Laugh Trip National Academy Graduation Ceremony (Script) HOST: Good Morning, Everybody. Welcome To Laugh Trip National Academy-For Our 2021

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Laugh Trip National Academy Graduation Ceremony (Script)

HOST: Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Laugh Trip National Academy-for our 2021-
2022 Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management and Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Information Systems Graduation Rites [pause]. Today denotes one more achievement in the
existences of our BSTM and BSAIS Learners who have picked Laugh Trip National Academy to
be essential for their school life. Before we start, we might want to recognize the presence of the
Laugh Trip National Academy (LTNA) Academic Department, our Academic Head and
furthermore the College Principal, Mr. Alejandro Binayo; our Program Heads, Mr. Jonas Totoba,
Mr. Abdul Habibi, and Ms. Erna Siojo (in gay lingwa it implies taeng mabaho hahaha); our
school Assistant Principal, Mr. Mark Malibag; our BSTM and BSAIS Coordinator, Ms. Abdul
Dagul; our employees, and staff, a warm show of approval to every one of you. Likewise, we
might want to recognize the presence of the guardians and gatekeepers who have been extremely
strong to and certain about the devotion of our BSTM and BSAIS Learners. In like manner, let
us give our affirmation with one more show of approval. Much thanks to you.
HOST: Now that our ceremony has officially started, we would like to greet everybody an early
congratulations. The efforts, perseverance, and dedication of all the people involved –our BSTM
and BSAIS Learners, our parents and guardians, our LTNA Faculty Volunteers, and the rest –
are about to pay off.


HOST: We have finally come to the moment our BSTM and BSAIS Learners have been waiting
for, the Speech of the two most intelligent BSTM and BSAIS students. May we call on Mr.
Acedera and Ms. Vertucio for their speech.

Jane: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! (exaggerated) I'm gonna cry, I'm gonna cry... Oops just kidding
(laughs). Anyway, it gives me great joy to greet students, families, and professors at Laugh Trip
National Academy on graduation day. Each of you has left an impression on the graduates
present today. I just want to grab this opportunity to thank my parents who pushed me on stage,
kidding (laughs) thank you mom and dad because you both are my inspiration to pursue my
dreams, I love you both. To all my teachers, thank you because, without all of you, I am not here.
I'm gonna miss all of you and of course, I'm gonna miss my classmates too, my friends and
enemy (taas kilay sa enemy) LOL, I'm not gonna miss my enemies like duh (laughs) but thank
you all because I became more motivated (genuine smile) I stood in front of you to prove that
you all wrong with what you think of me!!! Anyway, I'm gonna end my speech, because I want
to go home and start the PARTYYYYY!! YEAHHHH!! PARTY PARTYYY!!! Congratulations
Mav: (boses lalaki) Good day everyone!! I am standing in front of all of you, not behind you, not
on the left, not on the right but in front of all of you saying... (biglang gay na) I am a mermaid!!!
like duh, I don't care if you'll judge me but heller, I am confident (maarteng ngiti). Anyway, to
all the people out there, congratulations to all of you. All our sacrifices are now paid off and
yeah, you made it, we finally made it!!! Thank you to all the teachers and parents who guide us
and pushed us on stage just like what Ms. Vertucio said (laughs) thank you for believing in us. I
also want to grab this opportunity to shout out to my gay friends out there like helloooo!! I won
our bet, give me your bet laterrrr, or else I will kick you all by my tail! (laughs). Anyway, thank
you all and congratulations, you can now find your sugar mommies and sugar daddies. Babush!

HOST: Our ceremony has finally come to its conclusion. Once again, we congratulate all our
BSTM and BSAIS completers. God bless and good luck on your future journey. Fly high
butterfly, just kidding!! That formally concludes our ceremony. This have been your host; I am
Kylee Cyril Lipana. Thank you.

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