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Clinical Instructor:___________________Date of Return Demonstration:_________

Assisting a Patient with Ambulation

(Using Walker and Cane)


Objectives: (at least 3)


Preparation: (at least 4)

Procedure Rationale
A. Using a walker
1. Place the bed in the lowest position.

2. Encourage the patient to make use of

stand-assist aid, either free standing or
attached to the side of the bed.

3. Assist the patient to the side of the

bed, if necessary. Have the patient sit on
the side of the bed. Assess for dizziness
or light headedness. Have the patient
stay sitting until he or she feels secure.

4. Assist patient to put on footwear and a

robe, if desired.

5. Wrap the gait belt around the

patient’s waist, based on assessed need
and facility policy.

6. Place the walker directly in front of the

patient. Ask the patient to put himself or
herself off the bed or chair, make use of
the stand-assist device, or assist the
patient to stand.

7. Once the patient is standing , have him

or her hold the walker’s hand grips firmly
and equally. Stand slightly behind the
patient, on one side.

8. Have the patient move the walker

forward 6’’ to 8’’ and set it down, making
sure all four feet of the walker stay on
the floor.

9. Then tell the patient to step forward

with either foot into the walker,
supporting himself or herself on his or
her arms.

10. Move walker forward again, and

continue the same pattern.

B. Using Cane
1. Encourage the patient to make use of
a stand-assist aid, either free standing or
attached to the side of the bed, if
available, to move and sit on the side of
the bed.

2. Wrap gait belt around the patient’s


3. Encourage the patient to make use os

stand-assist device

4. Have the patient hold the cane on his

or her stronger side, close to the body.

5. Tell the patient to advance the cane

4’’to 12’’ (10-30 cm) while supporting
his/her weight on the stronger leg and
the cane.

6. Advance the weaker foor forward,

parallel with the cane. While supporting
his/her weight on the weaker leg and the
cane, have the patient advance the
stronger leg forward ahead of the cane

7. Tell the patient to move the weaker

leg forward until it is even with stronger
leg and advance the cane again.

8. Document the findings

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