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Submitted by: Vidhisha Agrawal

Course: B.A.L.L.B (hons.) 2021-26

SAP ID: 81012100265
ROLL NO: B 223
Submitted to: Dr. Arushi Sharma


I make a statement that the research work is originally done by me and the content in it is not
given anywhere. The references of used content is mentioned and given appreciation. I state that
research paper is made by me and the work done is my own except where it is mentioned in the
text itself, and the work done in this paper is not been submitted by any other degree holder or
any university.
Vidhisha Agrawal


I would sincerely like to thank our Dean, Saurabh Sir, and our professor for the subject of General
English, Professor Dr. Arushi Sharma for giving the opportunity to work on this research papar
and helping with out with the same.
Making this research paper has truly been an enlightening experience, apart from giving me an
occasion to be creative as much as I can. This project has given me tremendous insight into the
workings of the world of research and given a great opportunity of putting forth my view, thus
showing what is expected of me as a researcher, making it extremely helpful for the future.


Now a days we all are hearing a lot about distance education or distance learning via a medium
popularly known as E-learning, and now it took whole of an education to a different and a new
meaning. E-learning has made things a bit easier for learners as knowledge and information are
easily accessible at their own pace. Electronic learning or e-learning is one of the type of
Technology supported learning where the medium of guidance is computer technology. Although
there’s a lot of scope if e-learning in India, but acceptance has been slow and it requires major
awareness and marketing effort. E-learning technologies have great potential to spread learning
however, the benefits of these technologies have to reach the rural masses of India, otherwise they
will be one of the causes of the Digital Divide. The paper talks about the positive and negative
aspect of online education in a student as well as in a teacher’s life. As e-learning is becoming
more trendier and widely implemented all over the country from last few years and specially during
the pandemic.

E-learning, advantages, disadvantages, interaction.

E-learning is stated as acquiring of knowledge and skill using electronic technology systems and
Internet based courseware and local and wide locality networks. It basically means to deliver
learning and training programs via technology. The name was discovered in 1995 when it was
called “Internet-based training” or “Web based training” to clearly state that delivery could be
either Inter or Intra-net based, then it was named as online learning and then finally e-learning (i.e.,
electronic learning. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, computer-
based learning, virtual education opportunities and digital collaboration. It is a way in which
content is provided to the user via Internet audio or visual tape, satellite TV etc. As well as it is a
self-pace process or mentor helped in the form of text animation and audio visual based.
Technology is making a big difference in every sector and so in education as well. E-learning
practices, alike other educational undertaking, need complex evaluation before being implemented
in the process of educating and learning. Implementation of educational programs using resources,
information and communication technology, technical means as well as telecommunication
provides transfer of knowledge, interaction of the participants in educational space. Fundamentally
technology of organizing the education method, permits every student to receive essential
education, switching profession or improve their skills at their own residence.

The objective or aim of the research was to study the positive and negative impact of online
education on students. And what is e-learning and what are the various ways of e-learning and how
convenient and accessible it is to the people.

The paper tells about the pros and cons of e-learning but majorly it has negative impact because
one of the main reason is it doesn’t provide concentration as there are a lot of distraction because
there is no one to keep an eye on.
• What is e-learning and how it works?
• Difference between traditional classroom and e-learning?
• What are Positive impact or advantages of e-learning?
• What are Negative impacts or disadvantages of e-learning?

The researcher has used the secondary method for this research. All the sources referred for the
research as reliable and authentic as they are mostly referred from the published research papers.

