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LETS CRACK IT !!!!!!!!!!

 Object Oriented Programing is a methodology of writing the
program using classes and objects.
 The main object of oops is to bind the data and function so
that the y can work together as a single unit that is part of
code so we can acess the total data.

 Structure is user defined data type.
 Structure is used to store the variables of different datatypes
and function into the single data type.
 Structure are by default public and can be acssible all over
the program by using structure variable.(similar to the object of the

 Classs is a user defined data type.
 Class is a collection of objects. Class is the collection of data
members and data functions.
 Class is a only the logical representation of data.for example
our body is a class the parts of human being are its
properties and the action done by the body parts are its

Class Vs structure:-
 Class are by default private and structure are by default
 Classes are accessed by objects while structure are
accessed by the structure variable.
 When deriving the structure from the class the access
specifier are public while deriving the class the access
specifier is private.

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