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Aromatherapy Products

1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

S. Rate
Product Name Purpose
No. in `
To cure all Liver, digestion and appetite related problems, like Fatty Liver/
1. LIVER Oil 350 /-
Liver Cirrhosis, Appetite loss, Jaundice, Fatigue and Low energy, Diarrhoea,

To cure all Kidney related problems, including Decreased urine output, Fluid
2. KIDNEY Oil 350 /-
retention that leads to swelling in limbs, Shortness of breath, Hypertension.

To cure all Thyroid related problems (Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism),

including Weight gain, constipation, fatigue, depression, abnormal menses,
3. THYROID Oil 350 /-
muscle weakness, insomnia, sweating, anxiety, shaking hands, disturbed
appetite, etc.

To cure all High Blood Sugar/Diabetes related problems, including Increased

4. SUGER Oil thirst, Blurred vision, Weight loss, Fatigue, Slow-healing cuts and sores, 350 /-
Chronic constipation, Erectile dysfunction, Skin infections.

To cure all High blood pressure/ Hypertension related problems, including,

5. HIGH BP Oil headaches, shortness of breath, nosebleeds, flushing, dizziness, chest pain, 350 /-
visual changes, blood in the urine, Kidney disorders.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

To cure all Stiff Neck related problems, including Headache, stress, anxiety,
lack of sleep, throbbing headache in the back of your head, headache caused
6. Neck Relax Oil by moving your neck, pain on one side of your head or face, pain around the 350 /-
eyes, pain while coughing or sneezing, a headache with certain neck postures
or movement.

To cure all symptoms of cold and flu (a Symptom of Covid-19), including

running or stuffy nose, sneezing, body aches, general fatigue, cough and
congestion, sore throat and low-grade fever, sinus pressure, loss of smell or
7. Cold-Flu-Relief Oil taste, watery nasal secretions, post-nasal drip or drainage in the back of your 350 /-
throat, watery eyes, headache, swollen lymph nodes, general tiredness, chills,
body aches, chest discomfort, difficulty in deep breathing, dizziness,
drowsiness, nausea.

To cure all Lungs related problems (a Symptom of Covid-19), including COPD,

Asthma, lasting fever, wheezing, being unable to take in enough air, coughing,
feeling tightness in your chest, shortness of breath, frequent coughing,
8. Clear Lungs Oil coughing up mucus, shortness of breath, chest tightness, chest pain, dizziness, 350 /-
edema (swelling) in your ankles, recurring chest colds, extra salty sweat,
frequent sinus infections, coughing up blood, swollen lymph nodes, loss of
appetite, headaches.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

To cure depression or anxiety, and other symptoms like trouble sleeping,

being irritable, having difficulty concentrating, being constantly tensed,
9. Stress Buster Oil 350 /-
feeling numb, detached, or being emotionally unresponsive, derealization, ,
depersonalization, emotions don’t seem real, dissociative amnesia.
To cure all Snoring related problems, including complications of sleepiness
during the day, difficulty concentrating, vehicle accidents due to drowsiness,
10. Snore Off Oil 350 /-
hypertension, or high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, it also relationship
conflict because of constant disturbance at night.
To cure all Swelling related problems, including Inflammation in your bones,
tissues, or muscles resulting in external swelling. Cysts and tumours may also
11. Swell Relief Oil cause visible swelling. Although fluid retention is an internal condition, it may 350 /-
also cause external swelling. The most common causes for external swelling
include insect bite, rash, injury, fluid retention.
To cure all Joint Pain related problems, including discomfort, aches, and
soreness in any of the body’s joints, inflammation of the cushioning pads
around joints, lupus, gout, certain infectious diseases, such as mumps,
influenza, and hepatitis, chondromalacia of the patella, or a breakdown of the
12. Joint Relief Oil 350 /-
cartilage in the kneecap, an injury, tendinitis, or inflammation of the tendon,
an infection of the bone or joint, overuse of a joint, cancer, fibromyalgia,
osteoporosis, sarcoidosis or rickets. It reduces joint redness and stiffness, joint
swelling, tenderness, warmth limping and locking of the joint.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

