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Network Analysis

IT 305 Quantitative Methods

Lesson 1
Network Terminologies

IT 305 Quantitative Methods

Network Terminologies
A network consists of a set of points and a set of lines connecting certain
pairs of points.

That certain point is called a node. It is also called a vertex (plural:

vertices). It is the intersection or junction point of a network.

Node A Node A
Quantitative Methods
Methods UNIT 4 Lesson 1 – Network Terminologies
Network Terminologies
Arc consists of an ordered pair of nodes and represents a possible
direction of flow. It is also called an edge, link, or branch. It is the line
connecting the nodes in a network

If flow through an arc is allowed in only one direction, the arc is a

directed arc. Otherwise, it is an undirected arc.

Quantitative Methods
Methods UNIT 4 Lesson 1 – Network Terminologies
Network Terminologies

For the arc (A, B), A is the initial node, B is the terminal node.

A path is a sequence of distinct branches that join two nodes

regardless of the direction of flow in each branch.

A path in which starts and ends in the same node is called a cycle.

IT 305 Quantitative Methods

Network Terminologies

A connected network is a network where every pair of nodes is


A network that has only directed arcs is called a

directed network.

If all its arcs are undirected, the network is called

an undirected network.

Quantitative Methods
Methods UNIT 4 Lesson 1 – Network Terminologies
Network Terminologies

A tree is a connected network that may involve only a subset of all nodes
of the network.

A spanning tree is a connected network that links all the nodes of the
network with no loops.

Quantitative Methods
Methods UNIT 4 Lesson 1 – Network Terminologies
Network Terminologies

Network Model
A quantitative tool that is used by managers in careful planning of a series of
activities to be carried out according to some sequence and specified time so that
the project is finished with in a specific time frame and budget.

Used for problems in such diverse areas as production, distribution, project

planning, facilities location, resource management, and financial planning.

Network representations provide powerful visuals and conceptual aid for

portraying the relationship between the components of systems that it is used in
virtually every field of scientific, social, and economic endeavor.

Quantitative Methods
Methods UNIT 4 Lesson 1 – Network Terminologies
Network Applications

1.determination of the shortest route between nodes in an existing network of

roads.( Shortest Route Problem)

2.determination of the minimum cost of constructing the pipeline.

( Minimal Spanning Tree Problem)

3. determination of the time schedule (start and completion dates) for the activities
of construction project.
( Critical Path Problem)

Quantitative Methods
Methods UNIT 4 Lesson 1 – Network Terminologies

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