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Ateneo de Davao University

Virtual Communication

LESSON 1| Media Ecology Theory


INSTRUCTIONS | Prior to answering this worksheet, you must have read Marshall
McLuhan’s Media Ecology Theory. Based on that reading assignment, plot the ages
discussed in the theory by filling in the table below.
Ages Technological Description of Description of
Developments communication the ecology and
means and its people
activities in
every age
1. The Tribal Dominant senses In this age the voice The ear plays a very
Era such as hearing, is being used to important role for
smell, and taste are communicate and the people to
being used in this hearing is very believe what they
age important to have can hear
2. The Alphabet was being Unlike with the In this age, people
Literate introduced in this tribal age, in this are not necessary to
Era age age words are talk face-to-face to
invented, and learn and adapt in
written environment
communication is
3. The Print The printing press In this age, words In this age, people
Era was invented in this are being printed could remain in
age for the people to isolation reading
gain information their mass-
produced media.

4. The Technology such as age in which people allows different

Electronic television, radio, can communicate communities in
Era telegraph, worldwide different parts of
telephones regardless of the the world to remain
time and place of connected
5. The Digital Age Innovated Age where Age in which people
technology such as everything revolves has the ability to
cellphones and in media and into transfer information
the internet freely and quickly.
other high-tech

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