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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Week 3 and Week 4
NAME OF LEARNER: _________________________________ DATE: ____________
GRADE LEVEL AND SECTION: __________________________
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
● Describe the different dimensions of: text information and media. (No code.)
Particularly, at the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
● Describe the different dimensions of text information and media;
● Comprehends how text information and media is /are formally and informally produced, organized and
● Evaluates the reliability and validity of text information and media and its/their sources using selection
criteria; and
● P

and evaluates a creative text-based presentation using design principle and elements. (MIL11/12TIM-
IVb-3 MIL11/12TIM-IVb-4-6)
1._______________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________
3. ______________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________
Activity 1: Study the pictures below. Then, identify 10 design elements and principles are being applied in the
image. See the example below.


ACTIVITY 2: Answer the following questions. Write your answers on the space provided. Use another sheet of
paper if necessary.
1. If you will be writing an application letter for college, what font will you be using? Why?
2. You will create a clean-up drive poster for your school. Which of the design principle and elements will
ensure that the text in your poster is readable?
3. You want to share your narrative report, which is in a word document format, to your classmates but
you do not want them to edit its content. What options are available to you?
4. As a producer of text media and information, we need to _____________________________________
5. Text is very powerful in a way that _______________________________________________________


REMINDER! Please practice the current health protocols while conducting this activity.
I- Content
A. Text Information and Media
II- Learning Competencies
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
● Describe the different dimensions of: text information and media. (No code.)
Particularly, at the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
● Describe the different dimensions of text information and media;
● Comprehend how text information and media is /are formally and informally produced, organized and
● Evaluate the reliability and validity of text information and media and its/their sources using selection
criteria; and
● Produce and evaluates a creative text-based presentation using design principle and elements.
(MIL11/12TIM-IVb-3 MIL11/12TIM-IVb-4-6)
IV- Materials/ Tools
● Cartolina Pencil
● Eraser Pentel Pen
● Ruler Masking Tape
● Scissors Coloring Materials.
● Art Paper Glue
V- Guidelines
● Design a statement t-shirt with the topic “We Heal As One” be sure that you promote Media and
Information Literacy skills.
● The design must be in line with the vision- mission of the school thus cursing, vulgar words, profanity,
and obscenities are not allowed. Proper citation for borrowed materials is required.
REMINDER! Please practice the current health protocols while conducting this activity.

Criteria Very Good Good Poor Needs

MESSAGE Message is related Message is related Message is clear Message is vague
to the topic, strong, to the topic and but not related to and not related to
direct, and clear. clear. the topic. the topic.
(10 points) (8 points) (4 points) (2 points)
TEXT 3 or more design 2 design principles 1 design principle None of the design
Design Principles principles and and elements are and element is principles and
and Elements elements are evident. evident elements are
evident. ( 8 points) (4 points) evident
(10 points) (2 points)
OVERALL EFFECT It is exceptionally It is attractive in More attention to It is unattractive
attractive in terms of color the selection of due to poor color
the terms of color scheme, design and color scheme, scheme, design and
scheme, layout. design and layout is layout.
design, and layout ( 8 points) needed. (2 points)
(10 points) (4 points)

Media and Information Literacy Curriculum Guide by DepEd
Media and Information Literacy Teaching Guide by CHED
Media and Information Literacy by Boots C. Liquigan, Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
NAME OF LEARNER: _________________________________ DATE: ____________
GRADE LEVEL AND SECTION: __________________________

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

● Describe the different dimensions of: visual information and media. (No code.)
Particularly, at the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
● Describe the different dimensions of visual information and media;
● Comprehend how visual information and media is/are formally and informally produced, organized,
and disseminated;
● Evaluate the reliability and validity of visual information and media its/their sources using selection
criteria; and
● Produce and evaluate a creative visual-based presentation using design principles and elements.
Preliminary Activities: Write a story based on the series of pictures below.




Key Concepts: VISUAL MEDIA

Visual Design Principles

Below are the guiding principles in visual designs:
1. Consistency of margins, typeface, typestyle, and colors is necessary, especially in slide presentations or
documents that are more than one page.
2. Center of interest is an area that first attracts attention in a composition. This area is more important when
compared to the other objects or elements in a composition. This can be by contrast of values, more colors,
and placement in the format.
3. Balance a feeling of visual equality in shape, form, value, color, etc. Balance can be symmetrical and evenly
balanced, or asymmetrical and unevenly balanced. Objects, values, colors, textures, shapes, forms, etc. can be
used in creating balance in a composition.
4. Harmony brings together a composition with similar units. If for example your composition was using wavy
lines and organic shapes, you would stay with those types of lines and not put in just one geometric shape.
5. Contrast offers some change in value creating a visual discord in a composition. Contrast shows the
difference between shapes and can be used as a background to bring objects out and forward in a design. It
can also be used to create an area of emphasis.
6. Directional Movement a visual flow through the composition. It can be the suggestion of motion in a design
as you move from object to object by way of placement and position. Directional movement can be created
with a value pattern. It is with the placement of dark and light areas that you can move your attention through
the format.
7. Rhythm is a movement in which some elements recur regularly. Like a dance, it will have a flow of objects
that will seem to be like the beat of music.
8. Perspective created through the arrangement of objects in two-dimensional space to look like they appear
in real life. Perspective is a learned meaning of the relationship between different objects seen in space.

