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Dalahican, Lucena City, Quezon, Philippines

The Reasons and Life Experiences of Selected Out of School Youth in Barangay
Dalahican Lucena City

A Research Proposal
Presented to
of Lucena Dalahican National High School
Lucena City

In partial fulfillment
Of the Requirement for


Deo Renz C. Avellana

Jade Diane M. Guerrero
Mary Joy G. Orcales
Rodolfo T. Pavillon

October 2019

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject of Practical Research I. The

researcher paper entitled, „The reasons and Life Experiences of Out of School Youth in

Barangay Dalahican Lucena City‟ has been submitted by Deo Renz Avellana, Jade Diane

Guerrero, Mary Joy Orcales and Rodolfo Pavillon III who hereby for oral examination.

Leonor Justarez
Research Adviser

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject, Inquiry, Investigation

and Immersion by the Oral Examination Committee.

Leonor Justarez Allan Dela Cruz

Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject, In Inquiry,

Investigation and Immersion.

Ms. Carmen H. Macatugob

Principal I

This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our beloved parents, who have been our source

of inspiration and gave us strength when we thought of giving up, who continually provide their

moral, spiritual, emotional, and financial support.

To our brothers, sisters, relatives, mentor, friends, and classmates who shared their words

of advice and encouragement to finish this study.

And lastly, we dedicate this book to the Almighty God, for the guidance, strength, power

of mind, protection and skills and for giving us a healthy life. All of these, we offer to You.

The researcher would like to express their deepest gratitude to the following person:

Mrs. Leonor Justarez, their Research Teacher, for the source of motivation and

encouragement, a teacher who has been willing to give her time, effort and knowledge to help

them to finish.

Ms. Carmen Macatugob, the School Principal, for giving her courage and full support

to them.

Mr. Joveth Racsag, their Adviser, for his comments and suggestions and for his ideas

for completion of the study.

All the Teachers, for motivating them and shaping them in their educational


The parents, who has been willing to give a full financial support and precious advice to
accomplish the study.

Youth: is the time of life when one is young, but often means the time between
childhood and adulthood (maturity) it is also defined as “the apperance,
freshness, vigor, spirit, stc. Characteristics of one who is young

Education: Its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills
values, beliefs and habits of a group of people are transferred from one
generation to the next through storytelling, discussion, teaching training and or

Knowledge: Is a familiarity, awareness or understanding of someone or

something, such as facts, information, descriptions or skills

Unskilled: Not having or requiring special skill or training

Poverty: the state of being extremely poor. Being inferior in quality or insufficient
in amount.

This study aims to know and analyzed the Reasons and Life Experiences of Out of School Youth

in Barangay Dalahican Lucena City with an end of developing and enhancement program for the

school year 2019-2020.

Specifically, it sought to determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms

of age, gender, job status, social status and number of siblings, impact of TRAIN Law to the

respondents in terms of social impact and psychological impact that may be conducted in

Barangay Dalahican Lucena City.


1.1 Background of the Study

Out of school is an eligible who is school dropout, an eligible youth who has received a

secondary school diploma or its equivalent but is basic skills deficient, unemployed or

underemployed. “The bigger mandate of Department of Education (Dep Ed) is to look out for

those who cannot be in school, those who dropped out of school, and those who dare not dream

of entering a school. The real mandate of the Department is to be in search of those who cannot,

in one way or another, enter the system”, Education Secretary Br. Armin Luistro FSC said during

the signing the memorandum of agreement with STI Education Services Group, Inc. for the 36

STI composes that will serve as Community Learning centers (CLCs) for out of school youths

(OSYs) nationwide. (Dep Ed 2015).

