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ga 4 Us Don’t take it to heart. Fie Ua ahs He is on the way. C227 i ws AT ies He will come in a day or so. Sark Don’t worry at all. Ib Om be There is something in your heart. — 2/7 It’s shivering'cold mat © ft des (Es Ie Stop watching cartoon. Sf ee, Lt) ails “I Brush your teeth properly. Irom 2 Wear new clothes. Ig Lee Put on your shoes. eiPyity yy) What should | do now? What can | do now? Anything else to do for me. Why are you doing like this? No! | don’t have mind to go outside. If you will go then | will go. Can it be solved? Get off my back. Should | go now? Let it go dear. The boy is crying for nothing. Why did he let you do this? Had you right to do like this? X\ This is out of my mind, It is scorching sun outside. Fear Allah. I/ll be back after offering the\prayer. Catch you.up later. Hey, you are really so smelly. | can’t sleep without you. _lhad a'car. He caught me by hidden eye. % | havea word with you. Lam going to be married today. You ate feeling happier for what? Don’t laugh. It was my compulsion. What is he to you? How much were you involved in it? Let you say something. His wound started getting worst. SurAL Vex elute A Vu oe AO Vege Sues Sod Ltt EAPO ae Ub MIL EA sect SPO a Le oe ele weg nd + . ~. eb oak é ted Sudha ut 9, FEL Sate ig ie Se flLek Selb e eu rizeci pA al ~uxtifogigt ut ute tte Ui Men rut J & jut Med Ce bee BA wawetivn ede fie 18 -e UE ie te Sa GAG ieT scr ctls Re Gut da te LG is oF er F RungT rE Sh ete 28 sl aI lrang him up | have full faith in him. Let me work. What will you like to eat? There is less salt in the curry. Yor iLyt Phy 2 ica and Sta LE -—fGite Where are you putting up nowadays? Sure UTE’ This house is to let. Be seated, please. The court declared him guilty. Is the boss in? You'r responsible for this. | was just joking. | will come after changing my clothes. Please have something cold. To let. Exit. moking. No Entrance. oa Don't make me lose my temper. bee E Wb, Zap WN efeitos turk = SE Bu Unt ne 4U Bik LS Sy elo SEY e SELLY! aa Suk heen toed ac bal SU nea ahs My phone is ringing. think your hanes ringing. | Hella, wha is this? Hello, who is spenking? : ai Jape poe ey Fete ele tun eA just gota missed call tram | _— this number. eee ue Could leave a rhessage tor her please! Rey Where are you calling fram? * fs ae Neast He's on another call cal geil orn think, tharos a bad leonnection Sorry| Your voiew is breaking | upt Letime call you from another. number ees ihink we got cut off, SP feaieedt [Am Laudibfe to you? raeerd ae hy battery isatioutta die: |-avaKn eae Hongonlietmegabea | eharger, I Nice talking ta vou! =) Leche ( } even Nate ret Ae whip taal Ths fee 66 Pick this up. ‘Don’t spoil it. orl This toy is yours. 61 Look who is outside? Se wl os ft Don’t’ speak loud. Ue eH Don’t paly with mobile. reir Go, play outside. ath ob ly ( ) Wear neat dress. eee file Don’t be rude to teacher. apr Put water’s bottle in the bag. Pte Fr Sb. Both divide it between us. [-s!2tUtusfet ‘Stop jumping over the sofa. Lup Sees iti Don’t touch these things. 