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Fast-track Network
migration using NSO

Sandeep Lohia – Sr. Solutions Architect

Giri Venugopal – Solutions Architect

 Current challenges in Network Migration
 Network data migration scenarios
 Service Discovery
 Migration phases:
 Pre Migration Health Checks
 Service Migration
 Post Migration Health Checks
 Migration Report with KPI comparison
 Customer case study
 Business results & outcomes

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Migration – An evergreen operation

Technology keeps
changing, which makes
“Migration” a constant…
Migration Challenges
Overall Time:
 Overall Time Taken for Service Migration
 Manual tasks take longer time

Risk & Credibility:

 Customer Confidence/ Satisfaction
 Network downtime

 Number of Maintenance windows
 Resources per Maintenance window

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Migration Challenges Cont..
• Ensure services/circuits are restored.
• Strict compliance to KPI threshold limits
• Monitoring connectivity to peripheral devices.

Optimization & Scalability:

• Current process is not scalable
• Lack of best practices
• Human errors

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Manual Migration and Monitoring Process

1 Migration MOP Source

Pre Migration Destination

Migration execution
Migration Planning 2
Post Migration check
• Define migration
• Sequence
Migration Multiple peripheral
Request 3 devices involved per
• Scheduling
• Lab testing
• Execution
Multiple commands
planning (optional)
per device Other devices
4 For Plumbing
One or more ASR1k, 9K, 7K..
operators to monitor
each device

N/W Operators
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MOP Transformation: Simplify and Save Time
Time-consuming, individual MOP --> High operations costs—cannot scale!

Plan It Design It Test Health Configure Health Is it Ready Rollback

It/MOP Check It Check

Automated Workflow

Engineers Free for other

Time Saving Multiple Gateway

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Migration scenarios - Key Triggers

Service Migrate network services from source  target device.

Platform Old platform obsolete / EOL (Ex: Catalyst 2/3/4K  9K)

Infrastructure Physical device  Virtual Device (Transition to NFV)

Datacenter Intra-site Vs Inter-site migration (Site A Site B)

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Migration – Overall steps (Workflow)
When source device exists When source device
in NSO doesn’t exists in NSO
Pre-migration health checks + KPI pre-check

Backup config & services from source

Onboard target device onto NSO (Optional)

Perform Service Discovery (Optional)

Restore backed-up config & service data on target

Post-migration health checks + KPI post-check

Compare & Generate Migration summary report

It all sounds familiar to what we do during a Kidney transplant.. Isn’t it????

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Service Discovery – What?
 Technique used to discover existing
services while onboarding a
brownfield device into NSO.
 Discovery is performed by scanning
the device for unique config patterns
that constitute a specific “service”
 Discovered instances are synced into
 One-time activity performed in NSO
after onboarding is complete.

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Service Discovery – Why?
 To make brownfield devices automation-ready

 Prep the device for migration activities

 Standardize device configs manually pushed over time.

 Reduce likelihood of human errors

 Single pane of glass for device management.

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Service Discovery – How?

Extract (E) Identify & Extract config patterns

Transform them to NSO service instances

Transform (T) using a mapping logic

Load (L) Load discovered instances to NSO

Manage (M) Manage device using NSO

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Ways to perform Service Discovery:
Multiple ways to do implement mapping logic
Option 1: XML / XSLT
 XPath transformations from device templates.
 Can be pushed directly onto NSO to create
service instances.
Option 2: Java / Python
 Transformation is written in Java / Python
using NAVU API.
 Mapping logic coupled with the service logic.

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Migration Phases
Network / Service data migration - Phases

 Pre-health-checks  Migration
 KPI pre-checks Pre-Migration Configs
Check Migration


 Migration report
 Post-health-checks Post-Migration Pre/Post KPI with KPI
Check comparison
 KPI post-checks comparison

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Data migration – Phase 1(Pre-Migration checks)

Step 1: Check source device reachability

Step 2: If device onboarded in NSO already, skip Service Discovery

Step 3: If not, onboard device into NSO & perform service discovery 25%
Step 4: Backup configs & service instances that need to be

Step 5: Run KPIs on source device & save KPI responses

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Data migration – Phase 2(Service/Config Migration)

Step 1: Check if config & service instances were successfully backed up

Step 2: Check if target is reachable & onboarded on NSO already.

Step 3: If not onboarded, onboard the target device onto NSO 50%
Step 4: Restore configs & service instances on target platform

Step 5: Deploy migrated service instances

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Data migration – Phase 3(Post-Migration checks)

Step 1: Check if migrated service are up & running on the target

Step 2: Run KPIs on target device & save post-check responses

Step 3: Re-run KPI checks until exit-criteria is met

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Data migration – Phase 4 (Migration report with KPI

Step 1: Check if KPI data exists for both Pre & Post checks.

Step 2: Compare KPI pre-post data for threshold compliance

Step 3: Create Migration Report with pre-post comparison for KPIs

Step 4: KPIs that are within threshold levels  Successful.

KPIs that are within threshold levels  Failed (with reason for failure)

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Sample Migration Report

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Customer Success
Service Migration use-case:
ASR 9K Peripheral
Devices for Service

X ✓
X ✓
X ✓
X ✓

Source Device Dest. Device

X ✓
X ✓

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Migration Tool: Key Features
• Monitoring of KPI values pre and post migration to ensure seamless
transition of services
• User defined KPI blueprint per platform
 KPI Show command
 Threshold Variance in % (for pre and post difference)
 Command re-run interval
 Max retry limit

• User can choose (enable/disable) KPIs per migration

• Generation of report at the end of migration
• Extensible framework to add KPIs and plug-in filtering logic

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Migration process

Migrate and Post-checks Destination
Gather Pre KPIs NSO
Gather Post KPIs NSO
Pre Check Post

Rerun (optional)
Post Other devices
For Plumbing
Check ASR1k, 9K, 7K..
Threshold? NO
Yes Pre-check
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Business Outcomes
45 180 6
40 160
35 140
30 120 4
25 100
20 80
15 60 2
10 40
5 20
0 0 0
Overall Time in weeks N/W Downtime Hrs # of Resources

Manual Automation
Source: Tier One Service Provider in USA.

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Migration Tool: Accomplishments
Significant time saving in service migration
Easy, quick and less error-prone migration
Reporting: Single pane of glass to monitor the migration activity
Multi-vendor support
Time savings due to parallel migration processes
Increase in # of device migrations per maintenance window
Customer OpEx savings
Better ROI for customer

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