Strategic Air Command Declassified History Jul - Dec 1955 Released)

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lnr,-laaq1ag{ ';\ Slftolt S5 . J*tV-Dec. ress [fr F,Flee'rthAir Focce, ' i, 1 i-r , '. . -r I . . ' i . "jir ] l .

''lir d , 1 i "'t .'



dr?g5, ----l(vtJ'
or-i^: 1,*,. --

th]|.s poJ3cZ, tbo noeclal rsiFns actirLtles

of thLs A1r Forco lncree,sod

stea,llJy, as rr![1 bo evideot ln the srrcce+'ttng pagesr Dr.clng tho fbst a!.< rcntbs of 1g55, rerc1sea,
m1n parb ol thls atol-c

tr,"ajnSrg atd LcsPctLonsbs<l been ths

Thls ccaTflrd had also part


lr A'"cadc Tssls drrlng tbe flrst

Opomtl,ons tralrfug as ryEA Pgf ,tt

part, of );g55 speclJlcalJy l3 such t

porlod xas Elcro concerzred Hl-th w.spns lnspoctlors.

IbO present


oForatt^onal tosLs and spoclal

Spqcla.]- Weaeons Inspcf, ionE A totrl tbo r.eporblng

uFao$E DocItIffiNT *
tcok place durlng rlJr Forrce, Gonenal, Sift'eenfh

of s'ron SpecJe'! tleaPsrs Inapeci!.ans Perlod,. 1'!:,e b,spoctor

conduc'"ed these al the foUsrlng


j-{arcb Air Force Ease l2bh Alr D1'rl-rton (U) 22C EodBrtnent t!,8, Ecd:artuenL trl;, 32CL\ GI) ag]th rilr aa-qo Grotql ElLsrorth

L5 - ?A August 2Ath Strateglc EeconlElssancc Hlng, (H) ?8ft A1-r Ease Gr.otq
Ai:l. Forcs Bas

29 AWugt - 2 fuptenber fra'ds Air Fbrce Base 14th Alr ntilslqr 5th St^ratglc Reconnal:sanco lfI:rg, (H) 5th Alr Baro Grctp B{ggs Alr Forca Easc r+ 81-OtbAl.r trtvtsLgll
8l0th Alr EB$ fotp Sr+Po* Stntglc llt

2b - B Soptober

hftug, (U) 95th tubartunt fl/th 8o&arxlnnt Hfug, (t0


1 1 5 A z c r orto i "iI
f-:+"J t

At.r,, 5


BA.S l{alker Alr Fqrcc Eesc 47th fir Dlvltlsr 6tn Bcubarrhsrt lflrg, (H l{!, 509th Bcsbrtuat, 812bh Al.r Easo Gtrsr.g
Hountaln Il@ Al.r bc

31 Octobr - lr Egl/!rb@


9tb Bs-barturt H!xg, Gt) }tb Alr Bso Sorry Altr:r Alr Forcs Bas
. 96tn Bqrbsrd'F't llLtrg, (U) 95tfr Atu Ba's Gorp

19 - 23 Deceaber

A gerecal evaluatlon revealed lts overall

of tJro Jnslnctlon

of the ]}"b Atr DtvLsl-ql end do}Lrrc


tc controJ. oatlstbctorlLy

epecla.l lrcapotrsr Hornver, cerLehr dtT"ql-"clos

dld ln tbE

lrln6p and tho air base grorgl tdrlch, bsd tby not be@ rl{scorered arrl correcf,ed at the tLne of the lrspoctlou, accc4)]{stllont of thelr ErIP d.gslcrrs. tvuld ba',repre.reoted tbo Ir both r-he tlnlng al:d 3&h "-q, of gr.ord opaetloq4 rrls drs to tb 1:r

Bcabar&ent Hlng, for th,o ovet.+ll rss ln xcess of accepteb,Ia EJP r.oquJremts. late arrival. tb,e alrcraft Angt&er ars of prcrgrr.rrlLs ard, alrqs.ft, anl pcner .*{t;

6,rlulpcerrL u.lftnctlons

erd,.tfis uae of urd.:!?,lnod ;a=onneJ.. nr.r$er of cz.sfE reccfuCng lcogr?tr Ihe CbELcaI,

of toelcrnss ra,s tho tlcsrtfttclsnt trs.blng

speclal tralnns Blologtcal qnllflsd

rr:dtr ths bl,ock tnfnfng Fogrn ras baryeed

and Rsdlological

by a sbortagg of lrrogullrltloc

porsor:nol eurt lack of tralalrra.

S@ of tbso

bgv b@ cor=sctsd, b,y lncr.ealn8 I{lth r=spoct tp tb6 g/t& cbcck of th rornlil.oqs finqt{oa ccocdlllon. Enpecla.lJgr crltlca,l

tr'.a{ldJxg bpurs. socrrlty

A1r Easo ccsrp, tbr Lattlal

rsval-d a gmara1 uuatJ.irtactay ns t&o po6tlng of rsLndoctrlgtrd

, ilitr,:,;ii:i:iflil

l: :! .i ,i tti ' 1


I J'i-.n{tl't!f {'}




on nuclear

capsrrle stsrags

grgrd postc.



tr'ban dtrlng tb.Et tbc tfuel

ttre lnspectlon evaJ.usLl,on Bs



to tba crtant

satbfactcory.J at zJ] ApB

lbe lnspectlon hdlca,ted rclvo avalut H! thai

of apecla.I t8ptrrs actkltl-Es

th 26th Strateglc

fissonne{ssancc tfi-ng could, eatlsfaclorlJgr I'hJ.o rstlng dlreot:g ras ba6ed qn ttre Tbs


apecJa.l ugslprur, thst

lon of tbos sctlvltfuE

erryporuea t&a EIp.

