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Presidential Address at the 1st Session of the 10th Synod

Almighty God, whose utmost desire is that all mankind shall be saved and
brought to your eternal kingdom; we thank you for your redeeming grace and
for the everlasting love that has continued to draw us closer to you through the
mediation of your son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We thank you especially for
preserving us unto another session of our synod in this decade of Intentional
Discipleship, in spite of all the challenges and trials of our time.

Merciful father, as your clear voice sounds day by day, calling us to follow
you, grant us the grace to hear you distinctly and follow you diligently. Help
us, like St. Andrew of old, to turn from home, toil and kindred; and leaving all,
to follow you fully. Deliver us from all the idols and vain things of the world
that keep us from a closer walk with you. As we renew our zeal to make true
disciples, grant that the lukewarm members of the Church shall be revived, the
backslidden restored and the unbelieving brought to a living faith, so that in joy
or in sorrow, we shall remain faithful to this calling, giving our hearts to total
obedience and loving you best of all.

Oh Lord, our God, may we rise from this synod totally transformed and
equipped to partner with you in this ministry of reconciling men with you and
proclaiming release to the captives. These we ask through Jesus Christ our
Lord; Amen.

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Presidential Address at the 1st Session of the 10th Synod




The Archbishop of the Ecclesiastical Province of Enugu, His Grace, Most Rev. Dr.
Emmanuel Olisamedualim Chukwuma, OON
The Executive Governor of Enugu State, Rt. Hon. Lawrence Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi –
The Former Deputy President of the Senate, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Senator
Prof. Ike Ekweremadu
The wife of the Bishop and President of the Mothers’ Union, Women’s Guild, Young
Wives, Girls Guild and Children Ministry, Mrs. Anthonia Ifeoma Agbo, JP.
The wife of our pioneer bishop, Our Dearly Beloved Mummy, Mrs. R. U. Ilonuba
The Deputy Chancellor, LadyProf. Ifeoma Enemuo
The Registrar of the Diocese, Sir Barr. Onyinechi E. Ugwulor
The Deputy Registrar I, Bar Mrs Amaka Ukwueze
The Deputy Registrar II, Bar. Chinedu Ogbonna
The Deputy Registrar Lands, Sir Bar. Johnson Onah.
My able lieutenants: the Venerable Archdeacons, other members of the Clergy
And their amiable wives
The President, Council of Knights, Sir. Prof Ugo Nwoji, and his Gallant Knights and
My Respected and Dutiful Nominees
Your Royal Highnesses
Our Special Guests
Distinguished Synod Delegates
Ladies and Gentlemen.

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Beloved people of God,
The happenings in a time like the present are but to say the least terrific! They make
limbs weary and numb; and hearts faint! But I can hear the voice coming in accents
loud and clear, and saying; “Rest in God alone, O my soul, for my hope comes from
Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress; I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor rest on God, my strong rock; my refuge is in God…”
(Psalm 62:5-7)

We cannot but Praise our gracious Lord, who has kept us through another year
despite the biting hardship, socio-political upheaval and the security challenges that
are both enormous and daunting in the land. It is, therefore, with heart full of
gratitude to this faithful God that I welcome you to this epochal session of our synod
holding here at St. John’s Anglican Church, Onuiyi, Nsukka. To Him alone be all the
honour, adoration, thanksgiving and praise, forever and ever; Amen.

We welcome the Archbishop of the Ecclesiastical Province of Enugu, His Grace,

Most Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Olisamedualim Chukwuma, OON and other Bishops who
have come to support us today as you have always done. Our dear Archbishops and
Bishops here present, thank you so much for your love and solidarity!

We recognize with gratitude all the Legal officers already enlisted in the protocol and
pray the good Lord to bless you in overflow for your consistent and sacrificial labour
of love to this Diocese. May I also recognize and appreciate my able lieutenants, the
Archdeacons and their amiable wives, all the clergy and their wives, the Lay Pastors
and their wives, who are the vanguard of the Kingdom and true Ambassadors
representing their Master faithfully at the grassroots and have continued to
relentlessly dispense the riches of the glorious Gospel. Be assured that “he that
watereth shall be watered”.

Sir Professor Ugo Nwoji and his college of gallant Knights/ Ladies as well as the
Diocesan Officials, our Nominees and Chairmen and members of different Boards
and Committees deserve our special recognition and praise for being gallant soldiers
of Christ and faithful stewards in their respective areas of coverage. I also appreciate
the Secretariat Staff under their dynamic leader, the Synod Secretary, Ven. Chinedu
Geoffrey Onah, whose ingenuity; effective representation and dedication to duty have
made our work load lighter. We pray the Almighty God to reward you and continue
to make you a blessing to the Church! I also appreciate all my personal staff- my
Administrative Assistant, Ven. Benjamin Nwabuisi Abia, a workaholic and an astute
administrator. You are God sent and your position has given us the needed covering

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at the home front as we engage in the outside ministerial responsibilities. May God
bless you. I appreciate my intelligent, meticulous and dutiful Clerical Officer, Mrs.
Ogechukwu Nnamani. I appreciate my Chaplain, Rev. Engr. Oliver Onyeke, you are
more than a Chaplain. You are a son. My Driver, Bro. Emmanuel Felix and my
senior driver, Francis Nnaji, I can’t thank you enough for your devotion to duty. You
have borne the burden of the ministry together with me. May you never miss your
reward! I also thank all the Directors of Directorates and Chaplains of organizations.
Obviously, you are the secret behind the holistic growth and success in our ministry
and God will reward you accordingly.

My brothers, Mr. Linus Agbo and Hon. Jonathan Agbo are sincerely appreciated,
together with my Nephews: Ambrose, Sunday, Eugene, Blessing and their wives. Our
Mamas in the family; Nwabude, Mary and Naomi, I appreciate you. I also appreciate
my mother-in-law Mrs. Esther Nnamani and all my extended family members, whose
constant prayers have kept us going. May you remain richly blessed.

I give special thanks to God for my children: Gift, Aka-Jesus, Elijah and Emmanuel,
Chinonye, Chidiebere, Ada, Ngozi, Oluchi, Odinaka, Patience, Joy, Chinedu,
Chijioke, Ndubuisi, Sunday, Oguguo, Kingsley, Chinedu, Tochukwu, all those that
have married and their families, and all of the Bishop’scourt family, whose genuine
love, prayers and the joyful atmosphere created at the home have reduced the stress of
the ministry. I thank you for your selfless commitment and sacrificial service which
have been great sources of blessing to my ministry. May God reward your love and

Last but not the least, permit me to welcome and appreciate my beautiful, very gentle,
quiet, lovely, resourceful, virtuous and caring friend, sister, companion, confidant,
mother, mama Ejima and my wife, Mrs. Anthonia Ifeoma Agbo, JP (the President of
the Mothers’ Union, Women’s Guild, Young Wives, Girls’ Guild). Mummy, the
hand of God is upon you and you are forever blessed.

At this juncture, let us pause and observe a minute of silence in honour of the
Chairman of the Diocesan Synod Central Planning Committee, Sir Dr. Augustine
Emenike Onwurah, who we nicknamed “Professor of Synod” because of his
persistent and innovative commitment to improving the standard of our synod on
yearly basis, who incidentally, answered the final call on 8th May, 2021…


The Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion in her wisdom linked up Dioceses.
This is aimed at fostering unity, building a stronger relationship, and for
encouragement and growth. We have been linked up with the Diocese of Northern
Izon. Northern Izon is one of the Dioceses in the Church of Nigeria in the Niger Delta

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Province and in Bayelsa State. It was inaugurated in June 2008 with Late Rt. Rev.
Anga Fred Nyanabo and Mrs Iniene O. Nyanabo as the pioneer bishop. The seat of
the Diocese is at the Cathedral Church of St. Mark’s Kaiama. The incumbent Bishop,
Rt. Rev. Funkuro Godrules Victor Amgbare and Mrs Iwumansi Inekensam Amgbare
were enthroned as the second bishop on 13th April 2018.

The diocese is made up of five Archdeaconries and one Deanery.

The bishop and his amiable wife are here with their entourage which includes HH Dr.
Bokumo Orukari KSC, the Amananaowei of Sabagreia Kingdom, Dame Margaret
Botei and Ven. Markson John, the Clerical Synod Secretary.

They are here as our special guests in this Synod and in line with what we have in
mind regarding the linkage, to establish the needed relationship, and discuss how we
can partner in ministry for the mutual benefit of both Dioceses.


We sincerely appreciate the entire people of Nsukka Archdeaconry for making great
sacrifices in hosting this Synod. The realities of our time and the hangover of COVID
19 were already strong inhibitions to the prospects of this synod, but as if these were
not enough, St. John’s Church was devastated by uncomfortably overwhelming spate
of deaths right from the very moment public proclamation was made about the
hosting. It obviously took the resilience and team spirit of both the workers and the
members of this Archdeaconry to achieve this feat and thus keep an unprecedented
record. Your determination to achieve success in spite of all odds has paid off by
giving us the best synod so far.

We wish to recognize and appreciate the Pastoral staff in the Archdeaconry and their
wives, for providing the needed leadership:
 Ven. Godwin E. Eze & Mrs. Blessing Eze
 Ven. Emmanuel& Mrs. Tina Onah
 Ven. Dr. Ab. C. & Mrs. Chidinma Okorie
 Ven. Dr. Samuel& Mrs. Philomena Chukwuemeka
 Ven. Prof. Jacob& Prof. Mrs. Uche Onyechi
 Ven. Joel & Mrs. Sabina Ugwuoke
 Ven. Benjamin& Mrs. Joy Abia
 Rev. Canon Ejike & Mrs. Helen Nwobi
 Rev. Canon Emmanuel & Mrs. Chika Isiwu
 Rev. Emmanuel& Mrs. Happiness Chukwuma
 Rev. Basil& Mrs. Felicia Okenyi
 Rev. Theophilus & Mrs.Nkeiruka Eze
 Rev. Victor & Mrs. Ngozika Blessing Eze

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 Pastor Mathew Ezema

 Pastor Obinna & Mrs. Chinenye Ebimgbo
 Pastor Melody & Mrs. Charity Ossai
 Pastor Chikodili & Mrs. Nnenna Chinyere Ezukwoke
 Pastor Kingsley& Mrs. Kindness Ugwuanyi
 Pastor (Dr) Collins Omeje

Ven. Prof. T. C Madueme, the LOC Chairman, and his indefatigable team deserve a
soothing pat on the back for committing their all to this project. Apart from church
workers already mentioned, we earnestly appreciate the following Chairmen of
subcommittees and their members:
1. Mr. Chijioke Onah
2. Mr. Patrick Onuh
3. Mrs. Chinyere Okoroigwe
4. Dr. Edmund Okoroigwe
5. Prof. Mz. Chuma Okeke
6. Sir. Evang. Charles Ebizie
7. Comrade Christopher Omada
8. Evang. Uzoma Akoma
9. Pastor Kenechukwu Ossai
10. Sir. George Amoke
11. Mr. Tochukwu
12. Mr. Okey Anozie
13. Ven. Dr, Samuel Chukwuemeka
14. Mrs. Chizoba Chukwuma

We also appreciate the mature intervention of Ven. Steve Dimelu, who readily
accepted and selflessly took up the role of the Central Planning Committee Chairman
at the demise of Sir. Dr. A. E Onwura. We want to also recognize and appreciate the
following members of the Central Planning Committee, whose supervisory,
directional and synodical role resulted to this success:
2. Sir. Steve Agbo - Secretary
3. Barr. O.E Ugwulor (KSP) – Registrar/member
4. Ven. Chinedu G. Onah – Clerical Synod Secretary/member
5. Ven. Ifeanyi A. Onodu – Diocesan Fin.Sec/member
6. Prof. Emmanuel Ibezim – Lay Synod Secretary/member
7. Ven. Benjamin N. Abia – Bishop’s Admin. Asst./member
8. Ven. Goddy Emeka Eze – Host Archdeacon/member
9. Ven. Prof. T.C Madueme –LOC Chairman/member
10. Mrs. Ruth Ogbodo – Kitchen Unit/member
11. Mrs. Gladys Onah – Member
12. Lady Dr. Uche Uzodimma - Member
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The Almighty God shall reward you beyond your imagination.


Nsukka Archdeaconry was inaugurated in 1996 by Late Rt. Rev. Dr. J.C. Ilonuba
with Ven. D.O. Ogbonna as the first Archdeacon. The present composition of the
Archdeaconry is as follows:
1. St. John’s Parish, Onuiyi Nsukka
2. St. Andrew’s Parish, Orba Road, Nsukka
3. Church of Transfiguration Parish, Enugu Road, Nsukka


The vision to start St. John’s Church, Onuiyi, started with Samuel Isama Izukanne
and Lawrence Amazue. They saw the need of organising Anglicans, Methodists and
Presbyterians around the Onuiyi metropolis to come together and have a
commonplace of worship because there was no other Church around the vicinity of
Onuiyi, Nsukka. Then, Mr. Lawrence Amazue was a member of St. Paul’s Parochial
Church committee. Because of his membership to the church committee, he wrote to
the St. Paul’s Church Committee through the Superintendent, Ven. S.A. Eze,
requesting a worship centre at Onuiyi.

Mr. Amazue’s request was not granted because the establishment of the new Church,
according to the PCC, would reduce the population of St. Paul’s Church, Nsukka.
After some years, precisely, in November 1975, Rev. C. N. Ozioko paid a pastoral
visit to Mr. and Mrs. Isama Izukanne, Lawrence Amazue, Late Jim Warriso, and Late
Abel Apeh. In the course of their discussion, Rev. C.N. Ozioko encouraged them to
look for a place of worship around the Onuiyi axis, considering the distance they trek
from Onuiyi to St. Paul’s Church. Rev. Ozioko’s encouragement ignited a renewed
enthusiasm in them, and they approached and pleaded with Mrs. Oduah for
accommodation. She gave her consent for them to use her family living room for
worship, but after some days, her family members objected to that on the grounds that
the new Church might one day in the future start claiming the ownership of their

Mrs. Oduah’s refusal compelled Mr. and Mrs. Izukanne to offer their house and
requested the Church to start worshipping there. On 25th January 1976, the first
church service was conducted in the house of Mr. and Mrs. Isama Izukanne by Rev.
C. N. Ozioko from St. Paul’s Church Nsukka at 7.30 am.

a. Membership
The first members comprised three men and four women, while the rest were
children. After one month of service, Rev. C. N. Ozioko selected his Pastor’s Warden
in the person of Mr. L. E. Amazue (now Sir. Lawrence E. Amazue). As the days went
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by, the population of the Church continued to grow to the extent that Izukanne’s
living room could no longer accommodate them. At that point Mrs. Uche Azikiwe
(now Dame Prof. Emeritus Uche Azikiwe) volunteered to discuss their
accommodation challenge with her dear husband, the Owelle of Onitsha. She later
secured an appointment for the church representatives to meet with the Owelle.

The delegation to the Right Honorable Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, led by his amiable wife,
Mrs. Uche Azikiwe, Rev’d C.N. Ozioko, and Mrs. Charity Izukanne, asked for a
space of worship for the Church. The Owelle graciously gave them a collapsed old
Catering Rest House building without a rooftop. Because of the state of the building,
the young Church, for some weeks, worshipped under the mango tree within the
compound. After some cleanup, they moved into the building and started worshipping
there until Rev. C.N. Ozioko, Uche Azikiwe, Izukanne Charity, led by Ven. S.O.
Ugwuanyi returned to Owelle to ask for permission to use a part of the West African
Pilot Printing Press building for worship because of sunshine and rainfall. As usual,
with love and enthusiasm and for the compassion he had for the Church’s plight, the
Owelle gave them express permission to use the building. He requested the Church to
nominate one person to collect the key to the Press building and return it after service.
The Pastor’s Warden (Mr. Lawrence Amazue) was appointed to collect and return the
key after each service. As membership increased, the first Church Committee was
inaugurated and called ‘All-Purpose Committee’ because it included all men and
women in the Church for the year 1976. Within the early years of the Church, the
members prayed and named it St. Paul’s Annex and later renamed it St. John’s
Church, Onuiyi Nsukka, under Rev. Christopher N. Ozioko.

Within one year that the Church started, in 1977, Rev. C.N. Ozioko gained admission
into the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and Ven. S.O. Ugwuanyi asked the Church to
appoint two representatives from St. Paul’s Annex to be in St. Paul’s Church
Committee. Based on this directive, Mr. L.E. Amazue and Mrs. Charity Izukanne
were appointed as St. Paul’s Church Committee members for the year 1978. During
the period under review, 1977 – 1979, St Paul’s Church continued to send preachers
to Onuiyi, but the rest of the Church work rested on Mr. L. E. Amazue as the Pastor’s
Warden until Mr. O. Uzor was posted as the Catechist in 1979, and he served till
1980. In 1977 the first Church Committee was formally elected comprising the
following members: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Amazue (KSP), Dame Dr. Uche
Azikiwe, Mr. A. A. Ota, Mrs. Naomi Mozube, Mr. E. I. Onuoha, Mr. Abel, Apeh, Mr.
Wilson Ewenike, Mr. J. K. Nwuguru, Mr. S. C. Asoh and Mr. P. O. Anochie. Also,
the Church elected Mr. E. I. Onuoha (now late) as the first Harvest Committee
Chairman in the same 1977, with Mr. Lawrence Amazue still the Pastor’s Warden
and Mr. S. C. Asoh as the First People’s Warden. The women were organised and
named St. John’s Women Group under Mrs. Charity Izukanne from 1976 when the

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Church started until 1992. During her tenure, she organised regular prayer meetings
for the spiritual growth of women.

b. Change in the movement of the tide

Even though the population of the Church continued to increase, economic wise, it
was hard for her to own her property because the accommodation problem still stared
them in the face. Members were not economically buoyant to raise enough funds to
buy land for a permanent structure. Mrs. Uche Azikiwe did not relent in discussing
the West African Pilot building with Owelle, who took note of the plight of the
worshippers’ comfort. In 1984, the great Zik of Africa, the Late Rt. Hon. Dr. Nnamdi
Azikiwe, GCFR, P.C., the Owelle of Onitsha, celebrated his 80th birthday, and a
grand birthday ceremony was organised by the Church in his honour as the first
President of Nigeria and the Landlord of the Church. In appreciation to God for his 80
years on earth, Rt. Hon. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe generously donated the West African
Pilot building and its premises to the Church as a thanksgiving to God. The Deed of
Assignment of the property was handed over to the Late Rt. Rev. G. N. Otubelu
during the birthday celebration. This was a remarkable historic achievement and a
positive turn of the tide for the Church, which brought unquantifiable joy,
encouragement and relief to the members of the Church. Later in 1988, the Church
once again hosted the 84th birthday of the great Zik of Africa at St. John’s Anglican
Church, Onuiyi. In that august ceremony, Dame Mama Fanny Ekpunobi and Mr.
Lawrence Amazue donated a giant birthday cake and a Holy Bible respectively to the
Owelle, on behalf of the Church. In return, the Owelle appreciated God through
another generous donation of Fifty Thousand Naira (N50, 000.00) only towards
maintaining the Church building.

In 1990, the foundation of the Church Parsonage was laid by the Ven. S. O.
Ugwuanyi, the 1st Archdeacon of the then Nsukka Archdeaconry. It was witnessed by
Rev. E. O. Chinwuko, the resident Priest, and some other members of the Church
Committee. The Parsonage building continued, and by 1993 it was decked by the
philanthropic donation from Dame Prof. Uche Azikiwe. On 14th May 1995, St.
John’s Church, Onuiyi, was made the Parish headquarters with St. Andrew’s Church,
Orba Road, as the only Church under it with the Rev. B. O. I. Ilo as the first
Superintendent. In 1996, the St. John’s Anglican Church was made the Archdeaconry
headquarters of Nsukka Archdeaconry by the Late Rt. Rev. Dr. J. C. Ilonuba, while
the Late Ven. D. O. Ogbonna was made the first Archdeacon. In 1996, a small church
hall was built for the Children’s worship through the initiative, and the facilitation of
Rev’d S. N. Dimelu in his first missionary journey to St. John’s Church.

c. The role of the Women Ministry, Choir/ Youth Fellowship in the Church
The women had taken active roles in fundraising for different projects in the Church
since its inception, such as the building of the Vicarage and Parsonage, building of
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shops in front of the compound, organizing and sponsoring Girls’ Guild activities at
Diocesan, Archdeaconry and Parish levels etc. From 2017-2021, the Young Wives
arm of the Church, led by Dr. Gloria Tochukwu Okeke, took the first position in the
Diocesan Young wives’ quiz competition to the glory of God. Furthermore, from
2018-2021, the Young Wives arm of the Church also took the first position in the
Diocesan Young Wives’ match past competition. The 9th Annual Diocesan Women’s
Conference, 2002, with the theme, “Fight the Good Fight of Faith” (1 Timothy 6:12),
was hosted by St. John’s Church, Onuiyi. This was the first major Diocesan event
hosted by the Church other than the inauguration of the Archdeaconry. The success of
this event resulted in the hosting of another Diocesan event four years later, this time
the hosting of the 1st Session of the 5th Synod of Nsukka Diocese from 28th October
to 2nd November 2006 on the theme: “Called to Produce Fruits in Keeping with
Repentance” (Lk. 3:8). Subsequently, it hosted the 3rd Session of the 6th Synod at St.
Mark’s Anglican Church, Obukpa in October 2011; the Diocesan Women Conference
in 2015, the Diocesan Young Wives Conference in 2018 and today, she is hosting the
17th Synod in the new church auditorium built under the leadership and supervision
of Ven. S.N. Dimelu. The success of these events is strongly connected to the full and
active participation of St. John’s Church Women.

The Nigerian-Biafran war came with its problems. When the war ended, more
emphasis was laid on the development of Youth and Choir in the Church. So, when
St. John’s Church started in 1976, the new Church emphasised Choir/Youth
Fellowship, to the extent that almost all members were in the Choir/Youth
Fellowship. The first Choir raised comprised Izukanne’s family, Amazue’s family,
Mrs. Azikiwe’s family, Late Abel Apeh, and Mr. J. K. Nwuguru’s families. The first
appointed Choir Master was Mr. Emma Odo, who served for seven (7) years (1977 –

The Choir and Youth Fellowship activities projected the evangelical image of the
Church, such that throughout the then Diocese of Enugu (Anglican Communion) and
beyond, Onuiyi was known and admired because of her musical exploits. In 1993, St.
John’s Church, Onuiyi Choir/Youth Fellowship became the first Christian Group in
the whole of Nsukka Senatorial Zone to wax and launch a music album titled “TONU
JEHOVA UNU MBA NIILE”. Furthermore, they became the first group from the
Nsukka group of churches/old Nsukka Archdeaconry to win the first prize in the
music festival of the Diocese of Enugu and subsequently won it back for permanent
keeping. St. John’s Church Choir/Youth was also the first from the Nsukka area to
perform in the Anambra Television (ATV Channel 50) religious music programmes
such as:
1. Mbulite Obi, a youth fellowship ‘native air’ produced by Rev’d Nwatu.

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2. Songs of Praise, an all-season hymnal praise programme organised for the best
choirs in old Anambra State produced by Nneka Arinze
3. Christmas Carols produced by Uche Ejeagbasi and directed by Mrs. Ifeoma

The Youth fellowship led by Mr. J.K. Nwuguru, Mr. Robinson Ezi, Mr. Sunday
Adindu, Mr. Friday Okoye, Mr. Chris Nwosu, Mr. Emma Odoh, Mrs. Uche Azikiwe
and Mr. Otisi Uzo (Catechist) acquired a Post Office Box 1662 for the Church as their
harvest project. Although the Choir and the Youth Fellowship have recently existed
as independent bodies in the Church, both arms are strongly represented in the
echelon of music performance in the Diocese of Nsukka. In 2017 like many other
years, the St. John’s Church Choir came first in the Grade 1 category of the Diocesan
Music Competition.

d. Spreading of the Gospel and Planting of New Churches

From inception, one of the significant priorities of St. Church, Onuiyi, is evangelism
and church planting. She has been very enthusiastic and zealous in planting new
churches as part of her growth and expansion mechanism. It founded St. Andrew’s
Church, Orba Road. Between 2006 and 2008, it founded the Christ Church Amebor-
Aroji, Obukpa, Church of the Holy Spirit, Amangwu Obukpa and the New Bethel
Church, Odenigwe, with the help of EFAC ministry in St John’s Church, Onuiyi
under the leadership of Engr.OKoroigwe. The Church, also to the Glory of God,
founded St. Peter’s Church, Amogbo Ibagwa Road on 11th July 2010, through the
missionary work of Ord. Sunday Dike (now a Venerable and the Archdeacon of
Udulu-Edem Archdeaconry). Presently, St. Peter’s Church Ibagwa is under St. John’s
Parish, Onuiyi.

e. New St. John’s Church Building

The new church building under which this Synod is taking place by the grace of God
was spare headed by Ven. S. N. Dimelu. It all started in one PCC meeting in early
2012 when Ven. Dimelu decried the deteriorating state of the building donated to St.
John’s Anglican Church, Onuiyi by The Rt. Hon. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, GCFR, and
former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, also served as his chapel during
his lifetime. The building was no longer a comfortable place to worship due to old
age. The Church PCC agreed to organise a Memorial Lecture in honour of the Pan-
African Leader. With the approval of the PCC, the Vicar swung into action to plan for
the Memorial Lecture by contacting Her Excellency, Dame Prof. Uche Azikiwe,
MFR, KSP, (J.P.), and Enyi Nwaononaku, who shared the idea with her family
members and obtained their consent. Zik’s family consent and approval to organise
Zik’s birthday anniversary became the platform upon which this edifice rests.

