Effective Listening Is More Important Than Talking

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Argumentative Essay on "Effective listening is more important than talking.


Effective listening is actively absorbing the information given to you by a speaker, showing
that you are listening and interesting, and providing feedback to the speaker so that he or she
knows the message was received. In my point of view, effective listening is more important
than speaking. To support my idea, I will give the reason to support my idea. successful
communication requires an impressive speaker and attentive listener. Both the speaker and
the listener are centrifugal figures but the later us considered more valuable. Effective
listening holds more importance than talking or speaking because listening demands more
than just speaking on a topic.
Effective listening is more important than talking if you want to be truly influential when you
If you want your talking to be more powerful, the absolute best place to start is with listening.
Effective listening.
Think for a moment about what happens when you don’t listen well. When your listening is
not effective, you are hearing things but you are also missing important signals. And that
makes your talking less effective. You may have experienced when something you thought
when your listening is not effective; you end up missing important facts.
You might miss something obvious or something subtle. Either way, you end up less credible
because you don’t have a good enough handle on things.
When your listening is not effective, and not contemplative enough, you can lose sight of the
big picture. Or you might not account for certain perspectives from key people.
That the sort of thing that makes your talking less effective.
You know, like when you’re talking but you’re also carrying on an inner dialog that is
painfully wishing to backtrack. When you really wish you could get a “do over.”
If you want to talk effectively, you need to be able to listen effectively. That’s the secret to
minimizing those pains and maximizing your opportunities.
Because once you are armed with more and better information, and once you have done a
better job at understanding different people’s challenges and perspectives, and once you get
help from more people, you will wield much greater influence.
The effective listener can signal his or her affective engagement in the conversation by
making it the only focus of attention, and by receiving communications with acceptance and
Action is also part of effective listening. The listener should communicate his or her attention
through non-verbal means like eye contact, erect posture, nodding, and other positive body
language. The listener can also demonstrate engagement by broadening the range of the
conversation, such as by inquiring about or suggesting alternatives to the topic or conclusions
at hand. (Zandman, 2011)

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Libuse Binder said in her book Ten Ways to Change the World in Your Twenties, a good
dialogue is based on our ability to listen to other points of view, even when we don’t agree
with them.
It is right that effective listening is more important and beneficial than speaking. Because if
we listen effectively, our dialogue can be good. But we also need speaking for our
communication. It is impossible if we only listen without speaking. Because to share our
ideas we need to speak it up.
Otherwise, speaking without listening effectively is useless. because every word that we utter
from our mouth is very influential by effective listening.
To sum up, I strongly agree that effective listening is much more essential than speaking
because if we can listen effectively, we can speak effectively.

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