Spoc{el }Ieapons 0fficer tr.stn:ct"om lare

perforrcd genrauy

h{ s dufbo mlr

ln en otrtstandlng tbg qrly

-EnnLr, rtr!,s


shor+.occring rss tbe Lack of tr:ai:r:ng thecrcnucloar wea1rcns.

of eccio ccnbt

cFgr{lt l11 bnrvrrJng of tbe r3rrdticns Tbo,

The specla.I rcepcms fiinctLon

br=,r:,ch, 2g"th Alr &tologlcal

Baso Gror,p, had no nlsel"on

lx tb ElIp.

and ^RadLologlcsJ. Progran suffeed cl,othlleg areas for for decqtanj:ratlnq

.hcra cer.ta,ln sbnrt'tgas. crero ps lot E!.e

Acequate lnotectlve ava{laLle. lnsufflclenL, Also,

the dlspossl tost sa41e8

of contsn!:at rrro

d Estn

ard. radl-oactl're


br rar

qr:nJ':tflsd, p""r**l.J A spoc{nl HEqIrcns lnspectJori 5th st':latoglc factorir n's of tbo 14tb Al.p D1rrLrl@ fsrrrrt tls jth Alr E a.qlp sst!-

Eecor:r:alsEnncs'rfi.rls arln tb anC, dellvery tbat brvEr,

1n tb r'ecelpt

of epccJal' Ea1>els. arreeuly tbat flgportd

tbl-g sya.l6t1ql t&s Eslp. tb

bgsed on thoeo activlfLos teas, reccssndsd,


r6ou a qrr r parlcud

EDts_!t, IG, E{ Uth A3rncoaqal Inspocttm r/1=lcrseo:il., 15 W 55. Edrljllt 1. Fp9"t, IG, E{ lsth Al' ?A Vp 55. El&l-blt 2.

of H8r.chA.ctsrn2 JuJ. 5it . lPBrn



I.urpcctlou of Etlmrtb

i.r'' r.,{i*r,{.,.r

1 . , . i " i 1 _,; . . t - , j ' f f .

r,usgflE.ttsctor5ly dlrl.g cntlrs mbcrs. gspra:, logicel nrc a epecla3. Fapcnr ata5rdan*l.zatlnrrchsckr tba cr-sr o a crw bo roschpdtrLed fe An arc, of, potatlal lack of nperrlaJ-m, ;regrarL l{oroover, recblck ard not Jual lrdlvldua,l Eoalcnesc ln tbe tcrng cot,ced Ln th Cbsdcal,



Blolrgj.cEJ. sn4 Ee.tlc*

t}ro anraaec,fa and oLoctr.srlcs per:cnnel ar4'porb fuq{n{ng; tbey bacl rscclved tachnlcal

lacklng ln tboraonusb&r

no rurt llstructl@s school.

slnco t&eir attandEnco at B lora1 gm

In tho Alr tsaso &orp, of nr'rrltl-ona pononnol

r.nrcctaJniy ordsted cqcenlJrng

the neber

regulred to prorldo conveutlonal AccordJn6Jyr tbe Iaspoctlcn

and speclal r,eapons sugport to tbo FlP.

Tean roconmnded thst a otuty b ccryIstd tp deLerslne th{s Doedr &'td tbat 1t b eCe a nattor uer.e not forthcm,lng.


of ccm,nd concorn lJ guch l.pd[yl4tre]q

'r{at}cer ILe J+?th.iLlr Divl-g1oa at APBrss fornd capai:J-e or'recelvl::g, foaO:q ard, dsl{verlrrg speeJ.e.ItealFrrs. Eoth tbe 6ih AFI 5OPbb atcatc }rspcns operatJons. a.oecla-l

tsoobaninsnt l{fugs rprs satlsfactorT

h tllr

Ths Cbeorlcal, BloLosleal- r'rrt Er,4!ologJ.c!.I aqpocts of tls Eapons rogr.rrn -* ocoqr;to. orr tb l&ob, ; fff

dLccrooanclss Thrrs

notGd xsre ln t&s arees of traJeJng, errd Fsyod td.ncr ln ratrre. lbo Sts,ff Uunltloas fcsslonal backgroud, Dqlod 0fflccr b,ut ss odtd.

of tbs 6l2tb Alr Bass &orp lacked p.orapJdly absoriring tbo nocosgarT lnfenatlpn lbn$ latsi dLC mb dsLrgct, bsurwar, lor tbalr actl'rltles
of tlElrLe lEBrn

as tb rspqtfug

frcs[ tlo aatlBfastry



of tho 47tn Al.r I}fd.slE

8bpor.t, IG, I*l I5t! AF, tl3pocJa,l h8p6l Inspstl@ 2| S.D ,5r lt/{ndqlan.rb, I H91t 55. I}drtblt e. I


,.1tr4,1 | qtlt'lFn .1 ! LiJ

i _ ; ,. , : , , , , l l : , ;

ln supporb of the EfP,

', .,J/
WlnS ai ltor:ntaln Hcne AFB Itls ectlvltles ratlrg


j _

The ablllty to accqrllah

of tho ?bh Ecrsbar.bni 1tl ralsslon tas foud

t.o b ulsalblactorlr.

rss basod plrar{7

on the of }[<-]5 fltrpcrt

p'rorlded by the 9th Arcanent and Eloctrordcs lfal-nter:srce Squdroo, ltalnternnca Confrol, and tlre loedJng Sctl,on (ttrrrlttono hanch), the 9th, Alr Easc C,rotg:. Speclflca.lly, personnal dspfayed ltttln trr or

no loovlcdEs of loadlng pr.ocedrres of tho !!k-I5 leEorle the rcapon could bave been Jn an unsafo cordlflon Ie add,ltton, ttre fttght

Aa a result,

for a st'rlke Er{Eslon.

llno operatlon, and, a cbeck of utand-by csrtltlons. Thus, of tbe sJ.x

aJrcrafL rcvealed other unsatlsfactory starxl-by B-47 atrcraft anotber ps

for 3 l{orr{nbr}one ras r:of on ste,tlon and docks rrCergo!:g nalrtazuce ce,*LLlon. rdrlch

lrr the posf-iatght

ba,Cput 1t lx a rbed Xn (unflyahle) Blo1.oglcs,J.and Radlologle.l phasls elthcr.