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The Memorial Lecture entitled “Transformational Leadership and the Quest for
National Transformation” took place on 16th November 2012. It attracted the men of
Timber and Caliber and who is who in Nigeria. Late Chief Dr. Alex Ekwueme,
GCFR, sent and commissioned a team of seasoned Architects and Quantity Surveyors
from Gideon Associates at the end of the memorial lecture. They visited and
presented a drawing and estimate of initial work amounting to Sixty Seven Million,
Seven Hundred Thousand Naira (N67,700,000.00) only for excavation and clearing.
He followed it up by donating 10% of the total initial estimate amounting to Sixty
Seven Million, Seven Hundred Thousand Naira (N67, 700,000.00) only, which he
paid immediately. When the main work started, it was discovered that the foundation
of the dilapidated hall of worship needed to be reinforced. This led to the total
demolition of the old structure to give way to an entirely new building. Our Bishop,
Rt. Rev. A.E. Agbo (J.P.), who hosted the Memorial Lecture, was very supportive
and encouraged us. May God continue to sustain our Visionary, Spirit-filled and
Dynamic leader. Throughout the period, the Vicar, Ven. S. N. Dimelu, in his
characteristic ministry, did not believe so much in launching or levying members to
build the house of God. So, he resorted to a free-will donation method to raise the
money used for the building project, which we see here today as a new building. The
project was carried out on free-will donations and offerings from friends, members of
the church and good-spirited Nigerians.

Special mention must be made of the following individuals and groups who spent
their valuable time in many ways to make the church project a reality: Chief Dame
Prof. Emeritus Uche Azikiwe (MFR), Prof. M.C.O. Ezeibe, Rev. Arch. Moses Nwosu
and his Team from Gideon Associates, Sir Engr. Prof. Ugo Nwoji, Bro. Matthias Oti,
Rev. Canon Paul Onwuamaeze, Sir Prof. Micah Osilike, Mr. Patrick Onuh, Sir
Charles Ebizie, Engr. Emeka Eze etc. We are particularly grateful to St. John’s
Women-led by Dr. Mrs. Mabel Dimelu, the Christian Men’s Fellowship (CMF) led
by Sir Lawrence Amazue (Ochie Dike), EFAC, Girls’ Guild, Boys and Girls Brigade,
the Choir, Youth Fellowship etc. for their financial and moral support towards the
church building. We are also grateful to everybody and numerous friends within and
outside Nsukka who, in one way or the other, contributed prayerfully, materially, and
financially to the completion of the new Church. May the blessings of God be your
portion. The efforts of Maazi Dr. Chukwuma Okeke, Engr. Dr. Edmund Okoroigwe,
Prof. Rose Obiezue, Mr. Chijioke Onah, especially towards the dedication ceremony,
will not be forgotten.

The year 2020 marked another era in the history of St. John’s Church, Onuiyi. Even
though the scorch of COVID-19 crippled all activities globally, St. John’s Church,
Onuiyi, under the leadership of Ven. G.E. Eze and his team of priests established a

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Presidential Address at the 1st Session of the 10th Synod

school for the Church – St. John’s Living Spring Mission Schools. To the glory of
God, the school is growing from strength to strength. 

Our hearts are full of joy today that God in His infinite mercy has been with us and
has also given us another opportunity to serve Him by hosting the 2021 Synod. May
all glory, honour and adoration be ascribed onto His Holy name, Amen. 


S/N Category Name Period Status
1 Mr. Otisi Uzor 1979 – 1980 Catechist
2 Mr. William Okoye 2000 – 2001 Catechist (now Canon)
3 Mr. Kenneth Onah Pst. (now Venerable)
4 Mr. S. Nebedum
5 Ord. Chris Ikem Okoye 2006 – 2008 Ordinand (now Ven.)
6 Mr. Joel Ugwuoke Pst. (now Ven.)
7 Mr. Sunday Dike Pst. (now Ven.)
8 Mr. Samuel Ugwu Jr. Pst. (now Rev.)
9 Mr. Ben Ugwuoke
1 Rev. G. N. Ugwu 1990 – 1991 Priest i/c
2 Rev. E. O. Chinwuko 1991 – 1994 Priest i/c
3 Rev. B. O. I. Ilo 1995 – 1996 1st Superintendent
4 Rev. Dr. Nwora S. Nwigwe 1995 – 1996 Priest
5 Ven. David O. Ogbonna 1996 – 1997 1st Archdeacon/Vicar
6 Rev. ThankGod Chigbo 1996 – 1997 Curate
7 Rev. Dr. Obi Maduakor 1996 – 1997 Curate
8 Rev. Steve N. Dimelu July 1996 – July 1999 Curate
9 Ven. Emma I. Onah 1997 – 1999 2nd Archdeacon/Vicar
10 Rev. Dr. E. E. Idike 1999 – 2007 Curate (later Rev. Canon)
11 Rev. Ekene Eze July 1999 – Dec. 1999 Curate (now Ven.)
12 Ven. John N. Eze 2000 – June 2006 3rd Archdeacon/Vicar
13 Rev. Canon Steven Dimelu 2002 – 2005 Curate
14 Rev. Paul A. Odoh 2000 – 2001 Curate
15 Rev. David Nwede July 2003 – July 2004 Curate
16 Rev. N. U. Ezema July 2004 – July 2005 Curate
17 Rev. M. L. Nnamonu July 2005 – Jan. 2007 Curate
18 Ven. Engr. Prof. T. C. Jan. 2006 – Aug. 2008 4th Archdeacon/Vicar
19 Ven. Dr. Abraham C. Okorie July 2009 – Jan. 2010 Priest
20 Ven. Dr. Benjamin C. D. Diara Jan. 2009 – Jan. 2011 5th Archdeacon/vicar
21 Rev. Canon S. Ezugwu Jan. 2010 – Jan. 2011 Curate
22 Rev. Robinson Agbo July 2010 – Aug. 2012 Curate (now Can.)

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23 Ven. Steven Dimelu Jan. 2011 – 2019 6th Archdeacon/Vicar

24 Rev. Ambrose Uchendu Jan. 2011 – Jan. 2013 Curate (now Rev. Can.)
25 Rev. Paul O. Eze Aug. 2011 – Jan. 2014 Curate (later Rev. Canon.)
26 Rev. Emma Isiwu July 2012 – Dec. 2013 Curate (now Can.)
27 Ven. Emma I. Onah 2014 – 2015 Priest
28 Rev. Collins Ugwu July 2014 – Aug. 2015 Curate
29 Ven. Theophilus Ugwuishiwu 2015 – 2016 Priest
30 Rev. Izuchukwu Ewulu Jan. 2015 – Aug. 2017 Curate (now Can.)
31 Rev. Chimezirim George July 2016 – July 2017 Curate(Deaceased)
32 Ven. George Asadu July 2017 – May 2017 Priest
33 Rev. Caleb Ugwuobute July 2017 – April 2018 Curate
34 Rev. Canon Benjamin Abia Oct. 2017 – 2019 Curate (now Ven.)
35 Rev. Canon Charles Oraelosi May 2017 – 2019 Curate
36 Rev. Christian Orji April 2018 – Dec 2019 Curate (now Canon)
37 Ven. G. Emeka Eze Jan. 2020 – till date 7th Archdeacon/Vicar
38 Ven. Prof. Jacob Onyechi Jan. 2020 – till date Priest
39 Rev. Can. Ejike Nwobi Jan. 2020 – till date Curate
40 Rev. Basil Okenyi Jan. 2020 – till date Curate
41 Rev. Victor Eze Jan. 2020 – till date Curate

Pastor’s Wardens since Inception

1. Mr. L. E. Amazue (now KSP)
2. Mr. Patrick O Anochie
3. Mr. John Osilike (Deceased)
4. Mr. Ben. Ofoegbu (Deceased)
5. Comrade Robinson C. Ezi (Pastors’ Warden I)
6. Mazi Prof. Chuma O. Okeke (Pastors’ Warden II)

People’s Wardens since Inception

1. Mr. P. O. Anochie
2. Mr. Samuel Erumole
3. Mr. Sydney C. Asor (Deceased)
4. Mr. Victor Dim (Deceased)
5. Mr. Ben. Ofoegbu (Deceased)
6. Comrade Robinson Ezi
7. Bro. Mathias Oti
8. Sir Evangelist Charles O. Ebizie


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Presidential Address at the 1st Session of the 10th Synod

The birth of St. Andrew’s Church, Orba Road, was envisioned by Moses Eluwa and
Godwin Okoroaforocha in 1988, when they approached the then Archdeacon of
Nsukka Archdeaconry, Ven. S.O Ugwuanyi of blessed memory, requesting that a
Church be started at Ugwuoye to alleviate the suffering and problem of the Anglicans
living around that area (the use of the term church planting was not in vogue at the
time). Fill with joy and enthusiasm; the Archdeacon granted the request for planting a
church. He informed them that it had been one of the proposals of the Archdeaconry.
He directed them to find a house to use as a temporary place of worship. A group of
Anglicans residing around Ugwuoye approached the Headmaster of St. John’s
Primary School, Ugwuoye and pleaded to use the school blocks for worship.
However, the headmaster refused, so the search for a temporary but suitable place of
worship continued. 

In 1993 the need to set up a place of worship for members of the Anglican Church at
Ugwuoye area was discussed in a group meeting at St. Paul’s Church, Nsukka. At
that meeting, members of St. Luke’s Church Isiakpu were mandated to look around
and locate a place that could be used temporarily. This mandate did not materialize
before 1994, when Nsukka Diocese was created. The creation of the Diocese
reawakened the desire for a church at Ugwuoye. The Bishop learnt about the plan to
plant a new church in the Ugwuoye area and did not waste time directing St. Luke’s
Isiakpu again to find a temporary place for the new Church as a matter of urgency.

This challenge was happily taken up by St. Luke’s Church, which had a desire and
passion for evangelism. People were asked to look for a place. Ignatius Omeje found
a small house measuring about 6.1m x 2.4m along Orba road, belonging to one Mr.
Isaac Onyishi. The house was unoccupied. Ignatius Omeje and Emmanuel Omeje
negotiated with Mr. Isaac Onyishi, and he agreed to let the house to the Church.
Anglicans in Nsukka were excited by the development, and one anonymous
Samaritan volunteered and took up renovation of the house. He removed the wall that
partitioned the apartment into two rooms and gave finishing touches to the building,
becoming St. Andrew’s Church; Orba Road Nsukka.

The first church service in the acquired building was on March 20th, 1994 and
Anglicans from all over Nsukka town, including the University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Community, were in attendance. At that time, the Church was referred to as St. Paul’s
Cathedral extension Church, Orba Road Nsukka. Mr Eluwa conducted the service
while the priest in charge, Rev’d Obiora Agbogu, preached the sermon. He drew his
text from Hebrew 9.11-15. Seven hundred and eighty-eight people were in
attendance, and a total sum of N5, 574.50 was realized in that inaugural service. 

a. The naming of the Church

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The Church committee delegated Mr. Christopher Omeje and Mr. Godson Eze (now
late) to meet the Bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. J.C. Ilonuba, the pioneer Bishop of Nsukka
Diocese, on what name would be given the Church. The Bishop gave the church
members the liberty to choose any Christian name for the Church. The name was
officially announced in the Church. The result was that some members suggested
different names as they liked. However, the matter was referred to the church
committee. That Committee met on August 4th 1994, to pray and choose an
appropriate name for the Church. During the prayer session, the Catechist, Mr. Luke
Eze, read from Hebrew 11.1-10 and exhorted members. After praying God to direct
the Committee in the selection of His choice name for His Church, the following
names were suggested:
1. St. Andrew
2. St. Michael
3. St. Stephen 

Those who suggested the above names insisted that their choice must be accepted. To
resolve this amicably, the Committee decided on balloting. The three suggested
names were written on three pieces of paper and folded. After another bout of prayer,
the Secretary, Mr. Jonah Ibong, called Ginika Omeje, a child of about two and half
years old, to pick one of the folded ballot papers. She did and gave the paper to the
Secretary. To the jubilation of all, the child picked the paper bearing St. Andrew.
Thus, St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, Orba Road, Nsukka was proposed. The
Committee after that presented the name to the congregation, who accepted the name
with excitement and directed that it should be sent to the Bishop for confirmation.
The naming ceremony of the Church took place on October 2nd, 1994, by the late
Ven. D.N. Ogbonna, while Rev’d Andrew N.C. Ogbochie (now Archdeacon,
conducted the church service that day).

Rev’d Obiora Agbogu (now Venerable Obiora Agbogu of Nike Diocese) was
assigned to look after the baby church. The first church teacher, Mr. Luke Abraham
Eze, assumed duty on April 1st, 1994. In January 1997, a non-stipendiary priest,
Rev’d E.E. Ugwu (now a retired Archdeacon), was posted to the Church as the first
priest. With the coming of Rev’d E.E. Ugwu and Mr. Luke Eze, the Church started
searching for a permanent site. Providentially, it was the same Mr. Ignatius Omeje
that spearheaded the search and purchase of the three small parcels of land along
Okporoagu Umuntu in The. The three parcels of land were bought from Mr. Onyishi
Thomas Asogwa and Mr. Ugwoke Ezea. The three parcels of land, measuring about
984.397 square metres, cost N80.000.00.

Rev’d J.C. Urama (now Archdeacon) did the first sketch of the building. He and Sir
Engr. Dr. Ugo Nwoji (now Sir Prof. Engr. Ugo Nwoji) supervised the work done by

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the church members who came to the site every Saturday under the direct labour
system. During the land purchase and setting up of the structure, a loan of ten
thousand naira (N10, 000.00) came from St. John’s Church, Onuiyi. Also, a
considerable donation of ten thousand naira (N10, 000.00) was received from
NALT/NUSHO through the agency of Ven. D.O. Ogbonna of blessed memory.

It was under Rev’d E.E. Ugwu (now a retired Archdeacon) that the first three parcels
of land were bought, and the foundation of the Church laid up to DPC level. When he
was transferred in January 1998, Rev’d S.O Ezugwu; now Rev’d Canon S.O.
Ezugwu, took over. Rev’d Ezugwu modified the drawing, adding the vestry and the
chancel. He handled the walling and the roofing during his first term at St. Andrew’s
Church. By that time, the church teacher, Mr. L.A. Eze, had been transferred and was
replaced by one Mr. Cyprian Ezugwu (now Rev’d Cyprian Ezugwu). When Rev’d
S.O. Ezugwu was transferred in January 2001, Rev’d Canon J.C. Urama (now
Archdeacon) replaced him, and later, the church teacher Mr. Kenneth Onah (now
Archdeacon) arrived. Rev’d Can. J.C. Urama made tremendous improvement in areas
of infrastructure, which included the ceiling of the chancel, provision of furniture for
the clergy and Bishop in the chancel, building of the altar rail, purchase of fans, and
doing electrical work in the Church, among others. He also started flooring the church
auditorium. Kenneth Onah was transferred out within that period and Mr. Solomon
Onyeke (now Archdeacon) took over as the church teacher. When Solomon Onyeke
left for ordination training, he was replaced by Mr. Edwin Ugwuoke. 

 When Rev’d J.C. Urama was transferred out in January 2005, Rev’d S.O. Ezugwu
came back to St. Andrew’s Church with his usual enthusiasm for the work of God. He
completed the installation of window frames and metals and fixed the window
glasses. Under his leadership, the flooring of the church hall, plastering of internal
and external walls, ceiling and painting were accomplished. He also constructed the
building now in use as a children’s hall. It is important to note that our Lord Bishop
posted another young, energetic and amiable pastor in the person of the Rev. Engr.
G.O. Ekpunobi (now Archdeacon), a staff of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka to St.
Andrew’s Church. 

The history of St. Andrew’s Church will not be complete without the contributions
made by our Lord Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Dr. J.C. Ilonuba (JP), by whose kind
permission the Church was opened in the first place. Our Lord Bishop came with the
Council of Knights of St. Paul to St. Andrew’s Church on May 14th, 2000. They
donated generously towards the development of the Church. The priests, from time to
time, organized mini launching for fundraising. For example, during the 2006 annual
harvest thanksgiving, Rev’d Engr. and Mrs. G.O. Ekpunobi brought the Vice-
Chancellor of the University of Nigeria, the Ven. Prof. Chinedu Nebo came to the
Church with a large team of principal officers of the University and members of the
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Council of Knights of St. Paul. During the visit, Rev’d Ezugwu was away in Northern
Nigeria on sabbatical leave. The Vice-Chancellor and his team, as well as members of
the Knights of St. Paul, as usual, made handsome donations and pledges, which
resulted in building a modern pulpit, among others. The modest church building is
now completed with toilet facilities and is substantially furnished. 

In the beginning, St. Andrew’s Church enjoyed an appreciable membership which

gave rise to making a shade to accommodate members. When the building at the
present site was roofed, permission was sought from His Lordship, Rt. Rev. J.C.
Ilonuba through the Archdeacon; Ven. J. Eze (retired) to move from the first place of
worship to the present site. A victory match was organized around the area, and
services later began. Movement from the old to the new site boosted membership, and
the Church appreciated the suggestion of the Bishop to extend the building, which
suggestion was viewed as delay and taxing. Pastoral visits to members have helped in
retaining members and causing them to be more committed. The entire congregation
sincerely appreciates the Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion
(EFAC) for the house to house and person-to-person evangelism, which is increasing
membership and causing many to surrender to Christ. Organizing different
programmes and occasional crusades have also significantly impacted the
membership and attracted new members to the Church. Three new churches have
been planted around St. Andrew’s, which drew members from her.
These are: 
1. St. Peters Church, Nru
2. Anglican Church, Amohia
3. Emmanuel Church, Nru
4. New Bethel Church, Odenigwe
As a result of these developments, aggressive evangelism has been put in place to
boost the population of the Church again. On August 15th, 2009, St. Andrew’s
Church was inaugurated as a parish by the Bishop of Nsukka, Rt. Rev Aloysius Eze
Agbo, with Rev Canon Sam. O Ezugwu as the first vicar.

b. Workers so far Posted to the Church 

The following priests have served God at St. Andrew’s Church, Orba Road: 
1. Rev. Canon E.E. Ugwu 1997-1998
2. Rev. Canon S.O. Ezugwu 1998-2000
3. Rev. Canon J.C. Urama 2001-2004
4. Rev. Canon S.O. Ezugwu 2005-2009
5. Rev. Canon G.O. Ekpunobi 2008-2012
6. Ven. A.B.C Okorie 2012 –2013
7. Ven. Onyechi 2013- 2014
8. Rev. Canon Dan Onah 2014- 2021

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9. Ven. Benjamin N. Abia 2021 -  

c. The following lay pastors have served God at St. Andrew’s Church, Orba
1. Luke A. Eze 1994-2000
2. Cyprian Ezugwu 2000-2001
3. Kenneth Onah 2001-2002
4. Solomon Onyeke 2002-2004
5. Edwin Ugwuoke 2004-2007
6. Gideon Ezeugwoke 2007-2009
7. Edwin Ngwu 2009- 2012
8. Dr. Collins Omeje 2021 – 


The divine idea to plant the Church of Transfiguration Enugu Road was the vision by
our Bishop, Rt. Rev. A. E. Agbo (JP). He desired to decongest St. Paul’s Cathedral
Church to enable members to worship at centres close to their houses. In 2008, by the
inspiration and leading of God, our Bishop, Rt. Rev. A. E. Agbo (JP), pronounced the
relocation of former Zone Four (4) of St. Paul’s Cathedral Church to begin another
Anglican Church at Enugu Road Nsukka. Situating the Church of Transfiguration on
its present location can be likened to the exodus of the Anglican Church in Nsukka to
her Bethel land. This is because; history has it that St. Paul’s Anglican Church,
Nsukka started at this exact location when the Church was first planted in the early

Between the 2nd and 3rd of January 2009, while the Church was preparing for the
opening service, a mobilized force from the kingdom of darkness came to stop the
beginning of the new Church; but they were resisted by God’s battle force using our
Bishop, Ven. T. Madueme, Ven. T. Ugwuishiwu, Late Justice FIN Ngwu, and other
legal luminaries as battle axes. When the opposing force discovered the truth that the
Church was not trespassing but have possessed her original possessions, it gave up its
threats and rejoiced with the Church.

When the Archdeacon of the Cathedral then, Ven. Prof. T. C. Madueme caught the
vision of our Bishop, he mobilized the cathedral members to raise the first roof of the
church house. The construction work started around 28th December 2008, under the
strict supervision of our brother engineer - Engr. Mathias Oti.

Rev. Emeka G. Eze (now venerable) was posted in January 2009 as the pioneer priest
to shepherd the Church after his ordination at St. Mary’s Church, Opi on 7th
December 2008. The first church service was held on Sunday, 4th January 2009.

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After the Sunday Bible study conducted by Sister Mabel Ogbonna at 8 am, the
service commenced with a vestry prayer said by our Bishop at 9 am. Lady Augustina
Onyemaechi conducted the service. The first lesson taken from 1 Sam. 3:1 was read
by Late Mr. Mike Obeta, while Mrs. Benedette Ugwu read the second lesson from
Matt. 18:21-35. Rev. Emeka G. Eze led the intercessory and prophetic prayers. The
Archdeacon of the Cathedral, Ven. Prof. T. C. Madueme, preached the sermon, which
he captioned What God expects from you in 2009. EFAC Missionary Band from St.
Mary’s Church Opi led a glorious and anointed praise and worship session. About
125 parishioners attended the maiden service. 

The Church had only one zone at its inception, popularly known as Zone 4 or Amara
Zone. Rev. Emeka G Eze later regrouped the Church into five zones, with the
following pioneer leaders:
1. Anointed zone – Sir & Lady Steve Agbo
2. Bethel zone – Mr. & Mrs. Mike Ike
3. Zion zone – Sir & Lady Uzodimma
4. Peace zone – Mummy Nnakwuzie
5. Miracle zone – Mr. & Mrs. Adonu
The church committee was elected on the first Sunday in February of 2009, being 1st
February 2009; with the following pioneer members:
1. Sir Reuben Nnamani
2. Sir. Stephen Agbo
3. Late Mr. Mike Obeta
4. Mr. Mike Ike
5. Hon. Harrison Ogara
6. Mr. I.K. Joe Ugwu
7. Bro. Sunday Eze (Pastor’s warden)
8. Bro. Sunday Nwankwo
9. Lady Alice Agbo
10. Lady Onyemaechi A.
11. Mrs. Grace Ape
12. Mrs. Maudeline Uchendu
13. Late Mr. Richard Owoh
14. Mrs. Victoria Nnakwuzie
15. Mrs. Mary Owoh
16. Mr. Uche Omeje (People’s warden)
17. Mrs. Amaechi Ogara
18. Mr. Christopher S. Eze
As expected of a church planted by a highly spiritual and vibrant Bishop, under a
young spirit-filled and very energetic priest, the highly motivated Church leapt into
action in discharging her duties and diocesan obligations. The solid foundation laid,
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and the leadership by the excellent example provided by the pioneer priest and other
workers propelled the Church to greater heights.

To the glory of God, the rapid church growth necessitated the creation of two separate
Sunday services – youth and adult services - to cater for the groups’ spiritual needs.
The youth service operated from 6 am to 9 am, while the adult service ran from 9 am
to 12noon. By 1st April 2009, the Church has acquired a complete set of Gospel band.
In the same vein, Sir & Lady George Amoke donated a complete set of a brass band
to the Boys and Girls Brigade group of the Church. As God kept adding members to
the Church, the children service was introduced to run concurrently with the youth
service from 6 am to 9 am. Extension and walling of the church building were also
undertaken and completed within few months.

On 1st August 2009, the Anglican Church Enugu Road, Nsukka, as she was known
then, was named “Church of Transfiguration, Enugu Road, Nsukka” by the Bishop,
Rt. Rev. A. E Agbo, during a Holy Ghost Service at the old church auditorium. Mid-
week (Wednesday) prayer and “Beginning the month with Jesus” were introduced by
the priest in the early days of the Church. These church programmes were novel and
very inspiring, and parishioners embraced them.

The Church became a parish and was inaugurated in 2011, and Rev. Emeka G. Eze
was the first Vicar. The first lay pastor, Pastor Ekeleme Ugochukwu Ukazu (now a
reverend), was posted to the Church in January 2010. About the middle of 2010, the
Church started her vicarage building project, which was completed and dedicated on
Sunday 15th September 2013, one year and two months after the foundation. God
mightily used Pastor Ukazu in nurturing the new Church. He virtually lived in the
Church during the parsonage building project. He later left for Trinity Theological
College Umuahia in September 2012; and was replaced by Pastor Sunday Ossai in
August 2012. In January 2013, Pastor Ossai was transferred out; and Pastor Oliver
Onyeke (now a reverend) was posted to take over in February 2013.

In December 2012, the pioneer priest, Rev. Emeka G. Eze, was transferred at a point
the block work of the vicarage building was completed; and the interior furnishing
began. Rev. Canon Jude O. Oga took over the mantle of leadership of the Church in
February 2012. He immediately went into action and completed the vicarage project,
which was dedicated on Sunday 15th September 2013.

Church of Transfiguration is a church in a hurry to develop. Rev. Canon Oga was

neither discouraged nor distracted by one Mr. Lazarus Omeje and his group, who
tried to frustrate the beginning of the main church building. The enormous work of
evicting this man selling scraps at the site; and excavating underground fuel tanks did

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not deter the Canon. When all these challenges were surmounted, the Church
witnessed a great turn-around in the Church building project that made the dedication
of the Church by the Bishop on Sunday 15th September 2013 possible. Afterwards,
the foundation of the new church building was laid and completed. Rev’d Canon
Oga’s strong inclination to Anglican spirituality, conducting short services at zonal
levels during special occasions (e.g. St. Matthias Day) and introducing “Chain
Prayer” is noteworthy and remarkable.

The posting of Rev. Daniel Abah to the Church in 2013 also enhanced the church
building project. In August 2013, Pastor Daniel Omukwu (now a reverend) was
posted to the Church to take over from Pastor Oliver Onyeke. Rev. Canon Oga was
transferred in August 2014 and replaced by Rev. Sunday O. Dike (now a venerable).
Under the leadership of this energetic priest, the Church of Transfiguration witnessed
tremendous progress. Also, the parishioners got back to the unity and love for one
another established at the inception of the Church. The main church block wall was
completed under him. The Church also acquired a landed property worth ten million
naira, partly paid for by the time he was transferred. That feat was accomplished
through faith in God Almighty, as the Church had no money at the time. The PCC
gave solid support to the Vicar, and our Lord Bishop, in a rare show of love,
facilitated the loan by which the acquisition was made. Rev. Sunday Dike also
established the Transfiguration Mission Nursery/Primary School in September 2016.
The school is now flourishing and doing very well.

