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Timp 12 timpuri verbale in limba


1. Present Simple 5. Past Simple 9. Future Simple

I jog daily. I jogged yesterday. I will jog tomorrow.
Alerg zilnic Am alergat ieri I am going to jog tomorrow.
Voi alerga maine
A:S+vb+(s,es, pers III sg) A:S+vb+ED(verbe regulate) Intentionez sa alerg maine
N:S+don’t/ doesn’t+vb A: S+vb(forma II, ptr verbe neregulate)
I:Do/does +S+vb? N:S+didn’t+vb(inf scurt) S+shall/will+vb(inf. Scurt)
I:Did+S+vb(inf scurt)? S+shall not/won’t +vb(inf scurt)
Shall/will +S+vb(inf scurt)?

2. Present Continuous 6. Past Continuous 10. Future Continuous

I am jogging right now. I was jogging yesterday at 7 p.m. I will be jogging tomorrow at 7 p.m.
Eu alerg chiar acum Alergam ieri la 7 am. I am going to be jogging tomorrow at 7 p.m.
Voi fi alergand maine la 7.
A:S+to be+vb+ING A:S+was/were+vb+ING Voi fi intentionand sa aleg maine la 7.
N:S+to be+not+vb+ING N:S+wasn’t/ weren’t+vb+ING
I:To be+S+vb+ING? I:Was/Were+S+vb+ING S+shall/will+be+vb+ING
S+shall not/will not+be+vb+ING

3. Present Perfect Simple 7. Past Perfect Simple 11. Future Perfect Simple
I have just jogged. I had jogged before we met. I will have jogged tomorrow at 9 p.m.
Eu tocmai am alergat Alergasem inainte sa ne intalnim I am going to have jogged tomorrow at 9 p.m.
Voi fi alergat maine la 9.
A:S+have/has+vb III A:S+had+vb III sau ed Voi fi intentionat sa alerg maine la 9.
N:S+haven’t/ hasn’t+ vbIII N:S+hadn’t+vb III sau ed
I:Have/has+S+vb III I:Had+S+ vb III sau ed S+shall/will+have+vb III
S+shall not/will not+have+vb III

4. Present Perfect Continuous 8. Past Perfect Continuous 12.Future Perfect Continuous

I have been jogging for two hours. I had been jogging for two hours when we met. I will have been jogging for two hours at 9.
Am alergat timp de doua ore. Alergasem timp de doua ore cand ne-am intalnit I am going to have been jogging for two hours at 9.
Voi fi alergat de doua ore la 9.
A:S+have been/has been+vb+ING S+had+been+vb+ING
N:Have/has+S+been+vb+ING? S+hadn’t +been+vb+ING S+shall/will+have+been+vb+ING
I:S+have/has+not+vb+ING. Had+S+been+vb+ING S+shall not/will not+have+been+vb+ING

