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Panchavati College of Management and Computer

Science, Panchavati, Nashik-422003


Certified that the project report entitled “A STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION” with
special reference to “BAJAJ AUTO” Has been successfully completed by YASMIN
ASHMOHAMMAD ANSARI as the partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Business Administration
(B.B.A) under the SAVITRIBAI PHULE PUNE UNIVERSITY during the academic year 2021-22.

The work has been assessed by us and we are satisfied that the same is up to standard
envisaged for the same for the level of the course. And that the said work may be presented
to the external examiner.

External Examiner Internal Examiner H.O.D


It is a great pleasure to me in acknowledging my deep sense of gratitude to all those

who have helped me in completing this project successfully.

First of all, I would like to thank Pune University, Pune for providing me an
opportunity to undertake a project as a partly fulfilment of BBA degree.

I would like to thank BAJAJ AUTO, for providing me an opportunity to work with
them and providing me necessary information about their organization, there operation and
providing guidance in developing my project.

I would like to thank our Head of Department and my project guide Prof. SONAL
PUROHIT ma’am whose valuable guidance and encouragement at every phase of the project
has help to prepare this project successfully.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my family, all the faculties, office
staff, and library staff of Panchavati College of management and Computer Science, Nashik
and friends who helped in some or other way in making this project.


Date: / / BBA



This is to declare that I, YASMIN A. ANSARI, student of Bachelor of Business

COMPUTER SCIENCE, NASHIK, have given original data and information to the best
of my knowledge in the project report titled “A STUDY ON CUSTOMER
SATISFACTION” under the guidance of Prof. Sonal Purohit ma’am and the partial
fulfilment of the recruitment towards the completion of the said course.

I have prepared this report independently and I have gathered all the
relevant information personally. I have prepared this project for BBA for the year

I also agree in principle not to share the vital information with any other
person outside the organization and will not submit the project report to any other

Place: Nashik YASMIN A. ANSARI

Date: / / BBA


 Introduction
 Need of the Study

 Objective of the Study

 Research Methodology

2.  Introduction of the Company

 Company Profile

 History of the Company

 About Bajaj Pulsar

3.  Data Analysis and Interpretation

4.  Findings

5.  Conclusion

6.  Suggestions

7.  Annexure

8.  Bibliography



Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a measure of how

products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation.
Customer satisfaction is defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total
customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings)
exceeds specified satisfaction goals. Customers play an important role and are essential in
keeping a product or service relevant; it is, therefore, in the best interest of the business to
ensure customer satisfaction and build customer loyalty. An organization’s main focus must
be to satisfy its customers. This applies to industrial firms, retail and wholesale businesses,
government bodies, service companies, nonprofit organizations, and every subgroup within
an organization.
Satisfaction is a person's feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a
product's perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations.
Whether the buyer is satisfied after purchase depends on the offer's performance in relation
to the buyer's expectations. If the performance falls shan of the expectations, the customer
is dissatisfied If the performance matches the expectations, the customer is satisfied. the
performance exceeds expectations the customer is highly satisfied or delighted. A company
would be wise to measure customer satisfaction regularly because one key to customer
retention is customer satisfaction. A highly satisfied customer generally stays loyal longer,
buys more as the company introduces new products and upgrades existing products, talks
fasoarably about the company and its products, pays less attention to competing brands and
is less sensitive to price, offers product or service ideas to the company, and costs less to
serve than new customers because transactions are routine. When customers rate their
satisfaction with an element of the company's performance say, delivery. could mean carly
delivery, on-time delivery order completeness, and so on. The company must also realize
that two customers can report being "highly satisfied" for different reasons. One may be
easily satisfied most of the time and the other might be hard to please but was pleased on
this occasion. A number of methods exist lo measure customer satisfaction. Periodic surveys
can track customer satisfaction directly. Respondents can also be asked additional questions
to measure. repurchase intention and the likelihood or willingness to recommend the
company and brand to others. Companies that do achieve high customer satisfaction ratings
make sure their target market knows it. For customer centered companies, customer
satisfaction is both a goal and a marketing tool. Although the customer-centerad firm seeks
to create high customer satisfaction, that is not its ultimate goal. If the company increases
customer satisfaction by lowering its price or increasing its services, the result may be lower
profits. The company might be able to increase its profitability by means other than
increased satisfaction (for example, by improving manufacturing processes or investing
more on R&D). Also, the company has many stakeholders, including employees dealers,

suppliers and stock holders Spending more to increase customer satisfaction might divert
funds from increasing the satisfaction of other "partners". Ultimately, the company must
operate on the philosophy that it is trying to deliver a high level of customer satisfaction
subject to delivering.