68 FS Zul ‘Stay away from it. asset Keep sitting here. Ute le Don’t move from here. uff thew Don’t move the chair, pert isit properly. tae GE Don’t go with him. seut FL yt Did you do this? tL Eat food. Bree Go straight to school. eI bee ( ) Don’t spoil your uniform. AUS Atos Keep the pouch in the bag. th Geil What time do you awake? suratig. LT We set the alarm at four. View La Thanks for your invitation. be hSt Thanks for your invitation to dinner. -y “ei S LLU Let's go by bus. ook git Glad to see you. -bngie 1 O.K. see you next. o£ Uta It's my pleasure. seeds optez It is very pleasant today. a YEISUGT The sky is overcast. ten leat There is no room in this train. vie sit He is not in good health. ethyl The medicine is very bitter. ce Sec hiny Very thanks for your advice. eth Lagt I'm very grateful to you. Ws Se Te It doesn't matter. Rr: tute nde ay you flourish. - o ae co 2 Moy ALT LL? Bele That's all, pl the bill, bey ise j 4) ee ee Watch your mouth To hell with you! but | won’t spare you Ot busied Don’t mess with my mind |s/ awd obs Do what you want to do Le bee Pack your bag -/_£& You came so late today “LL I eo seet Take your tiffin do | get tired of working -Uxte _@Z/2 e604 It is evening abut Switch on the fan-ssileb& There is no floure Lp eT Heat up the milk/¢/ oss Too many mosquitoes are there tix 4 | have to go to get ration te Lug Hurry up the school bus is here GI UH Sue Food is ready-< Aree | have served the food- : e Harner tent ete He is very skeptic. EU Ste is intention is wrong. --—!7220u! 2 oe ©" Something is fishy. eth I don’t like flattering. eek | have no other option. 2 obit i p iungat x fd ie Please give me snuff, sik Let's wait for LAMAEE ER 3 miracle. = ‘ ‘ Get lost from here. -<-UtcU#F Thisloafisrotten. -eustdue What's the final price? f< Vet gai fern a ies ase e What are you doing o/Y ule’ He was snorting. aL Lifes here? cx Es os ; . itis just a rumor. elie 2 Will you please help me? S2fud ef ood Give fete a get ep ine? Are you crazy? SURI PL ; teeEee eC: Itis a solitary way. -e Ul oe ad * =e - lam flattered. ed ee! He gave a befitting reply. bs Iz} 2 Ul He is cranky. -L ibe! ce bY ey mia Stand in the queue. Don't talk too much. You will fall sick. Doctor will inject you. He got injured. Arrest him. Senet il wer floss -L3p nse é LO ie oi GG beze ISS eh @ lamfeelingsleepy, 1 couldn't sleep all night terre Se Lr Where am | supposed to You were snoring, sleea? wil Figfe vie seeped Ubarely sleptawink. Lam yawning. els endive \ have to catch upon my me togo to bed. abbrtie Please make my bed, fadesad and oUnrnt ight fam going to sleep/bed, lf Begone Kee with re é Thad a dream last night. going to hit the sackMhiy oe gre Ricue tie (had a nightmare last night Sleep tight! eae 7: i trier arc need Do you go ta bed late? Don't oversfenp. tire semen Sate When do you go to-sloop? lam gol neprp ees einen ifr See Heeling asieep while Hell asleep early last night chatting, ey Pre Fam? Did you sleep weil? Don't stay up too late. Ne Miacé lept like a baly/log Please! Accept it Please! Borrow this Please! Blow it Please! Comb yourair| Please! Curit | Please! Drive it Please! Fill it Please! Fit that Please! Go there Please! Look here Please! Ask him Please! Bring it Please! Change it Please! Cough | sett YL Aedle eS sob Birk cae, a W/o bale je iick mele SeUsir auch ihe Palas c ws vA Ons IMs Please! Draw it | - ois Please! Explain it Please! Finish it Please! Forget it sf lhec- Ie AP ait jee Please! Hear it Please! Make it Please! Mind it Please! Pay it Please! Reply me Please! Sell it Please! Sithere | | Please!, Spell it . Please! Study it |_ Please! Use it Please! Close it Please! Put it Please! Say it Please! Work Please! Decide it Please! Wash it Please! Catch it Please! Boil it [; isles Doin a | y vec Filet SLE ch Phat A Sete tick Bh eelie buat tak joe PBs me of dad ee TS Prcaie , eis shiek English Urdu Sentences — SET 8 D'Geyanalleuctxet hod beMCoiac uy andatte| Liste Lee Nace MP eee toes 1 AE When Saracomes Ali left. mes oes Snow is scattered over the river. * ae | BB bil SEP itesitae a ae It's beena long time since we meet. ae) eres What time do you muraker? nang Dt We set the alan at four egg Thanks for your invitation. Peet Thanks for your invitation to dinner, 2 YAY Let's go by bus, whe sit Glee to see you. bedie gt OK. s00 you next, Lathe itm my pleasure, seine it fs vory plousant today, Se rrgisuer Tho sky is overcast, abe di ger ‘Thora is no roan in this train eRe Ho is not in good health. “Tho medicine is very bitter, _% z Vary tharixs for your eiview . Poteet Fm very grateful to. you suneteserte Monat matter. etal py you Nourish a Hie Lele weAcE ule? Bele tl Saku! Get the AC fixed. 1/4 f —! Arrange your wardrobe af ATS Where are the new clothes kept? tus 4UWe Pe A delivery boy has come -24 [is uxd Postman has come -<4 1/13 Tune into Hum Weise | cannot find my shirt— emits Aue Milkman has come -<( iuls259 Polish the shoes Peder Clothes have to be washed uti 2 Switch on the Waeoed Turn down the TV sound-ss/ eT od The milkman has not come todaye lL tthe Eyes will get worse-Sufeslaue"T lam talking on phone-Uwuute1 20st Do not talk so much on the phoneAouet uel You keep on playing games all day long teh hod Apply oil on your hair»/L8e tus How many times does cooker whistled'GAge FL 7 Turn off the gas - Re Turn on the gas-s/ Wet Today | will make kheer-Juie ” 2e7 Please make carrot pudding today. - tak 26G7 | have to go to early tomorrowe te yaeu ibe The children are sleeping-ur eur Bed sheets are very dirty — enter lam not hungry < uf ( ae Sa | Turn on the fan. Do your work. Come back soon. You stay here. Do you know? Whee Never Forget. Be careful. be Vacate the shop. oF bees Go yourself. tea? ag 7) | NeverForgeh | ten Be ready. English with Baseer _(C, sl? @EnglishwithBaseer = tine He was furious with his students GAPL Ares Nothing of this kind/ sort Fadi uAui He shoved the money chev Yl Who says? fe hut How dare you A? aad Enough is enough! Wert Whatever AOR Don’t point your finger al fi | will break your teeth, understood? Sf bowie Don’t tell me what to do atl Sen Don't you dare take my father’s name? (Sorenflbeete dc Do | look like a fool to you? Sunt UntS 3 nl What will you do? FEI Is she still sleeping? Jeatty Go and wake him up. -e ur ii de She is in a deep/sound sleep. -— SLs She is pretending to sleep. et Akiyss After uploading video | went straight to sleep. -Unw Set | am putting the child to sleep. oto 2 Don’t wait up for me. Shee ssh Fem ey et Stop prattling and go to sleep. Ae eer ines He went to sleep with his shoes on. et LE teens He sleeps on his stomach. Breaktast is ready — Dal has sled — ed's Rice isnot yet cooked Fira My vitrarh vaso ig yes ET Wake up i's seven olock zhi 4 Tune into news — nbz Newspapers has come—et Tg Put the new curtains ile «gat Curtains have to be washed You are wory laty (fe sre Wardrobe needs to be arranged ~ adr 3! Where are my decks mts letunte Where is my handkerchief? -& wae Buy it. 5 iafel I'mnotinterested. > wet ie Call me tomorrow. © Se Fe Do you mean it? 5 fo CETL What is it? [ cal, Not my problem. | a ele Do you want it? | eb efit Do you understand? taak CI Don't do it. wt Do you want something? -cb Ast | am like this . -UxbILe Don’t exaggerate. uses Go right ahead. i bbe tt Don’t tell me that. E in Give me a hand. Sy ase Haveaniceday. © eT He is on the way. £ eM Have another