Lesson Plan Grade 6

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Rahul International School ,AY -2019-20

Lesson Plan Format

Center : RIS(CBSE) Section: SECONDARY Grade & Division :VI (A/B/C)

Facilitator: MS. CHUMKI Coordinator: MS. SEEMA Term : III P.A


Subject: FRENCH Topic : La famille de Manuel

Key Points :Les grands -
parents/conjuguez le verbe
/ Pluriel/singulier /Féminin
Phase:3 Month: NOVEMBER Session No: 8

Theme : Les grands – parents

Central Idea- complétez selon l’exemple donné
Unit of Inquiry – Méthode de français

Specific Objectives Knowledge : The learners will gain knowledge about

1. Les grands – parents
(*write in terms of 2. Conjuguez le verbe
knowledge ,understa 3. Pluriel
nding, skills and 4. Singulier
attitude) 5. Féminin.
Undersatanding :The learners will develop understanding on the above mention key
points :
1. Les grands – parents
2. Conjuguez le verbe
3. Pluriel
4. Singulier
5. Féminin
Skill : Listening and Observing
Knowledge Presentation
Attitude : The students will use their knowledge and understanding to learn about :

1. Conjuguez le verbe
2. Pluriel
3. Singulier
4. Féminin
5. Les grands – parents

Methodology To understand the subject & explain to students on practical and sterm way.
Rahul International School ,AY -2019-20

Hands on learning
Materials & Class Board ,Marker & writing Notes.

Reference Materials Méthode de français/ cahier d’exercices .

Elicit from the 1.Répondez aux questions .

2.Parlez le vocabulaire.

Questions to be asked to Students from Teacher:

1. Vous comprenez le dialogue.
Engage the Learner 2. Dites vrai/ faux .
3. Complétez la famille .
4. Mettez au pluriel .
5. Complétez selon l’exemple donné.

Explore the Concepts Le verbe ‘er’ – all regular verbs ending in ‘er’ are conjugated in the same manner .
The present tense of all regular ‘er’ verbs is conjugated by removing the ‘er’ ending and
adding the ending e,es,e,ons,ez,ent to the radical of the verb.

Explain the Concepts Le verbe ‘er’ – all regular verbs ending in ‘er’ are conjugated in the same manner .
The present tense of all regular ‘er’ verbs is conjugated by removing the ‘er’ ending and
and define the terms adding the ending e,es,e,ons,ez,ent to the radical of the verb.

Elaborate the La famille de Manuel

Mon grand-père s’appelle M.Charles Lavigne .Il a 17 ans . Il parle quatre langues . Il est
Concept / Lesson adorable. Ma grand -mère s’appelle Mme Françoise Lavigne. Elle a 70 ans . Elle aime la
musique. Elle est sympathique .

Evaluate the Ask students questions about the chapter :-

1.Répondez aux questions .
learner’s knowledge 2. Complétez avec les verbes à la forme convenable.
3.Dites vrai ou faux .
4.Mettez au pluriel .

Extend the Learner’s Strategies to Extend Student Thinking

1. Call on students randomly . Not just those with raised hands .
Knowledge 2. Ask follow -ups .
3. Withhold judgement….
4. Ask for a summary (to promote active listening )…
5. Allow students to call on other students .
Inter linking with English.
other subjects
Rahul International School ,AY -2019-20

Life skills and value Strong communication, observation skill.

Class Assignment
The Teacher assists students to find the meaning of the difficult words and write them in
the notebook.

Activity Project (environ le chapter).

Cahier d’exercices (environ le chapitre).
Home Assignment

Reflection (After the Creating a reliable lesson plan is an important part of classroom management. The
effective strategies into the classroom, will affect the students and overall environment.
lesson) There are many different types of lesson plans and ways of creating them. Teaching can
encourage critical thinking in a group setting by creating plans that include the students
participating collectively. Visual strategies are another component tied into lesson plans
that help with classroom management

Coordinator’s /
Principal’s Reflection


Teachers Signature:_ Chumki Roy Bhattacharjee Principal/Coordinator Signature:

__________________________ _____________________

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