Prezent Eu mananc I eat I do not eat do i eat? 1.Prezent Simplu

Tu mananci You eat You don't eat do you eat? o acțiune pe care o fac în mod regulat
El mananca He eats He does not eat does he eat?
Noi mancam We eat We don't eat do we eat? S+vb+(s,es, pers III sg)
Voi mancati You eat You don't eat do you eat? S+don’t/ doesn’t+vb
Ei mananca They eat They do not eat do they eat? Do/does +S+vb?
Prezent Eu mananc acum I am eating now I don't eating now am i eating now 2.Prezent continuu
Tu mananci acum You're eating now o acțiune pe care o fac în momentul
El mananca acum He's eating now vorbirii
Noi mancam acum We are eating now
Voi mancati acum You are eating now S+to be+vb+ING
Ei mananca acum They are eating now S+to be+not+vb+ING
To be+S+vb+ING?
Imperfect Eu mancam I was eating pizza I wasn’t eating Was I eating? 6. Past continuous
Tu mancai You were eating pizza You were not eating Were you eating? o acțiune întreruptă din trecut
El manca He was eating pizza He was not eating Was he eating? S+was/were+vb+ING
Noi mancam We were eating pizza We were not eating Were we eating? S+wasn’t/ weren’t+vb+ING
Voi mancati You were eating pizza You were not eating Were you eating? Was/Were+S+vb+ING
Ei mancau They were eating pizza They were not eating Were they eating?
Imperfectul se traduce de regula cu past
Mă uitam la TV când ai I was watching TV when The conjunctions when and while are used
sunat. you called very often in sentences that contain verbs
in the Past Continuous
I used to climb trees. I did not use to tell jokes. Did you use to play tennis? “Used to” past
You used to climb trees. You did not use to tell Did he use to play tennis?  un obicei din trecut=Obisnuiam sa
He used to climb trees. jokes. Did we use to play tennis? Subject + Used To + Verb (1st form)
She did not use to tell Did + Subject + Use To + Vb (1st form) ?
jokes. Short answers: Subject + Did Not (Didn't) Use To + Vb (1st )
Did you use to play tennis?
I used to watch TV a lot We can say used not to Yes, I did. / No, I did not. Used To & Would
Mă uitam mult la TV când
when I was a child instead of did not use to. (No, I didn't.) We can use would instead of used to when
eram copil.
I used not to tell jokes. = I we mention how often something used to
did not use to tell jokes. happen.

I used to play in the schoolyard every day.

I would play in the schoolyard every day.

But it is incorrect to replace used to with

would when we mention only the activity.

Correct: I used to play card games.

Incorrect: I would play card games.
Precizăm că putem traduce used to în
limba română atât folosind construcția
obișnuia(m) să, cât și folosind timpul
e.g.: Mă jucam în curtea școlii în fiecare zi.
Perfect eu mersei I walked
simplu tu merseși you walked
el/ea merse he / she walked
noi merserăm we walked
voi merserăți you walked
ei/ele merseră they walked

I lost
eu pierdui you lost
tu pierduși he / she lost
el/ea pierdu we lost
noi pierdurăm
you lost
voi pierdurăți
they lost
ei/ele pierdură

Mai mult eu mersesem I had walked I had not walked Had I walked? 7.Past Perfect Simple
ca tu merseseși You had walked You had not walked Had you walked? o acțiune care s-a încheiat înainte de un
perfectul el/ea mersese He / she had walked He / she had not walked Had he walked? anumit moment din trecut
noi merseserăm We had walked We had not walked Had Iwe walked? S+had+vb III sau ed
voi merseserăți You had walked You had not walked Had you walked? S+hadn’t+vb III sau ed
ei/ele merseseră They had walked They had not walked Had they walked? Had+S+ vb III sau ed

I had read There are three conjunctions that often

eu citisem you had read help us recognize Past
tu citiseși
he / she had read Perfect: when, before and after.
el/ea citise
we had read
noi citiserăm
voi citiserăți you had read
ei/ele citiseră they had read

Văzusem acel film înainte I had watched that movie

ca Jane să îmi spună despre before Jane told me
el. about it.