one. _ | aut atl How much? | rer lcan do it. unl Sk Don’t move. woot _ He is in trouble. | eet J Awindstorm caused power outage. The electricity has been cut off. When will the power come back? The power went off/ out. | The electricity has been restored/ come back Why did you make the power go off? | The power goes off more often in the summer. Power outage is rare here. My phone is on the charging. Remove the phone from charging. Load shedding is the big issue. Switch off all the lights. Turn on ail the lights. M Electricity is Coming and going again and again. Electricity has become expensive. Wapda workers are being cursed, There is a power crisis. There isa power outage/ breakdown. My mobile’s battery is about to dead. He died of electricity current. The water tank is full The power has not yet come. Vi am waiting forthe electricity to come. The electricity will come at night. The electricity doesn't go off here. The: electrician fixed the power. The power cords are hanging disorderly. The power poles are lying down. Use less units of electricity. Put the wire into the socket. Why the hell light went out now! Power supply has been suspended IE Nau2 Subs JE Lie E SEE Ris Shite od ud eleanor ; ~ey foe lle -a gibi Lt spi= Bape? Me Pe Ld 2! Suid Baur Uo leu Une Zi ak ba E eb ULE Usulee ae run £8 ‘ie eS dl np bo LY pe IL & SAF Sh Se Bi avr SiEWLIL EL i ai. ik adeut Bute SE ELA wubePe Bed E idinete ALE woeful E pb Ree ie Gute Fit FOL USE ee bed. Fa Seies A Bite Nails tkew*t Ly; Spitting Tapping Fingers ole Pi Tapping Feet be vat Chewing With Open Mouth Wee Chewing Pencil thee wes cee Ue Snoring Cracking Knuckles Twirling Hair FEL ut Picking Nose wk 6 Slouching Back gat SL Cursing /e8ue Shaking Legs buh y Littering His 6 6 Procrastinating ces oe Bite Nails tet AN wr Spitting Ee oe = Oo Tapping Fingers tle iF oO Tapping Feet ble USL 5 Chewing With Open Mouth RY ge] G Chewing Pencil tee E Snoring wii E —_ bere Ue oe FLL Us Cracking Knuckles Twirling Hair a OY Oy aCe oatienee PEM ret rook make bed over wh Ake? Get to the point. oA des Hang on a minute. iter Si | have nothing to do brevis with this. ete Walls have ears. ten WL Udy Nobody was home. Be bff row loaest eit Why have you ud Pubeid? offended him? Do not pay off old scores and be friends. Snide ed ve Seu ‘ Nobody can stop me. | cannot handle this anymore. Anything can happen. | have got nothing. Do what you want to do. Who knows? Touch wood. What the heck! Something smells bad. | know a bit about it. | might do that. You are unnecessarily worried. So, let’s get started. How can | do this? Don’t make the child weep. | always look forward to your visit. She turned up at the last moment. He had a narrow escape. Spitting here is prohibited. It has been a good shower. The wind is rising. | have got sprained. tat FE OF er lett gluhh Seog & How could you be so careless? Ghee ies E of | won’t spare you ut” HER stot | have nothing to do with you = lee POS Stop getting in my way eye elie at Don’t’ make lame excuses. Don’t stretch the matter now. Shecnd_ ly Se creds et It’s no use going there ti CSELb UIs Do not embarrass him. | ~/onw fot Use your brain. ote I'm feeling sleepy. WIS You are responsible for that. a Pl EI Do not abuse him/her. we he You can’t escape from this. Lé Gaur It’s all yours. we 25Glet Let me take a shower. pd Ys It’s no use asking him. UF tbe Ciel PaO Le! What did you say? tL PULL Did| get you right? | tH ur hit’ Don’t take it your heart. erg rc! I’m in trouble. om tdeict | have got hurt. -cbbegt Your mouth stinks. Wie + Please keep quiet ~Hse Really! 