent. In some cases with multiple • Fig. 15-106  Ameloblastic Fibrosarcoma. The cellular mesen-
recurrences, the epithelial component becomes progres- chymal tissue shows hyperchromatism and atypical cells. A small
sively less conspicuous so that the tumor eventually shows island of ameloblastic epithelium is present.
only a poorly differentiated fibrosarcoma.
In a few instances, dysplastic dentin or small amounts
of enamel may be formed. Some have called such lesions ◆ ODONTOAMELOBLASTOMA
ameloblastic dentinosarcomas or ameloblastic fibro-
odontosarcomas. This additional subclassification, however, The odontoameloblastoma is an extremely rare odonto-
appears unnecessary. Another rare event that actually may genic tumor that contains an ameloblastomatous compo-
be overrepresented in the literature is concurrent malignant nent and odontoma-like elements. Fewer than 20 cases have
transformation of both the epithelial and mesenchymal ele- been reported with sufficient documentation to support this
ments of an ameloblastic fibroma, resulting in an amelo- diagnosis. This tumor was formerly called ameloblastic odon-
blastic carcinosarcoma. toma and was confused with the more common (though
still relatively rare) lesion currently designated as amelo-
Treatment and Prognosis blastic fibro-odontoma. Because the clinical behavior of
these two tumors is quite different, they should be distin-
Once the diagnosis of ameloblastic fibrosarcoma has been guished from one another. This neoplasm is also frequently
confirmed, radical surgical excision appears to be the treat- confused with an odontoma that is in its early stages of
ment of choice. Curettage or local excision is usually fol- development.
lowed by rapid local recurrence. The tumor is locally
aggressive and infiltrates adjacent bone and soft tissues. Clinical and Radiographic Features
The long-term prognosis is difficult to ascertain because
of the few reported cases with adequate follow-up, with the Because of the rarity of odontoameloblastomas, little reli-
best estimates suggesting that 20% of these patients will able information is available. The lesion appears to occur
succumb to their tumor. Most deaths have resulted from more often in younger patients, and either jaw can be
uncontrolled local disease, and metastatic tumor has been affected. Pain, delayed eruption of teeth, and expansion of
documented in only four of 54 evaluable cases. the affected bone may be noted.
674 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

Radiographically, the tumor shows a radiolucent, destruc- a tooth to erupt. Odontomas are typically relatively small
tive process that contains calcified structures. These have the and seldom exceed the size of a tooth in the area where they
radiodensity of tooth structure and may resemble miniature are located. However, large odontomas up to 6 cm or more
teeth or occur as larger masses of calcified material similar in diameter are occasionally seen. These large odontomas
to a complex odontoma. can cause expansion of the jaw.
Odontomas occur somewhat more frequently in the
Histopathologic Features maxilla than in the mandible. Although compound and
complex odontomas may be found in any site, the com-
The histopathologic features of the odontoameloblastoma pound type is more often seen in the anterior maxilla;
are complex. The proliferating epithelial portion of the complex odontomas occur more often in the molar regions
tumor has features of an ameloblastoma, most often of the of either jaw. Occasionally, an odontoma will develop com-
plexiform or follicular pattern. The ameloblastic component pletely within the gingival soft tissues.
is intermingled with immature or more mature dental tissue Radiographically, the compound odontoma appears as
in the form of developing rudimentary teeth, which is a collection of toothlike structures of varying size and shape
similar to the appearance of a compound odontoma, or surrounded by a narrow radiolucent zone (Figs. 15-107 and
conglomerate masses of enamel, dentin, and cementum, as 15-108). The complex odontoma appears as a calcified
seen in a complex odontoma.

Treatment and Prognosis

Multiple recurrences of odontoameloblastomas have been
reported after local curettage, and it appears that this tumor
has the same biologic potential as the ameloblastoma. It is
probably wise to treat a patient with this lesion in the same
manner as one with an ameloblastoma. However, there are
no valid data on the long-term prognosis.