After the priestly ordination in July 2017, Rev. Williams Okoye was transferred to the
Church of Transfiguration to assist Rev. S. O. Dike. On 7th April 2018, Ven. Dike
was transferred, while Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Okey Agbo was sent to take over from
him. When Rev. Dr. Okey Agbo came, the Church had an outstanding N3.5 Million
debt due to the acquired landed property. Four months later (precisely July 2018), the
loan debt was paid off. Under his leadership, Transfiguration Mission Primary school
obtained government approval and has maintained increasing growth. In September
2019, he began Transfiguration Mission College. The college started with two classes
of JSS 1 and JSS 2 and eleven qualified and well-trained teachers. He purchased a
new set of high tech musical instruments. Work is ongoing in the main church
building; the church perimeter fencing is almost completed; whereas a master plan of
the entire church-school premises has been produced by the diocesan architect – Sir
Arch Innocent Agbo.

The Church has been in great labour to see that Christ’s kingdom overtakes the
kingdom of darkness in Nsukka city and beyond. This labour has given birth to three
extension churches:
1. Christ Church, Ugwuoye, 

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2. Victory Church, Umuoyo 

3. St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Ihe-Agu Nru.

During the priestly posting in December 2020, Rev. Can. Dr. Joel Ugwuoke was
posted to the Church of Transfiguration, and he took over in January 2020. On 13th
February, 2021, he was preferred an Archdeacon. The Church under the leadership of
Ven. Dr. Joel Ugwuoke has witnessed some dramatic changes in infrastructure to
God's glory within the past year. The raising of the fence and putting of gates in the
church premises have strengthened the security of the Church. The altar has been
renovated with beautiful wallpapers. Also, the altar table and rails have been changed
from wood and aluminum, respectively, to marbles. Furthermore, the spiritual growth
of the Church, especially with his Great Temple Prayer Network on Wednesdays, has
touched lives.

The history of the Church of Transfiguration cannot be completed without

mentioning some friends of the Church, among who are: Late Sir Dr. A. E. Onwurah,
Late Hon. Justice F. I. N. Ngwu, and Late Sir Barr. Chike Ngwu, Sir Prof. Engr. Ugo
Nwoji, Sir Dr. & Lady Prof. Nonso and Chika Oguonu, Engr. Matthias Oti, Sir Barr.
Onyinyechi Ugwulor, among others.

The history of the Church is an account of the Church firmly founded on Christ Jesus.
It is a tale of God’s extraordinary acts, engendered by the power of love, unity and
brotherly fellowship. We give all glory, honour, adoration, majesty unto our Lord
who has led His Church thus far and on whom our future anchors.

We wish to rejoice with our brethren who have been blessed with new babies, new
marriages, new cars, promotions, appointments, miraculous healing, deliverance etc
since after our last synod session. They are too numerous to count but we just
captured these few among them:

Clergy Families
1. Rev. Emma& Mrs. Chukwuma – baby girl
2. Rev. & Mrs.Dan& Amaka Abba – baby girl
3. Rev. & Mrs. Ifeoma Elejere – baby girl
4. Ven. Dr. and Dr. Mrs. Joseph & Ifeoma Chukwuma – baby boy
5. Rev. & Mrs. Ekene Ugwuja – baby boy
6. Rev. Ekeleme & Mrs.Stella Ukazu -- baby girl
7. Rev &Mrs. Onuoha—baby boy

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8. Rev &Mrs. Emmanuel Okoro ---baby boy

9. Rev &Mrs. Miracle Olinya--- baby boy
10. Rev& Mrs…. Chizoba Olir ---- baby girl
11. Rev. &Mrs. …Ekpereamaka Onyeishi- baby girl
12. Rev& Mrs. …Nkiruka Ezeugwoke –baby boy
13. Rev. Canon Izuchukwu& Mrs. Nkechi Ewulu ------ baby boy
14. Ven. Jonathan & Mrs. Ngozi Urama – Grand daughter
15. Ven. Prof. & Prof. Mrs. Obioma Mba – grand child
16. Rev & Mrs. Diara --------grand child
17. Rev. & Mrs. Samuel Ugwu – New baby
18. Ven. Dr. Moses Ifeanyi Eze – Grand child

Lay pastors and other members

1. Pastor & Mrs. Samson Chukwuma – baby girl
2. Pastor & Mrs.Onyeka Odo – baby girl
3. Pastor & Mrs. Ogbonna – baby boy
4. Pastor & Mrs. James Eze – 2 boys (twins)
5. Pastor & Mrs. Ozioko – baby boy
6. Pastor & Mrs. Anayochukwu Onugwu – baby boy
7. Pastor & Mrs. Vncent Omeye – baby girl
8. Pastor & Mrs. John Oluchukwu – baby girl
9. Pastor & Mrs.Emmanuel Nwachukwu – baby
10. Pastor & Mrs.Nnaemeka Asadu – baby
11. Pastor & Mrs. Okwudili Okpala – baby boy
12. Pastor & Mrs. Ezugwu – baby boy
13. Pastor & Mrs. Ugwueze – baby boy
14. Pastor & Mrs. Vincent Chijioke – Baby boy
15. Pastor & Mrs. Christopher Eze – Grand child
16. Pastor & Mrs. Victor Ogugua – Baby girl
17. Pastor& Mrs. Israel Agbo – Baby girl
18. Pastor & Mrs. Joel Ogbonna – Twin babies
19. Pastor & Mrs. Felix Anosike – New baby
20. Pastor & Mrs. Samuel Okenyi – Baby boy
21. Pastor & Mrs. Ernest Asadu - Baby girl
22. Pastor & Mrs. Timothy Urama - Baby boy

23. Hon. Okey & Bar. Mrs. Amaka Ukwueze – baby girl
24. Mr. James &Mrs. Lovelyn (nee Nnamani) – baby boy
25. Ord. Paul & Mrs. Njideka Nwodo (Nee Agbo) – baby boy

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26. Evang. Christian & Mrs. Chioma Opata – baby girl

27. Mr. Ugochukwu & Mrs. Jennifer Nnamani – baby girl
33.Lady. Prof. Elsie Umeano – Blessed with a grand child

We congratulate the following wedded couples:
1. Rev Michael & Mrs. Oluchukwu Ugwuanyi
2. Rev Victor & Mrs. Ngozika Eze
3. Rev Theophilus & Mrs. Nkiruka Eze
4. Ven. Prof & Prof Mrs Stella Ify Madueme’s Son
5. Ven. Prof & Dr Mrs. Chinwe Diara’s daughter
6. Rev & Mrs. Ifeanyi Eze’s daughter
7. Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Chikodili Ugwu…(Hon Jonathan & Mrs. Euphemia Agbo’s
foster daughter)
8. Mrs. Jane Ogbonna’s son.
9. Rev. Can. Godwin Diara - Daughter Chidinma wedded and daughter Ugochi
gave birth to a baby girl.
10. Pastor Peter and Pastor Mrs. Comfort Okoro
11. Pastor Jude and Mrs. Faith Agbo – Wedded
12. Pastor Christian and Mrs. Mary Ogbonna – wedded
13. Sir Prof. Okey & Lady Helen Umeakuka – Daughter wedded
14. Venerable & Mrs. G. U. Nnamani – Whose son, Ebuka survived multiple brain
surgery; blessed with a grand son

1. Dame Prof. Uche Igbokwe– Promoted to Professor
2. Sir Engr. Prof. Ugochukwu Clifford Nwoji – Promoted to Professor
3. Prof. Mrs Obioma Mba– Promoted to Professor
4. Prof. Joshua Umeifekwem– Dean
5. Ven. Bar. Onyebuchi Oga– Call to Bar
6. Barr. Ebere Ngwu – Call to Bar
7. Barr. Ugochukwu Nzubechukwu Onyinyechi – Call to Bar
8. Bar. Chidera Uzoma Onyinyechi – Call to Bar.
9. Mrs. Juliana Omeh – Promoted to Director of Nursing services(DNS)Enugu state
10. Hon. Arch. Innocent Agbo – celebrated 60th birthday
11. Sir Prof B. G. Nwagu – appointed Commissioner for Science/Technology Imo State
12. Lady Prof. Nkechi Nweze – Promoted to Professor
13. Lady Prof. Jane Igbo – Promoted to Professor
14. Prof. Mrs Ada Ezibe – Promoted to Professor
15. Prof. Chukwuma Obumneme Agubata– Promoted to Professor
16. Prof. Micheal Chukwuma Ubaka– Promoted to Professor

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17. Prof. Samuel Ugwoke– Promoted to Professor

18. Prof. MaziChuma Okeke – Promoted to Professor.
19. Rev. Daniel Abbah - Delivered from Kidnappers
20. Rev. Chigozirim Onuoha – Saved from road Crash
21. Ven. Chuma Anioke - Delivered from multiple road crashes
22. Master Chukwuebuka Nnamani - Miraculous Healing
23. Pastor Kenneth Ugbabe – Delivered from Road Crash
24. Pastor of Emmanuel Church Orue – Delivered from Road crash
We praise God for these and other members of the diocese that we cannot mention
here because of space and time.

We sincerely, wish to express our wholehearted condolences, and commiseration, to
all those who were bereaved, of beloved ones within the year under review. We pray
that God will fill the vacuums created by the exit of these loved ones. Below are some
of our members who went to be with the Lord within the period under review:

Clergy and Pastors’ Families

1. Rev Canon Leonard Ukwueze
2. Rev Isreal Ugwunnadi
3. Rev Kenneth Ugodu
4. Mrs. Selina Ndukauba – Mother of the Primate, Most Rev. Henry Ndukuba
5. Mrs. Florence Nwani
6. Mrs. Ngozi Obileke
7. Mrs. Edith Anulika Ugwu
8. Mrs. Rosaline Ossai
9. Rev. Innocent Nnamani
10. Pa Samuel Obeta – Father of Ven. Kingsley Obeta
11. Mrs. Grace Oyibo Olir – Mother of Rev. Olir
12. Mrs. Esther Ebimgbo – Mother of Pastor Obinna Ebimgbo
13. Mrs. Ewulu – Mother of Rev. Canon Izuchukwu Ewulu
14. Mrs. Augustina Uche Amos (Mother of Ven. Amos Chijioke)
15. Pastor Nicholas Nkwachukwu’s father
16. Sir Benneth Orji – Father of Rev. Canon Christian Orji
17. Sir Johnson C. Eze – Father of Rev. Canon Takuso Eze
18. Pastor Jonas Diugwu
19. The mother of Rev. Obiora
20. Daughter and father of Pastor Chukwudi Dinsmore
21. Mrs. Mary Ezema - Mother of Rev. Can. Simon Ezema

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Knights and Ladies:

1. Lady Rhoda Eze 0f Ovoko
2. Sir, Prof. B. C Omeke of Unadu
3. Sir. Victor Dim of Isuochi
4. Sir. Geoffrey Ajibo of Ozzi Edem
5. Lady Nkemjika Asadu of Isiakpu Nsukka
6. Sir. Dr. A.E. Onwura of Akpugoeze
7. Sir G. Uche-Eze of Awgu
8. Lady Cecilia Uche-Eze of Awgu
9. His Worship Lady Stella Eze of Nsukka
10. Sir. HRH Igwe NBT Ezeani of Ekwegbe
11. Sir. Dr. Chudi Achufusi of Abatete
12. Sir. Prof, Fabian Okafor of Nnobi
13. Lady Ngozi Amorha of Aku
14. Sir. Johnson c. Eze of Orba
15. Sir. Br, G.C Agbo of Opi
16. Sir Benjo Igwilo of Oraifite

Others include:
1. Mrs. Theresa Oyibo Eze
2. Mrs. Elizabeth Amoke
3. Mrs. Grace Uchenna Eze
4. Mr. Festus Obute
5. Mr. Augustine Odo of St. James Orba
6. L/R Stephen Ossai
7. HRH Late Engr. SCO Asogwa, of Edem-Ani
8. Mrs. Beatrice Onah

Some of these servants of God have been buried while others are yet to be buried.
May the good Lord grant their souls peaceful repose in Jesus name. Amen.

By the Grace of God, the Synod main speaker for this First Session of the Tenth
Synod is The Most Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Sokowanju Egbunu. This is about the third
time the Archbishop has been our guest preacher in this Diocese and we are grateful
for this ready disposition to honour our invitations. Emmanuel Egbunu was born on
4th September 1960 to the family of late Canon Robert and Mrs. Christiana Egbunu.
He made a commitment to Christ at an FCS Conference in Igbaja, Kwara State in

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In 1979 he was admitted to the University of Jos where he obtained (BA) English in
1983, later an MA (Church History) in 1999, and earned a PhD in 2017. He got
married to his Heartthrob Abiodun in 1988, and they are blessed with a Son and two
daughters, among others they have been privileged to raise.

In response to a perceived call, he served with Challenge Publication for NYSC in

1983/84 and was offered a job as Assistant Editor (Books), a position he held till
1989 when he was invited to the Pastoral Ministry of the Church at St. Piran’s Church
on the Plateau, Jos. This necessitated his training at Immanuel College of Theology,
Ibadan where he obtained Diploma in Theology in 1991. He was made a Deacon that
same year by Rt. Revd. B. A. Kwashi (Later Archbishop) who also preferred him
statutory Canon in 1995.

Recognizing a teaching gift in this young Priest, Emmanuel, Bishop Benjamin

Kwashi sent him to the Proclamation Trust Cornhill Training Course in Expository
Preaching in London in 1993/1994. This was a major development in his handling of
Scriptures as hermeneutics and exegesis were the core emphasis of the course. During
that time, he also served in the Parish of St. Margaret’s the Queen, Stratham Hill,
London of Southwark under the overseas Clergy License.

Emmanuel has served as a Canon in residence at St. Luke Cathedral, Jos, Deputy
Dean of Christian Institute, Jos, Academic Dean of International School of
Evangelism (ISE), and the Cathedral Archdeacon of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Mina. He
also served in other capacities at the Church of Nigeria level before he was
consecrated Bishop on 9th February, 2003. He served as Suffragan to the Primate and
Bishop of Abuja, The Most Revd. Peter Jasper Akinola. He was translated in 2004 to
Lokoja Diocese where he has been the Diocesan Bishop till date. He became the
Pioneer Archbishop of the then newly created Ecclesiastical Province of Lokoja from
2009 – 2019.

Archbishop Emmanuel fulfills his ministry by teaching the word of God, and through
writing (articles, books, poetry, and songs).

He was state Chairman of Christian Association of Nigeria, Kogi state 2010 – 2016.

Some of his publications include:

He Found Love, Novel for Teenagers, Challenge Publications, 1990.
Passion for God’s Kingdom, Pastoral Publications, Diocese of Jos, 1995.
Shaped for God’s Use, CSS Bookshop, Lagos, 2004.
SIGNPOST ON HEAVEN’S HIGHWAYS, Christian Disciplines for Life’s Season,
Petra Digital Press, Abuja, 2014

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We gladly welcome The Most Revd. Dr. Emmanuel Egbunu and his amiable wife
Abiodun to our Diocesan Synod.


Rev. Samuel Akeju was our main speaker in the Synod of last year. Since then he has
become a household name, especially among the apex clergy of the diocese, as he has
consistently and sacrificially played the role of a grand mentor and teacher in many of
our meetings since then. As I informed the Synod last year, I met Uncle Sam in May
2019, when I joined the Africa Strategic Discipleship Movement (ASDM). He is my
Mentor, who has been used tremendously by the Lord in shaping and sharpening my
life and ministry.

You saw the passion he exuded last year while handling our Synod theme,
Intentional Discipleship. He did not leave us in doubt that he was a round peg in a
round hole as far as the theme was concerned. In addition, he had continued to water
the seed sown in the last Synod by being part of most of our discipleship programs in
the Diocese.His invitation to speak again in this Synod is as a result of his labour pain
until Christ is formed in us.

A Priest of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA), Rev. Samuel is a born
Anglican and has continued to work with many Anglican Churches. He is from Kogi
State but lives in Jos, Plateau State.Uncle Sam is seriously worriedthat the Church in
Africa is experiencing tremendous numerical growth with a questionable spirituality.
The burden of balancing the numerical growth with the spiritual growth gave birth to
ECWA Discipleship Ministry twenty seven years ago through David Dawson, Rev.
Chuck Brod and our brother – Rev. Samuel Akeju. By the grace of God, discipleship
within ECWA and many other denominations in Nigeria has moved from a program
to a movement through the principle of multiplication of disciples – a church based
discipleship program called Equipping the Saints, authored by David Dawson.

In January 2004 when Rev. Sam graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary, he
came back to Nigeria with a strong belief that God wasabout to raise leaders in Africa
for intentional discipleship movement. By then it was not clear to him, how that
dream would be realized. However, during the 29th General Assembly of Evangel
Fellowship International in February 2010, Evangel Discipleship Coaching
Mentoring (EDCM) was given birth to. He was appointed as the Coordinator of the
project worldwide and at the same time act as a Regional Coach. The vision of
EDCM is to mobilize, equip and coach pastors, leaders, and missionaries in Evangel
churches and Sudan Interior Mission (SIM) ministries around the world to
intentionally and effectively make disciples of Jesus Christ in all of their churches
and ministries. From 2018 to date, Uncle Sam is the regional trainer and coach with
Africa Strategic Discipleship Movement (ASDM), a movement I joined since May
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2019. The purpose of ASDM is to mobilize a movement of disciple-making by

working in partnership with African denominations to disciple pastoral leaders to
effectively make disciples at the local church level. ASDM seeks to both strengthen
local churches as well as extend local evangelism and missions outreach.

Akeju lives in Jos with his wife Mrs. Olubunmi Akeju who works as a nurse in
Bingham University Teaching Hospital Jos and three children; Mercy, Timothy and
Ebenezer.Once again, we welcome Uncle Sam and thank him so much for allowing
God to use him in this strategic discipleship movement within and beyond our


We intentionally assigned the leading of the Synod Bible study to the seven
Archdeacons coordinating the seven discipleship centers of our Diocese They are
among the first to undergo training in the intentional discipleship movement, each
with testimonies of new transforming presence of God in their lives and families.
They are:
1. Ven. Ephraim Ik Asogwa
2. Ven. Godwin Emeka Eze
3. Ven. Kingsley Samuel K. C. Obeta
4. Ven. Kenneth Onah.
5. Ven. Dr. Emeka Ezea
6. Ven. Dr. Nnamdi Ijeudu
7. Ven. Dr. Ebuka Omeke


Ven Ephraim Ikechukwu Asogwa was born to the family of Aaron and Becy Asogwa
of Amaechenu, Eha-Alumona on 30th August, 1969. He is the only child of his
mother after 29 years of her marriage. In appreciation of the miraculous pregnancy
that resulted in the birth of this child, his mother vowed to offer him to God which
she actually did.

His Education
Ephraim had his FSLC at Central School, Eha-Ndiagu (1979); WASC at Community
Secondary School Eha-Ndiagu (1984); Dip.Th at Trinity College, Umuahia (1994);
and B.A. (Hons), UNN (2006). His attended Nigerian Institute of Missions and
intercultural Studies, Eniosia, Ibadan in 2009. Ephraim had his M.Th in 2012 from
Crowther Graduate Seminary, Abeokuta and M.A Degree in Old Testament from
Crowther University, Oyo in 2016.

Church Service

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a. Church Teacher at St John's Church, Akwari on 1st October, 1989.

b. Trinity College, Umuahia on 20th September, 1991.
c. At Trinity College, Umuahia, he became the President, Anglican Students Union
1993/1994 Session.
d. First Ordained Clergy (Deacon) in Nsukka Diocese on 10th July, 1994.
e. Ordained Priest on 30th July, 1995.
e. Collated Canon in 1999.
f. Collated Archdeacon on 5th May, 2004.
g. He was Chairman and Secretary of Diocesan Evangelism Committee and Diocesan
Bible Study Committee respectively from 1999 to 2009.

He is presently the Archdeacon of Aku Archdeaconry, in Igbo-Etiti Local

Government Area.

Ven Ephraim Ikechukwu Asogwa (Bro Ik) is married to Charity and they are blessed
with four children - Ebube, Ebuka, Ekene and Emezie.


Labourers are few as described by Jesus Christ according Matthew 9:37; meanwhile,
subsequent demand by Christ to pray for sending out workers into his harvest field
must be unfathomable. This suggests the reason why the birth of Godwin Emeka Eze
at Amukpa, Ogbozara Opi in Nsukka LGA, Enugu State, can only be tied to the
fulfillment of Christ’s desire for labourers. Born into the family of Ezugwu Agbo
Etiki in Opi, he enrolled into primary education in the year 1976 at Community
Primary School Uwani Lejja which he completed in the year 1982. In same year
1982, he proceeded to obtained his secondary education at Community Secondary
School still in Lejja which he completed in the year 1988. His passion for knowledge
and all that it represents led him to acquiring NCE in Agricultural Science in the year
1992; his first University Degree (B.Sc.Ed.) in Agricultural Education in the year
2000 from Enugu State University (ESUT). Within a span of sixteen years, Ven.
Godwin Emeka Eze proceeded to acquiring plethora of diploma and graduate
trainings including Masters of Science (M.SC) in Agricultural Education in 2016
from University of Nigeria, Nsukka and Bachelor in Theology (B.TH.) from Institute
of Theology, Paul University Awka. Currently, he is at the verge of completing his
Doctorate Degree (Ph.D.) study in Agricultural Education in the University of
Nigeria, Nsukka.
Ven. Godwin Emeka Eze began his teaching career in Post Primary School
Management Board (PPSMB) as a teacher from 1993 to 2008. From 2008 to 2017, he
engaged with the services of University of Nigeria Nsukka as a teacher in the
prestigious University of Nigeria Secondary School. Currently, he is an academic

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staff (Lecturer) in the Department of Agricultural Education in the University of

Nigeria, Nsukka.

Born for the purpose of the kingdom business, God met him on 13th October, 1985;
his salvation was assured in the year 1988, and was baptized in the Holy Ghost the
same year. As a man in making, getting prepared for the use of God, he was allowed
into quarry site to be ready for the gospel. These include his leadership doggedness as
evidenced in the following areas:
i. Leader Anglican Youth Fellowship (AYF) St. John Lejja (1987/88)
ii. NIFES Secretary College of Education Ehamufu (1989)
iii. NIFES President College of Education Ehamufu (1990)
iv. NIFES Enugu Sub-Zonal Coordinator (1991-1992)
v. EFAC President St. Mary's Opi (1993-2006)
vi. EFAC Area Rep/Sub-Zonal Coordinator Opi Sub-Zone (1996-2006)
vii. EFAC Nsukka Zone Assistant Prayer Secretary (1995-2003).
viii. EFAC Nsukka Zone Prayer Secretary (2005-2010)
ix. Zonal Coordinator EFAC Nsukka Zone (2010-2019)
x. Secretary General Eastern Bloc EFAC (2018 till date)

Jesus ordained His disciples that they may be with Him first before sending them out
to preach. Through many leadership positions, Ven. Godwin Emeka Eze was made
prepared for the gospel. He had been an itinerant evangelist, preaching the gospel of
our Lord Jesus in many places, rural and urban parts of the Nation Nigeria. He was
instrumental in church planting; church revival in Nsukka land both in Anglican and
other denominations.

Gradually stepping into the ordained ministry, he was ordained a Deacon in

December, 2008 and was posted to a church that was to be planted in January, 2009.
A church without name and structure; was serving as “dump site” to Nsukka urban
residents. According to the grace given him, and his quest to accomplish heavenly
visions and mandates, he groomed the church to an enviable height in Nsukka
Diocese. In the year, 2009, he was made a Priest; he was preferred a Canon in 2012
and rose to the office of an Archdeacon in 2014. He served as the Vicar of All Saints
Parish Obollo Afor and Archdeacon of Uduluedem Archdeaconry from 2013 to 2020.
On 10th of January 2020, he was posted to St. John’s Anglican Church, Onuiyi
Nsukka as the Vicar and Archdeacon of the Nsukka Archdeaconry.
Ven. Godwin Emeka Eze is a husband of one wife (Mrs. Blessing Chinyere Eze). The
marriage is blessed with four biological children with one adopted son and many
other uncountable spiritual children.

In conclusion, Ven. Godwin Emeka Eze’s vision and passion is “to do the will of He
that sent him, and to finish His work”.

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Kingsley Samuel Ekenedilichukwu Obeta was born on January 23, 1982 to the family
of Mr Samuel & Mrs Roseline Obeta. He hails from Ohuno, Okutu in Nsukka LGA
of Enugu State, Nigeria. Kingsley got born again in April, 1992. Since then, he has
been making deliberate effort, trusting on God's grace, to see Christ formed in him.
Kingsley holds a Certificate in Written Communication, Post Graduate Diploma in
Education (English Major), Diploma in Theology, Bachelor of Arts in Religion and
Master's Degree (in view) in Religion and Society. By God's grace, he authored some
books and papers.

Kingsley is an Anglican clergyman. He was made a Deacon in July, 2009, ordained a

Priest in July, 2010, Collated a Statutory Canon in February, 2012 and Collated an
Archdeacon in April, 2019. He has served God in different capacities: One time
Editor in-chief of The Trinity Magazine, a publication of Trinity Theological College,
Umuahia, Scripture Union Bible Study Secretary, EFAC in School Vice President,
Chaplain to Nsukka Diocesan Young Anglican Crusaders, Chaplain to Nsukka
Diocesan Women's Ministries, Administrative Assistant to the Bishop of Nsukka,
among others. He is presently the Archdeacon of Nsukka Central Archdeaconry in
our great Diocese.

Kingsley is married to Sis. Ifeyinwa Obeta and the marriage is blessed with four
children. To the glory of God, the entire family is committed to being disciples of
Jesus Christ and in making others become disciples also.


Ven Kenneth Amaechi Onah was born to the family of Rev Theophilus and Mrs Irene
Onah of Ndioke Ibagwa-Aka on 24th July, 1977. He obtained his FSLC in 1988 from
CPS Eburumiri Ibagwa-Aka. He started his Secondary education at CSS Iheakpu-
Awka in 1989 but, due to his parents transfer to St Bartholomew's Amachalla in
1990, this was completed at CSS Amachalla Enugu-Ezike in 1994.