the Chrlcal, ee-

progran bad, not sufflcLent

by Boccrrmer.d,atlonE the Inspectlon Ieau, l-ncltd.ed ths ms{lago be fonsrrtod an offlcer to }Ieadqr:ar.tors for tho Hr.sdtlons Etsanch.

suggestlon fbat a ce-.d

Ptfteenth Alr Forco rgrdqltfon1rg ltro aasncc of thls satlshctorT offlc{a1

}ad, prjurl.17

btrou$lt, about tbe r:ri-

rat1ng mde

tbp EdP capebJJJ-fy. 96*, Bcubanbnt


tbo eapaclty of e

H1nS to perfom tho apecJal }torevor, fu${n1

rosporlr pbrse of lta aarfuned EI{F ps



Espcrtr ni, .E{ 15tl AF, rpecjal l*eapos Inspoctfura o! l{alkar AEBrtr 8 Nov 55, yltndo.perrnant, 73 Uc 55. hl$b{f L, Rapol4, IG, HB l5tlr AP, -ttSpoclal lbapcls I-ngpectlorr of trfiowta:lu AEBrE 25 Eqr 55, vy'l.rdlpr,EgrrL,17 Jen, fi. Ib Dfilblg q.

ii;ii;i.ii$':iFf Iii


tf! .'.1

ulr.c r:nsatls.Ca,ctor!. -tb! 96tb Alr Es,so Frotr5dd by nyld t&l 4ppt


prFer.gtl.qls of sjl.clft Crotp had no l{k-U

l,oeOlng csFqhlll1'y,

the 96th Anrarnant ard Electronlps &lso.

lla:Lntn8nco Sqtadro, nc

rnsattafactocT peo-

It1s errLl.ustlon rBs b6sd pfuer1ly

oB tbs lnsufflcLont re.Lease .brclo,

parstlans of &l-rcraft,, lack of t\srctl.mal of s;nclal rcn-ltors. rreapot.s slqaoaga Armmnt

aad a lack

a.l,gCayea bry ar:e,m,t prgonnel re

an t cl-cctroo1es not srgro of the

and clactrqrl.cs

dlffer.eaco belveen ttre Hk-U ant lhe Hk-21 b@b bay conftsutttlon. Thls preclld,ed I succo3sfi:,I !!k-U Joer,*lng. lre acllvlty CherrLe:J nloloElca.l r ssllsfactory. n-d lladlploglcal progrE Es to*xl of the to be

ttre Inspoctlpn Teaa recc@ended tbat staff personcl lx t& r.ElFor.s sshoolr orrler to Lessen ths posslblltty

be scb,ed,uled, trocessarjr tralnlng .(or atd ',.bst check sbeoLs bo rsrrised ll

6f rn{qsxlg certak

sLeps ln lcoCLng specln'l reapcns.


Crp,eratlon trCARFCfffn A nbotrbs-n-besen lnspectlon rlas bld bctssn U and 15 July

1955 at Hor:ntaLn Hme AIB, 16[.[9. mnt i{Ing ss th6 llrst ln-forrad, dap bgr 6o

tbs Ctuard,T of the 9tb E te""d@nsrulr Flfbosnttr stadardlzailon th to AIr brcc,



of Jury that

a tecbnlcal

lnspectlon lrspectlon

of the bcnnbe.onr-bse cayablllty u,s des{gpatd as Opcratl,sn

ttstt]d take place.

nCAEl0RIrn and ns hrcc Speclal


be cord,ucted by an IO te8rtr lbcsr the Alr PlcLa Ccrrand, (FC).t/



. 10.

tuport, IG, !lg, I5th Af, uSpecjal 13 Jan 56. Ertdblt 6. Optttleor Hc )J*45,

tfaapono Il:spoctJon

of AJ.Lts lgBrr

Hq Ut& M, 2 Jt[ 55. b61b+ ?.

1i :


i .; i . : . , : : . . " i . i i i U

I , " : . rr. : . - ir - 9 1

?_1. !
Ir:ltlalJf, to pcnctrafa an 8r,ttrryt rrcuLd. bo lcde the !ilnltLor13 by elJarJatcd eatery forres bad to bo A aroas Lnrroi|'rodr I'rd rsE:uroc

takan to provant opecJal unit for atrlke

r.:nsr:thcrlzed. acccss or afforta Alr. Forcs lss (CeS) of atcatc Bcnbarbnt d,lrectlves. lllng Ito d,etcIl. to arryenrlrc gqaipns, to olcr'ato

at tabotage'

of tfil5 opcraLlo.

g qc'rqr16fa esseobly a'rt r,o"uld crahatp rlthln thB

abJgty st:rdar{,

of the fth tochnlcal

ttrp bounds of to be lncpectod brlf deflned arlt the lhen be

ts,sics of t}rs unlt Qil X4ay lt

rrgr oubllned the Inrpectlon t! SAC letter thai

ln cocsLderebl. Tean fo rtrel

Hrruld flrst

e:cLent organlzatlons

end frrrctlons,

2O-1 of 23 Doccsbor 1954rbd rwjned rl'rgol't'J. procd,ur fr: for

becn accorylJ'ohed' r.celt rpuld

pr.ohb-r lnforzed aiorric


of the cooplole de'rices.

tbe esaorbtT and ].oadJj:g of sucb \rarl-6d asPcts as tbe cc6cgunlcailqt era o''ren+U }hets1 trsnsg{rn'lngr Ibe

This ope3atl.on lrclded gnd use o.f contlol|o,

ostabllstrmnt portaLlon brleflr:g


foaafuS 8rtzas, socrrlty

of tbo rnsF.stlotr actkltlsa

fean afa not stop tbprer subJects ." . Hggural *g*q



o:donded, lis of flr, rrrltten

to ju"h

Fran! ln caso rrqbal- o''d

d,lsasLer socgrlty

or dlSptipsal.

