Stowage On Chemical Tankers - MyS

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A beginner’s guide of planning stowage on

chemical tankers
Written by Capt Rajeev Jassal on
 July 28, 2016


There is no other way to have expertise in chemical tanker

operations other than by working on board a chemical
tanker. Chemical tanker is a complete different field. With each
new cargo you are on a completely different ship. This is because
the requirements both safety and otherwise changes with each
It takes months and years of working(
on chemical tanker to get
used to its
uniques operations.  
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( (

IHS FairPlay expects chemical cargo demand forecast to surge by

cargo-demand-forecast-to-surge-by-2020).  Radiant insight INC
has said recently that chemical tanker market size will be worth
$2.23 Trillion (
Inc.html) by 2020.

All these forecasts and trends show that there will be huge
demand for chemical tanker officers  on these ships. Many shore
management will be forced to shift officers from other ships to
chemical tankers.

But performing each task on chemical tanker without earlier

experience on these can be difficult. One such task is
the stowage of the cargo on chemical tankers.

This guide aims to help officers  with comparatively lesser

experience on chemical tankers. However, this can also be used
by experienced officers to help them refresh their memory.

Let’s begin.
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Receiving voyage orders

As is the case with other ships, on chemical tankers some

operators will make the stowage plan and send you for
verification. Others will send the cargo list for loading and would
expect you to stow each cargo and send them the stowage plan.

In both the case we need to check the list, trim and stability
criteria for each leg of the voyage. This is no brainer as we do
same on all type of ships. But there are few things specific to
chemical tankers that we need to check while planning the
 Exclusive Bonus: Download 
this simple checklist for stowage 
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planning on chemical tanker
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There are steps that we need to follow while preparing the

stowage plan on chemical tanker. If you have been sailing on
chemical tanker for some time now, these might come naturally to
you. But for the first timers or first time mates, these need to be
followed religiously.

Can we load this cargo ?

The first thing that we need to clarify is if the ship is designed to

load this cargo.  For the sake of understanding, let’s assume that
we have got orders to load these four cargoes

Acetic acid

Palm fatty acid distilates



We need to know if we can load these chemicals. Let us go step

by step to know if we can load these cargoes.

a) Know the proper shipping name of the cargo

One chemical can have many trade names. To know if we can

load a cargo or not, we need to know its proper shipping name
listed in IBC code.
Certificate of fitness lists all the cargoes that a vessel is fit to load.
The name 
of the cargoes in the COF are proper
 shipping names 
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(IBC name) and not trade names.
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So if the charterer has given you trade names, you first need
proper shipping name of such cargoes. For example in the
cargoes above, methanol is a trade name. Proper shipping name
of Methanol is methyl alcohol.

How can we know if the name is a IBC name or trade name ?

Just go to IBC code chapter 17. See if you can find that cargo. If it
is there, then it is proper shipping name. If it isn’t there in chapter
17, then it is a trade name.

If we just have the trade name of the cargo, how can we know
its IBC name ? There are 3 ways that I can think of.
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First, you can go to chapter 19 of the IBC code and see if you can
find your cargo name there. If you can, then it will give you the
proper shipping name (IBC name) in the next column.
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Second, you can go to tank cleaning guide software such as

Miracle ( and Milbros
( This software has more or
less become a necessity to have on all chemical tankers. More
often than not you will find one of these software on chemical
tanker. So for example, if you open milbros, go to commodities.

In the search option, you can type in the name of the cargo and
then choose from the list.
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This will give you the product name (IBC name) of the cargo you
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In fact, if you go to the synonyms section it will give all the names
this cargo is known as.

Third way to know the IBC name of cargo is by just asking your
operator or
charterers. Knowing the proper
shipping name of 
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cargo being loaded is very important.
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b) Check in the cargo list of the COF

Now that we know the proper shipping name of the cargo, go to

cargo list of the COF and check if your cargo appears in the list.

The cargoes in the COF are listed in alphabatical orders. Let’s

check if these cargoes appear in the COF of a real ship.