Odontomas are the most common types of odontogenic
tumors. Their prevalence exceeds that of all other odonto-
genic tumors combined. Odontomas are considered to be • Fig. 15-107  Compound Odontoma. A small cluster of toothlike
structures is preventing the eruption of the maxillary canine. (Courtesy
developmental anomalies (hamartomas), rather than true
of Dr. Robert J. Powers.)
neoplasms. When fully developed, odontomas consist
chiefly of enamel and dentin, with variable amounts of pulp
and cementum. In their earlier developmental stages,
varying amounts of proliferating odontogenic epithelium
and mesenchyme are present.
Odontomas are further subdivided into compound and
complex types. The compound odontoma is composed of
multiple, small toothlike structures. The complex odon-
toma consists of a conglomerate mass of enamel and dentin,
which bears no anatomic resemblance to a tooth. In most
series, compound odontomas are more frequently diag-
nosed than complex, and it is possible that some compound
odontomas are not submitted for microscopic examination
because the clinician is comfortable with the clinical and
radiographic diagnosis. Occasionally, an odontoma may
show both compound and complex features.

Clinical and Radiographic Features

Most odontomas are detected during the first two decades
of life, and the mean age at the time of diagnosis is 14 years.
The majority of these lesions are completely asymptomatic,
being discovered on a routine radiographic examination or • Fig. 15-108  Compound Odontoma. Multiple toothlets preventing
when films are taken to determine the reason for failure of the eruption of the mandibular cuspid. (Courtesy of Dr. Brent Bernard.)
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 675

• Fig. 15-109  Complex Odontoma. A large radiopaque mass is overlying the crown of the mandibular
right second molar, which has been displaced to the inferior border of the mandible.

• Fig. 15-110  Compound Odontoma. Surgical specimen consist- • Fig. 15-111  Complex Odontoma. This decalcified section shows
ing of more than 20 malformed toothlike structures. a disorganized mass of dentin intermixed with small pools of enamel

mass with the radiodensity of tooth structure, which is also

surrounded by a narrow radiolucent rim. An unerupted in the coronal and root portions of the toothlike structures.
tooth is frequently associated with the odontoma, and the In patients with developing odontomas, structures that
odontoma prevents eruption of the tooth (Fig. 15-109). resemble tooth germs are present.
Some small odontomas are present between the roots of Complex odontomas consist largely of mature tubular
erupted teeth and are not associated with disturbance in dentin. This dentin encloses clefts or hollow circular struc-
eruption. The radiographic findings are usually diagnostic, tures that contained the mature enamel that was removed
and the compound odontoma is seldom confused with any during decalcification. The spaces may contain small
other lesion. A developing odontoma may show little evi- amounts of enamel matrix or immature enamel (Fig.
dence of calcification and appear as a circumscribed radio- 15-111). Small islands of eosinophilic-staining epithelial
lucent lesion. A complex odontoma, however, may be ghost cells are present in about 20% of complex odontomas.
radiographically confused with an osteoma or some other These may represent remnants of odontogenic epithelium
highly calcified bone lesion. that have undergone keratinization and cell death from the
local anoxia. A thin layer of cementum is often present
Histopathologic Features about the periphery of the mass. Occasionally, a dentigerous
cyst may arise from the epithelial lining of the fibrous
The compound odontoma consists of multiple structures capsule of a complex odontoma.
resembling small, single-rooted teeth, contained in a loose
fibrous matrix (Fig. 15-110). The mature enamel caps of Treatment and Prognosis
the toothlike structures are lost during decalcification for
preparation of the microscopic section, but varying amounts Odontomas are treated by simple local excision, and the
of enamel matrix are often present. Pulp tissue may be seen prognosis is excellent.
676 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

the teeth often cause root divergence. Approximately 12%

of central odontogenic fibromas will exhibit radiopaque
TUMORS OF ODONTOGENIC flecks within the lesion.
Histopathologic Features
Lesions reported as central odontogenic fibroma have shown
The central odontogenic fibroma is an uncommon and considerable histopathologic diversity; this has led some
somewhat controversial lesion. Approximately 100 exam- authors to describe two separate types, although this concept
ples have been reported. Formerly, some oral and maxillo- has been questioned. The World Health Organization
facial pathologists designated solid fibrous masses that were (WHO) recognizes an epithelium-poor variant of central
almost always associated with the crown of an unerupted
tooth as odontogenic fibromas. Most oral and maxillofacial
pathologists today consider such lesions to represent only
hyperplastic dental follicles, and these should not be con-
sidered to be neoplasms.

