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FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION POI/EA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET FOI/Pag 1290513-1 Total Deleted Page Page Page: Page Page Page Page Page la 15 ~ 16 ~ Vv ~ 20 = 23 25 ~ 26 ~ bo; be; be; be; Page(s) = 8 Ic: bID; 7c; ID) IC; b7D; IC; b7D; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; XMXRKKRANKHHKKAKKXKKKERR X Deleted Pageis) x % No Duplication Fee x % For this Page x XNA KNX NAH RKHANRE “@ K Orrice.of, Dinector UNITED STATES OEPARTMIENT OF suStICe cin Record of Telephone Call or Visiter ee pen June 16, 194d Time_9248 FY ecco Name_Congressnan Thonas D sresonariy cs (D-Md.), tele . mien og Referred toe Details: When advised thet the Director was not, in hisoffice, end would probably ° , be occupied with outside conmitnente the-rest of the afternoon, the Congressman stated thot he had an important investi- gative motter which he wished to discuss Gnd stated that, in the Director’s ahaence, he would be willing to speak to the proper assistont. fhe Congressman was ree ‘trans = ferred to Mr, Rosen. mn HORE gi aj02 SOP, after ree this ed age “ie we a8 prea oF FUSE peo erard Me A HU OF Rated, . cet Mp, Tima 6-737 oe tr, action poenaber 22, 143 senorable Thoass i 'laaie iro, dee House of Sanresortaiiver Yaskinglim, fe Co oy Jen von raagusn: Your laiter 2" over 3, 2044, addressed to the attesney Jonere? soncernis, Cie searchin, Of expleyess ov heyy Yor! by Vardna cuards tes bees reterred to this Surex it ageauss tie qametion artagy ab of Use wetdans Arvet 202093 vite on & Msval ests blssinent. ‘attors of thts noture sre not within the jurisdic tion of this Gureau tut of the lisyy Copartient, and Yor that of asuiggoues bo you. J ve-ture to na avy Lepartiant ny be dn @ pomition te give you tasidon you degine. su est the ind Rath expransiogs cf ny Wybest emteas and best rearis, streorely yours, _vvameonsonern © Owen ge vo Ec Congress of the United States Bouse of Representatives Bashington, B. €. ‘The Honorable Francis Biddle Attorney General of the United States Departuent of Justice Washington, D. C. ’ Ry dear itr. Biddle: T have been infohned by some of my constituents, sho are employed in tnd\\avy Yard, that periodically the en- ployees at the Yard are searched when leaving the grounds. Tt seems that, not everyone is searched but pernaps one in every ten and the person is pulled out of line and ordered inte the small building occupied by the marine who is on guard and there he is searched. ‘They have asked me to find out if the guard has a right to_stop the men and search them in the sannér in which he bas been doing it. If it is necessary to search the men : ‘wien they leave the Yard and everyone is searched, the men ould not object to it so strenuously but when it 1s done only occasionally and then perhaps only one out of ten picked at random, they do object vary 1 oF wih 3rd Distyiety iryland see p Voge ae ° 2 moma e e : ots Memorandum + onirep states GOVERNMENT GOs * + Rosen DATE: October 23, 1945+ FROM: Mrs Gy Cy Callan suniner: Request of Gongressnen DiAlesendro, Jr. atch Act Reports . RES HS SNS SESS On October 22, at approximately 4230 p.m, I received a tetephonss: ‘ cat. from Hiss Garnate of Congressman D'Aieaandro's office. The Gon- gressman is from Baltimore, Maryland, His extension is 365. iiss Garmate stated that Congressman D'Alesandro would Like to have delivered to his office copies of the reports nade to Congress ty the FBI concerning Hatch cb investigations, iiss. Garnatz was advised by ue that the FAI had not made any reports to Congress concerning Hatch Act ine vestigations. She wis told that there had been sone reports furnished by the Attorney General to Congress concerning Public Laws 135 and 644, both of which have expired, She stated that she thought this was what the Congressman had in mind, I told her I would inquire into the situation and would commmicate with the Congressman's office further. It is suggested that the attached letter be forwarded to the Congressman. Attachnent, 4 Gas fo a o— : » i) ecGrmnh FATES Gust ite +0 ne 3 ene anboRy oe Se feverence i. cure to tte re est of | dae Lea Ree to ore alan of thle vec af ap casbes 3f fateh “ct rezarta cube arene: mpca nvencteation to ie everal ures: of “eg reports $9 « usted wnier the op yqun Infant ehh. kee anver btm de tapes & AM: weit renati, Dab onbids Sue aS» Gis oF the TU res required th yoipaey “caerad to tle @ regard Sla5 ot 5 feveral picked an ¢ @ bf arney yrégort whieh seu ou “Taiey seordingtyy ude ap oer revket var ‘ad you sy ve Hoover aausn, 0 Wd S| a, Edgar He ys onan. 83 yo he WES |. 92190 of Wwiaver ah, TOSS BEST COPY AVAILABLE 1938 Peided by the Perectot ve Office Memorandum + wxvrap states GOVERNMENT mame aed PROM 3B, G, Fite svnncr: — * pa L a4 3 SupervisoyOrrin Hy Bartlett advised me that while talling to Congressman Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr, (De, Md.) on March 26, 1916, the Congressman advised Agent Bartlett that he was running for Congress again in the fall 19h6 election and that in 19h7 he was running for the office of Mayor of Baltimore, i Congressman D'Alesandro advised Agent Bartlett that since he had been on the Appropriations Committee, he has been back of the Director and ‘the Bureau one hundred per cent, and further, that he was vitally interestad| in and completely satisfied with the results of the Bureau's work. ‘The above is set forth to show Congressman D'Alesandro's opinion of ‘the Bureaa. . OnB: VPS drugudar Yq) 190 BEST COPY AVAILABLE AL. taCead @ pletsure to learn fmoreas ead you he 3 i » & oo. Sig 2 8 @ 3 2 3 2 e a, “BEST COPY . AVAILABLE 1g SP iw g “0 NOTE: Pile 6274137 reflects a letter déted Hovenber 7, 194, fron the Director congretum« ating the Congressman on his re-election to = the Hovec of Representatives. Sertal 3 of the + file indicates thet the Congressncn was very favorably disposed touard the Bureau. The Veshington Evening Stor under date of tay 7, 1947, reflected the election of the correspondent to the position of Nayor x l@ by @ substonttal majority. ee X80 ~ sa1tinore é e [Bi Alesond#o Is Elected Mayor ‘As Democrats Sweep Baltimore House Member Defeats) Deeley Nice by Margin /NOF 24,272 Votes ~ BALTIMORE, May 7—Demo- legta mere bac compl can trol of Baltimore City. tocay] |Iatier . Representative ‘Thonise! (D'Alessandro, 43, eapuyred the| Mayors chale by 334313 ee Jomelal maforty”_ over Revs Seam Deeley. Wen: in Fener= day's mniipal eletion oreo racron ane! (agg Resndre tcc Yur ane) itt for br Nee. Tye wetsrous Seatcnce ‘tl sccred “Replica | en aidan, wno'vas nt Caoaide for recion, KovBiitanae ete Bair de cae song hearers ee Ite lla Sty Cane trang) REPRESENTATIVE {ieftens ot Cou prestect an) DRO. [ity eonurolle. ‘Setving his Mit (erm in tne House 4456 credited to Repubtleas Wi loc Representatives, Mr. DrAteskndro, lam P. Laukalti (p toe contest for Mdean ot Maryland's ongressiona|eis" controle, Tegetion, plane to seslan Ils eeat| "he ofRes of Mayor will be "| ‘aay 28 of 19, after which'a special cated May 20 by Mr. MeKelcin ‘election awit 'be"held 10 name his |” Mr. D'alocandro, » native of Bal Suevetior,” When Mr, D'Alesandro|umose was born’ August 1, 1003,] Tresigns, * Representative | Sasscer. and began his poiitlcal carter by* Democtas, of the Sth disteet, ii winning election 9 the evans) hvecome dean of the delegation, (House of Delegates In 1026, (igre Dialesandro is a iommér! "He was re-elected in 1900. M0) |ehaleman of the Welfare subzom-|served a term in the Baltimore City mittee of the Houte District Come|Counet! and wor eloction to bis fet mittee, {ez in Congress in 1098, ©. Mariana Kelly, Democratic |The Baltimore voters vefected by [nominee for Ofty Gounell president, at unoiicial eatint ef 3645? to 24g bed an unofficial, total of 108,868, 200 ¢ plan which would transtel far ghead of J. Edwars, Atkins. Irom the Govervar ta. Lae dhs epubliean, opponent, who had |the power of appointing Baltimore ‘ea police eemmissioner. | eg) MeCardell, Demoerat, haa” The Governor mis hed, ng ap! | MlasBdapaates compared wiih ahelanigyment’nuthority.simwesee8 Washington Evening Star, Washington, De 0., Hay 7%, 1947 wouggummoren — @ on. & a ) : Congress of the United States Bouse of Representatives vd Washington, B.C. Ur. J. ager Hoover, Director Foderal Bureau of Investigetion U.8. Department of Justice Washington 25, D.C. Dear Mr. Hoover: ‘Thank you very mach for your mesoago congratulating me on my election as Mayor of tho City of Baltimore. I was most ploased to rocoive your good wiches and assure you that I will do xy utmost to give the people of Baltimore an efficient and outstanding administration. — . I, 00, will mise you and my many other friends in Washington but Ian gratefial for the prox- .