Stress-Relieving Office Exercises: Shoulder Rolls Triceps Back

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8 Stress-Relieving Office Exercises

After a particularly stressful call, you can’t always leave and take a 10-minute walk because there’s
another customer waiting for your help. Here are 8 moves that can help you relieve some stress
without ever leaving your desk.

Shoulder rolls Triceps Back

 Sitting upright, lift your right shoulder to  March in place with your torso (from your
your ear. Slowly roll your shoulder around hips up) leaning forward at about a 45
and back, dropping it away from your ear. degree angle. Breathe.
 Repeat with your left shoulder  Bend your arms in front of you, at the elbow
 Alternative right and left shoulder rolls  Straighten your arms to your sides and then
several times extend them behind you.
 Then do both shoulders at the same time five  Bend arms back to in front of you and repeat
times. several times, making sure to keep up the
 Relax your shoulders. marching and breathing.

Open Chest Stretch Chair Twist

 Sit near the edge of your chair. Intertwine  Sit near the edge of your chair, but turn your
your fingers behind you, palms together and thighs toward the right side so that you are
facing your back. sitting diagonally.
 Lift your arms while leaning forward slightly  Move your arm to the back of the chair on
so that you feel the stretch I your chest. the opposite side, taking hold of the chair
 While staying in this position, take 10-15 back with your right hand. With your left
slow breaths hand, take hold of your right knee or the
 As you slowly breathe in, lift your chest. chair armrest.
 As you breathe out, relax your shoulders  Twist to the right, pressing your right hand
away from your ears. against the back of the chair to deepen the
stretch. Focus on keeping your shoulder
 Slowly release your hands and return them
blades down and lengthening your spine
to your sides.
while breathing deeply.
 Breathe deeply, completely filling and
emptying your lungs. Hold the pose for 10-
16 breaths.
 Return to the center
 Repeat on your left side.

©2016 ICMI | 1

8 Stress-Relieving Office Exercises

Raise the Roof Hamstring Curl

 While marching in place, place your hands  Stand straight with your weight comfortably
near your shoulders with the palms up and distributed and your hands at your sides.
thumbs almost touching your shoulders.  Raise your hands in front of you, bending
 As you continue to march, raise your arms your arms at the elbow.
straight up and push your palms as high as  As you bring your hands back down to your
possible and making sure to breathe. sides, raise one foot towards your rear,
 Bring your hands back to shoulder-height bending your leg at the knee.
 Repeat several times, taking deep breathes  Repeat while alternating feet. Your arms
throughout. should be raised while both feet are on the
ground, and when your arms are at your
side, one foot should be raised.

Neck Stretch Punching

 Sit upright without letting your back touch  Stand straight with your weight comfortably
the back of the chair. distributed and your feet approximately
 Hold your head directly over your spine, as if lined up with your shoulders.
there is a string lifting he crown of your head  As you rock from foot to foot, push out with
up. the opposite arm as if punching the air. (To
 Drop your right ear toward your right reduce elbow stress, try not to fully
shoulder without lifting your right shoulder straighten your arm as you punch).
or turning your head.  Make sure you breathe throughout, and take
 Take several breaths in and out, feeling the care not to really hit anything!
stretch on the left side of your neck.  After 30-60 seconds, relax.
 Repeat on your left side.

©2016 ICMI | 2

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