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Good morning, sir, So like what I believe is first of all it is not given the due importance

which it must get. To be honest, we come across these topics when either we see it in news or
newspaper that yeah certain animal is going to be extinct in certain years so we need to do
something in this regard. And then again, we forget about all this because we think that we
have more important things to do. The Primary cause behind the promotion of wildlife crime
is this attitude of majority of the people and we need to change this. People don’t realise the
impact of wildlife crimes on their life and they even don’t consider it as an important issue.
Let’s take an example of this, the reason behind all of us doing group discussion here in
virtual mode is also wildlife crime. So, before you all shoot questions at me, let me explain it.
It is all because of the Covid- 19 outbreak and if you guys remember then according to the
reports and research the reason behind the outbreak of Covid- 19 was from the seafood
market of Wuhan city. Due to the problematic transmission of the virus from (wildlife)
animals to humans in the context of illegal wildlife markets and wildlife trade, the pandemic
has evoked critical voices to speak up against wildlife crime and to promote more careful and
caring human–animal relationships with an ecocentric perspective
People say that Wild animals are dependent on the protection of their land and territory
through humans, but we forget that they also depend on humans to protect their lives. People
compete with wildlife for food and resources, which has led to specific impacts on human–
animal interactions, resulting in co-existence as well as conflict. There are various causes of
these conflicts like habitat loss, crop damage, food resources, etc.
So, with regards to the solution part, I think the form of mitigation, or finding ways to keep
wildlife out of areas with high human population or agricultural density can help. Farmers
often defend their crops from wildlife by guarding their land personally or by using fencing
or scarecrows. Different communities employ unique mitigation techniques that are
sometimes passed down through generations, such as using smoke to repel crop raiders, while
others rely on chasing animals away themselves.
The other one is education which is also an important thing like how elephants in a certain
area go about finding food and why they decide to risk their lives entering crop fields where
they may encounter humans, as well as life history traits and problem-solving capabilities.
Humans need to become aware of their own freedom and their responsibilities in the world
and should not view themselves as limited by other factors other than themselves. Then they
cannot justify unethical behaviour anymore: If wildlife crime can still be justified through
poverty and colonialist structures, it cannot be combatted effectively. These conflicts have
bad consequences not only for the mankind and the society but also for the wildlife. Though
we cannot completely avoid the man-animal conflict, it can be minimized and controlled to a
large extent if some of the following measures are adopted sincerely.\
wildlife corridors will provide a safe pathway to animals in the human-inhabited and
developed areas. This will not only protect the animals from road kills but it can also steer
them away from the human population thus prevent the man-animal conflict.

Awareness Programmes it is important to create awareness among people and sensitize

them about the Do s and Don ts in the forest areas to minimize the conflicts between man and
Solar Fencing around agriculture fields Agriculture fields situated near wildlife
habitat/forest areas can be protected by stone fencing or solar fencing.

The local community is key since they are the ones who may wake up in the morning with a
tiger or bear in their back yard. But they are also the people who can benefit the most from
this. If people are empowered to manage their relationship with wild animals, these
"unwanted" neighbours can become allies in bringing income and promoting a better quality
of life for all.

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