— buity of our two cities which will afford the oppor- tunity for frequent visite when and if tine permits. Whenever you are in Baltimore, please make it a point to visit me at the City Hall. 2 With Kindest porsouel regards end best t i - wishes, I an stncerety soure] 62~ 74/32. 6 agconnet ZZ aiff ea - “ ) ghQrionas's1esantro, 3 a, = hte teed Sppipan hat STEN team 0. 6 UNITED STATES GOVERNIQST Memorandum roo: Mr. A, rxom W. C. Sullivan io val pare; February 23, 1962 BID . @ sunject: THOMAS D'ALESANDRO, JR. Ihave been confidentially advised a t former Congressman Thomas D’Alesandro, Jr., an 7 are all quite friendiy with one another: ie réview summary concerning the captioned RECOMMENDATION: ” For the information of the Director. Enclosure A a WCS:1ml REC AR 62214(37-10 2 : B MAR D962 eT ee nN S aves QD WAR 1S 1 - Mr. Baker TUOMAS D'ALESANDRO, JR. D'Alesandro was bora Avgust_1, 1903, at Balticore, lend From Noy exbe: re 1333, to Jit! 1934, he was t employed as General Depu getor, Trea: spar taen Burcu of Internal Revenue, Office of the folic of Internal Revenue, Baltinore, Maryland, In 1940 he formed an insurance agency partnership Baltivore, Maryland, D'Alesandro is warried and has four children, Throwgzout his life DtAlesaniro has been actively. engaged in politics in the State of Marytand, has been a benber of the Haryland Rouse of Delegates, on Baitinore City Council, uecber of the United States Congress from the . Third Congressional District and Mayor of the City of Balticore, On ilarch 20, 1961, he was sworm in as a mewber of the United States Renegotiation Board. - - D'Alesandro has been connected with the Anerican Committee for Protection of Foreign Bora, the National Council of American-Sovict Friendship and the International Workers Order, in that he reportedly had spoken at meetings or was listed as one of a large group of sponsors of these organizations which havo been designated by the Attorney General of the United States pursuant to Executive Order 10450, However, an article in the “Baltinore Sun’ newspaper _ dated March 10, 1945, indicated that D!Alesandro ganpunced he would not attend a meeting (on problems of White Collar and Fixed Income Workers) becatise sone of the persons listed as sponsors of the meeting “are politically know as communist sympathizers and speakers." “There Rave been allegations that D'Alcs bs bIc rok jand :the son, Franklin Roosevelt ic D'Tesandro, had been arrested for rape, All’ available Living woe urces of these allegations were. contacted in 196] and stat Suet his Information is based on hearsay and rumor, These sources Seis ———were Unable to recall the sources of the original allegations. Wo" e i os e é \ Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr. D'Alesandro's son, Franklin Roosevelt, was one of a number of individuals arrested on a rape charge in 1953, He entered a plea of not guilty. He was subsequently tried for rape ‘and perjury and found not guilty. A source stated that although there was a rumor that "some sort of pressure had been exerted" to acquit Franklin Roosevelt D'Alesandro, he had no knowledge of such pressure and stated that it was the _ consensus of opinion he was found not guilty because his case was handled in a brilliant fashion by one of Maryland's foutstanding attorneys. _ Over one hundred persons including social acquaintances, Political associates, ‘ofessional associates and ne: rs were interviewed in 1961 concerning D'Alesandro and his relatives and commented favorably, One political opponent stated that during the time he opposed D'Alesandro in a senatorial campai; he did considerable research into his background and was unable to obtain anything tangible of an adverse nature, even in a general way, concerning D'Alesandro, This individual advised that he would have us. information in his campaign that would have been critical of Mr. D'Alesandro's character, integrity, honesty or reputation, However, one United States Senator stated that he would hesitate to recommend D'Alesandro unqualifiedly without first knowing the position for which he is being considered, Another individual stated he would be hesitant in recommending D'Alesandro for any office where he would be in a position to award contracts without first having the approval of another supervisor, e a e September 21, 1966 BY LIAWON Honorable Marvin Watson Special Aacistant to the President The White House Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Wateon: Mra, BMildrad Stegall yas requested a name check of ovr files concerning Thomas D'Alegandro, Je — of Beltimore, Maryland. Mir, D'Alesandro was the subject of 2 Special Inquiry inveotigation conducted by the FBI in March and April, 1961. ‘The reaults of that Investigation were furniched the White House by memoranda dated Maxch 6 and April 9, 1961, copies of which are attached, No additional pertinent information has bsen received concerning Mr. D'Alesandro since that time, (62-74137) (161-277) ‘The fingerprint files of the Identification Division of the FBI contain ne arrest data identifiable with Mr, D'Alegandro based upon babkground information submitted in comnection with this name check request, 12 de A copy of thie communication hae act been gent to the Attorney General. oa Sincerely yours, 2 v4 Y Enclosures (2) " 1 - Mr. DeLoach (sent direct) 1- Mr, Gale 1-Mr, Rosen Sed TS § Y3CFijer (8) 5g oa Las ll vi dest ee © SEP 27 166 Steers ms ens wan. oowL) receryee uty) 422 (Rae, Leas60) w—*M,“Federal Bureau of Investigation Records “_ 19.26 [Name Searching Unit - Room 8$27 Service Unit - Room 8524 Forward to File Review Attention —-g cea to POM Gg, f 220. Supervisor OG Reom Ext. Tipp of References Reaue ie begheuter Bees : pee seares (Eat Aeterche ff See Ronealsyeraive) Subversive) Nafenindes HES Nonsubveypivé eter Main Pecos ee Type of Search Requested: Resiricted to Locality of Exact Name Only (On the Nose) Jeutdup Variations utd fam Som dbl 4-3-1 dion hema O'tbeaancbiag Birthdate & Place Agsress Re date 9-20 sists Ger Prod, FILE NUMBER SERIAL, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION POL/PA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET FOI/Pag 1290513-1 Total Deleted Page(s) = 4 Page 32 ~ Duplicate; Page Page: Page 33 > Duplicate; 9 ~ Duplicates 273 ~ be; BTC; [XMXXXHNENAMEKNANERMRNAN X Deleted Pageis) % X No Duplication Fee x X For this Page x XMXKKRRNKHHKKAKKXKKKERR, Fa ~ o oe February 6, 196), PLAIN TEXT aes, a wy TELETYPE "URGENT a TO SAC§ BALTIORE WASHINGTON FIELD ENC,.2 {BY SPECIAL HESSENGER ) hy FBI we fe muencash ALESANIRO, SPI. REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION OF | OTALESAMLAU, FORMER U.S. CONGRESSMAN AND MAYOR OF BALTIMORE, HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM WHITE HOUSE, POSITION FOR WHICH BEING CUSTOERED NOT KNOWN, BUREAU FILES CUNTAIN NUDEROUS REFERENCES TU D'ALESASORO WHICH ARE BEING REVIEWED, THE RESULTS GF A NALE CHECK ON D'ALESANDRO HAVE BEEN FURNISHED TU THE WHITE HOUSE Da SS 7 Q 7 kh “, Ail) THE AQINISTRATION HAS BEEN ALERTED TO THE NATURE UF ALLE~ +, GATIONS WHICH HAVE BEEN MAUE AGAINST D'ALESANDRO, THE ‘ SC -WHITE HOUSE HAS REQUESTED THAT WE PROCEED WITH A SPECTAL TK QUIRY INVESTIGATION BUT THAT IF SUBSTANTIAL DERUGATURY IiFO- No MATIUN WERE DEVELOPED, WE SHOULO REPURT THIS AND UISCUNTINUE | © ANY FURTHER INQUIRIES BECAUSE SUBST/WTATION OF ANY UF THE ALLEGATIONS WOULD ELIMINATE D'ALESAINURU, BA OBTAIN ComPLETE BACKGROUNO DATA AND SET OUT ALL LEADS BY TELETYPE AT 4‘k was noow CO} reesyee unr TELETYPE SACS, BA WFO RE: THOMAS D'ALESANDRO- CONDUCT THOROUGH INVESTIGATION COVERING ENTIRE ADULT LIFE INCLUDING PERIODS OF UNEMPLOYENT, COMPLETE NAGS AND CURRENT ADDRESSES OF ALL U2JEDIATE RELATIVES QUST BE ASCERTAINED BY ACTIVE INVESTIGATIO: AND APPROPRIATE CHECKS (Adi CONCERNING EACH, ASSIGN TiVEDIATELY, AFFORD CUNTINUOUS ATTENTIGN AND SET OUT ALL LEADS BY TELETYPE, ASSIGN TC SUFFICIENT PERSONNEL TO INSURE THAT BUDED UF FEBRUARY ONE ZERO DASH ONE NINE SIX ONE IS LET WITHOUT FAIL, é Ay jhe BLE RE say" : # Federal Buredu of Investigation’ noe Records e - 1958 fa ave Check Unit - Room 6523 Service Unit - Room 8524 Forward to File Review