Clinical and Radiographic Features

Odontogenic fibromas have been reported in patients whose
ages ranged from 4 to 80 years (mean age, 40 years). Of
those cases reported in the literature, a 1.8 : 1.0 female-to-
male ratio has been noted, indicating a strong female pre-
dilection. The maxilla and mandible are affected nearly
equally, with most maxillary lesions located anterior to the
first molar tooth (Fig. 15-112). In the mandible, however, A
about half of the tumors are located posterior to the first
molar. One-third of odontogenic fibromas are associated
with an unerupted tooth. Smaller odontogenic fibromas are
usually completely asymptomatic; larger lesions may be
associated with localized bony expansion or loosening of
teeth. Interestingly, the palatal mucosa that overlies the
tumor occasionally may exhibit a defect or groove.
Radiographically, smaller odontogenic fibromas tend to
be well-defined, unilocular, radiolucent lesions often associ-
ated with the periradicular area of erupted teeth (Fig.
15-113). Larger lesions tend to be multilocular radiolucen-
cies. Many lesions have a corticated border. Root resorption
of associated teeth is common, and lesions located between

10% 6% 29%

29% 18% 8%
• Fig. 15-113  Odontogenic Fibroma. A, Clinical image showing a
groove or defect in the palatal mucosa, a feature that has been
described with maxillary lesions. B, Radiograph of this patient, depict-
• Fig. 15-112  Odontogenic Fibroma. Relative distribution of odon- ing a multilocular radiolucency of the anterior maxilla. (Courtesy of 
togenic fibroma in the jaws. Dr. Greg Adams.)
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 677

odontogenic fibroma (so-called simple odontogenic material or dentinoid are present in some cases. Focal
fibroma) and an epithelium-rich variant (so-called WHO deposits of odontogenic ameloblast-associated protein
odontogenic fibroma). The simple type of odontogenic (ODAM), which represent a form of amyloid, have been
fibroma is composed of stellate fibroblasts, often arranged described in a few central odontogenic fibromas, and the
in a whorled pattern with fine collagen fibrils and consider- possibility that some of these lesions may represent calcify-
able ground substance (Fig. 15-114). Small foci of odonto- ing epithelial odontogenic tumors cannot be excluded.
genic epithelial rests should be present according to the Approximately 20 examples of central odontogenic fibroma
WHO definition. Spindle cell collagenous lesions that do associated with a giant cell granuloma–like component
not have epithelial rests may represent other entities, such have been reported since 1992 (Fig. 15-116). It seems
as desmoplastic fibroma, myofibroma, or neurofibroma. unlikely that this process represents a “collision” tumor
Occasional foci of dystrophic calcification may be seen. with synchronous occurrence of an odontogenic fibroma
The epithelium-rich odontogenic fibroma has a more and a giant cell granuloma. Several of these lesions have
complex pattern, which often consists of a fairly cellular recurred, and the recurrences typically exhibit both com-
fibrous connective tissue with collagen fibers arranged in ponents. Whether the odontogenic fibroma somehow
interlacing bundles. Odontogenic epithelium in the form induced a giant cell response in these patients, a giant cell
of long strands or isolated nests is present throughout the granuloma triggered formation of an odontogenic fibroma,
lesion and may be a prominent component (Fig. 15-115). or whether this is a distinct biphasic lesion remains to be
The fibrous component may vary from myxoid to densely clarified.
hyalinized. Calcifications composed of cementum-like

• Fig. 15-114  Odontogenic Fibroma (Simple Type). Scattered
fibroblasts within a collagenous background. No epithelial rests were
found on multiple sections from this tumor.

• Fig. 15-116  Odontogenic Fibroma (WHO Type) with Associ-
ated Giant Cell Granuloma. A, Unilocular radiolucency between the
left mandibular bicuspids. B, Microscopic examination reveals two
distinct patterns. On the left, one can see cords of odontogenic epi-
• Fig. 15-115  Odontogenic Fibroma (World Health Organiza- thelium within a fibrous background, consistent with odontogenic
tion [WHO] Type). A cellular fibroblastic lesion containing narrow fibroma (WHO type). Typical features of central giant cell granuloma
cords of odontogenic epithelium. are present on the right side of the field.
678 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

