Intreview Notebook

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Notebook 2

Date: February 8th 2022


Interview someone who has been involved with/affected by your issue/ or magazine
topic for quite some time. Write down 6-8 questions in advance. Remember to create
open-ended questions. Record the interview in your notes or via an audio/video
recording device. Ask them to tell you the story of their involvement with the issue. Ask
them about specific locations/places that remember them as important to their story.


1. How does anxiety affect you?

2. How do you deal with anxiety?
3. Have you ever had a mental and maybe physical burn out?
4. What is a story that you can share with us about a time you handled stress?
5. What are some of your happy locations? Safe environments? Safe people?
6. What is the feeling you get when you just got out of a stressful situation? You’ve
just completed that stressful task?

I interviewed Joseph Beisinger

1) Anxiety makes me feel really not productive, almost nervous

2) I try to handle anxiety with humor. Sometimes laughing relieves some stress and stuff

3) Oh definitely. I feel like sometimes if we’re in toxic or stressful situations long enough
then we can mentally burn out and that turns to physical burnout

4) Probably with school and other activities. And even sometimes during the summer. I
feel like my family can cause lots of stress during certain scenarios and to handle those
things sometimes I have to distance myself and try to restart to add things that I can
handle to my life.

5) I feel like I have lots of great options for safe places and people. I try to be a good
friend and keep friends that are also good people. If I need a break just talking with
anyone can really relieve stress.

The pool is a great spot for me to relieve stress or frustration. It’s nice cause it’s kind of
hard to overwork myself in the pool. Not very many ways to get hurt or anything.

After I get out of a stressful location, or finish a stressful task, sometimes the stress
seems to linger and carry over to other things that I care about, even if they aren’t
stressful. It takes some time to calm myself back down. But after I calm down then it’s
really rewarding. Usually it means I accomplished something hard or chose to take
myself out of a bad situation.

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