1Pue6 What a bother! Sebel Touch wood! 2S ut What an idea! le br UALS You are wearing the shoe on the wrong foot. Lieu eR Wear the shoe ‘on the right foot. che geared OT You are wearing the glove on the wrong hand. { \ Seburl's What’s Going on! IPA Z UI Wash your face. ely S Sule Make it hurry. PS be Cut you nails. Alo ie Clean Your Ears. rf Slo Seg Clean your nose. LS ANE That’s not like good boy. ( \ It’s not a thing to laugh at. PASSO What is this made of? Se kE BU 2 | blush to say it. 2b pent h He nudged me. ag eiyt Ishallthis to his face. -6Un Sgr Ely Wash your hands and face. P36 bo | got excited. Witter He keeps beard. SES IL YI | was taken aback. Lieut Show the guests in. itl Ie Icannot do withouthim. -uf iF AL 2 He was bailed out. Vos Lecteel He doesn’tlookhis age. -biUt 3S 64 Fe Let’s make merry. sept The girl is doing her hair. Wei? He made faces at me. Wereiy' Don’t add fuel to the fire. ashok 25% Do not mess the accounts. 9/27 %Ut_b You are mistaken. et Pt Die of shame! Ibypesary | have hurt my head. leggy | don’t feel appetite. Oe SIE Pa Spoken English class 3 Tr Have you finished? Don't skip anything bac Have you been ill? What was the matter? | was having headache. Stand up. Sit down Put your hands up. Put your hands I'm waiting for you to be quiet. Is everyone ready to start? Put the books in your bag. Did you oversleep? Don’t let it happen again. Pay attention, everyone. a SUH bas 2 Esta) ie fUtekg Ik $8 a 4 wipe wile te we a, aS gle le ated MPIGL tte NE “UK al ali SURE Ne ee WF Cie bic Houle -U# prch then aaieese Bey Hamish wakat k a raho HI Ask Leh a Always be punctual Mjy dekhny du 3 xX, a Let me see Esy chalak admi sy hoshyar fy ie F < OT je Pel Beware of such a clever man Apni shirt k button band kr lu dee ft Ln Button up your shirt Mjy pryshan mat kro So led a Don't bother me SPOKEN aa Da ahs y use shor qiiealeers Muj par ehsan mat kro Sf = YL! ¢ ae Don't favour me Bhany matbnao_, 7 Slow se dL Don't make excuses Wakat ki nzakat ku seme fAy I Ff SF) Understand the delicacy of time Apny bal bna ku ed dle dh — Comb your hair Smjny ki koshish kro ft IS § Try to understand SPOKEN ENGLISH Daily use English short sentences Kya chal rha hi q_ Vv be? What's going on Kuj khaas nhe ; UT fl of Nothing special Hamisha ki tarah Cm SF tt As usual Ap apni umar sy km lgty hu rb fe? git You look younger than your age Myjy 5 bjy yad krva dena Lees nt of £5 a Remind me at 5 Cy: aye a ees 7. e 12 _ jis! Lower your voice! ele os Sule It’s all because of you. east tele Do whatever you want to do. lel ede Mark my words! int eI How could you be so careless! tele std a | have nothing to do with this. lUmos UtUt 2b You have no idea who | am. ( )\ Ask his/her name. ~% ACE Don’t break it. eral Go at once. kei? Clean properly. | »/3b7 Aue Go slowly/walk ksi slowly. - Goahead. | 20: 7/24%£7 Come here. 1 Ps Take it. _ thy Go up. ~Se-z3l Go straight. th 2 4 SPOKEN ENGLISH Daily use English short sentences Kitna bkwas hi How ridicules Miy es ki aadat hi Soe ow f ert a I am used to it Kahin na kahin kuyj tu glt hi ewe FL ty ot Something is wrong somewhere Usy meri zroorat par skti hi a fee bre el He might need me Yeh sirf aik soch hi ~or tir z This is just a mindset site ee! Take off your shoes. wllle Put off the fire stove. wo EW Turn off the light. wh Madly Shut the Door please! hee ll Close the book. lpnae aT How Stinky your socks are! te ull Where is