Quality, efficiency, service, and reliability are the terms we often hear when we discuss
customer satisfaction. Smart businesses know, retaining a customer is an art. But,
businesses also need to start measuring customer satisfaction to know customer loyalty and
a simple way of measuring this is deploying a customer satisfaction survey.
According to a recent study, organizations or businesses are more likely to have a 10% more
growth rate by measuring their Net Promoter Score. Very often, successful organizations
perceive that retaining customers is more cost-effective than finding new customers.
Even after spending so much time, money and efforts, organizations experience a few
customers slipping away. The best practice here is to deploy a customer satisfaction survey
to help organizations understand where exactly are they erring. In recent times it has
become a vital tool for enhancing customer happiness and loyalty.
If you are still not convinced why customer satisfaction survey is important we have 5 more
reasons to make you believe why customer satisfaction survey is not only important but also
beneficial to businesses of any size.
1.Even the most loyal customers can leave you in the blink of an eye.
Customer loyalty, as they say, cannot be bought, it needs to be earned. According to a
study, in the US, organizations can lose upto 45% of their customer value, if they are not
satisfied with the customer service or don’t get the expected response.
This is no rocket science, customers have too many choices and your loss is someone else’s
profit. An excellent way to retain your customers is to make sure a customer satisfaction
survey is deployed and any issue related to the same should be immediately addressed.
2. It helps you differentiate your brand from others.
As a customer if you wanted to purchase a television and you have done all your research,
spent hours in front of the computer and made notes of the features you want in your
television and finally concluded that you want to buy brand A. Then you visit your friend and
tell them excitedly that you have narrowed down brand A, suddenly your friend says, “Naah,
brand B is better. I have used it and they have an excellent customer service.” Which brand
do you think you will end up buying? The answer is straight, brand B of course. Customer
satisfaction is a differentiating factor that helps your brand to stand tall in the competition.
3.Positive branding can be achieved by excellent customer service.
The importance of customer satisfaction should never be doubted. It plays an important
role while planning the marketing strategy of an organization especially when it comes to
branding. Like mentioned previously consumers these days have gone digital, irrespective of
their age.
Social media is playing a very crucial role in branding activities. An unsatisfied customer is
free to express his/her view on a medium that is accessible to millions of people. One
negative review or feedback can do an irreversible damage to the brand. Hence it is

extremely important for an organization to make sure that the comments the consumer
leaves are always positive.
At a later stage, businesses can use the positive comments or feedbacks as success stories
or testimonials to promote the brand.
4.Happy customers are returning customers.
Satisfied and loyal customers not only spread a positive word of mouth but also keep
coming back to the brand they like despite many choices offered to them. Customer
advocacy has resulted in 48% business growth for small-scale business in the year 2016-17,
according to a study.
Also, customer satisfaction shows in the revenue of an organization. Customers opinion
(positive or negative) can affect the brand value. Happy customers never turn to your rival
5. Make customer experience more personal.
When businesses realize the importance of customer satisfaction, they make sure every
unhappy customer is contacted in person. There are various business strategies that
businesses offer in order to convert an unhappy customer into a happy one.
Offering vouchers or discount is an immediate remedy to repair the damage done. But if the
businesses really care about their customers, they will regularly deploy customer
satisfaction survey to the customers. For any organization measuring customer satisfaction
should be a habit, not an option Measuring customer satisfaction should become your daily
Last but not least
Happy customers mean happy employees. If the customers are satisfied with your brand,
revenues will keep kicking and the targets will be met. A satisfied customer is an asset to
any business. In the wise words of Simon Sinek, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why
you do it.”


 To conduct customer satisfaction survey on Bajaj Auto.