Acetic acid does not appear in the COF of this ship. So this ship
cannot load this cargo.

Methyl Alcohol appears in the list and we can load this cargo too.
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In the same way we can check for Toluene Diisocyanate and Palm
fatty acid distillate.

c) Check coating manual

The certificate of fitness does not take into account the coating of
the tank. Even if we are allowed to load a particular cargo, we
need to check if the coating of the tank is suitable for the cargo to
avoid the damage to the cargo coating.

There are number of coating that the cargo tanks of a chemical

tanker can have.

Stainless steel

Zinc silicate (

Marine Line  
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These are the few of the most popular coatings of cargo tanks on
chemical tanker.

If the tanks are stainless steel coated then you do not need to
worry about the coating.

The coating manual will have the resistant list of all the chemical
cargoes. Each cargo will have either of these atleast these three

cargo is acceptable

cargo is not acceptable

Cargo is acceptable with some restrictions

Now lets see the coating manual of this ship.  Let us look for
cargo “TDI” and “Palm fatty acid Distillates” to see if the coating is
resistant to this cargo.
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As we can see TDI can be loaded without any restrictions.
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For Palm Fatty acid Distillate, you can see above that we can load
this but it has a notation no 2. We need to look at the coating
manual for the explanation note of this.
For example for this cargo, it meant (
that fatty acid content of the
cargo should
 not be more than 10%. In this
case we need to 
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inform charterers about this. Charterers will get this confirmed
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from the shipper. Before their written confirmation of the fatty acid
content is received, you should not load this cargo.

d) Check Heating requirements

Some cargoes require heating during the voyage. Charterers

instruction may include maintaining a minimum temperature
during the voyage and having a minimum temperature during

On chemical tankers sometimes we are required to maintain

cargo temperature as high as 80 C with ambient temperature as
low as -15 C.

While planning a stowage chief officer must check if the ship has
the capability to heat the cargo to that extent.

If the vessel is not capable of heating to that extent, this cargo

should not be loaded.

Fulfilling the requirements for carriage of a cargo

Even when the ship is designed to load a particular chemical,

each chemical can have its own requirement.

These requirements can be checked from four sources.

Footnotes mentioned against the cargo in COF

Chpater 17 of the IBC code

Milbros or Miracle software (
 voyage instructions
Charterers  
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While each of this source can have some overlapping
requirements, it is important to go through each such sources.

Chapter 17 of the IBC code is the best way to start with finding the
special requirements for a cargo.


Let us discuss some of the requirements you should check for

each cargo

a. Safety equipments

Chapter 14 of the IBC code lists the safety equipment

requirements with respect to chemicals.
For example, the ships carrying cargoes for which 15.12, 15.12.1 or
15.12.3 is listed
 in column O of chapter 17 should
 have 3 IBC sets 
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which contains
( (

Chemical Suits

SCBA sets of 20 minutes air

Another requirement as per chapter 14.3 is to have ELSA for every

person onboard for the cargoes that have “yes” marked in column
n of chapter 17.

For toxic cargoes, it is required to have antidote for that cargoes.

While planning the stowage, Chief officer need to keep in mind if

these equipments are available. If not then he should inform to
the company immediately.

b. Drager tubes

To be safe on chemical tankers, it is important to measure the

presence of toxic gas in the area accessed by the crew. Each
cargo can release a different toxic gas and as such need
equipment to measure it.

Drager and Gastec are two of such equipments that mesures toxic

gas concentration. The Drager and Gastec have pump that uses
tubes to measure toxic gases. Each type of toxic gas has its own

Before loading the cargo, chief officer must ensure that he has
drager (or Gastec) tubes for the toxic vapours that require
But not all cargoes are toxic and not all cargoes have the drager

tubes available. use Milbros or
To check this, again you can 
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Miracle software. (

In the Milbros software, search for the commodity and go to

Safety/MSDS section. You can find the information regarding
Drager and Gastec tubes applicable for that cargo.