He obtained his Diploma in Religious Studies,B.A Ed and M.Ed degrees from the
University of Nigeria Nsukka between 1996 an 2007.
In 2005, he was selected for Theological training at Trinity College Umuahia by the
then bishop of Nsukka, Rt. Rev. Dr. J. C. Ilonuba of blessed memory. He was made a
deacon on 7th July, 2007, priested on 1st June, 2008, collated Canon in May 2014
and Archdeacon on7th April 2019. All to the glory of God.

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Ven Ken served as bishop's chaplain under two bishops namely, the pioneer bishop,
Rt Rev J C Ilonuba(July 2007-July2008) and the incumbent bishop, the Rt Rev A. E
AgboJp(August 2008-Dec2013. He has as well served in the following churches
within the diocese: Emmanuel Church Ezimo- Uno(Church Teacher), St Andrew's
Orba Road, Nsukka(Church Teacher)St John's Onuiyi Nsukka(Church Teacher), St
Paul's Cathedral, Nsukka (curate/bishop's chaplain) Emmanuel church Unadu(Vicar),
St Mary's Iheakpu-Awka(Vicar), St Stephen's Ogrute(Administrator/Archdeacon) and
currently in St Bartholomew's Amachalla Enugu-Ezike as the Archdeacon.

Ken is happily married to Dr. Mrs Chinwe Onah and they are blessed with four lovely
Children namely, Treasure, Anointed, Favour, and Pleasant.


Ven. Pharm. Dr Samson Chukwuemeka Ezea was born on 26th November, 1971 to the
family of Chief Silas Ezea and Late Mrs Comfort Ezea of Umuezenwenyi Village,
Ibeku Opi, in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State.

Academic Life
He started his Primary School education at Obina Primary School, Farm Settlement
Uzouwani in 1979 and completed the programme at Central School Opi Uno, Nsukka
in 1984.

He enrolled into the then Opi Boys Secondary School (now Opi High School) the
same year (1984) and finished his Secondary School education in 1990. He gained
admission in 1995 at University of Nigeria, Nsukka where he obtained a Bachelors
degree in Pharmacy (B. Pharm) in 2001. He has a Masters Degree (M. Pharm) and
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pharmacognosy and Environmental Medicine,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He holds a Bachelors degree in Theology (BTH) from
Institute of Theology, Paul’s University Awka.

Civil Service Career

He joined the services of University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 2005 as a Graduate
Assistant in the Department of Pharmacognosy and Environmental Medicine and has
grown to the rank of Senior lecturer in the same Department.

Spiritual Life
By the mercies of God He got born again in December, 1991 at Eha-Amufu in Isi-
Uzo Local Government Area of Enugu State. This marked the beginning of his
spiritual journey in Christ. He immediately joined the Evangelical Fellowship in the
Anglican Communion (EFAC) and Scripture Union (SU) where he was nurtured in

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faith. Right from the time he got born again he has been passionate about missions
and youth ministry. This passion resulted in the pioneering of the Diocesan Mission
Partners with our Lord Bishop, the Rt. Rev A.E. Agbo (JP), our Daddy, Venerable
Ephraim Ikechukwu Asogwa, and Evangelist Felix Eze in 2001. As he grew in his
commitment to the work of the Lord, he was called into the ordained Ministry in
Diocese of Nsukka (Anglican Communion) in 2008. He was made a Deacon on 7 th
December, 2008 and ordained Priest on 6th December, 2009.

He was preferred Canon of the Cathedral in 2011 collated Archdeacon in 2014 by His
Lordship, Rt Rev A.E. Agbo (JP). He is currently the Director of Youth Directorate,
Diocese of Nsukka. By the mercies of God he is the Coordinator of Sonship
Manifestation Youth Conference (SOMAYCO), an International, Inter-
denominational Ministry that attracts over ten thousand youths from within and
outside Nigeria yearly.

Leadership Positions
1. Prayer Secretary of Old Eha-Amufu Subzone (EFAC) 1993- 1995
2. Prayer Secretary, Student Christian Movement (SCM) University
3. of Nigeria Nsukka - 1996 – 1997
4. Twice President, Student Christian Movement ( SCM) University
Of Nigeria, Nsukka - 1997 – 1999
5. President, Joint Christian Body (comprising all Christian Fellowships
On Campus) University of Nigeria Nsukka -2000 – 2001
6. Travelling Secretary, EFAC Nsukka Zone -2001 – 2003
7. General Secretary, EFAC Nsukka Zone - 2004 – 2009
8. Member of the Training Team of the Diocesan Mission Partners -2001 till date
9. Pioneer Priest Church of Pentecost Agu Echara (Army Barracks) Nsukka.2009 – 2013
10. First Parish Priest, St Michael and All Angels Parish Owerre Obukpa - 2013 – 2014
11. Vicar St Luke’s Anglican Church Nsukka 2015 - 2020
12. Archdeacon Nsukka Central Archdeaconry 2015 – 2020
13. Vicar Emmanuel Anglican Church Alor uno 2020 till date
14. Archdeacon, Alor Uno Archdeaconry 2020 till date
15. Director, Youth Directorate, Anglican Diocese of Nsukka 2015 till date
16. Coordinator Sonship Manifestation Youth Conference (SOMAYCO) 2015 till date

Marital Life
He is happily married to Mrs Chinedu Ezea and are blessed with two beautiful girls
and a handsome boy (Chiemerie, Meremma and Chukwuemeka Jnr)

Heart Beat
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His heartbeat is to do the will of his father in heaven, recovering communities,

families and lost souls for the Lord Jesus Christ, and leading them to full realization
of their prophetic destinies in God. He is suicidally sold out to Youth ministry and
Missions, impacting his world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ especially in this
dying and decaying world.



Ven. Dr. N.U. Ijeudo was born on 4th April, 1978 to the family of Late Chief
Sylvanus E.O. Ezema and Mrs. Abigail Ijeudo at Oluyelo hospital, Ibadan, Oyo State.


i. Community Primary School 1 Unadu 1984 – 1990
ii. Community Secondary School (Junior) 1991 – 1993
iii. St. Teresa College Nsukka (Senior) 1993 – 1996
iv. University of Nigeria Nsukka (Dip. Religion) 1998 – 2000
v. Trinity Theological College, Umuahia (Dip. Theo) 2001 – 2004
vi. University of Nigeria Nsukka (Bachelors of Arts) 2001 – 2004
vii. University of Nigeria Nsukka (Master’s Degree in New Testament Biblical
Greek) 2012
viii. University of Nigeria Nsukka (Doctor of Philosophy) 2018


i. Ordained a Deacon July, 2004
ii. Priestly ordination July, 2004
iii. Preferment of Statutory canonry October, 2009
iv. Archdeacon Administrator July, 2013
v. Preferred and collated Archdeaconry July, 2015


Ven. Ijeudo has held numerous leadership positions that are too many to be mentioned here.

Currently, Ven. Dr. Ijeudo is serving at St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Ovoko. This is
his 8th church since ordination. His ministerial passion, zeal, creativity and generosity
have touched and still touching lives at all levels. He loves teamwork especially with
other pastoral staff working under him.

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Ven. Ijeudo is happily married to Mrs. Joy Oluchukwu Ijeudo, a woman of meekness,
humility and great patience throughout her husband’s ministerial voyages. Mummy
Joy’s accommodating spirit is of inestimable value. Their marriage is blessed with
four wonderful children.

Ven. Ijeudo is a man of many parts. He has published three timely books, reputable
journal articles, and also five thrilling musical albums. He is also a lecturer at the
University of Nigeria Nsukka and also a Research Associate at HTS Theologese,
University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Inclusively, Ven. Ijeudo is a community mobilizer, and a youth friendly pastor. He is

also a school planter with three schools to his credit.

To cap it all, Ven. Ijeudo is a pastor, Bible Teacher, Preacher, Administrator,

Counselor, church crusader and a philanthropist.


Chukwuebuka Moses Omeke was the miraculous first Son, born to the family of Late
Pa Earnest and Mrs. Christiana Omeke after seven years of waiting upon the Lord for
his conception and whose parents especially his mother had pledged that he will be
given to the Lord like Samuel should they be blessed with a son that will end their
mockery back then in Kaduna.

He barely survived his childhood life after being miraculously healed of asthma,
cerebral malaria and blindness in both eyes at age eight, besides other recurrent health
challenges which faced him in childhood. God also on several occasions delivered
him from the cold hands of death from the Islamic jihadists during the crisis in the
Northern part of the country which claimed many lives among his childhood friends
and classmates as at then.

Moses was a gifted child as he remained among the best academically. He attended
the Army Children School Kawo Kaduna, and then to Silver Bird Nursery and
Primary School Kawo new extension, Kaduna from 1988 to 1990 after which the
crisis caused the relocation of his parents and the family to Abuja. He finished his
primary school and came out as the overall best pupil in the school and state common
entrance examination, at Central Primary School Bwari-Abuja from 1990 to 1994. He
proceeded immediately to Government Secondary School Bwari Abuja and still
maintained an academic excellence on A-grade from 1995 to 2001. He gained merit
admission with 280 in University Matriculation Exam in one sitting, into the

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University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 2002 to obtain the Bachelor of Medicine and

Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS.) from University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital UNTH
Enugu, a Bachelor degree in theology;(BTH), from Paul University Awka (PUA), a
Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Administration and Management (PGD. HAM),
University of Nigeria Enugu Campus (UNEC). Masters in Theology (Mission and
Evangelism) M.TH from PUA.

After his full conversion to Jesus Christ in 1999 as a teenager and being raised for
ministry under Scripture Union Bwari Pilgrims group and EFAC, it soon became
obvious the prophetic messages and challenging experiences surrounding his birth
proved that he was a child with a unique destiny. Rural Evangelism and Missions was
his forte and he engaged in it with love, zeal and passion. Eventually, he is one of
Nigeria’s seasoned young Priests, and specially, among other graces, he is also called
into the Youth Ministry. His meetings at Nigeria home and abroad draw many
converts who not only follow Jesus Christ but have been used by God for missions,
evangelism and more soul winning.

He has handled leadership roles in various position of service on campus and after
graduation under bodies like Christian Medical Doctors Association Students
Chapter, Chapel of Redemption UNEC, Joint Campus Christian Body,
MinistersPrayer Network Apostolic Youth, Potters’ House Cathedral Youth Chapel
Nsukka, Coordinator of Triumphant Ministry, and the Archdeacon of St Paul’s
Cathedral Diocese of Nsukka. He is the Director of Premium-Life Specialist Hospital
Trans-Ekulu, The Director of Nesher Healthcare Ltd. (Handling Hospitals,
Pharmaceuticals and Diagnostics Equipment), the Director Lemongate Integrated
Technologies Enugu, the Director Fountain Gate Studios Nsukka, and the Chairman
of the Governing Board of The Institute of Management Technology Microfinance
Bank. IMTMFB. Enugu.

In 2008, he was ordained and serves in the Anglican Diocese of Nsukka under the Rt.
Rev. A. E. Agbo (JP), Bishop of Nsukka Diocese. He is married to Dr. Mrs.
Chidimma Omeke a Gynecologist and their union is blessed with three children.
Moses and his family now live in Enugu where they practice and train further, and
travels to widely dispersed preaching engagements as one among the choice speakers
in rural mission and evangelical outreaches, medical missions, Churches and city
revival meetings, conventions and youth conferences, kriss-crossing the nation and
the globe.

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This laudable vision has become not just a tradition in the Diocese but also a channel
of spiritual rejuvenation at the beginning of the year. It is gaining momentum as year
succeeds to year. The massive participation this year by different groups and
individuals in the Diocese is a testimony to the fact that people are appreciating the
importance of this 31 day praying and fasting to start the year. All the organizations
in the diocese kept to their designated days and prayed both for their ministries and
the entire diocese. It is our prayer that this commitment shall be sustained and that we
shall always see this period of the year as opportunity to lay solid spiritual foundation
for ourselves at the beginning of every year and not merely to obey a diocesan
directive. The usual Re-Dedication Service that normally ends the programme at the
Cathedral on the last Sunday was observed this year at the parish level on 31st
January. It was preceded by a 3 day triumphant programme which started from
Thursday 28th January. Testimonies that followed after these meetings proved God’s
divine presence in the whole period of prayer. May his name alone be praised.


This ceremony was performed on 3rd February, 2021. It will be recalled that the
Diocesan board had decided to remodel the Bishop’scourt in 2018 following some
noticeable dilapidation and leakages on the roof and the chapel area of the building.
Consequently, a committee was set up at the synod in St. James Church Orba in
2018.Since then work had been going on until January, 2021. The Remodeling
Committee’s determination to accomplish the task was honored by God, who raised
fund miraculously for the project. Thus, following the completion of work and given
the privilege of the Archbishop and other bishops being around on the above date for
Enugu Provincial meeting, the dedication was done by the Archbishop of the
Ecclesiastical Province of Enugu, Most Rev Dr. E.O Chukwuma (OON) assisted by
other bishops. We are grateful to God for the vision of the pioneer bishop, Rt. Rev.
Dr. J. C Ilonuba, who laid the solid foundation without which this remodeling would
not have been possible. We profoundly appreciate the tireless effort of the
Remodeling Committee led by the Chairman, Evang. Sunday Asogwa, who went all
out to ensure that the task was accomplished in record time. We also thank all
individuals and Churches who voluntarily made donations towards the project. Above
all, we thank the Almighty God who provided the wherewithal for visioning and
executing this project.


We were led to recognize and encourage some stewards who have been laboring in
the Lord’s vine yard. It is our strong belief that such recognition will encourage them

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to put in their best in their duty posts. And so, on 13th February, 2021, in a Corporate
Eucharistic service, the following priests were collated Canons and Archdeacons

1. Rev. Canon Paul A. Odoh
2. Rev. Canon Alphonsus Odoh
3. Rev. Canon Ambrose Uchendu
4. Rev. Canon Livinus Ugwuanyi
5. Rev. Canon William Okoye
6. Rev. Canon Godwin Diara
7. Rev. Canon Silvanus Ukwuoma
8. Rev. Canon Nnaemeka Ezike
9. Rev. Canon Edwin Ugwuoke
10. Rev. Canon Robinson Agbo
11. Rev. Canon John Okwor
12. Rev. Canon Ejike Nwobi
13. Rev. Canon Chistopher Eze
14. Rev. Canon Emmanuel Ali
15. Rev. Canon Emmanuel Isiwu

1. Ven. Anthony Ifeanyi Onodu
2. Ven. Dr. Joel Ugwuoke
3. Ven. Benjamin Nwabuisi Abia


The circumstances that led to the hosting of the maiden edition of this Conference by
Nsukka Diocese from Easter Monday 5th to Saturday 10th April, 2021, can only be
said to be transcendental and miraculous. You are aware that we did not organize our
annual SOMAYCO programme in 2019 due to the menace of COVID-19. Thus, we
were poised to recover that setback in 2020 SOMAYCO, which we had started
planning before JGIYC came up as a divine interruption. It was in the 13th General
synod of Church of Nigeria on Wednesday 23rd September 2020, that the Primate of
all Nigeria, Most Rev Henry Ndukuba declared a state of emergency on children and
Youth ministry in the Church of Nigeria. In his words: “We want to raise the Joshua
Generation who shall conquer their generation for the Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ”. In that address, he did not leave anyone in doubt as to his passion for the
development and Discipleship of the youths. This enormous work was right there
committed to a Task force On Children and Youth Mission as follows:

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1. Rt. Rev. Aloysius Agbo - Anchor.

2. Rt. Rev. Foreman Nedison.
3. Rt. Rev. Festus Sobanke.
4. Ven. Paul Whiskel.
5. Ven. Chijioke Amos.
6. Ven. Olaniyi T. Agasin.
7. Mr. Rex Onu.
8. Mr. Mike Adegbile.
9. Ven. Isemede (rtd).
10. Bar. Mrs Chinelo Anazodo.

This task force in collaboration with the leadership of all the youth organizations and
ministries under the guidance of our Primate saw the need for synergy among us, and
to set up a platform that will galvanize, effectively and intentionally raise a generation
of transformational agents. This is the burden that birthed the Church of Nigeria
Youth conference, tagged Joshua Generation International Youth Conference

Joshua Generation International Youth Conference is designed inline with the vision
of Sonship Manifestation Youth Conference (SOMAYCO) of our Diocese; to be a
Strategic intervention and deliberate effort focusing on a generation of young people.
It is conceived to draw and bring together, develop, raise, teach, equip, empower and
commission a New Generation of Godly Leaders of Integrity to spearhead the
spiritual and socio-economic transformation of not only the nation Nigeria, but also
the continent of Africa and the world!

The first edition of this international Youth Conference which is the vision of the
Primate of the Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion, the Most Rev. Henry
Ndukuba was held from Easter Monday 5th to Saturday 10th April, 2021 here in
Nsukka at the Akanu Ibiam Stadium of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The
conference recorded 22, 000 youths in attendance from all over Nigeria and beyond.
Registration, feeding and accommodation were free.

The conference was originally planned to hold at Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo.
However, the University authority expressed their fear about inadequate facilities to
take care of the envisaged number of participants and it became imperative to look for
alternative venue. It was at that time that, at the instance of our Primate, the Vice
Chancellor of UNN, Sir. Prof. Charles Igwe, was approached and he graciously
obliged us the use of the University facilities. We thank our beloved Vice Chancellor
so much for that gesture and also appreciate the governor of Enugu State, our dear
brother, Rt. Hon. Dr. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, and his team immensely for their patriotic

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hand of fellowship and for joining us to accord warm welcome and comfortable
hosting to our Primate during the conference.

The Conference was a huge success and had great and a lasting impacts on the
youths. I want to sincerely appreciate all the members of the Diocese, the Clergy and
the Laity, for all your sacrificial services, commitment and labour of love. It was as if
you were waiting for it, for you were readily available to answer when duty called.
You proved the stuff you were made of. May God reward you beyond your

It is important to note that the JGIYC has become an annual conference of the Church
of Nigeria. And the Date has been fixed for the low week – every Easter Monday to
Saturday. The 2022 Edition will hold from Monday 18 th to Saturday 23rd April 2022
at Moshood Abiola National Stadium Abuja. The planning has started and we ask that
you pray for us as we anchor this important vision. The Director of the Youth
Directorate will start planning to mobilize many of our youths for this life
transforming conference.


Sonship Manifestation Youth Conference [SOMAYCO] is the flagship Youth
Conference organized and hosted by the Anglican Diocese of Nsukka. The maiden
edition was held in April 2016. The impact was glorious and SOMAYCO has become
a household name especially among youths even beyond Nsukka.

We give God all the praise for non breaking hosting of SOMAYCO by the Diocese
from 2016 to 2019 despite all our challenges. The 2019 edition was the climax and
we recorded 12,000 youths in attendance including thirty two young delegates from
Uganda, others from Cameroon and all across the nation of Nigeria. It was after that
last edition that the Primate of the Church of Nigeria, The Most Rev Ndukuba
decided to introduce a Youth Conference with the same structure as SOMAYCO
Nsukka hosted the maiden edition of that Conference at University of Nigeria,
Nsukka. The Conference coincided with the exact period we used to have
SOMAYCO (Easter Monday to Saturday) and the entire participants of previous
SOMAYCO meetings as well as the entire workforce of SOMAYCO collapsed into
the meeting. The Conference recorded over twenty one thousand delegates from all
across Nigeria and Africa.

Since after the Joshua Generation International Youth Conference a lot of questions
have been asked, as to whether SOMAYCO will still remainsince it has the same
structure and timing with the National Youth Conference. It would have taken us a lot
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to answer those myriad of questions if Nsukka had remained a permanent host for the
annual National Youth Conference. To the glory of God Abuja has been chosen to
host the 2022 Conference and this has opened a great window for further
deliberations on choosing new dates for SOMAYCO in subsequent years. This is
where we are because allowing SOMAYCO structure to collapse into the National
Structure will affect great revival already set in motion among the young people
around us, who may not be able to travel to Abuja to be part of the National


continue to hold annually but will be moved away from the week of Easter, to another
suitable date.

We are therefore proposing last week of January every year for SOMAYCO but
would want this Synod to advise us on this and keep praying for complete guidance
of God on the way forward.

The Triumphant ministry has continued to be a blessing to many people in Nsukka
land and beyond. Testimonies have shown that the ministryis a spiritual platform set
up by God to bring salvation, deliverance and abundant blessings to many homes.
The plan for the Triumphant Ministry to start visiting communities and villages is still
on. This will, no doubt, serve as a significant step in our vision about intentional
discipleship. As the triumphant ministry engages in strategic community evangelical
crusades, the converts from these outreaches shall become targets and raw materials
for intentional and strategic discipleship. This call is urgent and we need to respond
without delay despite the huge financial involvement. The procurement of the needed
equipment - complete metal stage, sound and lighting system- is in progression. A
considerable progress has been made in this regard. You need to know that the metal
platform used in the January 3-day end of fast programme is part of the equipment.

We earnestly appreciate Ven. Dr. Moses Ebuka Omeke and his leadership team for
the sustainable growth in the ministry as we encourage them to intentionally draw and
bring together, develop, raise, teach, equip, empower and commission other young
and gifted ministers for synergy and sustainability. We pray that the Triumphant
Ministry shall continue to wax stronger as a source of spiritual blessing to our
diocese, the entire people of Nsukka and the world at large.

The Trinity Ordination was slated for Sunday 11 th July 2021 but due to the
consecration of bishops fixed by the Church of Nigeria on the same date, it was
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conducted on Saturday 10th July 2021. Following the new Discipleship Movement,
the retreat for the ordinands and their wives was one week exercise, centered on the
Jesus model of discipleship and how the clergy and their wives can replicate it in their
ministries. We thank Ven. Ephraim Ik and Mrs. Charity Asogwa; Ven. Godwin and
Mrs. Blessing Eze; Ven. Kingsley and Mrs. Ifeyinwa Obeta and Ven. Kennth and Dr.
Mrs. Chinwe Onah, who were the retreatants.

The following persons were made deacons and ordained priests respectively:

1. Rev. Theophilus Chukwuemeka Eze
2. Rev. Friday Chidiebere Nnamani
3. Rev. Cornelius Ejikeme Omeke
4. Rev. Victor Onyekachi Eze
5. Rev. Hezkiah Sunday Obuna

1. Ord. Ugochukwu Godsgift Ozokafor
2. Ord. Emmanuel Igara
3. Ord. Linus Chukwuebuka Okonkwo


As the need arises, we are committed to sending our lay pastors to theological schools
for ordination training and when they come out from training we should also ensure
that there are churches where they will be posted. The practice in this diocese is that
we select from the serving lay pastors and send to the theological schools for
ordination training. The diocese has always borne the full cost of the students’
training from start to finish and it has always been enormous. Currently, we are
heavily indebted to our two theological colleges(Trinity College Umuahia and
Institute of Theology, Paul University Awka) to the tune of over ten million naira,
resulting from accumulated arrears of school fees and other obligations. It is our hope
and prayer that individuals or groups will be moved to target this nauseating backlog
and set the diocese free. We also use this medium to restore and canvass for the
Train a Priest (TAP)initiative, which had been in use in our diocese, but stopped
long ago where people voluntarily undertake to sponsor the training of priests,
thereby relieving the diocese of the financial burden. It is our desire and prayer that,
in this synod, it shall be laid in the hearts of people who are certainly blessed with the
resources to do likewise.

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Sequel to this, we appreciate some of our clergymen who are serving in other
dioceses who desire to come home and continue their ministry in their home diocese.
However, it has to be stated clearly that we cannot allow such desire to infringe on
the chances of these lay pastors who have been laboring sacrificially in our local
churches. It is our duty to ensure that they find a place to serve when they graduate
from school. For now, it should be noted that we have stopped accepting clergymen
who are intending to join us from other dioceses for whatever reason. We rather pray
God to prosper their ministries wherever they are.

Let me use this opportunity to appreciate all our churches that have been supportive to the
Clergymen and lay pastors serving among them especially in being faithful in the payment of
their stipends and allowances. I plead with those that have not seen this as a priority to wake
up to this responsibility. On our own, we will be taking some steps to see how we can
alleviate the challenges related to this.

May we also use this platform to inform us that one of us, Rev. Can. Dr. Kingsley Chukwu
with his family has taken up the payment of the salary of our workers in Ijekpe Parish starting
from August 2021. We sincerely appreciate him and pray that God will reward him
abundantly. How I fervently wish others can come in to help us in the same manner!


