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Well, as you know intellectual ability is important for many jobs nowaday, but in my

opinion, physical ability is still valuable.

About the definition, in short, physical ability is the capacity to do the job that
demand stamina, strength and sth like that.

And now I will list some types and facets of Physical Ability

Firstly, is Strength. Strength refers to the degree to which the body is capable of
exerting force. There are 3 types of strength:

 Static strength refers to the ability to exert muscle force repeatedly or

continuously over time.
 The next is Explosive power refers to the ability to exert force on external
objects, such as some employees who are required to run, jump, or throw things
in the workplace depend on their explosive strength.
 And the last is Dynamic strength refers to the ability to use force for a long
period of time without becoming too tired and exhausted. Its means that people
have to climb ropes or pull themselves onto platforms.
The second type of Physical Ability is Stamina, stamina refers to the ability of a
person's lungs and circulatory system to function efficiently when they engage in
prolonged physical activity.

For example, gymnasts often need to have good stamina to be able to participate in
activities that require running, swimming, and climbing.

The next factor is Flexibility, which refers to the ability to bend, stretch, twist, or
reach, and there are two types of flexibility:

Firstly, Degree flexibility is mean that when you have a job that requires an extremely
high range of motion, for example, a dancer

Secondly, Dynamic flexibility is mean when a job requires repetitive and slight
bending. To understand this ability, you can imagine a house painter trying to paint
some easily accessible decorations.

In addition to flexibility, is coordination, Coordination is divided into 2 types:

Firstly, is that Gross body coordination, which refers to the ability to synchronize the
movements of the body, arms, and legs to do something while the whole body is in

Another point is that Gross body equilibrium involves the ability to maintain the
balance of the body in unstable contexts

For example, jumping rope effectively requires gross body coordination or walking on
a balance beam requires gross body equilibrium.

The next type of Physical Ability is psychomotor abilities. There are several different
examples of psychomotor abilities, which generally refer to the capacity to manipulate
and control objects. here are some factor

 Fine manipulative abilities is about the ability to keep the arms and hands
steady while using the hands to do precise work
 Control movement abilities are important in tasks for which people have to
make different precise (po sai) adjustments
 The ability to choose the right action quickly in response to several different
signals is called response orientation. For example an airline pilot who responds
to the flashing lights during an in-flight emergency.
 The final psychomotor(sai ko moto) ability we describe is called response time.
This ability reflects how quickly an individual responds to signaling
information after it occurs..

Finally factor is Sensory abilities, associated with vision and hearing.

 About Visual acuity includes the ability to see things up close and at a distance
or in low-light situations
 Abilities related to hearing, include the ability to hear and distinguish sounds
that differ in pitch and loudness Musicians and composers are considered the
most obvious example of the importance of hearing.

To conclusion, the skills that an employee should have are summarized in this diagram
. Some of these abilities may seem a bit difficult to achieve, but our team hopes that
you will work hard to achieve them. Furthermore, these abilities play an important role
in determining how effective we are in various tasks and jobs.

The next part will continue to be presented by nhi about the important of ability.

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