Moreover, one in every Filipino aged 6 to 24 years is an out of school child youth, a

survey of Philippine Statistics Authority showed. The 2016 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey

(APIS) showed the country has about 3.8 million out-of-school youth and children or about 10%

of the 39 million Filipinos aged range 6 to 24 years old. APIS is a nationwide survey that

presents data on the socioeconomic profile of Filipino families, and other information that relates

to their living conditions. It is designed to provide inputs to the development of an integrated

poverty indicators and monitoring system in the country. It covered around 11,000 sample

households. The report indicated that of the total out-of-school children and youth, 87.3 percent

were 16 to 24 years old 7.7 percent were 12 to 15 years old and 5 percent were six to eleven
years old. The proportion of out-of-school children and youth was higher among females than

males. OSCY (Out-of-School-Children and Youth) refers to family members six to 14 years‟ old

who are not attending formal school; and family members 15 to 24 years‟ old who are currently

out of school, not gainfully employed, and have not finished or post-secondary course.

The most common reason among OSCYs for not attending school were marriage or

family matters (42.3%), high cost of education or financial corners (20.2%), and lack of personal

interests (19.7%). Among females, marriage or family matters were the main reason for not

attending school with 59.3%; while it was lack of personal interests among males with 36.5%.

Nationwide about 53% of OSCYs belong to families whose income fall at the bottom 30% based

on their per capital income. (APIS, 2017).


This study would be very significant below because the researchers would be able to

determine the reasons and life experiences of the out of school youth in Dalahican Lucena City.

This will be helpful to the following people:

The Out of school Youth will gain knowledge on how to cope up and try some alternative

to be back in school. Also, to know if poverty is main reason that affects the condition of out of

school youth. By that we can raise awareness to the society that out of school youth, should be

treated properly and prevent discrimination.

The teachers will know the reasons why students tempt to stop their schooling and for

them to give encouragement for the out of school youth.

Community is one of the beneficiaries of the study because if the study will work and

give impact on them they will be knowledgeable on what are the reasons and life experiences of

the out of school youth.

Parents can appreciate this study to give emphasize and better comprehension on the

reasons behind their children‟s problem.

Future researchers should notice the importance of this study in their future undertaking.

It will give help to introduce the reasons and life experiences of out of school youth.


This research study entitled “Reasons and Life Experiences of Selected Out of School

Youth” aims to determine the following:

 To look at the current situations of the out the out of school youth

 To know the reasons that affect them in studying

 To provide necessary information

 To enlighten the people about out of school youth


This research study will be conducted with selected out of school youth. The respondents

involved were only the bona fide out of school youth composed of fifty (50) respondents chosen

using the random sampling technique. Their current situation within the society is the main topic

that will discuss in this study and the challenges they experienced. The information needed in

this study will be gathered in Barangay Dalahican, Lucena City

Conceptual Framework

In this study, the researchers will discuss one way on how to prevent such one of social

issue. Input, Process and Output (IPO) on the latter page shows the ideas that this study will be

going through the concept is outlined showing the materials needed processes.

In the Input (I) column, the researchers talked about the materials needed, the readings of

related studies and related literature, knowing their profile and their experiences.

In the process (P) presents the procedures and steps on how to make a credible piece. The

most considerable and collection of materials, and having interview and survey, to provide and

have a field notes and the validation of the respondent‟s answers.

The output (O) shows the researchers presents finished research work which is to conduct

a seminar on prevention of being out of school youth and the distribution of flyers to the selected

out of school youth in Dalahican, Lucena City



 Interview  Seminar on
 Profile
 Field Notes prevention of
 Lived
 Survey being out of
school youth
 Related
 Distribution of
reading on
and studies

Research Methodology

In this chapter, we discuss the research design, area of study, population, sample of the

population, sampling technique, instruments for data collection, validation of the questionnaire,

administration of the instrument and method of data analysis.

3.1 Research Sample/ Design

The researchers chose the respondents purposively to achieve the acceptability of the research as

a subject with fifty (50) respondents randomly.

Phenomenology is the study of the development of human consciousness and self-

awareness as a preface to or a part of philosophy. a philosophical movement that

describes the formal structure of the objects of awareness and of awareness itself in

abstraction from any claims concerning existence. The typological classification of a

class of phenomena.