 To study factors those satisfy and delight the customers.
 To find out problem faced by customers and their expectations.
 To know customer opinion and reviews by usage of their vehicles means regarding
its features like mileage, price, etc.
 To study information resources that the customer using before purchasing the


Survey research is the systematic gathering of information from respondents for the
purpose of understanding and/or predicting some aspects of the behaviour of the
population of interest. It is the most common method of collecting primary data for
marketing decisions. Survey research is concerned with administration of questionnaires
(interviewing). The survey research must be concerned with sampling, questionnaire design,
questionnaire administration and data analysis. The administration of questionnaire to an
individual or group of individuals is called an interview. A questionnaire is simply a
formalized set of questions for eliciting information. As such, its function is measurement
and it represents the most common form of measurement in marketing research. The
report has been prepared as per the information obtained from two sources.
They are:
1. Primary data
2. Secondary data

Primary data:
1. Structured questionnaire

Secondary data:
1. Data from various magazines especially bike magazines.
2. Internet.

Sampling plan :
Data collected has been analyzed and interpreted by percentage system and presented in
pie charts.
Sampling frame :
Customers visiting showrooms for servicing their pulsar motorcycles. Motorcycles owners
esp. Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle owners
Sampling unit:
Motorcycles owners esp. Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle owners
Sampling method:
Desired sample size: A sample size of 30 motorcycle owners was specified.


The Bajaj Group is amongst the top 10 business houses in India. Its footprint stretches over
a wide range of industries, spanning automobiles (two wheelers manufacturer and three
wheelers manufacturer), home appliances, lighting, iron and steel, insurance, travel and
finance. The group's flagship company, Bajaj Auto, is ranked as the world's fourth largest
three and two wheeler manufacturer and the Bajaj brand is well-known across several
countries in Latin America, Africa, Middle East, South and South East Asia. Founded in 1926,
at the height of India's movement for independence from the British, the group has an
illustrious history. The integrity, dedication, resourcefulness and determination to succeed
which are characteristic of the group today, are often traced back to its birth during those
days of relentless devotion to a common cause. Jamnalal Bajaj, founder of the group, was a
close confidant and disciple of Mahatma Gandhi. In fact, Gandhiji had adopted him as his

This close relationship and his deep involvement in the independence movement did not
leave Jamnalal Bajaj with much time to spend on his newly launched business venture. We
are celebrating 125th Birth anniversary of Shri. Jamnalal Bajaj on 4th of November 2014.

His son, Kamalnayan Bajaj, then 27, took over the reigns of business in 1942. He too was
close to Gandhiji and it was only after Independence in 1947, that he was able to give his full
attention to the business. Kamalnayan Bajaj not only consolidated the group, but also
diversified into various manufacturing activities. The present Chairman of the group, Rahul
Bajaj, took charge of the business in 1965. Under his leadership, the turnover of the Bajaj
Auto the flagship company has gone up from INR.72 million to INR. 120 billion, its product
portfolio has expanded and the brand has found a global market. He is one of India’s most
distinguished business leaders, bike manufacturer india and internationally respected for his
business acumen and entrepreneurial spirit.

In 2005, Rahul Bajaj's son Rajiv Bajaj stepped into the shoes of Managing Director of Bajaj
Auto and steered the organization to becoming a global automobile behemoth. He
introduced the Pulsar range of bikes, that revolutionised the two wheeler market in India.
The legacy of our Auto Rickshaws have been soaring heights and display unparalleled
market dominance across any automobile segment.

In 2007, Bajaj Auto acquired a 14% stake in KTM that has since grown to 48%. This
partnership catalysed Bajaj Auto’s endeavour to democratise motorcycle racing in India.
Bajaj Auto today exclusively manufactures Duke range of KTM bikes and exports them
worldwide. In FY2018, KTM was the fastest growing motorcycle brand in the country. The
Forbes Global 2000 list for the year 2012 ranked Bajaj Auto at 1,416.
In December 2020, Bajaj Auto crossed a market capitalisation of 1 Lakh crore (US$13.6
billion), making it the world's most valuable two-wheeler company.

Bajaj Auto has also led the pioneering introduction of India’s first ever Quadricycle – Qute.