I had studied French
before I moved to France. I had not studied French Had I studied French
before I moved to France before I moved to France?
Studiasem franceza inainte
sa ma mut in Franta You had read that book
before she gave it to you You had not read that Had you read that book
as a present. book before she gave it before she gave it to you
Tu citisei cartea inainte sa to you as a present as a present?
ti-a dea ea cadou. Mary called the plumber
after George had George had not fixed the Had George fixed the sink
Mary a sunat instalatorul fixed the sink. sink before Mary called before Mary called the
după ce George reparase the plumber. plumber?
chiuveta. Jeremy arrived home
after Clara had Clara had not Had Clara finished cooking
Jeremy a ajuns acasă după finished cooking dinner. finished cooking dinner dinner before Jeremy
ce Clara a terminase de when Jeremy arrived. arrived?
gătit cina. It had stopped raining
when we left. It had not Had it stopped raining
Se oprise ploaia cand am stopped raining when we when we left?
plecat We had never been to left.
Nu mai fusesem niciodată that restaurant before We had not ever been to Had we ever been to that
la acel restaurant până last night. that restaurant before restaurant before last
aseară. last night. night?
You had had that TV for
Avuseserati acel tv de 10 ten years before it broke You had not had that TV Had you had that TV for
ani inainte sa se strice down for ten years before it ten years before it broke
broke down. down?
They had found a
Gasisera un alt hotel cand different hotel when the They had not found a Had they found a different
receptionerul i-a sunat in receptionist finally called different hotel when the hotel when the
cele din urma. them. receptionist finally called receptionist finally called
them. them?
Eu pictasem I  had been painting I had not (hadn’t) been Had I been painting? 8.Past Perfect continuous
Tu pictasei You had been painting painting Had you been painting? accentueaza ideea de desfasurare a unei
Ea pictase  She had been painting You had not (hadn’t) Had she been painting? actiuni petrecute inaintea unei alte actiuni
Noi pictaseram We had been painting been painting Had we been painting? trecute
Voi pictaserati You had been painting She/he had not (hadn’t) Had you been painting?
Ei pictasera They had been painting been painting Had they been painting? S+had+been+vb+ING
We had not (hadn’t) S+hadn’t +been+vb+ING
been painting Had+S+been+vb+ING
You had not (hadn’t)
been painting
They had not (hadn’t)
Spalasem masina timp de I had been washing the
been painting
doua ore inainte sa inceapa car for two hours before
ploaia it started to rain.

Il cautasem(l-am cautat) I had been looking for it

ore intregi inainte de a-l for hours before I found
gasi it
Perfect eu am citit ieri I read yesterday I did not read yesterday Did I read yesterday? 5.Past simple
compus tu ai citit ieri you read yesterday you did not read Did you read yesterday? o acțiune încheiată în trecut
el/ea a citit ieri he / she read yesterday yesterday Did she read yesterday?
noi am citit ieri we read yesterday he did not read yesterday Did we read yesterday? S+vb+ED(verbe regulate)
voi ați citit ieri you read yesterday we did not read Did you read yesterday? S+vb(forma II, ptr verbe neregulate)
ei/ele au citit ieri they read yesterday yesterday Did they read yesterday? S+didn’t+vb(inf scurt)
you did not read Did+S+vb(inf scurt)
Am văzut un film grozav I watched a great movie yesterday
noaptea trecută. last night. they did not read
Eu tocmai am mancat I have just eaten lunch. Have I eaten lunch? I have not eaten lunch 3. Present Perfect Simple
pranzul You have just eaten Have you eaten lunch? You haven’t eaten lunch. o acțiune care tocmai s-a încheiat
Tu tocmai ai mancat lunch. Has she eaten lunch? She hasn’t eaten lunch.
El tocmai a mancat He has just eaten lunch. Have we eaten lunch? We haven’t eaten lunch S+have/has+vb III
Noi tocmai am mancat We have just eaten Have you eaten lunch? You haven’t eaten lunch S+haven’t/ hasn’t+ vbIII
Voi tocmai ati mancat lunch. Have we eaten lunch? They haven’t eaten lunch. Have/has+S+vb III
Ei tocmai au mancat You have just eaten
lunch. Cu adverbe de
They have just eaten frecventa:always,sometimes,often, just, yet
lunch. La interogativ se foloseste adverbul already

When do I use Present Perfect?

We use Present Perfect for:
Tocmai m-am uitat la știri.
Vrei să îți spun ce e nou? recent actions that have an impact on the
I have just watched the present situation:
Ai auzit cantecul asta news. Do you want me to I have just eaten lunch. (So I am not
inainte. tell you what’s new? hungry.)

El si-a terminat lectia. You have heard this song uncompleted actions that should be
before. completed soon:
Ea si-a tuns parul. (The negative form is used in this case.)
He has finished his He has not finished his homework yet.
Concertul a inceput homework.
She has cut her hair. changes over time:
Noi am locuit aici de doi She has cut her hair (since the last time I
ani. The concert has started. saw her).