The study of experience and the ways in which things present themselves in and through

experience. Taking its starting point from the first-person perspective, phenomenology attempts

to describe the essential features or structures of a given experience or any experience in general.

One of the central structures of any experience is its intentionality, or its being directed

toward some object or state of affairs. The theory of intentionality, the central theme of

phenomenology, maintains that all experience necessarily has this object-relatedness and thus

one of the catch phrases of phenomenology is “all consciousness is consciousness of.” In short,
in our experiences we are always already related to the world and to overlook this fact is to

commit one of the cardinal sins of phenomenology: abstraction.

Phenomenology seeks to offer a corrective to these traditions by providing an account of how the

experiencing subject and object experienced are not externally related, but internally unified.

This unified relation between the subject and object is the “phenomena” that phenomenology

takes as the starting point of its descriptive analysis.

Phenomenology is the philosophical name for the method of investigating or inquiring into the

meanings of our experiences as we live them. The method is phenomenological reflecting on

pre-reflective or lived experience. Any experience whatsoever can be studied

phenomenologically. The approach is called “phenomenological” reflection because it uses the

method of the epoché and the reduction. Lived experience is pre reflective in that it is experience

as we are in it, live through it—while not, or not yet, reflecting on it, or making sense of it, or

theorizing about it.

Phenomenological research is to described a lived experience of a phenomenon.

Phenomenological research is used to determine the whole personal life of the person, who

studying by the researcher. We are going to focused on the meaning, the meaning of the

experience, the behavior, narrative and etc.

The fundamental goal of the approach is to arrive at a description of the nature of the

particular phenomenon (Creswell, 2013)

Typically, interviews are conducted with a group of individuals who have first-hand

knowledge of an event, situation or experience. The interview(s) attempts to answer two broad

questions (Moustakas, 1994):

What have you experienced in terms of the phenomenon? What contexts or situation have

typically influenced your experiences of the phenomenon (Creswell, 2013). Other forms of data

such as documents, observations and art may also be used. The data is then read and reread and

culled for like phrases and themes that are then grouped to form clusters of meaning (Creswell,


Through this process the researcher may construct the universal meaning of the event,

situation or experience and arrive at a more profound understanding of the phenomenon.

With roots in philosophy, psychology and education, phenomenology attempts to extract

the purest untainted data and in some interpretations of the approach, bracketing is used by the

researcher to document personal experiences with the subject to help remove him or herself from

the process. One method of bracketing is memoing (Maxwell, 2013).

The purpose of the phenomenological approach is to illuminate the specific, to identify

phenomena through how they are perceived by the actors in a situation. In the human sphere this

normally translates into gathering „deep‟ information and perceptions through inductive,

qualitative methods such as interviews, discussions and participant observation, and representing

it from the perspective of the research participant(s).

3.2 Gathering Procedures

In accomplishing this study, the following procedures or stages will be considered and

followed. They collect important information about their subject. They will also distribute flyers

to give additional information. The researchers get some websites for the information. They use
the questionnaire as an instrument in collecting data. They also get the total tally of the score of

the respondents and after they interpret the table. To determine the general acceptability of the

subject the researchers asked fifty (50) respondents.

3.3 Research Instrument

A survey form was the major instrument used in this study. The questionnaire was

prepared by the researchers this will use to give the respondents the opportunity to give their

response or point of view about the topic. Based on the collaboration of our group, we focus on

the Group Discussion and One on One Interview in our thesis research. Because in the Group

Discussion each of the member of the group is given a task to evaluate the respondent(s) and in

the One on One interview it must be (1) one Respondent and (1) one researcher to talk about

some sensitive and confidential things about their lives.

3.4 Population of the Study

The target population for this research defined to include the out of school youth in

Dalahican, Lucena City, since these subject focuses on them.

In this study, the accessible population comprised the fifty (50) selected out of school youth. In

addition, they were considered appropriate as population of the study area.

3.4 Sampling Techniques

A stratified random procedures was used for selecting the participants in this study. This

technique was employed to ensure a fairly equal representation of the variables for the study.