Bajaj Auto exports to 70+ countries and a significant share of revenues come from Exports.
This stands as a testament to the new brand image – The World’s Favourite Indian.


Bajaj Auto's equity shares are listed on Bombay Stock Exchange where it is a constituent of
the BSE SENSEX index, and the National Stock Exchange of India where it is a constituent of
the CNX Nifty.
On 30 September 2015, 49.29% of the equity shares of the company were owned by the
promoters Bajaj Group and the remaining were owned by others.

Shareholders (as of 30 September 2015) Shareholding %

Promoters: Bajaj Group 49.29%

Mutual funds, FIs, and insurance


Foreign institutional investors 14.25%

Individual shareholders 15.12%

Bodies corporate 08.25%

Foreign portfolio investments corporations 03.51%

GDRs 00.02%

Others 01.43%

Total 100.0%

As of 31 March 2020, there were 100 funds that had disclosed positions in the company,
including funds by .[The Vanguard Group, Dimensional Fund Advisors and Fidelity

Bajaj Auto had a total of 10,000 employees as of 2019, of which 51 were women (0.63%)
and 25 were differently-abled (0.31%). It spent ₹650 crore (equivalent to ₹10 billion or
US$140 million in 2020) on employee benefit expenses during the FY 2012–13. The
company is headed by Rahul Bajaj, whose net worth was around US$2 billion in March 2013.

Awards and Recognitions

 Bajaj Pulsar 135 LS received Bike of the Year 2010 award from BBC TopGear and
Bike India.
 Pulsar 220 DTS-Fi received the Bike of the Year 2008 award by all major Indian
automobile magazines like Overdrive, Autocar, Business Standard Motoring and
Bike Top Gear.
 In 2006, Bajaj Auto won the Frost & Sullivan Super Platinum Award for
manufacturing excellence in its Chakan Plant.
 It received award for The Most Customer Responsive Company in Automobiles
category in a survey conducted by Economic times for the years 2004, 2006 and
 Bajaj Auto received the Bike Maker of the Year award in ICICI Bank Overdrive
Awards 2004.
 Bajaj Pulsar 180 DTS-i won the BBC World Wheels Viewers Choice Two Wheeler
of the Year 2003 award.


Type Public

Traded as  BSE: 532977
 BSE SENSEX Constituent
 NSE NIFTY 50 Constituent
ISIN INE917I01010

Industry Automotive

Founded 29 November 1945; 76 years ago

Founder Jamnalal Bajaj

Headquarters Pune, Maharashtra, India
Areas served Worldwide
Key people  Rahul Bajaj (chairman
 Niraj Bajaj[1] (chairman)
 Rajiv Bajaj (Managing
Products Motorcycles and three-wheeler
Production  6,330,000 units (2019)[2]
Revenue  ₹29,919 crore (US$4.0 billion)
Operating  ₹5,253 crore (US$700 million)

income (FY2020)[2]
Net income  ₹5,100 crore (US$680 million)
Total assets  ₹26,510 crore (US$3.5 billion)
Total equity  ₹21,662 crore (US$2.9 billion)
Number of 10,000 (2019)[2]
Parent Bajaj Group