Attention Return to Supervisor Room Ex ‘Type of References Requested: Regular Request (Analytical Seerch} All Fieferences (Subversive & Nonsubversive) Subversive References Only Nonsubversive References Only Main ________ References Only ‘ype of Search Hequested: Rastricted to Locality of Exact Name Only (On the Nose) ‘Buildup Voriations Check for Alphabetical Loyalty Form at) Haw pA SIL. Subject A) (LELCBB AMIS ite2Nle Birthdate 6 Place Address ovelities Searcher A ote CARP __isiticis M__ FILE NUMBER SERIAL \ [SZ 738 b2= SIS foal) tong | aan dnd. smsap * < Federal Bureat of Investigation 1 Records re Name Check Unit - Room 6523 Service Unit - Room 6524 Forward to File Review Attention —— Return te ee Supervieer Typeglfelerences Reqweste Regular Request (Analytical Search) |All References (Subversive & Nonsubversive) [_]subversive References Only Nonsubyersive References Only Mein —_________ References Only, i Search Requested: [TRestricted to Locality of FJ Exact Name Only (On the Nose) Buildup Varictions Check for Alphabetical Loyalty Form Subject Birthdate 6 Place Address — Localities — Searcher Ry Date —_Tnjtials —___ PILE NUMBER SERIAL ba bé pre BIE 14:22 4ROy, 758)" » Federal Bureau of Investigation’ +02 Records e Nome Check Unit - Room 6523 Service Unit - Room 6524 Forward to File Review Attention Return to Supervise: Room Ext Type of References Requested Ty Regular Request (Analytical Search) |All References (Subversive 6 Nonsubversive) [Subversive References Only Nonsubversive References Only ‘Main —_____ Reforonces Only of Search Requesi Restricted to Locality of [7 Texact Name Oniy (On the Nose} Bulldup L_] variations Check for Alphabetical Loyalty Form Subject Birthdate 6 Place — Addeoss Localities Searcher Rx ______ Date —___ initials FILE NUMBER SERIAL e420 ar, 6.2056)" . + + Federal Bureau of Investigation’ 2S Records ia [7] Nome Check Unit - Room 6523 Service Unit - Room 6524 Forward to File Review Attantion Return to Supervisor Room Ext. Type_ol Relerences Requesied: Reqular Request (Anclytieal Search) JAN! References (Subversive & Nonsubversive) [Subversive References Only Nonsubversive References Only Mein ______ References Only Type of Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of (EJ exact Name Only (On the Nose) [i euiteup (1 varictions Check for Alphabetical Loyalty Form Subject — Birthdate 6 Place — Address Localities — ‘Searcher Initials —__ LEBER s 2 eaammen sas Ft . + Federal Bureau of Investigation yea LS Records v 1 1958 Nome Check Unit - Room 6523 Sevice Unit - Room 6524 [7] Forward to File Review Attention ——__._ Retum to Superviscr Room Ext. Type of References Requested: [_]Regutar Request (Analytical Search) [All References (Subversive & Nonsubversive) [Subversive References Only Nonsubversive References Only Moin ____ References Onty Type of Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of (exact Name Only (On the Nose) (9) Buildup Voriations Check for Alphabetical Loyalty Form Subject — Birthdate 6 Place — + Address, Localities Searcher Re___. Date __nitials FILE NUMBER SERIAL 3 4 pIe BE anger sasey” * a +s Federel Bureau of Investigation’ Records i [E21Wame Check Unit - Room 6523 Service Unit - Room 6524 Forward to File Review Fd Attention Return to Supervisor Room Ext ‘Type ol References Requested: Regular Request (Analytical Search} |All Refesences (Subversive & Nonsubversive} Subversive References Only Nonsubversive References Only Moin —___ References Only Type of Search Requested: Restricted to Locslity of ——_______ Exact Name Only (Qn the Nose} Buildup CJ variations Check for Alphabetical Loyalty Form Subject — Birthdate & Place — Address Localities — Searcher Re___ Date —___ Initials —___ FILE NUMBER, SERIAL. re a 7 . +. + « Federal Bureay of Investigation toe gt Records Cie [Name Check Unit - Room 6523 Service Unit - Room 6524 Forward to File Review Attention Return to Supervisor Room Ext Type of References Requested: Regular Request (Analytical Search) AL! References (Subversive § Nonsubversive) [Subversive References Only Nonsubversive References Only C4 EIsain ___...__ References: Only ‘Fype.of Search \Restricted to Locality of [Texact Name Only (On the Nose) Buildup Variations Check for Alphabetical Loyalty Fotm Subject Birthdate & Place Address Localities Searcher Injtiols —__ b3 b6 Ie BIE J Sub seraive Ketecen po tNeneunsaraiee be sMan Tet sea 1 bequestea. coy 0 ILE MoM ob IAL 5 Tibi i, — OR AIF ot LIT SC OAIP + BS cats talk = a £ “a hl Zag ess ae ol 2. aban coe js NUMEROUS REEERENCE SEARCH Sab beatae ay Pb eided in. Superviaor Room Searcher_, Dote = ded... initial A ba bre Searcher wie! paw An if— trtsal EE on NUe.RCUS . va ” SEARCH Sub: tances, Sle, we Spt Supervisar - see = Room “2 t = yp Searcher Rene cnmees Cate Le ef tal SE SEAIAL ba BIE T sttemenemen woe NUMI-F. Us RggeRenct SEARCH SLIP Supt be snianalinl 5 Ll bab telee SUBPFVIBOE ene ne eee RO Searcher Re Date Initia 2. SERIAL b3 bre Routing site ‘08 ‘Title Theens. RLALESAND Re, St sek. un (_] Prepare lead cords Bring file ([[ "1 Prepare tickler Call me J Recherge serials Correct Return assignment card Deadline, a [Deadline Retorn sertals [=] Detinguent [Search and return [Discontinue [See me 1 Expedite (1 Send Serials... te File informe & return [=] Submit report by «. [Leads need ottenti typ Return with explonation ar notation os te oction token. Re Pervssuen Ter 2- to- ee Barrmunee banpreo- See BA Reroar Sh REANW 2 See reverse si PAT F208 (2-28-58) gy es oan é 43 Office M&borandum » oxrreerares coversnent Director, FBI (File ) DATE: 2-4G~-6] wt Baur (File itet- wo } suger; “Theaas “D'ALesauses AC sez This cai will be delinquent. Date of Bureau deadline: 2- te el Reason for the delinquency: Letatime Soveces Te coeeeteRate OR Sar ner CoRReseRare New SPeced IN Fe Futasnes iv Date the report or necessary communication will reach the Bureau: Brun Gt AEC zone designation, e.g., OR, CH, ete.: ee (This applies only to 116 cases.) Pet CD UE! tale oe i ¢é e . 3-27-61 wt PLAIN TEXT ‘TELETYPE URGENT 4 & x TO SAC BALTIUORE ° ye rnou pf BI 0 THOMAS D'ALRSANDRO, JR., SPI. REBATEL THREE TWENTY FOUR AND URREP TWO TWENTY SEVEN LAST, PAGE FOUR LINE TWENTY TAREE bs INDICATES| be CLARIFY BY RETURN TRL. aha ‘TS: pabo/wes wd FeeRAL suseke OF sts wv ° DEPARTIFENT OF JUSTICE 1 MAR 3.0 fob... sued cy . Wa “TE Th enffac e #e =a Memorandum of 70 pare: January 27, 1961 rxom Ge My SCATTERDAY,, Le we Sean ole suayecr THOMAS D' ALESANDRO | INFORMATION CONCERNING On 1/24/61 Mr. P. Kenneth O'Donnell, Special ‘ Assistant to the President requested Mr. C. A, Evans to have a name check made concerning the captioned individual who | is a former U. S. Congressman and former Mayor of Baltimore, Matyland. DtAlesandro has never been investigated by the FBI. Bureau files were reviewed and the attached letter to Mr. O'Donnell summarizes the information concerning D'Alesandro, Information in the attached letter concerns D'Alesandro's connection with three Communist Party front organizations during the 1946's which have been designated pursuant to £0 10450. It should be specifically noted that the balance of the attached let tions of D'Alesandro! s involvement wit in awarding city contracts to protection 6 for political contributors ai Interference in police bic investigations and the prosecution of locai cases. The letter further sets forth allegations that| Information is also set orth concerning the erfal oi esandro's son for rape, his acquittal, and his subsequent trial for perjury, and acquitta’ It should also be noted that the above-mentioned allegations in many cases are rumor and have not been sub~ stantiated by the Bureau. However, it is believed Mr. O'Donnell should be advised of the nature of such information inasmuch as D'Alesandro is possibly being considered for a Presidential appointment. and if such an appointment is made the above allegations will undoubtedly 1 - Mr. Parsons I hon REC. Tyg /_ 2I7- 3 1 = Mr. CA Ev 1 Name Cheeks Stic = Mr: ans ="Nane Check Segtion Enclosure 1 - Mr. Menzel he oa His ate , w SEAR TO/961 (of oan Memorandum to Mr, Belmont RE: THOMAS D' ALESANDRO The letter to Mr. O'Donnell points out that this information is rumor and has not been substantiated by the Bureau. RECOMMENDATION: That the attached letter be furnished Mr. 0' Donnell by Mir. C. A. Evans, Kv * “Fe a 1 - Mr. Parsons 1 = fir) 3elmont 1 - Mr, CA Evans J — Name Check Section 1 - Mr. Menzel Ys a January 30, 1961 “eo Ml-2ag7- 3 fr, P. Kenneth 0*Donnel] sa erga