Tu ai fost in Italia de doua We have lived here for actions/situations that started in the past
ori. two years. and continue in the present:
He has lived here for 10 years. (He still lives
You have been to Italy
Ei au crescut foarte mult. two times. here.)

They have grown a lot. life experience:

I have been to Japan.
I have seen this movie three times (up to
now / so far).

Adverbs and prepositions that are often

used with Present Perfect:

just: I have just eaten lunch.

already: I have already eaten lunch.
yet: I have not eaten lunch yet.
never / ever: I have never been to
Canada. / I have not ever been to Canada.
so far / up to now: I have been to Canada
two times so far / up to now.
recently: I have been to Canada recently.
for & since: These two prepositions are
used for actions/situations that started in
the past and continue in the present.

For indicates the period between the

starting point and the present: He has lived
here for 10 years.
Since indicates the starting point: He has
lived here since 2002.
Eu am spalat de 2 ore I have been washing for 2 I have not been washing Interogativ: 4. Present perfect continuu
Tu ai spalat de 2 ore You have been washing You have not washing Have I been  washing? - exprima o actiune inceputa in trecut care
El a spalat de doua ore He has been washing.. She/he has not washing Have you been  washing? se continua in prezent.
Noi am spalat de doua ore We have been washing… We have not washing Has she/he been  washing? - exprima o actiune trecuta al carei rezultat
Voi ati spalat de doua ore You have been washing.. You have not washing Have we been  washing? este vizibil in prezent
Ei au spalat de doua ore They have been washing.. They have not washing Have you been  washing?
Have they been  washing? S+have been/has been+vb+ING
Am spalat masina de doua I have been washing the S+have/has+not+vb+ING.
ore car for two hours
Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea
Plange de ore in sir Plange de ore in sir Prezentul perfect continuu: since. For, so
far, never, until
A plouat. It’s been raining.
Conjunctiv eu să citesc
present tu(să citești
el/ea să citească
noi să citim
voi să citiți
ei/ele să citească

m-a pus sa citesc o carte he made me read a book

Conjunctiv eu să fi citit I should have read

perfect tu să fi citit You should have read
el/ea să fi citit he / she should have read
noi să fi citit we should have read
voi să fi citit You should have read
ei/ele să fi citit they should have read

to have read a book was

sa fi citit o carte era mai better
you should have come to
trebuia sa fi venit la mine me

Conditional eu aș citi I would read I wouldn't read would i read?

prezent tu ai citi you would read
el/ea ar citi he / she would read
noi am citi we would read
voi ați citi you would read
ei/ele ar citi they would read

Conditional eu aș fi citit I would have read I would not have read would i have read
perfect tu ai fi citit you would have read you would not have read would you have read
el/ea ar fi citit he / she would have read he / she would not read would he / she have read?
noi am fi citit we would have read we would not have read would we have read?
voi ați fi citit you would have read you would not have read would you have read
ei/ele ar fi citit they would have read they would not have read would they have read?

