Attribution Notes Psycho

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a a h Nuaon

OCR 203K23 od
Sel Sekuyn klagin Attaibulion Nv, 202k 23

U TLa ttdene dniduals ls make nteanad Dec, 202> 23oD

ttibtrene totdn Hhei actions hane a Pekitne
&utCen hut ealema ttibution shon t dut moy> RI SodR
dckio haue nizure outOm
uts A d erak
Shderd itt
haad e k bu JE pov ade bane to dtratis a

RActer-bbserver bias tn AHiotis

a awcene i atlzibul nes o e 3 d 400
LacA ons ls eotenal Coulos while oftibuth
her Protles hehawiar ls dmtena cau&s
2 e hdynd soe 0e ask is a yer Shdgs aluy, Re.6ODX
Vibi Rs 3,e
40 R.33ouD
pndeseehd tm Shdy he isa kok haate ödetemd
Trak e Perional ntaibution
msre stoalatxauutiont ottos
T o rom module1er midem AiáNe& 3cr
BTey epKain maluka e e n l PaychologTY wath its3
Amplicotion ?
Lohat is kecinl behanisr' Briey explain dkhereul ypos andtaug
o koeinl behauioas?

ehat do L mam. by Esinl Parcoplo Srieletlaimaetors

inlnnn Escial Perepion

Hos Imreio {9moo I5 fmaA, beiely erlain acders

RnAluenciney eion tormation
. a dojo malau b drePio managmt Ybriehy explaim dilerent
mpre 3ion mamalunal Xeckhniue

Q1shat do yau maa bt Uubutoneexpain uces bt biastn Ata

e e hostAe
Tsined in 1980 kattiontiouwas 1
OHaatle AABibutian Riak
's tindenty enteprelo bthoslz Kehanors
28 hawnt
hat lbnRen ohen e
A errson witk hh develg oheille
nlebrcet his bekauier 14sa
abu keeple Joughiua
Hho e e he kekanior uas
tus bias we sw
lastional erplanatios avd
value h e seea Under talue disteitionan
bay 3tbiing-te e
may e
e tat hehas
ha has

tve ye es Culkures
ncdiv idualisHe tulttne KBlteedwrdre ldies

eop Ludaniauaitetic Lultute People u Callectiissfe Cu ltras

Ane udividualfomw, fertenalgbal- ? alue tseatir, togetheim Uit

wepenkimee. wwalye fndrtap, Ualne Csectie

vjtailbutiedebevia t u r e s diCtend
Ptema0 atioutiouw behanti.
Coene actalh eteanc& sthass 4at cutue eher (ndividualichic r
BAye lcivfci eaks oo eatle make laftojkatis
cad lersena
Cnaneer D1spesitho bins ternal attaihutioneaB
ispettonal aHtibutonal Pras js a Adeneu, 6 ttoiblE

Characf s b l
Ole h e a méomaly Þlealal Lalte oefa mude lo hi Custome
the Cutowev mmay utme thal he ha A kad caraetr etev

wiol udeless (o saitav


uwOrlA Hgethests
e ts
hypothesis pttings haphe to gred peotle
Ohas dthins happe ts had peee.
han we lee Cas
AecldenWe tacay tevfhat Lediiwey

aeeident ard dind LeeieD h Ake n wis Cake

akeriav Ca me
Hat e accide sasthe diver'
ault due deral Aaetov
periorihukest 4gks e bad hade a e lesk thes ue nfeva-wu.

eswe a Cultum mainky him _Tlmly gtead_ wetd

Ealenal AHajkutieg ala called kiuation0
ha etersl entexpreing Áame 6ve's aitihution
le te ndidus olhaviec LaR eing Cau
or eahle
ers fs drivine d Car 0u hiqnsam ud itsaet
PucHmed Tere (may be fc oR Lauss 5
he hale
Peer Cord
pis m the

t h hatto We Cat e thet s a Tesult o his o

ames 6 Comwwe iciNa Aue to mo or
tie, huou delol.
CaL1g thi eiae fntegnal


Fumdlamenial Aibution BmoRLas Ts temsas

teinaD h

sur cas daras errrs

2tundamental Atfrikution Eror
is eyr deseibas ual the hali Rs
Insesmay PerConal mis.undertlano
enplanattss dor pners
ratteta fansidoring/ aHernalato ters behavions
a fesou fs
tæt the oueigl, east nhenta
Perian has
st tht e migt hasParblim 4overealuif or aA.

eanfey meaica
mediCaR Teaio
TealO i a

Cattura HiasEr
Ct ias is ohe
he ehai er Seme dn makes
o Perto haled
a Aliwmptoaloruk
gtelr en Lulfujal uttr

Attikutisn: ndslanding the Cauusl tthos kehauio

press thoughhich' farple dn th kecistyowininrganisala
4fe9u b o dtemmime caule behind stho8 Kehauier
huy a person behaubes dn this uway aml nat inthal wa, hy he change
hispercattion 4he &aec peoien t sine o tumaSuch elaklaustios
euuc undy theponee48 ot kakayioyAt1utio is kerenteg aeait e
Cauds t ekaviorsacts d o by, &te înthe Sadely
e t,ts indout dhy stheyfeeple ate meodlt, cotpith
ke Lekasveluke this? wyhe onkul Ris Rlond intrut bBa

are Ha-dae tn pe and aitny oou tukn Pa
i l l aliAa luddoe a man Puehed yor bback omd itas nfoul

an ou may ive kim a kulh i refum But n checkyeur

np y aue a t frobaktu, ki vmuak ke i Aurb ldhore

ke Woay Lse attikula, the caule ok ond3 behanior, defermines

r uw Asetal Percaptiuo aasu tha fenio wd Cames Okive at a
M deiis nkaut thkeso..
1pes AHukie Cudes a sun bahaviors aka dakermbnasl by 2faud
ema Caus tennal Cogas rattiklo
her t Aul imknmal 0dt aikutien We tena Cault rekers lactersbiyend ane
Pelon i8 chayhy a a h e l a uchas Jacko5 Prse D
Ca o ts rdu tö akorsetes e enveurmanl. s alko Cailed as.
o s w like Ltuatonad attikutiew. h erkonad
rats tnprenca we trkrthatapugtau t$kalavigi
Aiitiee a ttai tsoyduz tuato dlat d
Peeli weeapenLCer deg l dtuato -kigikoLE
4mal Athibtaehkrata Peri8 is Lehaw iin Codtain uay due lp Ais/keAhiltLr

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