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What is your understanding of your Physical Self and how do you value your own physical self?

Is there
anything particular dislike and love about it? And why?

“My Dear Friend Don't ever allows yourself to forget how incredibly special you are, even for a single second.
Without you, the world would not be as magnificent. Let yourself remember to love again, starting with you
loving you.” -Miya Yamanouchi

Physical self or my outer self and this is the one that always seen by most people.I value my physical self by
pampering it, by taking care of it, and by making look good. I don’t have particular dislike in my physical self
because this is who I am and this physical self is what I love the most because this self who faces different
kinds of peoplewith different characteristics, wants, and social status. This physical self also, who experience
many things like downfall, and success and it is the one reason why I am here encouraging all people to be
confident whether what they look physically. This look or this person whose talking in front of you has also
been bullied because of my physical self but you know what’s more important is we should know are physical
self, we also should know who we really are, and what’s our purpose.

What is your understanding of your sexual self and how do you value your own sexual self? Is there
anything you particular dislike and love about it? And why?

“Our sexuality affects everything we do, and everything affects our sexuality. The same is true of our
spirituality -- that which is most deeply meaningful to us. We can deny both. But denying them does not
mean they are not both alive in every breath and heartbeat of life.”-Tina Schermer Sellers

Sexual self is our knowledge on who we are or what we are. I value my sexual self by means of knowing who I
am and by respecting my sexual self and other persons or other sexual character. We should have equal
rights whether who we are or belongs to any kinds of sexual character because we all lived in this kind of
diverse and beautiful world. Every different people, and every different sexual character has purpose in life
and has purpose in this society and we should normalize all kinds of sexual character or self. Dislike in terms
of discrimination because they also have rights to live their life without discrimination or hatred they are also
people and we need to accept it and normalize it. The thing that I love is people nowadays gradually accept
other sexual character and they also respect them.

What is your understanding of your Material self and how do you value your own material self? Is there
anything you particular dislike and love about it? And why?

“The material world is not bad; it simply holds no true value. If you insist giving a material world a value, its
actual value is for us to experience it long enough to recognize that it holds no true value.”-James Blanchard

Material self is a self who value material things. Material self is who pertains to the objects, and place that is
mine or we can call ours. I value my material self by knowing things that I want, and the things that I need.
We should know how to limit ourselves in material things but sometimes it’s good for us because it can
reduce our stress or problems just like Cisneros said. My particular dislike here is when I can’t control my
material self in buying such things. While, what I loved is when I bought a things that is from my wallet or
hard work. Among the different perspectives explaining self (philosophical, anthropological, sociological,
cognitive/psychological) which do you relate with the most and why? Philosophical perspectives represent
attitudes and values that individuals use to evaluate alternative action options and decide which ones are
preferred because I am a person who wants to have many plans because we don’t know what will happen
next that’s why I prefer to have many choices.

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