Agistant to the President Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. O'Donnell: = os Reference is made to your request to fir. C . a> Lvans of this Bureau on Jaauary 24, 1961, for a name check concerning Thomas D'Alesandro. Mr. D'Alesandro has not been investigated by, the FBI, Uowever, the files of this Bureau reveal the following information concerning Nr. D'Alesandro which has been furnished wolungarily to the FOI, It is not possible to comeat concerning the accuracy or reliability of this type information. A letterhead of the "National ‘Americans All‘ Week,” Uctober 21 through October 28, 1941, under the auspices of the American Conmittee for Protection of Foreiga Born listed Congressman Thomas D'Alesaadro, Maryland, as one of the sponsors of this observance. It was reported that this observance was held in honor of the contributions made by foreign bora to the building of America and their important role in national defense, The American Committee for ~ Protection of Foreign Born has been designated pursuant. to Executive Order 10450, (100-7046-120X) fn undated mimeographed press release of the Anerican Committee for Protection oi greign Born, 79 Fifth Avenue, New York City, announced the Sixth National Conference of’ that NOTE: See nemorandum Scatterday to Belmont captioned "Thomas D'Alesandro,: Information Concerning, * dated 1-27-61, GiM:afD.. \ DELIVERED BY C,A, EVANS Dae a £ 4 aa ‘ 42 a is Snir Levies hr. P. Kenneth O'Donnell organizetion to be eld in Clevelend, Ohio, from Kay § to May 10, 1642, This release listed Congressman Thomes Dinlescniro as one of « large group of sponsors of this «° Rational Conference. (100-7046-144) A confidential source, who hes furnished relinvle information in the past, advised that the climax of the éuericen-Soviet Friendship Week was c rally held at the Lyric Theater in Baltimore, Ncrylend, on November 18, 1943, under the auspices of the Baltimore Chepter of the Nationa’ Council of American-Soviet Friendship, Incorporated. ‘The source advised thet present on the stage on the occasion 02 this rally were B:ltimore Mayor Theodore R, cKeldin, United States Senctor Georze L. Radcli?fe and Congressmen Deniel Ellison and Thomas D’Alesendro, The Netionel Council of Anerican~Soviet Friendship has been designated. pursuant to Executive Order 10450. (100-146964-148 pp 28, 29) It was reported that on August 27, 1944, Itelicn Lodges 2517 and 2502 of the International Workers Order held ap enic at the finnish Yall, 703 South Ponca Street, -Daltinore, Karylin¢, at which the main specker was \ Congressman D'Alesandro, The Internationcl Workers Order has been designated pursuant to Executive Order 10450. (100-36: 191X PS. In 1944 an officiel of the Better Business urea, Reltimore, Maryland, cdvised thet Willicn Cerron, reputed Denocretic boss in thst city, and Thomas D'Alesandro, the United States Congressnian from Marylend's Third Conzressional District, hed used their influence with the B-ltimore Police Depertuent end locel mogistretes to binder investigetion ond prosecution of crimes. “This individuz] olleged thet in one case, Willion J. Orsotti, 2 promoter of Fraudulent schemes throughout the United Stetes, had initiated cctivities in Baltimore, Heryland, It wes aileged thet investigetion of GOrsotti by the local police devzrtment was obstructed by tr, D'Alesandro, It was also alleged thet numerous weight shortages in Beitimore coal deliveries in violetion 0? the Conl Ordinence were not prosecuted because of the influence of various col declers i t Galtinore who were said to be Leavy contributors to tr. B'Alescndro's politicel Zunc, (62-75147-3 serial 3, Enc. pg. 15) ir, P. Kenneth O'Donnell In 1945 it wes elleged that one Cherles F. Cammarata hed been cble to get away with cll sorts of criminai activities in Beltimore, Leryland,. and hed operoted almost unmolested due to his Zriendship with’ and the protection of Congressman Thouns D'Alesandro. At thot time, Canmerata was reported te be engaged in gambling activities in various dice and cord games in Baltimore, (62-78147-3-8, Enc. pg. 10, 22) Iu 1£46 it wos alleged that one "Bunny" Lignor hod. gaivling establishment at 2$th Street ond operated a ¢ Greenmount Avenue, Soltinore, Marylend, which was thea utilized as the United Ccbnen's Sociei Club, Incorporated. Ia 1946 it was reported thot this building wes being used by Lignor ss Bunny's Liquor Store 2nd thet the building itself wes owed vy Abe Berman, on insurance man closely connected with the insurance firm of McCullough an¢ D'Alesandro. It was further clleged that Berman had been able to furnish protection to Lignor's activities through his contact with Thoncs 8! 4lesar@ro, who wes a partner in the obove inguronce firm, (62-78147-3_ serial 13, In 1£47 c wel, @ nowa ctvic leader ip be Ie ie PE In Janusry, 1647, it vas reported that Thoncs D'Alesendro was a constant’ companion of John cae re prize Be 2% Nagliane, olso known as Benny Trotta; and| re Nagliand hed been described 2s a Baltimo1 enager and gembler also engaged in the policy recket end bookmaking activities who hed been questioned by the Baltimore Police on numerous occasi: 0 various holdups, murders and other crines. wes also described as a local gombler, It was reported tiat these individuals had worked herd or Thomas D'Alesandro's re- election to Congress and on his campaign at that tine to - become Mayor of Beltimore, It wes stated thet John Cotoneo and Nagliano during the time of this ceupaign were under Federal indictments for violation of tke Selective Service Act and for fraud against the Government ond were subsecnently Mr, P, Kenneth 6'Donnell convicted in Federal court. Cataneo allegedly admitted giving large sums of money toward the Dewocratic campaign and stated that he would receive the sanitation contracts for Baltimore if ‘ir, D'Alesandro was elected mayor. At that time it was also reported that applicants for positions in the Baltimore, Maryland, Police Department received preference for such positions after paying off Thowas »'Alesaadro, who was said to be influential in the police department through William Curran, (62-75147-3-19 Enc. pg 21 In 1947 it was reported that firs, Willian ti. Baurenschaidt in a radio taik on the night before the prinery election in daltinore, Haryland, during that year nad pointed out that she was opposed to Thomas D'Alesaadro, candidate for mayor, because of his close association to James E, Pollack, She stated that Pollack had a criminal record consisting of fifty-four appearances in court and eighteen convictions. She reportedly recalled an uatried uiirder case against Pollack which had been postponed from time to time and was finaily nol-prossed by the State's Attorney. Mrs. Baureaschmidt also pointed out that Pollack had been denied a license to operate a liquor distillery by : the Federal Goverment because of his criminal record, (62-75147-3- ' 26 Enc pg. 20) _ A former member of the Baltinore, Maryland, City Council, who was well acquainted with Thomas D'Alesandro, in 1947’ advised that Mayor D'Alesaadro was then in couplete control of the Democratic Party organization of that city and had _given a large part of the Mayor's patronage to James K. Pollack for his Support in the mayoralty campaign. It was also reported that Pollack had become more powerful politically than Willian Curran, who for some years was considered the political boss of Baltinore, This individual further advised that the newspapers in Baltimore which sup orted D'Alesandro. had quieted down in their objection to Pollack as a political leader because of Pollack's criminal record, in view of his connection with Thomas D'Alesandro. (62-75147-3-34 Enc pg 16) Mr. P. Kenneth 0'Donnell Qn kis Nay 31, 1953, discussed how [i * b6 bre On Septenber €, 1953, 1,08 individual who was closely acqueinted with Neyor Teoaas D Alesandro eng his family, Le. furnished the fol. oh "OTL advised that! PS Bic neer the Lome of Bre During the Summer of 1553, Mayor D'Alesondro's son, renklin Roosevelt D'Alesundro, aged 4 twenty, was one of fourtecn 0 youths cherged with having comaitted rape of perverted prectices Mir. P, Kenneth O'Donnell on two girls, aged eleven ond thirteen, during uly of thot yecr. It was reported thot frenklin Koosevelé D'Alesandro wes the only one of twelve of those tried at that time who wes successful in obtcising an acquittal, following this acquittsl, a Baltimore, ioryland, Grend Jury indicted Pranklin Roosevelt’D'Alesandro