To cure all Hair-Fall related problems, including Hair loss caused by hormonal
changes during pregnancy, childbirth, discontinuing the use of birth control
pills, menopause, or due to thyroid disease, alopecia areata (an autoimmune
13. Hair Re-Gen Oil 350 /-
disease that attacks hair follicles), scalp infections like ringworm. It helps in
regeneration of hair on scalp without any surgery or side effects. Treats
symptoms of hair fall and baldness, even genetic baldness.

To cure any kind of pain in any part of the body, to cure muscular sprains,
headaches, pain due to internal injury, menstrual cramps, toothache, cuts,
14. All Pain Gone Oil 350 /-
arthritis, bone fractures, stomach ache, migraine, just any sort of pain. This
will help your kidney damage caused by pain killer tablets.

To cure all symptoms of cold and flu, Sore Throat & Lungs related
problems(Symptoms of Covid-19), including running or stuffy nose, sneezing,
COVID Prevention cough and congestion, sore throat and low-grade fever, headache, nausea,
15. 499/-
Oil scratchy feeling in the throat, pain that occurs when you swallow or speak, a
hoarse or scratchy voice, COPD, Asthma, feeling tightness in your chest,
shortness of breath, coughing up mucus, chest tightness, chest pain, etc.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

If your Root Chakra is blocked you may feel threatened, panicked or anxious,
Root Chakra
16. uncontrolled ego, feel like atheist and disconnected from root or source. Pain and 350 /-
stiffness in your feet and legs, low sense of physical stability, Feeling ungrounded.

When there’s a problem with the Sacral Chakra, you’re likely to feel bored, listless
Sacral and uninspired, may have Vision problems, headaches, feeling choked, fogginess and
17. 350 /-
Chakra Oil dizziness, Pain and stiffness in your low back and hips, sexual issues aggravates,
Infertility issues as all reproductive organs comes under this chakra.

If there’s a blockage around the Solar Plexus Chakra, your confidence may be very
Solar Plexus
18. shaky, you may have Voice, hearing and communication problems, sore throats and 350 /-
Chakra Oil
difficulty in expressing our feelings, Digestive issues and abdominal pain.

When the Heart Chakra is blocked or misaligned, you’ll struggle to relate to other
Heart people, less compassionate than usual and may be impatient, find it harder than
19. 350 /-
Chakra Oil usual to trust, won’t feel at peace, loneliness, isolation, hatred, disconnected and
condemnation of others, Pain in your upper back or chest, Tight shoulders.

Throat To control Digestive upset, lust for power, become pushy and egoistic, Sore throat or
20. 350 /-
Chakra Oil laryngitis, Jaw pain or habit of grinding your teeth, Pain or stiffness in your neck.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

Third Eye To control Lack of purpose, impotence, frigidity, cystitis, confusion, restlessness,
21. 350 /-
Chakra Oil fantasies, jealousy, guilt, Headaches, Brain fog.

Crown To control Constipation, haemorrhoids, lower back pain, sciatica, fear, instability,
22. 350 /-
Chakra Oil loss of power, frequent headaches, Seemingly constant drama in your life.

To cure the Cancer, when mutations take place in genes that regulate cell growth.
The mutations let the cells divide and multiply in an uncontrolled way, with
23. symptoms including Excessive Pain, Swelling or lumps, Excessive Weight Loss/Gain, 350 /-
Metabolic Disorders, Fatigue, Fever or night sweats, Bleeding, Vision or Hearing

To cure Heart related problems, including chest pain or discomfort, light headedness,
Heart fluttering heart or racing heartbeat, pounding or rapid pulse, slow pulse, fainting
24. spells, dizziness, chest pain, coldness, especially in the limbs, numbness, especially 350 /-
Problem Oil
in the limbs, unusual or unexplained pain, weakness in your legs and arms.