Activity 1: Below are examples of visual-based presentations. Identify at least 5 design elements and 5
principles being used.

Design Element Design Principle

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Design Element Design Principle

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
Activity 2: Complete the sentences below.
1. Information graphic or infographics are _______________________________________________________
2. The elements and principles of design are important because______________________________________


REMINDER! Please practice the current health protocols while conducting this activity.
I- Content
B. Text Information and Media
II- Learning Competencies
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
● Describe the different dimensions of: visual information and media. (No code.)
Particularly, at the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
● Describe the different dimensions of visual information and media;
● Comprehend how visual information and media is/are formally and informally produced, organized,
and disseminated;
● Evaluate the reliability and validity of visual information and media its/their sources using selection
criteria; and
● Produce and evaluates a creative visual-based presentation using design principle and elements.
IV- Materials/ Tools
● MS PowerPoint, Canva, Photo Editing App
V- Guidelines
● Create text and visual media composed of not less than 3 digital posters informing people of valuable
information that they need to know. (Example: “Safety Tips During Rainy Season”) Be sure that you
promote Media and Information Literacy skills.
● The design must be in line with the vision- mission of the school thus cursing, vulgar words, profanity,
and obscenities are not allowed. Proper citation for borrowed materials is required.
REMINDER! Please practice the current health protocols while conducting this activity.
Criteria Very Good Good Fair Needs Improvement
Content Appropriate details Most details support main Few details support main No details to support
support main idea. idea. Accurate idea. main idea.
Accurate and detailed information for almost all Lacking accurate Information is not
subject matter.
information. information Inadequate. accurate. Information
Information is mostly
Information adequately adequate and supportive Information is not clearly does not support the
supports purpose of of visual’s purpose. supportive of visual’s visual’s purpose.
visual. (12 Points) purpose. (8 Points) (5 Points)
(15 Points)
Focus Topic and title clear and Topic and title are mostly Topic and title difficult to Topic and title are not
easily identified. Main clear and easily identified. identify. Main idea not clearly identified. No main
idea is clearly appropriate Main idea is appropriate clearly stated. Few idea. Illustrations do not
to topic. All illustrations
to topic. Most illustrations illustrations complement complement purpose of
complement purpose of
visual. complement purpose of purpose of visual. visual. (5 Points)
(15 Points) visual. (12 Points) (8 Points)
Visual Appeal Outstanding use of color, Adequate use of color, Inappropriate use of Little attempt to use color,
design, and space. design, and space. Design color, design, and space. design and space
Original and creative is adequate. Overall Design lacks creativity. appropriately. Design is
design. Overall design is
design is mostly pleasing Lack of harmonious dull. Project has sloppy
pleasing and harmonious.
(15 Points) and harmonious. (12 design in presentation. appearance. (5 Points)
Points) (8 Points)
Mechanics Free of grammatical Mostly free of Frequent grammatical Too frequent grammatical
errors. Words are legible grammatical errors. Most errors. Presentation is errors. Distractive
and pertinent to topic. words are legible and illegible and confusing. elements make
(15 Points)
pertinent to topic. (8 Points) illustration ineffective.
(12 Points) (5 Points)
NAME OF LEARNER: _________________________________ DATE: ____________
GRADE LEVEL AND SECTION: __________________________
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
● Describe the different dimensions of: audio information and media. (No code.)
Particularly, at the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
● Describe the different dimensions of audio information and media;
● Comprehend how audio information and media is/are formally and informally produced, organized,
and disseminated;
● Evaluate the reliability and validity of audio information and media its/their sources using selection
criteria; and
● Produces and evaluates a creative audio-based presentation using design principle and elements.
Preliminary Activities: Choose and encircle the correct answer from the given options. (HEAR or LISTEN TO)
1. I can _____________ the baby crying. She must be hungry. HEAR LISTEN TO
2. Hey! _____ it’s that spooky sound again. HEAR LISTEN!
3. I can’t _____ you. My dad’s vacuuming. HEAR LISTEN TO
4. Can you _____ again? Did she say John or Jan? HEAR LISTEN
5. We _____ the car crash and ran outside to help. HEAR LISTEN TO
6. Be quiet, please. I’m _____ the news. HEAR LISTENING TO
7. Are you allowed to _____ music at work? HEAR LISTEN TO
8 .I haven’t seen any lightning but I just _____ some thunder. HEAR LISTEN TO
9. Listen! Do you _____ the church bells? It must be midday. HEAR LISTEN TO
10. I called out to grandma but she didn’t _____ me. HEAR LISTEN
She wasn’t wearing her hearing aid.


