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Masters Dissertation – Human Resource Management and Training Msc

What are the implications of motherhood on women’s career advancement

into senior management? A Case Study on a Food and Beverages
Manufacturing Company in Malta

Research Question:

What are the implications of motherhood on women’s career advancement into senior

Purpose / Research Objectives:

This research sets out to evaluate the factors that affect the role that working mothers play in
the workforce and how these factors affect their career progression particularly within the Food
and Beverages Manufacturing industry in Malta.

Therefore, the main objectives of this study are:

-To examine how motherhood influences women’s role and affects the progression in their

-To analyse the barriers and career obstacles working mothers experience in the workplace.

-To identify how mothers can overcome any barriers or challenges they are faced with.
Literature Review - Topic Ideas

1. History of women in the working world

1.1. Pre-industrial revolution
1.2. The industrial revolution
1.3. Progressing through the 20th century
1.4. Entering the 21st century
1.5. Working women in Malta today

2. Common barriers women experience in the workplace

2.1. Gender stereotyping
2.2. Pay discrimination
2.3. Reduced access to promotion opportunities - harassment

3. Motherhood and Career Advancement

3.1. Factors that impact mothers’ career advancement
3.1.1. Organisational culture
3.1.2. Career break
3.1.3. School aged children
3.1.4. Change in work pattern
3.2. Overcoming the barriers and challenges
3.2.1. Work support
3.2.2. Government support
3.2.3. Family support

4. The Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector

4.1. Women’s career in the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector

- Quantitative study by means of an online questionnaire
- Participants are female employees who are mothers that working in this specific Food
and Beverages Manufacturing company in Malta (can either by in non-management
or management positions).
- Online questionnaire shouldn’t be long (example of the structure found below. The
example is not related to this topic. It is just an example for structure and format)
My questionnaire – what I did so far

1. Gender
o Male
o Female
o Prefer not to say

2. Age group
o 18-24
o 25-44
o 45-54
o 55+

3. Number of children
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4+

4. Highest educational level successfully completed

o Primary or Secondary level
o Diploma level
o Bachelor’s level
o Master’s level and above

5. What is your current job position?

o The same job position I had prior to maternity leave
o A higher job position than I had prior to maternity leave
o A lower job position than I had prior to maternity leave
Sample Questionnaire – Example for format and structure
How has remote work affected your work motivation during the pandemic?

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