t8kn tO ln'clro

of +1't pba.soa of Uh! bonbs+r5$ase Thc uthods wd ln t:ralnirg

(f Cn) progptr' bad the

to b ouLlbled,. dltrlbutlon

Lea:-n'S cronal

of tocbnlcal


tho ststul

ol tlrcllltlpa 811

'Lt/ reguJ:.ed to carzy out t& uLsslon, ' erd ctclry1l,'o controJ' roportst
th!! cocryJ-eted th ltdtls'I br1'cf{ng tasglsn'


I' -',ri:r-' :.iI . q! t.r!r ll 1[-:Uf t ' j . , :. , ;

l i l a E xI,'qi 't"l itr i L ' l iL,i -:' ;

tasJis ln rcadyfng ataic frcr aLorager nhd t&s lnspoctlon

Tbe !a-\i ,iay, begLruring ai q3{x), the opralatl@r sectlou oJ tb ot4P1y sgudron rras Lo Parforrl t&s rrltal treapons fe1' del {vqy' assob\r chl,o,f. for etrlke, qru tjro ltrls

Jnvglyod tno r.gval

of four uk-S lG, rnapono, aal,oci;od br tb fsr tbls q>arat{qr bad nainra\y


to b


rltJr tbo crnrent EIP.

Tho Irrrpoctlon Toan prauned to arxi readrt^oras

scn:tl.:r,l:o tho sgorsge l-cspectJou, assobl;rr

conCiLlsno of one l{k-o yeapon, a[{'l e tbreo othsr r*ra,pansFu].d be nd,o avai.lable to theu Jn ordc to doter.:olne ln,poo conditlos. Th operatlons

aeciLon o.f the aqpply sqlgdron lra,nl Er-oorrorr t carzT gtrt any othor oparatlona l-f eo 4irected b5r tb, Inspectlor TeamcLie-(. AIL oporatlone upulC 'oe perlorned in accorda.'re rdth current IL H Technlcal N,ers arxl aaplJ-Q.J;rg ccra'trn< A crltique or- the entjre lrocdlngs rns heLd, or: ttrs tbjrd *r.W

Tico J-r:sllcction bad, revee1ed certain dlssxltencj-es ltulch rrqe dea,r+d rprthy of ces,nd attenllon. tircs flat u,s u!{l{zd lbr era4glsl a tr.rdti ono of lte &El beakpool

t,o retcsrs EFons

bca storags at tb

oEL. ar'tsr rwrrrg for tlro prbcll\l ro;:alr. thlr


tls ttrg ras seas to tho rt,or

dalay took ons hgur apd, 20 -{quts!r to rct 1t-r assmbJ.y r8t.

enrt E's tbs Another

Faalar t}o ra{'lld

vah{cf-sr Bp{hlo hrtbarorc, ElIFn il

ci i.orrng Epons, r.ogu!.ed jru

us rsarb;r brrL us psrl q!{l{aod. or paraomol to roue tnp th1rd

fr@, au orrersrordld

L2. Ipl4.,
lJl. Tbe &t^8{Lcd rpcrt I0 offlcc.

ot t}d!

tuspsc'Heq ls fiJd et Eq 15th AF, .

, r+l"iFill'l BiFi^:
[.;:i-;'. -:' ';;LY,.

a't . (- .t- i

Ooerat 1o.r A{l{-ilE{S-Fn Operablon ttQIARER-{iGlSEIttook placs on, J3 and 17 Octpber at Ilcvls-l{onLhsr Ar?. i..-i thos practlse progrn. tttgs Eoth tbo 43d sd 3g3d Bcmbanbn+" Hfugs parblcfpetad

a.lerfs rtrlch Hcrs ficcuted tgrdor an 6drra!,ced trgtntns uero plannod to tsgt tho capaclty of botJr as ;nrt dthl:r of the FIP. the allottcC The

Theeo alarts

to cerqr out n?ulck gtrllcett cporatbns lllng corgJ.oted thoss ercl:es

43d Bobarfoont
ta'ne afi,or the first nent lfir uesponc. lro

co'rqlrolrensive slrcr&!'b Lbrb or l3 0ctoberr

anC creY proparatLonr.


the psrtlcipatlct

of the 303d Bopirud-

las scccEplirhed.

r*ith Drro !lk-6 HoC 5, ani' cr:,e Hk-6 Yod 4 proper r!:g-outs on aj-tcrafb,

ltr.sre te.s scce conS;sion'd'*r [rejnrrs

H<-c |rd. 6, saC sne irk-U cn 17 Cct,ober,

wo=s 'soC d'irJng tbe secord, i'l{.3 lra-d cc.'-si-C,ereb1e


the 303i hber*isnt


the ioad!:g o3 iire !k-15 EcaF:r.


oporatlor. rrrcESoxrf The reqrl.reent tc carr;l cut porlcdlcalll tho tactrcs, Frocd,ruit's,

nnr tb-ir.g roqtd.rcd for the BIP '"lrcr-gh the e:-iecutlon of SpecSl tfioapons erercisog rns the urderlTjnfpr:.ncaF.I^ of Qcaraelon nI'JECX.I ibe 28th

anC 99ltr Eoabarr&rsnLtdJr:gs, enC t&e 2C ard !t"h Sfulatogl,c Sr+Fcrt Sqradronu rlEre echeCubl Lo cord,uet spoc{'I Heapcrs or:ercLse: at bcce sisLlcns and to dopJo;r to foru,rri Alasls - atarting 25 Fcm:rbor, Alr Forca res Cj.recteC, tc e-=ercl,:E H!cE, Oc|gJj, p. fr. l{lng, &t' 55t P. 37. ba5gsr tn thj.! sss i'.{el,.eonAF3,

Ilea Ccnranriar Ffbeoutlr u. 15. Ill:tor? lllstory 43d ecrnrcrfunl lpd Bobaxbsnt

,:,;l,i ii,-t.rFi[il

' uili,i,iliti[fi
operatlora'l rospo:slbJ-ltty cpcrrtLsn q'dq= Ylng ccoardqs f6q. nrl alrcrafL, 8Ed,to d{nlntch t&e for norrunb of rJ'r EB-36 D.Lers. :be 4ty1ero,n or te tbo

a l1 a .


