The Final Decision To Hire Someone Should Always Remain in Human Control

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The final decision to hire someone should always remain in human control


Recruitment was once a complete human run function but with the advancement in science and
technology recruitment process also gets advanced. Till 90s recruitment was completely under human
control, but in less than 25 years world has moved from telephones, rolodexes and paper resumes to
online, artificial intelligence and chatbots, which is no small feat. After the advent of covid-19, world has
completely become remote, so recruitment process also become remote, people are using technology
based hiring techniques and trend and of remote hiring also flourished during this period. But still the
final recruitment decision is in human control and it should remain in human control. Recruiters may
better leverage applicant tracking systems with AI. Artificial intelligence helps recruiters to hire more
efficiently, shortlisting more accurately and screening resume more fairly, but still it’s human who makes
final decision. Artificial intelligence is an import part of HR recruitment process but still final decision is in
under human control and it should remain under human control.

Artificial intelligence is ability of computer to perform task that requires some sort of intelligence. It
allows the computer to think like human beings and mimic the human’s problem solving ability. Artificial
intelligence is also one of the important tool during hiring process, but still Intelligence tools have not
replace the qualities only people can bring, that is why final decision is taken by human during hiring .As
interview is considered as a game of nerves. During interview recruiter evaluates a candidate by
considering multiple parameters like checking confidence, critical thinking, commitment and interest of
the applicant in the work. Organizations whose hiring is completely based on AI software’s they can
never choose an ideal candidate without the human interference. Recruitment tools (like AI software’s)
are still immature one of the example to understand this statement is: Should AI prioritize a candidate
who is working in less reputed company but has taken many responsibilities or a one who is working in
a well reputed company but has taken limited responsibilities.AI software’s are written by programmers
and a program can only understand as many scenario as it has been taught . Only human can take final
decision relating recruitment process by keeping in consideration, multiple parameters that are required
for a particular job. (1)

There are many weaknesses and drawbacks in traditional human based recruitment processes, one such
problem is biasness. During hiring procedure many recruiters makes bias decision like: gender based
discrimination, religion based discrimination or sometimes recruiters prefer to hire their relatives over
the deserving one. In this modern era, world is moving with greater pace towards technology and
people consider that the problem of biasness during recruitment can also be resolve by technology (with
help of Artificial intelligence). Study from the London School of Economics (LSE) has found that AI shows
to be more efficient than human on several tasks and less bias when it comes to recruitment (2).
According to the prediction of Mckinsey’s Global institute approximately 70% of the companies will
adopt Artificial intelligence in some form. In recent years AI is important tool in recruitment. However,
as appealing as it may appear to employ AI in recruitment, it is critical to be aware of its drawbacks and
the risks. One real life example to this is of Amazon, which unintentionally created Artificial Intelligence
recruitment software that discriminated against women.(3)SO by this example it is evident that one
should not solely depend on Artificial intelligence software’s for recruitment purpose. Artificial
intelligence can be used as a helping tool for HR for recruiting efficient resources.

During recruitment process selection of ideal candidate for interview is an important task that needs
expertise. As shortlisting of candidates is time consuming task, so now a days many organizations are
preferring AI software’s to shortlist candidates for interview.AI heavily relies on certain keywords to
filter out candidates, when scanning through a piles of candidates list. There is a possibility of loophole
in AI system or it is designed in such a way that it might miss out more knowledgeable candidates
because of the missing keyword in there resume that AI system was looking for. Someone with less
knowledge can fool the system by entering the keyword that the AI designed system was looking for. For
example: Silicon Valley wants to hire candidates who have expertise in programming and if their AI
system was designed in such a way that it only search for candidates who have computer science
degree, Then it might have missed many professionals who are currently at senior levels but do not have
computer science degree. No doubt that we can make recruitment much easier by using modern
techniques but we should also use human expertise for taking final decision to overcome the drawbacks
of AI. Artificial intelligence and experienced recruiter is a best combination; by using this combination
any company can hire best resource effectively and efficiently in limited time.

During recruitment process shortlisting of candidates on the basis of organizations requirements for
particular position is tough task. Some organizations use Artificial intelligence to resolve this issue.
Artificial intelligence is trained through data, for that a large volume of data is required. Therefore Most
of the time it uses volumes of historical data. This data is collected through the resume of previous or
similar applicants. In this way Artificial intelligence learns to mimic human behavior that is also known as
machine learning. Once this algorithm is designed then the bulk of data keeps growing, so it is difficult to
monitor that consistently. As a result AI gives bulk of results instead of accurate once. So for that reason
it is necessary to provide bulk of accurate data, it is impossible to provide accurate data in such bulk
quantity. So this is the limitation of Artificial intelligence that is why it is preferred to use human
expertise in making final decision to hire someone. The HR recruitment teams will shortlist the
candidate by quickly reviewing the resume of applied candidates and only shortlist those candidates
who are the best fit according to their requirements. AI can never give such accurate results like
humans, so we can never replace human for recruitment process. Humans should always take the final
decision for recruitment process


As human are the best creature in this world so we cannot completely rely on technology without
human interference, Similar scenario is applicable in recruitment process. Technology is an important
aspect of our life we should use modern day tools and techniques but should not completely rely on
them. Artificial intelligence is a great tool it helps humans a lot in recruitment process like it helps to
complete the shortlisting of candidates for interview more quickly and effectively but without human
interference this this list will not be accurate it might miss some of the deserving candidates, due to the
loop wholes in Artificial intelligence software. Employs are the integral part of any organization, so the
recruitment process of any organization must not be biased and should give equal opportunity without
gender, cast and ethnicity discrimination. According to the point of view of some people biasness issue
can be resolved by Using Artificial intelligence but in actual practice it is not so there are many examples
of Artificial intelligence programs that give bias results during recruitment process. Instead of moving
solely towards technology for resolving recruitment based issues we should train our human Resources
and imposed penalties on staff who are involved in bias recruitment. Recruitment process final decision
should always remain in human control because there are many qualities and skills that human can
notice while interviewing a candidate but modern technology based systems cannot. So it is impossible
for any company to completely rely on Artificial intelligence or any other tool to have biasness free and
accurate recruitment. The final decision to hire someone should always remain in human control.





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