In the last synod, we informed the house of our deliberate intention of shifting from
our normal approach to confirmation and admissions, based on our renewed vision on
intentional discipleship which focuses more on relationship. We also reported that the
new approach had started yielding tremendous results in building strong relationship
both between the bishop and his workers and between the bishop and the
congregations. We have not exploited this approach enough this year owing to the
widening scope of our ministerial responsibility. We miss the wonderful fellowship
but we shall definitely continue with it when we fully resume. The parishes and
Archdeaconries we visited so far were wonderful and we thank them for their warm

We appreciate the level of preparation found in the parishes and archdeaconries

already visited but we urge our workers to step up efforts in this regard. In line with
our emphasis on discipleship, that is, forming Christ in the life of a disciple through
sound biblical teaching, mentoring and modeling in an atmosphere of
loving/accountability relationship, it is our desire and directive that the preparation
for confirmation and admissions should be seen as opportunity in the grassroots for
discipling our members as it was meant to be. This can be achieved only through
adequate preparation and teaching before the confirmation and admission date.
Henceforth, certificates from churches to be visited must reach the bishop’s office

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one week before the visit. These must be submitted with the candidature containing
the names of prepared successful candidates. Only candidates whose names are found
in the candidature, who are endorsed by the Archdeacon, are qualified for
confirmation. We must emphasize the spirituality of these means of grace over the
desire to present large number of candidates. Below is the table of Parishes and
Archdeaconries visited so far since the last Synod:

l G
1. 25/10/20 Christ Church 19 10 29 8 2 4 -
Chapel, UNN
2. 21/3/’21 Aku Parish 22 43 65 6 30 7 2
3. 21/3/’21 Ohemuje Parish 28 70 98 5 17 1 7
4. 21/3/’21 Ochima Parish 27 35 62 4 11 3 -
5. 21/3/’21 Mgboko Parish 11 72 83 2 34 2 -
6. 26/3 /’21 St. John’s Parish, 14 74 88 17 2
7. 27/3/’21 Ugbene 14 26 40 2 13 2
8. 28/3/’21 Abbi 15 30 45 6 24 3
9. 22/5/’21 Okpu-Orba 40 80 120 10 23 6 8
10. 22/5/’21 St. Luke’s Parish, 22 33 45 2 11 4 3
11. 22/5/’21 St. James’ Parish, 56 80 136 10 27 7 12
12. 23/5/’21 St. Paul’s Cathedral, 37 53 90 7 20 7 9
13. 6/6/‘21 Christ Church Parish, 10 19 29 12 10 3 3
14. 11/6/’21 Itchi Parish 27 41 68 5 13 3 2
15. 13/6/’21 Emmanuel Parish, 43 83 126 3 17 7
16. 13/6/’21 Alor-Agu Parish 12 58 70 8 20 3 5
17. 4/7/’21 Christ Church, UNN
18. 23/7/’21 St. Barth’s Parish, 16 29 45 1 15 1 2
19. 19/9/’21 St. Peter’s Parish, 76 87 163 8 14 4 3
20. 19/9/’21 St. Luke’s Parish, 16 43 59 8 18 4 4
21. 19/9/’21 Umujioha Parish 38 56 94 8 13 3 -
22. 26/9/’21 St. Matthew’s Parish, 37 81 118 2 14 5 4
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23. 26/9/’21 St. Mary’s Parish, 5 14 19 - 5 2 -
24. 26/9/’21 HTC Parish Idoha 13 14 27 4 8 4 1
25. 26/9/’21 Emmanuel Parish, 17 28 45 2 14 2 3
Total 523 1154 1764 123 378 82 75



God is doing a great work in CMF and it is indeed marvelous in our eyes. Our men
are marching forward in the various churches where they are. The 2021 Diocesan
CMF Conference was hosted by Uzo-uwani Archdeaconry at St. Mark’s Church,
Abbi from Friday, 25th to Sunday 27th June, 2021. It was a huge success. Thanks to
our indefatigable Chairman, Sir. Robert U. Agbo, the committed Chaplain, Rev. Prof. Chris
Ikem Okoye and the entire leadership of CMF. We appreciate the efforts of the Archdeacon
and wife Ven. Samson and Mrs Chekwube Ene, Clergy, pastors and their wives and all the
people of Uzo-Uwani Archdeaconry in hosting the men this year. May God bless you all. The
processes necessary for the leasing of the Benedictus Petroleum Filling Station at Ofuluonu
Junction Nsukka have almost been completed. The necessary documents have been gotten
and hopefully the station will start operation before the end the year. The plan to sink a water
borehole at the station as another investment to maximize the value of the land is still on and
will soon commence. We appreciate the fellowship for their continued support to their
missionary Church at Ojo, in Ogurugu Parish.

The women ministry has been playing more than their required roles in the Diocese
under the able leadership of the president of the women ministry, Mrs Anthonia
Ifeoma Agbo (Mama Nsukka). We sincerely commend their efforts in this Diocese.
All the units under the women ministry are well coordinated and functioning well.
They have kept the light of the gospel burning in every ramification. They also
contributed immensely in remodeling and equipping of the Bishop’scourt. We cannot
thank them enough for honoring God in this way and for their continued support
towards the Diocesan projects. A land at the Cathedral, along Anglican Grammar
School road has been allocated to the women Ministry, on request, for a Guest House
and an event Center. The first phase of the project which is the construction of a
multi-purpose hall has started since January this year. May the Lord continue to bless
you and prosper all your efforts.

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We appreciate the Council of Knights for the pioneering and supportive role they have played
since the inception of the diocese. We are delighted to note that our Knights and ladies in
Nsukka Diocese are conscious of their role as gallant soldiers of Christ. We deeply appreciate
the professional, financial and intellectual sacrifice you have continued to make for the all
round growth of our diocese. We congratulate you for the just concluded Joint Council of
Knights Conference held in Awka Diocese and pray that the blessings and grace that came
from that contact will propel you to greater exploit as you continue to ponder the theme:
Contending for the Faith. We commend the noticeable improvement of the Knights and
Ladies in active participation and punctuality to Diocesan activities and response to the
financial obligations of the Council. The very few who have every reason to be absent from
Diocesan events and Council meetings should realize that the knighthood is not a social club
but a Christian body and an Order in the Church where Christian character especially,
discipline and obedience to constituted authority should be uppermost in the hearts of
members. The matching song of the Knights is “stand up, stand up for Jesus” and I pray that
this shall be your watchword as you stand with the bishop, the clergy and the entire Diocese
to contend for the faith and win souls for the kingdom of God.

With the demise of a good number of our Knights this year alone, it is obvious that we are
being faced with the challenge of generational shift. The old soldiers are going but the one
million naira question is this: who will wear their shoes? Who will wear the big shoes of Sir
Igwebueze Ugwuoke; Sir Nze Ayogu, Sir Arch. Amorha, Sir.Engr. Aka Ogbobe, Sir. S. N.
Ogbunamiri, Sir. Andrew Okide, Sir Nathan Uchendu, Sir Emmanuel Onah, Sir. Dr. Emeka
Enejere, Sir. Chike Ngwu, Sir Prof. Noble Nweze, Sir. Hon. Justice F. I. N. Ngwu, Sir. Dr.
Emenike Onwura? Who will wear the big shoes of Sir. Godfrey Ajibo, Sir. Bar. G. C. Agbo,
Sir. Dr. Vincent Achufusi, Sir. Prof. Okoafor, Sir. S.N Ogbunamiri, and others who have
joined the saints triumphant? It is a challenge and I charge you my gallant knights and ladies
to begin now to bequit the glorious legacies of this faith of our fathers to your children and
wards before the sun sets. Once again, we appreciate Sir. Prof. Engr. Ugo Nwoji, the council
president and his executive and urge you not to relent in the good work.


The EFAC is a veritable evangelical wing of the Anglican Church. We are delighted
by their activities at zonal and sub-zonal levels in the diocese, especially the recently
concluded EFAC week. We are equally excited on the number of delegates from this
Diocese at the just concluded National Convention at Oyo. We advise that the EFAC
should see herself as a factory and not a warehouse. By this we mean that there
should be a robust and result oriented engagement that gives birth to and
nurture/nourish new believers, to spiritual maturity that will result in planting of
churches. We call on the leadership of the EFAC to get ready for this kind of active
engagement in the new discipleship initiative of the diocese. We will discuss further
on this after the Synod. We congratulate the new zonal co-coordinator, Evang.
Sunday Asogwa and pray that God will grant you the grace to excel.

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The Lay Readers Association is a strong evangelical and pastoral arm of the church.
Their function does not start and end with reading lessons, conducting services and
preaching sermons in churches. It includes helping the workers in planning
evangelistic programmes and executing other pastoral duties in our churches. We
appreciate the leadership of this association but look forward to seeing a more
pragmatic and forthright lay readers in this era of intentional discipleship. It is our
hope and prayer that the lay readers will serve as catalysts in driving this vision. We
also hope that through the impact of the lay readers, there shall be evident revival and
growth in the AYF, YAC, ACB and ACM. In other words, membership of the
association should cut across these organizations.


We appreciate the mission partners and praise God for the success of their mission
outreaches between 1st and 31st august 2021. A total of 120 young volunteer
missionaries were sent to 13 mission fields, both within and outside the Diocese. The
mission to Igbo speaking areas of Igala and Edoma was impressive. 3 Churches were
planted at Ette centre, Avurugo, Ajara and Alor-Agu. The Igwe of Avurugo gave a
plot of land for Church building while a hall was gotten for the church of Ette Centre.
Miraculous healing and deliverance took place and over 500 converts made
confession of faith.

Free medical treatment took place at Avurugo and Ugwuezeugwu in Ehalumona and
250 persons benefited. Ten churches were revived. Over 300 youths joined the
mission partners. Volunteer mission pastors are now pastoring the newly planted
churches. We give God praise for this great evangelistic outcome and pray that the
souls harvested shall remain steadfast in faith. We therefore urge the leadership of the
mission partners to ensure that an intentional Discipleship program is organized for
these 500 and 300 disciples. May the Lord of harvest reward you for this sacrificial
labour of love.



We continue to give God the glory for the vision of establishing this health and faith-
based institution. You will see the report in details in the appropriate documents but
for the purposes of this address, I wish to intimate us with the following

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Presidential Address at the 1st Session of the 10th Synod

1. Staff Development
It is a thing of joy that professionalism is becoming the hallmark of the Faith
Foundation Mission Hospital.

Replacement of the community health extension workers (chew) with professionally

qualified nurses is a step in the right direction. The number of resident doctors has
risen to three in addition to the CMD, who are doing their best to ensure that patients
do not go away from the hospital complaining, despite the occasional pressure of
work load. We thank this doctors immensely and pray the good Lord to reward them

2. Specialist Clinics
Apart from the four resident doctors, Faith Foundation Mission Hospital has
specialists who consult in the following specialties: Orthopaedic, Obstetrics,
Pediatrics, Physician, Dentistry, Anesthetia, General Surgery, ENT, Physiotherapy,
Urology and Neurology. These specialists are consultants in good standing and have
their specific days of meeting patients in the hospital. May God continue to bless
them for their selfless services.

3. Medical Equipment
A new 400 MAX-ray machine and an Ultra Sound Machine have been procured for
the Radiology Unit at the cost of 4.8million naira only. Three automated machines
have also been bought for the laboratory unit at the cost of 4.5 million naira only. The
machines are: Chemistry Analyzer, Hormonal Assay machine and Electrolyte
machine. Also installed are patient monitor and Anesthetist machine for the theatre,
which cost 4.2 million naira only. These are in addition to installation of televisions in
more than 13 wards and restoration of the services of ENT Specialist Doctors.

4. NHIS Accreditation
This accreditation has been delayed for more than four years because of inadequate
facilities. The installation of the patient monitor and Anesthetic machine was done in
response to the demands of the accreditation body. Their visit to the hospital in July,
2021 was encouraging as they commended the facilities on ground and the hospital
management. They also promised to send the hospital a National Code Number very

We deeply appreciate the efforts of the Hospital Administrator, Ven. C. C. Eze and
other management staff and pray the Almighty God to reward them abundantly and
increase their grace to serve better. We also pray that these developmental strides
should encourage members of the Diocese to consciously and faithfully seek the
services of the hospital, so that, in a short time the challenge of procuring other

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medical equipment will be surmounted while our members’ health will improve


This scheme is a health/welfare package of the diocese. It is like the National Health
Insurance Scheme which many civil servants enjoy. You cannot fully understand the
importance and benefits of this scheme until you register. We urge our clergymen to
be in the forefront in canvassing this scheme and exploiting the benefits. Go to their
office at the Faith Foundation Mission Hospital for details about registration and
operation. Health is wealth, so preserve your health and enjoy your life. We heartily
appreciate the Vice Chairman of the Board who has been actively representing us
well in this scheme, Prof. Emmanuel Ibezim and his team for the good work they are
doing. May Heaven remember this and reward you beyond your imagination.


In an academic environment like ours, it is hoped that the printing press should be one
of the most lucrative establishments of the diocese. This vision has suffered setback
as a result of poor patronage and inadequate facilities. We appreciate the effort of the
chairman, Sir. Bar. Johnson Onah, who has to work with little or nothing and still
meet up with the financial challenges of the press. We appeal to our members to take
their printing works to the press and make useful suggestions that will move the
establishment forward.

The importance of education in the mission of the Church cannot be overemphasized.
To this end we declared in our last synod that education was the flagship project of
our diocese. The Diocesan Education Board is already running with this vision but the
pace is rather slow. We pray for more speed and divine direction. We are delighted
with the report of new schools being established by different Churches across the
diocese. However, we need to reiterate that high academic and moral standard should
not be compromised. To encourage our workers, the Diocesan Education Board has
been directed to work out modalities on how to grant 50% tuition fee reduction to the
children of church workers (clergy and pastors) in the three main Anglican schools in
Nsukka town: Anglican Grammar School, Nsukka; St. Cyprian’s Special Science
School and St. Cyprian’s Girls’ Secondary School, Nsukka. 20% tuition fee reduction
shall also be granted to children of Anglican clergy and pastors in these schools who
are not from this diocese. It is our hope that this gesture will encourage our workers
to send their children to these schools and also encourage our members to do
likewise. The Education Board should ensure that this scheme runs smoothly without
any backlashes.

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We have equally directed the Diocesan Education Board to review the Education
Policy of the diocese to get a robust policy of global best practices that will stand the
test of time.


In pursuant of our earlier decision to establish a Micro Finance Bank, we inaugurated
a Taskforce to vigorously pursue through all legitimate procedures, efforts that will
guarantee the successful establishment of the Microfinance bank. The Membership of
the Taskforce is as follows:
1. Evang. Prof Edwin Omeje Chairman
2. Ven. Dr Moses Ebuka Omeke Member
3. Professor Mrs. Stella Madueme Member
4. Sir Barrister Johnson Onah Member
5. Sir Barrister Chukwudi Chukwuemeka Member
6. Sir Barrister Onyinyechi Ugwulor Member
This Taskforce has vigorously pursued the vision, and has achieved the following:
1. They have suggested, searched for and registered Triumphant Microfinance Bank,
Nsukka Diocese Anglican Communion, as the name for the Bank. The logo of the
proposed bank had also been confirmed after series of modifications. The
confirmed logo is eclectic and is truly a brand.

2. Our desire is to have a 100 % initial ownership by the Diocese after which shares
could be sold to interested members of the public beginning with our own
3. We have paid up capital of 35 million naira to the CBN as primary capital base
requirement for the category we chose to take and another 5 million naira from
which the consultant handling the registration processes was paid including other
processing fees. But unfortunately by April of 2021, the CBN jacked up the
capital base for our chosen operational category from 35 million to 50 million
naira thus leaving a deficit of 15 million naira to be paid up before licensure. It is
gratifying to note that this capital base of 50 million will be returned to the bank
once licensed for operational engagement. In other words, it still belongs to the
Diocese. We are proposing another ten (10) million naira for the procurement of
necessary logistics.

4. The Taskforce has been scouting for suitably qualified Directors of Board as
specified by CBN and it has been slightly challenging but thank God, we are
almost done with that. The most challenging was getting the Managing Director. I
am pleased to announce that we have gotten qualified and well experienced
Directors for our Microfinance bank. Hallelujah!

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5. We propose to use three (3) shops in the uppermost floor of Bethany Plaza as the
temporary office to house the proposed bank. And arrangements are on top gear to
take full possessions of these identified shops and commence the remodeling
works as most appropriate. A permanent site for the bank has been earmarked at
the frontage of the Old Cathedral with adequate land space and an architectural
design already available.

6. The required three year audited financial report of the Diocese has been prepared
except for some outstanding few months, owing to some unprecedented delays.

7. We are hopeful that it will not be long when CBN will come for inspection, which
is a major stage for the licensure.

8. It is our desire that this bank will be approved and operation started by the first
quarter of next year. Please keep praying for this as we solicit for your total

We appreciate Evang. Professor Edwin Ogechukwu Omeje and his powerful and dedicated
team for their labour of love. May you never miss your reward.


We sincerely appreciate the selfless service rendered by the servants of God who
have served for some years now as directors and chaplains to different directorates
and organizations in the diocese. The good Lord shall reward you abundantly. We
are relieving you of these offices not to send you on holiday but to make you
available for other places where your services might be needed. We hope that your
visions and passions for these departments will be nurtured by your predecessors.
God bless you. We have, therefore, prayerfully made the following new
1. Pastorate - Ven. ANC Ogbochie
2. Training/Manpower Development - Ven. Ephraim Ik. Asogwa
3. Theology & Ecumenism- Ven. Dr. Collins Ik. Ugwu
4. Planning, Research and Development - Ven. Dr. Joel Ugwuoke
5. Politics & Inter-Governmental Affairs - Ven. Bar. Jude Oga
6. Youth - Ven. Dr. Emeka Ezea
7. Media & Communication - Rev. Canon Chukwukadibia
8. Prison & Social Justice - Ven.Dr.Christopher Okwor
9. Women & Children - Ven. Kenneth Onah
10. Mission/Evangelism - Rev. Canon Christian Orji
11. Music - Rev. Canon Izuchukwu Ewulu
12. Sports & Social Events - Rev. Canon Williams Okoye

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13. Public Relation, Protocol & Security - Sir. Bar. Johnson Onah &Ven. Dr. Ekene Eze
15. Spirituality - Ven. Dr. Ebuka Omeke & Prof. Edwin Omeje
16. Christian Marriage & Family Life –Ven. Samuel and Dr. Mrs. Amaka Obeta;
and Prof. Mrs. Patience Osadebe

1. Anglican Children Ministry - Rev. Engr. Samuel Onyeidu
2. Anglican Communion Brigade - Ven. Dr. N. Ijeudo
3. Young Anglican Crusaders - Rev. Caleb Ugwuobute
4. Guild of Stewards - Rev. Canon Ejike Nwobi
5. Anglican Youth Fellowship - Rev. Dan Amoke
6. Lay Readers Association - Ven. Sampson Eneh
7.Christian Men's Fellowship - Ven. Prof. Ikem Okoye
8. Council of Knights - Ven. Sunday Dike
9. Women Ministry - Rev. Christian Ajibo


1. Ven. Andrew N. C. Ogbochie............. Chief Examining Chaplain.
2. Ven. Dr. Benjamin C. D. Diara............. Asst. Examining Chaplain
3. Ve. Theophilus O. Ugwuishiwu......... Asst. Examining Chaplain.


1. Prof. Mrs. Kay Onyechi – Chairman
2. Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Okey Agbo – Secretary
3. Sir. Prof. G.C. E Mba
4. Prof. Mrs. Mabel Dimelu
5. Lady Dr. Joy Obai
6. Lady Dr. Joy Ugwu
7. Dr. Mrs. Ogechukwu Nnamani
8. Dr. Mrs. Ekpereka Ibezim
9. Dr. Mrs. Chinyere Ukwueze
10. Dr. Emmanuel Amoke
11. Ven. Godwin Emeka Eze
12. Ven. Kenneth Onah
13. Ven. Bar. Jude Ogah
14. Ven. Kingsley Obeta
15. Rev. Canon Christian Orji

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1. Sir. Dr. J.C Diara – Chairman
2. Dr. Nwideyi – Vice Chairman
3. Ven. Dr. Moses Ebuka Omeke – Chief Medical Director
4. Ven. Christian Eze – Hospital Administrator
5. Ven. Kingsley Obeta – Hospital Chaplain
6. Prof. Mrs. Patience Osadebe – Member
7. Sir. Dr. Austine Nkwocha – Member
8. Pharm. Chibuzo Ugwuagbo – Member
9. Prof. Mrs. Ada Ezibe – Member
10. Pharm. Dr. Chinaza Agbo – Member
11. Prof. Nnamdigadi Chigor - Member
12. Sir. Robert U. Agbo – Member
13. Ven. Pharm. Dr. Emeka Ezea – Member
14. Ven. Ephraim Asogwa – Member
15. Ven. Clifford Ugwuanyi - Member
16. Sir. Levi Idoko – Member - Member
17. Hon. Okey Ukwueze – Secretary
18. Rev. Kemprisy Uja – Member


1. Ven. Steve Dimelu – Chairman
2. Sir. Bar. Johnson Onah – Vice Chairman
3. Sir. Prof Ugo Nwoji - member
4. Sir. Robert Agbo - member
5. Lady Maryrose Ngwu - member
6. Prof. Mazi Chuma Okeke - member
7. Prof. Mrs. Stella Madueme - member
8. Lady Dr. Uche Uzodimma - member
9. Mrs. Ngozi Oti - member
10. Mrs. NkechI Ukwueze - member
11. Sir. Arch. Innocent Agbo - member
12. Sir. Hon. Ogbonna Idike - member
13. Sir. Engr. Dozie Eze - member
14. Bro. Uchechukwu S. Eze - member
15. Bro. Christian Opata - member

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Presidential Address at the 1st Session of the 10th Synod

16. Ven. Dr. Joel Ugwuoke - member

17. Ven. Dr, Nnamdi Ijeudo - member
18. Ven. Edwin Agbo - member
19. Ven. Ifeanyi Onodu - member
20. Ven. Benjamin N. Abia - member
21. Mrs. Ruth Ogbodo - member
22. Sir. George Amoke - member
23. Sir. Bar. Onyinyechi Ugwulor - member
24. Ven. Chinedu Onah - member
25. Bro. Chijioke Onah - member


1. Ven. Sunday Dike – Chairman
2. Rev. Canon Takuso Eze - Secretary
3. Dr. Emmanuel Idoko - member
4. Dr. Fredrick Ude - member
5. Mr. Joseph Ogor - member
6. Prof. Mrs. Uche Onyechi - member


1. Sir. Bar. Johnson Onah - Chairman
2. Rev. Samuel Onyidu – Secretary
3. Rev. Canon Chukwukadibia – member
4. Sir. Steve Agbo Member
5. Rev. Ifeanyi Isiwu – member
6. Sis. Ifeoma Ogara – member
7. Dr. Joseph Ezema - member
We charge you and pray for you to inject new life into these departments and cause
an all round development of the Diocese. You shall be inaugurated on Tuesday 21 st
December, 2021 by 10am at the Bishop’scourt chapel. The LORD is your strength!


The Provincial Council meeting of Enugu Province was held at Cathedral Church of
Good Shepherd Enugu, Enugu Diocese on December 1st 2020 with the theme “Who
will Roll Away the Stone for Us: A Yearning for Divine Intervention” (Mark 16:1-8).
We thank the Archbishop & wife, Most Rev’d E. O. Chukwuma OON and Dr. Mrs.
Joyce Chukwuma for hosting us.

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Presidential Address at the 1st Session of the 10th Synod

Another edition of the Enugu Provincial Council Meeting was hosted by us at the
Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Diocese of Nsukka on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd
February 2021.We thank the adhoc committee that planned the hosting of this
meeting together with the dedication of the remodeled Bishop’scourt.Both council
meetings were presided over by the Archbishop and wife, Most Rev’d Dr. Emmanuel
O. Chukwuma OON and Dr. Mrs. Joyce Chukwuma.


The Joint Council/ Mothers’ Union Council Meeting Of The Provinces East Of The
Niger was held at the Cathedral of Transfiguration Of Our Lord, Owerri from
Wednesday 17th to Thursday 18thMarch 2021. His Grace Most Rev Emmanuel .O.
Chukwuma and Dr. Mrs. Joyce Chukwuma presided over the meet. Congratulation to
them for the success of the meeting and thanks to the host!



The Church of Nigeria Standing Committee was held at All Saints Cathedral Onitsha
from Monday 8th to Friday 12th February, 2021 with the theme: “Costly
Commitment: The Imperative in following Jesus Christ” (Luke 9:23, 27). The
meeting featured dedication of some projects by the Diocese on the Niger,
Consecration of some bishops, the presentation of the Primate’s address and Plenary.

Lagos Diocese hosted the second Church of Nigeria Standing Committee held from
Monday 20th to Friday 24th September 2021 at Faith Plaza Bariga Lagos. The theme
was “Abiding in Christ”. It featured, Bible Study, Seminars, Plenary and presentation
of the Primate’s address, Excellent Leadership Award to some deserving Anglicans
and election of bishops and Archbishop. The diocese of Lagos went beyond their
responsibility to accommodate and feed every participant. We thank our leaders, and
the hosts of these two meetings for their large heart and hospitality. May they remain
blessed. The Communiqué, pastoral letters and Resolutions of these meetings are
appended accordingly.

The 10th Divine Common Wealth Conference of Church of Nigeria was held at the
National Christian Centre, Abuja from Sunday 15th to Thursday 19th November,
2020 with the theme “We are more than conquerors” (Romans 8:37). It featured

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Exposition, Bible Study, Seminars, High Praises, Ministration and Testimonies. This
was the 1st Edition hosted by the new Primate of the Church of Nigeria, His Grace,
the Most Rev. Henry C. Ndukuba and wife, Mrs. Angela Ebere Ndukuba. We
congratulate him and give God all the glory. The next edition is coming up from 8 th to
12thNovember 2021. The theme of this year’s DIVCCON is “Quit You Like Men,
taken from…We encourage everyone of us especially the Clergy and wives, Knights
and Ladies and the women to register now for this all important conference and
endeavour to attend and enjoy the spiritual benefits. We will appreciate if the Council
of Knights, Women Ministry and the Christian Men’s Fellowship will sponsor at least
five of their members for this conference.


On Thursday 23rd September, 2021, the House of Bishops elected the Bishop of
Lagos, Rt. Rev. Humphrey Bamisebi Olumakaiye as the Archbishop of Lagos
Province for the 1st term of 5 years. He will be taken over from The Most Rev.
Michael Fape of Remo Diocese after his presentation

Also, the Bishop of the Missionary Diocese of Bari in Kano State, The Rt. Rev. Idris Ado
Zubairu has been translated to the Diocese of Sokoto. He is to replace the late Bishop Omole.

The Rt. Rev. Olukayode Adebogun, who is the Suffragan Bishop of Anglican Diocese of the
Trinity (ADOTT Region 1),was elected to replace the retired Bishop Amos Fagbamiye as the
Diocesan Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Trinity.

Meanwhile, the following bishops were consecrated on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at All
Saints Cathedral, Onitsha, Anambra State
 The Rt. Rev’d Obiora B. Uzochukwu – Mbamili Diocese
 The Rt. Rev’d Oluwagbemiro A. Fabuluje – Oke Osun Diocese
› Most Rev’d Friday John Imaekhai – Bishop and former Archbishop of Bendel Province
› Most Rev. Tunde Adeleye – Bishop of Calabar and Archbishop of Niger Delta Province.
› Rt. Rev. Amos Fagbamiye – Bishops of Anglican Diocese of the Trinity, USA
› Rt. Rev. Edafe B. Emamezi – Bishop of Western Izor

Transit to Glory
 Rt. Rev’d Joshua Folusho Taiwo – Bishop of Oke Osun Diocese
 Rt. Rev’d Jacob Ajetumobi – Retired Bioshop of Ibadan North
 Rt. Rev’d Godson Echefu – Retired Bishop of Ideato
 Rt. Rev’d Dr. Augustine A. Omole – Bishop of Sokoto Diocese
 Rt. Rev’d Seth Onifagbemi – Retired Bisho of Osun Diocese
 Dame Dr. Grace Ngozi Iwuegwu – Wife of Bishop Iwu Agwu

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Presidential Address at the 1st Session of the 10th Synod

We commend the leadership of Nsukka Town Union and the Nsukka communities for
the public declaration against the caste system known as “Ohu na Amu”, which has
caused many problems in marriages and other social activities. This is a step in the
right direction and we urge all community leaders in Nsukka and entire Igboland to
fight against this monster wherever it rears its ugly head. In Christ we are a new
creation and belong to one body, one faith and one baptism. Therefore, it is
unthinkable that any Christian should pose a stumbling block on the path of young
men and women who intend to marry under God’s leading because of this obnoxious

Similarly, we urge Nsukka General Assembly and other cultural organizations in

Nsukka land to draw the attention of our community leaders to the realities of the
moment. It is absurd, in this age and with all our enlightenment, for masquerades to
be constituting a nuisance in our streets and brutalizing innocent road users even on
our high ways. A situation where masquerades interrupt the movement of teachers
and students, hinder the movement of poor innocent women and our girls from
going about their businesses, or hinder worshipers from going home after service on
Sundays is abhorrent and negates the legal right of citizens to movement and freedom
of worship. We call on the state and local government to take proactive step in this
regard and save our land from this shame.