Bajaj Auto was established on 29 November 1945 as M/s Bachraj Trading Corporation
Private Limited.] It initially imported and sold two- and three-wheelers in India. In 1959, it
obtained a license from the Government of India to manufacture two-wheelers and three-
wheelers and obtained Licence from Piaggio to manufacture Vespa Brand Scooters in India.
It became a public limited company in 1960.
With the launch of motorcycles in 1986, the company changed its branding from a scooter
manufacturer to a two-wheeler manufacturer.
In 1984, Bajaj Auto signed a technical assistance agreement with Kawasaki, cooperating to
expand production and sales of motorcycles in the local market.
In the early 2000s, Bajaj Auto bought a controlling stake in the Tempo Firodia company,
renaming it "Bajaj Tempo". Germany's Daimler-Benz owned 16% of Bajaj Tempo, but
Daimler sold their stake back to the Firodia group. It was agreed that Bajaj Tempo would
gradually phase out the use of the "Tempo" brand name, as it still belonged to Mercedes-
Benz. The name of the company was changed to Force Motors in 2005, dropping "Bajaj" as
well as "Tempo", over the objections of Bajaj Auto with whom the company shares a long
history as well as a compound wall.
In 2007, Bajaj Auto, through its Dutch subsidiary Bajaj Auto International Holding BV,
purchased a 14.5% stake of Austrian rival KTM, gradually increasing its stake to a 48% non-
controlling share by 2020. In December 2020, Bajaj started discussions on swapping its stake
from KTM to KTM's controlling shareholder Pierer Mobility, a subsidiary of Pierer Industrie.
On 26 May 2008, Bajaj Auto Limited was split off into three corporate entities — Bajaj
Finserv Limited (BFL), Bajaj Auto Ltd (BAL), and Bajaj Holdings and Investment Ltd (BHIL). In
2017, Bajaj Auto and Triumph Motorcycles Ltd teamed up to build mid-capacity
In 2017, Bajaj and Kawasaki ended a sales and services partnership in India for the sale and
after-sales service of Kawasaki motorcycles, which had been established in 2009. The
partnership's dealerships were later converted into KTM ones. Bajaj and Kawasaki continue
with their relationship in overseas markets.
On 26 November 2019, Bajaj Auto invested about ₹57 crore ($8 million) in bicycle and
electric scooter rental startup Yulu. In this deal, Bajaj would also manufacture customised
electric scooters for Yulu.

The Bajaj Pulsar is a motorcycle manufactured by Bajaj Auto in India. It was developed by
the product engineering division of Bajaj Auto in association with Tokyo R&D, and later with
motorcycle designer Glynn Kerr. A variant of the bike, the Pulsar 200NS was launched in
2012, but it was suspended for some time (reintroduced in early 2017 with BS IV Emission
compliance and renamed the NS200). With average monthly sales of around 86,000 units in
2011, Pulsar claimed a 2011 market share of 47% in its segment. By April 2012, more than
five million units of Pulsar were sold. In 2018, they celebrated selling over ten million Pulsars
backed an exclusive TV commercial and a marquee ride to in 6 cities to write "PULSAR" on a
pre-defined route.
Before the introduction of the Pulsar, the Indian motorcycle market trend was towards fuel
efficient, small capacity motorcycles (that formed the 80–125 cc class). Bigger motorcycles
with higher capacity virtually did not exist (except for Royal Enfield Bullet with 350cc and
500cc variants). The launch and success of Hero Honda CBZ in 1999 showed that there was
demand for performance bikes. Bajaj took the cue from there on and launched the Pulsar
twins (150cc and 180cc) in India on 24 November 2001. Since the introduction and success
of Bajaj Pulsar, Indian youth began expecting high power and other features from affordable
The project faced internal resistance, reservations by McKinsey & Company and doubts on
its effects on Bajaj's relation with Kawasaki. The project took approximately 36 months for
completion and cost Bajaj ₹ 1 billion.


1) Which category of Pulsar motorcycle do you own?

Response % of customers No. of customers

135cc 33.33 10

150cc 20 6

180cc 26.66 8

220cc 20 6

Total 100 30


Interpretation / Analysis:
According to my survey, out of 30 respondents,33.33 % of the people owns pulsar 135cc
category most then 180cc with around 26.66 % followed with150cc & 220cc with 20% for

2) Choose reasons for selecting Bajaj Pulsar?

Responses % of customer No. of customer

Style 16.66 05

Brand image 13.33 04

Mileage 36.66 11

Pick up 16.66 05

Price 10 03

Resale value 10 03

Popularity 3.33 01

Comfort 3.33 01

Low maintenance 0 00

Safety 3.33 01

Total responses 100 30


Interpretation / Analysis:
Most of respondents chosen the reason for selecting Bajaj Pulsar is its mileage.

3) What was the source of information for the purchase of Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle?

Response No. of customers % of customers

Family 01 3.33

Friends 13 43.33

Media 16 53.33

Dealers 00 00

Total 30 100


4) What innovations would you like to see in Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle?

Interpretation / Analysis:
Respondents want innovations like wide tyres, looks, better styling, improved handling,
better disc braking system & more pick up in Pulsar bike.

5) How would you rate Bajaj Pulsar in terms of its mileage?

a. Excellent
b. Good

c. Bad
d. Very Bad

Interpretation / Analysis:
Majority of the respondents rate Bajaj Pulsar in terms of its mileage is excellent and good.

