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Result konstanta

DL 410.1038 LB/IN2 A= 120 lb/ft3

H 150 m
492.1245 ft


Internal Pressure (Pipe thickness required)

D (pipe outside diameter) = 6.625 In

S (ASME B31.3 Allowable stress at design temperature= 20000 psi) = 17100 Psi
E (Quality factor) = 1 for seamless pipe = 1 Constanta
p (Design pressure) = 250 Psi
Y (ASME B31.3 temperature dependent factor= 0.4) = 0.4 Constanta

t = p*D/2(SE + pY) (minimum wall thickness ASME B31.3) 0.048147 in

corrosion allowance 12.5 % (12.5% for ASTM A106 materi
0.006018 in
Minimum wall thickness 0.054165 in
1.375795 mm

Vertical Earth load (use excavation and backfill up to the surface)

Wd (Total dry unit weight of fill) = 4 Lbf/ft3

C (Height of fill above top of pipe) = 3 ft
Hw (height of water above pipe) 3 ft
Pv= Wf*C (Earth dead load pressure on the conduit above water level) 12 psf

Rw (water buoyancy factor = 1 - 0.33 (Hw/C)) 0.67

Ww (unit Weight of water) = 2 lbf/ft3
Pv = Ww*Hw + Rw *Wd*C 14.04 psf
2.729999 psi

Vertical earth load (undisturb soil -no trench-)

c (soil cohesion range from 0 psf for loose,dry sand to 1500 psf for hard clay) 10 pfs
Pvu = Pv - (2c)*(C/D) 4.983396 psf
0.968993 psi

Surface live loads

Ps = concentrated load at the surface above pipe 1000 lbf

C = depth of soil cover above pipe 36 in
d = offset distance from pipe to line of application of surface load 0 in

Pp = (3*Ps)/((2*3.14*C^2)*(((1+(d/C)^2)^2.5) Pressure transmitted to pipe 0.368601 psi

Ovality and stress

t= (thickness, pipe, lining,coating,etc)

tp =(pipe bare thickness) 1 in
tL= (pipe lining thickness) 0 in
tC= (pipe coating thickness) 0 in
Ay= vertical deflection
D = Pipe outside diameter
D1= Deflection lag factor (1~1.5) 1 constanta
K = bedding constant (~0.1) 1 constanta
P = P total Pv plus Pp 1.337595 psi
R= pipe radius 3.3125 in
(EI)eq = equivalent pipe wall stiffness per inch of pipe length, in/lb 0.083333 in/lb

(EI)eq = EI+EI1+EI2
Ip = t3/12 0.083333 in4/in
IL = 0 in4/in
Ic = 0 in4/in
Ep = Modulus of elastisity of Pipe 1 psi
EL = 0 psi
Ec = 0 psi
E' = modulus of soil reaction (0 for dumped,loose,fine grained soil to 3000 for 1 psi
highly compacted, coarse grained soil)

Ay/D =(D1*K*P)/((EI)eq/(R^3) +0.061E') ovality 21.13347 constanta

ovality max 3% (in API RP-1102) and buckling usually occurs at 20% 2113.347 %

s wb = stress pipe wall bending

s wb = 4*E(Ay/D)*(t/D) 12.75983 psi
Password Ryan

% (12.5% for ASTM A106 material)

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