Viitor eu voi citi I will read I will not read Will I read? 9. Future simple
simplu tu vei citi You will read You will not read Will you read? S+shall/will+vb(inf. Scurt)
el/ea va citi He / she will read He not read Will he read? S+shall not/won’t +vb(inf scurt)
noi vom citi We will read We not read Will we read? Shall/will +S+vb(inf scurt)?
voi veți citi You will read You not read Will you read?
ei/ele vor citi They will read They will not read Will they read? We use Future with Will for:
Will not= won’t instant decisions: A: Coffee or tea? B: I will
have tea.
voluntary actions: I will send you an email
when I receive new information.
promises: (I promise) I will call you when I
offers to help: A: The weather is bad. B: I
will drive you home.
requests for help: A: Will you drive me
predictions: The fortune teller said: "You
will mary a rich man." / Twenty years from
now, I will have wrinkles.
(In this case, the prediction is made with a
high level of certainty, usually for a more
distant future.)
10. Future continuous
Mâine la 10:00, voi scrie / Tomorrow at 10:00, I will Tomorrow at Future Continuous (sau Future Progressive)
voi fi scriind raportul lunar. be writing the monthly 10:00 și When you get se folosește atunci când ne referim la o
report. back to work sunt acțiune care va fi în desfășurare într-un alt
Când tu te întorci la lucru, momentele din viitor la moment din viitor sau, altfel spus, la o
eu voi merge / voi fi When you get back to care ne raportăm. acțiune din viitor care va fi întreruptă de o
mergând cu mașina la țară. work, I will be driving to Acțiunile care se vor altă acțiune sau de un moment din viitor.
the countryside. petrece în aceste
momente din viitor sunt S+shall/will+be+vb+ING
exprimate prin Future S+shall not/will not+be+vb+ING
Continuous. Shall/will+S+be+vb+ING?

Echivalentul din limba română al lui Future

Continuous ar fi modul prezumtiv. Acest
mod al verbului (voi fi scriind, voi fi
mâncând) nu se mai folosește astăzi, însă el
te poate ajuta să deosebești cu mai mare
ușurință Future Simple de Future

1. Pentru a forma Future Continuous,

putem folosi fie Will, fie Be Going To. În
general, cele două variante sunt
interschimbabile, așa că poți folosi mereu
varianta cu Will, întrucât aceasta este mai
scurtă și mai accesibilă.
Iată schema pentru Future Continuous
format prin Be Going To:
Be going to be + [verb + ING]
E.g.: The parents are going to be
cooking lunch when the children arrive
2. Future Continuous (format prin Will) nu
își schimbă forma în funcție de număr sau
3. În cazul timpului verbal Future
Continuous, exprimăm momentul de
referință din viitor prin Present Simple, nu
prin Future Simple. Facem asta deoarece
avem de a face cu time clauses (propoziții
care încep cu prepoziții de timp
precum: when, while, before, after, by, by
the time, as soon as etc.).
Incorect: When the children will
arrive home,..
Corect: When the children arrive home,..

Viitor eu voi fi  citit I will have read 11.Future Perfect Simple
anterior tu vei fi  citit you will have read acțiuni care se vor fi întâmplat înainte de
el/ea va fi citit he / she will be read un moment din viitor. Echivalentul din
noi vom fi citit we will be read limba română al lui Future Perfect
voi veți fi citit you will be read este viitorul anterior (voi fi terminat, va fi
ei/ele vor fi  citit they will be read pregătit).

S+shall/will+have+vb III
Până la miezul nopții, voi fi S+shall not/will not+have+vb III
By midnight, I will have
terminat cartea Shall/will+S+have+vbIII?
finished the book.

Până când ajunge ea acasă, By the time she gets

el va fi pregătit cina. home, he will have Observăm că avem momente de referință
prepared dinner din viitor: by midnight, by the time she gets
home. Acțiunile care se vor fi
I will have drunk all the întâmplat până în aceste momente se
Voi fi băut tot vinul până wine by the time the exprimă prin Future Perfect
sosesc oaspeții guests arrive
Iată două exemple de propoziții în care
By tomorrow, Mary will apar Future Perfect Simple și Continuous
Până mâine, Mary va fi have found a solution to formate prin Be Going To:
găsit o soluție la această this issue E.g.: By 9:00 in the morning, I am going to
problem have arrived at work.
Will you have told them E.g.: By next summer, I am going to have
Le vei fi spus povestea până the story by 10:00 p.m.? been studying Chinese for three months.
la 22:00?
The children will not 2. Future Perfect Simple și Continuous nu
Copiii nu vor mai fi mâncat have eaten by the își schimbă forma în funcție de număr sau
până când te vei întoarce time you return persoană.
3. În cazul timpurilor verbale Future Perfect
Simple și Continuous, la fel ca în cazul
lui Future Continuous, exprimăm
momentul de referință din viitor
prin Present Simple, nu prin Future Simple.
Facem asta deoarece avem de a face
cu time clauses (propoziții care încep cu
prepoziții de timp precum: when, while,
before, after, by, by the time, as soon
as etc.).
Incorect: By the time she will get home,..
Corect: By the time she gets home,..