on charges of having connitted perjury in thot he had lied during the cfore-mentioned trial on cherges of rape. In oddition, Jemes H, Pollack, Baltimore City political boss, was reportedly clso indicted on the cherge oF obstruction of justice in thet he hed cttempted to influence testimony of severc] of the youthful de?engants who kad been tried with frenklin Roosevelt D'Alesandro, (62-75147-3-90 Enc. pg. 75, 76; Serial 92, Enc. pg. 77) _ It was reported thet’ granklin Roosevelt D’Alesaucro wes tried on the above charze of perjury at Salisiury, arylend, during 1954, following change of venue, cnt wes Zound not guilty. In August, 1954, it was reported that Moyor Thomrs D'Alescndro, because of adverse conditions crisine oliticcl and femily live, had_been hospitalized on March Jo, 154 be Ic Dominic Pirccci wes a contractor in Bultinere City his bé FTECIY Tad Ween AWCRICT GOpTORTAY tely Fy 080 bre in construction contrects sponsored by the City bfr-Street Parking Commission and Courthouse project. Pirccei in April, 1554, wes found guilty of conspirccy to defraud the city of $42,4$6 in connection with the construction of en ofr-street perking geroege in Baltimore. Pirecci was 2lso charged (end reportedly found guilty in April, 1554) with obstruction of Ir. P. Kenneth O'onnell justice in that ke submitted to < Baltimore City Grené Jary = “eonpletely phony" ledyer to conceal $35,000 in weekly Payments to the Peoples Volding Corporation. Teportodly, officers of this corporction were also charged with conspirecy to defraud Baltimore City in on off-street perking 3erage contract and Pirscci allegeéty produced the authentic ledger of the above payments following the issuance of a second subpoena. (62-75147-3-92 Enc. pp. 31-33, Sincerely yours, Orie cmew, 2613-80), The’ Senate yesterday cor, ‘nominations of John Mi Leddy} of Melcan, Va, as Assistant ‘Sectctary of the Treastry anq| Robert 1. Knight of Green Wien, Conn, as general cone sel of the Department. By volee votes, tie Senate| Raphael M. Paiewonsky as! |Sovernor of the Virgin hstanat. Bolsfeuiliet Jones of Aanta, Ga. as gpecial assistant to the! retary of Welfare Zor healt land mes}ga aftaics, ThonaSB'etesan dro Jr.| Jtormer mayor of Baltimove, las a member of the Federal IRenegotiation Board. ‘The Senate Interior Com mittee spproved and sent to| the Senate for possible setioa| today the President's nom, pation of “Jomn M.. Kelly, Roswell, XM, oi! operator! 4 More Nominations. Confirmed by Senate” Aoseiated rvs 25 Assistant Seeretary of| Hivmed President Kennedy’s| Interior." Mohr Cellekan Conrad —__ DeLeach Gee batone FL — - Tavel : Trotter W.C. Sullivan — Tele Room Ingram Gandy ——___ my. a Ot 164 RBS pried dd 8 ‘Times Herel ‘The Washington Dally News “The Evening Star Now Yoru Herald Tribune. Now York Joumel-Amerteas Now vor Mueor: we Now Yor Dotty News ‘The Wore — Vole adn & Oy PRFORDED 2 Sg ZEROX 1g ‘APR 14 1961 "8 Fk 17961 _ usirep stares covesMewt 9 Memorandum We TO ; MR. PARSO! C parr: February 3, 1961 re @ FROM: AL ROSENGY/ 2 f suppecr: auomagb'aesanpro Mae SPECIAL INQUIRY Kenneth O'Donnell, Special Assistant to the President, called and referred to the Director's letter furnishing him the results of a name check on D'Alesandro. He said that this information was particularly important in that it alerted the Administration as to the nature of allegations which had been made against D'Alesandro and if these allegations were true obviously the President wouldn't appoint him to any position in the Administration, yd O'Donnell asked that we proceed with a Special Inquiry “ investigation but that if substantial derogatory information were developed, we should report this to him and discontinue any further inquiries because substantiation of any of the allegations would eliminate D‘Alesandro from consideration. ‘This investigation is being ordered for immediate attention. ye # v CAE:LS @) ff cs BSOAPR 20 1961 “eo e@ Ft sua oF tote e.. [Me Jaen 4.8. oreaaraeny "MEW OF ste r. Mohr. Cosme 1 iM, Parana MEeTONS seerigy Me Belmont 43 Cellet Bir. Conrad. ‘Me D Loach | Se Broce 2 Mr. Evans. | Me. W.cSoliivan 10-38A EST DEP 4 Tele. Reort Mr. Ingram URGENT 2-7-) TO DIREGYOR AND SAC ST. LOUIS FROM SAC BALTIMORE /161-110/ 1P 4 rion IMALESANDRO, JRey SPIe BUDED FEBRUARY TEN NEXT. wg Y APPOINTEE BORN AUGUST ONE, NINETEEN ZERO THREE, BALTIMORE. REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION OF D-ALESANDRO, FORMER Us Se CONGRESSMAN AND MAYOR OF BALTIMORE, HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM WHITE HOUSE. POSITION FOR WHICH BEING CONSIDERED NOT KNOWN, SET OUT ALL LEADS BY TELETYPE AND INSURE BUDED IS MET WITHOUT FAIL. WHO-S WHO REFLECTS REMPLOYMENT OF APPOINTEE AS DEPUTY COLLECTOR INTERNAL REVENUE NINETEEN THIRTYTHREE DASH THIRTYFOUR, PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT NOT SHOWN, ST. LOUIS CHECK FRC AND SET OUT APPROPRIATE LEADS. )END “ACK PLS WA 10-40 AM OK FBI WA JSA SL OK FBI SL SFW Tu Disc - 2-71-61 PLAIN TEXT TELETYPE : Uncent TO: SAC, BALTINORE FROM! DIRECTOR, FBI - THOMAS D-ALESANDRO, JR., SPI. RE BA TEL TWO SEVEN SIX ONE. BUDED TWO TEN SIX ONE, BALTIMORE SEE YOUR SEMLANNUAL CRIME SURVEY, YOUR FILE SIX TWO DASH THREE ONE NINE. INFORMATION CONCERNING D-ALESANDRO AND MEMBERS OF HIS FAMILY WHICH HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE WHITE HOUSE IN NAME CHECK FORM ONLY AND NOT SUBSTANTIATED IS MENTIONED IN YOUR LETTERS TEN DASH TWO EIGHT DASH FOUR FOUR PAGE ONE FIVE; FOUR DASH ONE THREE DASH FOUR FIVE PAGES TEN AND TWO TWO; FIVE DASH ONE THREE DASH FOUR SIX PAGE TWO SIX; ONE DASH SIX DASH FOUR SEVEN PAGE TWO ONE; FOUR DASH ONE FIVE DASH FOUR SEVEN PAGES ONE NINE AND TWO ZERO; TWO DASH ONE FIVE DASH FIVE FOUR PAGES SEVEN TWO, SEVEN FIVE, AND SEVEN SIX; EIGHT DASH NINE DASH FIVE FOUR PAGES THREE ONE, THREE THREE, AND THREE SEVEN. BALTIMORE THORQUGHLY REVIEW YOUR SEMEANNUAL CRIME SURVEY AND REPORT ALL PERTINENT INFORMATION. ALSO SEE YOUR FILE ONE ZERO ZERO DASH FOUR ZERO ib SEVEN SIX CAPTIONED, QUOTE COMMUNIST POLITICAL ASSOCIATION DASH supe USAL INTERNAL SECURITY DASH C. UNCUOTE D-ALESANDRO IS LENTIONED ON watt nog CJ teterype unre ONE NINE FOUR FOUR AS HAVING BEEN A SPEAKER AT AN IWO PICNIC ON AUGUST TWO SEVEN, ONE NINE FOUR FOUR. ALSO SEE YOUR FILE ONE ZERO ZERO DASH TWO TWO SEVEN FIVE, CAPTIONED QUOTE BALTIMORE CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF AMERICAN SOVIET FRIENDSHIP, INCORPORATED$ INTERNAL SECURITY DASH R. UNQUOTE D-ALESANDRO IS MENTIONED ON PAGE TWO NINE OF THE REPORT OF SA JAMES T. MAGHER DATED ONE, TWO SEVEN, FOUR FOUR AT BALTIMORE. BALTIMORE THOROUGHLY REVIEW ALL OF YOUR FILES PERTAINING TO D=ALESANDRO AND EXPEDITE REQUEST INVESTIGATION. NOTE: Teletype sent in view of urgency of investigation FEDERAL SURERU OF INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT fF susTICE free SECTION URGENT’2-7-61 9-46 AM ARF i je" binector, FBI AND SAC, WASWINGTON FIELD 1 P Bo fe S81 BALTIMORE 161-110 Say a tHowaSO-ALESAWRO, URey SPI RE BUREAU TELETYPE FEBs Yili so SIX, NINETEEN SIXTYONE ENTITLED THOMAS D~ALESANDRO, TITLE ¢M2. CHANGED TO ADD JRy TO TITLE AS REFLECTED IN QUOTES WHO-S WHO UNQUOTE. BURFAU REQUESTED TO FURNISH BALTIMORE COPY OF RESULTS OF NAME CHECK ON D-ALESANDRO WHICH WAS BEEN FURNISHED WHITE HOUSE AND NATURE OF ALLEGATIONS SET FORTH IN INFORMATION FURNISKED, FURNISH BY RETURN MAIL OR TELETYPE IF POSSIBLE. END ACK £ Os S18 XXX 9+hB AM OK FBI ws bv aappee? pucocm Wo copies wea Mr, Mohr, Mr. Persona S [ie Ete! 4? pe eee eet Som Ba ms URGENT 2-8-61. 