rcuJd s:rsr:B opemtSonal respo6Jh{.r{ty

{nTrlntmntsflon of tho r{qsLon n.d. d,lrect, tbe nocossary forces for 1ts accqllsbnent. the Coraar.der 5?th Alr DlvLslon ns t&e over-ell Task Forcs ccroarder at Eler"on AEB tor tb6 operatrcnp rdrLl.e tho ccura'rdor of t&o 2gtb Bombarfurt lfjng r,ould, b trls Depd,y. rt ns declded to rnelrn no Ilress reloase concsrtfug tfil,s O!retlon. !t qrerled, h,lrch{ld arrd Ell,grrc,rte AIB IBOrc ldght, statl qA,lrirtlg,ft are en$ged Ln brlef t{uJnf o:cgrslses or.tgld,a (t&s) coat!:errtal rlr"{ts of tbe tlnltd statee-E r{-rallv, the rqetance of flylns oafety lsrrr,r !e strltrL7 ee'fbsslsed and recal'/ gg rrrAhest precedonce ln tbp cond,ucb 6f n'tt nbass of th{s OpaistLoa.lgl The Alaskan Alr ccrsrd trr:J.d, Fov:de tb necsssary bse faclligss for thl,s Oparatfucs GCe, ftflg tle !{J}ttary AJi D1gnspor.bSerrrlce cwrd rss tc r\*lsh arrrlft lrrElPqrL. Pr=dqg tb tee degrcpecu preperatron BDd le f,1nq!6, Lho 5?tb Arr Divdsron rorrld, qcr{tfir erocuLLo, of ths spccrar ltafrm r"ent tltng ab h.lrcblld Ly}.all Dtrblonts Rtft'oeth per! of opolgtlr"r alr Forcsrr p..Xof

cpcrclscs bsrd br ths ggbh BqnbarrioparatlcEx rrr@cn ns tbs j?th Alr tb

qK,As IEaGilEf blch

ln trsrc us

tbo lErat dsttnse c.FaHltty


oFsratl.on lq;EAcKER JACK.nct

15' !7. lfl.

Qq=tton! Qerjtlfis


3t+245t Eq,$tb ap, 1o us,r i5.

cbap rI, Dddblt 59.

Grde 3l+45r lnnn- A, CbapIIl E:d1bll 59. Elst FZ 5?th Alr Iltrrl.lrlou, Uqv 55t p..g.


,-\ t -(-i.j

Tbo specral Hc,pons accopllsbod

of t& ggtb_Bcobardnsrt HJ'g E"s ",cercfur qt ?l r{ovubq. }Il-ns alrceaft rene rdte ub-r? ftrs operetlq coflrud port{@ tb sb{Ltty of tbs rlrg an

or Hk-6 r''al'n!.

to ocasut tbe epcc{el r*pa"" ad'raucc psrty rrft 28 liovwbor.

o! tbo EHp. tbe.erper,

rn a prftBcnth

Arr Forc ur2r,

aJx days lo-lor to Elll,36 abcreft of sAc Eogur.trsn

Ao parb of Operntj-cr rql0ffirn

fq:rtq' A e;dloa

of tbs rrJng aoaryea to Elelnon AgB, tJ.eslc,.

5G.8 tJalrdng g,s fucot?oraled, lnto t&.15 rndssJon, ao tbet Eny of thes rcqslr@nts could !6 gsqc',r$,.t{sbed, du.r'g fhal tralnl grartor of L955. specJal Erybrcrt res also placsd o the accoglJsh6qb of eloct'rcrrlcs-F8corula.l.esanc leab otrer Alaslan tarltorT. ALL alrcraft m-te good tho1r trlce-off tlres as sched,uledr 8*l the o.lsslg, es cccstcored a succ's- rbs rrl,"g F^Bnneda cLa,safled, stagfug Fr{cs{G1 ouL of Eielson A49, deslg"ed, to test, tbe defeu,ss of tbe llortJrern 't2/ th.lted Statog.s lbo proparatlons SpocJe].Hepous *j"" of tbo !p!15 nr*,nlrt HL {nc}rled E at nntetr+b AEB slrr{.tap to tb qe ceductod,

by tho 99tb Bcobr,*-oa.t W.j^l.rrg: hlt.cnary

tr,r-q arLrs{nor e.d tbo d.opertrro pJ 88-36 arreert, ylth

of an A.l,'ranced, Echar.m, (ADvoN), q 23- lfonubce,

a/ x-drJr.
19. 9|1

crgrs nryr nccossar? ct*pqt



dpley fp n{ersrcn AEB oa


2d B&r 4th st^ratdgfu srrpwt

sqrEdres rould porrtde arryporb!r tbla Elstory p. 1.

crdrt c-w


at h,lrchti.d AtB fq alr.l:lft

fr Opellblcr UIEXA,SIIEAIilEFwverred l'rr CbsFt a II. -Cbap 99tb hb lltug, Io\r 51, C,bsblft, p. li U" Si, rn,


OpcatJons Gda-1r.&i5;.Ufstcg dlbita LL rnal 12. hr,

2Stb F.^,ihHfug, }rlr:.55, p. J8 nd

,'\ (_'_o

/') {

oper:at1on. fHgbt

The 2C Sbrateglc

Srtrport Sqradron-d6s{gr:atod nttare, rtrllc thc alrcccft

tbe UJA o! thc

c.ln'rrn.lor to ccorr:lfteto

Ath Strateglc return

Srryporb Sqrradrcn rorElned to Frlrehtld.

at Elclgon tor

fFB t porlde ant



s@e repatra

oLher de)a;n; thelr

rca1r:Ly dts to rath,er,

asoigned tasf;s as scheduld.


