KRISTEL ALYANNA RONQUILLO Learning Task 5.2. Climate Change

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BSIT 2-4
Learning Task 5.2 Climate Change

1. What is climate change?

➔ It clearly explains what is happening to our climate and why.
Good information to know. Written in layman's terms, makes it
easy to understand what is going on in our world. Non-profit.
Types: Sea Rise, GreenHouse Effect, Pollution.
2. What is the essence of climate change?
➔ The essence of the climate change problem is that if current
trends continue, future global emissions of greenhouse gases
will grow significantly in coming decades in response to growth
in world population, economic development, and other factors
that increase GHG emissions.
3. How do we know global warming is real?
➔ Global Warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth's
surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the
greenhouse gases released by people burning fossil fuels.
4. What is our moral obligation to prevent climate change?
➔ Basically , Climate change has been described as a "perfect
moral storm" because it brings together three major challenges
to ethical action in a mutually reinforcing way. Climate change
presents a perfect moral storm because of the mutually
reinforcing challenges it poses.
5. Is it too late to prevent climate change?
➔ Humans have caused major climate changes to happen already,
and we have set in motion more changes still. Even if we
stopped emitting greenhouse gases today, global warming would
continue to happen for at least several more decades, if not
centuries. That’s because it takes a while for the planet (for

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example, the oceans) to respond, and because carbon dioxide
the predominant heat-trapping gas lingers in the atmosphere for
hundreds of years. There is a time lag between what we do and
when we feel it.

There are several factors that cause climate chance. The first one is
the power plant. Around forty percent of carbon dioxide in United states
comes from electricity production. Pertinent to the research made by the
Environment Protection Agency power plants, burning of medical waste
accounts for two thirds of the emission of Mercury in the United States. The
second factor that contributes to climate chance is transportation. A Report
made by the Environment Protection Agency states that thirty three percent
of the emission in the United states comes from transportation industry. The
third factor is farming. The Ranching and industrial farming activities
release huge amounts of carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere.
Farming imparts twenty percent of carbon dioxide and forty percent of
methane worldwide. The forth factor is deforestation. It affects climate
change in two ways. The first one is that it increases the release of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere and it also reduces the amount of carbon dioxide
that is captured by trees. The fifth factor that causes climate change is the
use of fertilizers. When fertilizers which are rich in Nitrogen are used, they
increase the sum of heat cropland. The oxides of Nitrogen can trap
approximately three hundred times more heat than carbon dioxide.
Agricultural byproducts also release around Sixty two percent nitrous oxide.
The sixth factor is the Oil drilling process. When burning activities are
carried out in oil drilling industry they led to the release of carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere. Roughly, thirty percent of the pollution is methane
and eight percent of the pollution is carbon dioxide which are produced
from the extraction, processing and distribution of fossil fuel. The seventh
factor that causes climate change is Natural gas drilling. The process

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causes enormous air pollution. States like Wyoming where the extraction of
natural gas occurs are highly affected. The other factors include
permafrost, poor garbage disposal and Volcanic Eruptions. There are
various factors that impact climate change. They include: the rise and fall of
temperature, rise in sea tides, increase in ocean temperature, occurrence of
heavy hails and rains, glaciers shrink, thawing permafrost, death due to
hunger and water crises, health risks due to raised temperatures, spread of
pathogens and pests, increased acid in the ocean due to increase in
concentrations of HCO3 and loss of biodiversity
We can mitigate and adapt to climate change by restoring back the
damaged ecosystem through planting trees. Another way is to Diversify
crops. By doing this they are able to respond accordingly as the climate
changes. Subsequently, developing and Investigating new solutions to
manage and prevent the natural calamities is another way of adopting to
climate change. Also creating action plans to be used during climate
emergencies can also be implemented.

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