Stoicism: Internal

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What is stoicism?

According to some school of thoughts, stoicism believed that the goal of all inquiry is to provide
a mode of conduct which characterized by tranquility of mind and piece of certainty of moral

Furthermore, in this state of philosophy, stoicism is stressing its values practically in real life.
The main point of this philosophy is to prepare what might comes or faces in the near future in
order to lessen the main consequences of one act. In simply, this philosophy taught us, the
human who hold this principle, to accept the reality rather than our expectations or imagination.

Rationality-based decision making is the principle of this philosophy in practice. Hence,

everything is considered rationally in related to short-term planning or even long-term planning.

Then, theoretically, this principle of stoicism is divided into two dimension, external and

Internal dimension means that everything, materially, that we can supervise or control in real
life. For instance, our capability in certain profession is based on what we do or the efforts that
we make to achieve one goals.

While, on the contrary, the external dimension means that our happiness is based on the things
that human cannot control which comes from others perception, beliefs, values and so on. For
instance, when someone working at the office which surrounded by other employees, there are
several employees that talked about us, maybe our performance that they think is downgrade.

Based on the two dimensions, if we look at our reality now, many humans rely on their external
dimension to seek the happiness based on other’s perception to us. So that, it sometimes affects
us or perhaps we often heard about the words “overthinking”. We might suffer it, of course,
because we do not recognize what stoicism taught to us.
So, what’s the benefits of the ones who hold this principle?

Stoicism enabled the individual to be better order his own life and to avoid the excesses of
human nature that promote disquietude and anxiety. Or simply, the person who learn and living a
life by the view of stoicism can avoid such disorder issues mentally.

How to be a stoicism?

So here are the steps by steps to become a stoics, such as:

- Self-love
- Accept anyone in friendship
- Do not compare ourselves with others in order to find the validation
- Learning new things
- Focus on what we needed right now instead of how huge the prices are
- Do not expect more towards the things that we cannot control it
- And lastly, do our spiritual practice based on our own beliefs.

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