.thsse tro

sgtadrora accoruplJ.sbed,

Speclel tteapons Ilahlnq

Confcrncg ot ol the Itg

Ox 28 Ju1y, Lg55r ltaJor Generr,l Oldr tlre tben Dlrector Operatlons, 8t SAC, aent a s6cret lottr to tho Crc,rder

Filfteenbh Alr Force oa tJro aubJecf ol epocle'l rapons ;13{n{ng. content arbiculatexl lncreaslng traln1trg oryhasis three inportant d:Lrectivss,

ard foroshadovd th, perJod to the place, Crenerral 01d

birlg glven dwlng

the cr:rrent In the fJFt

aspect of specJal rmallorls. gl'esas5 e'nFfiAsls rpuld

annowtced ttraf bhroqh

b ulgceC on specia3- realrns eyst@Secod[7r progral t&e trryrovq4t m,s pJ-annod

the nediua of the SAC ratlng

at base l,evsJ. of tho spocla-l riDapons tralnfug ttrrough a starxlar*Lzaflon progran ps bcccanLngErc of crsrieuhns. 'edoqulo,


tdrlJo the tralnJng

tbere ss o' part

both a lack of olrclCL

xeaporu lnstnrctors, It ns pqrhaps tb

and lntoreat dra$a4l

of rnLt ccrm,nders. that bd

o'lrtnratd lfeapos

ln the f{rra'l polnt $llal.n{.g

to the srmnlng

of a Spoclal

Conferenca at }fEreh

AFB Uqrrcabar.


llJ.stoqr 2d Str:atcglo Sqport, Sqrtdrfir Dcc 55t Ep. |-LOt IIlsUorT 4tb Stratglc Swporb Squdron, ltov-Ibc 55t p. J.bA. Ltr' UaJ Gn qld,r DO, SACto Codt Uth Af, rAir i{oapor ?rrElnLngrtr 28 Jul 55. Irr Eq 15th AF, Il3, ELf,ca.



l ' , ( 1 . r- : ! : : - , i


' i' _6

j tr,-'{..rTX

: ";.i

of lfs lcfud r'..1 h{di]{ghtcd to Ea adoqra,te trEU:: the

Thls conference, conductail at lie.rdqr:,rters Fifteenth Alr $ 9-10 l&cveoberL955, Has Lho flrgt atf,ontlon bhg gl'ren curontly


lbo purposo of ths ccncla'vo ralt ststed as follcfirst lbo ccofarqrco u's callod fc tlre pwpoac o! fugao,rlng qpoclal usapqrs trafnfug tUrqqtput, (t&o) Elttoonfh Alr Fcce. Cr.s.reat trafuf$ d1rcetlyes rcLLL Uo tborougbp rsrLe$cd and rsc@ndaLLcnrs !e tllrbl-qrs YltL bo sulultt d to teo Rlfteatb Alr Fecs Irafufng Beqrrb@rrts Esv.l,sy Ecqrd lor epp.ona3.. A study rrltl b Edo of upec5al uca,poo.e pbases of Stratoglc Drah:atlon; Ilspoctor Gcnersl Inspocti.or.o, and strrndardlzatlm proflcJ.cncy ohscb t"o dstqr:drc tralnLng arcqs Doqjdilng Artbor +,VVsJt.P/ It ras assrred, Dmor/er, t.bat tbs 6pec{n1 }reBpo!.: offlcers .ho,

tboso rlngs r&Lch nens ln lbo Fioceos of ettaS:rlng a capab{Ltly for the dell'rar7 great$ of atcorLc ard, thenoonucJear raapo,s rprr-ld borx-flt Flth personnel of rcrg occerlqlced ol*flts.

lbom assoclstlng lntroducfory

h hl. Dlrsctorate rdtbln

r@.C4s to tbs conforeos, C"pt l.n' Perclyal, statd tbat a SpccLrl l{oapons conferoncc In tho 1ns!,

of Operatlcrs,

the Stftccnth

Air Fqcs b8d beGn loirg oved,rr. t:efffo:a had"^td, ffltrd

rcat of therboF+crrfo xaapon:r lnstructors,

ylth tho apeclal rp to tb top. UBny

and bsrl Eraduqy

of those ldees rlare tbon Latr r"etrrrcd SOPIs end tochnlcal a ratber dl.fClculf ord,ers.

ln tb. !q.u of regulatlsns,

SIpclaI Faporx,s s@d to bo gofug teroutb loeg of eqlorJ.crced pesenar etocfpflod. Otr t&o o'tbar ^ 10

porJod bocar:s of tb

and tbe uldE varLaty of r.cspoo.o thst wr 4.

Pnogrzn, 45th AF Ccrrferoco on Speclal t*eapoa Salnlngrtt !*tY 55. b&,lbtt 8. s.

i.r-.r '.':'


r_:.i .f!ou Srat$ increagod corgrnnd


hanCr tbe prcgrarr ts llow benefltfug eophrsls.

Ihls bad bn brcught rbor$ by the lncreased ulate of atrcnlc

ard thcrraormclser rpapons ln tft Emrgency llsr glan, by etratoglc onalua't{cns, end by tho Irrapoetor Cenerral SrudetFn.trrd{'atlon Bgctlgn.

In tbo Ealnr ttro obJectlv.ea of the coc.farsnce Hare to la.ilr.o tbat tbo ulng apoc{rl vgponc offlcar tho EhlP. lbroo'ror, Es eognizant of bLs responslblltty rogulat{oas arut uthods in repons

of raconl

kaeplng rculd bgve to be fryowd. crest ttuld

RLnaJJ;r, J.nst,ructloa for cobat

bs're to bo augrentod by a atrdy of orraluatJon peocedures.-

l{aJor J. DLaz2 9peclnl Ueapon: 0fflcer, the spocJa). tleapons offlcer n{ssLgils. Tbese officere

strescd te lryortance of

to hle sctlr!:Arrler ln ths pla,unlng of panel, and,

chouLd,be neqibers of tJre tsctlcs of aeu tactlcg.