my pen? { ) = your own business. Come on. Be careful. Think before you speak. Go back. Don’t tease/trouble Do not forget. | ate Come near. iat Don’t go. Go down. ( )} Do you know? You are great. Let it be. Leave me alone. Never forget. Damen oleae sim er= |g 10) Speak your heart out Vacate the place. Come (C[oaY{e)8 evade Wash your hands. Come soon. Don’t be late. Turn on the fan. armed rsa ee er aiMiped eee TIP. Bia 3 RAW 0) in Viera. arg ar At eas eae yas English Urdu Sentences — SET 6 Who told you that? ed iy” Use anything else, ter SZ Were you out for shopping yesterday? 62 F iP obye Did he used to pester you? Be Be oh She doesn’t like to look at me. Ut th BAG What movie is on today? cob As i ened L£UF uterus Get ready for school in 10 minutes. deter eet Cover your mouth while coughing. Poa tibay Don’t play in the cold. thoeLly Don’t make excuses. ah e Sale to e.! Finish your food quickly. PF on Sue! Don’t drag your feet. unl Hi VL RY Can | keep your toys? ( ) Spoken English Sentences You are so naive! uae How did you come by . . = this? tale dd o a ) ted me Us PU cet Maybe you didn’t ; es OF blag a j recognize me! Ut ai vial You are not a nabob a les : Et Fil: i either. é SOF. IIE? You don’t deserve Sasi . i JuL i Set talking. = f It has been so long! eben \ | won’t spare you. Ut Use ut When are you See ek throwing a party? ‘ a Why is there so much dl Flee gee smile on your face? feud Sl Common English Sentences That is all. et tut I cannot wait. ESF aie Don’t argue with me. et ahisre de Don't try my patience. Serie He is not at home. et gy Should | leave or stay? Sun@utiet it was not my fault, Ge Ale. I'll think over this matter. Sugrg heist I got duped by him. Tee flit As you like. bets Jam awfully hungey. ae Phar E Not at all. tt, Swit Don’t fight. Fa lg Keep your books in the bag. See Tie your shoelaces. oe Don’t drink cold water. CU sab ba Remind me tomorrow. hag 0 Hold the book correctly. FG Ne! Comb your hair. ( ) See Please! Wake up early Pa Wa Please! Work Ls 6 fe ic Please! Decide it ers fon) ie deere We Rint Sites Wi e:die Please! Catch it | a el Fa Please! Write here Ue Please! Boilut Pipe Please! Brish Meee | Fi Seen Please! Miss him | ok 5) aa re Please! Allow wy ee ap aa DOWNLOAD PDF FILE ca /engrabicofficial Some other time. As you wish. So what? Give me a Call. Call me again. Call me later. Bloat me=l ere W(eY Right now. Later on. Actually. S\VNdg loan Ee NZ Have it. Too good. ec ha Ne rite eae Oe bo Ayre ieee apa Eee A Ces ees ae ue es de ae ves Thank God. ad Pr (@) Apply your brain. etek ta Don’t break. Break it. Not good. ite \1 ae) 0 Not now. Where on. Let me speak Anything. For what? At any cost. Forever. | agree. Fed elo aed OT eae e aig yore Sees COMTI ee oe OT Ste pe OE seMye ai (@) Hold the door. Find me. Who listens? Don’t get up. Choose one. I'm fed up. Keep sitting. Come forward. Fix that. Think one ee Eee that: Say Something. Hold this. I’m about to leave. yeh annals |ua=(ey=] 10 wh oily ier Palmore Ut #1 ee sea 4 Piet ae Nig ans” yet pa ean pond UA a UUs out dia Aus English Sentences = a Wey ———=—=—_ = 4 eae TT UES at mage DCCC CRM STIS ee oereo oe Common English Sentences Anything else? t2dKa pth vl What can | do for you? Sunt VL Lott | hope. wel | hope so. eli KI | will remember you. ALTA I don, t care. aoe Weak a So what? ell What does it matter? te do Ce does it Sebhg pe Sorry. Se What a shame. ele Ae” What break? seal | ey 4 Daily Used Short SUSIE ES Nr Let pin When did you come in? it Do/shall