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11/2/2020 Feedback Log & Score — David Carter 

Nov 02, 2020 10:19 PM

Date of Completion
Nov 02, 2020 10:19 PM

David Carter

Age: 28 years

Diagnosis: Schizophrenia

1 
0  97%
0 

Feedback Log
0:00 Patient

 0:00 You checked scene safety. It was correct to check scene safety in order to
maintain your own safety.

0:06 You introduced yourself.

 0:35 You washed your hands.

 0:48 You identified the patient.

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11/2/2020 Feedback Log & Score — David Carter Nov 02, 2020 10:19 PM

1:05 You asked the patient: Is it OK for your mother to be here, while we talk? It was
 correct to let the patient give his consent for letting his mother be a part of the

 1:19 The patient said: I feel bad that I scared my mom.\nYou answered: What seemed
to lead up to your conflict with your mom? \nYou used the therapeutic technique
of placing event in time or sequence.

1:25 You asked if the patient had any known allergies.

1:33 You performed medication reconciliation.

1:57 You assessed the respiration.

2:09 You checked the pulse oximetry.

2:26 You checked the radial pulse.

2:38 You measured the blood pressure.

3:10 You asked the patient: Have you taken your medication?

 3:23 The patient said: I will try to remember to take my medicine.\nYou answered: Do
you have concerns about taking your medication? \nYou used the therapeutic
technique of encouraging description and encouraging expression.

 3:31 You asked the patient: Can you tell me a little bit more about what's going on
with you today? It was appropriate to ask the patient what was going on with
him to get an understanding of this.

 3:43 The patient said: I'm worried that the voices will come back.\nYou answered: If
the voices do come back, how might you handle it? \nYou used the therapeutic
technique of formulating a plan of action.

3:52 You asked the patient: Over the past year, when did you feel your best?

 4:04 The patient said: I'm afraid that I'll get sick again.\nYou answered: Go on. \nYou
used the therapeutic technique of offering general leads.

4:13 You asked the patient: Do you have any pain? The patient said: No, I don't have
any pain.

 4:27 You asked the patient: Have you had any changes in your appetite over the past

 4:38 The patient said: I'm going to be very careful about what I eat.\nYou answered:
What do you mean by "careful"? \nYou used the therapeutic technique of
seeking information.

 4:49 You asked the patient: Tell me about any changes you have had in your sleep
over the past few weeks? The patient said: I am sleeping okay. They make me
get up for meetings so I don't stay in bed as long.

 5:04 You asked the patient: Do you have energy to do the normal activities necessary
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11/2/2020 Feedback Log & Score — David Carter Nov 02, 2020 10:19 PM

to get through the day?

 5:20 The patient said: It's important that I take care of myself, shower, and wear clean
clothes.\nYou answered: Do you have any concerns about taking care of
yourself? \nYou used the therapeutic technique of exploring.

5:29 You asked the patient: Do you have energy to do the activities that give you

 5:44 The patient said: I'm not nearly as tired as I was before.\nYou answered: Maybe
you and I can talk about healthy sleep habits before you leave. \nYou used the
therapeutic technique of translating.

 6:30 You asked the patient: I would like to ask you a series of questions about how
you are feeling to help me better understand how together we can start to plan
your care. These are questions I ask all of the patients I see. May I ask you these
questions? The patient said: Yes, you may.

10:22 You asked the patient: Please tell me your name. The patient said: David Carter.

10:40 You asked the patient: Can you tell me where we are? The patient said: Still in
the hospital.

11:02 You asked the patient: How would you describe your mood? The patient said:
My mood is okay.

11:19 You asked the patient: Have you lost interest in activities that you once enjoyed?
The patient said: No, not really.

11:32 You asked the patient: Can you tell me what you ate for breakfast? The patient
said: I had some coffee and a bowl of cold cereal.

11:45 You asked the patient: Can you name the last five American presidents starting
with Barack Obama and going back? The patient said: Barack Obama, George
W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan.

12:11 You asked the patient: Do you have any thoughts or wishes to harm or kill
yourself? The patient said: No, I don't have any ideas about hurting myself.

12:29 You asked the patient: Do you think it would be better if you were not alive? The
patient said: No.

12:37 You asked the patient: Do you have any thoughts or wishes to harm anybody
else? The patient said: No.

12:47 You asked the patient: Can you tell me what a desired outcome of treatment
would be for you?

 13:01 The patient said: I hope I can go back to work.\nYou answered: What are your
feelings about going back to work? \nYou used the therapeutic technique of
encouraging expression.

13:17 You asked the patient: How do you understand your problems?

 13:27 The patient said: I'd like to be able to live on my own soon.\nYou answered:
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11/2/2020 Feedback Log & Score — David Carter Nov 02, 2020 10:19 PM

What are some things you need to accomplish to live on your own? \nYou used
the therapeutic technique of focusing.

13:37 You asked the patient: Do you ever see or hear things that other people do not?
The patient said: No, I'm not hearing voices anymore, and I'm not seeing things
that aren't there.

13:51 You asked the patient: Do you find that you worry more than others?

 14:02 The patient said: I'm still worried about the hackers.\nYou answered: You are
worried about the hackers? \nYou used the therapeutic technique of restating.

14:05 You asked the patient: Are you frightened of anything?

 14:16 The patient said: I hope they stay away from me.\nYou answered: I'm not sure I
understand. Can you clarify who you are talking about? \nYou used the
therapeutic technique of seeking information.

 22:37 You submitted the Mental Status Examination form. Some of your assessment
answers were incorrect.Regarding the indicator "1. Appearance. Grooming": You
should not have checked any indications.Regarding the indicator "2.
Psychomotor behavior. Abnormal movements or gestures": You should have
indicated "No."Regarding the indicator "3. Mood. Indicate mood": You should
not have checked any indications.Regarding the indicator "6. Thought content.
Indications of": You should have indicated "Delusions" and "Worries."Regarding
the indicator "8. Thought process. Indicate thought process": You should have
indicated "Goal directed."Regarding the indicator "11. Orientation and cognitive
functions. Orientation.": You should have indicated "Person" and
"Place."Regarding the indicator "11. Orientation and cognitive functions.
Insight.": You should have indicated "Partial."

 23:07 You educated about new medications.

 23:56 You educated about side effects.

 24:57 You educated about AIMS.

 26:26 You educated about extrapyramidal symptoms.

 27:18 You educated about partial discharge.

 28:14 You educated about the psychiatric diagnosis.

 29:32 You called the social worker.

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder often characterized by abnormal social

behavior and disordered thinking. In the acute phase, there is typically a loss of
emotion and motivation and decreased social interaction. People experiencing
an acute episode may have hallucinations, delusions, disordered and
disorganized thinking, and emotional lability. These symptoms generally become
less overt in remission, but often don’t completely vanish.lt;/p>lt;p>It is
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11/2/2020 Feedback Log & Score — David Carter Nov 02, 2020 10:19 PM

important for students to understand the possible side effects of the typical
antipsychotic medications and why the AIMS is used. This tool is generally
administered when a patient starts an antipsychotic medication and re-
administered every 6 months to evaluate atypical movements. Such medications
as benztropine may be added to counter these side effects. Students should
understand the difference between intramuscular administration of benztropine
for an acute dystonic reaction and its routine use.lt;/p>lt;p>The provider’s orders
state that David will be re-evaluated at the mental health clinic in 2 weeks. At
that time, the provider will discuss the use of long-term fluphenazine decanoate.
Students should know about this type of medication, how it is administered, and
why it might be a good choice for David.lt;/p>lt;p>Students should be able to
discuss community resources that could be available.lt;/p>

You got 97%

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