Globallift R+ Ate: en - Operating Instructions

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en | Operating instructions
Translation of the original operating instructions

Read the instructions prior to performing any task!

Hailo Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG
Kalteiche-Ring 18
D-35708 Haiger
Telephone: +49 (0) 2773 82-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2773 82-1561

© Hailo Wind Systems - Without the prior written consent of Hailo Wind Systems, no part of this publication may be reproduced in any way, transmitted, transcribed,
stored in a storage medium or translated into any language or computer language. Copyright infringement may also affect the product support by Hailo Wind
Systems for this equipment. Hailo Wind Systems reserves the right to make changes to this manual and the product it describes without prior notice. The content of
this manual does not include any contractual or other obligations by Hailo Wind Systems and is not legally binding. This publication was prepared with great care.
However, should you find any errors or wish to make suggestions for improvement, please write to Hailo Wind Systems. The original language of this document is
German. If required, you can request a written copy.
Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Preface........................................................................................................................... 91
1.1 About these operating instructions...................................................................... 92
1.2 Documentation..................................................................................................... 92
1.3 Type overview of GLOBALlift R+........................................................................ 93
1.4 Compliance........................................................................................................... 94
2 Safety............................................................................................................................. 95
2.1 Intended use of the machine................................................................................ 95
2.2 Foreseeable misuse.............................................................................................. 96
2.3 Potential dangers................................................................................................. 96
2.4 General instructions............................................................................................. 97
2.5 Information for the end user................................................................................ 98
2.6 Unauthorised modifications to the machine are prohibited.............................. 100
2.7 Safety equipment on the machine..................................................................... 100
2.8 Classification of the safety instructions............................................................... 101
2.9 Information on safe use..................................................................................... 102
2.10 Personal protective equipment........................................................................ 105
2.11 Schedules and maintenance intervals.............................................................. 106
2.12 Residual risks................................................................................................... 108
3 Design and function..................................................................................................... 109
3.1 Type plate on the service lift............................................................................... 109
3.2 Safety information and labels on the service lift............................................... 111
3.3 Main components of the machine...................................................................... 115
3.4 Structural design................................................................................................ 117
3.5 Optional service lift equipment.......................................................................... 120
3.6 Standard safety equipment................................................................................ 121
3.6.1 Brake system and fall protection..................................................................... 121
3.6.2 EMERGENCY STOP function............................................................................ 121
3.6.3 Main switch on the machine............................................................................ 121
3.6.4 Guard rail door lock (interlocking)................................................................. 122
3.6.5 Shutter door and apron.................................................................................. 123
3.6.6 Travel limiter/collision protection................................................................... 124
3.6.7 Attachment point............................................................................................. 124
3.6.8 Overload limit................................................................................................. 125
3.7 Optional service lift safety equipment................................................................ 125
4 Operation.................................................................................................................... 127
4.1 Operating elements........................................................................................... 127
4.1.1 Control panel.................................................................................................. 127
4.1.2 Manual mode with the control panel.............................................................. 129
4.1.3 “Outside cabin” control panel......................................................................... 131
4.1.4 Automatic mode with the “outside cabin” control panel................................. 132
4.1.5 Control panel “Mobile pendant control” (optional)........................................ 133
4.1.6 “Call function” control panel........................................................................... 134
4.2 Preparation of the service lift............................................................................. 135

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Table of contents

4.3 Guard rail door.................................................................................................. 137

4.4 Conduct in the event of a malfunction............................................................... 138
4.5 Emergency exit between two platforms.............................................................. 140
4.6 Fall arrester....................................................................................................... 143
4.7 EMERGENCY manual descent............................................................................. 146
4.8 Manual ascent.................................................................................................... 147
5 Delivery, Installation, Disassembly, Technical Data..................................................... 149
5.1 Delivery.............................................................................................................. 149
5.2 Installation......................................................................................................... 149
5.3 Electrical installations........................................................................................ 150
5.4 Inspections before commissioning...................................................................... 150
5.5 Disassembly....................................................................................................... 151
5.6 Technical data.................................................................................................... 152
5.6.1 Electrical system.............................................................................................. 155
5.6.2 Drive components........................................................................................... 155
6 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................... 159
6.1 General information on troubleshooting........................................................... 159
6.2 Fault descriptions............................................................................................... 159
7 Appendix..................................................................................................................... 160

90 Betriebsanleitung • GLOBALlift R+ ATE • EN


1 Preface
Service lift Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing a service lift made by Hailo. Before putting it into operation and using
it, we ask that you take time to carefully read through these instructions. Pay particular atten-
tion to the safety instructions in the text and to Chapter 2 “Safety”.
This is a requirement for:
n Working safely
n Trouble-free operation
n Long service life
Always keep the operating instructions in the service lift. Only then will the documents be imme-
diately available as needed.