Negativ Interogativ 12 Future Perfect Continuous

I ‘ll have been painting I won’t have been Will I have been painting? acțiuni care se vor fi întâmplat înainte de
You ‘ll have been painting painting. Will you have been un moment din viitor. Echivalentul din
She/he  ‘ll have been You won’t have been painting? limba română al lui Future Perfect
painting painting. Will she/he have been este viitorul anterior (voi fi terminat, va fi
We ‘ll have been painting She/he won’t have been painting? pregătit).
You ‘ll have been painting painting. Will we have been
They ‘ll have been We won’t have been painting? S+shall/will+have+been+vb+ING
painting painting. Wull you have been S+shall not/will not+have+been+vb+ING
You won’t have been painting? Shall/will+S+have+been+vb+ING?
painting. Will they have been
By midnight, I will have They won’t have been painting? Future Perfect Continuous se deosebește
Până la miezul nopții, voi fi been reading the painting. de Future Perfect Simple prin faptul că
citit cartea timp de șase book for six hours. pune accentul pe durata sau
ore. pe continuitatea acțiunii. For six
By the time she gets hours și the entire evening ne arată cât
Până când ajunge ea acasă, home, he will have been timp vor fi petrecut personajele făcând
el va fi pregătit cina preparing dinner the acea acțiune
întreaga seară. entire evening.
Iată două exemple de propoziții în care
apar Future Perfect Simple și Continuous
I will have been formate prin Be Going To:
Voi fi băut vin toată după- drinking wine all E.g.: By 9:00 in the morning, I am going to
amiaza până la sosirea afternoon by the time the have arrived at work.
oaspeților. guests arrive. E.g.: By next summer, I am going to have
been studying Chinese for three months.
By tomorrow, Mary will 2. Future Perfect Simple și Continuous nu
have been searching for își schimbă forma în funcție de număr sau
Până mâine, Mary va fi
a solution for two weeks persoană.
căutat o soluție de două
3. În cazul timpurilor verbale Future Perfect
Simple și Continuous, la fel ca în cazul
For how
lui Future Continuous, exprimăm
De cât timp le veti fi citit long will you have been
momentul de referință din viitor
povești până la 22:00? reading them stories by
prin Present Simple, nu prin Future Simple.
10:00 p.m.?
Facem asta deoarece avem de a face
cu time clauses (propoziții care încep cu
The children will not
prepoziții de timp precum: when, while,
have been waiting for
Copiii nu vor fi așteptat mai before, after, by, by the time, as soon
more than half an
mult de o jumătate de oră as etc.).
hour when you return
când vă întoarceți(cand va Incorect: By the time she will get home,..
veti intoarce?) Corect: By the time she gets home,..

Eu intentionez/voi petrece I am going to spend the I am not going to spend Am I going to spend the  'Be Going to' Future
vara aici summer here the summer here summer here? to be + going to + main verb
Tu intentionezi/vei You are going to spend.. You are not going to Are you going to spend..?
petrecere vara aici He is going to spend… spend.. Is she going to spend…? We use 'Be Going to' Future for:
El va petrece vara aici We are going to spend He is not going to Are we ging to spend…?
Noi vom petrece vara aici You are going to spend.. spend… Are you going to spend…? plans: I am going to spend the summer in
Voi veti petrece vara aici They are going to spend.. We are not going to Are they going to spend…? California.
Ei vor petrece vara aici spend… intentions: I am going to clean the house
In colloquial speech, You are not going to this weekend.
going to can be replaced spend.. predictions: Look at the sky! It is going to
with gonna: They are not going to rain.
I am going to buy a new spend. (In this case, the prediction is made based
umbrella. → I'm gonna on a concrete situation / an observable fact
buy a new umbrella. in the present.)
Imperativ singular citește citeste cartea asta! read this book!
plural citiți cititi cartea asta! read this book!

