Adrafinil: Psychostimulant and Purported Nootropic?: Drug Review

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Adrafinil: Psychostimulant and Purported Nootropic?

Danielle W. Lowe, M.D., Ph.D., Eric Dobson, M.D., Amanda G. Jewett, Pharm.D., and Emily E. Whisler, D.O.

According to the 2017–2018 National Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as tention, sleep, memory, and mild depres-
Health and Nutrition Examination Sur- a controlled substance (Schedule IV), sion.” Notably, “major psychiatric disor-
vey, 54.8% of adults in the United States adrafinil is sold as an unregulated sup- ders” and dementia were exclusionary
take at least one dietary supplement (1). plement and can be purchased without criteria. Overall, the results indicated
Unfortunately, there is no worldwide uni- the need for a prescription (4). Modafinil improvements in vigilance, attention,
fied definition or regulation of dietary (brand name Provigil) is FDA-approved memory, orientation, depression, fa-
supplements versus complementary for the treatment of excessive sleepiness tigue, autonomy, and sociability in the el-
medications versus prescribed pharma- associated with medical conditions such derly. Another French trial described by
ceuticals (2). Dietary supplements that as narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and shift Milgram et al. reported improvements in
are available over the counter in one work sleep disorder (5). The mechanism ideomotor deficits, defined as “general
country could require prescriptions in of action of modafinil is not fully under- suppression in voluntary movements,
another or even be classified as con- stood; however, unlike other stimulant deficits in organizing motor sequences,
trolled substances. This lack of confor- medications, it does not appear to exert paralysis of decision, and paralysis of
mity means that quality control regula- its effects by increasing the release of functional motor action.” A final trial re-
tions for the same product vary widely monoamines. Instead, it may act at the ported greater amelioration of depres-
among countries, based on the classifica- dopamine transporter (DAT) to reduce sion and psychomotor retardation, com-
tion assigned. With over 85,000 supple- dopamine reuptake (4, 5). Other pro- pared with clomipramine treatment, in
ment products marketed and regulated posed mechanisms include modulation subjects with mild depression not meet-
in the United States under the Dietary of glutamate and g-aminobutyric acid ing DSM-IV criteria for major depres-
Supplement Health and Education Act (GABA) transmission, increases in se- sive disorder (8, 9). These eight studies
of 1994 (2), it is practically impossible for rotonin release, and activation of orexin documented few and inconsistent side
clinicians to know about every supple- neurotransmission (4). effects (Figure 1) (8). The review pro-
ment their patients might be taking. This vided here has significant limitations
article is a review of the drug adrafinil, because many study details were not re-
sold as a purported “nootropic,” or cog- ported, and thus the validity and gener-
nition-enhancing supplement, in the Animal studies for adrafinil have been alizability of results are undetermined.
United States, that highlights informa- reported; additionally, a few clinical tri- Adrafinil was first marketed in France
tion from credible resources for pre- als involving human subjects, performed in 1985 under the name adrafinil, with
scribers, as well as from online user decades ago by French researchers, indications for “disorders of vigilance,
reports, to learn about this loosely clas- have also been reported. Michel Jouvet attention, and ideomotor slowing in the
sified “supplement.” is considered a pioneer researcher with elderly” (10). Three case reports on the
respect to the human use of adrafinil. side effects of adrafinil treatment have
In the late 1970s, he administered large subsequently been published in France.
doses of adrafinil to hypersomniac and A 75-year-old man with atrial fibrilla-
Adrafinil (2-(diphenylmethyl)sulfinyl-N- narcoleptic patients, with inconsistent tion, hypertension, and diabetes melli-
hydroxyacetamide) is a prodrug, which results (6, 7). Subsequent studies, pub- tus developed orofacial dyskinesia after
is metabolized to the active compound, lished in French, evaluated its efficacy 10 months of daily administration of 900
modafinil, in vivo via liver metabolism in vigilance promotion and treatment of mg of adrafinil to treat daytime sleepi-
(3, 4). The R-enantiomer of modafinil depression, in addition to its effects on ness (11). This dyskinesia did not resolve
has an apparent half-life of 12 to 15 motor organization, as outlined by Mil- even 4 months after adrafinil withdrawal
hours, whereas the S-enantiomer has a gram et al (8). As described by Milgram and ultimately improved only after the
much shorter half-life of 4 to 5 hours. et al., six studies were conducted that in- administration of daily tetrabenazine.
Both undergo extensive hepatic me- cluded ambulatory and hospitalized pa- The dyskinesia was deemed irreversible
tabolism to form inactive metabolites tients of minimum 45 years of age, with after attempts to discontinue tetrabena-
prior to elimination in the urine (4). Al- the majority being older than 65 years, zine were unsuccessful. A 63-year-old
though modafinil is regulated by the U.S. who exhibited “problems in focusing at- woman with a history of hypertension