To cure Low Blood Pressure/ Hypotension related problems, including fatigue,

25. Low BP Oil dizziness, nausea, light headedness, clammy skin, depression, loss of consciousness, 350 /-
blurry vision.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the “bad,” unhealthy kind of cholesterol. LDL

cholesterol can build up in your arteries and form fatty, waxy deposits called plaques.
26. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the “good,” healthy kind of cholesterol. It 350 /-
transports excess cholesterol out of your arteries to your liver, which removes it
from your body.

To cure Obesity/Overweight conditions, to prevent Risk of Stroke, Increased

Weight Depression, Increased risk of Heart attacks, Sleep Apnea, Liver disease, chances of
27. Reduction Cancer, Type-2 diabetes, weakened muscles and bones, Infertility, Joint Pains. It a 350/-
Oil must use oil with multiple solutions, it will control your appetite, increase your
metabolism, will burn your fat, can be used as preventive as well.

To cure Acidity Problems, including symptoms like Burning sensation and pain in the
Acid Stomach or Throat or Chest, Difficulty swallowing or the sensation of food being
28. 350/-
Problem Oil stuck in your throat, Frequent burping or hiccups for no apparent reason,
Regurgitation, Post-meal heaviness, Nausea, Constipation, Indigestion, Bad breath.

To cure Arthritis, including symptoms in your joints like Pain, Stiffness, Swelling,
29. Arthritis Oil Redness, Decreased range of motion, Fatigue, Minor joint swelling, Numbness and 350/-
tingling, hard bumps of tissue under the skin on your arms, etc.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

To cure problem of Asthma, including symptoms like Shortness of breath, Chest

tightness or pain, Trouble sleeping caused by shortness of breath, coughing or
30. Asthma Oil wheezing, whistling or wheezing sound when exhaling, Coughing or wheezing 350/-
attacks that are worsened by a respiratory virus, such as a cold or the flu, also works
on Exercise-induced asthma, Occupational or Allergy-induced asthma.

To cure problem of Blood Disease, including symptoms like iron deficiency, anaemia,
fatigue, shortness of breath, trouble concentrating from lack of oxygenated blood in
the brain, muscle weakness, a fast heartbeat, chronic infections, unexplained weight
31. loss, malaise, or a general feeling of being unwell, cuts or sores that are slow to heal, 350/-
Disease Oil
blood that doesn’t clot after an injury or cut, skin that bruises easily, unexplained
nosebleeds or bleeding from the gums, or any other Hormonal disorders, weak
Spleen functions, thalassemia

To cure problem of Bone Disease, including symptoms like Paget, Swelling, visible
32. breaks or deformities, a snap or grinding noise upon injury, Muscle and tissue pain, 350/-
Disease Oil
cramps, fatigue, weakness, Bone Hyperplasia, etc.

To cure problem of Bloating, including symptoms like stomach pain, discomfort, gas
De-Bloating formation, Indigestion, Gastroparesis, Constipation, loss of appetite, Blood in your
33. 350/-
Oil stool, Noticeable weight loss, Vaginal bleeding, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhoea,
Heartburn that is getting worse, Fever etc.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

To cure problem of Gallbladder Stone, including symptoms like Sudden and rapidly
Gallbladder intensifying pain in the upper right portion of your abdomen, Sudden and rapidly
34. 350/-
Stone Oil intensifying pain in the center of your abdomen, just below your breastbone, Back
pain between your shoulder blades, Pain in your right shoulder, Nausea or vomiting.

To cure problem of Kidney Stone, including symptoms like Pain in the back, belly, or
side, or burning Pain during urination, Urgent need to go for urination, Blood in the
Kidney Stone
35. urine, Cloudy or smelly urine, small amount of urine is passing at a time, Nausea and 350/-
vomiting, Fever and chills, uncomfortable severe pain. This oil controls the further
formation of kidney stone.

To cure problem in Small or Large Intestine, including symptoms like severe

bloating, abdominal pain, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, inability to pass gas
36. Intestine 350/-
or stool, constipation, diarrhoea, severe abdominal cramps, abdominal swelling,
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), hernias, etc.