Proportionate stratified random sampling technique was employed to selected 50 out of school

youth to know their reasons and life experiences as an out of school youth.

3.5 Research Criteria

 Should be an out of school youth.

 Should be living in Barangay Dalahican Crossing Lucena City.

 Any sexes.

 Should be around 15 years old to 24 years old.

 Should be a high school dropout

3.6 Research Questions

This following question will be our guide on our interview with the respondent(s).

 Why did you stop going to school and study?

 Did you have any problem in your schooling that's why you stop?

 What do you think you'll going to do now that you're not studying?

 When did you stop studying? Do you felt happy or not?

 If you were given a chance to study again, will you accept it or not? Why or why not?

 Do you believe in the saying that "Education is the key to success? Why or why not?

 Why do you need to stop studying? Is it because of family or financial problems?

 Do you have any reason to study again or nothing?


According to UNESCO Director General Irina Bacova “Education is a shared

responsibility between us all; governments, schools, teachers, parents and private sectors.

Accountability for these responsibilities defines the way teachers teach, students learn in

government acts. It must be designed with care and with the principles of equity, inclusion and

quality in mind”. Carla Bleiker (2017)

Education is indeed important in each individual. Education gives us a knowledge of the

world around us and changes it into something better. And develops in us a perspective of

looking at life. It helps us build opinion and have points of view on things in life and all the

youth in this world are deserving to study.

The 2013 functional literacy, education and mass media survey (FLEMMS) covered

around 36 million population aged 6 to 24 years. According to the survey, 1 in every 10 or about

4 million Filipino children and youth was out of school in 2013. Out of school children is defined

in the FLEMMS as a person‟s aged 6 to 14 years who are not attending school while out of

school youth as person‟s aged 15 to 24 years who are not attending school, have not finished any

college or put secondary course and not working.

Out-of-school children and youth in ARMM comprised 14.4 percent, which is highest

across regions. Six regions have proportion of out-of-school children and youth higher than the

national figure at 10.6 percent, namely, SOCCSKSARGEN, Davao, Central Luzon, Zamboanga

Peninsula, Caraga and MIMAROPA (ranging from 11.2 to 12.3 percent.) Meanwhile, the

proportion of out-of-school children and youth was lowest in CAR at 7.1 percent.
In general, the proportion of persons who are out-of-school was higher among the youth

than children. Excluding CAR, the proportion of out-of-school youth across region ranged from

14.5 percent to 20.4 percent. For children, the figure ranged from 1.7 percent to 4.9 percent. In

terms of gender, the proportion of out-of-school children and youth was higher among females

than males in all regions. The 2013 FLEMMS result also showed that of the nearly 4 million

out-of-school children and youth, 22.9 percent have entered into union or marriage. Another 19.2

percent cited insufficient family income to send child to school (this refers to all educational

expenses other than tuition fee), while 19.1 percent of interest in attending school. Among

females, 4 out of every 10 have entered marriage while 3 in every 10 males have no interest in

attending school. The proportion of out-of-school children and youth whose family income was

not sufficient to send child to school was 22.7 percent and 17.0 percent, among males and

females, respectively. (PSA, 2015). “Education is the key to success” Nobody can deny the hard

fact that education is an extremely important for bringing change in the lives of individual but

not all of us were given a chance to attend a formal school.

According to the Law, every child must attend school were he/she wants. The
government should ensure and support the eeducation of every child. Thats why
the Depaertment of Education offers education to all. But this is not really applied
by other institutions for they are concern on the salary of the tecahers especially
in the private school.

Department of Education has now a program for out of school youth which is the
Alternative Leraning System(ALS) in which all the non-scholars are given
opportunity to pursue schooling. And even for those who are already married,
they can still attend this program if they want to have a certificate that will help
them find a better job. Also for those who are dropped out in elementary and
secondary schol may have a chance to attend the Tertiary level by passing the


Graph 1.1

Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of Age



24% 10%

8% 14
16% 18


Graph 1.1 shows the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of Age.