There are numerous advantages of e-learning. In 1990s in connection with growth and expansion
of information and telecommunication, online learning experienced a whole new important
impulse, which is the cause of focused development in e-learning. This phase in the growth of
online education is divided by the active utilization of presentation and testing programs, the
growth of e-textbooks. The style of educating in the field of education in the early 2000s was a bit
easy and simple. Training was traditionally conducted in the classrooms with the learners under
the mentorship and guidance of a teacher who headed the process. Physical presence was
mandatory and anything apart from this was questionable. Then comes, the Internet and the
perspective towards education and training totally changed. At the starting of 21st century e-
learning has been actively approached to the typical classroom learning in various forms: as
support for typical full time and part time learning or as a new level of distant learning in additional
vocational education programs, training of university teachers, pre-university training. In all the
advanced countries, e-learning has thus far occupied a position in the department of education.
Students of these days are use to smartphones, exchanging messages and visual or videos, and
therefore participation and interaction on online platforms and courses has been made easier.
The best and the most convenient part about e-learning is that it can be done or can be attended
from any part of the country. Technology has be advanced so much and so far that the distance
between the countries is covered so easily that students may even feel that they are physically
present in the classrooms. E-learning also gives access to the students to share material and text
and many documents in the pdf etc. Live online classes and doubt clearing sessions are also
available to the students. E-learning allows and gives access to different courses at the same time
as well as it is affordable and gives opportunity to learn.

Advantages of E-learning
In the recent time of development and growth of Internet and machinery the major advantage for
the learner is that it gives unrestricted access to information, knowledge and materials. If there is
no copyright infringement then the soft copies of the material can be stored by an individual on
their respective devices so it is easily available for quick searching and information retrieval. If we
are using state of art technology and instructional planning. Traditions can be divided via online
learning. Disorder or bad condition can be accommodated with being known to the other people.
No gender inequality will be faced as in many cases genders are unknown as it is followed
worldwide. Nothing can match traditional classrooms, but online education complements the
process and it might reach out to the large population. One of the biggest advantage of e-learning
is that it can cover distance. It is easier for the organization for reach many locations via online
medium but all this is restricted in the typical classroom, because every learner need to come to
the classroom to learn. And at the same time an individual pace in not being taken into
consideration because it is considered that everyone has the equal pace of learning. Whereas in e-

learning there is time flexibility as well as in the course completion. One of the advantage it
provides is consistency to the student because a student can revisit a lecture till the time he
understood it fully. It can be made compelling and interesting with multimedia, and the trainee can
be given multiple learning paths depending on his or her needs. In e-learning teachers can schedule
a guest lecture which will help a student gain knowledge in many ways.

E-learning also has certain disadvantages and some of them are:
Experience of different abilities are difficult to acquire in online courses as practical knowledge is
equally important. Though online learning provides flexibility and convenience but at times it also
makes an individual isolated because there is no human interaction. As e-learning requires a
student on be on their devices for longer period of time which can cause health issues like back
pain, eye strain, neck pain and poor posture etc. It cannot be denied that not many students respond
to the method of e-learning in a positive way because as there is no one to keep an eye on many
students does not pay any attention towards the learning. Specially during the pandemic period in
which e-learning was the only medium of education many school students as well as college ones
were not taking online education seriously. The main issue faced is that e-learning requires Internet
which is not available to many and rural areas have poor network because of which they are not
able to access it and also Internet is not affordable by many.

Looking at the position we all are in e-learning is the only way education can be proceeded further
and so it won’t go away. Growing number of devices and availability of internet to huge number
of people is becoming popular each day passing. Speaking about Internet and e-learning impacts
it totally depends on the student that he wants to learn something out of it or just waste his or her
time. As everything has a positive as well as negative impact and its totally upon us.

Belaya, Vera. "The Use of e-Learning in Vocational Education and Training (VET):." Journal of Education
and Learning 7 (2018). 26 december 2021.

Dongsong Zhang, J. Leon Zhao,, Lina Zhou,Jay F. Nunamaker,. "CAN E-LEARNING REPLACE CLASSROOM
LEARNING?" COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM M 47 (2004). 26 december 2021 .

Dr. Salma Kuraishy, Dr. Mohammad Ubaidullah Bokhari. "Teaching Effectively with E-Learning."
International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering 1 (2009). 26 december 2021.

Fatma, Shaikh Farhat. "E-LEARNING TRENDS ISSUES AND CHALLENGES." International Journal of
Economics, Commerce and research 3.2 (2013 ). 26 december 2021 .

Ji!í Zounek, Petr Sudický. "HEADS IN THE CLOUD: PROS AND CONS OF ONLINE LEARNING." (n.d.). 26

Volodymyrivna, Solovyova Olga. "E-LEARNING: PROS AND CONS." (n.d.). 26 DECEMBER 2021 .

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