To cure problem in Stomach, including symptoms like stomach cramps, belching or

Stomach burping, stomach bloating or a feeling of fullness, distention, or an increase in
37. abdomen size, diarrhoea, constipation chest pains, persistent heartburn, etc. 350/-
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

To cure problem of Jaundice, including symptoms like Yellow-tinted skin and eyes
characterize jaundice, the whites of your eyes may turn brown or orange, dark urine
38. Jaundice and pale stools, abdominal pain, fever, including chills or cold sweats, abnormal 350/-
weight loss, feeling itchy, loss of appetite, bloody nose, swelling of your abdomen or
legs, pain in your muscles or joints, darkening skin, etc.

To cure problem of Migraine, including symptoms like pulsating or throbbing pain

on one or both sides of the head, extreme sensitivity to light, sounds, or smells,
worsening pain during physical activity, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain or
39. Migraine 350/-
heartburn, loss of appetite, light-headedness, blurred vision, f you have a migraine,
you’ll often feel the need to lie down in the dark and quiet to escape from light,
sounds, and movement.

To cure problem of Sinus infection which occurs when your nasal cavities become
infected, swollen, and inflamed, including symptoms like Pain in your sinuses, Nasal
40. Sinus 350/-
discharge, Nasal congestion, Sinus headaches, Throat irritation and cough, Sore
throat and hoarse voice, a decreased sense of smell, fever, etc.

To cure problem of Sore-Throat, including symptoms like sneezing, itchy eyes,

watery eyes, pain or a scratchy feeling in the throat, pain that occurs when you
41. Sore-Throat 350/-
swallow or speak, a hoarse or scratchy voice, tonsils that are red, swollen, or have
white patches on them, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, etc.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

To cure problem of SMOG infection, the "smog" is a combination of the words

"smoke" and "fog”, which includes symptoms like shortness of breath, wheezing,
42. SMOG Relief pain when breathing, breathing difficulties (especially during exercising), increased 350/-
mucus production in the nose and throat, chest tightness, cough or throat irritation,
eye irritation, feeling unusually tired, headache, etc.

To cure Nervous System Problem, including symptoms like Persistent or sudden

onset of a headache, A headache that changes or is different, Numbness/ Loss of
feeling or tingling, Weakness or loss of muscle strength, Loss of sight or double
43. System 350/-
vision, Memory loss, Impaired mental ability, Lack of coordination, Multiple
Sclerosis, Fatigue, Muscle spasms, Stiffness, Mobility problems, Problems with
thinking, learning and planning, Depression and Anxiety. etc.

To cure Psoriasis Problem, including symptoms like Rashes or patches of red,

44. Psoriasis inflamed skin, often covered with loose, silver-coloured scales, Itchy, painful skin 350/-
that can crack or bleed, crumbled nails, Scaly plaques on the scalp, etc.

To cure Male dysfunction Problem, including symptoms like trouble getting an

erection, difficulty maintaining an erection during sexual activities, reduced interest
45. dysfunction 350/-
in sex, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, anorgasmia, or the inability to
achieve orgasm after ample stimulation, etc.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

To cure Menses Problem, including symptoms like breast swelling and tenderness,
headaches, tension, depression, anxiety, feelings of stress, bloating, acne breakouts, leg,
back, or stomach cramping, premenstrual syndrome, irritability, backaches, food
Menses cravings, excessive fatigue, insomnia, constipation, diarrhoea, puberty, vaginal 350/-
infections, inflammation of the cervix, underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism),
noncancerous uterus tumours (fibroids), changes in diet or exercise, premature ovarian
failure etc.
To cure Pregnancy Problem/PCOD Problem, including symptoms like Irregular periods,
Pregnancy Heavy bleeding, High testosterone causing Excess Hair growth, Acne, Weight Gain, Male-
47. Problem/ pattern baldness, darkening of the skin, Headaches, suppressed ovulation, excessive 350/-
PCOD weight gain, which causes Infertility, Metabolic syndrome, Sleep Apnea, Pelvic pain,
Endometrial cancer, Depression, cysts on the ovaries, insulin resistance, etc.
It’s a response to the changing hormone levels that occur during your menses cycles. To
cure PMDD Problem, including symptoms like agitation or nervousness, anger, crying
PMDD spells, feeling out of control, forgetfulness, loss of interest in activities and relationships,
48. 350/-
Problem irritability, moodiness, panic attacks, paranoia, sadness, joint or muscle pain, muscle
spasms, painful periods, reduced sex drive, bloating, breast swelling and tenderness,
back pain, etc.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

