Angular JS Assigment Bba Computer Application

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Angulaz J5


14 Ditfexence betueen Jaun&caiph and Agulm 15.


Jua Sczipp Angulaa JTs

Jaun Scaipo is an objeci Angulas J9 is an open saume
Geots scsiph donguge fameuak fos ceabing dyamic
web applicabione
is ueed tor caeabin i s ueed fox Cxeabigdange
dyoamic uueb appicaions Sioge pae applicapions

B a mainly deelapad huas mainly daveoped by

b Nebscope comouniccbiona Gergle
Jaua Scap bose on conceph Ho is baesd on concepb d
mmdel viaw coollex o
d damic dyping as an
inter pretsd danguge buid appa

5 a abax is complex Ho aycbax is Simpe

as compned o AgulaS

S2 b_is complex to deaan I is coay to deaxn

Ib dos ndb Spponb titkexa: appoabe tiHexa

validabes makes
the ueez inpuh an ideal bool faa
ah the bacueer ileel betue any seavex vechralogy
Gubmbbiog he pgg to
he seIvex end:

a a foll feahumed 9 exbends HIML uth new

dagunge Leed to abbaibuted alom uth ahex1
manipulabe Documenb ueh tedhrdogies
Okjecb Madel (0oM)
Warbe Adatoges ar Anqulax 9


Buitb by Google

Arguka Ia baa been daveloped as uel ca mairtined by

dedicahedGocgle Engineena lhe vamicvs adartaes a Gcsgle
ppasted sites xe eql urkhes ane done: Fo diabihcted
memate ugsms the angubene/anztima accech capability
o he Cpaate iotone by Gome Supomted es
b psoicts a. camcty o uamh acmosa the qpestg sptan
grem MVG : As ue krou thee ae thzce compongts_ot MMC
Axchitbsetams (Madel Vicu,Corodles so in mon amewmkaa
KCqmamcmes bas o spm the coce ito mutiple MK Caponerhs
Also, artea hpscgsammex has to cde anin o conbine
the code d thece tmce prto Whie in agha is beinq dane
aubauically: Anqum soings he code togothex and hame 5oVea
he ime at oogummes oo

Taurbike: Agulx J5 is me iotuibive as b makes uGe a

desa batie tax
aG a deckartive dargume. Maxeaexb is

4OpenSauace i Arguls 15 is an open Sance laaScaiph MNC

fsamunk bprovides the adbrtoge ot easiy chanag in Sance
cade to CKavde ckmiticabion we can make an changos to
Sabieky the customss UnemecbS Can add empkymerd a
deeho emplaymerb
Compsehersive Aogulx 5 is a comprehencne Solabion tox
apid focb-ed ceaelcpmorb T doss nsb need any ctha
plogins ax ameuuks Maxecvexhexe axe a ame d
athex erhnes thah includa Reattulactkns, daba. bikding
dependency_iniecbisn ,ataspsise eel tecbiog, c
eusae: i Angukn J5 povideg aaeable compcnents:
Snge bge Appliccation: Ginge Pbge Applicahicn Means only
a Si0geHIML eb pogs is lmdedad uuhes updabion
iS done on thab Single pge only: Since th is mosoy
used tocxete siee ngo applicabion ad sngde pe
applcaation uzka tasb as uell as b is useK-fsieody-
3Explain any ta m-dischives wth oape

A dixectve Is a mue taí detining ha yam Oiatexachs

wth daba birding

Dirzecuves gKe specia asibubhes shoatiog h ng- pretix

DrsecDnes are mazakess on a DOM elemenb thm tell Anguka 5

o acich a specified borwiax to thah OOM elemen
even tonstoxm ne DOM elenenb ond rbs childnen

Mosh of the disectivea io Anguka S ae cdaiguith ng

Anglx Ts includea Vasiaus buih-in dinecbives Tn addibion
to this you can CUEaHe _Cuatom dinecbiveo tox your opplicahion

Aglars J6 facltiaheG you to extend HTML uth oew atbaibutes

Iheee ambubes ae called dmectives
auod posable_
ng- poetiX on yoK Oun dmeDNEG inOMdex to
ame colisions in tubuxe vexGKNE at Aqulazr

be _ng-app dizecOne in Anqulax 19 is uscd to
the xcab cemernt d an Acgulax 15 applicabion: lbe dhccbive
aubacbicaly intdializes the Angulax 1G opdicuhion on poge doad
can be ieed o load uaias mdules on Aguax 16
SelemenD nq-op=\"> Contenbs elemenb

