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Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant

educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational

barrier you have faced
An educational opportunity that I took was AVID. Now you may know what AVIDs

main reason for being a program is, and that reason is to help students get into college,

but if you would have told me that it's more than binder checks and tutorials I would

have signed up from day 1 on my freshmen year. I try to take advantage of every

opportunity there may be wither to participate in the AVID Saturday academy or get

information early on ahead of everyone else. For me, AVID Saturday academy is the

best educational opportunity I have taken in my junior year. Joining Saturday academy

made me get a better understanding of what will happen in the future of my Senior year

of AVID and what I should be prepared for. Knowing this will help me organize more

properly in each class preparing for me college. Also doing a binder check every week

in AVID also helped me stay organized on a weekly bases helping me stay organized

and improve on those skills constantly. Doing TRF is also one of my favorite activities to

do as well, this was able to make me open up more being less of an introvert. I tell you

AVID is valuable when it comes to an educational opportunity people what to get, so I

tend to tell people about it trying to encourage them to take it. Looking back at where I

am right now I don't really think I would have gotten to where I am today without taking

this opportunity.

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