c) PV Valves

There has been a new requirement for the PV valves on chemical

tankers (
valves-on-chemical-tankers-msc-1circ-1324/). Check if in chapter
17 of IBC code, the column i” shows IIB requirement for the
cargo. If yes, vessel need to have new type of PV valves which
are MSC/Circ.677 IIB compliant.
of the cargo  
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So you have checked and found that you can load the intended
cargoes. You have also ensured that you have all the required
safety equipments on board. Now the time is to make the
stowage plan. There are number of things that you need to keep
in mind while planning the stowage. Let us see each of it.

a) Cargo compatibility

Some chemicals react with each other. We call these incompatible

chemicals. These chemicals cannot be stowed adjacent to each
other. This be because of the simple reason that if there is a crack
in the common bulkhead, it can lead to disastrous situation.

For example any acid cargo cannot be stored next to bases like

Caustic soda solution.

Most common method of checking if two cargoes are compatible

or not is the compatibility chart from US coast gaurd. USCG has
released full guidelines on compatibility of chemical cargoes
which if you like you can download by clicking here
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Bottom line that you need to keep in mind is not to stow any
incompatible cargoes together.

b) Cargo density

Cargo density of the chemicals loaded on chemical tanker can

vary drastically. Once you may be asked to load a cargo of
density as low as 0.7 and then that which have density as high as

Chief officer must know what is the allowed cargo density for the
vessel.  You can find this information in vessel’s “Procedure and
arrangement manual”.
For example let us assume that the allowed maximum density is
need to load a cargo that has a
1.025. If we density more than 
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1.025, we need to load the(
( quantity that does not exceed the load

density of the cargo tank.

For example, let us say that a cargo tank has total volume of
3000 M3 and maximum allowed load density of 1.025. This tank
can load a total of 3075 MT (3000 x 1.025) of cargo. Now if we
need to load a cargo with density 1.5, we can only load 2050 m3 (
3075 / 1.5) volume in that. The whole idea is not to exceed total
weight of 3075 MT in this case.

Bottom line, keep in mind the allowed load density of your tanks
while planning stowage.

c) Adjacent cargo temperature restrictions

Some cargoes have restriction of maximum adjacent temperature

that you can have. For example we cannot load a polymerising
cargo such as Styrene monomer adjacent to a heated cargo such
as palm oil.

These are the cargoes for which chapter 16.6 of IBC code applies.
If in column o of the chapter 17 IBC code mentions 16.6, these
restriction would apply to that cargo.

Apart from polymerising cargoes, some cargoes can become off-

spec if it is loaded adjacent to a high temperature cargo. IBC
code does not take into account the quality of the cargo. So if any
cargo has any restriction regarding adjacent temperature, the
charterers need to advise in their voyage instructions.
You can also find a fair idea from the(
Milbros/Miracle software.

  
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If Milbros software mentions
( these restrictions but your voyage(
instructions don’t, then you may need to clarify from the charterer
regarding any of such limitations.

Bottom line, do not stow a heat sensitive cargo adjacent to the

heated cargo.

d) Stability and strength in each leg

While we have to check the stability of every ship we work on but

there is something more with chemical tankers.

For example I have worked on chemical tanker with 39 cargo

tanks carrying 20 grades of cargo at a time. Some people work
on chemical tankers with as many as 50 cargo tanks.

This makes the satisfying of  intact stability, strength, damage

stability and drafts and trim requirements a challenge for chief

And there is no other way than checking each leg on the

loadicator. This off course takes a lot of time. Charterers at times
may want you to send the stowage plan in seconds. But you have
a responsibility that a person sitting on other end may not be able
to fathom.

Bottom line is you should make it quick if the stowage plan is

urgently required but not before checking each leg on the
Conclusion (
  
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Cargo stowage planning on chemical tanker is not like other
( (
vessels. There are number of factors that need to be checked to
ensure that chemicals can be loaded, carried and discharged

Specially as a first time mates on chemical tankers, you might find

it difficult to know where you should begin with the planning of
stowage, as it can all seem complex at first.