The g-it disechive Can be uged o intalize vubes

in Aogukr 5 appliccahioo

Angulczd- S g-7epah_anecbive is Ue tn xepsah a e a
HM Code tor a oumbex ot times e ps iten
n a Colecbion at tbema: Dg- Tepeah is masty Ed oo
amoys ad objecbg

Han ttem is emoved tom he SaUKEO Amay Anguax

ull updte the oMautoaticalyadusbng all iodex
dlues accadingy

Ihese Vables aZe shows in tollauiCg bable.


Kdiv m-repe) = Name in Obech Name">


Hese "Oecs Name" is a collechon thod can be m_dig

a an l y am ya can aoesh each nlue ingide using a "None
iepETD Kiables

Vaxiobles Details
6 index contaios tte index at the eleneb eed fax the
$ finst retun9 ue f the vepeated elemenb is
Hros in he thexbor

s midile B etans tme it te neceked oemenb is

betusen the finsp ad Jasb in tte ftexatar

lasb neuana te it he zepaahed elemer is

dash in the rhex

even rebusns taue it the itexakos poaticnL

$index i6 Cven,_atHoxuse Uns tolse.

edd Baetnrs ue it the dexcho posDion

Sindx is addcihexuse etunos talse

L - model

When ue bind a Mcdel oabo an HIMLwe aze tayiog

Model daha to cemerbs

lheg- marol dimecbive is used fax buwo-uay daha bindig

inAnguax IS_
binda <ioprh 2<8eech am <herbameaz eemems oa
Spectied popeaty an the $ecope okjecb. Sothe value at the
elemen uaill be the alue ot a psoperty and Vice esea

lo initialize a new Model if b dosantb exisb yab a bind an

CASDIOgMade tthen ure Gimply bid to ng model:

- made is resporeiblo fcxovdig validatbion bchauiou

b iG ala0 epOnsible foy koepiog the stube a the cantol

iopah type =\Hexb" mae ="mesespe
sp Mececge is: meseago <lp>
txplain in debail Aog1lax Conbsollex

A N G :

Acgulam I5 aplicaion_deperdaon contbalesa thm carbxoh the data

fow lo the opplicatian

Ihe main gob a e conbsolle is to bid a mre for viau,

o digpay vaaiaua details on poge Hexe model is oothing bub data
A conboollox may call a ueb GeneK which xeaiene9 a daa
mom adatabase

Contalen9 ane un Scmp oiecbs ttab contain artxibubea

DIOpebeS ad ane detingd ueim nq- Contoolle dinecbiM

Cebxollexs mutnio the applicahion dogic ard pAOVdeG degic

bothe VE) Vieu ane HIML_poge Ie,whexe a uGen Can
Gge the Atpb
thab peaiom
C.obsollssg in Anguloz I9 aze jaua scaiph tuncoiong
Oected ucak
On taigga manrby d oux UL

common resgonsbilbiee at a Conooollex in an_

Some ahe
AngulaxG_madule iclldes:

tom aneb O_
Felching the righb dktba tsom the cenvar
Deciding uhichpaxb ot he daha to cou de
Psecentarhion ogc, uch ag bau to dephy demebe,
which paab ot uI bo shaw, baw to sbye thom
42Ueex intesactka, ike uhab npeng uhen clicks on Somehing
C ban tex)_inaui shad he alidarted
How toCoEahe a Contsalex in Apgulax S7

Va myCoctaollex=finction (gccpe)

$scope. meesage E " Hella"

We ae Ceng an ananymous tuDcbion hcre, which is

oncbion ($eccpeand e ae aceigning to a usioble
myContsaller: tese ua axe pmaei a pasamcbes
called $ecope
Bacope is nbin bh on angulan aiech thab_is_pasesd
the catsalx fncbionby the angilax fameumk
aubanabically he crtached the del this secpe
abjecb wbich uill be then aunilahle in tho reopecbive

Nau in he vieu ue cae Ueing gaba birling_eceson

to display dokails: Hene ue aae paseing meaecge
roperaby rn his $ecope oechad ns soniga sing

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