Most of the respondents are 17 years old with a total of 18 respondents and with a
percentage of 36%. On the other hand, 13 years old have 6%, 14 years old have 10%, 15 years
old have 8%, 16 years old have 16% and 18 years old and above have 24%.

This concludes that 17 years old is the age that is most interviewed in our survey.
Graph 1.2

Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of Gender


50% 50%

Graph 1.2 shows the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of gender.

Female have 25 respondents with a percentage of 50% and male have also 25 respondents
with a percentage of 50%

This concludes that they have an equal distribution of respondents in terms of gender.
Graph 1.3

Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of Social status

Social Status


Lower class

Middle class

Upper class

Graph 1.3 shows the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of social status

46 of the respondents are under lower class with the percentage of 92%, 3
respondents are under middle class with 6% and 1 respondent said that he is under the
upper class with the percentage of 2%.

We can conclude that most of our respondents are under lower class whereas few
of them are under middle and upper class.

This study aims to collect data using thematical strategy. There are sets of questions focusing on
the reaction and suggestions.

Specifically, this study is looking forward to answer the ff. Questions

1. Demographic profile of the respondents

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Social Status

2. Reason and live experiences of the oit of school youth in Brgy. Dalahican

Objective:to know the reason why the number of out of school youth is rapidly increased.

To have and conduct a talk or symposium with the help of Barangay Officials to the out of school youth.

Interview with Abigail Mantal

17 years old
1. Why did you stop going to school?

Kailangan kong magtrabaho dahil nag-aaral pa ang mga kapatid ko. Kailangan kong
tulungan ang mga magulang ko

I need to work because my siblings are studying. I need to help my parents.

2. Did you have any problem in your schooling that’s why you stop?

Wala po, sa totoong buhay po ako po ay aktibo sa aming klase, kailangan ko lang po
talagang magtrabaho para sa mga kapatid ko.

None, actually I am active in our classroom, I just need to stop to provide for my siblings.

3. What do you think you’ll going to do now that you’re not studying?

Magtatrabaho po muna ako ng dalawang taon tapos plano kong mag-aral ulit

I will just work for 2 years and after that I will go back to school

4. When did you stop studying?

Tumigil po ako nung grade 10 ako

I stop when I am in Grade 10

5. Did you feel happy or not?

Masaya naman dahil nakakatulong ako sa pamilya ko pero parang may kulang po e.

I’m happy because I help my parent but there is something in me that makes me sad.

6. If you were given a chance to study again, will you accept it or not? Why or why not?

Tatanggapin ko po syempre, kaso nga po gipit po talaga kami ngayon

I will accept it, but we are in need right now

7. Do you believe that education is the key to success? Why or why not?

Opo naman po

Yes, of course

8. Why do you need to stop studying? Is it because of your family or financial problems?

Dahil po sa problemang pinansiyal namin

Because of financial problem

9. Do you want to study again?



10. Did your parents agree with your decision to stop studying?

Opo, dala na rin po ng aming pangangailangan

Yes, because of our needs


Interview with Jermill Asuncion

18 years old

1. Why did you stop going to school?

Dahil po napabarkada ako

Because of my peers

2. Did you have any problem in your schooling that’s why you stop?

Opo, na kick out po ako

Yes, I was kicked-out

3. What do you think you’ll going to do now that you’re not studying?

Trabaho po muna ngayon tas sa taon po ay pasok ulit

I will work now and study again later

4. When did you stop studying?

Nung Grade 9 po ako

When I was in Grade 9

5. Do you felt happy or not?

Masaya naman po at naranasan kong maghanap-buhay kaso hindi po ito permanent e

kaya minsan tambay ako

I’m happy and I experience to work but it’s not permanent so sometimes I am just stay at

6. If you were given a chance to study again, will you accept it or not? Why or why not?

Syempre po, tatanggapin ko

I will accept it
7. Do you believe that education is the key to success? Why or why not?