sbould assfut ln the devalopant offlcer

Tbe speclal Heepons

le's U1e koy nan l:r ths elabqgtlsn

of de1J.ner7 and loading a Fecurr! b1ry rl{nse'r'bAtd

scbdr.:Jls. Wltb t&s grsrth

of qutck st.rlko caFsU*ttlcs gs,not,

problein lay llr thc fact tbgt vlt.l lnfor=atloa to key staff neube=, ard, ccnseqrnutly to c@,t

clte!frtr NsH br.o8kco,nd.1,tlons

axay focedu.esl rdrsn dollvarylng

nl.nJmlta F4t-cW a1tl-tudos, anli @arpocy Tlf bapoas rero .hctors In conclr${'gr

cs, rdlch adegtate lnstaructJons l6Jor Dlaz ccouantod tbgt tbg

rars ofLen Jnaufflclonf. rfng rpocJal urpons


rpuld ffud bL6 Job rnrcb crly rben qfftccr.

ho bcceu a firll-flcdgpd

rd:rg rt&ff


24. llotcs, t5th AI Ce.feracc on $p6ofuf Wcapons Tratnlng, tslO l{ov 55.

25. JDIA.

--,i- ! irl.: . i \. "

! : ' ; " ' ; T . '' : i " i 1 ' '' ' r . ', : 4t l.


Iloutenant tn rqtailon

Colonel Sor-rs sloko abouf the baso m:ni.tlons suFpot't Espocla{y lport^unt las th! aree for tpon tb,e

to the rrl;egts nlssLon.

of resFoaolb{l{ty preolsJ.e entlre

of the sts,tf rnnJ.tlong offlccr

of ths deLLwrT and Lcedlng Srocsduree 'r{glrt h{nge tbo fto prl.ery concarn

o.ffoctivoness of a Qirlck Sgrlco nl-gslon. prsoffreJ. rss to asssblep i{lnS rlfh

of nn1.blore tbe tectlc8.l Ibtsor

Cel:lver arrd load a rcapqt fq

no cbac,cs of drd occutrtrrlcr 7.{errtenant CoLoooJ-

rl{ncursd ttlo valr:o o.f ths specla]. tmpons lnspoctton oyetm. bJs }l.E"ieners to urderstsr.d the Jaspectlon s:yatm Ja t&e bope the hspectLwr rras called lnto Porco, lrlth a rarageco'tt, bf lts effeet

He snted

ef vak{ng tbol.r Jobs rcr.o lnoductl'ro. boj tool. to prorlde tb Cm,nderr


Tbe euccess of tbat tm.L :s,s of courte easrred cccbet cqFebtllly. fto Srle'r7

on tho errl poduct; fuspectlon alrstra us

obJecll"'e of the

to keop lbariquarLer:t Fllterrth Ajr Forco bf@Bt tbat

on tho et-fecti''reness, offlcl-ency ard econcnryof tbs actlvltLes eccqlished

ths st"ora6a, uaJrtenanc ard dnl-tveqr of nucLear ffi,Pqrs. shsuld r.ot bo ovorl-ooked. That e.4 rclCrg

lbe oysteo,ts secondarJrobjec]lvo objectlve

ts,s t^o Ui -r.-fUu by paesing on jlfor:atlon

ccqrstnlstlve suggeetl-ona .


Captatn F6rc1y8l clesd ths roralng atra+"eglc evabetloas. b5r aarcblng

gession by disctrsalng blefly

Ee polnted oui bml ierch good barl bst eccqlJsbed o-4 cretlrrs corast lntertst. An lnstanc

for relrtsssso

of fr'ct urs tho urnbr of qnc{n1 raspcns .u!-h.reo tbat b8d occurrsd, tn H+7 alrqs,ft, bettFqr Janraryrluno L955. thare bod becn IL such

%. :I14.

rrtshaps. Drrb-s the cr:rg:t parl-od, Ju${cceuber l?55, thts flur had bcn cut by qt to a nariaty tlc,n 50 per csnt. Th!: r.eCuctLonras ettrl-buts,bLe of spec{a]. tcapons

o! -nBdor.!, nrch ac tbc appllcatlm proflclancy

standardlratlon lnetrrlctes,

choclcs, tbo lncz.oaso ln e.gerrenco [r

Erd I gln

ln leord,edge on tho part of rJ-ug psrraonnal. th'o rcra

rto remslrqler of thc confet'encc tcrs cgacerlld rltb tchnlcsl aspccts of rpoola-l r*BITtrs tra,lnbg.

coafer.occ <t{asu!!d 5o-?+.,

'rarlou.B sAc ard, Elfueenth Alr Forcs resuLgtLons mrsh s-E ffi, 8,nd 5f251 ut{l {oatlon of dnllvrr:r randsrsf foldero.

t.ralnon enrf bcarbcol-

hhen tbs conclave cam to an erd on lo Hgvuben,

thsre Es I general f6,6'l{ng of acccorylJ,:hnnt 8,8n6 Lbe confer!}c{rr Eeadqs.rtors Alfbcenth Alr Forco, ln a ]stier eqressed ttlls outl,ook rtren lt
of opJ:rlon lndlcatcc

ts a1'l untL ccmanders,

saLd, th,at:

r...t.b,e genoral ceueneu.s

tbat rn:cb benofLb rras d6rt'red &co tbe rotln6.n


Stm47 In st^Enlng q tho develeFalrt of atqtc capeb{lrif dr.rlng t&o

aecord batf of L%Sr cert^eln tact.cra ct8trd'od, To ropcat c'nee Fldly. agaln: tbo sLebrra,tl,@ of" c.tabat caF-blttin evq, posat, Jrr tbo Elftrcoth W L955 asslsd lr6t fq llr Forcc a'*l t&o stratr6lc foFortlsns.of Alr ccqerd s!lc! 1gr5, ura Ih!"lng tbc Alr Frco b{t

ovrn&a}nJng g{gn{ Fle-n6. Ettt of t&t Etftsrtb

ncnths at L955 csddrx LB atoLc


orcdrcfuo! supb, as Oluraftca .o* doflsl,ocl'cs of rpoclal

q[Ei[ Fqf.t? Drrltrg ln

thss ard, othcr oporatl"ru,

had boca dlrcovsrcd Epcrrg

tho aggcohly and daiLtwtT rlUoarlcs

to tle E1tlng

n. &l{.


