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Ana Canela
Funny story When i was a freshman i had tripped so bad in front of
a ton of people during p.e i tried to play it off but
people had asked if i was okay already which made it
a little too late .
least favorite thing about high school?
- I honestly loved
everything but if i had to
say one thing it would be
having to have 5th
period and the
transitions of rally
My favorite thing about high
Favorite thing about high school
school was being on the
basketball team for freshman
and sophomore year.
accomplishments i am most proud of
I am most proud of coming out of my comfort zone and doing basketball and
actually making the team i am also very proud of being able to present my seal of
What will i miss in the years ahead ?
I will miss everything from the teachers to simply going the sAMe places every day
and daily routines.
What are you most looking forward in the future
I am looking forward to becoming a n icu nurse and starting my own family i can't
wait for getting my own house and many other things like that .
Who has most influenced me ?
Mr guardado is who has influenced me so far he has always believed in me and
has always pushed me into doing good stuff and involving more into the spanish
language which caused me to receive my seal of biliteracy !
What difficult decisions i made
One decision i made that was difficult was choosing what school i wanted to go to
after . i ended up choosing the jc .
What fav memories would i take ?
I would take meeting new friends and
would take the memories of meeting
them and all the laughs we had .
What problem did i have to overcome ?
I had to overcome junior and sophomore
year having to be on zoom and having to try
to learn over a screen and than having
trouble staying awake the entire time.

“ if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door “

Aloha speech

Vidyard Recording

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