Hopefully after reading this post, you can have a framework you
can stick to while planning the stowage.

About Capt Rajeev Jassal

Capt. Rajeev Jassal has sailed for over 19 years mainly on crude oil, product
and chemical tankers. He holds MBA in shipping & Logistics degree from
London. He has done extensive research on quantitatively measuring Safety
culture onboard and safety climate ashore which he believes is the most
important element for safer shipping.


Sagar kumar  Reply

Jul 30, 2016

Good guide , I have only oil tanker experience but after reading this article got
good idea of chemical tanker stowage planning. Thanks for writing sir
Rajeev Jassal  Reply

Jul 30, 2016
 Glad you found it useful Sagar..Let
me know if you any question regarding 
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chemical tanker operations if you switch to that side..
( (

Sagar Kumar  Reply

Jul 30, 2016

Of course sir, Thanks for helping us.

ken  Reply

Dec 23, 2020

what is sf of methanol pls ?

ercan  Reply

Aug 3, 2016

i have been working on chemical tankers for about 8 years. i found it very
useful and informative writing. Thanks for your sharing .

Rajeev Jassal  Reply

Aug 3, 2016

Glad you found it useful Ercan..

Nicolas  Reply

Sep 13, 2016

As usual, best lecture for colleagues...appreciate if you elaborate in the future

a lecture on venting systems, primary, secondary means, differences on oil
tankers, parcels and chemical tankers...thanks for share knowledge

Rajeev Jassal  Reply

Sep 14, 2016

Thank you Nicolas. Yes sure, I will write on venting systems soon..

pardeep deswal  Reply

Dec 29, 2016

I will be joining first time on chemical tanker as chief mate and little bit
nervous too....So can I request to advise or provide some complete handy
notes,lesson by any means...thanks in advance
Rajeev Jassal  Reply

Dec 29, 2016
 I will write more posts on chemicaltanker operations. Meanwhile if you have 
Blog SeaQA Companies
any doubt while on board, feel free to email me.
( (


Jan 31, 2017



Rajeev Jassal  Reply

Feb 5, 2017

Thanks for your words..

Rahul Mohanty  Reply

Feb 5, 2017

hello Sir, could you share something on Framo pumps and its working ( tired
of textbook language). Being a teetotaler with chemical tankers, i will be

Rajeev Jassal  Reply

Feb 5, 2017

Yes Sure Rahul, I will write on that shortly..

Ram  Reply

Feb 6, 2017

Dear Rajeev; well written article. Have a query : where can one find tabulated
ch17/18/19 and IBC namve against Trade names .... in a spreadsheet format
e.g.MSExcel. Thanks, Ram

Rajeev Jassal  Reply

Feb 10, 2017

I have seen such a list from STOLT. But they have covered most of the trade
names of the cargoes carried by their ships. With softwares like "Miracle" and
"Milbros" these lists are no more required as all the information is their in
these including all the trade names.

Mohamed  Reply

Apr 13, 2017
Good and very simple explaining
 Rajeev Jassal    Reply
Blog SeaQA Companies

Apr 30, 2017
( (
Thanks Mohamed..

Captain Ken Tree  Reply

Apr 28, 2017

Hello Rajeev I just came across your site, well done quite refreshing many

Rajeev Jassal  Reply

Apr 30, 2017

Thanks Capt Ken for your kind words..


May 5, 2017

Thanks sir for your excellent and easy interpret note in order to prepare
stowage plan on chemical tankers.

Rajeev Jassal  Reply

May 15, 2017

Glad you liked it..

Anil kumar  Reply

May 13, 2017

Thank you sir, for such a simple and easy interpretation of stowage planning
in chemical tanker.

Rajeev Jassal  Reply

May 15, 2017

Thank you Anil..

Amimul Basher  Reply

May 20, 2017

Thanks you sir for your nice Airtcle.........

Rajeev Jassal  Reply

Nov 18, 2017
Glad you like it Amimul...
  
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Capt. Sunil P.Karve  Reply

Jul 13, 2017

very nice and informative article.