Opo naman po

Yes of course

8. Why do you need to stop studying? Is it because of your family or financial problems?

Na kick out po ako at nanakit ako ng kaklase ko

I was kicked-out because I hurt my classmates

9. Do you want to study again?

Opo naman po

Yes of course

10. Did your parents agree with your decision to stop studying?

Nung una po hindi, pinagalitan pa nga po ako kaso po pumayag na rin sa huli

At first not, they scolded on me but at last they decided to agree

Graph 2.1

Why did you stop going to school?

Question 1
Social status


Graph 2.1 shows that 39 of the youth (respondents) stopped because they are working right now
with a percentage of 78 whereas 6 of them are under lower class with 12 % and 5 of them are
being kicked-out with the percentage of 10.

This concludes that most of the youth stopped and do not go to school because they are
Graph 2.2

Did you have any problem in your schooling that’s why you stop?

Question 2
Yes I have No I don’t



Graph 2.2 shows that 39 of the respondents said that they do not have any problem in school
with a percentage of 78 % whereas 11 of the respondents said that they have problem in school
with a percentage of 22.

This concludes that most of the respondents or youth do not have a problem in school.
Graph 2.3

What do you think you’ll going to do now that you’re not studying?

Question 3
Work Stay at home Try to attend school



Graph 2.3 shows that 27 of the respondents or youth are working after they stop studying with a
percentage of 54% while 21 said that they will just stay at home and 2 of the respondents said
that they will try to attend school with a percentage of 4%

This concludes that most of the youth are working right now after they stop studying.
Graph 2.4

When did you stop studying?

Question 4
Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12


8% 14%


50% 10%

Graph 2.4 shows that 25 of the respondents or youth said that they stop studying when they are
in Grade 10 with a percentage of 50% whereas 7 of the respondents said that they stop when they
are in Grade 7, 8 respondents said that they stop they are in Grade 8, 5 of the respondents said
that they stop when they are in Grade 9, 4 respondents said that they stop when they are in Grade
11 and 1 said that he stop when he is in Grade12

This concludes that most of the youth or respondents stop studying when they are in Grade 10
Graph 2.5

Do you felt happy or not?

Question 5
Happy Sad/lonely



Graph 2.5 shows that 35 of the respondents said that they are sad/lonely with a percentage of
70% whereas 15 of them said that they are happy with a percentage of 30%

This concludes that most of the respondents or youth are sad or lonely when they stop studying.
Graph 2.6

If you were given a chance to study again, will you accept it or not? Why or why not?

Question 6
Accept Reject



Graph 2.6 shows that 48 of the respondents will accept with the percentage of 96%, whereas 2
of them said that they will reject it with a percentage of 4.

This concludes that most of the respondents or youth will accept if they will be given a chance to
study again.
Graph 7

Do you believe that education is the key to success?

Question 7
believe do not believe



Graph 2.7 shows that 38 of the respondents believe that education is the key to success whereas
12 of them said that they do not believe with a percentage of 24%

This concludes that most of the respondents or youth believe that education is the key to success
with a percentage of 76%
Graph 2.8

Why do you need to stop studying? Is it because of your family or financial problems?

Question 8
Financial Family Peer pressure



Graph 2.8 shows that 28 of the respondents stop tgheir studies because of financial problem
with a percentage of 56% whereas there are both 11 respondents who said that they stop their
studies because of family and peer pressure and both of them have 22%

This concludes that most of the respondents or youth stop their studies because of financial
Graph 2.9

Do you want to study again?

Question 9
Yes No



Graph 2.9 shows that 48 of the respondents want to study with a percentage of 96% whereas 2
of them do not want to study again with a percentage of 4%

This concludes that most of the respondents or youth want to study again.
Graph 2.10

Did your parents agree with your decision to stop studying?

Question 10
Agree Disagree



Graph 2.10 shows that 35 of the parents agree with their decision to stop studying with a
percentage of 70% whereas 15 of the respondents said that their parents disagree with their
decision to stop studying with a percentage of 30%

This concludes that most of the respondents or youth said that their parents agree with their
decision to stop studying.