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  September 2021 7

FIGURE 1. Summary of peer-reviewed reports of benefits and side effects of adrafinil TABLE 1. Summary of experience reports
of motivation, side effects, and source of
Clinical trial–reported benefits Side effects reported Case reports of adrafinila
(for deficits in these areas) in French clinical trials side effects Report N %
Motivation for use (N=46)
• Improvements in vigilance, • Nausea • Orofacial dyskinesia
attention, memory, • Dizziness • Hypertension   Focus, productivity, or motivation 27 59
orientation, depression, • Light excitation • Irritability, muscle  Wakefulness 16 35
fatigue, and autonomy and • Choreiform movements twitching, insomnia,
sociability in the elderly and dyskinesia tachypsychia   Substitute for another drug 11 24
• Improvements in ideomotor • Agitation/aggression/  Nootropic 9 20
deficits irritability
• Improvement in mild • Dry mouth  Mood 8 17
depression and apathy-
• Arrhythmia  Psychonautic 5 11
 Socializing 2 4
  Athletic performance 1 2
experienced elevated blood pressure each experience report: motivations for  Anti-aging 1 2
following modafinil treatment (12). use; side effects noted, with special at-
  Evade drug screen 1 2
She was successfully treated with an- tention paid to the incidence of extrapy-
  Opioid withdrawal 1 2
tihypertensives and was switched to ramidal symptoms; dose reported; how
adrafinil 900 mg daily. After 2 months, the drug was obtained; and any drugs Side effects (N=49)
her hypertension became uncontrolled that were co-ingested with adrafinil.   Malodorous urine 10 20
again. Thus, adrafinil was discontin- The limitations of these data include   Withdrawal effects 9 18
ued, which resulted in an improvement reporting bias; lack of placebo controls;  Headache 8 16
in her blood pressure. Lastly, a 35-year- lack of methods to verify the dose, purity,
  Disturbed sleep 7 14
old man with depressive disorder and or identity of the consumed substance;
  Anxious or jittery 6 12
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and user reports potentially arising from
was taking paroxetine 40 mg daily with a biased sample of users (i.e., those who   Unpleasant stimulation 5 10
adrafinil 900 mg daily (13). After a year frequent online drug forums).   Poor concentration 3 6
of treatment, he independently discon- A total of 49 experience reports were  Irritability 3 6
tinued the use of paroxetine and imme- obtained for analysis, including 43 re-   Increased blood pressure 2 4
diately experienced irritability, muscle ports (88%) from Erowid, five (10%)
  Increased heart rate 2 4
twitches, tachypsychia, and insomnia, from Drugs-Forum, and one (2%) from
  Sedation, fatigue 2 4
which resolved when paroxetine was psychonautWiki, as of September 29,
reintroduced. In 2011, a French market- 2020. Although adrafinil was mentioned Source (N=18)
ing authorization committee reviewed several times on, there   Online vendor 18 95
the clinical studies and was unable to were no discrete experience reports   A friend 1 5
conclude that adrafinil provided benefit. available for analysis. a Compiled from Erowid (, Bluelight
This, in addition to safety data indicat- Of the 49 experience reports obtained, (, Drugs-Forum (,
ing known adverse effects, resulted in 44 (90%) reported the dose ingested. and psychonautWiki (

the removal of adrafinil from the French The dose ingested ranged from 50 mg to
market (10). 2,700 mg, with a median dose of 600 mg Motivations for using adrafinil were
and mean dose of 623 mg (SD=438 mg). detailed in 45 experience reports (92%)
The source of adrafinil was referenced (Table 1). The most common reasons
in 19 (38%) reports (Table 1). Of these, for use were to increase focus, produc-
18 (95%) reported obtaining adrafinil tivity, or motivation (59%) and wake-
Although case reports and clinical tri- from an online vendor, while one (5%) fulness (35%). Adrafinil was also often
als involving adrafinil are limited, indi- procured adrafinil from a friend who used as a substitute for another drug, as
viduals have shared their personal ex- had purchased it from an online ven- understood from 24% of reports, due to
periences with adrafinil on the Internet. dor. Adrafinil is available online through the comparator drug being difficult to
For information regarding typical use websites such as, obtain, costing more, or having a worse
outside of a medical or research setting,, zachattacksupple- perceived side effect burden. Most fre-
various online resources were queried, and, at prices quently, adrafinil replaced a prescrip-
for experience reports, including Erowid ranging from $1.87 to $4.18 per gram. tion drug, such as methylphenidate,
(, Bluelight (, No alternative names for adrafinil were lisdexamfetamine, modafinil, or dextro-
Drugs-Forum (, and identified. Each website categorized amphetamine-amphetamine. In some
psychonautWiki ( adrafinil as a “nootropic” chemical or cases, adrafinil usage was described as
The following data were extracted from compound. an alternative to caffeine intake.