Rajeev Jassal  Reply

Nov 18, 2017

Thanks Capt Sunil...

Maung Myo Naing  Reply

Aug 21, 2017

Thank sir, got pretty knowledge to reading,

hope u to write more and more,
waiting to read further post

Rajeev Jassal  Reply

Nov 18, 2017

Glad you liked it Maung...

Sharif  Reply

Sep 30, 2017

Thank you! Very helpful interpretation for the beginners.

Rajeev Jassal  Reply

Nov 18, 2017

Thanks Sharif...

Harpal Cheema  Reply

Mar 1, 2018

Much appreciate the effort you have put in to write a step by step guide for
people who do not have as much experience as you do. Well done.
Knowledge shared is knowledge enhanced. Thank you Rajeev.

Derrikq GOH  Reply

Mar 26, 2018
Hello Rajeev, very much appreciated your mentioning of Interline 9001 and
International Paint's CRG website on(
your excellent website. I would
appreciate if you can get in touch with me, as some of the information

 are incorrect, such as Interline 9001 does not have any restriction on

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FFA content, even though it is a notation 2. Great stuff you are sharing! Thank
( (

Hemant  Reply

May 1, 2018

Thank you sir!!

Naim Al Zidan  Reply

Jul 12, 2018

Sir, how to mitigate health hazards in chemical takers..

Please inform me sir

Minakshi Kumari  Reply

Jul 13, 2018

It's very nicely explained. I would have loved reading more

ZOHEB  Reply

Sep 23, 2018


Andrey  Reply

Jan 7, 2019

Good day Capt Jassal. One question regarding choise of Drager tubes. Is it
possible to find number of required tubes without software? Many thanks in

Vinod Singh  Reply

Apr 25, 2019

Good day sir

Please advise if cargo is not listed in cof can we load that cargo
or not ?

KTNW  Reply

May 10, 2019

please ,let me know how to download your page. Best Regards

 Reply
Saleh Alshehhi

Jul 25, 2019

very 
good explanation capt. could you please write some article about FOSFA 
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band list for previous cargo
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Ankur  Reply

Nov 2, 2019

Hello sir The explanation given by you is very useful . My question in the
stowage plan what all remarks can be put before sending it to the company /
chrts . The remarks that can help you safe guard your self in case there is
change in drafts or stowage quantity during loading .Thanks in advance

Sabareesh B S  Reply

Feb 14, 2020

Sir, can you tell me, chemical tanker carrying sulphuric acid comes under in
which IMO type of vessel?

Brij bhatia  Reply

May 10, 2020

Hi Rajiv.. very informative articles.. keep up the good work buddy!

Nawshad  Reply

Sep 10, 2020

As usual. The best articles in simple language covering most of the basics I
ever read in marine sites is yours. Thanks Rajiv sir.

pedrochapman  Reply

Dec 21, 2020

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Akshay Bansal  Reply

Feb 19, 2021

Hello sir.. Is there any way to load cargo not listed in ICOF ?

Corine Harris  Reply

Mar 2, 2021
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Mohamed Farag  Reply

Jul 5, 2021
Can't find a word to thank you Capt. Rajeev, anyway I have a question about
the purpose of recirculating Benzene !! is it for pump stack sample only?
appreciate if you put up a guide for loading Benzene and Molasses as well.
  
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Jessica Smith  Reply

Jul 13, 2021

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christy noga  Reply

Jul 19, 2021

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Capt .V GANESHYAM  Reply

Sep 3, 2021

Chemical Tankers explanation simple and clear as a Crystal and other Topics
too ..Please share your Email Best Regards

Gaurav  Reply

Sep 17, 2021
Must commend Rajeev for such easy to understand description of the
methodology. Great work from a fellow seafarer.

  
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Jaime Podutan  Reply

Jan 11, 2022

Sir, tnx a lot for sharing the knowledge, I am currently Second Officer and
trying to have a knowledge on next higher rank. Found your article so simple
an yet very useful.

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