To cure Prostate Cancer Problem, including symptoms like frequent need to urinate,
a stream that’s slower than normal, urination that burns, bleeding while
49. Cancer 350/-
urinating(haematuria), Erectile dysfunction, pain in pelvic/back/chest, weakness,
fatigue, weight loss, etc.

To cure Higher level of Uric Acid Problem(Hyperuricemia), including symptoms like

Uric Acid Fatigue, Dry Skin, Constipation, Swollen Joints, Muscle Stiffness, Kidney Disorders,
50. 350/-
Problem Muscle Weakness, Pain and Stiffness in Your Joints, Aches and Tenderness of
Muscles, Sudden and Severe Pain in a Particular Joint, etc.

To cure Obesity or Over Weight problem, including symptoms like Excess body fat
Over Weight accumulation, Fatigue, breathlessness, increased sweating, snoring, inability to cope
51. Problem/ with sudden physical activity, feeling very tired every day, back and joint pains, 350/-
Obesity Psychological impact (negative self-esteem, depression, shame, social isolation), etc.
Over weight problem is diagnosed when your body mass index (BMI) is 25 or higher.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

To cure Negative Mindset problem, including symptoms like Avoiding responsibility

(placing blame elsewhere, making excuses, not taking responsibility, reacting to
52. most life hurdles with “It’s not my fault”), Lack of self-confidence, Frustration, anger, 350/-
and resentment, etc. It can remove negative energies from your Aura (Victims of
Black Magic), etc.

To cure Lack of Inner Peace problem, including symptoms like mood changes,
insomnia, pain, and digestive issues may be, at least in part, related to spiritual pain,
53. Inner Peace 350/-
etc. It is best suited for patients with critical medical issues, Senior citizens, Anxiety
and Depression patients.

To cure Insomnia or Lack of Good Sleep problem, including symptoms like Difficulty
falling asleep at night, Waking up during the night, Waking up too early, Not feeling
54. well-rested after a night's sleep, Daytime tiredness or sleepiness, Irritability, 350/-
depression or anxiety, Difficulty paying attention, focusing on tasks or remembering,
Increased errors or accidents, etc.

To cure Unstable Mindset problem, including symptoms like Fear of abandonment,

Unstable relationships, Unclear or shifting self-image, Impulsive, self-destructive
55. Stability behaviours, Self-harm, Extreme emotional swings, Chronic feelings of emptiness, 350/-
Explosive anger, Feeling suspicious or out of touch with reality, depression or bipolar
disorder, substance abuse, eating disorders, etc.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

1. Sun Oil For Treatment of Sun, and charging Gemstones like Ruby (Maanik), Sun Star. 350/-

2. Moon Oil For Treatment of Moon, and charging Gemstones like Pearl (Moti), Moon Stone. 350/-

3. Mars Oil For Treatment of Mars, and charging Gemstones like Coral (Moonga). 350/-

4. Mercury Oil For Treatment of Mercury, and charging Gemstones like Emerald (Panna), Jade. 350/-

For Treatment of Jupiter, and charging Gemstones like Yellow Sapphire

5. Jupiter Oil 350/-

6. Venus Oil For Treatment of Venus, and charging Gemstones like Diamond (Heera), Opal. 350/-

For Treatment of Saturn, and charging Gemstones like Blue Sapphire (Neelam),
7. Saturn Oil 350/-
Lajavart, Neeli.

