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Company chosen: Unilever PLC


Culturally diverse connections are essential for organizations to expand their mission. It is
important to understand the complexity of each culture. In fact, at that time the organization
was able to thrive in a different environment (Hofstede 2011). The Hofstede Cultural Exam
covers all hints of workplace we. From this we can infer differences in lifestyle. The ultimate
goal of this study was to examine the established culture of Unilever in Vietnam. This report
will analyze the global culture of unilever and the way of life of unilever Vietnam. Let's take
a look at Unilever's culture and corporate social responsibility approach. This also contrasts
with current virtual models, such as those from the Hofstede culture. This study addressed
operational issues related to the provision of activities in Unilever Vietnam's operations.
Remediation interactions adopted by organizations were also investigated. This study
explored the impact of organizations on the business sector in the course of their progress.

Cross cultural issues in organizations

Because of globalization, many organizations are presently working in more than one
country. This intersection of Geological limits by the organizations gives the introduction of
multicultural association where workers from More than one nation are cooperating. The
facts may show that organizations are tracking down these extensions as Appealing and
worthwhile however working and dealing with a worldwide business is regularly much
harder than dealing with a neighbourhood organization. The fundamental justification for the
extension of organizations is to make worldwide intensity by diminishing creation costs and
taking advantage of market valuable open doors presented by profession advancement and
monetary mix.Powerful information and utilization of multifaceted variety can give a
wellspring of involvement and inventive Remembering to improve the serious place of
associations. In any case, social contrasts can obstruct The effective fruition of hierarchical
objectives in the present multicultural worldwide business local area. To stay away from
Social misconceptions, administrators ought to be socially delicate and advance inventiveness
and inspiration through adaptable administration.

History of Unilever

This organization was formed in England in 1880. The organization is divided into three
departments and focuses on food, home care and personal care. The organization was
maintained and developed regardless of the various times. It is a universal symbol. The
Unilever version is known worldwide. It operates in more than 170 countries and sells 160
million products worldwide. The organization's annual income in the UK is 2 billion euros.
There are 40 species, 16 of which are pioneers in the market (Unilevercouk 2015).
Organizations have a good product image and prices from one part of the world to another.
Like this pattern, it is also known in England. As a global product, Unilever recognizes the
critical need for corporate responsibility. Integrity, respect, accountability and innovation
form the basis of the strategy of our cultural organization. The authoritative culture of the
organization is based on efficiency, quality and efficiency (Gregory 2015). Cultural
examples of GLOBE and Hofstede can be used to describe the lifestyle of an organization.
Each of these ideas has its own internal structure. The GLOBE model is used to access the
entire national system. GLOBE models allow analysts to obtain large amounts of weather
data. Hofstede's model is clearer (Shi &Wang 2011). Therefore, this model is preferred over
the GLOBE strategy because of its clarity. It can point to modest relationship problems, and
it can also point to the full effects of small changes in interaction patterns.

Hofstede Cultural dimension theory

The hypothesis aspect of Hofsted culture is used to obtain cultural and various
correspondence. It is used as a basic system to study the way of life in various countries.
Model Hofstede Ganders models the perfume and cultural value of the country, perfume and
cultural values of public culture, perfume and cultural values from the path of parent
institutions (Hofsted 2011). It is used as a marker to learn about the weaknesses and key
achievements of cultural equipment strategy (Hofstede 2011) The side of the Hofstede
Culture is fundamentally the six aspects of the power distance, including the vulnerable,
disgusting, masculinity for personality, and long (Hofstede 2011) in the immediate direction
(Hofstede 2011). The distance of a progressive lifestyle system. From this perspective,
organizations adopt either a centralized or decentralized strategy. Exploring the power and
elements of sympathy in the general public in accounts of masculinity and nobility. The
importance attached to personal development and the importance attached to cultural
development is another list used in this aspect hypothesis. Vulnerability avoidance implies
people's mindset and determination to get things done (Hofestede 2011). This system serves
as an equation for exploring an organization's culture of authority. Hofestede developed a
model of this culture and characterized each factor associated with the various ethnic groups
in his studies. Here you can see the contrasts in the way of life of different people. This works
for culturally diverse connections between organizations.

The standard guide for authorized culture continued at Unilever

Performance, Integrity, responsibility, quality and productivity are part of the clearly
important ideas found in Unilever's global culture. Partnerships have a similar approach to
many issues. The hallmarks of an authoritative culture of organization are that it has practical
action that has been transformed into administrative policies (Van Beek & Garchev 2010).
The organization adheres to the national leadership strategy. The organization ensures that
the person is treated with dignity. Same open door manager. The organization has an
unparalleled solid product image in its social values. It is because of its social qualities that
the organization has found a way to support it in the long run (Van Beek & Garchev 2010).

