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Unit 8

Listen and fill in the blanks

Track 16

I: Which marketing methods work best when promoting your products?

RT: The core of all marketing to doctors is the need to spend

(1)quality time face to face with them. These are very busy people
who have a busy day (2) treating their patients, and we often find
that we only have maybe five or 10 minutes within that busy day to
sit down with them and take them through both the clinical, (3)
'rational' advantages of our products - why we think they should
use this product compared to the ones they've been using in the
past - as well as the more traditional, (4) “emotional” advantages
of the product. And by “emotional advantages” I might mean how
it would help their patients, help them (5) understand the benefits for
their patients, and how it will make them have easier lives.

And so we're still very much focused on how we can best present

quite (6) complicated data in a short period of time, face to face to the

Track 18

I : Has the way you market your products changed much over the last
few years?
RT: Unfortunately, urn, because of the (7)regulatory laws that we
need to
follow, we're not able to promote directly to patients. We can
only talk to the doctor, because the doctor (8) makes the decision
about the medicine.
So, although we'd love to use all the (9) benefits and opportunities
that the Internet and the new communication methods offer, we're
not able to use them as much as we'd like to do.

Having said that, we are beginning ... I think many companies are
beginning to look at the opportunities that (10) new technologies
such as the iPad may offer to present the data when we're face to
face with the doctor, because it's a clearer and more involving way
of presenting the data to the doctor than the (11) traditional paper

Track 19

I: What is a typical lifecycle for your products?

RT: The lifecycle for a pharmaceutical product is often very long. It can
take anything (12) up to twenty years from the scientist first (13)
coming up with the idea to it finally being widely used by physicians
to help patients' lives. The first 10 years of that life can be spent wholly
on the (14) clinical trials, to prove that it's safe and has effect and
helps the patients. And then the next 1 0 years spending a lot of (15)
time and effort presenting this data to doctors, so they, they can begin to
understand which patients, and in which situations, the drug can help
them. And just as we're getting to those (16) peak sales, we find the
patent on the drug will go. Um, so there's a long, a long period from
the first idea to finally getting it out there in doctors' and patients'

Danh sách tham gia làm bài :

1.Nguyễn Ngọc Kim Tuyền

2.Bùi Lê Nhất Thống
3.Lưu Thị Hiền Lương
4.Nguyễn Kim Ngọc
5.Đặng Ngọc Khánh Lam
6.Hầu Minh Hoàng
7.Nguyễn Thị Thu Thuyền (không tham gia làm bài)
8.Hà Hải Triều
9.Nguyễn Đỗ Duy Hoàng
10.Đoàn Phát (không tham gia làm bài)
11.Vũ Gia Bảo (không tham gia làm bài)

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