Characteristic and Purposes of Sound Purposes of a Sound
1. Volume-intensity of a sound 1. Give instructions or information
2. Tone-the audible characteristic of a sound 2. Provide feedback
3. Pitch-is how high or low a sound is 3. To personalize or customize
4. Loudness-refers to the magnitude of the sound heard
Elements of the Sound Design
1. Dialogue- speech, conversation, voice-over
2. Sound Effects-any sound other than music or dialogue
3. Music-vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form,
harmony, and expression of emotion
Principles of Sound Design
1. Mixing- the combination, balance and control of multiple sound elements
2. Pace-time control, editing, order of events (linear, non-linear or multi-linear)
3. Stereo imaging- Using left and right channels for depth. This refers to the aspect of sound recording and
4. Transition-how you get from one segment or element to another

Types of Transitions
1. Segue - one element stops, the next begins ("cut" in film).
2. Cross-fade - one element fades out, the next fades in, and they overlap on the way.
3. V-Fade - First element fades to inaudible before the second element begins.
4. Fade to Black - V-Fade with some silence between elements.
5. Effects.
6. Stereo Imaging - Using left and right channels for depth.


Activity 1: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

_______1. One of the purposes of a sound is to give entertainment
_______2. Mixing time control, editing, order of events (linear, non- linear or multi-linear)
_______3. Volume is the intensity of a sound.
_______4. Transition is how you get from one segment or element to another.
_______5. Dialogue any sound other than music or dialogue.
_______6. Purpose of the sound is to personalize or customize.
_______7. Sound Effects-any sound other than music or dialogue
_______8. Pace-time control, editing, order of events (linear, non-linear or multi-linear)
_______9. Cross fade one element stops, the next begins ("cut" in film).
_______10. Transition-how you get from one segment or element to another
Activity 2: Complete the sentences below. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Listening requires concentration so that
2. Listening should not be taken for granted because
Media and Information Literacy Curriculum Guide by DepEd
Media and Information Literacy Teaching Guide by CHED
Media and Information Literacy by Boots C. Liquigan, Diwa Learning Systems Inc.


NAME OF LEARNER: _________________________________ DATE: ____________

GRADE LEVEL AND SECTION: __________________________
Directions: Read and analyze the following questions. Write the letter of your answer on the space before
each number.
1. It creates visual interest in text elements.
A. Contrast B. Repetition C. Alignment D. Organization
2. A simple and flexible format of presenting information or conveying ideas whether hand written, printed or
displayed on screen.
A. Format B. Text C. Decorative D. Script
3. This font is usually used in wedding invitation cards or other formal events.
A. Format B. Serif C. Decorative D. Script
4. This refers to how the text is positioned in the page. This can be left, right, center or justified.
A. Contrast B. Repetition C. Alignment D. Script
5. This concerns consistency of elements and the unity of the entire design.
A. Organization B. Repetition C. Contrast D. Alignment
6. This refers to how near or how far are the text elements from each other.
A. Organization B. Repetition C. Proximity D. Alignment
7. This font is usually used for the body text of books, newspapers, magazines and research publication.
A. Decorative B. Serif C. San Serif D. Script
8. This refers to the importance or value given to a part of the text-based content.
A. Organization B. Emphasis C. Contrast D. Alignment
9. It creates visual interest to text elements
A. Organization B. Emphasis C. Contrast D. Alignment
10. This font can be used for large advertising sign on billboards.
A. Script B. Decorative C. Slab Serif D. San serif
11. Created through the arrangement of objects in two-Dimensional space to look like they appear in real life
A. Perspective B. Rhythm C. Balance D. Harmony

12. It brings together a composition with similar units

A. Perspective B. Rhythm C. Balance D. Harmony
13. It offers some change in value creating a visual discord in a composition.
A. Perspective B. Rhythm C. Contrast D. Harmony
14. It is an area that first attracts attention in a composition
A. Perspective B. Center of Interest C. Contrast D. Harmony
15. The degree of light and dark in a design.
A. Value B. Shape C. Texture D. Color
16. Determined by its hue (name of color), intensity (purity of the hue), and value (lightness or darkness of
hue). A. Value B. Shape C. Texture D. Color
17. It describes a shape or outline.
A. Value B. Shape C. Line D. Color
18. It is a feeling of visual equality in shape, form, value, color, etc.
A. Perspective B. Rhythm C. Balance D. Harmony
19. It creates visual interest to text elements
A. Organization B. Emphasis C. Contrast D. Alignment
20. The margins, typeface, typestyle, and colors is necessary, especially in slide presentations or documents
that are more than one page. A. Consistency B. Rhythm C. Balance D. Directional Movement
II Identification: Select your answer from the box below and write your answer in the blank provided.
______________1. The act of perceiving sound by the ear
______________2. Secondary storage devices for storing audio files.
______________3. Intensity of a sound
______________4. The audible characteristic of a sound
______________5. Requires concentration so that you brain processes meaning from words and sentence
______________6. Refers to the magnitude of the sound heard
______________7. Unit of subjective loudness
______________8. Magnetic tape on which sound can be recorded.
______________9. Noise of sound measurement
______________10. A Microsoft audio file format standard for storing an audio bit stream on PCs

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