we begin? tu /ts7 Will you do one thing? Gries Is it holiday today? GS tector Do you know? O tape What is the reason? ~ fe pale Won’t you go? 6S sf Lie? What’s the tr ? tert What's the quavrel about? tei ve Are eB dngry? TU ALtT tow She family? Stee eat What did you say? rr What can | do for you? sunth Vee ‘ ” Classroom Sentences Any questions? Who knows the answer? Make a sentence. Louder, please! Are you all ready? Read the lesson out. Copy thé word. Ask a question. Are you ready? Sit down, please. tire te Chuf le Ltn P een § 5 Sue Te tee Le 3 ue ir Sue LT tb adlecis © English Urdu Sentences — SET 17 I heard that you would quit thatjob. Lule lSiufetiur Is there anything to laugh at? Sot bx iG ee "3 Didn't you understand it yet? TUT & BEI I have got used to working now. eo Gye SLICE Let me pass. wb SE He is staying here since yesterday. eb Ps EP Fb/englishanofficial | swear. Goon. What's going on? Carry on. Don't hesitate. Don't ask me again. Don't make a noise. Tell me truth. Tell me your story. Simply. Keep it in your mind. Please. aunts O Us ible febnl! Fibde 6 iF we perulnd wert oe See Ieee “0 x" Ab tt sele| Vee Formal Conversation - = I'll be ready ina moment. sun eit Why didn't you wake me up? tout ut etigh Be seated, please. : ie Have a chair, please. Poe cercer ( 6 os Who is knocking at the door? Sebel ohne I woke up late this moming. os rige ott u There is someone to see you. 1 cli dy at Lam tight these days. : “ BAe her Tam deadtired. SO sUslnenut Let's havea chat. €} OAT Take rest here tonight. _C vl weit Benet You are dozing. © nutes st i Make my bed. ~\ and ie Your nose is nin ra ape Sl? We kept talking till very late. eK ie beocnt This etileman has some work with you. -= (6s im anh lull site goto his house. eet FL This shoe is very tight. er bagtity Let me go. Get lost at once. You can't get away like this. Listen. When do | see you again? | couldn't recall his name. Wait a minute please. What happened? Who are you? I'm alright. Don't worry. Don't touch. ud be Shen o959 Es Guu? -< WrethM ET te fe 6 Shell tnosé Une EA Hela lpg a English Urdu Sentences —- SET 2 | don’t know where he is. engl & | have never e it before. MAE Bit No, not yet. of Fit I know a bit about it. =e iF teri Look it up on internet. IS Fr gee FI | have got some work to do. et lta I'd like to have a cup of tea. ~CUstetde b ALIS Common English Sentences Don't move. el Say again. ~# osb39 I'm tired. Uninet oe Tell me your story. Seeieiah) You can feel. tes ~ You can walk. ERT Wait and watch. as ls SABA You can touch, tL ~ You can talk. we Sel—eT No problem. ut eb Don't create problem. whl we, we So nice of you. len 7 ey | cceptance - 2/3 As you like. we phe This isall O.K. <2 You are right. ‘g occ eK Thave no objection. ae IPA Tt doesn't matter. uf brs It will be so. oll lentirely agree with you. on Blatt It's rather a matter of pleasure. ee hFF, fl I'll follow your advice. ue tele ST I give my consent to this. aU oer Gite Lui I'm not trying to impose myselfon Wht PSF Ae ar it you. Un You don't seem to agree with me. Lani ie Pod F oneal ete Get lost. Tell truth, Keep away. Speak truth. Be frank. See you later. Of course. Any way. Nothing. Attention please. Keep away. Never. Seats ~1e& iy nis 148 le BE 6 us ate wt Gt wo ut & Lb2I yuan wut ol How is the weather? Itis twenty to nine. et Ey What is the time please? Select Do not worry. 28 Why have you came late? tivtea wet Itis an uphill task. -

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