1-15 54 ARF a a TO DIREC FBI AND oe FIELD Fi te FR OF BALTIMORE 161-110 1 P AROMAS D-ALESANDRO, JR.» SPI. RE BUREAU TELETYPE FEBs SIXTH LAST, INQUIRY AT BALTIMORE OFFICE OF CONGRESSMAN SAMUEL N. FRIEDEL, SEVENTH MARYLAND DISTRICT, REFLECTS oof ME WILL BE IN WASHINGTON TODAY AND TOMORROW AND CAN BE REACHED ROOM ONE SIX ONE ZERO, HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING, EXTENSION FOUR SEVEN FOUR ONE, WASHING op FIELD Ni 27 END ACK A 79-4 ad 4-16 PM OK FBI WA RAM : : oe pise v ~ TWO COPIES WFO. FIDCTAL URAL OF IRVEST 1B, S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMMUNICATIONS SECTION FEBS 1964 TELETYRE FROM SAC BALTIMORE /161-110/ 2P ny THOMAS D-ALESANDRO, JRa, SPI, BUDED FFB. TEN NEXT. acer toh & INVESTIGATION OF D~ALESANDRO HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM WHITE HOUSE, POSITION FOR WHICH BEING CONSIDERED NOT KNOWN. PHILADELPHIA SEE WHO-S WHO. APPOINTEE MAYOR OF BALTIMORE NINETEEN FORTYSEVEN TO NINETEEN FIFTYNINE. ALSO MAYOR Us Se CONFERENCE OF MAYORS AND CHAIRMAN STANDING COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION, PHILADELPHIA INTERVIEW MAYOR RICHARDSON DILLWORTH REGARDING APPOINTEE AND CONFIRM APPOINTEES MEMBERSHIP CONFERENCE OF MAYORS AND HIS CHAIRMANSHIP STANDING COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION AND ASCERTAIN APPROXIMATE PERIOD OF TIME APPOINTEE ON ABOVE. OMMITTEES. te APPOINTEE MEMBER OF SEVENTYSIXT TO EIGHTIETH CONGRESSES FROM THIRD MARYLAND DISTRICT. WASHINGTON FIELD HANDLE ABOVE AND INTERVIEW MARYLAND SENATORS BEALL END PAGE ONE /bl-227_- |b PAGE Two THOMAS D-ALFSANDRO, JRe, SPI AND BUTLER AND ATTEMPT TO LOCATE AND INTERVIEW MEMBERS OF MOUSE WHO SERVED WITH APPOINTEE., BUREAU HAS ADVISED BUDED MUST BE MET WITHOUT FAIL, APPOINTEE AWARDED DOCTOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, U OF MD. JUNE NINETEEN FIFTYONE, WFO HANDLE, END ACK PLS 1-06 PM OK FBI WA DV PH OK FBI PH & yok SOK FBI LR WN ~ olson Mohr t Parsons -. Bolmont_—— Cellahan— Conrad. —— DeLoach— Malone NeGuire—— Roxen Troster Evans, | Me, W.C-Sulivan “Toles Room. URGENT 2-961 2-07 PM ARF TO DIREQTOR FBI AND SAC LITTLE ROCK FROM SAC BALTIMORE 161-110 1 P soma’ D-ALESANDRO, JRe, SPie BUDED FEB, TEN NEXT. APPOINTEE BORN AUGUST ONE NINETEEN ZERO THREE, REPORTEDLY HAS BEEN A GUEST AT THE HOTEL ARLINGTON, HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS, ON A NUMBER OF OCCASIONS DURING THE PAST YEARS, REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION OF D-ALESANDRO, FORMER US CONGRESSMAN AND MAYOR OF BALTIMORE, HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM WHITE KOUSE, POSITION FOR WHICH BEING CONSIDERED NOT KNOWN. BUREAU HAS ADVISED BUDED MUST BE MET WITHOUT FAIL. LITTLE ROCK CONDUCT APPROPRIATE INQUIRY. END ACK 2-10 PM OK FBI WA JSA DISC Jol -2272-Mb , Tolson 4 7 Bohr : Pare e : ont — FEDERAL BULESS OF INVESTIGATION: r. Callahan. nH Grae Ge COMMUNICATIONS SECTION - = FEB 9 181 TELETYPE URGI 29-61 2-55 PM EST BAH DIRECTOR, FBI AND SAC, CHICAS? FROM SAC, PHILADELPHIA /161-59/ tuotaZ o-ALESANDRO, JR., SPI. BUDED FEB TEN NEXT. RE BALTINORE TEDNTO DIRECTOR, PHILA, AND WFO FEB E1GHT, SIXTYONE. REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION OF D-ALESANDRO HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM WHITE HOUSE, POSITION FOR WHICH BEING CONSIDERED NOT KNOWN. APPOINTEE MAYOR OF BALTIMORE NINETEEN FORTHSEVEN TO NINETEEN FIFTYNINE. ALSO MEMBER Us Sz CONFERENCE OF MAYORS AND CHAIRMAN STANDING COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION, MAYOR RICHARDSON DILWORTH, CURRENT HGAIRMAN OF U, S, CONFERENCE OF MAYORS, ADVISED ME HAS ONLY NODDING ACQUAINTANCE WITH D-ALESANDRO AND NEVER SERVED ON ANY COMMITTEES OF THIS ORGANIZATION WITH APPOINTEE, DILWORTH STATES MAYOR RICHARD DALEY, CHICAGO, WAS CHAIRMAN Us. S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS LAST YEAR AND MAY HAVE INFORMATION CONCERNING D-ALESANDRO, CHICAGG} INTER- VIEW MAYOR RICHARD DAYLEY REGARDING APPOINTEE AND CONFIRM sro MEMBERSHIP Uy S, CONFERENCE OF MAYORS AND HIS CHAIRMANSHIP STANDING COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION AND ASCERTAIN PERIOD OF TIME APPOINTTEE ON ABOVE COMMITTEES, END AND ACK PLS FAR 23-19 WA 3-00 PM OK FBI WA Ral. To ee €G OK FBI CG EAH Tu DISC vec nao axes 2 ham ate COMMUNICATIONS SECTION FEB 9 ey TELETYPE Tele. Room. Diz. Ingram Miss Gandy. URGENT 761 7-12 PM AIL ‘CTOR, FBI AND SACS, BOSTON, CLEVELAND, PHILADELPHIA CO ITTSBURCH, NEW HAVEN AND NEW YORK TO D, NEW YORK VIA WASHINGTON Vie FROM e BALTIMORE /161-110/ 2p THOMAS’ D-ALESANDRO, JRe, SPI. RE BUREAU TEL FEB. SIX LAST, NO CC TO LISTED OFFICES. REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION OF D-ALESANDRO, FORMER Us Sy CONGRESSMAN, MAYOR OF BALTIMORE, RECEIVED FROM WHITE HOUSE. POSITION FOR WHICH BEING CONSIDERED NOT KNOWN. ASSIGN IMMEDIATELY. AFFORD CONTINUOUS ATTENTION AND SET OUT ALL LEADS BY TELETYPE. BUDED FEBRUARY ONE ZERO SIXTYONE. APPOINTER HAS BEEN IN INSURANCE BUSINESS AT BALTIMORE SINCE APPROXIMATELY NINETEEN THIRTY. WORKED FOR POOR, BOWEN, BARTLETT AND KENNEDY UNTIL. NINETEEN THIRTYEIGHT. IN NINETEEN FORTY FORMED PARTNERSHIP WITH ROBERT J, MC CULLOUGH, WHICH DISSOLVED IN NINETEEN FIFTYSIX. KNOWN AS D-ALESANDRO AND MC CULLOUGH UNTIL THEN. SINCE NINETEEN FIFTYSIX, KNOWN AS THOMAS J, D-ALESANDRO AND SON, RECORDS STATE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT INDICATE APPOINTEE WAD SURETY BOND WITH EMPLOVERS LIABILITY ASSURANG CORP LTD., BOSTON, MASS. RECORDS ALSO INDICATE APPOINTEE we AS 5 clad For ald END PAGE ONE NOT RECORDED 11 APR 26 1961 PAGE TWO THOMAS D-ALESANDRO, JRey SPIe EMPLOYERS FIRE INSURANCE COs, AND AMERICAN EMPLOYERS INSURANCE COMPANY, BOTH LOCATED BOSTON, MASS., SHELBY MUTUAL PLATE CLASS AND CASUALTY CO,, SHELBY, GHIO, MECHANICS AND TRADERS INSURANCE COv, HARTFORD, CONN., HOMESTEAD FIRE INSURANCE COs, EAGLE FIRE INSURANCE COs, PATRIOTIC INSURANCE COs, AMERICAN HOME FIRE INSURANCE COs, PACIFIC COAST FIRE INSURANCE COs, SUN UNDERWRITERS INSURANCE COs, ALBANY INSURANCE CO., FEDERAL UNION INSURANCE COvs AND HOME INDEMNITY CO,, ALL LOCATED NYC, GLOBE AND REPUBLIC INSURANCE CO. OF AMERICA, PHILADELPHIA, PENN. T AND F MHT. CAS. INSURANCE €O., THREE TWO FIVE DASH THREE THREE THREE SOUTH EIGHTTEENTH STREE, HARRISBURG, PAs, KEY STONE MUTUAL CASUALTYPITTSBURGH, PA. OFFICES REQUESTED TO CONTACT LISTED COMPANIES AND DETERMINE IF ANY COMPLAINTS REGISTERED AGAINST APPOINTEE, AND VERIFY AGENCY STATUS. END AND ACK IN O PLS EA7-18 PM OK FBI WA BH FOR RELATY BS OK FBI BS JJC CV OOK FBI cy JW PH OK FBI PH SCA PG OOK FBI PG JB NH OK FBI NH LFB Tu Ipscvo as Y FBI ee Bate: 2/9/61 e on | | ! | | | | DIRECTOR, FBI, AND SAC, BALTIANORE Oi: SAC, WASHINGTON FIELD (161-181) THOMAS D DASH ALESANDRO, JR., SPI. RE BU TELETYPE TWO SIX SIXTYONE COPY YOUR OFFICE. BUDED TWO TEN SIXTYONE. HCUA RECORDS REFLECT D DASH ALESANDRO, THOMAS, HON., AMERICAN LEAFLET SIXTH NATIONAL CONFERENCE, CLEVELAND, OHIO, FIVE DASH INE, AND TEN, FORTYTWO, PAGE FOUR. MENBER HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ABOVE FOR INFORMATION OF BALTIMORE, WFO WILL REPORT. (3+ Burean - Telety mit 1 = WFO ‘ype MGA:pah GP COMMITTEE FOR PROTECTION OF FOREIGN BORN, SPONSOR. TAKEN FROM Jet-297— ly J { woe MIM ag so Specid/Agent in Charge FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ies oa ia ool cr arenas Fae ST, LOUIS BUREAU 2/9/61 2/7 - 9/61 TSO CRE Taper wale BP Teta a rs THOMAS D“ALESANDRO, JR. |_ rf) dm 28 CERRCER OT OE SPI aE REFERENCE: Baltimore teletype, 2/7/61. STATUS: RUC pass Offa mr = ~~ Ket-]277— 5 i - BUREAU (AM) NOT RECO: =D TOFEB 23 96) ~~ - aw © 1 - ST. LOUIS (161-190) COVER PAGE reper of FHI — Tha ropa le louned to you by tho FT, Gad neler I br Ua coulenla are 1 bw inbcad outa te apency fo WHC Toameae 4 v.2, covEnnMeNT PRONG OFFicH toe O—ERERIE, ' wo-secnerzasy + e UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ¢ Copy to: Roto eL __ ofcn ST, LOUIS be Field OfeeFleNos SE, 361-190 Bureou File Nou Title: THOMAS D‘ALESANDRO, JR. Character: SPECIAL INQUIRY Smontin Records FRC, GSA, St, Louis, Mo., indicated THOMAS D‘ALESANDRO, JR., employed by Bureau of Internal Revenue, Baltimore, Md.’ Terminated by reason of resignation. - RUC - DETAILS: AT ST, LOUIS, MISSOURI On February 9, 1961, @ review of the personnel records, Federal Records Center, General Services Administra~ tion, St. Louis, Missouri, for THOMAS D'ALESANDRO, JR., indicated that he was employed on November 29, 1933, as an General Deputy Collector with the Treasury Department, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Office of the Collector of Internal Revenue, at Baltimore, Maryland. This employment was terminated on July 31, 1994, as a General Deputy’ Collector, by reason of resignation, details not shown. The above employment was verified from a Service Record Card contained in the files of the Civil Service Com- mission, Service Record Division, inasmuch as personnel, Federal Records Center, advised that no other source of verification could be lccated. ‘the decuect coniaan nether resommendntons sor conlonons of the FL, It te the property of che WAT and land fo your agents) Ht and IR cSateste are 25 tobe sntbated tte Your Neen. ’ SL 161-190 ‘The date of birth was shown as August 1, 1903, place not indicated. = oe Reporte rose ee e@ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION \ — — - ames LITTLE ROCK BUREAU 2/9/61 2/9/61 nae ee, aa uous p'ansuxnn0, sn, co)? ‘CHARACTER OF CASE TC SPECIAL