This chapter presents at the summary, findings, conclusion, recommendation and suggestions for further


This study generally tried to determine the Reasons and Life Experiences of The Out of
School Youth In Brgy. Dalahican.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions.

1. Why did you stop going to school?

2. Did you have any problem in your schooling that‟s why you stop?

3. What do you think you‟ll going to do now that you‟re not studying?

4. When did you stop studying?

5. Did you feel happy or not?

6. If you were given a chance to study again, will you accept it or not? Why or why not?

7. Do you believe that education is the key to success? Why or why not?

8. Why do you need to stop studying? Is it because of your family or financial problems?

9. Do you want to study again?

10. Did your parents agree with your decision to stop studying?

The study was basically a descriptive research utilizing qualitative approach. The study
was conducted at Barangay Dalahican, Lucena City, Quezon.

From the analyst it was found out that:

 The subject of this research which is Reason and life Experiences of the out of school
youth was highly evident to the society especially those who answered the questionnaire.
 Most of the out of school youth are working and are already a parent.
 Reason and life experiences will highly contribute to the community to lessen this kind of
social issue

Based from the analysis of the data of this study, the following findings were determined:

1. 39 of the youth (respondents) stopped because they are working right now with a percentage
of 78 whereas 6 of them are under lower class with 12 % and 5 of them are being kicked-out
with the percentage of 10.

2. 39 of the respondents said that they do not have any problem in school with a percentage of 78
% whereas 11 of the respondents said that they have problem in school with a percentage of 22..

3. 27 of the respondents or youth are working after they stop studying with a percentage of 54%
while 21 said that they will just stay at home and 2 of the respondents said that they will try to
attend school with a percentage of 4%

4. 25 of the respondents or youth said that they stop studying when they are in Grade 10 with a
percentage of 50% whereas 7 of the respondents said that they stop when they are in Grade 7, 8
respondents said that they stop they are in Grade 8, 5 of the respondents said that they stop when
they are in Grade 9, 4 respondents said that they stop when they are in Grade 11 and 1 said that
he stop when he is in Grade12

5. 35 of the respondents said that they are sad/lonely with a percentage of 70% whereas 15 of
them said that they are happy with a percentage of 30%

6. 48 of the respondents will accept with the percentage of 96%, whereas 2 of them said that they
will reject it with a percentage of 4.

7. 38 of the respondents believe that education is the key to success whereas 12 of them said that
they do not believe with a percentage of 24%

8. 28 of the respondents stop tgheir studies because of financial problem with a percentage of
56% whereas there are both 11 respondents who said that they stop their studies because of
family and peer pressure and both of them have 22%

9. 48 of the respondents want to study with a percentage of 96% whereas 2 of them do not want
to study again with a percentage of 4%

10. 35 of the parents agree with their decision to stop studying with a percentage of 70% whereas
15 of the respondents said that their parents disagree with their decision to stop studying with a
percentage of 30%

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion are drawn.

1. Most of the youth stopped and do not go to school because they are working and suffering
from poverty.

2. The Youth do not have a problem in school they just want to stop studying and starts to work.

3. Most of the youth are decided to work after they stop studying.

4. The out of school youth stopped studying when they are in Grade 10.

5. Most of them says that they become sad or lonely after they decided to stop studying.

6. Most of the youth says that they will accept if there is an opportunity to go back to school

7. The Out of School Youth says that they believe that education is the key to success but some
of them believe that luck is the key for you to be successful.

8. The family of the youth are suffering from hunger and poverty. And they are undergoing
financial problem so that they need to stop

9. Most of them wants to study again.

10. At first their parents do not agree on their decision but when they start to work their parents
decided to agree. But on the other side, their parents want them back to school again.