?-rr'i.i*i! li

' :;:ili]
Tbese Ealfl.srctlons rec'E !aL!arll.7 ard lack of krcfltdge. ln tb BoLh I h{gf' turn<rftlr 6crrlrdtf

{r:o to trp ba^sfu factorsr of peeoonnel

el-Fraft. lnagerlence,

ard, q' sjrnrrltFno's lncreso rroryEs{}\lo

of qrec{nl ue6FSL: 1p161

fsr tbl.s Eltratl,E. of tbsEe clrcr^ustancco, botb {pec{r't Fapqns Of qxc{nl 15!@s pq"are.lp

As an outgrwtb lnslnct{sncr

n'd t&o adegrato trafufng o:crclsec

f,ar qvar:bcdstded oporaflmal $;nc{nl ideapons Inspectlons

drs"J.txg tbs ctgrrslg pq-1p4.

rare beld at scrrsn *tft^eent& Alr Forc

bases, s,nd,e@ of tbseo bges uqe fornd, to b unsatLa0actoqT ln ths ctporatloa of thelr m.rdtlffi.s hranch. Trls factor n{ghi barre perreated r,rder tbe Dccrgency

a vtng flcu carryfaE qtrt 1ts ulssLorr efflslonrtly l'l1r glan. Tbs Jrdoctlrlrlatfun

of per.sourel rgs beJlcr standarrl, anrl solp ras Edemtafr'ed. Thoso short-

at tLms ttro s;nc{al bepms

q.TnleS3lGrr hotever, reLgtl'JaV

easy to cor.roct, and thg constructlve ten rere folsd lcr

eu.rgosblcrs nde by t&s qpeclal resp@s lnspectlcn to be gs:relly bn\rftr.l. T,Brs, ttro specler *ry drlr:lng tb lsst


3.'r+7rs tnre sbarpJ;7 relwd Jn^stltuttns atratoglc

sl- mths

of rg55 Bftr

eya1raf,J.ccs. Jupectlou ber4 fu BtJ4tgs a Ostcbe.

Opq.atlon n.CdEmEiut lBs a

July aL l4grrrtafu E@ AFB, r&lL OpcrsHon t{xIAEEIl-ifASp practlse abrt, fq tbs 43d snd 3@d Bdr@t HJ.cgpdralllt

operatfuu 'reEFoEtr !:nrol'rEd trp bcobxM, sqport sqtdrcno ln a de'pLcyJng sclee

rlngg ard trp utrstoglc to Elelcn lXB, A3lsla. cacq.:nd rdt& Bpoc{e1 !r

Thfu Derblcular Ellqrs, srd ns

ope.atJon rqg @ry fl.m, to tst llyhs tra:nrng

Bafc\y ctanda,rd! .tcr. cro,fcraca

llovtrbor, a apoclal. Elponn

took ulaca at lfarch

Am. N-rcst vor? Ellteenth Alr Porce rsdt senL a rglce6cat8tl,re. of alncJa1 ulapons lrslnctlpns ry a'11 gggornfo, the

Topics dLgcussod En6ed frcea the naltr to the rcdl-flcatlsr uotlng rac H,h

of cetts{lx rogdlatlons. bsroflclel

ard, a euccseer ?esa tbo year cloocd, an r

the long-naqo


v.orsur alrgran

vabmenb, ttre ltLftoenth co*':^ef efficiency

grnr cnqr Errng "d*;*.,y Alr lbrco contlaued to gtrlyo !e Jlareslng nnrl tbgrmr:cJ.eer Ing,pcrrs.

ln etmlc

I I ql;..f., ji', ' : r I r irrili-,i-'! . t,'r,,,i,i! ''l. i i .rl a .

ri .;-: ':' ' ltlftcqrttr lllrtor7 Alr'Focce July tlraWb Oscmbei 1955


CUAPTER IV HtrE&IEt AXDUAIUIEUA,gC cnera.l Dtalrt8 ths littsr halr of Lg55t ccotlnuod nFbFsl"E ua placed o Fluo end proJecLs. Jn nlntsasco Ih.Blng t&e perlod, Jnc}dods tbo

Elftnonth Alr Forco sterLel

Jenuery - Juno L955, te'y Ccvelopnts Stratoglc Alr Cmnd SWtrfy fryoveat

hogrran, (SAC.6IP)r t&s Alr Colllard, (SAfASIC), Drg:l:rg

Speclrrl {.'ed Alnr&ft

lJalrrtenrnco-rsteatdr,e Inspect and, Eopalr as Hecassdlry, (I!.Ag), Oo*J tnet' perlod,

thero Hure .mrfor:6eC also the fotlmlry lapwtaat acrfuItLes: Elanned Inspocfion, (n), progrsn, the ':rnintemnce plann{ng qrsfe, of lnspectlon Lattr Ih:rlr snrl rFejrr And t&s 6:pl rd4lrrt:nencelnojecb. HI prograca geeqelly Dlg.hg t&s pbasod ort,.



tho S.|C-SIP sd

tbo sctrd balf of tbo 3ear, ogvuaI ectlrlllos to tboso 9t ffi Focdtug pedrd;

aovU.ogea aflng

lLnas stulLar

t&o Instatta,tlong lnognef,rr.

I)lvJsloa caslod, o nC-Lltarir costrustLoa Ibs St+trly ll'rlslon coqtlrnnd to cpceto

n'd, Elrtescs

tbo aryply lryEov@rd,

rogr.8:!. Ibe flrY

of svwtE h{dh1{drtrd E uurbor of nlnleucc


Ufst'qy lJtb AF, Janrrlun 55, p. 3O1. Intesv'lgn, M ggt Jans E Stokec, Hlst Dlyr E{ 15tb lF tdtn Ur J if Sporlcdc, Erecuflno Offlce, IU, Slt 15tb AF, n b,r 55.


3- r!14.

tj t', ,

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