6) From how many years do you own the bike?

Years No. of customers % of customers

0-1 18 60

1-2 07 23.33

2-4 05 16.33

4 & above 00 00

Total 30 100

Interpretation / Analysis:
Above table clearly shows us that most of the respondents owns bike for less than a year.

7) How much kilometres ( kms ) have you travelled up to date?

Years No. of customers % of customers

500-5000 21 70

5000-20000 06 20

20000-40000 03 10

40000 & above 0 00

Total 30 100


8) Which is the best feature of the bike?

Features No. of customers % of customer

Mileage 10 33.33

Looks 14 46.66

Handling 02 6.66

Engine 04 13.33

Total 30 100

Best Features.:

9) What is the disadvantage of bike?

Disadvantages No. of customers % of customers

Tubeless tyres 08 26.66

Engine 05 16.66

Comfort 08 26.66

Gear box 09 30

Total 30 100

Interpretation / Analysis:-
Most of the respondents found gear box a big disadvantage in a bike.

10) What is one thing you want to improve in bike?

Improvements No. of customer % of customer

Tyre 09 30

Gear box 08 26.66

Handling 05 16.66

Braking 08 26.66

Total 30 100


Interpretation / Analysis:-
Majority of respondents want to improve tyres in a bike.

11) Are you satisfied with the service by Bajaj?

YES - 80% NO - 20%

Interpretation / Analysis:-
96% of respondents said that they are satisfied with the service provided by Bajaj.


 Out of 30 respondents,33.33 % of the people owns pulsar 135cc category most

then 180cc with around 26.66 % followed with150cc & 220cc with 20% for both.

 Most of respondents chosen the reason for selecting Bajaj Pulsar is its mileage.

 Respondents want innovations like wide tyres, looks, better styling, improved
handling, better disc braking system & more pick up in Pulsar bike.

 Majority of the respondents rate Bajaj Pulsar in terms of its mileage is excellent
and good.

 Above table clearly shows us that most of the respondents owns bike for less
than a year.

 Most of the respondents found gear box a big disadvantage in a bike.

 Majority of the respondents want to improve tyres in a bike.

 96% of respondents said that they are satisfied with the service provided by Bajaj.


During the live project we found that so many people and officials prefer pulsar bikes because of
mileage and its styling. Some of the office going people and students prefer pulsar because of its
easy handling too.

People preference to pulsar bikes is rapidly increasing because of less price and satisfactory after-
sale service.


1. The responses given by the respondents may not be true.

2. The respondents may be careless in responding to the questionnaire.
3. The respondents may be illiterate.


 Need to promote more on internet or web browser about the Bajaj bikes.

 Try to solve all the problems by the customers in the specific time.

 Bajaj pulsar need to work on design to make it more comfortable.

 They should work on Gear box which is a big disadvantage.

 Reminding customers for bike service is necessary.



1) Which category of Pulsar motorcycle do you own?

a. 135cc
b. 150cc
c. 180cc
d. 220cc

2) Choose reasons for selecting Bajaj Pulsar?

a. Style
b. Brand image
c. Mileage
d. Pickup
e. Price
f. Resale value
g. Popularity
h. Comfort
i. Low maintenance
j. Safety

3. What was the source of information for the purchase of Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle?
a. Family
b. Friends
c. Media
d. Dealers

4.What innovation would you like to see in Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle?
5. How would you rate Bajaj Pulsar in terms of its mileage?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Bad
d. Very bad

6. From how many years do you own the bike?

a. 0-1
b. 1-2
c. 2-4
d. 4 & above

7. How much Kilometres (km’s ) have you travelled up to date?

a. 500-5000
b. 5000-20000
c. 20000-40000
d. 40000 & above

8. Which is the best feature of the bike?

a. mileage
b. looks
c. handling
d. engine

9. What is the disadvantage of bike?

a. tubeless tyre
b. engine
c. comfort

d. gear box
10. what is the one thing you want to improve in bike?
a. tyre
b. gear box
c. handling
d. braking

11. Are you satisfied with the service provided by Bajaj?

a. Yes
b. No




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