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  September 2021 8

1. National Health and Nutrition Examination
• The use of nonprescription supplements is common among the general popu- Survey: 2017–2018 Data Documentation,
lation. Codebook, and Frequencies. Hyattsville,
Md., National Center for Health Statistics,
• Adrafinil is a psychostimulant prodrug of modafinil marketed as a supplement
with purported effects on concentration, productivity, cognition, and wakeful- Nhanes/2017-2018/DSQTOT_J.htm
ness, leading many individuals to take adrafinil without physician supervision. 2. Dwyer JT, Coates PM, Smith MJ: Dietary
• Data regarding efficacy and safety of adrafinil are limited to early drug studies, supplements: regulatory challenges and re-
search resources. Nutrients 2018; 10:41
case studies, and online self-reports.
3. Lu J, Wang X, Yang S, et al: Doping control
analysis for adrafinil and its major metabo-
lites in human urine. Rapid Commun Mass
The most common spontaneously re- efits. There is a clear risk associated
Spectrom 2009; 23:1592–1600
ported undesired effect was malodorous with adrafinil usage, owing to the side 4 Sousa A, Dinis-Oliveira RJ: Pharmacoki-
urine (20% of reports) (Table 1), followed effects that are reportedly associated netic and pharmacodynamic of the cogni-
by headache (16%), disturbed sleep with comorbidities, overuse, and cross- tive enhancer modafinil: relevant clinical
(14%), anxiety or feeling “jittery” (12%), reactivity with other medications. These and forensic aspects. Subst Abus 2020;
and feeling unpleasantly stimulated factors are exacerbated by lack of physi- 4:155–173
cian oversight. Here, we discussed the 5. Modafinil Package Insert. North Wales, Pa.,
(10%). One individual using adrafinil for
Cephalon, Inc., 2020
athletic performance enhancement suf- limited scientific evidence for adrafinil
6. Bastuji H: Michel Jouvet as a clinical neu-
fered severe dehydration with signifi- administration in the elderly, while rophysiologist and neurologist. Sleep Med
cant cramping and increased body tem- also highlighting the personal experi- 2018; 49:73–77
perature. In nine cases (18%), individuals ences reported by individuals who used 7. Billiard M, Broughton R: Modafinil: its dis-
reported adverse effects from adrafinil adrafinil outside of a medical or research covery, the early European and North
cessation. Although withdrawal effects setting. In conclusion, based on the evi- American experience in the treatment of
narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia,
were variable, they included fatigue, hy- dence reported, we would not recom-
and its subsequent use in other medical
persomnia, poor focus, irritability, men- mend adrafinil as a dietary supplement. conditions. Sleep Med 2018; 49:69–72
tal exhaustion, headache, nausea, vomit- Moreover, in a patient reporting adrafinil 8. Milgram NW, Callahan H, Siwak C:
ing, and worsened mood. use or misuse, clinicians should evaluate Adrafinil: a novel vigilance promoting
Co-ingestion of other substances for adverse effects similar to those asso- agent. CNS Drug Rev 1999; 5:193–212
with adrafinil was referenced in 10 re- ciated with modafinil. 9. American Psychiatric Association: Diagnos-
tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor-
ports (20%). The co-ingested substances
ders, 4th ed. Washington, DC, American
included caffeine, alcohol, cannabis, Dr. Lowe is a first-year child and adoles- Psychiatric Association, 1994
bupropion, amphetamines, suboxone, cent psychiatry fellow in the Department 10. Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médica-
“hypertension medications,” “sleeping of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina, ment et des Produits de Santé, France, 2011.
pills,” opium extract, 5-hydroxytrypto- Chapel Hill, and Senior Deputy Editor of
phan, tryptamine psychedelics (not spe- the American Journal of Psychiatry Resi- Communiques-Communiques-Points-presse/
cifically identified), milk thistle, ginkgo, dents’ Journal. Drs. Dobson and Whisler
choline, kava, and oxiracetam. Caffeine are fourth-year residents in the Depart-
and alcohol were mentioned in two re- ment of Psychiatry, Medical University of
11. Thobois S, Xie J, Mollion H, et al: Adrafinil-
ports each, and all other substances were South Carolina, Charleston. Dr. Whisler is
induced orofacial dyskinesia. Mov Disord
also an ad hoc reviewer for the American
mentioned only once. 2004; 19:965–966
Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal. At 12. Amar J, Lieber A, Montastruc F, et al: Arte-
the time this article was accepted for pub- rial hypertension and resistance to antihy-
CONCLUSIONS lication, Dr. Jewett was a psychiatric phar- pertensive treatment: a new adverse drug
macy resident at the Medical University of reaction with modafinil. Therapy 2013;
Despite unclear evidence of efficacy, South Carolina. Neither Dr. Lowe nor Dr. 68:53–54
adrafinil has attracted many individu- Whisler played any role in the decision to 13. Adrafinil/paroxetine interaction. Reactions
als seeking to utilize its proposed ben- accept the manuscript for publication. Weekly 2013; 1272(1):6

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  September 2021 9

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