Treatment and Prognosis Radiographic studies demonstrate a soft tissue mass,

which in some cases has shown areas of calcification. The
Odontogenic fibromas are usually treated by enucleation lesion typically does not involve the underlying bone,
and vigorous curettage. Although the tumor does not have although occasionally a “cupped out” appearance has been
a definite capsule, it appears to have a limited growth poten- noted.
tial, particularly in the anterior regions of the jaws. A few
recurrences have been documented, but the prognosis is Histopathologic Features
very good.
The peripheral odontogenic fibroma shows similar histo-
◆ PERIPHERAL ODONTOGENIC FIBROMA pathologic features to the central odontogenic fibroma
(WHO type). The tumor consists of interwoven fascicles of
The relatively uncommon peripheral odontogenic fibroma cellular fibrous connective tissue, which may be interspersed
is considered to represent the soft tissue counterpart of the with areas of less cellular, myxoid connective tissue. A gran-
central (intraosseous) odontogenic fibroma. In the past, ular cell change has been rarely identified in the connective
some authors have designated clinically and histopathologi- tissue component, and giant cell granuloma–like areas have
cally similar lesions as odontogenic epithelial hamartoma been described in a few lesions. Islands or strands of odon-
or as peripheral fibroameloblastic dentinoma. It is likely togenic epithelium are scattered throughout the connective
that all of these terms refer to the same lesion, and periph- tissue. These may be prominent or scarce. The epithelial
eral odontogenic fibroma seems to be the most appropriate cells may show vacuolization. Dysplastic dentin, amorphous
designation. A few series of this lesion have been reported ovoid cementum-like calcifications, and trabeculae of
in the past three decades, bringing the total number of cases osteoid may also be present.
in the literature to over 375.
Treatment and Prognosis
Clinical and Radiographic Features
The peripheral odontogenic fibroma is treated by local sur-
The peripheral odontogenic fibroma appears as a firm, slow- gical excision, and the prognosis is good. Recurrence of this
growing, and usually sessile gingival mass covered by lesion has been documented, however, so the patient and
normal-appearing mucosa (Fig. 15-117). Rarely, multifocal clinician should be aware of this possibility.
or diffuse lesions have been described. Clinically, the
peripheral odontogenic fibroma cannot be distinguished
from the much more common fibrous gingival lesions (see
Chapter 12). The lesion is most often encountered on the TUMOR (GRANULAR CELL
facial gingiva of the mandible. Most lesions are between ODONTOGENIC FIBROMA)
0.5 and 1.5  cm in diameter, and they infrequently cause
displacement of the teeth. Peripheral odontogenic fibromas The rare granular cell odontogenic tumor was initially
have been recorded in patients across a wide age range, reported as “granular cell ameloblastic fibroma.” Subse-
with most identified from the second to the fourth decades quently, it was designated as granular cell odontogenic
of life. fibroma, but the noncommittal term granular cell odon-
togenic tumor is probably more appropriate, given the
controversial nature of the lesion. Approximately 30 cases
of this unusual tumor have been reported.

Clinical and Radiographic Features

Patients with granular cell odontogenic tumors have all
been adults at the time of diagnosis, with more than half
being older than 40 years of age. More than 70% of the
cases have developed in women. The tumor occurs pri-
marily in the mandible and most often in the premolar
and molar region. Some lesions are completely asymp-
tomatic; others present as a painless, localized expansion
of the affected area. A few cases of granular cell odonto-
genic tumor have been described in the gingival soft tissues
as well.
• Fig. 15-117  Peripheral Odontogenic Fibroma. This sessile gin- Radiographically, the lesion appears as a well-demarcated
gival mass cannot be clinically distinguished from the common periph- radiolucency, which may be unilocular or multilocular and
eral ossifying fibroma. (Courtesy of Dr. Jerry Stovall.) occasionally shows small calcifications (Fig. 15-118).
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 679

16% 9% 9%

28% 20% 18%

• Fig. 15-118  Granular Cell Odontogenic Tumor. Radiolucent • Fig. 15-120  Odontogenic Myxoma. Relative distribution of odon-
lesion involving the apical area of endodontically treated maxillary togenic myxoma in the jaws.
teeth. (Courtesy of Dr. Steve Ferry.)