The politics of Enugu state cannot be addressed in isolation from the reality in the
South-East Geo-Political region. There is no gainsaying the fact that smoke is
naturally necessitated by fire. And so, we appreciate the delicate and precarious
situation in which the South-East Governors have found themselves. The current
agitations going on in the region are inevitable protestations against marginalization
and political snobbery from successive federal governments. However, we want to
advise that we should be wise and avoid actions that will rather tantamount to
shooting ourselves on the foot. There is no wisdom in turning our territory into a
theatre of war. I know that the South-Easterners are ingenuously endowed and have
the capacity of becoming the Japan, China, Singapore or Israel of Africa. All it will
take is the right leadership and unity.

So we challenge our elites especially our political leaders to provide the right
leadership that our people can trust.

Moreover, as we cry against marginalization and slavery, let's look inwards; and
develop and empower our people through our God given endowment. This we can do
through a strong determination towards industrialization, empowering and
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encouraging our teaming youths into commercial farming and animal protein
production to the extent that we can become great exporter of these products. Now is
the time and this, I believe, is the most proactive way of preparing for emancipation
from economic slavery and political subjugation.

“Enugu State is in the hand of God” and we thank our dear Governor, Rt. Hon. Dr.
Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi for this prophetic declaration. It is this God who has continued to
bless and protect Enugu state because we are in His hands. We cannot thank Him
enough. Also, we commend the Governor for his life-touching programmes and
projects in the state. We appreciate, especially, the rural road network being executed
in different communities and pray that it shall be sustained. We urge, however, that
these roads should be ashphalted to make them durable. We equally advise that the
completed building projects scattered around the state be put to adequate use to avoid
deterioration.We pray for the Governor and his team will continue to uphold justice,
fairness and equity in governance. May God's name be continually praised in this

As 2023 gubernatorial election approaches, we urge every Christian to pray that God
will give us a leader who will understand and pay the price of leadership. Every
Christian should be ready to exercise their franchise by ensuring that they possess
their voters’ cards and cast their votes on the day of election. We encourage those
who are called to contest for political offices to do so with utmost reverence,
confidence in God and determination to serve the people selflessly and patriotically.


We noted in our address last year that from the way things were going in the nation it
was apt to say that Nigeria was sitting on a keg of gun powder. Today, we lack words
to describe the overwhelming increase of terror, banditry, kidnapping and other socio-
political and economic upheavals. The security situation in Nigeria now is so bad that
in August this year the Nigeria Defence Academy (NDA) was attacked by gun men
killing some officers and abducting others. If the foremost and strongest military
university in the country could be attacked and subdued in such a ridiculous manner,
what then is the hope of the ordinary people? No wonder gruesome murder has
become the order of the day all over the country and our security operatives have
failed woefully in apprehending the perpetrators. This is a clear indication of alleged
foreign infiltration and sabotage in the federal security apparatus and military
intelligence. It is worrisome that the ammunition found in the possession of these
bandits are often much more superior to what the Nigerian Army brandishes. And so,
we join other well meaning Nigerians to call on President Mohammad Buhari not
only to declare as terrorists those bandits and herders who are causing mayhem in

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almost all the states of the federation but also to take positive step in purging the
military of apparent conscious or unconscious infiltration.

In fact, the state of insecurity in the nation is so bad that Hon. Dr. Samuel
Omotosohad to capture the true situation in the following words:
The issue of the herdsmen has been sporadic, widespread and recurrent
in Nigeria. It has become intractable, from Abia to Adamawa, Benue
to Enugu, Niger to Plateau, Taraba to Ondo and Ekiti to Zamfara. It
has been tales of woes, weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Significantly, Omotoso was a member of Ekiti State legislative assembly and he

made the above observation in a paper presented at the National Institute of Policy
and Strategic Studies (NIPPS) in 2019. He strongly argued that the herdsmen and
farmers clashes cannot be regarded, in law, as conflict, but trespass and reverse
aggression.Conflict, he said, is an interactive process that manifests in incompatibility
and disagreement or dissonance between two groups or within social entities, an
activity which takes place when conscious humans wish to carry out mutually
inconsistent acts, concerning their wants, needs or obligation.Since the problem
between the farmers and the herders does not satisfy the above conditions, it does not
qualify to be called a conflict, he argued.

Omotoso went further to explain how the activities of the herder Fulanis have legally
constituted trespass in criminal law, including trespass to persons, trespass to chattels,
and trespass to lands.

The Ripple Effect of Trespass on National Polity and Economy

By trespass to persons these infamous and dastardly war lords have unleashed threats,
assaults, battery, injury, mayhem, and kidnapping on the local farmers and other
indigenous people of Nigeria, thereby making the masses to live in palpable fear. By
trespass to chattels they have forcefully seized goods and personal property belonging
to their victims. Imagine a Fulani herder harvesting tubers of cassava and feeding his
cow with them in the presence of the owner of the farm! This is the height of
provocation and this is what most of the local farmers are passing through. Many of
them have lost their farm lands and crops to the invasion of these herders and no
longer cultivate anything. Therefore, the present inflation in the country cannot be
entirely unconnected with the devastation these Fulani cattle have unleashed on farm
lands across the nation. Consequently, the rate of inflation in the land is alarming.
The ordinary person is not interested in the indices produced by economic experts
which are often deceptive. The reality is that there is galloping inflation. The price of
food stuff and other consumables are so high that many families hardly eat twice a
day. The increasing insecurity challenges and the menace of herdsmen have sent

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many farmers away from the farm and we are reaping the result. Government at all
levels should rise to this challenge urgently.

And so, it is the above inhuman acts perpetrated by the herders against the farmers
and other land owners that often lead to aggression from these legitimate land lords
and this aggression at times degenerates into escalated bloodbath as we had in Nimbo
in Uzouwani, Enugu State and other communities across the country. In essence,
without the trespass against the farmers by the herdsmen, there won’t be reverse
aggression. Thus, the farmers are actually the victims, having suffered from the
aggravating factors of trespass on their lands and persons.

Unfortunately, instead of facing this problem squarely and calling a spade a spade,
the Federal Government is playing politics with the so called bill for grazing reserves,
which has led many state legislative assemblies to singing anti-grazing bills into law
– another case of trespass and reverse aggression. What this smacks of is complete
failure of leadership and enthronement of anarchy. It has become obvious that the
entire security architecture in Nigeria has been structured to protect one ethnic
minority and impose their worldview on other ethnic nationalities. This is evident in
political appointments and the day to day running of the government and other
government agencies. The allegations about orchestrated Fulanization and
Islamization of the nation are no longer hate speech or malicious rumour but full
blown reality.

And so, as a church, in this synod, we want to remind the leaders of this nation that
they promised during their campaign to protect the lives and property of the citizens
of this country irrespective of their race or religion. We want to remind them that they
are responsible to God, whether they believe it or not. We want to remind them that
every Nigerian life belongs to God, whether it is Christian, Moslem or no religion at
all. As far as life is concerned, our ethnic or religious diversity does not matter to
God, he treats all as creations in His image and must judge all who shed their blood.
Therefore, it is wrong and ungodly for the powers that be to close their eyes while
certain groups of people, especially Christians, are being targeted for apparent
extermination, whether in Kaduna, Ekiti or Enugu. It is wrong for the Presidency (not
even the president) to declare innocent and harmless protesters as terrorists and
bandits while notorious criminals who are waylaying the masses with AK47 and
Bomb Action are pampered and protected as patriots. The President (not the
Presidency) should rise and redress this escalation of injustice before the ruling cabal
sees a terrible handwriting on the wall.

It is gratifying, howevr, that some states in the nation, especially the South-East, have
taken the bull by the horn to pass the anti-grazing bill, including our own Enugu
State. We commend these Governors and their legislators and urge them not to look

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back but remain resolute in their good stand. We also commend the Southern
Governors for coming together to address the prevalent injustice in the nation in no
uncertain terms. We urge the states that have not taken this bold step to follow suit
without delay. It is unfair and inhuman for any group of people to make their business
thrive at the expense of other people’s lives and property.

The Church, Politics and Social Justice

As the General Election comes up in 2003, we urge our members, and in fact, all
Christians to rise to the occasion and be ready to exercise their franchise. We should
not shy away from politics on the erroneous notion that it is a dirty game. No nation
or political system is perfect but when the Godly people outnumber the wicked in
politics, there will be near-perfection and the people will rejoice. Those who have no
voter’s cards should get them while those who already have should brace up for the
moment. We encourage our members to join political parties and seek to contest
political offices. No one can change any system from the outside. Our prayer and
appeal is that when you contest and win any elective posts, as Christians, you should
discharge your duties with the fear of God and concern for the electorate. While we
pray for peaceful elections both in the bye-elections and the General Election in 2023,
we must see to it that our members are mobilized for political socialization. Prayer is
very good and can change situations but it is not enough to cause the expected
revolution, there must be informed political involvement by Christians.

There are two important agitations going on in the nation: the agitation for self-rule
by different sections of the federating unit and the call for a sovereign national
dialogue. One thing is responsible for both agitations: the apparent politics of
exclusivism of the present regime. Any person who feels that his right is being denied
him or trampled upon in a commonwealth system has the right to agitate within the
ambit of the law. It is the duty of a responsible government or leadership to listen to
the agitations of the people and take positive steps. I, therefore, join our Primate,
Most Rev. Henry Ndukuba in declaring as follows:
Peace, Justice and Equity are essential ingredients for a growing and
prospering Nation and people. Wherever these are lacking there is
bound to be a discord. The noise of discontent is very loud in our
National life which has been occasioned by insecurity, outright
disregard of the principles and policies laid down for fairness in the
polity. The shielding and preference for a particular group or tribe and
their interest over and against other people groups and interests is the
root of agitations in Nigeria. The agitation of some people for self-
determination in an independent nation as ours is a cry for fairness and
inclusiveness. It is a warning sign that the fundamentals of our unity
have been eroded. The leadership of the nation need to listen to the

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citizens and strive for Stability. As a family, Church or nation the

greatest danger is the internal divisions and sectional interests that can
so easily bring down the nation or Church. This Church and Nation
belong to all of us. We need to engage each other and be considerate in
dealing with every citizen. Agitators have a right of self-expression but
it must be done within the ambits of the law and the context of abiding
in the whole or stem.
He who has ears let him hear what God says to Nigeria!

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TEXT: Mark 1:16-20
"And as He walked by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and
Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea; for they were
fishermen. Then Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make
you become fishers of men.” They immediately left their nets and
followed Him. When He had gone a little farther from there, He
saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also
were in the both mending their nets. And immediately He called
them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired
servants, and went after him.

In this year’s Synod, we have the burden and responsibility under God to push further
the issue of intentional discipleship which God raised for us in the last year’s Synod.
Our commitment to intentional discipleship is not a display of seasonal zeal which
would fizzle out with time; rather, it is a clearly envisioned agenda for total
transformation of the church and a sustainable, biblical approach to enduring revival.

Since the last year’s Synod, we have taken some deliberate steps in ensuring that our
purpose of reproducing Christ-like believers is achieved; the systematic teachings and
several trainings run so far are all centered on one purpose: producing believers who
are disciples indeed.

In this Synod, we shall focus on an aspect of intentional discipleship: following. We

shall look at the meaning in the context of our theme text and in the context of the
word of God generally. We shall also look at the objective of the following; the
means of following Christ, the need for raising followable believers, and the dangers
of Christianity without a deliberate following.


In his introduction to the Gospel according to Mark, Royce Gordon Grueler posited as
Mark limits himself to describing the kerygmatic activity of Jesus,
unlike the other Gospels which begin with the descriptions of Jesus’
prehistory (birth or pre-existence) and conclude with his post-history
(resurrection appearances). Mark 1:1 is an important clue to Mark’s
thematic limitation and points to the fact that he is a pedagogue par
excellence who is producing a short, pithy, but intense manual for
missionary work as well as for teaching and Christian instruction that

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calls for absolute commitment to Christ and to preaching his gospel,

no matter what the cost may be in suffering (in Pickering 1989:765)

In our theme text (Mark1:16-20), we see that as soon as the disciples heard Jesus call
them, the bible says that, “…Straightway (immediately) they forsook their nets, and
followed Him”–Mk1:18. And the decision was to follow Jesus who was the herald,
the bearer and, above all, the embodiment of “the gospel”, that is, the good news of
salvation. The urgency of this good news is evident in the almost monotonous use of
the word immediately to link events in the narrative. And it is this Mark an urgency
and the call for decision that underscore the overriding import of our theme,
“Following: an imperative for Intentional Discipleship”.


For a proper grasp of our theme this year, it is pertinent to explain the two key words
that form the pivot; otherwise, it would appear we are simply repeating the theme of
last year. The two important words in the present theme are following and

The word “following”, as used here, is the present participle of the word “follow”;
which is the actual word used by Jesus in our text, and which ordinarily describes the
action of going after somebody or something. But beyond the practical action of those
disciples when they went after Jesus immediately he called them, the word has other
meanings that are crucial to our theme. The Greek expression as found in our text is
“Akolostheste me” (follow me). The English word ‘acolyte’ is derived from this word.
We know that an acolyte is an assistant or attendant. According to the New Testament
Greek Lexicon, the word means “to follow one who precedes, join him as his
attendant, accompany him or join him as a disciple”. Its synonym is another Greek
word “Parakolouthero, which means “I accompany”, “I follow closely” or “I am with
you.” A synthesis of these definitions and synonyms makes it obvious that beyond the
physical action of walking behind a person, to follow also means:
 To go after or behind (someone) and to watch what happens.
 It also means to engage in something as a calling or as a way of life;
 Following also means to accept (something or someone) as an authority.

So, to follow Christ means to go after Him, watch His life with a definite intention of
becoming like Him; to engage in His lifestyle as a calling and also to accept Him as
your standard or authority. In other words, following is a deliberate and consuming
undertaking of developing believers into maturity. God’s will for every believer is
spiritual maturity. He wants us to grow up. Paul admonished in Ephesians 4:14, 15
(Philips), “we are not meant to remain as children at the mercy of every wind of

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teaching…. But we are to speak the truth in love, and to grow up in every way into
Christ, the head.”

Moreover, the ultimate goal of spiritual growth is to become like Jesus. God’s plan
for us since creation has been for us to be like His Son. He wants every believer to
develop the character of Christ. (Romans 8:29).

But the question is: How does spiritual growth happen? How do we become mature in
Christ? These are the questions our theme: “Following: an Imperative for
Intentional Discipleship.” would be addressing, for “our greatest wish and prayer is
that you will become mature Christians” (2Cor. 13:9 LB). Jesus’ command to "follow
me" appears repeatedly in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), (e.g.,
Matthew 8:22; 9:9, Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27; John 1:43). In most cases, Jesus was
calling the twelve men who would become His disciples (Matthew 10:3–4). But at
other times, it came as an open invitation to His wider audience (John 3:16; Mark

The major focus of Jesus’ earthly ministry was to raise Disciples who will continue His
ministry. During Jesus’ time on earth, according to Jewish historical records, on
seeing a popular Rabbi, people willingly left home, family, and occupation to be with
the rabbi because they wanted more than anything else in the world to be like the
rabbi in his walk with God. As the rabbi lived and taught his understanding of the
Scripture, his talmid, that is the disciple, listened to him, watched him, followed him,
memorized his words, and imitated his walk with God. Eventually the talmid became
a teacher who had his own disciples who wanted to learn from him how to walk with
God. But Jesus radically changed from that traditional pattern and went out to choose
His disciples. However, he still required them to follow Him.

Our modern-day definition of following Jesus looks very different from what it meant
to the disciples two thousand years ago. Today the true meaning of following Jesus
has been contaminated by Norminalism, Materialism and Utilitarianism. For many,
just registering with a church, paying all the payables and conforming to the doctrines
of the leader, are what it entails to follow Christ. This is a far cry from the devotion
Christians in the early church showed when they became followers of Christ. For
them, following Christ was a way of life. There was no middle ground or half-
heartedness in their decision to follow.

Times have changed but the definition hasn’t changed; What Jesus meant when He
asked the first disciples to follow Him is still what He requires today. The call of the
first four disciples, as we have it in the Markan passage above is captured by St.
Mathew in his own gospel as follows:

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“While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon

(who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the
sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, ‘Follow me, and I
will make you fishers of men.’ Immediately they left their nets and
followed him. And going on from there he saw two other brothers,
James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with
Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them.
Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.” -
Matthew 4:19-25

So, when Jesus called his first disciples, he called four ordinary fishermen to join him
on his journey. He made a simple call to follow, and all four men immediately left
their work, belongings, and people to follow Jesus. All the things they left were
secondary to Christ. The primary thing was their surrendered lives. This serves as a
powerful example of what it looks like to follow Jesus. When he calls you to follow
him, nothing matters as much as your relationship with him. It is from first
surrendering to Christ that everything else flows, as Jesus himself said in Matthew
6:33. So, to truly follow Christ is to put Him first in your life, and to surrender to his
leading. As the disciples followed Jesus wherever he went, we are to do likewise and
unless we have a clear understanding of what it means to follow, we can be in Church
for donkey years without being followers of Christ. Let us, therefore, look at some
biblical illustrations of what it looks like to follow Christ.

In Matthew 10:34–39, Jesus stated clearly what it means to follow Him. He said, "Do
not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring
peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter
against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—a man’s enemies
will be the members of his own household.’ Anyone who loves their father or mother
more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than
me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not
worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my
sake will find it."

Jesus’ bringing a “sword” and turning family members against each other can seem a
little harsh after words like "whosoever believes on Him shall not perish" (John 3:16).
But Jesus never softened the truth, and the truth is that following Him leads to
difficult choices. Sometimes turning back may seem very appealing. When Jesus’
teaching went from the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3–11) to the coming cross, many who
had followed him turned away (John 6:66). Even the disciples decided that following
Jesus was too difficult the night He was arrested. Every one of them deserted Him
(Matthew 26:56; Mark 14:50). On that night, following Christ meant possible arrest

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and execution. Rather than risk his own life, Peter denied that he even knew Jesus
three times (Matthew 26:69–75).

“And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, ‘If anyone would
come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For
whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and
the gospel's will save it.’” Mark 8:34-35 (ESV)

Jesus was speaking to a crowd about the cost of following him. In fact, he said in the
following verses that those who would be ashamed of him and his words would be
rejected on the other side of this life. Jesus gave three actions—commands—for
following him.
 Deny self.
 Take up one’s cross.
 Follow him.

The first step in following Jesus is to forget one’s self and interests. This completely
goes against our flesh’s desire. You know our flesh will always tell us to put self first;
to seek out our own interests. But Jesus beckons us to a different way of life. He calls
us to a life that puts aside self to seek God and serve others (Matthew 22:36-40).
After denying self, we are to take up the cross, which essentially means to conform to
the example Jesus showed when he sacrificed himself on the cross. Again, Jesus
modeled the sacrifice of self for the salvation of others.

At its core, this verse commands us to forget our self and interests, conform to the
example of sacrifice, and follow Jesus, no matter the cost. To do so, as verse 35 says,
is to save one’s life. The question we need to ask ourselves when following Jesus is:
How ready am I to sacrifice temporal satisfaction for eternal security?
Here are other Bible verses that show us what it looks like to follow Jesus.
 1 Peter 2:21, “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered
for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.”
 1 John 2:3-4, “And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we
keep his commandments. Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his
commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”
 Ephesians 5:1-2, “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And
walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering
and sacrifice to God.”
 1 Peter 1:14-16, “As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions
of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in
all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.’”
 Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and
all these things will be added to you.”

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Among these verses, there are many similar words and ideas; instructions for
following Jesus that can be summed up this way:

“Example”, “Follow in his steps”, “Imitate” — we are told time and again that a
follower of Jesus will live as he did. To truly follow Christ is to follow his example
and imitate his life.

“Keep his commandments”, “Be holy” — A follower of Jesus will pursue a holy and
righteous life. We won’t get it right one hundred percent of the time because we are
human, but our aim is to live a life that honors him.

“Seek first” — everything comes after him; our focus set on God. When you commit
your life to Jesus, you commit to putting Him first, above all else.

Following is foundational to everything we do as Christians. Although the kind of

following that Jesus requires from us may seem absurd to a self-directed, me-first and
an incentive-driven society as ours, there is no short-cut to it. But the truth is that
everyone follows something: friends, popular culture, family, selfish desires, or God;
and we can only follow one thing at a time (Matthew 6:24). Who do you want to

Mariam Webster’s Dictionary defines imperative as a command, rule, duty, etc that
should be obeyed. If something is imperative, it means that it compulsorily demands
attention or action. It is an unavoidable obligation, requirement or necessity. If we say
that a thing is imperative, it means that it is very important and crucial.

How then is following an Imperative for Intentional Discipleship?It simply

underscores the fact that following is indispensible in Intentional Discipleship.
Jesus’ invitation was, “follow me” before “I will make you”. It is still the same
process today; unless there is following, there cannot be making. Unless our lives are
fully surrendered, the cannot yield to the mysteries of the kingdom. It is as simple or
complex as that!


Discipleship is a Process of Spiritual growth. This Process of life development occurs
in a sequential order, with each phase building on the previous.

Sequential learning is indispensable in training a person to accomplish a process or to

understand a concept in which logical points build on one another.

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Sequential learning requires the learner to embrace concepts in a given order, to learn
the first concept before the second, the second before the third, and so on. For
instance, in language, we first learn words, then phrases, then grammar, then
sentences, and then we begin to learn how to write essays. It is impossible to change
this order and successfully learn a language. The same kind of sequential learning is
indispensable in science, farming, engineering, sports, construction, in almost every
area of life. But what does sequential learning have to do with disciple-making?

In 1871, A.B. Bruce published his classic book, The Training of the Twelve. In the
foreword to this book, Bruce stated that Jesus led His disciples through several
sequential and distinctly different training phases. Each phase had a different dynamic
and intent. Each one built upon the last. This same observation was also recognized
by Robert Coleman in his book, The Master Plan of Evangelism, by Michael Wilkins
in Following the Master, and by Bill Hull in New Century Disciple-maker. Rick
Warren in his book,"Purpose Driven Church" agreed with this principle, when he
talked about, the Crowd, the Congregation, the Committed and the Core. I think also
that in our tradition as Anglicanwhere we have groups the believers along the
Enquirers, the Catechumen and the Communicants is in line with this.

But Hull’s book provides the most complete description of Jesus’ sequential training
process. Seeing four distinct stages, Hull uses Biblical phrases to describe each one.
They are:
1. The Come and See Phase
2. The Follow Me Phase
3. The Be With Me Phase
4. The Remain in Me Phase


(JOHN 1:38-39)
In this phase, Jesus used miracles, teaching, and meeting human need to gather
potential disciples. (Jn. 2:1,13,17,22, 3:22, 4:1-27) He told them who He was and
why He had come. These disciples did not live with Him as they later did, but rather
spent time with Him when it was convenient

These are disciples whose training should focus on Gospel foundations, belief and
identity, basics of spiritual growth and practice of prayer, Disciplined Daily Devotion,
and sharing of testimony.

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1. The Disciple is introduced to and becomes interested in Jesus. Jn. 1:39,45; Jn.
2. The Disciple becomes convinced that Jesus is God. Jn. 1:41,49,50; Acts 3:15
3. The Disciple trusts Jesus as Savior and is baptized. Jn. 3:7,16; Acts 2:38; Acts
4. The Disciple learns that Jesus, as Messiah, has supernatural power, died for our
sins and rose from the dead. Jn. 1:41; Jn. 2:23; Acts 3:15; Gal. 3:13
5. The Disciple understands the basic doctrines of Salvation. Acts 4:12; Rom. 4:5;
Eph. 2:8-9; Jn. 3:16
6. The Disciple knows they receive the Holy Spirit by faith, not works, as soon
7. The Disciple understands that the Christian life starts with repentance from sin,
involves good works as the fruit of salvation and he/she seeks to grow to maturity.
Acts. 2:38; Eph. 2:10; Eph. 4:14
8. The Disciple knows Jesus will return to rule over all creation and to give
Christians an eternal inheritance. Acts. 3:21; Eph. 1:10, Eph. 2:7
9. The Disciple spends time with a disciple-maker and observes them sharing the
gospel, involved in ministry, passionate for Christ. Jn. 2:17; Jn. 3:22
10. The Disciple develops enough commitment to act on the challenge to enter the
―Follow-Me phase. Lk. 5:10-11


(MARK 1:16-17)
• This is the growing stage of the disciple and at this phase the emphasis is to
show them how to live out what they believed and to share the kingdom life
with others and this is effectively done as they watch a more mature disciple
do it and they are encouraged to follow. This was how Jesus handled His
disciples at this stage as can be seen in the following scriptures. (Mark 2:1,2
Mark 6:7-13,37 Math 11:1)
• A significant aspect of this stage is participating by applying faith to their life
• They begin moving from belief to new behavior changes (obedience, spiritual
disciplines such as confession/prayer, Bible reading and witnessing, spiritual
gifts, evangelism and disciple-making, marriage and family,).
• This phase can last from 2-4 years depending on the growth rate of the
disciple and the effectiveness of the discipler.


1. The disciple develops the basic habits of Christian living
2. The disciple deepens his/her understanding of God’s truth
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3. The disciple deepens his/her commitment to Christ.