8. Rahu Oil For Treatment of Rahu, and charging Gemstones like Hessonite (Gomed). 350/-

9. Ketu Oil For Treatment of Ketu, and charging Gemstones like Cat’s Eye (Lehsuniya). 350/-
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

For Treatment of Mars, Aries Rashi and charging Gemstones like Coral
1. Aries Oil 350/-

For Treatment of Venus, Taurus Rashi and charging Gemstones like Diamond
2. Taurus Oil 350/-
(Heera), or Opal.

For Treatment of Mercury, Gemini Rashi and charging Gemstones like Emerald
3. Gemini Oil 350/-
(Panna), Jade, Onyx.

For Treatment of Moon, Cancer Rashi and charging Gemstones like Pearl (Moti),
4. Cancer Oil 350/-
Moon Stone.

For Treatment of Sun, Leo Rashi and charging Gemstones like Ruby (Maanik),
5. Leo Oil 350/-
Sun Star.

For Treatment of Mercury, Virgo Rashi and charging Gemstones like Emerald
6. Virgo Oil 350/-
(Panna), Jade, Onyx.
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

For Treatment of Venus, Libra Rashi and charging Gemstones like Diamond
7. Libra Oil 350/-
(Heera), or Opal.

For Treatment of Mars, Scorpio Rashi and charging Gemstones like Coral
8. Scorpio Oil 350/-

For Treatment of Jupiter, Sagittarius Rashi and charging Gemstones like Yellow
9. Sagittarius Oil 350/-
Sapphire (Pukhraj).

For Treatment of Saturn, Capricorn Rashi and charging Gemstones like Blue
10. Capricorn Oil 350/-
Sapphire (Neelam), Lajavart, Neeli.

For Treatment of Saturn, Aquarius Rashi and charging Gemstones like Blue
11. Aquarius Oil 350/-
Sapphire (Neelam), Lajavart, Neeli.

For Treatment of Jupiter, Pieces Rashi and charging Gemstones like Yellow
12. Pieces Oil 350/-
Sapphire (Pukhraj).
Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

1. East Oil For Treatment of Vastu Dosha at East Direction. 350/-

2. West Oil For Treatment of Vastu Dosha at West Direction. 350/-

3. North Oil For Treatment of Vastu Dosha at North Direction. 350/-

4. South Oil For Treatment of Vastu Dosha at South Direction. 350/-

5. South East Oil For Treatment of Vastu Dosha at South-East Direction. 350/-

6. South West Oil For Treatment of Vastu Dosha at South-West Direction. 350/-

7. North East Oil For Treatment of Vastu Dosha at North-East Direction. 350/-

8. North West Oil For Treatment of Vastu Dosha at North-West Direction. 350/-

9. Brahmasthan Oil For Treatment of Vastu Dosha at Brahmasthan Direction. 350/-

Aromatherapy Products
1)Apply 01 drop on Naval Button, 2) Apply 02 drops on Related organ, 3) Smell Oil for 02 minutes

1. Number ‘1’ Oil For Treatment of Number ‘1’ as per Numerology. 350/-

2. Number ‘2’ Oil For Treatment of Number ‘2’ as per Numerology. 350/-

3. Number ‘3’ Oil For Treatment of Number ‘3’ as per Numerology. 350/-

4. Number ‘4’ Oil For Treatment of Number ‘4’ as per Numerology. 350/-

5. Number ‘5’ Oil For Treatment of Number ‘5’ as per Numerology. 350/-

6. Number ‘6’ Oil For Treatment of Number ‘6’ as per Numerology. 350/-

7. Number ‘7’ Oil For Treatment of Number ‘7’ as per Numerology. 350/-

8. Number ‘8’ Oil For Treatment of Number ‘8’ as per Numerology. 350/-

9. Number ‘9’ Oil For Treatment of Number ‘9’ as per Numerology. 350/-

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