Model of Hofstede Culture Vietnam, UK and Unilever Vietnam

When a country expands its activities abroad. Cultural barriers are a major problem. The right
business can only be developed by finding a way for national companies and cultures to
coexist. They should maintain a healthy balance between their core values and adapt to the
culture of their country. This will benefit all stakeholders involved in the work (Berkama et
al. 1996). Unilever has its own business policies depending on the needs of the situation
(Tung & Verbeke 2010).

Unilever is based in the UK and operates in 170 countries. However, this analysis examines
the cultural dynamics of the two countries in order to compare the cultures based on the
Hofstede model. This analysis also looks at Unilever Vietnam's operating culture.
Comparisons are made between different cultures. Various forms of Hofstede culture are
performed in this experiment.

The figure below shows the average national Vietnamese culture based on the 5D model.

Figure 1 Score dimension of great britian (Sourced: Hofstede, 2012)

When one country expands its activities to another. Cultural barriers are a major
problem. The right business can only be developed by finding a way in which the culture of
the company and the country can coexist. Unilever has its own business policies depending
on the circumstances (Tung & Verbeke 2010). Unilever is based in the UK and operates in
170 countries. However, this analysis looks at the dynamics of the two countries in order to
compare the cultures based on the Hofstede model. This analysis also looks at Unilever
Vietnam's operating culture. Comparisons are made between different cultures. Various
forms of Hofstede culture are performed in this experiment. The figure below shows the
Vietnamese national cultural assessment based on the 5D model. You can check out the
cultural power of Vietnam as shown above. Power Distance Factor: Here you can see that
Power Distance Factor is 70. This means that people generally follow the hierarchy (Hofstede
2012). Electricity levels in the UK are very low (Nazarchenko 2014). This means that Britain
is less hierarchical than Vietnam. Unilever creates a balance between global distribution and
Vietnam's one-stop policy. Companies change the rate of energy level according to national
conditions (Nguyen & Nguyen 2012).

The IDV reflects the level of individual selection. There were only 20 people in
Korea, and since then, I don't think people think much of me in Korea. The state is actually a
cohesive society (Hofestede 2012). In the UK, the focus is on personal development due to
the high level of personalization. Allowing employees to quit (Nguyen & Nguyen 2012) In
terms of company policy, the company strives to find a balance between the company's
overall policy and Vietnam's local cultural heritage. The average between men and women is
40. Male high scores lead to greater competition and the development of the world. If the
gender index of women is high, the country is more interested in others. The world is at a
crossroads in the sex drive. This shows that the state cares deeply about the community.
Interest in social development is growing (Hofestede 2012) and the UK is more masculine,
preferring better human development than social development (Nazarchenko 2014). Also,
this feature is very different in Vietnam. Those who are promoted and tested in the company
are kind people who have good relationships with their colleagues and subordinates (Nguyen
& Nguyen 2012). Avoid Uncertainty 30. This means having a relaxed attitude toward work.
Employees are relegated and inclined. A comfortable workplace is better than a busy
schedule (Hofestede 2012). The level of avoidance of uncertainty is 35, similar to that of
Vietnam (Nazarchenko 2014). Because these features are the same, we follow our entire
business culture policy.

The world has a high long-term focus. This means that the world is more receptive to
the latest styles. It also refers to the ability to adapt to a new culture. That’s a very important
indicator and in this context the country has scored high (Hofestede 2012). Long-term
national orientation is lower than in Vietnam. This policy allows Vietnamese to fully align
with Unilever business culture (Nguyen & Nguyen 2012). With the exception of the
Vietnamese people, a one-sided business culture seeks to match performance (Nguyen &
Nguyen 2012). This creates a Unilever environment.

Hosftede, G 2012, Vietnam’s National Culture Scores by Geert Hofstede, viewed 9
March 2022, 
Nazarchunko, G 2014, Hofstede's cultural dimensions: United Kingdom, viewed 9
March 2022, 
Nguyen, T. K. C., & Nguyen, L. L 2012,Cultural adaptation of Unilever in Vietnam.

Unilevercouk 2015, Unilevercouk, viewed 9 March, 2022

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Tung, R. L., & Verbeke, A 2010, Beyond Hofstede and GLOBE: Improving the
quality of cross-cultural research. Journal of International Business
Shi, X., & Wang, J 2011, Interpreting Hofstede Model and GLOBE Model: Which
Way to Go for Cross-Cultural Research?. International journal of
business and management.
towards good practice, viewed 9 March 2022, 

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