Infinitiv citi read

Infinitiv citire reading
Participiu Citit Read
cartea era citita the book was read
Gerunziu Citind Reading

l-am vazut citind o carte I saw him reading a book

--- Present ---

I watch TV. - Present Simple
I am watching TV. - Present Continuous
I have watched TV. - Present Perfect Simple
I have been watching TV. - Present Perfect Continuous

--- Past ---

I watched TV. - Past Simple
I was watching TV. - Past Continuous
I had watched TV. - Past Perfect Simple
I had been watching TV. - Past Perfect Continuous

--- Future ---

I will watch TV. - Future Simple
I will be watching TV. - Future Continuous
I will have watched TV before you...; by the time you... - Future Perfect Simple
I will have been watching TV for one hour when she arrived home. - Future Perfect Continuous

--- Future in the Past ---

You knew i would watch TV. - Viitorul cu 'Would'
You knew i was going to watch TV. - Viitorul cu 'was/were going to'

--- Would Always ---

Definitie: exprima ideea unui obicei/hobby care a fost oprit in trecut. (Ex: Copii mici isi sug degetul cand erau mici, cand cresc se lasa de acest obicei)
I would always watch TV when you were gone.

--- Used To ---

I used to watch TV. (obisnuiam sa ma uit la TV.)

--- Active/Passive Verb Forms ---

(Formele active si pasive ale verbelor.)
Active: I watch TV. | I eat fries.
Passive: The TV is watched by me. | The fries are eaten by me.

1) Present simple : I read a book every day.

2) Present continuous : I am reading a book.
3) Present perfect : I have played basketball for two years.
4) Present perfect continuous : He has been visiting London.
5) Past simple : a) She used to play the piano.
b) I ate ice-cream.
6) Past continuous : I was watching Tv, when mother arrived (was watching este verbul la care trebuie sa te uiti)
7) Past perfect : He had worked for the same company for 30 years.
8) Past perfect continuous : I had been cooking for ten hours when I stopped.
9) Future: He will pass his exam.
(Exemplele sunt luate dintr-un caiet de meditatii)

Present simple:
I speak with my grandmother on the phone every day

Present continuous:
I am speaking with my friend right now.

Present perfect simple:

I haven't spoken to him since Tuesday.

Present perfect continuous:

Jessica has been speaking with her friends about the party all day.

Past simple
The last time Julia spoke to his ex -houseband was three years ago.
Past continuous:
As they were speaking to the witness, the criminal managed to escape.
Past perfect simple
I had spoken to my sister about the birthday party details before my mother entered the room.

1. Plouă in fiecare noiembrie./ It rains every November.

2. Plouă si in seara asta./ It is raining this evening, too./ Prezent continuu

3. Plouă de doua zile / de dimineată. /It has been raining for two days/since morning/ present perfect continuous

4. A plouat acum o ora./ It rained an hour ago./ Past simple

5. A plouat mult saptamana asta./ It has rained a lot this week./ Present perfect simple

6. Ploua cand m-am trezit./ It was raining when I woke up./ Past continuous

7. Plouase pana cand am spalat masina./ It had rained by the time I washed the car./past perfect simple

8. Am fost sigură că va ploua. I was sure it would rain./ future in the past. Vorbesc la trecut, “am fost sigura”, daca vorbesc la trecut inseamna
ca si viitorul trebuie sa fie la trecut.

9. Cred că va ploua mult. I think it will(it’ll) rain a lot./future simple

10. Uită-te la nori! O să plouă! Look at the clouds! It’s going to rain! La predictii bazate pe organe de simt sau actiuni viitoare bazate pe
organe de simt atunci folosesc going to future

Going to= are doua utilizari,se traduce cu “intensionez sa” sau “am de gand sa” /sau predictie bazata pe organele de simt.

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