Treatment and Prognosis

The granular cell odontogenic fibroma appears to be com-
pletely benign in the overwhelming majority of instances
and responds well to curettage. Only one recurrence has
been documented, and a solitary example of a malignant
central granular cell odontogenic fibroma has been reported.

Myxomas of the jaws are believed to arise from odontogenic
ectomesenchyme. They bear a close microscopic resem-
blance to the mesenchymal portion of a developing tooth.
Formerly, some investigators made a distinction between
odontogenic myxomas (derived from odontogenic mesen-
chyme) and osteogenic myxomas (presumably derived
from primitive bone tissue). However, most authorities in
• Fig. 15-119  Granular Cell Odontogenic Tumor. Sheet of large orthopedic pathologic practice do not accept that myxomas
granular mesenchymal cells with small nests of odontogenic
occur in the extragnathic skeleton, and all myxomas of the
jaws are currently considered to be of odontogenic origin.

Histopathologic Features Clinical and Radiographic Features

The granular cell odontogenic tumor is composed of large Myxomas are predominantly found in young adults but
eosinophilic granular cells, which closely resemble the gran- may occur across a wide age group. The average age for
ular cells seen in the soft tissue granular cell tumor (see page patients with myxomas is 25 to 30 years. There is no sex
502) or the granular cells seen in the granular cell variant predilection. The tumor may be found in almost any area
of the ameloblastoma (see page 657). Narrow cords or small of the jaws, and the mandible is involved more commonly
islands of odontogenic epithelium are scattered among the than the maxilla (Fig. 15-120). Smaller lesions may be
granular cells (Fig. 15-119). Small cementum-like or dys- asymptomatic and are discovered only during a radiographic
trophic calcifications associated with the granular cells have examination. Larger lesions are often associated with a pain-
been seen in some lesions. less expansion of the involved bone. In some instances,
The nature of the granular cells is controversial. Ultra- clinical growth of the tumor may be rapid; this is probably
structural studies reveal the features of mesenchymal cells, related to the accumulation of myxoid ground substance in
and bodies consistent with lysosomal structures have been the tumor.
identified within the lesional cell cytoplasm. Immunohisto- Radiographically, the myxoma appears as a unilocular or
chemically, the granular cells in the granular cell odonto- multilocular radiolucency that may displace or cause resorp-
genic tumor do not react with antibodies directed against tion of teeth in the area of the tumor (Fig. 15-121). The
S-100 protein, in contrast to the positive S-100 reactivity margins of the radiolucency are often irregular or scalloped.
of the granular cell tumor. The radiolucent defect may contain thin, wispy trabeculae
680 C H A P T E R 1 5 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors

• Fig. 15-123  Odontogenic Myxoma. Multilocular expansile radio-

lucency of the posterior mandible. (Courtesy of Dr. Steve Anderson.)

• Fig. 15-121  Odontogenic Myxoma. Unilocular radiolucency

between the right mandibular lateral incisor and cuspid.

• Fig. 15-124  Odontogenic Myxoma. Gross specimen of case

shown in Fig. 15-121, demonstrating a white gelatinous mass.

• Fig. 15-122  Odontogenic Myxoma. Radiolucent lesion of ante-

rior maxilla showing fine residual bone trabeculae arranged at right
angles to one another (“stepladder” pattern).

of residual bone, which are often arranged at right angles

to one another (Fig. 15-122). Large myxomas of the man-
dible may show a “soap bubble” radiolucent pattern, which
is indistinguishable from that seen in ameloblastomas (Fig.
• Fig. 15-125  Odontogenic Myxoma. A loose, myxomatous tumor
can be seen filling the marrow spaces between the bony trabeculae.
Histopathologic Features The inset shows stellate-shaped cells and fine collagen fibrils.

At the time of surgery or gross examination of the specimen,

the gelatinous, loose structure of the myxoma is obvious study shows that the ground substance is composed of
(Fig. 15-124). Microscopically, the tumor is composed of glycosaminoglycans, chiefly hyaluronic acid and chondroi-
haphazardly arranged stellate, spindle-shaped, and round tin sulfate. Immunohistochemically, the myxoma cells show
cells in an abundant, loose myxoid stroma that contains diffuse immunoreactivity with antibodies directed against
only a few collagen fibrils (Fig. 15-125). Histochemical vimentin, with focal reactivity for muscle-specific actin.
CHAPTER 15  Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 681

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