4. The disciple discovers and begins to use his/her spiritual gifts.
5. The disciple is personally involved in ministry
6. The disciple is being trained to train others in his/her area of giftedness


(MARK 3:13-14)
 In this phase, we saw that Jesus’ method was that after being with Him He
sends them out to do the work of the kingdom and then brings them back to be
with Himself for encouragement and accountability. (Luke 10:17-24)
 In this phase disciples learn deeper truths about Jesus’ relationship with the
Father, heart for the lost, Spiritual-dependence, servant leadership, and
willingness to suffer.
 They are trained in ministry skills according to their gifts, are given
opportunities to grow through the challenges of making other disciples, and
are followed up with encouraging accountability.
 They are becoming multipliers instead of just participators. They are moving
from behavior change to convictions which drive life and ministry choices
 This may last from 1-2 years apprenticeship with ongoing development


1. Has about 2 years of relevant ministry experience
2. Modeling Jesus‘ ministry (Mt. 10:25)
3. Boldly declaring God‘s truth to a pagan world (Mt. 10:5-7)
4. Maturely handling rejection (Mt. 10:14)
5. Compassion for the lost (Mt. 9:36-38)
6. Willing to suffer/lose all/die for Christ (Lk. 14:26)
7. Abiding in God‘s Word (Jn. 8:31)
8. Deep love for Christians (Jn. 13:35)
9. Modeling servant leadership (Jn. 13)
10. Depending on God to meet needs (Mt. 10:5-10)
11. Bearing fruit (Jn. 15:8)
12. Making disciples who make disciples (Mt. 28:19-20)
13. Leading and training others (Mt. 28:19-20, Acts)

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(John 15)
 This stage includes learning deeper things that they were not ready to bear
earlier on and learning to walk not by sight but by faith and the leading of the
Holy Spirit and experiencing an abiding joy. (Jn 16:12-24)

 In this stage disciples grow deeper in faith and understanding of the mysteries
of the Word of God and application in the context of difficult trials in life and
ministry, while experiencing deeper love for Christ and joy in His Word and

 In the context of these challenges they are being developed as leaders who are
developing other disciple-makers.

 They are moving from convictions to character and fruitfulness.

 It is life-long, not just a 2-3 year program


1. The most important description of the believer during this phase is constant
growth in both character and fruitfulness.
2. Since this phase lasts all our lives, we must say that the believer is now
described by every statement of character, obedience, faith, and fruitfulness in
the New Testament.
3. The important point is that discipleship and spiritual growth last a lifetime and
require structure for a lifetime!

We can deduce from the above description of phases in Discipleship that the disciples
in the first phase needed to know the WHAT and the WHY of the faith while those in
the second phase needed to be shown the “HOW” of the faith. This happens as they
are connected with a more mature believer who will model the truths of the Bible in
practical life experiences.

At the third phase they are to be deployed and allowed to do it with encouraging
supervision and loving accountability. And the final phase is about their
multiplication and continued growth.

It can be further said that while the first and second stages emphasize being the third
and the forth focus on doing. So being is foundational and indispensable. And this
agrees with our text which were the words of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself: “Follow
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me and I will make you fishers of men” (Mark 1:17); And He appointed the twelve
(whom He also named apostles) so that they might be with Him and that He might
send them out to preach...”(Mark 3:14). Again in John 15 Jesus tells His disciples to
“abide in me” for “apart from me you can do nothing.” In each of these cases;
 Following Jesus precedes becoming fishers of men.
 Being with Him precedes being sent out by Him.
 Abiding in Jesus precedes being fruitful.

It is clear from this that following Jesus for the making is much more important to
God than the activity of fishing for others.

Surprisingly, many believers, including Church leaders, are very busy, working for
the Lord, serving and teaching without the indispensable foundation of following for
the making.

It seems that while many of us can boast of being Born-Again through faith in Jesus’
redemptive work, we are still sitting comfortable at the first phase, and for a long
time. In other words, many of us as old as we are in the faith are still babies by now.
One could wonder if this could be the major cause of the shallowness of the Christian
faith in our times especially in Nigeria. Following is imperative to Intentional
Discipleship; for Spiritual growth and maturity are the offspring of Following.

At this point it will be necessary to dispel some popular misconceptions about

spiritual growth and maturity.


There are several areas that we need to re-adjust in our understanding about spiritual
growth and maturity:
1. Spiritual growth is not automatic once you are born again. Becoming like
Christ is the result of the commitment we make. We become whatever we are
committed to! (Philippians 2:12-13).

2. Spiritual growth is not mystical, and maturity is not attained only by a

selected few. Rather spiritual growth is practical and any believer can grow to
maturity if he or she is prepared to follow the path that Jesus has carved for this.
(1Timothy 4:7).

3. Spiritual growth cannot occur instantly. Rather spiritual growth is a process

that takes time. (Deut. 7:22).

4. Spiritual growth is not measured by what you know. Spiritual maturity is

demonstrated more by behavior not beliefs.

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5. Spiritual growth is not a personal and private matter. The Christian journey is
challenging and not meant to be done alone. Christians need relationships to
grow. Through on-going relationships of love, encouragement and accountability
with other believers, the truths of Christ are modeled and applied. (Heb. 10:25).


Just like a baby, new believers are expected to grow as their lives begin to change
from old beliefs, attitudes and actions to new ones. This growth into maturity is
primarily characterized in three ways:
1. Obedience to God’s Word above all else. (John 8:31)
2. Increasing love for God and for others (Matt. 22:3740)
3. Bearing the fruit of Christ-like character and helping others come to know Him
(Gala. 5:22-23, John 15:16).

To do this, growing disciples need nourishment from the Word of God,

encouragement and fellowship from other believers, and protection from peer
pressure, false teaching, and the deceit of Satan. (1 Peter 2:2, 5:8).

Jesus told a story about a house which was built upon a rock. When the flood waters
came, the house stood firm because it had a strong foundation. Spiritual growth is
like building a house on the good news of Jesus Christ. The foundation of our
spiritual lives is faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus for us (1 Cor. 3:11). Just
as a house requires building upon a strong foundation with walls and a roof, spiritual
growth requires building in 4 areas of our lives:
A. Understanding (John 8:32)
B. Attitudes (Proverbs 4:23)
C. Obedience (Ephesians 4:11-13)
D. Relationships(John 13:35, 15:8)
We call these 4 areas the 4Hs:
1. Head – understanding and values
2. Heart – attitude and character
3. Hands – obedience and skills
4. Help – relationships and multiplication

As we mature in all these 4 areas, then like a strong house, we can withstand the trials
of life and provide shelter for others. But if we neglect any of these critical areas,
then our lives will be like the house built upon the sand, unbalanced and spiritually
weak, and when the winds of life blow, our spiritual house will fall.

Jesus understood this and was careful to develop His disciples in all four areas of
spiritual growth. For example, in Mark 1:21 we see Jesus teaching in the synagogue

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as his disciples are with him learning from him. (Head) In Mark 3:13-14 Jesus calls
His disciples to be with Him so that His attitudes became their own(Heart) .
Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs
of life.” Understanding the truths of God (head) and obeying those truths (hands)
relies on our hearts being willing to know and follow Him.

If our hearts are hardened by sinful attitudes, it prevents our understanding about God
(head) from impacting our obedience to God (hands). Our hearts must be open to
God in order for His truths to flow from our beliefs into our lives in obedience and
healthy relationships.


It is not justifiable for us to hide on the cover of shifting blame to condemn anyone
who is not growing when we have not shown any commitment in changing the
narrative. As someone said, "don't blame them until you train them."

Growth in discipleship or Christian maturity can only happen when mature, and
followable followers of Jesus Christ are committed to helping other younger believers
through practical teaching as done by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

Where we desire to help others grow as disciples, we must take personal

responsibility to help them develop in these 4 areas of spiritual growth as well. We
do this through:
 Teaching (Head) –We must teach and train disciples in the Scriptures, including
the big story of the Bible, key biblical doctrines, and how to study the Bible for
themselves and apply it in their lives.
 Mentoring (Heart) – We must spend time in relationship with disciples, getting
to know them personally and sharing our hearts with them. Our goal in mentoring
is to help them open their hearts to the Lord, to repent from sinful attitudes, and to
love and obey Jesus more fully.
 Equipping (Hands) – We must help disciples apply God’s Word into their daily
lives. This occurs as we discuss life issues and help them to discern and do God’s
will. It also occurs through training them in life skills and spiritual disciplines that
help them to live as disciples in a world full of challenges.
 Connecting (Help) – We must help disciples to grow in relational skills and to
live in unity and fellowship with others. We also must train disciples in how to
effectively share their faith with unbelievers and to help them become mature
disciples as well.

Every relationship or ministry which would endeavor to make mature disciples

must include these 4 aspects of life impact in order to help people truly
grow.Mature disciples seek to grow in all 4 areas of their lives: head, heart, hands

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and help, as they become more like Christ. And effective disciple-makers seek
ways to impact disciples in all 4 ways, by teaching, mentoring, equipping and
connecting, so that the disciples should become spiritually mature.

Let me state here that I have been personally challenged by the message of our theme.
I have been challenged to intentionally, consciously, practically and consistently
imitate Jesus Christ. So that I can boldly stand before you, the people of God among
whom I serve, and say imitate me as I imitate Christ. Brethren, I want to be a follow
able follower of Jesus Christ. Please keep praying for me.


You will recall that as a follow up to our Declaration of 2020 to 2030 as Decade of
Discipleship, we set a target of making every member of the diocese a disciple of our
Lord Jesus Christ by 2030 during our last year Synod and also outlined our action
plans. By the grace of God, we have pursued this vision with every strength in us and
the Lord has helped us to do the following in line with the action plan.


It all started like a dream. Little did I know that God was working out His purpose,
when I was by divine plan chosen and invited for training with the African Strategic
Discipleship Movement! The training which took place in May2019 at Ghana was an
encounter that changed my perspective to life and ministry.

When I returned from the trip, I was burning with a burden in my heart for a
paradigm shift in ministry. I used every opportunity at my disposal to communicate
my new found life and transformed ministerial idea to both the clergy and laity of our
Diocese. I communicated the vision effectively hence the Diocesan Board of
December 2019 declared 2020-2030 “A Decade of Discipleship”. Since then, the
themes of our synods, Diocesan Women Conferences, Diocesan Christian Men’s
Fellowship Conferences and other major gatherings have continued to revolve around
intentional discipleship.

The whole essence is to deal with the state of the church of today which is a paradox
of growth without depth. The target is to match our zeal to go wider with a
commitment to go deeper. However burning and urgent this is, the principle is to
“Dream Big, Start Small and Dig Dipper”. This was and is still our guide in the
pursuit of this great vision in our Diocese and beyond. Our dream is that every
member of our Diocese and the entire nation will be discipled but we started with
only four Archdeacons in November, 2019.

By the grace of God, what started with me and 4Archdeacons has grown with
immense speed. The 4 Archdeacons brought in their wives and other family members

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the same way I did after my own encounter. In cause of time, the Archdeacons and I
started small groups of FATS people each. Later, 12 lay Pastors were brought in, and
then in November last year, all the Archdeacons (39 in number) and their wives
started. Later, all the Archdeacons began small groups of not more than 5 Clergy
Couples each and this has covered all the Clergy and their wives. All the lay pastors
have joined also. So presently, we have about 52 Small Discipleship Groups with
more than 600 disciples undergoing this Transformation process. For better
coordination, the whole Diocese has been divided into 7 Discipleship Centers with
appointed coordinators:
1. Emmanuel center --- Ven. Dr. EbukaOmeke
2. St. Peter’s center --- Ven. Kingsley S.E. Obeta
3. St. James’ center --- Ven. Ephraim I. Asogwa
4. St. John’s center --- Ven. Godwin E. Eze
5. St. Paul’s center --- Ven. Kenneth A. Onah
6. St. Matthew’s center --- Ven. Dr. Samson E. Ezea
7. St. Mark’s center --- Ven. Dr. Nnamdi U. Ijeudo

These centers have assigned clergy and wives as members/mentees while the
Archdeacons serve as the mentors. They have met once for general centers’ retreat. It
was capital intensive but God provided for it through the Archdeacons. They have
continued to meet at their smaller groups of not more than 5 couples.

We know that the awareness of this Movement is fast penetrating the grassroots.
Because of this, many are requesting to be carried along. Surely, all of us will become
disciples of Jesus by his grace but we must not rush the process. My advice is that
you begin first to disciple yourself by engaging in Disciplined Daily Devotion (3d’s)
it is the single most important thing that will bring you closer to Jesus. Moreover,
within the next one year, we have the plan of using the existing organizations in the
Diocese, beginning with the EFAC, and the Women Ministry in driving this vision.
So beside the discipleship train enroute the Clergy and Lay pastors to other members,
we will bring in these organizations.

Above all, our greatest joy about this movement is not just how wide it is growing but
the noticeable change of life demonstrated by those in the movement. The testimonies
of victory over sin, healing in marriages and homes, positive change in approach to
ministry and life issues, unity, love, understanding, etc are on the lips of both adults
and sucklings, not just within Nsukka but all over the nation. Let me share some
testimonies with you.
1. From Ven. KSE Obeta: For so many years, I was in bondage. I couldn’t eat from
the same pot with others because I was not eating magi and other spices. Each
time I try to, I suffer acute stomach disorder for almost a week. This continued
until December 2019 when we went for a Discipleship retreat. God opened my
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eyes and I saw that my problem was that I believed a lie. Then I rejected that lie
and believed the truth. I resolved the magi and other spices will never react
negatively in my system again. I began from that 2019 to eat from the same pot
with others and till today, I have not experienced that stomach problem again.

2. REKINDLED FIRE by Rev. Can. Christian Orji

Brethren, I wish to thank the Almighty God for his marvelous works in my life and
family. Since we returned from our discipleship retreat at Neke in August 2021, God
has satisfied my heart cry-- to maintain a daily quiet time with God and to sustain the
desire to study God's word. Is like the weakness of which I confess often - failings in
the study of the word and prayer is all gone now. For the first 12 days from 14th
August, I never missed my 3-Ds. Then I missed a few days at intervals due to illness,
travel and light. However, I had my personal prayers most of such days only that I did
not read the Bible and keep my journal. In all, there is great improvement in my daily
devotions. I began to study the book of Daniel in my 3-Ds on 14th of August at Neke.
I got to the 12th and last chapter on 12th of September. I am now studying the book
of Hosea. I have equally made arrangements for additional rechargeable light to
augment the ones we have already.

My greater joy lies in how the Lord has transformed the devotion of my wife and my
family members since after the retreat at Neke. I have always encouraged everyone to
have personal time with God. However, I did not monitor the implementation. But
since after our retreat, I have picked up my job as the time keeper and bell ringer
( hope to get a bell soon) of the family. Somehow, waking everyone for personal
quiet time (3-Ds) is now a daily early morning job for me. The results are quite
encouraging. Gradually the fire has contacted a ready dry straw. All the early
morning drowsiness that often characterizes a busy day seems to have given way to a
spiritual consciousness and alertness. I wake them by 5.30am for our personal 3-Ds
and by 6am we have our family devotion. Sometimes I wake them by 5am so we
could have an hour before family altar. I have introduced the 4-H to them and
gradually I believe they will get used to it.

I want to sincerely, appreciate our Bishop for the pain he took to strengthen our walk
with God. I appreciate every one of us for being part of this rekindling experience. I
will appreciate.

3. Ven. Ephraim Asogwa

Before I was introduced to Disciplined Daily Devotion (3Ds), I have been studying
the Bible. However, much of what takes my time is "Studying to Preach". But now, I
have learnt to study to advance my personal knowledge of and relationship with God.
To the glory of God, this has boosted my family life and relationship with everyone
around me. My ministry has received more energy and a better direction. I don't get
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angry again easily and generally my frequently heated emotions have disappeared

4. Mrs. Charity Ogechukwu Asogwa: My husband, Ven. Ephraim Ikechukwu

Asogwa is a different Ephraim from the one I have been living with for over 27
years now. He used to be so stern, strict and hard on all of us in the family that,
sometimes, we use to be afraid of him. Decisions in the family affair can only
come from him.We kept quiet and were praying until he came back from Neke
Discipleship Meeting in December 2019 and everything about him and the family
life changed. The children and I joined in his new found life and today our family
(spiritual and social) life is great.

5. Mrs. Cordelia Ijere: Since our Archdeacon enrolled me in his wife's cohort
group, my devotional life had changed gloriously. However, it all started in my
house as we hosted the Diocesan Women's Conference Delegates in September
2020. One of our guests, Mrs. Charity Eze, explained the concept of Disciplined
Daily Devotion (3Ds) to us during our early morning family devotion. My
children and I did not understand this fully until God's grace placed me under
Mrs. Charity Asogwa's discipleship group. I now understand the Bible better, as I
apply the 4H study plan. My children had joined; sometimes they call to share
their experiences with us at home. There is peace now in my home. My husband
is also beginning to love God more than before. Though he has not started his
personal Disciplined Daily Devotion, he has not missed the family devotion since
our 2020 Diocesan Women's Conference. Before now, he had treated our family
devotion with negligence.

Furthermore, I used to be hot tempered. Since I took up this spiritual journey, I

have not quarreled with anyone - especially the many unbelievers around us. I
personally decided to cut off every membership of the social groups I belonged to
so as to truly major in my consecration through my study of the word. I now live
in peace with my husband, children, colleagues and pupils at school where I teach
and people in our neighborhood more. I now take evangelism and Church
discipleship programmes more serious with commitment.

6. One of our brothers: I have the permission of one of our brothers to

publish this testimony, though, I wouldn’t mention his name.
I used to suffer lust, masturbation and watching of pornographic films for thirteen
years, for all those years I would go for retreat and it would stop but after some
time, a woman would come around in the spirit. Once I encountered the woman
spirit, physically I would lose my self control and start all manner of lust.
Sometimes after some retreat when I might have regained myself, if I pray for

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anyone with any issue around immorality within three days it will come back.
From June 2008 to April 2021 I know the details of how and the night it all
started and also know the morning around 11am when the yoke was broken. It
didn't breakimmediately we started discipleship but after a year and 5 months the
yoke was broken. Hallelujah.

7. My encounter with God through Intentional Discipleship

This discipleship movement I encountered through the life of my Bishop, Rt. Rev. A.
E. Agbo (JP) has answered so many questions and worries in my heart. Before now,
there were a lot of worries in my heart pertaining my faith and marital life which I
have been asking myself whom do I go and confide in that will not betray my
confidence. These are few areas that I will highlight on;

(1) One thing that this intentional discipleship has done in my life is that it recovered
me from myself and return me back to God. It gave me hope for living again for I
have lost hope in everything in the world. I always wish to be away from this hash
world. I gave my life to Christ in the year 1999, I did my Bible study follow up and
graduated. I started leading church organization but there were lots of struggles and
battles within me. Struggles like anger and keeping malice, taking vengeance for
myself through my actions when relating with people who offended me. Even when I
said I have forgiven them, inside me I still see element of unforgiveness. Thank God
who is helping me to over come them.

(2) Through this intentional discipleship I discovered that love is the strongest
weapon that can conquer the Lion's heart and all manner of violence in the people's
heart. Before I encountered this God in this way, I have resolved in my heart to be
violent towards my blood brothers whom I felt have been treating me badly. We had
land case which had lasted for 8yrs in the court. Through the counsel of my Bishop
and what learnt from his relationship with his own brothers, I also sort to resolve our
family land dispute. God helped me, I brought back the case from Court and the Land
was shared. Still, the relationship among us was nothing to write home about. It was
through this discipleship that I learnt how to relate in love through giving with my
brothers. Today, We all are now laughing and eating together. We are now having
our extended family meeting (umunna) which was impossible for over 10yrs.

(3) My relationship with my wife has been enhanced tremendously through this
encounter. Before now, I was not considering her opinion over some issues. I was not
carrying her along in family decisions. I was not expressing how I love her verbally.
Because of these my behaviours she started behaving in a way that was posing
challenges to our family life. I thought she was the cause of all our problems but now
I realized that I was the cause of all our troubles. Now I started changing in my
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characters and the way I have been doing things and discovered that she herself is
changing and she still remains that lovely and caring sister that I married. I was the
problem not her. I discovered that my verbal expression of love is more than any gift
to her. She just wants me to acknowledged her importance in my life and that is what
I am doing through the help of God.

(4) This encounter has opened my eyes and taught me how to read my Bible. My
understanding of the scripture has changed greatly. I now see myself in every verse of
the scripture not them anymore.

(5) I have started working on my desires seriously for I discovered through the
scripture that my greatest challenge in my inter personal relationship with people
including my wife is my desires. If I can conquer my desires, then I will have less
problem with people.

8. Ezugwu Meshach Nnabuike:

My joining a discipleship group has really imparted a lot to my life.

Firstly: It opened my eyes about how I read the Bible. I see every little detail very
important and impactful.

Secondly: My devotion now is not to fulfill all righteousness but to grow more in the
spirit and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Thirdly: There is an internal joy within me, every time and every day I open the Bible
because I see the SON (Jesus Christ) rise and not my own choice and gains.

Fourthly: It has given me a hunger to know more and more, to get more conviction
about my faith.

It has also thought me to trust fully on God and his ever enduring power, and not on
myself in everything.

It has given me inner peace

It has become my source of strength in life and ministry.

We praise God for those testimonies.

For more effectiveness of this Movement and in line with our resolution during our
last Synod, we hereby set up a Board to be called “NSUKKA STRATEGIC
1. Rt. Rev. Aloysius E. Agbo – Chairman

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2. Ven. Kingsley Obeta –Secretary

3. Ven. Ephraim Asogwa
4. Ven. Godwin Eze
5. Ven. Moses Ebuka Omeke
6. Rev. Can. Christian Orji
7. Evang. Sunday Asogwa
8. Pharm. Ndubisi Onyi
9. Mrs. Peace Ugwuanyi
10. Mrs. Charity Eze
11. Mrs. Cordelia Ijere.
12. Pastor Godsent Omeje

They are hereby constituted and will begin to immediately drive this movement in the
diocese and beyond as God may direct.

God’s divine intention is to make every believer to be like Jesus. In order to become
like Christ, disciples must possess a learning posture, ever ready to receive and apply
what they are being taught. They must be fully trained, accepting all teachings of the
Master and applying them to their lives. They must be faithful, available and
teachable. As they continue their life-long journey of discipleship they become useful
in the hands of the Master, prepared to help others become disciples as well. This is
the essence of Following, an imperative for Intentional Discipleship. May the Lord
help us to intentionally follow Him, and also intentionally teach others to do the

Please join me as we conclude with this Hymn:

1. Ka m'so Onye-nwem rida na ndagwurugwu,

Ebe miri nke mara nma neru eru;
M'gesogide Jisus n'eb'o bula O nedum,
Nazoso Ya rue mgbe m'gekpu okp'eze.

Neso! neso! ka m'sogide Jisus!
Ebe dum O nedum ka m'ganeso Ya!
Neso! neso! ka m'sogiode Jisus!
Ebe nile O nedum ka m'geso Ya.

2. Ka m'so Onye-nwem rida na ndagwurugwu,

Ebe miri joro njo, n'ok'ifufe di;
Ebe aka-Ya nedum apughm itu egwu:
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Mgagh-at'ujo ih'ize-ndu m'O no nso.

3. Nime ndagwurugwu m'obu n'elu ugwu,

Nkpur'obim gano nso Onye-nzotam mgbe dum;
O ganedum n'udo n'uzo nk'O zoro ukwu,
Rue n'ebe ha nezuko n'el'igwe-Ya. Amen.

Thanks for your patience in listening and willingness to Follow.

Your brother, Friend and Bishop

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Beloved in Christ, to the saints and faithful brethren throughout the Diocese, Grace be
unto you and peace, from God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
We are grateful to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ whose mercy has kept us as
a church and as a people despite the daunting challenges of Coronavirus pandemic
(COVID - 19), that ravaged the entire globe. We thank God immensely for the tenacity
of your faith, especially in reorganizing yourselves to keep contact and to worship in
small groups, your labor of love to one another and towards supporting the welfare of
our workers was evident even in such a discouraging time, may God bless you. We
thank God for saving our lives, many lessons have been learnt as a church especially
the Priesthood of all believers; a necessary lesson highlighted and prudence in the
management of our time and limited resources to focus on what really matters to our
lives as disciples of Christ and as a Church. We will continue to pray for God’s
intervention and total healing to those countries which are still battling with the virus.
From the depth of our heart we thank you for your unequivocal love and a
progressively deepening relationship between you all and my family from the arrival
of our triplets on 4th October 2019 and again in the demise of my elder brother Mr.
Philip Ogbodo Agbo, who has been my father since I was seven; you condoled with
us, bore our grieves and him a befitting burial on 7 th of August. May God richly bless

We are pleased to let you know that though the journey has been challenging, God’s
power has always prevailed. Amidst all this, we have been blessed in every way:
harvest of babies, promotions, appointments, achievements etc. It is true we had our
sorrows in the death of some clergymen, our dear Chancellor and some laity; in all,
our joy overcomes our sorrow. Our God is indeed faithful.
The 3rd session of the 9th synod of our dear Diocese was held with the theme “A Call
for Intentional Discipleship” (Matt. 28:18-20). We observe that the church has shown
some level of commitment to Evangelism and in organizing both outdoor and indoor
programmes in different colourations. In fact, we can boldly say that we have an active
church with active members. But disappointingly in the words of John Stott: “even
growing churches today are often growing without depth.” “… The state of the Church
is marked by a paradox of growth without depth. Our zeal to go wider has not been
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matched by a commitment to go deeper.”Church leaders and many members may be

strong in commitment and vision, but many have never experienced being discipled
themselves, and our traditional church programs and training institutions are not
adequately resulting in transformation at the local church level. Dr. Howard
Hendricks, explained that, “when a person makes a profession of faith and is never
taken through a formal discipleship process then there is little hope of seeing genuine
spiritual transformation.” Discipleship needs to be in the DNA of today’s Church
from the pulpit, classroom, small groups, and home groups. We need pastors, other
Church leaders and individual believers to focus on building a culture of discipleship
in our Churches.There is a critical need for a Jesus-model of local church-based
disciple making that integrates the principles of intentionality, relationship, life-
transformation, and multiplication.

