Interview Schedule A. General Information

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A. General Information
B. Name of State:

C. Name of the District:

1. Name of the Respondent……………………………………………………………

2. Age………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Educational Qualification
a. Illiterate
b. Elementary
c. Secondary
d. Graduate
e. Post-Graduate
f. Technical
g. Any other, if………………………………………………………...

4. Caste Background…………………………………………………………………..

5. gender…………………………….

6. Occupation

a. Agriculture
b. Teacher
c. Angadwadi
d. Any other, if……………………………………………………………

7. Income

a. Less than 5K
b. 5K-10K
c. 10K-20K
d. 20K-40K
e. Any other, specify………………………………………………


1. Are you a BPL Card holder? Yes /NO

2. How many members of the family do you have?..........................

3. Were you able to improve your “primary/secondary” activity after getting
employment under NREGA?
A. Yes
B. No
If Yes: Specify
6. What is the improvement during the last two years?........................................................

7. Since when have you been employed under the NREGA (Job Card)?

8. Are you aware of the processes and practices of NREGA?

A. Yes
B. No
9. Did you get your job card within 15 days of application?
A. Yes
B. No
C. More or less
D. None of us got it within that stipulated time
10. While applying did you state the timing and the number of days that you are
willing to work?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Never being told about that
D. In any case we will all get 100 days in a year so not necessary to
mention that.
11. Did you get any receipt from the Gram Panchayat stating that they have receive
your application against which the guarantee of providing employment within 15
A. Yes
B. No
C. Don’t know about any receipt
D. Still in the process

12. If No, did you receive any unemployment allowance for the period when you have
not been employed?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Don’t expect
D. In the process

13. How many days in a year are you being employed under the NREGA?
A. 100 days
B. More than 100 days
C. 3 months
D. Less than 25 days

14. For how many hours in a day do you have to work?

A. 8 hours
B. More than 8 hours
C. Less than 8 hours
D. Depends on the nature of the work.

15. Do you have the following facilities available at the worksite?

A. Shade for the Periods of rest
B. First-aid kit
C. Drinking Water
D. Child Care facility
E. None of the above

16. How far is your worksite from your residence?

A. Within 5 Km.
B. More than 5 Km.
C. Less than 1 Km.
D. Adjacent to my residence.

17. How many people in the village have been given job card?
A. All the unemployed villagers
B. All those who have willingly applied
C. Half of those who have applied
D. Less than half of those who have

18. Are there any female workers in the worksite?

A. yes
B. No

19. If yes, is the wage rate same for both male and female?
A. yes
B. No

20. How is the male/female work force participation under this scheme?
A. Equal
B. No of Males> no of females
C. No of Males< no of females

21. What kind of work are you being asked to do under this scheme?
A. Plantation
B. Road Connectivity
C. Afforestation
D. Irrigation

22. Were you aware of the work before it came to your locality?
A. Yes
B. No

23. If Yes: How? (Give reasons)


24. How are you being paid?

A. Through the bank/ Post Office
B. Village Employment Council
C. Directly by the local authority
D. Any other

25. Is your account an individual account or joint account?


26. If joint account who is your co-signatory?

A. Husband
B. Wife
C. Parents
D. Others

27. Do you think wages from NREGA has added sufficiently to your family income?
A. Yes
B. No

28. How much are you being paid per day?

A. Rs.70/-
B. Less than Rs.70/-
C. More than Rs. 70/-
D. Depends on the kind of work

29. If the payment is made directly to the worker then, the place of payment is:
A. Worksite
B. Durbar/Community Center
C. Market place
D. Any other (specify)

30. Do you have to wait long for payment, after the end of the working period?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometime
D. Jobs given for 100 days at a stretch

31. If yes, for how many days?

A. Less than 15 days
B. More than 15 days
C. More than a month
D. Not yet receive the previous year’s payment

32. Were all the workers paid together, or separately?

A. Together
B. Separately
C. Depends on the workers availability
D. Don’t know

33. Is the payment details (including name and amount paid) made known to the
A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Never made known to the public
D. Don’t know

34. Do you have an account in the bank/post office?

A. Yes
B. No
C. I have but never uses it
D. Still in the process of getting one bank account

35. Do you have any ATM Card?

A. Yes
B. No
If Yes, Specify:_______________________________________________________

36. What is the distance of the nearest bank/post office from your place of residence?
A. Within 5 Km.
B. More than 5 Km.
C. More than 20 Km.
D. There is a mobile bank
37. How many times do you visit the post office/bank?
A. Whenever the payment is made through the NREGA
B. Whenever needed
C. Once in 6 months
D. Never

38. Where from do you get money to deposit in your account?

B. Pension
C. Relatives
D. Government grants
E. Other

39. Are you happy communicating to the bank officials?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Depends on the bank officials
D. Don’t know

40. Do you need to wait for a long time in the bank to deposit or withdraw money?
A. Always
B. Sometime
C. Never
D. Don’t Know

41. Do you know the procedures to be followed in the bank/post office?

A. Yes
B. No
C. If it is written in our mother tongue
D. Don’t know

42. Do you have any of the following complaints regarding the payment of wages?
A. Delays in wage payments
B. Paid less than the minimum wage
C. Paid less than what you are made to sign for
D. Task is too much
E. Problems in accessing post office/bank accounts
F. Other (Please Specify)_______________________________

43.NREGA work undertaken so far, is it related to any of these?

A. For the whole village
B. For particular household
C. Both

44. Does the muster roll come regularly to the worksite to provide necessary
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not very regular
D. Never

45. Do you have to sign the Official Muster Roll after/while taking your wages certifying
your receipt?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not right away
D. Never

46. Does the official Muster Roll indicates the amount that you receive?
A. Yes
B. No.
C. Have never sign any register

47. Are you being informed by the Work coordinator about the different information and
A. Yes
B. No
C. Don’t know about the existence of a work coordinator
D. Informed by the village authorities only

48. What is the mode of information?

A. Through Notice Board
B. P.A system
C. Direct communication
D. Other (specify)

49. Do you get mobile coverage in your village?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Only in some areas
D. No mobile so don’t know

50. If yes, do you have a mobile connection?

A. Yes
B. No

51. If yes, since when ______________________________________________

52. Do you feel that in the last two years or less you have been able to enhance your
ability to purchase or own any new asset in your family?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Some small/ low cost assets only
D. Don’t want to reveal

53. Have you been able to access to health facilities better after the implementation of
the NREGA Scheme?
A. Yes
B. No

54. If Yes, how?

55. Do you think this NREGA Scheme should be continued in the days to come?
A. Yes
B. No

56. If Yes, state reasons.

A. _______________________________________________
B. _________________________________________________
C. ______________________________________________
D. _________________________________________________.

57. If No, state reasons.

A. _______________________________________________
B. __________________________________________
C. ______________________________________________
D. __________________________________________________

58. Are you able to arrange your daily food for your family?
A. Yes
B. No

59. Whether you feel comfortable in having sufficient food after working in NREGA?
A. Yes
B. No
60. Are you able to spend more on your childrens’ education after working in NREGA?
(For those who have school going children)
A. Yes
B. No
61. what improvement you want your government to include in field of education, health and for


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