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Lesson Plan in English I

April 14, 2011

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

A. define homonyms;
B. observe teamwork and sportsmanship as they participate in the provided activity
relevant to the lesson; and
C. find the homonyms of the given words and use them in meaningful sentences.

II. Subject Matter:

Reference: Making meaning in Afro-Asian Literature III
by Joyce Mendez et. al
Materials: Visual Aids, cartolina, strips of paper, flashcards
Values Infused: Sportsmanship and teamwork

III. Procedure:
A. Preparation
1. Performing routinary activities
2. Review of the Past Lesson
Synonyms and Antonyms
The teacher gives ten pairs of words and asks them to identify whether
they are synonyms or antonyms.
Example: ugly – unattractive = synonyms
lazy – industrious = antonyms

3. Motivation
The class is divided into two groups for a contest; Team Admirable and
Team Beautiful. Select ten players from each team. Then, the teacher
gives the mechanics of the game.

Here’s the rule:

a. Each member of the group will get a strip of paper inside the container
and read aloud what is written on it. Be sure to speak clearly.
b. Then go to the front and look for the meaning of their chosen question.
c. Go to the board and post it according to its numbering.
d. The group who completed the task first will be declared as winner.

Motive Questions:

Team Admirable Team Beautiful

1. This word is synonymous to 1. This word means “this
listen. place.”
2. This word means head of the 2. This word is synonymous to
school. rule, law or truth.
3. This word is synonymous to 3. This word means to stop
crack, split, or smash. movement.
4. This word means a part of 4. This is the opposite of war.
5. This word means water 5. This word means to
falling in drops, condensed exercise power or authority.
from vapor.
6. It means to have sailed 6. This word refers to a long
through the air. fighting blade.
7. This word is used to express 7. It is the result of addition.
an indefinite quantity or
8. This word is the short for 8. This word is the short for
advertisement. addition.
9. It means to assist. 9. This word means an
10. This word is a “bodies of 10. It is the opposite of blind.

Expected Answers:

Team Admirable Team Beautiful

1. Hear 1. Here
2. Principal 2. Principle
3. Break 3. Brake
4. Piece 4. Peace
5. Rain 5. Reign
6. Soared 6. Sword
7. Some 7. Sum
8. Ad 8. Add
9. Aid 9. Aide
10. Sea 10. See

B. Presentation
Read the listed words aloud. The teacher asks the students what they
notice about the words they have posted on the board.

Possible Answers: same sound

different meaning
different spelling

These words are example of Homonyms. Who can give the

meaning of Homonyms based from the given examples?

Answer: Homonyms are words that sound like but have different
meanings and spellings.

C. Discussion
Study the following sentences. Observe the homonyms used in each
sentence and try to give its meaning.

Example of Sentences Meaning of Homonyms

1. Rains, Reigns
a. Heavy rains caused the flood. * water falling in drops
b. God reigns over all creations. * exercise power or authority

2. There, They’re, Their

a. Over there is our house. * in that place
b. They’re here for fun. * contraction for “they are”
c. It’s their idea not yours. * belonging to them

3. To, Two, Too

a. I have to go to the bathroom. * in the direction of
b. There are two ducks in the ponds. * the number
c. I have to go to the bathroom too. * also
4. Are, Our
a. There are three students here. * linking verb
b. Our pineapple is the best in town. * shows possession

5. You’re, Your
a. Can I have your credit card number? * shows belonging to you
b. After that run, I bet you’re tired. * contraction of “you are”

6. Its, It’s
a. The vase lost its shine. * possession form of it
b. Come inside, it’s raining! * contraction of “it is”

7. Here, Hear
a. Come here. * this place
b. Do you hear me? * listen

8. Principal, Principle
a. The principal of our school is here. * head of the school
b. “If you want something, go for it!” * a rule, law
is my guiding principle in life.

9. Who’s, Whose
a. Who’s your favorite teacher? * contraction of “who is”
b. My father is a man whose honesty * possessive form of “who
cannot be doubted. is”

10. Some, Sum

a. Give some of your money. * a few
b. Eight is the sum of 4 and 4. * a result of addition

D. Generalization:
1. What are homonyms?
2. Give examples of homonyms.

E. Application
The teacher gives each student a homonym flashcard and tapes it on the
front of their shirt. The students are to find their classmate with the
matching homonym. When everyone has found their match, each
homonym couple will stand up, announce their word, spell it and describe
its meaning by using it in a sentence.

IV. Evaluation:

Choose five homonyms from the list and try to use them in sentences.
(Example: 1. Fun – Fan)

V. Assignment:

Read the story of “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant and list down all
homonyms that you may find in the story as many as you can.

Ref. English Arts I

by Carlos A. Cortez et. al
pp. 315 – 318

Prepared by:
Emmanuel Castro

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