INQUIRY Shhee REFERENCE: Baltimore teletype to Bureau and Little Rock, 2/9/62. = RUC = x . = ate d COVER PAGE — a ey SRE a Do nd wit ini Bow é Wel + 297 — = Bureau (AIR MAIL) — 7? fs b ne 1 - Little Rock (161-12) Fe es Sy 2 FEB Lj Treperty od AT Tals vopon i locued w you by the FHL aad neler Ht nor iy conten Gio w bo Gabibueg cuban the cpency w whic Toaea Fru. covemmmer samerina oFrice tame o—S4A7EO an UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT. OF @oace 3 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ,, Copy tor Repo ofA : Oleg) LAttle’ Rock; arkansas bé Date a : ” : Bre Field Otfie File No: "162-12 le'Nos Ties, THOMAS’ D'ALESANDRO, JR. Chore SPECIAL INQUIRY. Smorsit Records, Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, Arkansas:,’ reflect ‘THOMAS. D'ALESANDRO, 210 East ‘Redwood, Baltimore, Maryland, resided at hotel on three occasions in 1960 and’also guest of hotel prior to 1960, Acquaintances at hotel recommend favorably and advise D'ALESANDRO outstanding: guest. ~ Sentine] Record newspaper, Hot: Springs, dated 3/28/59. contained article réflecting D'ALESANDRO, 28. Mayor of Baltimore, while in Hot Springs signed two ordinandes ‘concerning the Charles Center and. Civic Centér projects at Baltimore.” Article further reflected D'ALESANDRO has. visited annually in Hot Springs since 1940's, and when U,'S,: Congressman was patient at Army Navy Hospital, Hot Springs, No, credit or arrest. ‘record, Hot Springs, Arkansas, oo : | “eo RUC < Details: | “AN HOT “SPRINGS, ARKANSAS : RESIDENCE On February 9, 1961, Mr. ED MAY, Manager, Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, advised his records reflect Mr. THOMAS D'ALESANDRO, 210 East Redwood, Baltimore, Maryland, resided at the hotel on the following dates: From November 15, 1960, to December 21, 1960; from July -23,°1960, to August 12, 1960; from March 19, '1960,'to April 13, 1960; from March 22,’ 1959, to April 11, 1059; and from December 2, 1967, to-December 12, 1957. Mr. MAY stated D'ALESANDRO has been a guest. at the, hotel, on numerous: occasions ‘prior to ‘the above dates but ‘Foie doeubvent,contatea setter reciuuuindations no coushualoat of we FEL. It Me she-prepecty af the KBE snd ti looned to jour agcneys Ut nd “EE Sbatesia ae ne oO futbuted Sede Jour agrees. LR 161-12 . his records are not complete in relation to these dates.’ : He: stated he has ‘been acquainted: with. Mr. D'ALESANDRO for: approximately-10 years. and-he has always been an outstanding guest while staying tel, and would recommend him . favorably in every respect. Mr. MAY pointed out the fact that. his only association’ with, Mr.-D'ALESANDRO has. been at the. Arlington Hotels: 2... 2 On February 9,’ 1960, be Arlington Hotel, and Ic ‘Arlington Hotel, advised they have been acquainted -for approximately eight years, having known him on his visits to the Arlington Hotel. They recommended D'ALESANDRO in every respect, and stated he has always been a gentleman'on those occasions he has been a guest at the hotel. . . MISCELLANEOUS Mr, JOHN LONGINOTTI, Assistant Editor, Sentinel Record newspaper, advised on February 9; 1961, his records Feflect. the Sentinel Record dated March 28, 1959, contained ‘an article entitled "VACATIONING BALTIMORE MAYOR SIGNS. TWO IMPORTANT ORDINANCES IN SPA." This article reflected’ that Mayor D'ALESANDRO, while a guest at the Arlington Hotel, on this date signed into effect two ordinances in relation to the so-called Charles Center and Civic Center projects in Baltimore, The-Charles Center project is a $127,000,000. project and. the Civic Center is a $12,000,000 project. D'ALESANDRO used 12 different pens in signing ‘these ordinances. It was indicated he goes. out of office May 1959 as he was defeated for re-election. as mayor. During the interview of D’ALESANDRO by Sentinel Record newspaper reporter it wis indicated that DTALESANDRO has Visited in Hot Springs annually since the 1940's, and when as Congressman he was a patient at the Army Navy Hospital, Hot Springs. He began in politics 33 years ago and during that time has served eight years in the Margiand Legislature, four terms in the Baltimore City Council, five terms as United States Congressman, and three terms as Mayor of Baltimore, Mr. LONGINOTTI. advised he was unable to locate additional references in relation to Mr. D’ALESANDRO. ER 161-12 . .: QREDIT AND “ARREST : ‘On February 9; 5 credit” v6 Bureau, Hot. Springs, advised his records con’ ho -listing bre identifiable with THOMAS D'ALESANDRO, JR. ° mn. Febriiary. 9,. 1961, be Police Department, Hot Springs, an IC Deputy Sheriff, Garland County, advised their respective records contain no listing identifiable with THOMAS D'ALESANDRO, oR, : © ” - 30 pet Fom e@ ‘ “ Pome e ¢ we FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION _o Rapeniag Sime ae ol oase Baa Tregaawe eae BUREAU 2/9/6r 2/8 - 9/61 Roped wate by Tmt oa ROBES! E. MASTERS: oma THOMAS D'ALESANDRO, JR. CHARCOT OF CSE SPECIAL INQUIRY xkaaexSS=~*~“‘<‘“<~Ss‘“‘t‘SC IGS Baltimore teletype to Bureau, Puiladelphia, and Washington Field 2/8/61. Philadelphia teletype to Bureau and Chicago 2/9/61. RUG f hee : + COVER PAGE = 4 ome Sacha De st wit ie apatenBlow Fe eros fel 277 14] 1 - Philadelphia (261-59} wer 2 FR LD vel Frapniy of FET — Tha separ loaned to You by eo Fal au hellher @ bor We cosonl ale We GnWiboed oui the eqescy To WhiGE egaed UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION c Copy to: Repot of ROBERT E. MASTERS Office: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dates 2/9/61 Field Office File Now 161-59 Bureav File Now Tie: THOMAS DIALESANDRO, JR. Chorocter SPECIAL INQUIRY Synoptis: Mayor RICHARDSON DIIMORTH, Philadelphia, Pa., states he 1s currently Chairman of U. S. Conference of Mayors. States term is for one year, and only ineunbent mayors eligible for membership. DILWORTH hes only nodding acquaintance with eppointee, Imows nothing concerning his background, reputation, and ability except fran information received in public press. RUC DEPAILS: At Philadelphia, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS Mayor RICHARDSON DILWORTH on February 9, 1961, advised that he ts Chairman of the U. S. Conference of Mayors for the cur- rent yea that this position is for only a one-year term, and that’ consequently, since THOMAS D'ALESANDRO, Jr+, was not mayor of Baltimore after 1959 he is not presently a member of the U. S. Conference of Mayors. Mayor DILWORTH said he has a nodding acquaintance with D'ALESANDRO but has never been with him socially or as a member of any coumitteas in the above organization. He said ‘The doesent contaue weiter seranmmendntios Dor stnchions of the HL 1 i 2e property othe FBX nad le lawned i: yuak apeiegs it and is conont re not be dutritated tae Your earn. “PH 161-59 thet he personal lmowledge of appointests ability, reputation, or loyalty, and his entire knowledge of D'ALESA comes from articles which have.appeared, fron time to time in the public ‘press. Mayor DILWORTH stated that: Mayor RICHARD DALEY, Chicago, wae Chairmen of the U. S. Conference.of Mayors -it 1959-60 and mey have had some asgociation with the appointee. =2te : e@ FEDERAL ecica F U.S DD ARTWGHT OF JUSTICE COMMUNICATIONS SECTION FEB 1019 TEL URGE! 2-20-61 4n52 PM ‘= DIRECTOR, FBI AND SAC, BALTIMORE 161-110 FROM = SAC, PLTTSBURCH 161-27 2P tuoval/b-aLESANDRO, JR., SPI. RE BALTIMORE TEL TO BUREAU, FEB, NINE LAST, BUDED FEB, TEN SIXTY ONE, KEYSTONE MUTUAL CASUALTY CO,, PITTSBURGH, PA,, CEASED OPERATION OF BUSINESS JUNE TWENTY SIX NINETEEN FORTY SEVEN DUE TO FACT RESERVES WERE NOT SUFFICIENT TO MEET LEGAL REQUIREMENT IN STATE OF PA, ARTEMAS C, LESLIE, ATTY, PG, FORMERLY INSURANCE COMMISSIONER COMMONWEALTH OF PA,, ADVISED KEYSTONE MUTUAL CASUALTY CO., AS OF DEC, THIRTY ONE NINETEEN FORTY SIX HAD APPROXIMATELY QNE THOUSAND AGENTS OPERATING IN TWENTY SIX STATES, APPOINTEE AS INSURANCE AGENT IS LICENSED IN STATE OF MARYLAND AND ANY COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST APPOINTEE WOULD BE FILED AT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT FOR STATE OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE ONE, MD,, CARE OF JOHN COPPAGE, FIRST DEPUTY INSURANCE COMMISSIONER, LESLIE STATED HE HAS MET APPOINTEE ON SEYERAL OCCASIONS GROWING OUT @ HIS INSURANCE WORK, peroneal Gud $% null. Soap END PAGE ONE NOT RECORDED 14 APR 26 1961 Ce PAGSE TWO REPUTATION IN THE INSURANCE FIELD AND LESLIE KNOWS NOTHING TEROGATORY CONCERNING THE APPOINTEE., NO RECORDS