Light of the above, intentional Discipleship is a movement with a defined purpose of

achieving Christ-shaped life in me first, then in others. It is taking personal
responsibility to help someone else to grow in Christ. Intentional Discipleship entails
envisioning, planning, expecting, and arranging. As a Diocese, church, families, and
individuals, we must set specific results as our target, supported with specific
measurements and deadlines behind our intention. We require a clear objective, then
must be deliberate about it; be purposeful with our time, that is, commit most of our
time in pursuit of this aim for the specific result of making every member of our
diocese to embrace and show Christlikeness, and set specific goals to drive this
discipleship movement. Being intentional, we must deliberately integrate existing
structures in our churches and turn them into discipleship groups. Our target is to make
every member a disciple of Jesus Christ and our deadline is 2030. So in order to be
intentional, we have prayerfully developed an action plan, in which we will all be
committed and it will be communicated to you all

God has been faithful to us with material provisions. The re-modeled Bishops court is
nearing completion and will be dedicated soon by the grace of God. We shall invite
you at the appropriate time.
We commend all who have keyed into the Diocesan Endowment Fund, though the
participation is still low. Every member of the diocese should endeavor to contribute a
minimum of #2,000:00 for four years. A committee of 3 has been set up in every
church and endowment fund cards provided.
We have established a welfare fund at the central office and shall set aside one Sunday
in a year to fund the account, the date shall be communicated

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We have appointed a Bishop’s Commissary in the person of Prof. Edwin O. Omeje

and are praying that God will continue to bless his dedication and grace for
commitment to kingdom labours in Jesus name. Amen.

We note with concern the grave condition of national security. Therefore, we

encourage our members to be security conscious and support security measures
operational in their areas to curb the menace of insecurity in our nation
We congratulate our Primate, the Most Rev. Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba and his
wife, Mrs. Angela Eberechukwu Ndukuba, for the successful hosting of the 13 th
General Synod of the Church of Nigeria, held from Monday, September 21st to Friday,
25th, 2020, at the St Matthias House, our National Secretariat, Gudu, Abuja. This
happened to be the first General Synod to be hosted by our new Primate. The theme of
the Synod was “The Priority of God” (Matt. 6:33). The Primate, during the
presentation of his address, created some committees, and appointed me to anchor a
Taskforce tagged “The Joshua Generation Youth and Children Mission.” We request
your prayers for God’s grace and wisdom as we take up the responsibility.
We are grateful to the Archdeacon of Amachalla Archdeaconry Ven. Kenneth A.
Onah, his wife, Dr. Mrs. Chinwe Onah; the clergy and their wives, lay pastors and
their wives, the local organizing committee, and the entire good people of the
Archdeaconry for courageously accepting to host this Synod as a young Archdeaconry
for the first time and in face of COVID-19 challenges. Their sincere commitment in
ensuring the good success of this synod, tasking themselves, for infrastructural face-
lift etc is well appreciated. May they receive their reward in this world and in eternity!
And now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless
before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour,
be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Your Bishop and friend
The Rt. Rev Aloysius Eze Agbo (JP)

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1. PREAMBLE: The 3rd session of the 9th synod of the Diocese of Nsukka (Anglican
Communion) was held from Thursday 29th October to Sunday 1st November 2020 at
St. Bartholomew’s Church Amachalla under God and was presided over by the
Bishop of the Diocese of Nsukka, the Rt. Rev. Aloysius Eze Agbo (JP),
accompanied by his amiable wife, Mrs. Ifeoma Anthonia Agbo (JP), and was
attended by 1 Bishop, 121 clergy and 128 lay delegates. The Synod received
goodwill messages from 9 different Dioceses of the Anglican Communion to wit:
Udi, Ehamufu, Enugu North, Enugu, Akoko Edo, Akure, Etche and Nike.
2. It also received many distinguished guests, across the country including the
Archbishop of Enugu Ecclesiastical Province, the Most Rev. Dr. E. O Chukwuma
(OON) ably represented by Ven. Dr. Moses Ifeanyi Eze, the Bishop of Oji-River
Diocese, the Most Rev. Amos A Madu, the Bishop of Enugu North Diocese, Rt.
Rev. Engr. Sosthenes Eze, the Bishop of Udi Diocese, Rt. Rev. Chijioke Aneke,
The Bishop of Nike Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Onyeka Onyia, the Bishop of
Awgu/Aninri Diocese, Rt. Rev. Benson Chukwunweike, the Bishop of Ehamufu
Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Daniel Olinya, the Chief Judge of Enugu State, Hon. Justice,
P. N Emehelu, FCIArb, ably represented by the Hon Justices H. O. Eya and V. C.
Ajogwu, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Nigeria, Prof. Charles A. Igwe,
the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic), University of Nigeria, Prof. Johnson
Urama, the Executive Chairmen of Igbo- Eze North and Uzo- Uwani, Hon. Ejike
Itodo and Celestine Nnadozie and other eminent personalities.
3. The Synod commends the Governor of Enugu State; His Excellency Rt. Hon. Dr.
Lawrence Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi for rural electrification and massive road construction
that have opened hinterlands that were hitherto impassable and traffic lights in
township for transportation orderliness. The synod prays and wishes him success in
his political endeavors and peaceful conclusion of his second tenure in office.

4. The Theme of the Synod was “A Call for Intentional Discipleship” culled from
Matthew 28: 18-20. In his charge to the Synod, the Bishop of Nsukka, Rt. Rev. A.
E. Agbo (JP) expresses disappointment in the observation of the fact that even with
the increasing growth in the number of churches with millions of adherents in
Africa and, particularly in Nigeria, there hasn’t been corresponding spiritual

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maturity. He avers that though we can boldly say we have an active Church with
active members, yet the state of the Church is marked by a paradox of growth
without depth. He however, attributes this abnormal situation to the lack of proper
discipleship experience on the side of both the members and leaders of the church,
hence, the theme of the Synod. This calls for all christians to submit themselves for
intentional discipleship processes that would enhance spiritual maturity.

5. The Theme further stresses that for us to have a better society, our leaders should as
well, intentionally submit to a thorough political education that would groom and
equip citizens with sound political ethos needed to make governance a similitude of
God’s leadership over His people.

6. The Synod notes with joy, God’s prevailing power that enabled it to meet after
several months of global lockdown due to the covid-19 pandemic. While
sympathizing with people who lost their loved ones to the pandemic, it affirms its
commitment to intensify prayers for those who are currently infected by the disease
all over the world for quick recovery. It further directs that people in every nook
and cranny of our country and beyond should not play down on the reality of
Covid-19 pandemic, but put more efforts in suppressing its spread, by observing all
the recommended precautionary measures from NCDC.

7. It commends the Federal Government of Nigeria and particularly, the Enugu state
Governor, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. (Dr) Lawrence Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi for the quick
interventions during the horrible period of the unfortunate covid-19 pandemic and
for particularly ensuring that palliative materials were promptly and equitably
distributed to deserving groups in Enugu State including the churches. On the other
hand, the Synod condemns in its entirety, the alleged cases of palliative hoarding in
some states of the federation and warns the suspected perpetrators of such act to
desist from such unwholesome attitude, knowing full well that every action and
intention of man shall be brought to judgment.

8. The synod however, urges the Church and the society to begin to thrive on the
lessons of the outbreak of the pandemic like adopting the use of ICT in reaching out
to her ever-increasing audience and prudence in church administration.

9. There have been several hand writings on the wall which the Federal Government
of Nigeria has bluntly refused to recognize. The ethnic tensions, secession
agitations, insurmountable Boko Haram menace, Fulani Herders killings, endless
industrial actions, and #End SARS Protest are national embarrassments and yet, the
government seems to be indifferent and insensitive to their existence. This is a
signal that Nigeria is already sitting on a keg of gun powder, only waiting for its

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explosion. Government should be mindful that anger and frustration are building up
in the land. The Synod therefore, urges the Advisers and handlers of President
Muhammadu Buhari GCFR to help him and Nigeria by not shielding him away
from the realities on ground. The Synod further notes with worry that the unity,
peace and progress of Nigeria are in great jeopardy.
10. The Synod applauds the courage of the Nigerian youths who are currently
embarking on peaceful protest against Police brutality and abuses of fundamental
human rights of the Nigerian citizens. It commends the Federal Government for
quickly disbanding the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) unit of the Nigerian
Police Force following the youth’s protests nationwide. It strongly condemns the
shooting of unarmed protesters at the Lekki Toll Gate on Tuesday 20th October
2020 leading to some unfortunate loss of lives and subsequent destructions of
public and private properties, and especially frowns at the perceived hijacking of
the intended peaceful protests by some rioters. The Synod urges the Government to
track and prosecute such rioters for vandalism, arson and breach of the public
peace. The Synod further recommends that Government should address every
legitimate demand of these aggrieved Nigerians who have gone on the streets to
ventilate their grievances.

11. The Synod condemns the arrest and indefinite detention of the suspected palliative
storehouse looters. It is the requirement of the law that a person who is arrested by
the police for a crime is arraigned before a court having competent jurisdiction to
try his case within 48 hours and/ or reasonable time of such arrest. The Synod
therefore calls on the Federal Government to urgently release those arrested in
connection with the lootings or charge them to court immediately.

12. The Synod observes that the Nigerian University students have been turned into
ordinary street children due to the unending industrial actions by Academic Staff
Union of the Universities (ASUU). There has been increase in the crime waves. The
Synod notes that such increase is not unconnected with depression and/ or
frustrations. These are the future leaders of Nigeria and their international
counterparts are already ahead of them in human capital development. It therefore
calls on the Federal Government of Nigeria to do all within its power to ensure that
these students are returned to their schools immediately. It also urges the Nigerian
University students to remain hopeful and faithful to God.

Rt. Rev. Aloysius Eze Agbo (JP) Ven. Chinedu G Onah (JP)
(Bishop of Nsukka) (Clerical Synod Secretary)

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Presidential Address at the 1st Session of the 10th Synod




2029 UDA
2032 UNADU

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Presidential Address at the 1st Session of the 10th Synod


(Anglican Communion)
Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria



The House of Bishops of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) met under
the guidance and protection of the Holy Spirit and the leadership of The Most Rev'd
Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of All
Nigeria, for their Annual Retreat at Ibru Ecumenical Centre, Agbarha-Otor, Delta
State from January 4-8, 2021. One hundred and forty-one (141) serving Bishops were
present. The retreat presented opportunity for fellowship together in prayer, worship,
and learning. Bishops addressed their

minds to the issue of "Servant Leadership: The imperative of Jesus Christ” taken
from Matt. 20:20-28. The keynote address was delivered by The Most Rev’d Dr.
Joseph Akinfenwa, Bishop of the Diocese of Ibadan, while the Bible Study was led
by The Rt. Rev’d Dr. Blessing Enyindah, Bishop of the Diocese of Ikwere.
Goodwill messages were received from former Primates of the Church, The Most
Rev'd Peter J. Akinola and The Most Rev'd Nicholas D. Okoh.

Rising from the retreat, the House of Bishops considers the theme very apt and timely
and therefore:
(i) Enjoins leaders to see themselves as servants who should be humble,
sacrificial and devoted in their privileged position of serving humanity.
(ii) Acknowledges that position is God given, and therefore, leaders should be
faithful to the trust committed to them.
(iii) Calls on leaders to pursue integrity rather than material wealth which has
promoted corruption, nepotism and incompetence, thereby impoverishing the
(iv) expresses concern over the current trend in Christendom where primordial and
selfish interest are promoted above Christ's Kingdom priorities.
(v) Counsel Christian leaders to always do a thorough examination about their
behavior using the word of God as the manual of life.

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Presidential Address at the 1st Session of the 10th Synod

(vi) appeals to leaders to render selfless service as a prime mover of influence

rather than indiscriminate use of power.


The Flouse of Bishops commends the Federal Government and the Academic Staff
Union of Universities for reaching an agreement leading to the calling off of the
industrial action which lasted for over eight months.

The House also implores both parties to prevent future ASUU strike actions by
showing commitment to the implementation of agreement reached and by being
proactive in engaging in early purposeful dialogue to avoid extreme action which are
detrimental to our Educational system and the future of our children.


The Retreat commends the Federal Government’s initiative to create 774,000 jobs in
the 774 Local Government areas in the Country, as a right decision considering the
huge challenges of insecurity and uncertainties associated with the increasing rate of
youth unemployment. However, the bishops warn that the job opportunities should
not be used as compensation for party patronage, adding that it is Government
initiative to help ameliorate the suffering of Nigerians irrespective of party affiliation,
sex, tribe or religion. Furthermore, the House of Bishops encourages the Federal
Government to use this initiative to jump start a more comprehensive job creation
programme to solve the problem of youth unemployment in the country.

The Retreat acknowledges the reality of Corona Virus and its multiple attendant
effects on humanity. It also commiserates with families of those who have lost their
loved ones and offers prayers for quick recovery of those who are hospitalized. The
Retreat enjoins the Church and the general public to always observe all COVID 19
protocols and further appeals to Nigerian Government to ensure that the Vaccines
being brought to the country are healthy and suitable
for Nigerians.


The Retreat notes that, in the light of the prevailing economic realities in the country
and the suffering of Nigerians, Government should reconsider its position on the
recent hike in electricity tariff.

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The Retreat notes with grave concern that there is nowhere in Nigeria that is currently
safe, either from the paths to the highways, from the home to the school, from the
street to the market place, or from the office to the farm due to the unabating killings
by the Boko Haram insurgency, the untamed Fulan Militia attacks, kidnappings,
banditry, armed-robbery and ritual killings. The
Retreat, therefore, calls on Government to tighten up its security noose so as to
guarantee the security of life and property in the country.


The House of Bishops observes with great concern that since the insurgence by
Islamic fundamentalists and other militias, many monumental buildings and
structures have been destroyed. While Government has intervened in the
reconstruction of many structures destroyed by these unpatriotic elements, many
Churches are still left in ruin. The House, therefore, calls on Government to rebuild
those Churches to provide a spiritual fulcrum-place of gathering for
Christians in the affected areas.

The Retreat notes with grave concern, the struggle for survival of an average Nigeria
which triggered the National Mass protest called #ENDSARS and condemns the
brutality of the military on harmless youths, some of whom were carrying the
National flag. It also notes with dismay that the protest, which initially was peaceful
became violent because it was hijacked by hoodlums and this led to loss of lives and
inestimable economic losses. While commiserating with the families of the victims,
the house demands for the immediate implementation of the requests as contained in
the document; “Taking back our country” which includes, among others, reformation
of the Nigeria Police, eradication of all forms of corruption, oppression, bad
governance, expensive lifestyle of public office holders, etc.

The House considers rape as the sign of a wide spiritual chasm, a deep moraldecay
and a monster inflicting sexual assault on innocent Nigerians. The Retreat joins the
rest of well-meaning Nigerians to condemn the increasing wave of this menace in our
society, and therefore, as a panacea implores Government to quickly consider the
reintroduction of Moral and Religious Education in our public schools and ensure
appropriate punishment for culprits.

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The House of Bishops welcomes the idea of the on-going linking of SIM with the
NIN of individual subscribers but cautions that the process must not bring untold
hardship and stress to the people. Therefore, the House calls on the Federal
Government, its relevant agencies and stakeholders, to create a simplified platform,
using modern technology/approach to help Nigerians.

Meanwhile, the Bishops call on Government to extend the expiration date to enable
all and sundry take advantage of the exercise.

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Presidential Address at the 1st Session of the 10th Synod


(Anglican Communion)
THE MOST REV’D HENRY C. NDUKUBA, m a , b d , m a (Ed.)
Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria.



Dearly beloved in Christ,

In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Greetings to you from the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Church of
Nigeria (Anglican Communion) hosted by the Diocese of Lagos, at Archbishop
Adebola and Oluranti Ademowo Resource Centre, Faith Plaza (CMS Grammar
School), Bariga, Lagos State, from Monday, 20th - Friday, 24th September 2021.

The theme of the meeting was “Abiding in Christ: God’s Panacea in an Unstable
World” John 15: 1 -8.

We were well received by the Diocese of Lagos (Anglican Communion) and the
Province of Lagos. It was an opportunity for us to recognise some eminent Anglicans
for outstanding performance with awards for courageous leadership in challenging
situations in various states across the country. Meanwhile, the unstable state of our
country is a matter of utmost concern to all and sundry. Banditry, kidnapping and
insecurity now characterise the life of our society in the present day Nigeria, and it is
painful that our dear country has found itself in this situation.

Many are now fearful, exhibiting hopelessness and lack of confidence in the future of
our country. Yet, at this meeting, we are strongly encouraged not to give up on our
faith in Christ and the power of the Lord to deliver us and our country. The Standing
Committee condemns in strong terms the murder of Reverend Emeka Merenu from
Orlu Diocese, Owerri Province by unknown gunmen right inside the Church
parsonage. The Standing committee commiserates with his family, the Diocese, the
entire Church and others who have suffered the same faith.
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Presidential Address at the 1st Session of the 10th Synod

Our joy is that abiding in Christ gives us hope to go through all these situations. It is
important therefore that we hold on to Christ and abide in Him, who is the solution to
our problems. If we remain in Him, He is able to keep us and make us fruitful.
Therefore, we encourage all our members to remain faithful and committed to Christ,
knowing what He has called us to be, and remain firmly committed to the purpose of
our calling as God’s children. This demands that we focus on Christ and allow no
distraction whatsoever, but look up to Christ who is the author and finisher of our
faith (Hebrews 12:1 - 2).

The economic and socio-political problems of our time call for responsible leadership
on the part of our political leaders. While we note with joy the improvement in our
economic situation as recently announced by the Government, we are well aware that
unemployment and inflation rates are still high. But we appeal to you all never to lose
hope, but to serve with diligence wherever the LORD has placed you, while we
continue to pray for more improvement in our economic situation. Hence, we
encourage you to go on with your daily business in confidence knowing that our God
will not abandon His children.

We are aware of the attempt of some people who are trying to use the name Anglican
in the formation of their Churches. This is most unfortunate when we realise that it is
intended to confuse our members; and also, bearing in mind that those who are doing
this are people who are under discipline from our Church for their immoral conduct.
We urge you not to be confused. There is only one Church of Nigeria (Anglican
Communion) duly registered in Nigeria. Any one that tries to use the name Anglican
deceptively is mischievous. Therefore, We ask you to be vigilant and not be confused.
Please, continue to serve God faithfully; and be loyal to the leadership within the
Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) in the Diocese where the LORD has
placed you.

We are delighted to report that our mission in North America is growing and we are
working on a plan to have it register as a non-profit charitable organisation in North
America under the name 'Church of Nigeria North American Mission'(CONNAM).
Please, continue to pray for this mission and all those who are working there, that,
through them, the work of God, may continue to grow.

Here, at the home front, we have at this meeting launched an initiative called
Anglican Compassion And Development Initiative (ACADI) to lead in our fight
against drug abuse and addiction. Drug abuse has reached an alarming stage in our
society and the havoc this is doing to our numerous youths is unimaginable. Please,
join us to fight the scourge. Any drug that has not been medically prescribed for our
use by certified health workers is not to be taken; and we should not indulge in using
drugs for any selfish aim to attain what we may not be able to attain naturally.

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Regrettably, COVID-19 pandemic has not totally disappeared from the world yet. It is
disturbing that the Delta variant of it is manifesting even in our country. Our
government is now making an effort to ensure that the people who live in Nigeria are
vaccinated against this virus. While appealing to all to continue to keep the protocols,
it is now important to encourage all our members to ensure that they are vaccinated,
as a better way of ensuring protection against this virus.

Finally, we urge you to continue to serve God faithfully knowing that your labour in
the LORD is not in vain. The bane of the Church of our time is a loud profession of
the faith that is devoid of integrity and character. Much noise with no fruit. God
wants us to shine as light and be the salt of our decaying society and the only way to
do so is by abiding in Christ, obeying His Word, and serving God in worship and
witnessing to His love. The fruit He desires of us is the fruit of repentance, Christ-like
character, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the fruit and harvest of soul winning and
mission. Our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ said, “Remain in Me, and I will remain
in you. For the branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you
cannot be unless you remain in Me.... When you produce much fruit, you are my true
disciples. This brings great glory to My Father” (John 15: 4)

To the only Wise and Eternal God, be glory, dominion and excellence, now and
forever. Amen.
Your brother and fellow-branch in the True Vine,

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(Anglican Communion)
Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria.



PREAMBLE: The Standing Committee meeting of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican

Communion) which was held from Monday, 20th - Friday, 24th September, 2021 was
presided over by the Most Reverend Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, the Archbishop,
Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria, accompanied by his wife, the National
President of the Women Ministries, Mrs Angela Eberechukwu Ndukuba, attended by
163 Bishops, 151 Clergy and 97 lay delegates.

Also in attendance were 3 Bishops from the Province of the Anglican Church in
North America (ACNA), led by its Primate and Chairman of the Global Anglican
Future Conference (GAFCON), the Most Reverend Dr Foley Beach.

The Standing Committee received guests at the opening ceremony, including His
Excellency, Mr. Babajide Olusola Sanwo-olu, the Executive Governor of Lagos State,
His Excellency, Barr. Chief Nyesom Ezebunwor Wike, CON, the Executive
Governor of Rivers State, His Excellency, Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Odunayo
Akeredolu (SAN), the Executive Governor of Ondo State, represented by his Deputy
Governor, Hon. Lucky Orimisan Ayedatiwa, His Excellency, Prince Dr Dapo
Abiodun, the Executive Governor of Ogun State, represented by the Most Reverend
Michael Fape, Archbishop of Lagos Province and Bishop of Remo, and Hon. Prof.
Emmanuel Akinola Abayomi, the Honourable Commissioner for Plealth, Lagos State,
all of whom were recipients of the Primatial awards for their courageous and
outstanding leadership in our nation at this challenging times.

THEME: The theme, “Abiding in Christ: God’s Panacea in an Unstable World,” was
taken from John 15: 1 - 8. The theme was exhaustively exposed through the Primatial
Address, Bible Study and Sermons. The meeting calls on Christians to abide in God
as the only panacea in an unstable world.
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sympathy to the communities affected by violence and insecurity in various
dimensions, spreading all over the country. The Church laments the gruesome killing
of one of its Clergy in the Diocese of Orlu, the Reverend Emeka Merenu. It calls on
the Government at various levels to take actions that would restore confidence in its
ability to protect lives and stem the tide of despair and hopelessness, urging them to
ensure that the killers are identified and brought to book. The unabated kidnapping of
school children in the country portends grave danger not only to the education of our
children but also to the nation’s development. The Church condemns the fragile state
of insecurity in the nation due to religious extremism, terrorism, violence, attacks and
killings all over the country; and urges the Government to urgently rise to address the

NEW WAVE OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC: The Standing Committee bemoans the

unfortunate situation which the ‘Corona Virus December 2019’ (COVID-19)
pandemic brought to the world. The Church appreciates the Government's efforts to
vaccinate the people against this pandemic and urges that efforts should be taken to
make it available in all parts of Nigeria. The Standing Committee therefore calls on
everyone to take precautionary measures and observe all protocols of COVID-19 and
its variants.

EDUCATION AND JOB CREATION: The Church calls on the Government to

efforts at addressing issues of youth unemployment. The Standing Committee,
therefore, urges the government to make Nigeria attractive to Foreign Investors. It
proposes a re-orientation in our educational system that will be relevant in the
contemporary world. In this direction, the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
has decided to establish the Anglican University of


that the regularity of industrial actions in Nigeria is alarming, adversely affecting the
economic development of Nigeria. The Standing Committee recommends that all
stakeholders involved in industrial relations should adopt Conciliation/Mediation and
other Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR) mechanisms. The Standing Committee
urges the Government to endeavor to keep the agreements reached at the roundtable
conference between them and various organisations.

INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT: The Standing Committee commends

the Federal Government on diversification of the nation’s transport system by the
introduction of rail transport and the ongoing construction of the second Niger

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Bridge. It calls on the Government to expedite actions to complete the projects.

However, the Church is worried over the durability of some of the roads constructed.

EXTERNAL DE BTS: The Church is concerned at the rate at which Government is

borrowing, thereby increasing the national debts portfolio. The Standing Committee
urges Government to exercise restraints in further borrowing so as not to jeopardise
the future of all Nigerians.

ELECTIONS IN NIGERIA: The General elections will hold again in Nigeria in

2023. The meeting encourages all Christians to be involved in the electoral processes.
The Church admonishes the National Assembly to revisit the issue of Direct-
recording electronic (DRE) voting system. As the gubernatorial election approaches
in Anambra State, the Standing Committee, enjoins all stakeholders to embrace
equity, justice, fairness, and good conscience in all political permutations and

AGITATIONS: The Church observes that many are clamouring for self-
determination because of varying forms of injustice in governance in the country. It
therefore urges Government to initiate dialogues and inclusive governance to address
the reasons for the agitations and stop gagging people with opposing views.

HEALTHCARE: The Standing Committee calls on the Government to urgently

redress the lapses in the country’s health system. It urges the Nigeria Centre for
Disease Control (NCDC) to as a matter of urgency, establish functional centers in the
six geopolitical zones.

WAR AGAINST DRUG ABUSE: The Church observes with grave concern one of
the monsters confronting our nation as drug abuse and addiction. Nigeria is fast
becoming a major drug hub in the world. The Standing Committee commends the
Federal Government for efforts of ‘National Drug Law and Enforcement Agency’
(NDLEA), in curbing drug trafficking. The Church has gone further in supporting the
efforts of the Government by declaring a War Against Drug Abuse and Addiction
through her initiative called ‘Anglican Compassion and Development
Initiative’ (ACADI).

AFGHANISTAN: The Church stands with the Christian believers in Afghanistan,

and calls on the international community to prevail on the powers in Afghanistan to
respect the peoples’ Fundamental Human Rights of Freedom of Religious Faith and

CONCLUSION: In line with the theme of the Standing Committee, it is necessary to

die to sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our LORD and the obedience to the

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Word. This will enable all Christians to abide in Christ in this unstable world and in
our nation Nigeria that is passing through a very challenging time.

The Venen Paul Dajur,

General Secretary, Church of Nigeria.

The Most Reverend Dr Ali Buba Lamido,

Dean, Church of Nigeria.
The Most i Ndukuba, MA, BD, MA (Ed),
Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria.

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