We reserve the right to make modifications to the contents. Hailo Wind
Systems accepts no liability for any errors in this documentation.
Liability for indirect damages occurring in connection with the provision
or use of this documentation shall be excluded to the extent permissible
by law.
All rights in the event of granting of a patent or registration of a utility
model are reserved.

Should you have any questions which are not answered in these instructions, please call us. We
will be happy to help you.
We at Hailo Wind Systems wish you every success in your work!

Features The performance features of our service lifts are:

n A design especially adapted to wind turbine generators
n Fast and simple installation in the tower
n Comprehensive monitoring and safety functions
n Load transport inside/outside (suspended) the cabin
n Passenger capacity: max. 2 persons (250 kg)

Product changes Hailo Wind Systems reserves the right to make technical modifications and improvements which
do not apply to the tested prototype in regard to safety-relevant criteria.

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1.1 About these operating instructions

Trained personnel These operating instructions are intended to help you to operate this machine (service lift) safely
and effectively.
The target group is comprised of persons who have already participated in a training course in
which these operating instructions were presented. If you have not participated in a training
course, please contact your supervisor or training coordinator.
This service lift has been designed with the utmost work safety in mind in order to prevent inju-
ries and damage. Nevertheless, this machine can still be dangerous if used improperly.
These operating instructions will help you operate the machine safely.

Distinction between operating company and operator In this handbook, the term end user refers to the party that holds the authority and responsi-
bility for this machine – usually a company or corporation.
The term operator refers to the person who works on the machine and/or its controls, as directed
and with the accordance of the machine end user.

Responsibilities of the operator and the end user It is the operator’s responsibility to operate the machine in accordance with all safety instruc-
tions and procedures described in these operating instructions, as well as in accordance with all
other safety precautions applicable at your workplace.
It is the end user’s responsibility to ensure that the machine is correctly installed, configured and
commissioned, operated, maintained and serviced, and that this work is only carried out by per-
sons who have been appropriately trained for these tasks.
It is likewise the responsibility of the end user to ensure that the machine is fully compliant with
laws and regulations applicable to the location where the machine is installed and operated.
The end user is obliged to prepare a rescue plan for the event of an emergency.

1.2 Documentation
Appendices to the operating instructions Other technical documents and appendices are applicable in addition to these operating instruc-
tions. These documents are stored together with the operating instructions in the document box
in the service lift.
The folder in the document box contains the following documents:
n Operating instructions with type approval certificate
n Daily Check with logbook
n Maintenance Plan
n Electrical circuit diagrams
n Warning sign: “Not in service”

Additional Hailo Wind Systems documents The related installation instructions can be requested, when required, from documenta-

92 Betriebsanleitung • GLOBALlift R+ ATE • EN

Type overview of GLOBALlift R+

1.3 Type overview of GLOBALlift R+

Service lift versions

“Shutters” door version The service lift can be ordered with various door versions, which are depicted below.

Lift type Shutters on left Shutters in centre Shutters on right

Type R1+ X X X
Type R2+ X X X
Type R4+ - X -

1 Shutters in centre
2 Shutters on right
3 Shutters on left

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The point of view is out of the cabin toward the door.

1.4 Compliance
Conformity (CE labelling, certificate)
The Hailo TOPlift L+ is a “machine” in the sense of Directive 2006/42/EC of the European
Parliament and the Council dated 17/05/2006 (known as the Machinery Directive), falling under
Annex IV, no. 17 (service lifts by which persons are lifted more than three metres).
The following applies:
n Art. 12, Paragraph 3, Letter b and Paragraph 4, Letter a of the Machinery Directive
(service lift with EC type test approval)
An EC type test approval has been conducted for the GLOBALlift R+ by a designated European

Product designation Service lift

Type GLOBALlift R+
EC type test approval certificate ZP/C041/17

Regulations for the end user n In Germany: German Ordinance on Safety and Health (BetrSichV) from 1 June 2015.

Guarantee The Hailo GLOBALlift R+ is guaranteed by the manufacturer for 2 years subject to observance
of the technical documentation (operating instructions).
The manufacturer’s guarantee or the warranty provided by the firm contracted for the assembly
work is 2 years provided that the technical documentation (operating manual) is observed.

94 Betriebsanleitung • GLOBALlift R+ ATE • EN

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