OF KEYSTONE MWTUAL CASUALTY CO,, MAINTAINED AT PG, AND LESLIE ADVISES NO FERSONNEL RECORDS WERE KEPT FOLLOWING FULL ADJUDICATION OF DISSOLUTION OF COMPANY IN NINETEEN FIFTY TWO, LESLIE SAID AGENCY STATUS OF APPOINTEE WITH KEYSTONE NUTUAL CASUALTY WOULD BE MAINTAINED AT INSURANCE DEPT FOR STATE OF MARYLAND, IF NOT ALREADY DONE, BALTIMORE WILL VERIFY AGENCY STATUS OF APPOINTEE WITH KEYSTONE MUTUAL CASUALTY CO, AND DETERMINE IF ANY COMPLAINTS REGISTERED THROUGK CONTACT WITH JOHN COPPAGE, FIRST DEPUTY INSURANCE COMMISSIONER, INSURANCE DEPT, FOR STATE OF MARYLAND, REPORT FOLLOWS. EN AND ACK PLS FBI WA 4-57 PM OK FBI WA RAM FBI BA OK FBI BAIARF Tu pis r. Belem URGE! 2-10-61 12-23 PM EST BAK TO/DIRECTOR, FBI AND SAC, BALTIMORE /161-110X FROM SAC, PHILADELPHIA /161-59/ moma? “ALESANDRO, JR., SPI, RE BALTIMORE TELETYPE TO BUREAU FEB NINE SIXTYONE, WILLIAM HOVETER, JR., PERSONNEL MANAGER, PENNA. T AND FOMUT, INS, CO., HARRISBURG, PA,, ON FEBRUARY TEN SIXTYONE ADVISED D-ALESANDRO DASH MC CULLOUGH AGENCY HANDLED WORK PRIOR 10. NINETEEN S FIFTY, NO RECORD OF COMPLAINTS. BALTIMORE INTERVIEW RALPH THOMPSON, MANAGER, PTFMIC, SNOW BUILDING, THREE ONE SEVEN CALVERT STREET, FOR FERSONAL KNOWLEDGE AND ANY RECORDS IN HIS POSSESSION CONCERNING A APPOINTEE, REPORT FOLLOWS. ™ END AND ACK PLS _ _ q WA 12=25 PM OK FBI WA RAM fol 277 ! BA OK FBI BA EAF APR 2S 1961 T DISC Mr. Gonred 18x. Detinnch, 4M, Malone Mr. 2eCuive URGENT“ 2-10-S1 0 Li-11 AM GUR TO//DIRECTOR, FBI, AND SAC, UFO FROM SAC, NEW HAVEN 161-90 P rronal n-aveenono, JR, SPI. RE BA TEL FEB, NINE. REQUEST FOR call INVESTIGATION OF D-ALESANDRO, FORMER U, Se CONGRESSMAN, MAYOR OF BALTIMORE, RECEIVED FROM WHITE HOUSE, POSITION FOR WHICH BEING CONSIDERED NOT KNOUN, ASSIGN IMMEDIATELY, AFFORD CONTINUOUS ATTENTION AND SET OUT ALL LEADS BY TELETYPE, BUDED FEB, TEN, APPOINTEE HAS BEEN IN INSURANCE BUSINESS, BALTIMORE, SINCE APPROXIMATELY NINETEEN THIRTY AND SERVED AS AGENT FOR VARIOUS INSURANCE COMPANIES INCLUDING MECHANICS AND TRADERS INSURANCE Os, HARTFORD, CONN. RECORDS THAT COMPANY REFLECT ONLY THAT APPOINTEE REPRESENTED COMPANY AS AGENT AT BALTIMORE, MDs, DEC. THIRTEEN, FORTY, TO JUNE TWENTY THREE, FORTYEIGHT. COMPANY MERGED WITH NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD IN FIFTYFIVE. MANAGER yg LARRY CHRISTIANSON, ONE FOUR ONE THREE K STs, Ne We, WASHINGTON, DOyét SUPERVISED BA AGENCY AND BELIEVED ABLE TO FURNISH DETAILED INFORMATION CONCERNING AGENCY OF APPOINTEE AND REASON FOR TERMINATION, WFO CONTACT CHRISTIANSON. (6/-27 2- 20 END AND ACK PLS APL BS 196 11-14 AM OK FBI WA NM 1B 5, isin Poe ie conn EAMGNS SECTION i Basson EB LOI p Mem TELETYP! URGENT, 2-10-61, 10-4g AM «EST BAH 1p Avnrcton, Fal AND SAC, NEW YORK ROM SAC, PHILADELPHIA /161~59/ THOMA: ALESANDRO, JR., SPI, RE BALTIMORE TEL YESTERDAY TO BUREAU AND NeW YORK, MR, DEAN HAGGERTY, MANAGER, PHILA OFFICE, GLOBE AND REPUBLIC INSURANCE OF AMERICA, ADVISED HIS OFFICE HANDLES ONLY AGENCIES IN PHILA AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES, PROPER PERSON TO CONTACT IS MR. JOHN OWEN, VICE-PRESIDENT, NINE TWO WILLIAMS STREET, NEW YORK THIRTYEIGHT, N. Ys) TELEPHONE WHITEHALL FOUR DASH SEVEN SIX ZERO ZERO, NEW YORK COE TACT ABOVE AND DETERMINE AGENCY STATUS AND IF ANY COMPLAINTS REGISTERED AGAINST APPOINTEE. REPORT FOLLOWS, 1 (-277— al END AND ACK PLS . pe Sul 10-50 AM OK FBI WA RAM NY OK FBI NY ANP oe u Disc } LY .. @ © ee AL CURED UF 1 4 ae eet tS. DEPRRTENT OF sTi¢e Vs. Belmont | oo 2UMOATIONS SEerioy | Ms. Calshon = | URGE 2-10-62 3-08 PM EDST RMI TO MERECTOR, FBI FROM SAC, CLEVELAND -161- NEW Tuomas b= ALESANDRO, JRe, SPI, BUDED FEBRUARY TEN SIXTYONEs RE BALTIMORE TEL FEBRUARY NINE LAST, PAUL, DUBUC, AGENCY SUPERINTENDENT, SHELBY MUTUAL INSURANCE CO,, SHELBY, OHIO, ADVISED COMPANY FORMERLY WAS KNOWN AS SHELBY MUTUAL PLATE GLASS AND CASUALTY CO, THE D- ALESANDRO- MC CULLOUGH INSURANCE AGENCY, ONE THREE ONE FIVE GUILFORD AVE., BALTIMORE, MDs, WAS CARRIED AS AN AN AGENCY FOR SHELBY MUTUAL FROM FORTYTWO THROUGHT FORTYFIVE AT WHICH TIME THEY WERE CANCELLED AS AGENTS. PRINCIPALS IN THIS FIRM WERE IDENTIFIED AS ROBERT J. MC CULLOUGH, FIVE ZERO FOUR EAST THIRTYNINE ST., THOMAS D- ALESANDRO, JRe, TWO FOUR FIVE ALBEMARLE STs, AND ERNEST Js BAUER, TWO TWO SEVEN ZERO PARK § HILL AVE., ALL OF BALTIMORE, MD. SHELBY MUTUAL HAS DESTROYED ALL RECORDS IN REGARD TO THE ABOVE BEING AN AGENCY FOR THEM AND HAVE ONLY A CARD WHICH REFLECTS va 4 iz INFO. , NO REASON IS vourbel pu SURMISED i GIVEN THEREON FOR REASON OF cave alate END PAGE ONE PAGE TWO ET COULD HAVE BEEN BECAUSE OF INSUFFICIENT BUSINESS FROM THE FIRM, NO DEROGATORY DATA RECORDED ON THE CARD AND INQUIRY OF OTHER EMPLOYEES BY DUBUC MADE WITH NEGATIVE RESULTS AS TO DEVELOPING INFO REGARDING THE FIRM OR REASON FOR CANCELLATION. THIS FIRM IS NOT preastTLy AN AGENT FOR SHELBY MUTUAL, REPORT FOLLOWS. ED AND ACK WA 3-12 PM OK FBI WA BH TU DISC eoanit sunenu oF nevestention, 1. UsPaRTWeRT oF JUSTICE ConraUNICATIONS ve ea Deioack. =| FEB me ° URGENT/ 2-10-61 8-00 PN RAG To DIRECTOR, FBI 12 AND SAC, BALTIMORE FROT SAC, NEW YORK /181-174/ 1 PAGE THOMAS De DASH ALESANDRO Ja., SPI, RE BALTIMORE TELETYPE TWO NINE SIXTY ONE FOR EDIFICATION BALTIMORE, NEW YORK INSURANCE OFFICERS ADVISED THAT INFORMATION RELATIVE TO COMPLAINTS REGISTERED AGAINST APPOINTEE ON INSURANCE MATTERS WOULD BE LOCATED IN CARE OF THE MARYLAND STATE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT AND NOT WITH RESPECTIVE INSURANCE COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY APPOINTEE, END AND ACK NY R 12 WA Js Fp.a6 (Rey. 19-13-58) a oe é é 6 ee hee ret ins KS eae Dates! 2/20/61 i Transmit the following in zi LAIN TEXT 7 FF ype Ta plain text or code) Vie TELETYPE. URGENT PPrisity or Method of Mailing? TO: IRECTOR, FBI, AND SAC, BALTIMORE (161-110) FROM: SAC, WASHINGTON FIELD (161-181) THOMAS’D ALESANDRO, JR., SPI. REBUREAUTELETYPE FEBRUARY si, SIXTYONE. REBALTIMORE TELETYPE FEBRUARY EIGHT, SIXTYONE. BUDED FEBRUARY TEN, SIXTYONE. CONGRESSMAN SAMUBL N. FRIEDEL HAS RETURNED TO BALTIMORE THIS AM AND WILL BE LOCATED ROOM THREE TWO THREE POST OFFICE BUILDING UNTIL FEBRUARY FOURTEEN, SIXTYONE. FORMER CONGRESSMAN JOHN A. MEYER, WOW ATTORNEY AT LAW, 3ALTTMORE, MARYLAND, SERVED WITH APPOINTEE UNITSD STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FOLLOWING UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIV] KNOW APPOINTEE AND CAN BE LOCATED AS SET FORTH. GEORGE H. FALLON, POST OFFICE BUILDING, BALTIMORE, EDWARD A. GARMATZ § POST OFFICE BUILDING, BALTIMORE. DANISL B. BREWSTER, THREE ZERO PIVE WEST CHESAPEAKE STREET, QowSON, MARYLAND. BALTIMORE INTERVIEW ABOVE PERSONS RE APPOINTEE. p 16/-222~3yY 3-Burean WOT RECORDED \1-Teletype Unit a4 APR 2S 1961 1-4FO coe Lente 5 HGArres 4 (5) TELETYPE peease on Ls, _ LES it in Charge 2-10-61 8-40 PM JEG To AIRECTOR FBI yy fd FROM SAC CHICAGO 161-150 1P sHoma’p DASH ALESANDRO, JRe, SPI. RE PHILADELPHIA TEL TO DIRECTOR AND CHICAGO FEB NINE LAST. THE HONORABLE RICHARD J. DALEY, MAYOR, CITY OF CHICAGO, CHICAGO, ILL., ADVISED SA WZLLIAM J. SMITH, JRe ON FEB TEN INSTANT TKAT HE RECALLS FORMER MAYOR OF BALTIMORE, THOMAS D DASH ALESANDRO AS BEING A MEMBER OF THE Us S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS, WHICH MET IN CHICAGO LAST YEAR. MAYOR DALEY STATED THAT HE HAD ONLY A QUOTE PER= FUNCTORY UNQUOTE ACQUAINTANCESHIP WITH APPOINTEE AND TO KNOWLEDGE — APPOINTEE MAN OF GOOD REPUTATION AND CHARACTER. MAYOR DALEY STATED THAT HE IS NOT PERSONALLY AWARE OF ANY COMMITTEE ON WHICH THE APPOLN SERVED BUT IF THE APPOINTEE CLAIMS THAT HE WAS THE CHAIRMAN ON THE COMMITTEE OF LEGISLATION WHILE ATTENDING THE Us S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS IN CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, THAT IN ALL propastur {4 TR 4c. as END AND ACK PLS NOT RECORDED 11 APR 26 i961 9-43 PM OK FBI WA MSL . Tu DISC ~ > rites peas e e FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Repeating Oitow ‘ice of Origie Bate Tavonigaiie Feroa NEW HAVEN BUREAU 2/10/61 - | 2/10/61 ‘FInE OF CASE Teper mais By Teed Br SA EDWARD R. WHALEN irt ‘GHAAGTER OF CASE ruowsd-b'azesanono , JR, SPECIAL INQUIRY prt a hd REFERENCE: Baltimore teletype 2/9/61. New Haven teletype 2/10/61. nue i 4 oper are = ‘Be not wie i apcou Below . t Ibi 227 -\26 A-pureau ; 1-New Haven (161-90) COVER PAGE -a-* Fropany of Fai = Tai taper is Toomed to you by the FB, ead aviber nor fe contents aro to bo disband outside the ayency wo wilch loaned

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