The out of school youth‟s self-concept and aspirations played a potent role in their
decisions to join the program because their unmet needs to be self-reliant and productive
members of the society were addressed while their sense of self was also developed that made
them to believe that to gain knowledge is to obtain the power to take control of their lives,
initiate change in themselves and influence others to become useful members of the community
and contribute to the empowerment of their fellow youth in the society thus motivated them to
take steps at improving their own lives and make them become empowered in their journey of
life. Further, they looked at education as the key for personal empowerment and a tool for
success in personal, social and economic aspects. Barangay Officials of Dalahican provided
them an opportunity to create a positive change in their life and alleviate themselves from
poverty, take charge of their own lives, make sound decision, plan for the future, owe
responsibility for their actions and eventually be of help to other people in the community and in
the society.

Based on the findings and conclusions, the researchers recommended the following:

1. Out of school Youth will get an insight on what are the opportunities they will get if they go to
school again.

2. Community will have knowledge on what are the benefits that they will get if most of the
youth are going to school.

3. Teachers will be motivated because their students will go back to school and give those
students an inspiration and encouraging thoughts.

4. Provide information, education and communication materials to be given to the out of school
youth.It should at least composed of the educational information and advantages of going to
school for them to open their minds in going back to school. This will generally help in
improving the mind set and determination of the out of school youth.

5. Future researchers may use this study as a guide for the continuation of reasons and life
experiences of the out of school youth.

This research study is a qualitative research, where Reason and Live experiences of the
Out of School Youth in Dalahican Community is introduced. Out of school youth increased it’s
rate in the past 10 years. Knowing that out of school youth is the number one factor of non-
productive society and the researchers found out that it can be a great subject in conducting

At first, they gathered gata from literary devices, electronic devices like google and
personal basis for them to construct and complete their research. They already found out that
reasons and live experinces of the out of school youth can be a great way to introduce new
form of angle.

This research is about to give readers and respondents an insight of a new innovation
fieldwork. Research did this research for them to give new information about reasons and live
experiences of the out of school youth.
Related Literature

“Education is the key to success” Nobody can deny the hard fact that education is an extremely
important for bringing change in the lives of individual but not all of us were given a chance to
attend a formal school.

According to the Law, every child must attend school were he/she wants. The government
should ensure and support the eeducation of every child. Thats why the Depaertment of
Education offers education to all. But this is not really applied by other institutions for they are
concern on the salary of the tecahers especially in the private school.

Department of Education has now a program for out of school youth which is the Alternative
Leraning System(ALS) in which all the non-scholars are given opportunity to pursue schooling.
And even for those who are already married, they can still attend this program if they want to
have a certificate that will help them find a better job. Also for those who are dropped out in
elementary and secondary schol may have a chance to attend the Tertiary level by passing the


This study is conducted to know the reason why the number of out of school youth is rapidly

The researcher conducts this study because nowadays, many uneducated children are a serious
problem for the country, because uneducated and unskilled people with lack of intelligence will
not be able to find a good job and will not be successful in the near future.

The ff. Words are present in our research with high-falluting meaning:

Youth: is the time of life when one is young, but often means the time between childhood and
adulthood (maturity) it is also defined as “the apperance, freshness, vigor, spirit, stc.
Characteristics of one who is young

Education: Its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills values, beliefs
and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through
storytelling, discussion, teaching training and or research.

Knowledge: Is a familiarity, awareness or understanding of someone or something, such as

facts, information, descriptions or skills

Unskilled: Not having or requiring special skill or training

Poverty:the state of being extremely poor. Being infeerior in quality or insufficient in amount.


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject of Practical Research I. The
researchers‟ paper entitled “The Teaching Pedagogies of LDNHS Teachers in Barangay
Dalahican Lucena City” has been submitted by Mary Dawn Cyrell Ludovice, Maybelyn
formanes, Jasmine Abal, Ma. Eloisa Alub who are hereby recommended for an oral examination.

Ma. Leonor Justares

Research Adviser
Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject, Practical Research I,

by the Oral Examination Committee

Paul Julius Regio Wilmar Porte Mercurio

Member Member

Karina Rico Reyes


Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject, Practical Research II

Carmen H. Macatugob

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